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1. …… law relating to acts committed against the law which are punished by the state.

Family law

Criminal law

Civil law

Property law

2. ………is concerned with the constitution or government of the state, or the relationship
between state and citizens.

Property law

Public law

Private law

Procedural law

3. …….refers to rules which determine how a case is administered by the courts.

Substantive law

Procedural law



4. … concerned with the rights and duties of individuals, organizations and associations
(such as companies, trade unions, and charities), as opposed to criminal law.

Procedural law

Criminal law

Civil law

Substantive law

Mark the following statements as true or false:

1. The head of the state in the UK is the Prime Minister.

2.The UK system has a Parliament with two chambers.

3.The UK has a written constitution.

4. The Scottish parliament has the power to legislate on subjects that are not reserved to the
Westminster Parliament.

5. The UK legal system is based on the common law tradition.

6. The UK accessed to the EU in 2020.

Complete the table with the related forms of the given words. Then complete the sentences below
with words from the table:


constitute constitution constitutional

1. The…….is the body which has the function of making law; normally it is the Parliament.

2. It is quite a lengthy process to …… the European Community.

3. Sometimes a court case can be delayed while counsel argue over………problems.

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