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Our Psychopathic Economic Science

Professor Robert Pope

Director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia Inc.

26 November 2018

“Greek philosophy can be adequately understood only if one recognizes that it arose in conjunction
with ancient medical theory, with which most educated Greeks were familiar” (Lidz, J. W., 1995).
The Australian educational system appears to be controlled by politicians unable to discuss the fact
that Australian Science-Art research has succeeded in making important discoveries by upgrading
that ancient medical science.

The Centre’s first discovery was made during the 1980s proving the evolutionary direction of the
life-force through space-time. The World’s largest research institute, IEEE in Washington, reprinted
this discovery as one of the important optical mathematical discoveries from 20th Century
literature, placing it alongside such names as Louis Pasteur and Sir Francis Crick (Illert. C. 1987).
The direction of this living force was unquestionable but as it contradicted the academic base of
prevailing science. Senior academics at Australian universities advised politicians accordingly.
Secondly, in 2016 collaboration with Pavia University and the International Quantum Art
Movement, under the auspices of the World Fund for Art, the Centre presented visual evidence
validating the ancient Greek educational system. This demonstrated that while Einstein’s worldview
of science was appropriate for traditional science it was unsuitable for the healthy well-being of a
new science of benefit to the human species.

Religious and secular plutocracies all over the world posing as democracies in the name of national
security are obviously preparing economic stratagems for World War III. However, the past
traditional necessity of kill or be killed reality associated with the ‘survival of the fittest’ law
observable in nature, is no longer scientifically valid for global civilization. Traditional science is
characterized as ‘tribal’ science because of its dismissal of global human values.

DNA information led to the 1978 UNESCO Racial Prejudice Declaration. Its Article 2, Section 2,
states that humans belong to one species (UNESCO 1978) and a science that harms the species is
unjustifiable. Australian politicians and scientists controlling the now obsolete tribal science cannot
see that a species that continually harms itself constitutes a medical problem, urgently needing an

Before the extent of the psychopathic nature of tribal science is demonstrated by published
condemnation by Nobel Laureates in Medicine, it is deemed necessary to show to the general global
public the depth of systematic, sadistic cruelty innate within prevailing tribal economic science.

Several days ago a local survey conducted around the Centre in the picturesque township of Uki in
the beautiful Tweed Valley of Northern New South Wales resulted in over 99% of residents wanting
current water mining stopped at once. Convoys of huge water trucks are working seven days a week
to drain precious underground water to sell as a flavoured commodity in plastic bottles around the
Concerned citizens have placed themselves in front of these water carriers in protest resulting with
threats of future police action being taken against them. Australia is the driest inhabited continent on
earth. Its interior has one of the lowest rainfalls in the world and about three-quarters of the land is
arid or semi-arid. The state of Northern New South Wales is a state now officially in drought where
many inhabitants of the surrounding region obtain underground water for human consumption and
the growing of food.

Local council inquiries into this matter were seen as lacking in genuine humanitarian concern by
embracing procrastinating sentiment. This led to feelings that democratic public expressions of
concern over water mining were being overridden by vested interests anticipating a future
extremely lucrative global demand for bottled drinking water. The local Uki region’s residents feel
that they are considered to be sabotaging a vast money-making enterprise when the Australian
economy is already floundering with many families living below the accepted poverty line. The
readers can gauge the seriousness of this apparent greed by finding out for themselves that riots are
taking place in Capetown over the depletion of the underground water supply in that city. Day Zero
is scheduled to arrive in early April 2019. Capetown police have already quelled rioting through the
use of gas grenades. The government is now organizing increased police action over people
exceeding their allotment of water, which is continually decreasing.

From the ancient Greek medical science’s philosophical, mathematical viewpoint the living process
is evolving toward infinity. It is not moving toward the extinction of all life in the universe, which is
demanded by Einstein’s world view of ever increasing chaos. Rene Descartes is so highly acclaimed
in Western literature that he is commonly referred to as the Father of Modern Philosophy whose
genius continues to influence the role of global medical science.

In 1994 the professor of neuroscience, Antonio Damasio, published his book Descartes’ Error
acclaimed in the books introduction by the 1981 Nobel Laureate neurologist, David Hubel, as
deserving to be known as a medical classic. Damasio condemned Descartes for “having persuaded
biologists to adopt, to this day, clockwork mechanics as a model for life processes” (Damasio. R R
1994). He considered Descates’ axiom I think therefore I am, to be an unbalanced statement
“illustrating precisely the opposite of what I believe to be true about the origins of mind and about
the relation between mind and body” (Damasio. R R 1994). Damasio wrote that Western Medicine
is fragmented from reality and dissatisfaction is likely to grow “as the spiritual crisis of Western
society deepens” (Damasio. R R 1994). In 1989 the Hollywood Thalian Mental Health Organization
launched the Science-Art Centre’s book Two Bobs Worth to the city of Los Angeles. The book’s
condemnation of Descartes’ mechanistic philosophy concluded that “our obsession with
materialistic forces was dehumanizing to the point where we had effectively passed a death
sentence upon ourselves’ (Pope. R. and Todonai. R. 1988).

Albert Szent-Györgyi, the Co-founder of the American National Foundation for Cancer Research,
was a Nobel Laureate in Medicine. In his 1972 Letter to Science he wrote that the existing scientific
review system was dismissive of artistic intuition and this in some way was preventing science from
discovering an antidote to cancer (Szent-Györgyi. A. 1972). In his book The Crazy Ape, Szent-
Györgyi argued that although man “the more he progresses technologically, seems the more to
regress psychologically and socially, until he resembles his primate ancestors in a state of high
schizophrenia” and “most of scientific research that is done to elevate human life serves in the end
to destroy it” (Szent-Györgyi, A., 1970).
The Science Art Research Centre of Australia successfully used ancient Greek intuitive artistic
medical mathematics to discover the nature of the life-force in order to discover the antidote to the
Western spiritual medical problem. Australian academics have no understanding that Anaxagoras’
concept of a living, infinite fractal logic existed although this has been meticulously outlined in a
paper by the Science-Art Centre’s colleague, the late Petar Grujic, Science Advisor to the Belgrade
Institute of Physics in his The Concept Of Fractal Cosmos:I Anaxagoras’ Cosmology (Grujic. P.

Plato’s association with electromagnetic infinity was developed from the mathematical research of
Anaxagoras. His concept that All is Geometry is well known. Plato’s ethical geometrical
mathematics had been derived from the lifelike properties he observed emanating from magnetic
lodestone. Many scientists consider that lodestone is magnetized by lightning strikes and that
Plato’s electromagnetic thought-forms were about human thoughts electromagnetically interacting
with the Earth’s electromagnetic biosphere. His emotional thought-form artistic geometry became
the basis of the futuristic ethical science referred to by the philosophers of science, Immanuel Kant
and Emmanuel Levinas. They wrote about artistic, electromagnetic fields affecting the human mind
as creating both ethical and unethical thought forms.

Australian universities are completely incapable of assessing existing medical evidence discovered
in Australia that provides the antidote to this problem. During the 1980s the Science-Art Research
Centre of Australia was the first to discover how to measure the life-force by using ancient Greek
medical mathematics (Illert. C. 1987). That idea was originally postulated by the Science Unit of
Australian National Television in 1979 which included the Centre’s Science-Art theories alongside
seven world famous scientists within its internationally screened series The Scientists- Profiles of
Discovery. Influential Australian academics within the South Australian State Government were
hostile to the idea of ancient Greek Science-Art theories being used to modify quantum mechanics
and a serious confrontation developed.

With the help of the Thalian Mental Health Organization in Los Angeles the dispute was resolved
by UNESCO, appointing the director of the Science-Art Centre as a Special Science-Art Delegate
to the 1979 World Summit Meeting on General Relativity held at the International Centre for
Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. At that conference China’s most highly awarded physicist, Kun
Hung, discussed with the artist about the emotional urge to write or carve words or symbols to
record the geometrical state of time being considered to be associated with first-cause principle

Huang suggested that the living artistic urge to inscribe such symbols accounted for Platonic
geometries being created by seashell life-forms inscribing them into the seashell fossil record and
he considered that it would be in the opposite direction upholding Einstein’s lifeless quantum
mechanistic theories. The discovery of the life-force governing seashell evolution was reprinted by
the World’s largest research institute, IEEE in Washington as one of the important optical
mathematical of the 20th Century. However, no Australian university bothered to investigate that
ancient Greek mathematical medical philosophy extended to infinity, contravening the basis of
quantum mechanical understanding.

The manipulators of the mathematics of financial greed are not interested in finding any ancient
Greek mathematical antidote to the unethical electromagnetic art forms creating global social chaos,
seemingly echoing its stance on water mining in Australia. The Australian government collects
billions of dollars of revenue each year from electromagnetic gambling machines known as poker
machines. These machines transmit artistic, electromagnetic vibrations and sound wave-fronts
capable of inducing heroin-like addictions to create states of moral and financial bankruptcies. The
long term medical problems they generate within low income communities costs far more that the
regular input of income from poker machine addictions keeping up the illusory appearance of
feigned political concern.

The general nature of the antidote using ancient Greek infinity mathematics is not difficult to
obtain, and was internationally recognized in 2016 by the World Fund for Arts. Tribal science and
human survival science are both part of human evolution. Therefore, they can be entangled within a
computer program governed by antidote information to generate human survival blueprint
simulations. This technique, reminiscent of the seashell discovery, could place the crucial blueprint
simulations into the hands of world leaders providing negotiating access to benevolent science and
technologies beyond prevailing scientific comprehension.

In order to explain the seriousness of this situation it is necessary to explain about the
electromagnetic forces that govern the dynamics of all reality. Living electromagnetic fields rotate
mathematically to the left while mechanistic fields rotate in the opposite direction. One of these
electromagnetic fields is the supreme mathematical creator of both spiritual and physical reality. In
science they are referred to as symmetrical or asymmetrical forces and only one of them can
represent the superior will of creation.

In his paper ‘The role of symmetry in physics’ the Nobel Laureate in Physics, David Gross, stated
that "Einstein’s great advance in 1905 was to put symmetry first, to regard the symmetry principle
as the primary feature of nature that governs the allowable dynamical laws.” He argued that
symmetry principles “serve as the guiding principle in the search of further unification and
progress” (Gross, D. J., 1996)”.

In 2013 the European Space Agency Planck Observatory mapped the first light in the universe.
According to its project scientist, Jan Tauber, the prevailing scientific model of the symmetrical
universe contained asymmetrical “features which force us to rethink some of our basic
assumptions”. He stated that “This is the beginning of a new journey”, which “will help shed light
on this conundrum"( European Space Agency 2013). Tauber’s mystery is the fact that Einstein’s
symmetrical world view in the 21st Century had reached its tribal expiry date.

In the 19th Century Emmanuel Levinas agreed with Kant on his ethical artistic concept of an
symmetrical electromagnetic field evolving within the creative, artistic human mind. But he argued
that it was a first cause omnipotent force expressing ethical emotional sentience associated with the
asymmetrical urge to create. In the book Kantian Imperatives and Phenomenology’s Original
Forces, this criticism is expressed as “Thus infinity is the proper dimension of ethics for Levinas, as
it makes genuine [evolutionary] transcendence possible”. “With the infinity of alterity comes the
asymmetrical relation of self...” (Wheeler, C. R., 2008).

In 1857 Louis Pasteur declared that the movement of the Earth induced life “endowed with optical
activity in concert with a completely asymmetrical living universe” (Dubos, J. 1950). Pasteur had
observed a living Platonic point particle under his microscope obeying asymmetrical
electromagnetic field mathematical directions. During the 18th Century Kant established the
foundations of the electromagnetic Golden Age of Science developed by Hans Christian Oersted,
who discovered that magnetic movement generated electromagnetic fields. Scientists such as
Michael Faraday and James Maxwell were all familiar with the biological interaction of Plato’s
ethical electromagnetic mathematics with the Earth’s electromagnetic biosphere. However, during
the 20th Century the electrification of America by super-rich industrialists, who were only
interested in accumulating vast financial wealth, outlawed asymmetrical biological science to such
an extent that the modern medical pharmaceutical complex is compelled to comply with that
unbalanced mathematical dictate. Although medical science is capable of great accomplishments its
mechanistic philosophical foundation, holding asymmetrical living information in contempt, has
been diagnosed by eminent neurological scientists as being psychopathic.

Professor Timothy Morton, Chair in English at Rice University in Texas, in his published ‘Art in the
Age of Asymmetry’ contains a section under the heading of Art as a Demonic Force (Morton. T.
2012). Therein he argues that Plato’s description of an electromagnetic force demonizing aesthetic
thinking exists. This artistic aesthetic thought is different to the evolution of asymmetrical, ethical
artistic wisdom. Morton theorizes that these forces are associated with the effects of cosmic wave-
fronts literally evolving an artistic awareness of a creative universal reality. This concept of an
electromagnetic universe affecting the human evolutionary neurological process is of fundamental

The magnitude of the obsolete Australian educational system is truly incredible. After some 2400
years of philosophical research the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia has beyond all doubt
obtained concrete visual evidence that Plato’s educational system must replace the sterile
mechanistic philosophy upholding tribal science.

The Science-Art Centre has been continually harangued for having no appreciative knowledge of
the workings of creative artificial intelligence. In April, 2018, the Centre’s Director of Artificial
Creativity won an award placing him among the top ten in the world in robot art (
2018). The Sydney University team was not among the winners.

In conclusion, cancer researchers have noted that healthy information flows in the opposite
direction to the laws of chaos within Einstein’s worldview. The mathematician and philosopher,
Norbert Wiener, who established the science of cybernetics, based upon ancient Greek medical
philosophy, considered that the global community stands at the threshold of obtaining free energy
science and technology in accordance with asymmetrical universal first principles. His concept of
this is quoted below (Wiener. N. 1954).

“In physics, the idea of progress opposes that of entropy, although there is no absolute
contradiction between the two. In the forms of physics directly dependent on the work of Newton,
the information which contributes to progress and is directed against the increase of entropy may
be carried by extremely small quantities of energy, or perhaps even by no energy at all. This view
has been altered in the present century by the innovation in physics known as quantum theory.
Quantum theory has led, for our purposes, to a new
association of energy and information.”

Damasio, A. R. (1994). Descartes’ Error - Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. Avon Books.
New York. p.248.

Damasio, A. R. (1994). Descartes’ Error - Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. Avon Books.
New York. p.257.

Dubos, J. (1950) Louis Pasteur - Freelance of Science. Little, Brown and Company, Boston. p. 111.

European Space Agency (2013) Planck Reveals an Almost Perfect Universe. [online]
[accessed November 1 2018].

Gross, D. J., (December 10, 1996) The Role of Symmetry in Fundamental Physics. [online] http:// [accessed October 5, 2018]

Grujic P. V. January (2001). The Concept of Fractal Cosmos: I. Anaxagoras’ Cosmology. Serbian
Astronomical Journal 163(163):21

Illert, C. (1987). The New Physics of Ultrathin Elastic Conoids, Il Nuovo Cimento, and
Formulation and Solution of the Classical Seashell Problem II Tubular Three Dimensional Seashell
Surfaces and Il Nuovo Cimento, (1989), The Science-Art Research Centre...selected from the World
literature for reprinting in Spie Milestone Series, Vol. MS 15, Selected Papers on Natural Optical
Activity, pp. 12-23 and 24-33, section 1. Chirality and Natural Optical Activity, 1990.

lidz. J W (1995). Medicine as Metaphor in Plato. The journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 :
527-541. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. p.1.

Morton T. (2012). Art in the Age of Asymmetry: Hegel, Objects, Aesthetics,” Eventual Aesthetics 1,
No. 1. p. 135.

Pope R. and Todonai, R. (1988) Two Bob’s Worth. The Bonum Research Centre Pty Ltd. NSW.
ISBN 0 9595604 5 9. p. 111.

Robotart Contest. (2018). [online] [accessed July 2018].

Szent-Gyorgyi A. (2 June 1972). Letters, Dionysians and Apollonians Science, Vol. 176, Issue 4038,
pp. 966 [online] [accessed 15 April 2018].

Szent-Gyorgyi A. (1970). The Crazy Ape. New York: Philosophical Library.

UNESCO (1978). UNESCO Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice [online] http://
[accessed 20 April 2018]
Weiner N. (1954). The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society. Houghton Mifflin,
University of Michigan. p. 38.

Wheeler C. R. (2008). Kantian Imperatives and Phenomenology’s Original Forces. Volume 36 of

Cultural heritage and contemporary change: Culture and values. The Council for Research in Values
and Philosophy. p. 204.

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