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Echoes of the Heart

Passion and Redemption in Two Worlds


This book tells the thrilling story of two young people

from entirely different worlds, united by a passion that
will be both challenging and forbidden. Rashid, an Arab
prince, carries the weight of his responsibilities with
honor and duty but struggles with his own demons.
Emma, an orphaned young American woman, finds joy in
the simplicity of life and has a burning passion for art. In
an unexpected encounter, their lives intertwine in a
journey of romance, overcoming obstacles, and
discoveries, where culture and love blend in surprising
A story that will take you on a journey of intense romance.

Chapter 1: Two Different Worlds


Living as the heir to the throne has always seemed like

both a blessing and a curse. There's no way to escape it;
it’s my legacy. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been
trained to continue the legacy of my father and
grandfather, carrying the weight of countless
responsibilities and duties. Luxury, power, and important
decisions are part of my daily life. I cannot act based solely
on my emotions; my decisions are not just for me but for
people and thousands of people. I can have anything
money can buy, but I can never truly be myself. Deep
down, my heart longs for something more. Something that
would keep my mind racing, make my heart beat faster,
and give new meaning to my life. Something that would
allow me to feel, to express myself, to choose for myself,
and to love.


The café where I work feels like a second home to me. I

enjoy connecting with people and preparing their coffees,
which is often the first meal of the day for many
customers. I’m known for being strong, cheerful, and
having a great sense of humor. For as long as I can
remember, my passion for art has been my escape and my
joy. I love painting; when I do, I feel like I’m in another
atmosphere, one that’s just mine, where I can truly be
happy. Being an orphan taught me to cherish every
moment and find beauty in the small things. I encountered
pain very early on, and it taught me many things, including
a new perspective on life. Life can be light and enjoyable,
you know? Despite the problems, it is life, and everyone
deserves to live it in an extraordinary way. For me, luxury
is my friends, art, and the simplicity of a life well-lived.

Chapter 2: The Encounter


"Mr. Thompson, here's your coffee. I hope you have a great

day!" I say with a smile. Mr. Thompson is one of my
regular customers and always brightens my day with his
life stories.
While cleaning the counter, I talk to a friend about how
much I wish I could go to the big Islamic art exhibition
that's coming to our city. The exhibition will honor the
great Arab princes and will be attended only by the elite; it
would be impossible for me to attend. My friend Clara,
always loyal and understanding, says, "You'll be able to go
to many exhibitions, my friend. Opportunities won't be
lacking for you. You're very talented and working hard to
achieve your dreams!"

With those words, I left feeling comforted and more

determined to fight for what I dreamed of.

The next day, my friend Clara arrives and says, "Emma,

you won't believe it! I got a temporary job catering at the
big Islamic art exhibition tonight! And guess what? I got an
extra job for you too!"

My eyes light up. "Really? Clara, I can't believe it. Oh my

God, you're the best! I've always wanted to see this
exhibition!" I hug Clara with gratitude, barely able to
contain my excitement. I spend the rest of the day thinking
about the exhibition and how wonderful it will be to see it
with my own eyes.

Night falls, and the luxurious event hall where the Islamic
art exhibition is held is stunning. Hallways are decorated
with magnificent works, a true spectacle of luxury and


My family and I finally arrive at the grand Islamic art

exhibition. We are greeted with ovations and honors, and
soon we start touring the hall, appreciating each piece of

The walls of the event hall seem to close in around me. I'm
surrounded by magnificent works of art and many smiles,
but all I can feel is the weight of my responsibilities and
the anxiety that threatens to consume me. I try to smile at
the guests, but the pressure is too much. I need air. I need
a moment of peace.

Discreetly, I step away from the crowd. My hands are

sweating, and I’ve lost control. My heart starts to beat
wildly. I enter the first door I see, hoping to find refuge.
The door closes behind me, and I realize I’m in the kitchen,
a busy space but far from the pomp of the main hall.


I'm in the kitchen, focused on helping prepare the last

trays of food. The Islamic art exhibition is a grand event,
and I can hardly believe I'm here. It's a dream come true.
As I organize the dishes, the door opens abruptly, and a
man walks in, clearly shaken.

I look at him and see the tension on his face, the way he’s
breathing hard. Without thinking, I leave what I'm doing
and approach him. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask, trying to
hide my own surprise.

He looks at me, and our eyes meet. I see the internal

struggle in his gaze. "I... just need a moment," he says, his
voice tense.

"It's okay. These events can be overwhelming. Want a

glass of water?" I offer, trying to be helpful. I grab a glass
of water and hand it to him. He accepts gratefully, and our
eyes meet again.

There’s something in his eyes, a mix of gratitude and

curiosity. For a moment, time seems to stand still. It’s as if,
in that instant, something special is happening.


Events always leave me exhausted. The pressure to

maintain appearances, the responsibility of representing
my family and my country... it’s sometimes too much to
bear. In the kitchen, away from the glamour and luxury, I
try to catch my breath. The girl who offered me water is a
pleasant surprise. Her eyes are kind, filled with genuine
concern, and she has a calm smile.

"Thank you," I say, accepting the glass. I drink slowly,

feeling the cold water soothe my throat and, somehow, my
mind as well.

She smiles. "I'm Emma, I'm helping with the catering


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Emma." I don't want to

intimidate her. I don't know how she would react if I told
her who I really am. Maybe she would flatter me like
everyone else, I don't know. But at that moment, my world
felt very good—calm, serene, kind, sweet. I didn't want to
risk losing that. I wasn’t wearing a dishdasha, so she
couldn’t know who I really was. So I respond, trying to
appear less affected than I really am. "My name is Alex, I'm
working here too, but as security."
She nods, looking intrigued. "Alex, right. It's a very
important job, especially at an event like this."


Alex. A simple name, but it suits him. Even shaken, he

exudes power and mystery. I try not to show how
impressed I am.

"You seem a little better, Alex," I say, trying to start a

conversation. "These events can be quite stressful, I

"Yes, you have no idea," he responds, a slight smile playing

on his lips. But he still seems to be trying to feel better. He
continues, "And you? Working at an event like this must
be intense."

“Well, it’s a long story… Haha!” He then replies quickly, "I

love long stories…" Smiling, I say, “Actually, I love art, so
being here is almost a dream. Since I could never be here
as a guest, I had the honor of being able to work here and
at least appreciate a bit of this great exhibition that would
otherwise be just a dream for me.”

He looks around the kitchen, seeming calmer. I finish by

saying, “Sometimes, being behind the scenes offers a
unique perspective."

Rashid (or Alex)

Her words are simple, but they have an impact. I’ve never
thought of it that way. My life has always been exposed,
always in the spotlight. Maybe that's why anxiety
consumes me and I have so many restlessnesses within

"You're right," I admit. "Sometimes I wish I could just be a

spectator, instead of always being in the center of

She laughs softly, not fully understanding what I’m saying,

and says, “Well, if you need a break, you can come back
here. The kitchen can be a good refuge."

The idea of having a refuge is tempting. "I'll keep that in

mind. Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer."


For a moment, we stay in silence, but it’s not

uncomfortable. It’s as if there’s a silent understanding
between us. I feel an inexplicable connection with him,
something I’ve never felt before.

"I really need to get back to work," I say, breaking the

silence with an apologetic tone. "But if you need anything,
I’ll be around."

"Thank you, Emma. I appreciate it very much," he

responds sincerely.

As I go back to my work, I can’t stop thinking about Alex.

Why is that? I always talk to many people in my daily life,
and this doesn't happen. I guess it will pass!

Chapter 3: Approach
Rashid (Alex)

The event dragged on for hours, each minute feeling like

an eternity under the watchful eyes and expectations of
the family. But only one thing occupied my mind: Emma,
and how she would have enjoyed being there,
appreciating each artwork. Finally, farewells began, and I
managed to break free from the formalities, concocting a
quick excuse to escape returning to the hotel and instead
headed back to the kitchen. There, I found Emma still busy
with remaining work, her friend beside her, sharing the
last tasks.

"Emma," I called softly, not wanting to interrupt too much.

"The main hall is empty now. Would you like to take a look
at the artworks? It's a unique opportunity, without the

She looked at me with surprise, but also with a sparkle in

her eyes. "Do you really mean that?"

I nodded. "If you don't mind my company, of course. I

might even help with the remaining work here, if your
friend allows."

Emma's friend smiled, understanding the situation. "Sure,

Emma. I'll finish things up here. Enjoy your moment."


I accepted Alex's offer, still a bit surprised by his kindness.

He had an imposing presence, yet there was a gentleness
in his gestures that intrigued me. Together, we left the
hustle of the kitchen behind and entered the main hall,
now serene and lit only by the reflections of the artworks.

"It's breathtaking," I murmured, carefully observing the

meticulously arranged pieces. "I never thought I'd have a
chance to see all of this up close." I was dazzled and
couldn't believe I was experiencing this.

Alex walked beside me, seeming more relaxed now. He

said, "Art has a special way of transporting us to other
places, doesn't it?"

I smiled in agreement. "Yes, it can tell stories without

words, capture emotions that sometimes we can't

He nodded, looking at a particularly elaborate painting.

"Sometimes, I feel like these paintings have more freedom
than I do. They have no expectations, they don't need to
conform to predefined roles."

I tilted my head, thoughtful. "That's true. Sometimes, I

wish I had that kind of freedom."

Rashid (Alex)

We talked for hours, exploring every corner of the hall and

sharing our perspectives on art, life, and freedom. Emma
was more than I expected: intelligent, passionate, and
genuinely interested in the world around her. Time flew
by as we lost ourselves in conversations and the artworks
surrounding us. We laughed a lot; she has a different sense
of humor, I liked it, I didn't want to stop, the hour didn't
matter anymore, I just wanted one more minute with her,
just a little more time beside her.
"Thank you for bringing me here, Alex," Emma finally said.
"It's been one of the most special moments I've ever had."

"The pleasure was mine, Emma," I replied sincerely.

"Believe it or not, this was a refuge for me too."

Chapter 4: Constant Thoughts


The night at the Islamic art exhibition felt like a dream.

After enjoying every moment with Alex, I returned to the
kitchen where my friend Clara had finished all tasks. She
was asleep in a chair, exhausted after the long workday.

"Clara," I called softly, touching her tired shoulder. "It's

time to go home."

She woke up slowly, rubbing her weary eyes. "Emma, how

was the rest of the night? Did you manage to see
everything you wanted?"

I smiled, mentally reliving every detail of the special

evening. "It was amazing, Clara. You can't imagine how
special it was."

Clara raised an eyebrow, curious. "Who's the one who

came to fetch you?"

"A man named Alex," I replied. "He worked as security

there. He invited me to see the artworks after the event
ended. It was magical."
Clara smiled, sensing the seriousness in my voice. "Sounds
like you found more than just art at that exhibition."

Rashid (or Alex)

As I returned to the hotel, dawn was breaking. The night

had been a relief for my soul burdened by royal
responsibilities. Emma was unlike anyone I knew, and she
deeply intrigued me.

Throughout the following day, I couldn't get her out of my

mind. Her passion for art, her kindness, and her smile
continued to echo in my thoughts. I knew she deserved to
know the truth about me, but there was something
frighteningly enticing about keeping our encounter a
secret for now.


The next afternoon, I found myself back at work in the

café. My thoughts wandered, reliving moments with Alex
from the previous night. Every detail was vivid in my
mind, and I longed to relive them.

"You're distant today," observed Clara, noticing my

distraction. "Still thinking about the exhibition?"

I nodded, unable to hide the smile forming on my lips.

"Yes, Clara. It was too special to forget."

"When are we going to meet this Alex?" Clara teased.

"Soon, I hope," I replied.

Rashid (or Alex)

As the day wore on, my mind kept returning to Emma. Her

bright eyes, her passion for art, and her kindness made me
want to get to know her better. But the truth about my
identity loomed over us like a shadow.

"You should tell her who you really are," my conscience

echoed in my mind, but I wasn't ready yet to reveal my
true self to Emma. Not until I was certain she could bear
the weight of my life as a prince.

The story of Rashid (or Alex) and Emma was just

beginning, an unexpected encounter that thrust them into
a whirlwind of emotions and discoveries. What the future
held for them, only time would tell.

Chapter 5: Reunion and Approach

Rashid (or Alex)

Days had passed since the Islamic art exhibition, and each
one was filled with thoughts of Emma. I decided I needed
to see her again, even if it meant continuing to hide my
true identity. The only way to do this without drawing
attention was to blend in with the crowd and frequent the
café where she worked.

I arrived at the café late in the afternoon, dressed in

simple clothes that didn't highlight my position. I watched
Emma working behind the counter, her smile brightening
the room. I approached, hoping she wouldn't immediately
recognize me.
"Alex?" she exclaimed in surprise, her eyes lighting up
upon seeing me.

"Yes, it's me," I replied, smiling back. "Can I join you?"

"Of course, I'll get you a coffee," she said, quickly

preparing my drink. We sat at a table near the window
where the sunlight created a warm atmosphere.

"How are you?" I asked, genuinely interested.

"Good, and you?" she replied, sounding slightly nervous.

"It was great to see you at the exhibition. I didn't expect
you to show up here."

"I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation that

night," I admitted, observing her reaction. "You have
something special, Emma."

She blushed slightly, looking away. "It was an

unforgettable night for me too."


The days since the exhibition had been a mix of work at

the café and constant thoughts about Alex. He was unlike
anyone I had ever met, and his presence was comforting
and intriguing at the same time. When he showed up at
the café, my heart skipped a beat.

"Alex," I said, surprised and happy to see him. We talked

for hours, laughing and sharing stories from our lives. He
was so easy to talk to, and every minute with him felt
As the days went by, Alex began to visit the café more
regularly. He always found an excuse to see me, and I
eagerly awaited those moments. I felt there was more to
his story, something he was hiding, but I didn't want to
press him. Our connection was genuine, and I didn't want
to ruin it.

Rashid (or Alex)

The more time I spent with Emma, the harder it became to

hide the truth. I knew that eventually, I would need to tell
her who I really was. But each time we were together, her
simplicity and authenticity made me want to prolong that
safe haven we had created.

We decided to explore the city together, and Emma took

me to an amusement park. I couldn't believe it! I had never
been to an amusement park; I always had a childhood full
of events and big appearances, I didn't know how much I
needed to live that. I disguised myself in the crowd,
wearing a cap and sunglasses, trying to look as ordinary as
possible. It was an incredible experience. We rode roller
coasters, bumper cars, and for a moment, my heart was
light, joyful, and my laughter was the most sincere and
genuine, I could be just Rashid, and I loved being myself!
We ate cotton candy, very sweet and laughed like children.

"This is the best part of the city," she said, smiling as we

watched the sunset from a Ferris wheel. "I want you to
experience everything."

"I would love to," I replied, feeling my heart beat stronger

for her. And that unforgettable day came to an end. But
our story continued, it had to continue!
Chapter 6: Meeting Friends


A few days passed, and I thought it was time to introduce

Alex to my friends. There was a birthday party, and I
thought it would be the perfect occasion for him to meet
the people who are part of my life.

And then finally the day arrived, we arrived together at

the birthday party and he was afraid my friends wouldn't
like him, but I was sure they would love him...

"Alex, these are my friends, Clara, John, and Lisa," I

introduced. "Guys, this is Alex."

They welcomed him with open arms; they are warm and
very receptive and minutes later we were all laughing and
talking as if we had known each other for years. Alex fit in
easily, and I could see that he was having fun.

"So, Alex, where are you from?" John asked, curious.

"Oh, I'm from a distant and uninteresting city, I'm an

adventurer," he replied with a laugh at the end, keeping
the mystery. "I came here in search of new experiences."

I noticed that Alex was not only getting closer to me, but
also to my friends. He was kind, attentive, and had a
captivating way that won everyone around him. I think I'm
very in love, should I be worried?
Rashid (or Alex)

Spending time with Emma's friends made me feel even

closer to her. It connected me even more with her. Every
laugh, every shared story, made me realize how much I
was falling for her. Being among people who loved and
respected her only increased my desire to be part of her

At the end of the night, as we walked back to her

apartment, I couldn't help but express my feelings.
"Emma, being with you and your friends today was
incredible. I feel like I'm getting to know a very important
part of your life."

She smiled, her eyes shining in the lamplight. "You're very

welcome in my life, Alex. I'm glad you were part of such an
important moment for me and met the people I love."

Chapter 7: Protection and Danger


Things were going well between Alex and me, but I had a
past… An ex-boyfriend who caused me a lot of pain. He
was aggressive, both with words and physically. He was
toxic, manipulating me to always have me “in his hands,”
and I had managed to get rid of him. At least, I thought I
had gotten rid of him for good! Mark reappeared. He had
always been violent and possessive, and I was terrified
when I saw him at my doorstep. He caught me off guard.
How did he know where I was living? So many thoughts
raced through my mind, but nothing was greater than the
fear and dread I was feeling.

“Emma, we need to talk,” he said, trying to enter.

“No, Mark. We have nothing more to talk about,” I replied,

trying to close the door.

He struggled to enter, and I didn’t have the strength to

stop him. His eyes frightened me, a paralyzing fear that
made me relive every horrible moment I had spent with

“Do you think you can avoid me forever?” he said, pushing

the door harder. “I warned you, Emma. No one leaves me
without consequences.”

Before I could react, Alex appeared. “What’s going on

here?” he asked, seeing the fear in my eyes.

“Who are you?” Mark snapped, irritated, with a look of


“I’m Alex, Emma’s friend. I think you better leave,” he said,

his voice firm and protective.

“Don’t interfere, unless you want trouble yourself,” Mark

said arrogantly, menacingly approaching Alex.

“I’m not going to repeat myself, Mark. Leave now,” Alex

replied, standing between me and Mark, his posture
imposing and resolute.
Mark took a step forward, trying to intimidate Alex, but he
didn’t flinch. Instead, Alex planted his feet firmly and kept
his gaze fixed on Mark, showing no signs of fear.

“You think you can give me orders, you idiot? She’s mine!
She always has been and always will be!” Mark shouted,
his anger escalating by the second.

“She’s not yours. Emma is a free person, and I won’t let

you hurt her anymore,” Alex replied, his tone calm but
deadly serious.

Mark tried to push Alex, but Alex grabbed his arm firmly.
“If you touch her again, you’ll regret it,” Alex said, his voice
low and threatening.

Mark struggled to break free, but Alex held him tight, not
allowing him to get close to me. “You’re making a big
mistake,” Mark snarled, but Alex didn’t falter.

“No, the only mistake here was you thinking you could
continue to control Emma’s life. Now, leave before I call
the police,” Alex said, finally pushing Mark out the door
and slamming it shut.

I was trembling, tears streaming down my face. Alex

turned to me, his eyes filled with concern. “Are you okay,
Emma?” he asked, approaching me.

“I… I don’t know,” I replied, still frightened. “I thought I

had gotten rid of him for good.”

“Oh my God! You came just in time,” I said in tears.

Alex pulled me into a tight hug, his hands stroking my
back. “You don’t have to be afraid anymore, Emma. I’m
here, and I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he whispered, his
voice soft and comforting.

In that moment, I fell more in love, more connected, than I

had ever felt before… Safe, respected, and valued. He not
only saved me physically but also gave me new hope, a
new strength to face my fears and move forward.

Rashid (or Alex)

Seeing Emma so frightened made me furious. I wanted to

protect her from all harm, and facing Mark made me
realize how deeply I was involved in her life.

“I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t here,”

she said, still trembling.

“You’ll never be alone, Emma. I promise I’ll always be here

for you,” I replied, holding her firmly.

That day I took care of her. I just wanted to be there, to

make sure she would be okay.

Chapter 8: An Intimate Romance


After the incident with Mark, Alex became my safe haven,

started coming more often, accompanied me to the
cafeteria, and was always there until the end of the shift to
accompany me home, always by my side to ensure my
safety. One night, he stayed at my place and we were
talking, and we decided to bake a cake together, I mean, I
decided to teach him (laughs). We were in the kitchen,
laughing as we made a mess with flour and sugar, creating
a delightful chaos that only increased our closeness.

“I never imagined baking a cake could be so much fun,”

Alex said, laughing, while licking frosting off his fingers
with a mischievous smile.

“That’s because you’re with the best teacher,” I joked,

feeling a comforting warmth spread through my chest as I
saw how much fun he was having with me.

After putting the cake in the oven and eagerly waiting for
the result, we sat on the living room couch, enjoying the
delicious aroma filling the room. We talked for hours,
sharing laughs and stories about our lives, while the
proximity between us became palpable.

The atmosphere was perfect, illuminated by the soft light

of the candles that Alex had strategically placed around
the room. When our eyes met, I felt a wave of electricity
run through my body, the attraction between us stronger
than ever.

Alex approached slowly, his eyes fixed on mine with

passionate intensity. He gently held my face, his touch
conveying both security and desire. Our lips met in a deep,
fiery kiss where all the tenderness and love we felt for
each other manifested.

He pressed his lips against my neck and I could feel his

breath and warm lips, and with each kiss on my neck I
surrendered more. His hands gently began to take off the
strap of my blouse, and the kisses continued on my
shoulders. His touches, his kisses, his gaze, everything
took my breath away, it felt like a dream, but it was real!
With his firm hands he picked me up by the waist and
brought me gently to his lap, facing him. Not stopping to
kiss me and look firmly at me, I lay down on my bed, I
could feel his heart beating hard. Every touch was firm
and gentle, with his fingers he slowly took off every piece
of my clothes. That night, we surrendered to each other
body and soul, in a fusion of love and desire that
transcended any expectation. Every caress, every shared
sigh was an expression of our growing love, a silent
promise to be together in every moment.

Rashid (or Alex)

Being with Emma in that way was like a dream. Feeling

her body pressed against mine, every touch igniting a
burning flame within me. Her soft lips found mine in a kiss
full of desire and tenderness, our fingers intertwined as
we explored every inch of each other. Her sweet perfume
enveloped my senses, intensifying the passion that burned
between us. In that moment, we were more than just
lovers; we were souls who had found and recognized each
other, united by a deep and overwhelming love, where the
outside world faded away in the face of our passionate and
eternal union.

With a body soaked and hot love, I came with my mouth

close to her ears. “I love you, Emma,” I whispered, my
heart overflowing with emotion.

“I love you too, Alex,” she replied, her eyes shining with
the reflection of the flame that burned between us. “I
never thought I would find someone like you.”
Each word spoken was loaded with meaning, a testament
to the love we nurtured for each other. That night, we
discovered together a new chapter of our story, a chapter
marked by deep intimacy and the promise of a shared

I was sure I wanted to face whatever to live that story

Chapter 9: The Revelation


I woke up to the sun filtering through the curtains,

warming the room like a gentle embrace. Beside me, Alex
slept peacefully, his serene face illuminated by the
morning rays. I felt at peace, as if I had finally found my
safe harbor.

But the calm was shattered by urgent knocks on the door.

My heart leaped in my chest, a foreboding feeling forming
in my stomach.

"Alex," I called out in a tense whisper. "Someone's

knocking at the door."

He jolted awake, his still sleepy eyes fixing on me with

concern. "Who could it be at this hour?" he asked, quickly
dressing as he headed to the door.

The scene that unfolded before me was like a gut punch.

Two men in suits stood there, serious and unwavering.
One of them looked at Alex with an expression that
brooked no objections.

"Your Highness, we need to speak with you immediately,"

the security guard declared, his firm voice leaving no
room for delay.

The word echoed in my mind like thunder. Your Highness.

What was happening? Had they got the wrong apartment?
Why would they address him like that? The truth hit me
like an avalanche, shattering the illusion I had built.

"Emma..." Alex turned to me, his eyes pleading for

understanding. "Let me explain, please, just listen to me."

I couldn't articulate a word, feeling a tumultuous mix of

confusion and hurt. He wouldn't lie to me like this... it
couldn't be true.

He nodded with a lump in his throat, the pain evident in

his gaze. "I'm not who you think I am. My real name is
Rashid, and I am an Arabian prince."


I knew I had to tell her the truth, but I didn't expect the
devastating reaction that followed. Emma looked at me
with a mixture of disbelief and anger.

"You lied to me," she said, her voice trembling with

restrained emotion. "How could you do this? All this time,
I thought you were Alex, my Alex, and you're someone
I approached her, trying to touch her arm, but she recoiled
as if I were a stranger. "Emma, I never meant to deceive
you. I just wanted to be myself for a while, without the
weight of royal responsibilities."

"And you decided to use me for that? You wanted me to be

your royal vacation? You lied to me," she repeated, her
voice cutting like a knife. "I trusted you, Alex. Rashid. I
don't even know who you are anymore."

Her words pierced my heart, the pain of her

disappointment mixing with the anguish of losing her.
"Please, Emma. Let me explain," I pleaded, my desperation

I was desperate, I had never felt such a deep and

destructive pain within me, how could I disappoint Emma
like this?

"No. Go away, Rashid. I don't want to see you," she said,

her words echoing in the emotionally charged silence.

I didn't want to leave, I tried to approach her one more

time, and she with tears in her eyes shouted saying: "If you
don't go away I'm going to call the police"

With a lump in my throat, I turned to leave. The security

guards waited for me outside, silently watching as I exited
the apartment that had been my refuge.

Inside the car, reality hit me like a punch. One of the

guards explained the critical situation at home. My father
knew the life I was leading, like a common man, and
demanded my immediate return.
"We need to leave, Your Highness. Your father is waiting,"
said the guard, his professional voice contrasting with the
tension in the air.

I had no choice, but I felt like a coward, I felt helpless and

it hurt too much!

I left and knew what I would face, but nothing compared

to the pain of leaving Emma.

Upon arriving home, my father was waiting for me with a

stern expression. He wasted no time.

"Rashid, what are you doing? Living as a common man?

This is unacceptable," he said, his voice echoing through
the palace corridors.

I tried to explain, but he wouldn't listen. "Love is not for

you, in fact, it is too dangerous for a prince Rashid. You
have responsibilities, a legacy to fulfill. This cannot
continue, I will not accept it," he declared, his voice

I swallowed hard, knowing my life had irreversibly

changed. I looked outside, wondering if I could ever find
my way back to Emma's heart. I saw myself destroyed,
once again powerless and powerless.

Chapter 10: Consequences and Discoveries

The following days were a blur of confusion and sadness. I
tried to carry on with my routine, but everything felt
empty without Rashid. It was difficult to accept what had
happened, it was difficult to accept that he had lied, but it
was impossible to forget everything we had lived and
erase the love I felt for him. A few weeks passed and I
continued my life when I started to feel: nausea, fatigue, a
delay that couldn't be ignored. My heart stopped! My
throat went dry and I just thought: Please, that not be
pregnant! . Are in order bought a lot of one tests in order
in cora, I to the throat as the result. Waited be Two
minutes. Positive.

i'm was pregnant, with shocked And. Now? To What in.

For this, i to I she, to I didn't know that, wanted him know.


Meanwhile, as you are of I'll go back. To i tried, who you,

who are, how, can be, call, she on one did I to, i I about, I I
wanted to contact you when I was working on life, more to
them not have been. How long one me, the, which by,
which in life, with the turn.

And I love Emma was always. I could be love now, not to

start it up for both, but it was a, always be this clear.

Chapter 11: The Unexpected


Six years had passed since Rashid left, leaving a painful

void in my life. He tried to reach out to me, to get closer,
but I didn't want that. I had put an end to our story. I loved
him, yes, but I couldn't accept that lie! Despite the
hardships, I fought hard and finally managed to open a
small art gallery in the city. Each brushstroke was an
attempt to fill the space he had left behind. Working with
art allowed me to escape the painful memories, but it also
constantly reminded me of the love we had lost.

Ethan, my son, came into my life and gave me a new path. I

loved him more than anything else. He was the product of
our love, the light that kept me strong. With his dark hair
and a smile that lit up any room, he resembled Rashid so
much, now being five years old. His infectious energy and
boundless curiosity filled me with pride and hope for the

Over time, Rashid became much more famous.

Newspapers talked about him and his father, magazines
featured his face. I tried to avoid seeing all of this and
sought refuge in my paintings, but it was inevitable to see
his growth and what he was doing for his country.

Then came the news that he and his father would return to
the city for an event among presidents and princes. I was
shocked. I wanted to flee, but we were from very different
worlds; there was no possibility of us meeting. Local
newspapers plastered his image, and his unexpected
return echoed everywhere. I tried to avoid any mention of
him, but it was impossible to ignore his imposing

I continued with my life as usual, and one day, while

walking down the street with Ethan, I saw an official
procession approaching. For a moment, everything around
me stopped, and my eyes instinctively glanced, capturing
the familiar figure of Rashid among the dignitaries. Our
gaze met for a brief moment, and a whirlwind of emotions
that I thought I had overcome resurfaced.


Six years had passed since I left Emma and the United
States to fulfill my duties as a prince. Every day was a
struggle to balance duty with desire, and Emma was
always at the center of my thoughts.

I had to return to the city for a very important event, and

all I could think about was Emma! How was she? How
could I find her? Could I find my way back into her heart? I
was ecstatic; I wanted to see her again as soon as I could!

I couldn't believe it, but during the procession, I saw

Emma. She was on the street, I saw her briefly, in the
middle of the crowd, I could not follow her with my eyes
and reach her, but I quickly asked a security guard who
could go behind her and with all discretion find out where
she was! My intention was to run quickly to where she

After a few hours, I discovered that she had a gallery. I was

moved; I knew how much Emma's dream of this gallery
was. I couldn't help it; I abandoned my commitments, I
fled from my father like a rebellious teenager, and I
rushed to meet Emma's great dream. Entering that space
filled with Emma's creations was like diving into a world
where time had stood still. Each piece reflected her
talented soul and the intensity of her emotions.

Then there, right in front of my eyes, I couldn't believe it,

there was Emma...
Emma stood next to a little boy, holding his hand
affectionately. I didn't know who he could be, but I
realized they were close, and for a minute I thought he
might be her son, but with whom?

My heart stopped for a moment when I noticed the

resemblance in the child's eyes to mine. It was as if time
had frozen at that moment.

"Mommy, look!" the boy exclaimed, pointing in my

direction with excitement.

Emma turned slowly toward me, her gaze revealing a mix

of surprise and apprehension. It was evident that time
hadn't healed all the wounds I had left. We had so much to
talk about.

Chapter 12: The Truth Revealed


Entering the gallery was like returning to a past that I had

tried to forget but never stopped loving. Each artwork was
a silent testimony to what we had lost and what we could
have been together. Seeing Emma there, radiant and more
beautiful than ever, stirred up emotions that I didn't know
I still carried.

"Emma," I murmured, approaching her cautiously.

She stared at me for a moment, her lips slightly parted

before responding with a mix of restrained emotions. She
said: "Rashid."
I looked at her with tenderness and tears in my eyes and
said: "It's so good to see you again, you're even more

She seemed hesitant, only a slight smile. "Is he your son?" I

asked about the boy next to her... She froze for a moment,
and the boy himself responded in a sweet voice: "She's my

I was confused! Then she approached and said: "This is


It was crazy in my head, but for a moment, I thought he

could be my son. So I asked: "How old are you, Ethan?"

She quickly asked that Ethan was in the little playroom

with Hanna, her friend, who was there to help her in the
gallery so we could talk.

When we were alone, then she looked me in the eyes and

said: "He is your son, Rashid."

The revelation was a punch in the stomach. Her words

echoed in my mind, and the reality of what I had lost hit
me hard. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" I asked, struggling
to understand.

"You left, Rashid. You left. When I found out I was

pregnant, I was hurt because you had deceived me, I was
angry, so I decided to move on alone," she said, her voice
choked with the pain of the past.
Her words pierced my heart. "I would never have left if I
had known," I replied sincerely, my eyes fixed on hers,
seeking redemption.


Rashid's presence brought back all the painful memories I

had tried to bury. He seemed genuinely surprised and hurt
by the revelation.

"You hid who you really were from the beginning, Rashid.
How could I trust you?" I asked, my words filled with hurt.

He sighed deeply, his eyes searching mine intensely. "I

know I made mistakes, Emma. But Ethan is my son, and I
wanted to be present in his life. Do you realize what I
missed? I missed his first steps, his first words, his first
smile, I missed his first bedtime story, and it will never
come back. I can't get it back!" he said, with his words
sounding sincere and desperate.

"You hurt me, Rashid. You are a prince, my God, our story
is improbable, impossible! I am no one; I couldn't risk
getting hurt again."

Then he approached, looked me in the eye, and said: "You

are the woman of my life; you left my life filled, with color,
with meaning, you gave me a new purpose, and when I
lost you, I lost myself! You and the mother of my son!
Enough, I don't want to live without you anymore, I can't, I
need you and Ethan, I want you in my life. Let me be part
of your life, let me be part of Ethan's life!"

I replied with a lot of pain and resistance: "You are Ethan's

father; I won't take that away from you anymore."
Chapter 13: An Uncertain Future


Emma allowed me to at least participate in Ethan's life. So

I took leave from my duties and against my father's
wishes, who still didn't know he would be a grandfather, I
stayed in Emma's city. I started visiting them regularly,
trying to build a relationship with my son. Every moment
with him was precious, and I fell in love with him. He was
joyful and curious, creative like Emma, but with my eyes
and my hair.

Emma and I started spending more time together because

of Ethan. Gradually, she began talking to me naturally, not
just about Ethan. We started becoming friends again until
she smiled at me with her eyes—I knew that smile, it
wasn't just any smile. The feelings we had for each other
had never disappeared, and I knew I still loved her.


Seeing Rashid with Ethan made me realize how important

he was to both of us. He was a loving and dedicated father,
and our son was falling more in love with him every day.

Our meetings became more frequent, and soon we were

laughing and talking like old times. The spark between us
had never really gone out. He was wonderful and
captivating; I admit I was resistant, but he broke down all
my defenses!
Chapter 14: Rediscovering Love


One sunny afternoon, we decided to go out together as a

family. We chose a quiet park where Ethan could run
freely and play. Laughter echoed as we played ball and
explored the corners of the park. Each moment was
precious, a gathering of affection and joy that I feared

However, our peace was interrupted when the paparazzi

found us and started taking pictures. Soon, these images
were splashed across newspapers, causing a media frenzy
that I wasn't prepared to face.

When the news reached my father, he didn't hesitate to

board a plane to find me personally. His arrival was
marked by severity on his face as he approached,
determined and authoritative.

"Rashid, this woman is not part of our royal family. What

are you doing? Who was that child? You are embarrassing
our lineage," he said, his cutting words echoing in the
tranquil park.

I stood my ground, even in the presence of my father's

imposing figure, though my heart was heavy with the
tension between duty and the personal love I felt for
Emma and Ethan.

"She and Ethan are my family, father. They may not fit into
your vision of our lineage, but they are part of me. Ethan is
your blood grandson, and you will have to accept them," I
replied, trying to convey my conviction and
determination. "I love them, and I won't abandon them."

My father shook his head disapprovingly, his eyes harsh

and unyielding. He was furious! "How could you do this?
You are irresponsible, having a child with just anyone. I
will never accept them," was his final response, making
clear the chasm between our views.

I stepped closer to him and said firmly, "If you reject them,
then you reject me too."


The photos in the newspapers brought an unwanted flood

of attention. But they also brought an important decision.
Rashid was willing to fight for us, and that meant
everything to me. I admired his bold and courageous
attitude! How could I not surrender to this love that was
willing to do anything for me?

Chapter 15: Exploring New Horizons


My father's harsh words echoed incessantly in my mind. I

could no longer live in the shadows, hiding Emma and
Ethan. It was time to confront this situation head-on. After
long discussions, we decided to travel to my country. I
wanted Emma and Ethan to experience not only the places
but also the essence of my culture, my family, and to see
for themselves the beauty and complexity of my world.
More than that, I wanted them to understand the
traditions that shaped my life and the values I hold dear.

During our journey, each day was a new discovery for

Emma. She was enchanted by every aspect of my
homeland, from the ancient palaces to the bustling city
streets. I showed her the sites that held deep meaning for
me, shared family stories echoing through the centuries,
explained our traditions and values rooted in the religion
that guided our daily lives. She absorbed every detail with
a sparkle in her eyes that only deepened my love for her,
while Ethan explored every corner with childlike
curiosity, charming everyone around with his innocence
and joy.

On the last day of our stay, I felt it was the right moment to
take the next step. I chose a lush garden in the palace
grounds, where flowers exuded a gentle fragrance and the
setting sun painted the sky in golden and rosy hues. I knelt
before her with reverence, holding a ring that had
belonged to my mother, a precious relic laden with
ancestral significance, a symbol of the commitment and
promise I wanted to make.

"Emma, since the moment we met, my life has gained a

new purpose. You and Ethan are my everything, and I
cannot imagine a future without you by my side. Will you
marry me and become my princess?" My voice trembled
slightly with the intensity of my emotions, my eyes locked
onto hers.

She smiled, her eyes shining with tears of happiness and

gratitude. "Yes, Rashid. I want to be your wife, and Ethan
will be honored to call you father."
In that magical and sublime moment, under the golden
sun of dusk, I felt that we had crossed a threshold into a
future where love would overcome any obstacles life
brought us, where our hearts merged into an eternal


Every step I took on Rashid's lands was a journey into the

unknown and the marvelous. The ancient palaces and
bustling markets seemed straight out of fairy tales I had
only known from books. Rashid showed me every corner
with a gleam in his eyes, sharing family stories spanning
centuries, explaining traditions that were the backbone of
his culture and religion.

I was fascinated and challenged at the same time to

understand and respect a world so different from mine.
Every monument, every exotic dish, every ceremonial
gesture taught me more about Rashid and his people. It
was a deep immersion that made me feel part of
something greater, yet I also knew I needed to maintain
my own identity and values. I was willing to learn and live
in that world without compromising who I was, without
letting our differences separate us, but rather unite us in a
love that transcended borders and cultures.

On the last day of our stay, when Rashid knelt before me

with a ring that had belonged to his mother, I felt my heart
overflow with love, gratitude, and everything good that
life could offer. Under the sunset's golden hues, I accepted
his proposal with tears of happiness, knowing that our
love would be a bond between our distinct worlds, a
commitment to live together, respecting and celebrating
every aspect of who we were.
Chapter 16: The Eternal Commitment


Returning to my country with Emma and Ethan by my side

was a challenge, but we were determined to make it work.
My father remained reluctant, and our discussions were
intense and frequent.

"We need to talk," I said firmly to him during one of our

heated debates. "Emma and Ethan are my family, and I am
going to marry her. I need you to accept this."

"Rashid, you don't understand the implications of this

decision! Our family, our culture, our responsibility..." His
voice grew louder and more desperate.

Suddenly, he stopped, clutching his chest. His eyes

widened, and he began gasping for breath.

"Father?" I called, rushing to him. "Father, what's


He collapsed to the ground, his face contorted in pain. My

heart raced. "Call an ambulance!" I yelled to the guards


The news of Rashid's father's heart attack hit me like a

punch. I rushed to the hospital, where I found Rashid
sitting in the waiting room, pale-faced and hands

"How is he?" I asked, sitting beside him and holding his


"I don't know," he replied, fear evident in his voice. "I'm so

afraid of losing him, Emma. Despite all our differences,
he's my father and I love him."


The hours I spent at the hospital beside my father were

the longest of my life. Every second felt like an eternity,
and guilt gnawed at me from within. I feared our last
conversation had been an argument.

Finally, the doctors informed us that he was stable and I

could see him. I entered the room, feeling a lump in my
throat. He lay in bed, pale but conscious.

"Father," I called softly, approaching the bed. "I'm here."

He slowly opened his eyes, his lips curling into a faint

smile. "Rashid," he said, his voice weak. "I'm glad you're

"I'm sorry, father," I said, tears starting to well up. "I didn't
want this to happen. I never wanted to hurt you."

He sighed, his hand trembling as he held mine. "I know,

son. I'm sorry too."

Rashid's Father
As I lay in that hospital bed, my mind began to wander. I
remembered my own father, how much we used to argue
and how he left before I could apologize. I saw myself in
Rashid, and realized I didn't want to repeat the same
mistakes. I couldn't live at war with my son, I had
forgotten how much I loved him and how much I wanted
to see him happy and that would have to be the most
important thing to me.

"Rashid," I called, my vision still slightly blurred. "I

remembered my father. We used to fight a lot too, and he
left before I could ask for forgiveness."

"Father..." Rashid began, but I interrupted him.

"I don't want the same to happen with us. If Emma and
Ethan are your family, then I will support your decision. I
just want you to be happy, son, I don't want us to continue
in this endless war, that will not lead us anywhere."


My father's words filled me with relief and gratitude. I

couldn't believe how special that was. "Father, thank you,
father. That means so much to me. I love you."

After he recovered, we began planning the wedding. My

father was involved in every detail, wanting to be part of
our joy.

Emma was excited and me? I couldn't be happier and

accomplished, when I looked at everything happening, my
thoughts couldn't help but remind me how much I
dreamed of something else in my life and all that was
much more than I could have dreamed of one day.
Emma was radiant, meticulously planning every detail of
our wedding, while I was by her side, along with our boy

The big day came. Our wedding was a celebration of love

and harmony. Emma dazzled in her dress, she was even
more beautiful, I didn't know how it was possible! But it
was her smile that lit up the whole place, she was
radiating beauty and happiness. Ethan ran up to me, his
eyes shining from ear to ear, he was happy and was filling
the atmosphere with contagious joy. I love him so much it


As I walked down the aisle, my heart pounded, a mix of

nervousness and happiness flooded my soul. Rashid was
there, at the altar, looking at me with so much love that all
my doubts and anxieties instantly disappeared.

During the ceremony, we exchanged our vows, promising

love and loyalty to each other in front of our loved ones.
Each word carried the weight of our shared dreams and
the promise of a bright future together. When Rashid
slipped the ring onto my finger, I felt certain that we were
beginning a new and wonderful journey as husband and


With Emma by my side and Ethan in our arms, I felt deep

gratitude for all we had overcome together. We were
ready to face the future with confidence, as a family.
Ethan's presence symbolized our connection and the love
we shared, a living testament to our journey to that point.

My father, witnessing our overflowing happiness, finally

realized the true value of love and forgiveness. His eyes
reflected pride and acceptance as he witnessed our union.
That, to me, was everything I needed.

The journey here wasn't simple, but every challenge

strengthened our love and determination. And so, we
began our beautiful future together, knowing that love and
dedication would guide us through every stage of our
lives. We will overcome challenges, choose each other
every day, and together write a story of eternal love,
where every page will be marked by our unwavering
commitment to each other.

The End

Author: GPE

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