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Geography Class III

Leisure activities and the weather ( Pg 34- 35)

1. Which leisure activities need fine weather?

Ans. Walking, cycling, bird-watching, fishing or horse-riding all need fine weather. None of
these activities is fun with rain and if there is a cold wind blowing.

2. What leisure activities need cold, snowy weather?

Ans. Making a snowman, playing with a sledge, skiing or snowboarding need cold, snowy
weather. These are seasonal activities.

3. What leisure activities need wind?

Ans. Sailing boats and flying kites need wind. It would not be easy to sail a boat or fly a kite if
the air is still.

4. Name some leisure activities, which can take place under cover.
Ans. Swimming, tennis and indoor ice-skating are activities which can take place under cover.
People can ski or snowboard all the year round in many indoor ice-skating rinks.

Fill in the blanks:

a) Indoor activities can be carried out whatever the weather is like.
b) Horse-riding and bird- watching are outdoor activities.
c) Sailing and kite-flying need winds.
d) Some activities are seasonal, although they do not have to be.

Write True or False

a) The climate of the British Isles is unpredictable. True
b) There are no undercover leisure activities. False
c) Outdoor activities are much fun if they are not pouring with rain. True
d) We can fly a kite if the air is completely still. False

© Maple Leaf International School 2023 Page 1

Geography Class III

Earthquakes (Pages 40-41)

Q1. How are earthquakes caused?

Ans. Earthquakes are caused when the Earth’s plates push against each other creating pressure
until they slip. The land then shakes violently.

Q2. What is San Andreas Fault?

Ans. In the United States where the two of the Earth’s plates meet on land. There is a huge
crack or fault in the rocks, which runs for more than 900 km along the coast. This is San
Andreas Fault.

Q3. What may happen if an earthquake occurs near a settlement?

Ans. An earthquake near a settlement can cause severe damage. It can cause buildings and
bridges to collapse; roads to crack and above all thousands of people get killed and injured.

4. What damage earthquake caused in Kobe, Japan?

Ans. The earthquake in Kobe, Japan caused buildings and bridges to collapse and roads to crack
and break up. Nearly 5500 people were killed and more than 35000 were injured.

Fill in the Blanks:

a) Every day there are about 3000 earthquakes.
b) When the Earth’s plates meet, they usually slide past each other.
c) Most of the places where the Earth’s plates meet are under the oceans and seas.
d) Pressure builds up as the plates push against each other.

Write True or False

a) About once a year, there is an earthquake large enough to cause a little damage. False
b) Mild earthquakes often occur along the San Andreas Fault, but sometimes they are severe. True
c) Along the western side of the United States five plates meet on land. False
d) Sometimes the edges of the plates stick together and cannot move. True

© Maple Leaf International School 2023 Page 2

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