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* Phương pháp làm bài:

- Làm dàn ý bằng cách đọc kĩ đề bài, ghi các câu hỏi và vạch ra câu trả lời dưới dạng cụm
- Xác định thì của động từ sẽ viết
- Sử dụng đa dạng từ vựng, cấu trúc ngữ pháp
- Sử dụng các từ nối phù hợp, lưu ý ngắt câu và phân chia đoạn.
- Kiểm tra xem bài viết đảm bảo đầy đủ cấu trúc của một bức thư
- Đảm bảo trả lời tất cả các ý được hỏi
- Kiểm tra lỗi chính tả, thì của động từ, dạng thức của từ, dấu câu, bố cục…

* Cấu trúc bài viết thư và một số mẫu câu:

Lời chào:
Dear…., Hi….,
Đoạn 1: Bắt đầu bức thư:
- Thanks for your letter.
- How are you? / How are things?
- Hope you’re well.
Nhận xét về một thông tin trong bức thư mà người bạn viết cho bạn

- I’m sorry to hear/ learn that…….

- I’m pleased to hear that …….
- It’s great/ wonderful to hear…..

Đoạn 2: Viết vào nội dung chính, trả lời các câu hỏi của đề bài. Sử dụng một số cách

- Anyway, the reason I’m writing is………

- Anyway, I was wondering……….
- I’m writing to tell/ask you about………..

Sau đó trả lời đầy đủ các thông tin mà đề bài yêu cầu. Cần phát triển ý với ví dụ, minh họa
cụ thể.

Đoạn 3: Kết thư : Ra dấu hiệu kết thúc, có thể sử dụng các cụm sau:

Well, that’s all for now

Write back soon.

Look forward to hearing from you again.

Best wishes, / Love,

Example: This is part of a letter you received from your pen friend in America.
“I went to a great restaurant with my family last night. Which do you prefer:
eating at home or in restaurants? Tell me about your favourite place to eat.”
Write a letter to reply your friend’s letter. You should write in 100-120 words.


1. This is part of a letter you receive from an American friend,John.
“I guess there are many traditional festivals in your country. What’s the most
important one? How do people celebrate this festival? Write and tell me about it!”
Now write a letter answering your friend’s questions on the answer sheet. You should write
your answer in about 100 – 120 words.

Dear John,
How are you? I’m very happy to receive your letter. In your last letter, you asked me about an
important festival in my country. So, I want to tell you about it now.
There are so many traditional festivals in my country. They depend on the area and they are
different according to the seasons or people. However, the most important one is Tet, which is
celebrated all over the country. Tet takes place on the first day of the new year according to the
lunar calendar. People prepare for Tet holiday by buying food and cookies, candies and
decorating their house. On the occasion, we often visit our neighbours, friends and relatives to
wish them a happy new year. Children are often bought new clothes and receive “lucky money”
on this occasion. All of us feel very happy to welcome a new year.
How about you? Can you tell me something about the way people celebrate new year in your
country? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes,

2. This is part of a letter you receive from and English friend.

“My parents want me to go on holiday with them this summer but I’d prefer to go
somewhere with my friends. I have to choose. What do you think I should do?”
Write a letter 100-120 words to give your friends some advice.

Dear Anna,
Hi, how are you doing?
How is your family? Are they alright? Please say hello to them from me.
In the letter you told me about your holiday, didn’t you? In my opinion, if I were you, I’d go with my
family. You told me your parents were always busy so you couldn’t talk to them often. Why don’t you go
with them? You can have a nice talk with your parents. Your parents must want to go with you. Next
year is your last year of the university so you’ll be much busier than now. Otherwise, you can’t go to the
trip with your family anymore, perhaps. I think there will be a lot of chances for you to enjoy with your
friends; so this time, I’d recommend you to go with your family. Family time is precious, I think.
Anyway, take care of yourself.
I hope to hear from you soon.
GREETINGS AND -Dear/ Hi/ Hello John. How are you? /How are things?/ How is it
- Many thanks for/ Thank you for your email/letter.
- It was really nice/ good to hear from you again.
- I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long time./ It’s been such a
long time since we wrote to each other.
- I hope you and your family are well./ I hope everything’s OK.
REASONS FOR - Just a short note…
WRITING -I’m writing about…
GIVING - Good news!
INFORMATION - Unfortunately….
-- I thought you might be interested to hear about/know that …
- This is just to let you know that…. Oh, and another thing …………
REFERRING TO - Great news bout…………

THEIR NEWS - Glad to hear that……….

- Sorry to hear about ……………..
ASKING FOR - Can you tell me a little more about….?
INFORMATION - I’d like to know about ….
- Please send me some information about…
REQUESTS - Can/could you…...?
- Can I have…..?
- I wonder if you could help me ……………
- I would be very/really grateful if you could ……………
ACTIONS - I’ll look into it
- I’ll get back to you soon.
OFFERING HELP - Do you want me to…?
- Shall I….?
- Let me know if you’d like me to….

APOLOGY - I’m really sorry that I forgot to send you a birthday card but I was
busy with my new job.
INVITATION - We’re having a party on Friday 19th and I/we hope you’ll be able
to come.
- Would you like to come/go to see ‘Room With a View’ with me at
the weekend.
- Could you let me/us know if you can come/you’d like to join us?
THANKS/ - It was so kind of you to invite me to stay with you.
CONGRATULATIONS - I really appreciated all your help/advice.
/ - Congratulations on passing your exams/ your excellent exam
GOODLUCK results!
- Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do well.
- I wish you good luck./ Good luck in your exam/ test.
SUGGESTIONS AND - Why don’t you V…………………?
RECOMMENDATIONS - How about Ving…………..?
- I’m sure you will enjoy Ving. If you like, we can …………

CONCLUSION (FINAL - Thanks again for….

COMMENTS) - Let me know if you need anything else
- Just give me a call if you have any questions
- Please write/ drop me a line soon
- I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
- Hope to hear from you soon.
- Give my love/ regards to …………

CLOSING - Love,….
- Yours,….
- Kind regards….
- Best wishes,
-All the best,…
- Lots of love,

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