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Tehsil - Nagda

District - Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh


Application No. 156/B - 121/Caste Certificate Dated : 04/05/2019

Certificate No. : RS/435/0106/3050/2019

1. T his is to cert ify t hat Shri SUNIL YADAV Son of Shri RAMRAJ YADAV (Fat her) and Smt . GEETA YADAV
(Mot her) of Town Nagda (M), Dist rict Ujjain of t he St at e Madhya Pradesh belongs to t he Ahir Cast e,
which is in t he list of ot her backward classes at serial no. 1 not ified as under :-
(i) Re solution No. 12011/68/93-BCC(C) date d 10/09/93 publishe d in the Gaze tte of India Extraordinary Part I S e c tion I No.
186 date d 13/09/93 (ii) Re solution No. 12011/9/94-BCC date d 19/10/94 publishe d in the Gaze tte of India Extraordinary Part I
S e c tion I No. 163 date d 20/10/94 (iii) Re solution No. 12011/7/95-BCC date d 24/05/95 publishe d in the Gaze tte of India
Extraordinary Part I S e c tion I No. 88 date d 25/05/95 (iv) Re solution No. 12011/96/94-BCC date d 09/03/96 (v) Re solution No.
12011/44/96-BCC date d 06/12/96 publishe d in the Gaze tte of India Extraordinary Part I S e c tion I No. 210 date d 11/12/96 (vi)
Re solution No. 12011/13/97-BCC date d 03/12/97 (vii) Re solution No. 12011/99/94-BCC date d 11/12/97 (viii) Re solution No.
12011/68/98-BCC date d 27/10/99 (ix) Re solution No. 12011/88/98-BCC date d 06/12/99 publishe d in the Gaze tte of India
Extraordinary Part I S e c tion I No. 270 date d 06/12/99 (x) Re solution No. 12011/36/99-BCC date d 04/04/2000 publishe d in
the Gaze tte of India Extraordinary Part I S e c tion I No. 71 date d 04/04/2000 (xi) Re solution No. 12011/44/99-BCC date d
21/09/2000 publishe d in the Gaze tte of India Extraordinary Part I S e c tion I No. 210 date d 21/09/2000 (xii) Re solution No.
12015/9/2000-BCC date d 06/09/2001 (xiii) Re solution No. 12011/1/2001-BCC date d 19/06/2003 (xiv) Re solution No.
12011/4/2002-BCC date d 13/01/2004 (xv) Re solution No. 12011/9/2004-BCC date d 16/01/2006 publishe d in the Gaze tte of
India Extraordinary Part I S e c tion I No. 210 date d 16/01/2006 (xvi) Re solution No. 12011/14/2004-BCC date d 12/03/2007
publishe d in the Gaze tte of India Extraordinary Part I S e c tion I No. 67 date d 12/03/2007 (xvii) Re solution No. 12015/2/2007-
BCC date d 18/08/2010 (xviii) Re solution No. 12015/15/2008-BCC date d 16/06/2011 (xix) Re solution No. 12015/13/2010-BCC
date d 08/12/2011

T his is also to cert ify t hat he/she does not belong to t he persons/sect ions (Creamy Layer) ment ioned in
Column 3 of t he Schedule to t he Government of India. Depart ment of Personnel & Training O.M. No.
36012/22/93-Est t . (SCT ) dat ed 08/09/93 which is modified vide OM No. 36033/3/2004-Est t .(Res.) dat ed
09/03/2004, furt her modified vide OM No. 36033/3/2004-Est t .(Res.) dat ed 14/10/2008, No.
36036/2/2013-Est t .(Res.) dat ed 30/05/2014, No. 36033/1/2013-Est t .(Res.) dat ed 13/09/2017 or t he
lat est not ificat ion of t he Government of India.

It is cert ified t hat t he Annual Income of t he family of Shri SUNIL YADAV is Rs. 30000.00 on t he basis of
income cert ificat e issued by compet ent aut horit y/employer/affidavit e produced by her/him.

Shri SUNIL YADAV and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in Town Nagda (M) of Dist rict Ujjain of t he St at e
Madhya Pradesh.

Place : Nagda
St at e : Madhya Pradesh
Dat e: 04/05/2019
R P Verma
Sub Divisional Officer (Revenue)
SSSM No.: 140232125
Tehsil - Nagda

1. T his is to cert ify t hat t his cert ificat e is downloaded from digit ally signed document repository
(ht t ps://mpedist rict of M.P. Government . Cert ificat e is digit ally signed by compet ent aut horit y.
2. T his is recognized under IT Act 2000.
3. T his Cert ificat e can be verified online using Regist rat ion No. RS/435/0106/3050/2019 from websit e
(ht t ps://mpedist rict

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