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Phone: +61 (0) 402 731 563


Hello and best wishes,

Thank you for taking the time to investigate how the Plant Wellness Way (PWW) methodology
from Lifetime Reliability Solutions (LRS) can help you get world class reliability, maintenance
and operational results.

A PDF copy of the first edition of the Plant and Equipment Wellness book can be downloaded
using this link: Plant and Equipment Wellness PDF Book. It introduces and overviews the PWW
concepts, methods and techniques to get reliability, maintenance and operational excellence
performance. Examples on applying the Plant Wellness Way are available from the PWW
tutorial menu at the LRS Global website.

You can get a short white paper on how to use Plant and Equipment Wellness with the PAS 55
asset management specification, and the ISO 55001 asset management standard at Make
PAS-55 and ISO-55001 Successful. It explains how to get maximum equipment reliability and
production uptime from their frameworks. PAS 55 and ISO 55001 suggest ‘what’ an enterprise
asset management system ought to contain, but do not explain ‘how’ to get outstanding physical
asset reliability and operational performance. The Plant Wellness Way does what PAS 55 and
ISO 55001 cannot do—it gives you the ‘how’ to get the world class reliability and maintenance
success needed for operational excellence.

You also get free access to our 20-video set of the Plant and Equipment Wellness training
course on YouTube. Simply click the link to the training contents webpage: Plant Wellness Way
videos. The videos were professionally filmed during a 3-day training course for Licenced PWW
Consultants in USA. Use the webpage links anytime you want to view a video. You can
download a free spread sheet with ISO 55001 mapped to Plant Wellness Way training slides.

Plant Wellness Way to a World Class Operation

Make use of the Plant Wellness Way when you want to get world class operational performance
most quickly. PWW applies reliability engineering science to let you build a ‘system-of-
reliability’, i.e. a business with processes designed to get maximum operating success. You
access simple, yet powerful tools and methods to design and create world class operational
performance that lasts.

The Plant Wellness Way lets you take your company to world class operating performance
faster with new solutions to design and build successful and robust processes for Operational

1) The ‘Stress to Process’ life-cycle asset management model is how you populate your
business processes with the right lifecycle activities that make your plant and equipment world
class reliable.

2) Process success simulating lets you introduce probabilistic stresses on your process
designs and see how to build ever better business processes to get the outcomes and
performance you want.

3) The Accuracy Controlled Enterprise uses 3T (Target-Tolerance-Test) work quality

assurance to provide clear quality standards and guidance to deliver right-first-time, least cost
products and services.

With the Plant Wellness Way you build a ‘system-of-reliability’ that:

 Brings you world class maintenance, maximum productivity and least operating costs
Phone: +61 (0) 402 731 563

 Gets your machinery and equipment operating trouble-free so your plant ticks over like
 Stops machines failing and makes them highly reliable so they run and produce at best
 Turns your business into a holistic, lifecycle-long, integrated system built for Operational
Excellence success.
 Tracks your operation systematically, so you can tune it to make right-first-time
 Measures operational risk and probability of success so you can see and pick your best
business options.
 Applies physics-of-failure solutions so your equipment works within the limits of its
material and physical capabilities.
 Removes the tens-of-thousands of lifecycle failure causes waiting to be triggered in your
 Turns your current operating losses into new operating profits by preventing failures,
wastes and excesses.
 Uses powerful business risk abatement tools in a simple methodology that gets
Operational Excellence performance.

How to become a Plant Wellness System-of-Reliability

You follow a phased approach to create an operational excellence company the Plant Wellness

 Design: In this phase you analyse your current operation and redesign it to get the
most successful business processes using the Stress to Process model and Process
Success Simulating.

 Document: The optimal processes are imbedded into your standard operating
procedures using Accuracy Controlled Enterprise quality assurance techniques.

 Train: You and your people learn how to successfully use the new ‘system-of-reliability’
so Operational Excellence becomes normal.

 Implement: You make the required workflow changes to become a world class

By first designing and documenting your processes for maximum reliability you ‘lock’ the best
methods for operational excellence success into your company. Training your people in the
new ways and workflows gives them the right knowledge, skills and confidence. Implementation
after training delivers fast execution and a smooth transition to new and lasting success.

Contacts for More Information

Below are listed the Consultants who use the Plant Wellness Way methodology to get world
class performance from industrial operations. Talk to a Licensed PWW Consultant to get more
information on how you can ‘change the game’ for your company with the Plant Wellness Way
to Operational Excellence.

United States (South & North Carolina, Florida, Georgia): Bruce McLaughlin (email or phone 864-430-2695)
Phone: +61 (0) 402 731 563

United States (Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana): Arnie Newland (Email or Cell: 813-334-2047)

United States (Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana): Don Roberts (Email or Cell: 206-730-2413)

Canada (Alberta, British Columbia): Don Roberts (Email or

Cell: 206-730-2413)

Canada (Central, including East Coast): Angelo Romano (Email or Cell: Canada (514) 831-3089)

Europe (Scandinavia): Birgitta Gahm (email or Cell: +46 763 399

South America (Brazil South & Central West): Maurício de Paula (email or Cell +55 15 91210557)

Africa (Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Malawi): Themba Musvosve (email or phone +26 3774 381 213)

Africa (Ethiopia): Mandefro Tadesse (email or mobile/cell +251 (0)

911 14 9430)

Africa (Libya): Waseem Rehman (email or phone (int’l):


Africa (Nigeria): Gladsome Udoh (Email

Africa (South Africa): Thokozani Ngcobo (Email or mobile/cell 078

996 2795 / 076 221 5389)

China (Guangdong Province): Guang Zhen Guo (email or phone 138
2653 0389)

Malaysia: Ir. Lam Sing Yew (email or phone +60 3 8070 1646)

India (South): Ashvin Shastav (email or phone: India 91-44-

2489 2289 / 3389)

India (West): Neeraj Kumar (email or mobile/cell: India

91971294 0986)

Middle East and Gulf States: Khalid Momani (email or mobile/cell: UAE
+971 503543441)

Australia (West): Mike Sondalini (email or phone +61 8 9457



1) You are welcome to forward this email to other people you know who would get value from
watching the PWW videos or having their own PDF copy of the Plant and Equipment Wellness
Phone: +61 (0) 402 731 563

2) We seek to license independent consultants world-wide to use the Plant Wellness Way
methods and techniques with their Clients. If you are interested to know more about becoming
a Licensed Consultant please make contact. The license we offer to use the PEW methodology
IP is for people and businesses who want to market Operational Excellence, Enterprise Asset
Management and Reliability Management best practice solutions to their clients.

All the best to you,

Mike Sondalini

Lifetime Reliability Solutions

Mobile/Cell: +61 (0) 402 731 563
Office Phone: +61 8 9457 6297
Fax: +61 8 9457 8642

The Plant Wellness Way: the fast track to world class reliability and operational excellence

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