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Preferred Name:_________________ Pronoun:________________ Yrs @ UIOWA___________

me what brings you to psych?

1. Workload and Staffing Levels:

O "How do you feel about our current staffing levels? Do you feel adequately supported during
O "Are there specific times or days when you feel staffing is particularly challenging?"

2. Training and Development:

O "What additional training or support would help you perform your job more
O "Are there any skills or areas of practice where you feel you need more training or
3. Communication and Team Dynamics:
O "How effective do you find our current communication methods within the team?"
O "Do you have any suggestions for improving teamwork or morale among the staff?"
4. Patient Care and Safety:
O "Are there any patient care challenges or safety concerns you've noticed that we should
O "What improvements do you think we could make to enhance patient outcomes?"
5. Personal Well-being and Support:
O "How are you managing stress and burnout? Do you feel supported in maintaining
your well-being?"
O "Is there anything outside of work that impacts your ability to perform your job
6. Feedback and Suggestions:
O "Do you have any suggestions for changes or improvements that would make your job
easier or more fulfilling?"
O "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss or bring to my attention about your role or
the department?"
As your manager, what can I do more (or less) of?

These questions are designed to open dialogue, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate
my commitment to supporting my nursing staff. Listening actively to their responses and taking
action where possible will help foster a positive work environment and enhance patient care

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