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Q.1 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. 5

Childhood is the golden dawn of life. Once gone, this period of
blissful innocence which never returns. Last year I had experience of reviving
the joyful memories of my childhood days. I had been to my village to attend
the marriage ceremony of one of my cousins. At that time, we had to live in
our old ancestral house for a few days. The house wore a deserted look as it
had been closed for a pretty long time. Opening the door of the house, I
opened up my childhood world before me. I saw before my mind’s eye the
golden period of my childhood again.
1) What will never return?
2) Who lived in an old ancestral house?
3) When did the author see golden period?
4) Find out the similar words from the passage for “full of joy” and “the sky
before the sunrise”.
Q.2 Read the passage and answer the questions. 5
Over eating is one of the most wonderful practices among those
who think that they can afford it. In fact, authorities say that nearly all who can
get as much as they wish and desire. Over eating to their desire but to their
disadvantages. This class of people could save by giving up one meal per week
and at the same time they could improve their health. A heavy meal at night so
called “ dinner” is the with fashion with many and often it is taken shortly
before sleeping. It is necessary and could be forgone, not only once a week but
daily without loss of strength. Food needs three to four hours to digest.
1) Why do people have habit of overeating?
2) What does one can do to improve health?
3) What is dinner?
4) What is necessary for everyone to do daily without fail?
5) When do most of the people take their dinner?
Q.3 Identify the Figure of speech for the following sentences. 10
1) I am not an ordinary man.
2) She is so intelligent that wisdom is invincible on the earth.

3) The roses were smiling and the wind was telling the fairy tale.
4) The hunter shot the cruel bullet on the deer.

5) The tea is ice-cold.

6) He behaves like a silly mouse.
7) Mirror is the eye of little God.
8) You have a terrific beauty.
9) She was shivering with shock.
10) Let him be rich and weary.
Q.3 Fill In the blanks with few, little, a few, a little, the few, the little.
1. Just …………… persons were present there.
2. I cannot prepare tea; there is …………. milk in the house.
3. I have consumed ………… sugar you gave me.
4. ………… water of the pond will not last the year.
5. The class was not held as …………. students were present.
Q.4 Use ‘should/must/ought to’ appropriately in the following sentences.

1. The students………… respect their teacher.

2. Every student……….. carry his or her i-card during the examination.
3. You……….. Keep away from bad habits like teasing girls, copying
in exams etc.
4. Madhur seems to be quite exhausted. She……. take some rest.
5. What you are doing these days is a wild goose chase. You………
rather concentrate on your own project

Q.5. Change the voice. 10

1) I don’t sing film songs.

2) Sahil likes black coffee.

3) Do we learn Hindi composition?

4) What does Monika want?

5) I play cricket every Sunday morning.

6) Albert brought these bags in the house.

7) Residents of my colony visited corporator’s office yesterday.

8) Shivani liked the junk food very much.

9) What do you want from God?

10) Mayur drove his car very fast last night.

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