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Dự án giáo dục TinZ Chứng chỉ Tin học Quốc tế MOS

Task 1: Remove hidden properties and personal information from the workbook. Do not
remove any other content.
Task 2: From the “Quarters” worksheet, insert a chart title “Total Sales” above the chart
then move the chart to a new chart sheet named “TinZChart”.
Task 3: On the “Customers” worksheet, in cell H3, use a function to display the oldest age
from the Age column.
Task 4: On the “Quaters” worksheet, convert the table to a cell range. Keep the formatting.
Task 5: On the “Categories” worksheet, adjust the width of columns C:J to exactly 15.
Task 6: On the “Categories” worksheet, in cell M3, use a function to display the total sale
from the range C3:I10.
Task 1: On the “BY Airlines” worksheet, perform a multi-level sort. Sort the table data by
“Aircraft” (A to Z) then by “Average” (Largest to Smallest).
Task 2: Remove all conditional formatting rules from the “Purchases” worksheet.
Task 3: On the “Expenses” worksheet, create a Line Chart that shows the Flight and the
Expense from 2019 to 2022 of all aircrafts. Place the chart to the right of the table. Apply
the Chart Style 6 and change the color to Colorful palette 2.
Task 4: On the "Purchases" worksheet, in the "Average" column, use a function to
calculate the average balance for each flight from 2019 through 2022.
Task 5: On the “Staff” worksheet, in the "Address" column, use a function to construct
email address for each person using the first name and ''@gmail.com".
Task 6: On the “Purchases” worksheet, in cells E15:E18, insert Win/Loss Sparklines to
shows streaks of wins or losses for each flight from 2019 to 2021.
Task 1: On the “Scores” worksheet, configure cells A5:G5 to automatically wrap the text.
Task 2: On the “Scores” worksheet, name the table “StudentReport”.
Task 3: On the “Farmer Crop” worksheet, freeze rows 1 and 2 so the title and table header
always remain visible while scrolling.

Dự án giáo dục TinZ Chứng chỉ Tin học Quốc tế MOS

Task 4: On the "Scores" worksheet, in the "Average" column, use a function to calculate
the average score of each student.
Task 5: On the “Farmer Crop” worksheet, filter the table data to display only the products
with a Item/Crop of “Melons”.
Task 6: On the “Scores” worksheet, in the “Result” column, we want to display “Pass” if
the value in Average column is greater than 50. Otherwise, display “Fail”.
Task 1: On the “Orders” worksheet, beginning at cell A1, import the data from the
Customers text file in the Documents folder. Use the first row of the data source as headers.
Task 2: On the "Catalog" worksheet, in the cells F4:F17, format the cells to display the
numbers to no decimal places.
Task 3: On the “Sales” worksheet, in cell J2, enter a formula that sums the values in the
ranges: “Quarter1”, “Quarter2”, “Quarter3” and “Quarter4”. Use range names in the
formula instead of cell references or value.
Task 4: Remove all conditional formatting rules from the “Catalog” worksheet.
Task 5: On the “Sales” worksheet, from the existing text in cell B2, insert a hyperlink to
https://www.facebook.com/tinzcenter.tinhocmos with a ScreenTip that displays
“Company Website”.
Task 6: On the "Catalog" worksheet, for the bar chart, swap the data over the axis then add
the Alt Text description “Hardtail Price” to the chart.
Task 1: On the “Holidays” worksheet, filter the table data to display only the Spain
Task 2: On the “Frequency” worksheet, create a Pie Chart that shows the item description
and frequency in January 2022. Place the chart right to the table. Remove the legend of the
chart. The exact size and position of the chart do not matter.
Task 3: On the “Sports” worksheet, in cells H9:H18, insert Line Sparklines to show the
enrollment of each sport for the past five years.
Task 4: On the “Holidays” worksheet, in the “ID” column, use a function to display the
first three characters of the “Holiday” from column B.
Task 5: On the "Sports" worksheet, in the "Total" column, use a function to calculate the
total enrollment of each sport from 2018 to 2022.

Dự án giáo dục TinZ Chứng chỉ Tin học Quốc tế MOS

Task 6: On the “Farmer” worksheet, change the elements displayed in the line chart by
changing the layout of the chart to Layout 4. Then move the chart to a new chart sheet
named “TinZChart”.
Task 7: On the "Farmer" worksheet, add the chart title "Sale Total" to the bar chart and
display the legend at the bottom of the chart.
Task 1: On the “Agent Sales” worksheet, freeze rows 1 through 4 so the title and headings
always remain visible while scrolling.
Task 2: On the “Sales” worksheet, in the “Average” table column, use conditional
formatting to apply the 3 Traffic Lights (Unrimmed) format to the values.
Task 3: On the “Agent Sales” worksheet, configure the table style options to automatically
shade every other table row and apply the Orange, Table Style Medium 3 style to the table.
Task 4: On the “Sales” worksheet, extend the column chart data range to include all the
rows in Products column and all the columns from 2018 to 2022. Then, swap the data over
the axis.
Task 5: On the “Agent Sales” worksheet, change the horizontal alignment of the Agent
column to LEFT (Indent). Set the indent to 1.
Task 6: Configure the “Sales” worksheet so that only cells A1:G7 will be printed.
Task 7: On the “Discount” worksheet, filter the table data to display only the policies with
a “Policy Type” of “MP”.
Task 8: On the “Agent Sale” worksheet, remove the legend of the Total Sales chart and
display only the values as data above each column.
Task 1: On the “New Car Sales” worksheet, in cell B14, use a function to count the number
of months with zero sale for all the cars from Jan to March.
Task 2: On the “Used Car Sales” worksheet, in the ID Column, modify the existing
formula to display the letters in upper case.
Task 3: On the “Total Car Sales” worksheet extend the formula in cell D3 to the end of
the table column.
Task 4: On the “New Car Sales” worksheet, in cells E4:E12, use conditional formatting to
apply a Green Fill with Dark Green text to the cells that contain values greater than

Dự án giáo dục TinZ Chứng chỉ Tin học Quốc tế MOS

Task 5: On the “Total Car Sales” worksheet, swap the data over the axis and move the
chart to a new chart sheet named “Total Sales Chart”.
Task 6: On the “Total Car Sales” worksheet, in the “Agent ID” column, use a function to
display the first three characters of the “Agent” from column A.
Task 7: Copy the formatting of the title of the “New Car Sales” worksheet and apply it to
the title of the “Total Car Sales”.
Task 8: On the "Used Car Sales" worksheet, remove the table row that contains "Bunnis"
data. Do not change any content outside the table. Then, name the table to "CarSales".


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