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Kinetic Roads: A New Way

to Power Our Cities

In light of the increasing environmental

impacts of automobile movements,
electric energy is fast replacing fossil-
based energy as the principal driving
power. The kinetic road presents an
alternative source of electrical energy to
supplement the energy requirement for
transportation infrastructure, such as EV
recharge stations, road lighting, signage,

Roadway pavement occupies large

portions of urban and rural areas,
covering millions of square kilometers,
and is constantly exposed to tra!c-
induced pressures. This makes the roads
an excellent source of kinetic energy due
to the constant movements of vehicles
over them.

What is the
Concept of Kinetic
While a road doesn’t generate any kinetic
energy, the vehicles that run over it do.
Kinetic road technology uses the kinetic
energy accrued by vehicles to generate
electricity. This is done by installing an
energy ramp under the road. The energy
ramp consists of an energy conversion
assembly that sits underground and a
ramp embedded in the road surface.

The majority of the kinetic energy in an

automobile is lost as heat when it passes
a road breaker. The fundamentals of
kinetic road technology are based on
harvesting this energy for conversion into
electricity. The electricity thus generated
can be stored or transmitted as required.

When a moving vehicle passes over the

ramp, the vertical force from the ramp
compresses a piezoelectric material,
which in turn causes multiple pumping
movements that finally run a generator
to produce electricity. In this way, the
kinetic energy generated by the speeding
vehicles gets converted into electrical
energy. The energy ramps can be
installed at many points along the road.

The kinetic road is one of those new

technologies of today that harvests
di"erent types of energy produced on
roads to generate green electrical energy.
Currently, India has over 1,45,240 km of
national highways and a massive length
of state highways and other roads that
account for a huge amount of wasted
kinetic energy that occurs on pavements.

The system’s research reveals that at

16,949 vehicles per hour on the road, it
has a 2 MW power-generating capacity,
of which 8 MWh of usable energy may be
obtained in a day with continuous tra!c

Impact of Kinetic
Roads on
Harnessing Kinetic
Kinetic roads have a simple yet brilliant
concept: they convert the kinetic energy
that moving cars produce into electrical
energy. These roads’ embedded
piezoelectric materials transform
mechanical energy from moving cars into
a clean, renewable energy source. When
a vehicle passes over the embedded
piezoelectric sensors on these roads,
electrical energy is produced. Numerous
uses for this energy exist, such as grid
recharging and powering street lights
and tra!c signals.

Reducing Carbon
Kinetic roads’ main benefit is their ability
to lower carbon emissions. Kinetic roads
actively support the energy grid,
minimising the need for additional power
from conventional sources, in contrast to
traditional roadways, which are
essentially passive structures that act as
vehicle highways. In order to minimise
transportation’s negative environmental
e"ects while lowering dependency on
fossil fuels, kinetic roads harness the
energy produced by normal vehicle

Kinetic roads are a major advancement in
infrastructure development and urban
planning for sustainable development.
These roads have the capacity to
generate electricity in addition to
supporting ecologically friendly building
practices. Using eco-friendly construction
methods and recycled materials to create
kinetic road components are two ways to
make infrastructure development more

Challenges and
Although kinetic roads have a lot of
potential, there are still some problems
that need to be fixed before they can be
used extensively. For instance, kinetic
road technology may initially prove to be
too costly for many municipalities to
adopt. Advocates assert, however, that
eventually the energy savings and lower
maintenance costs balance the initial

Benefits of the
Kinetic Roads
These roads emit no pollution
and can create an infinite quantity
of energy and power
These roads are low-cost and
require little upkeep. The
construction of these roads may be
expensive at first, but it will be cost-
e"ective in the long run
Because the roadways are pre-
cast with these kinetic materials, no
manual labour is necessary during
the process. These roads are built
similarly to interlocking concrete
block pavements
Because constant monitoring is
eliminated, no gasoline is
consumed in transportation.
Furthermore, unlike flexible
pavements, these roads do not
require stoning, dusting, or
macadam work and are hence
These roadways, if they wear
down over time, can be quickly
replaced in a matter of minutes. As
a result, they do not obstruct tra!c
for an extended period. As a result,
time is saved
Throughout the year, these roads
use less energy. The energy
generated by these roadways is
tremendous and valuable for other
forms of activity as well

The ever-increasing global population
and the need to address all modern living
requirements in sustainable ways are
constantly pushing the demand for
pollution-free energy on a global scale.
Although conventional sources of energy
are still prevalent due to many types of
issues, attempts are being made to find
ways to generate green energy and
reduce emissions.

Kinetic Road technology o"ers the

generation of green energy at a very
economical cost, without using any
natural resources. Converting tra!c jams
into electricity can be a significant
milestone in the government’s
urbanisation drive.

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