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BRILLIANT IIT AND MEDICAL FOUNDATION ACADEMY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - 2 PRELIMINARY EXAM - 1 std: X Time: 2 hours Total Marks: 40 Note: 1. Allcguestions mst be attempted. Wherever accessary scientifically correct diagrams and correct labelling should be drawn, Star every main question ona new pat \. For questiea No.1 (A) MCQ marks wil be given only forthe first attempt, Si The answerto every MCQ should be written as shown Eg: 1 (A) QA. (A) Choose the correct alternative. 15] i. Plastic bottles are formed from the chemical substance (A) Polymer Tetachloro Polyester (B) Polyethylene Terephthalate Polyester (©) Polyemino Tetrameric Polyethylene (D) _ Polymer Tryptophan Polyester ii Which ofthe following i a protein present in bones? (@) Myosin (B) Melanin (©) Hemoglobin (D) Osseia| ‘ii, Theory of inheritance of acqui sd characters is also known as (A) Lowarekism (B) natural selection (©) speciation (D) translocation ix, Paramecium divides by (A) transverse binary fission (B)_ longitudinal binary fission (C) simple binary fission () regeneration Millipedes belong to phylum (A) Echinodermatz (B) Arthropods (©) Urochordata (D) Aschelminthes Qu. (B) Answer the following. i. Name the hormones related with male reproductive system, 15] fi. Write whether the given statement is tue or false. Contest the statement, if falbe Escherichia coli is wed forthe producti of inteeferors Si Complee the fowehrt representing enory wasfoason in thermal pow plat {Chemicat |_f | cowry neal Prof. Pramodkumar Amle [M. Sc. (Chem.) Meri, B.Ed] Mob: 9422926205, 9422888157, 7887422005 Kinetic energy BRILLIANT IIT AND MEDICAL FOUNDATION ACADEMY ss Mal the colon Fossils Embryology Hipper of whale ¥. Complete thea Nicoti logy mies: NADH: Rin 1c seieatifie reasons. (Attempt any 2) (41 Human disasters inereased after the World War-ll Ji Gender ofa chilis determined by the male partner of enue Jil. Cel division is one ofthe fmportat properties of ells and organisms 0.2. (Answer the following. (Attempt any 3) 161 i Difforeminte bawcen plyeolysisand FCA eyele i. Menton any four advantages of bios ii Ot plan, which power plans we thermal energy for power sentation? fn what ferent ways i Uh Html energy obtained? | Botiotm | Vucoclomate, bilateral symmetry and segmented | Honey bee | Tentacles ue for exphing prey | entity the flowing symbots and slate thee significance: t & & ea (Ateompt ust i Gompte the given fowehnrt nid answer the following questions Factors disturbing social health I I 1 Inmate diners eae 1} Give at Kast owe examples of dives € — Inwhieh ofthese factors aleoole drinks and drugs enn be inched? % Prof. Pramodkumar Amle [M. Sc, (Chem.) Merit, B. Ed.] Mob: 9422926205, 9422888157, 7887422005 Qs BRILLIANT IIT AND MEDICAL FOUNDATION ACADEMY i Observe the figures ‘A* and ‘and answer the given questions, Figure “B* a, Which disasters are shown in the given ima Mention any one precaution tha should be followed in case of disaster in image “A"? What firs id should be provided in case of image ‘B'? iii, Explain in detail tee characteristies of phylusn Mollusca. iv, With the help of suitable diagram explain the concept of IVF Sheetal got her wisdom tooth removed, Why is the wisdom tooth not necessary in humans? Write the names of other such organs in human body and whether the same organs are Fictional in other animals via. Explain step-by-step energy conversion in solar thermal power plant b Whats photo-voltic effec? j, What are the physical effects of various addictions om humans? viii a. Mow ean the ol spills of rivers and oceans be cleaned? Define industrial microbiology. Answer the following. (Attempt any 1) 151 i. Describe in brief the steps involved in production of edible vaceines with a neat diagram. fi Reorganize the following for chain. Deseribe the ecosystem to which it belongs, Grasshopper —> Snake — Paddy field > Eagle > Frog, Prof, Pramodkumar Amle [M. Se. (Chem.) Merit, 8. Ed. 3 Mob: 9422926205, 9422888157, 7887422005 Qt. Qa PRELIMINARY EXAM - 1 Ww » HE Mark} nD) 1 Mark} ni, OY) [I Mark} wu 1 Mark} yo 1 Marky wy 1 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSD, Fteinizing Hormone (11. Leste 1 Marky i True 11 Marky * Chemieat } || Kinetic Hecteical energy in coal steam nv tunbne energy Hi Mark} Column 1 sel Column I a Paleontological evidense | 1. | Fossils bh Anatomical evidence 4. | Flipper of whale and forehanb of bat (0 Mark} \. Nicotinamide » NADU: Dy 1H Marky after the World Wat-tl are as follows 1 the a ed dive 1 greed of econanite preeress oF rman bet b population led to increasing demands whieh furthct ted 9 the emergence of sone problems which reached its peak Economie equality, racial and religions differences, ete. have text te the condition ot instability in the county. de Ineidenees like terrorism, abduction, social differences, ete, have become sonnmien © Although produetion of Trurmaful chemicals hay been banned wy developed nations, thes proxhiced in developing and poor countries. Thy ean ste sul bei uy plants in many countries pose a tueat to fife, HW ease of Eadbationy Increase in atomic & age due to careless [2 Marky} nined by the male partner oF couple. The wiven staterient ts the, bec i Wo issamlat chomesonies = N. he Gensler afehild is de 1 fy human mites, the 23" pair of ehromosome cont osae and *Y" elnonnosone by In ferales. the 28" pai containy v0 °X* clvomosomes Alb chifdren inherit one *X? ehronisone frons their mother, Ue other elussmiasoae ty yaicinted fiom thy Father 4 nthe chromosome inherited from the father is °X°, them the elule yall be wg ann att °Y then the child will be a boy [2 Marky) the property de to whic a nes organisa (unicellular) foun onan existing ons wa Cell dvaston btn case of amulet sits As abepenutent on coll dh inion © Hayabo essential for weston {Cell decision ryan ansportant aspect of wound healing, Formation: ot blood cells, and other shh unportant Ike processes Hence, cell drvrswais one of the important properties of cells anid ast [2 Marks) [Nate: Shakers are expected te attempt any twee questions ont of ubors three questions | Test Series T oath TCA cycle ~~ Troecurs in the mitochondria Htoceurs only during aerobic respiration a Teoveurs inthe brs common to both aerobie and anierobic respiration Novearbon diowide is wleasod Cathon dioxide 1s released. a Texesuilts i the formation of two mol I results in the formation of COs, CoA”, ATP. ot pyruvie acid ATP, NADH and ILO. NADI and FADE; Itis the first step of aerobie/ anaerobic respiration. | [tis the second step of acrobie respira ules exch f Iris eyelic pathway am aa any four paints] [2 Marks] iia. Bioels ate renewable sources of energy. b. They are availble in solid (dung, crop residue), liquid (vegetuble oils. alcohol) and gaycouy (esha gas) forts Biofuels are easily available in sui d. They are reliable fucls of the future. 2 Marks} tin, Apart fiom thermal power plant; power plants based on nuclear energy and solar thernal pose pleats tse thermal enerey for power generation Different ways to obtain thermal energy: a. Inthermal powver plants coals burned to obtain the thermal enerey birpower plans based on nuclear energy, fission of eel of atoms lke unin opto used to generate the thermal energy. ¢. Insolar thermal power plans, the thermal energy is obtained fram the solar radiations 12 Marks} Group qT Charact Example Urochiondata “Body is covered by tunic Dolan ironed | Encoclomate, bilateral symmetry and segmented Honey bee Cnidaria Tentacles used for capturing prey Craniata/Veriebrata_| Notochord is Toul 22 Marks) Ieis necessary to save every dap of water for the surcva the conservation efforts the vital water supply may be exhausted b. Save fel Werneed to ave fel by opting lor seaiendly transport This will also help to redace pollution generated by burning of fossil tel [2 Marks} pote: Snutents are expected to attempt any three yuestions ont of above five questions J Q3n4 “ Pe ‘tors disturbing | [Noche | f | 1 U1 Marky ses Adkiction Mental Suess tncwable dis bo AIDS 2 1B 3. Leprosy [An nse examples) [1 Mark] Abele dink an Ids in Aldon Hr ss inane sin Sin nege-1 1 Murh) 1 tants see ay aay Ge bisa ee Timo prsuon) [t Mar b \ per dius, T Preliminary Exam -1 Wash the wound with water and arrange for quick medival Keep the person calm, lying down and immobilized because anxiety and movement can result in spread of poison in the body of the vietim. assistance. [Any ome measure] [1 Mack] es have a soft and slimy body. They are aqua Most of the aquatic Fresh water too, Members of phylum Mollusca are «iploblastic, eucoclomate, nom alluses are marine, but few of them inhabit ented and bilaterally The body of molluscs is divided into head, foot and viseeral mass. Visceral mass is covered with a mantle that secretes a hard, calcareous shell, ‘This shell is present cither externally or internally or even absent in some animals, ‘These animals are unisexual, e.g, Bivalve, snail, octopus. ete [3 Marks} . throu micropipette IVF is a technique in whieh fertilization is brought about in the test tube. Sperm is injected into the ovumusinga micropipette. The embryo formed alier fertlization is implanted in the uterus of a woman at the appropriate time. Childless couples. who have problems like less sperm count, obstacles in oviduet. ete., eam us nique for having a ehild [3 Marks} Wisclom tooth is not necessary since it is a vestigial organ, ic, degenerated or underdeveloped useless organ of an organisa. ‘Some vestigial organs in humans that are fiwnetional in other animals are as follows, Appendis: Iris filly inal in ruminants for digestion of cellulose, Masele of the ear pinna: It is useful in monkeys and other animals Tike rabbits, cows, horses, ete, for movement of ear pinna. Other vestigial organs include the tai-bone (coceyx), body luirs, nietitat eyelid), wisdom tooth, ete nembrane (third 13 Marks} lant, sunlight is used as the source of energy. energy: The solar enerey from the ations is converted into heat encrey with the help of solar panels, of thermal energy (o Kinetic energy in ste: directed on the blades of the turbine. 1. Inasolae thermal power p! Conv: sola 3. Cony generate of solar enes ay is used wo 4 energy in steam to Kinetic energy in turhine: ‘The kinene ‘gy produced in the steam is then used to drive the tubine: 5 ener to electrical energy: The tubine votates the generator connected to it which in turn produces electrical energy 22 Marky) Phe process of a solar photosvoltaie cell converting solar radiations emery diveetly: inte electrical energy is ealled photo-voltaie effet. 11 Marky Jon may get auklicted 40 various harmful substances Tike aleohol, tobaceo, ergarette, guthha, tle, These additions may have the following physical effects on hun Excessive consumption of liquor leads to decrease mney of nervous system (especialy brain) and liver and reduces the lifespan of the person. In adolescents, it affects. bam development ancl reduces ability of memorization and learn Test Series T Temporarily intoxicating drugs of plant origin as well as some chemicals ean permanently danwige the human nervous system, musele system, heart, ete The use of tobacco can lead to cancer of mouth and lungs 13 Marks} Nii aL, Oil spills of rivers and oceans can be cleaned by bacteria such as Psendomonas spp. and Alcanivorax borkumensis, that have the ability to destroy pyridines and other chemicals. 2. _Theve hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (HCB) decompose hydrocarbons and bring about the reaction of carbon with oxygen to form COs and water. 12 Marks} b. Industrial microbiology is related to commercial use of microbes in which various economic. social and environment related processes and produets are included. 1 Marky {Note: Students are expected to atten any five questions ou of above eight questions.J Qa i : O 9 Isolation of desired Transgsnie plant virus Virus infects se fom hus (plant transformation the pieces oF Pathogen ‘estor with desited gone) potato leaves Fa eye ate plnt is developed Senn develop immunity the leaf pieces containing usint that pathogen $826 ofhumman pathogen 8 Currently biotechnology is being used to produce edible vaccines, by grow modified plants that ean produce transgenie vegetables like potatoes The desired gene is isolated fiom the human pathogen, ez. Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia cal, ete © This gene is then transferred to the plant cells through a transgenic plant virus that infec: the Dicces of plant te By tissue culture techniques, the entre phat is developed from these leat pieces which vontain the desired gene ©The potatoes produced by these plants when consumed raw will help the individ develop immunity agains the pathogen 65 Marky ii, ‘The given food chain cam be reorganized inthe following manner Paddy Field — Grasshopper — Frog Snake — Eagle a. The given fool chain belongs to cropland ecosystem, which is a man-made terrestrial ecosystem b. This ecoyyst cered and artificially maintained by man by addmg energy and planed © Manmade/ artifical ecosystem is less complex as compared to natural ccanystem, 4. This ecosystem relies on human efforts for its sustenance. Without Scution aint supervision, such man-made eeosystems will disintegrate Inthe given ecosystem, paddy crops in the field are primary producers that obtain energy from the sun This energy is transferred 10 the primary consumers (grasshoppers), Secondary consumers (frogs) foed on grasshoppers. which in vam pass on the energy to tertiary commie (nakes). The apex consumers ate exgles 15 Marks) [Note: Stulents are expected 10 attempt an ‘one out of above wo questions J

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