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1. Awali kegiatan dengan berdoa, bersikap tenang dan tidak terburu – buru
2. Simak dan pahami semua penjelasan dan intruksi dari pengawas. Jika ada yang
kurang jelas, tanyakan pada pengawas.
3. Pastikan semua kolom pada LJK sudah terisi dengan benar.
4. Baca dan pahami baik – baik soal, hingga kalian yakin telah memahami isi pertanyaan.
5. Dahulukan menjawab soal soal yang menurut kalian mudah.
6. Kerjakan dengan tenang dan teliti
7. Waktu yang disediakan adalah 60 menit
8. Jika masih cukup waktu, periksa kembali semua jawaban, apakah sudah sesuai.
9. Jika sudah selesai, Soal dan LJK wajib dikumpulkan.



1. Look at the picture!

Lina is ______ the yard.

a. Mopping c. Racking
b. Sweeping d. Swinging
2. I get to school at 6.30 every day, and school _________ at 7 o’clock.
a. Finishes c. Begins
b. Rings d. Clears
The following text is for question number 3 to 5
Hello everybody! My name is Budi and this is my morning routine. My mother’s
name is Diana and she is a housewife. She gets up at 4 o’clock every morning, then
she ______ (3) breakfast for the family. After that, she ______ (4) cleaning our
house. At 5:30, I get up. After that, I take a bath and get dressed. At 6 o’clock I
have breakfast with the other family.
I ______ (5) home at 6:30 and arrive at school at 6:45 by bicycle.
3. The most appropriate word to fill the blank is …
a. Gets c. Cleans
b. Prepares d. Has
4. The most appropriate word to fill the blank is …
a. Is c. Starts
b. Sweeps d. Gets
5. The most appropriate word to fill the blank is …
a. Get c. Walk
b. Go d. Leave
6. Look at the picture!
This is Mr. and Mrs. Carlsten. Thay are …
a. Postmen
b. Models
c. Police officers
d. Steward and stewardess
7. My father is a _______. His job is fixing broken machines.
a. Mechanic c. Pilot
b. Teacher d. Driver
8. Teacher : Leo, what does your father do?
Leo : ____________.
The most appropriate answer of the question is …
a. He is pilot
b. He is washing his car right now
c. He is fine, thank you
d. It’s none of your business

9. A woman who takes people’s order and bring food in restaurant is called …
a. Cook c. Waiter
b. Cashier d. Waitress
10. My grand father is an army retirement. The underlined words imply …
a. He is a good army
b. He wanted to be army, but could not achieve it
c. He was an army, and now he has stopped working
d. He loves everyone who work as an army
11. It is a place to take care of sick people. It is a …
a. Vet c. Beauty clinic
b. Hospital d. Saloon
12. My uncle’s job is to send letters. He works in …
a. Parking area c. Internet cafe
b. Bank d. Post office
The following text is for question number 13 to 15
Solo Safari
There is a new tourist attraction in Surakarta, it is called Solo Safari. As its
name, it is actually a zoo. It was formerly named Taman Satwa Taru Jurug. It was
under major construction last 2022 and starting from January 27th, 2023, it is soft-
opened for public. The zoo is a home for more than three hundred and seventy-four
animals from a total of eighty-seven Indonesian endemic species that are endangered
and protected.
13. What public place is described in the text?
a. Zoo c. Movie theatre
b. Amusement park d. Mall
14. When was Solo Safari been reconstructed?
a. In 2023 c. January 27th, 2023
b. In January d. In 2022
15. How many species are there in the site?
a. 374 c. 807
b. 3074 d. 87
The following picture is for question number 16 to 20

16. The police station is _______ the swimming pool.

a. Opposite to c. Between
b. Next to d. On the corner of

17. The supermarket is ________ the museum and the hospital.

a. Next to c. In front of
b. Among d. Between
18. It is next to the park and opposite to the museum. It is a …
a. School c. Hospital
b. Supermarket d. Fire station
19. It is at the end of the T-junction, between the fire station and the hotel. It is a …
a. Restaurant c. Hospital
b. Swimming pool d. Bank
20. The following statements are correct based on the picture, except …
a. The swimming pool is opposite to the hotel
b. The fire station is between the bank and the park
c. The hospital is beside the fire station, opposite to the supermarket
d. Restaurant is at the end of the road, opposite to the police station
21. Look at the picture!
They are …
a. Skrits
b. Short pants
c. Trousers
d. Sneakers
22. Look at the picture!
It is a …
a. Dress
b. Skirt
c. Gown
d. Hotpant
23. It is used on the hip to tightened the trousers. It is a/an …
a. Tie c. Belt
b. Scarf d. Hat
24. It is used to protect the head from the sun hit. It is a …
a. Tie c. Belt
b. Scraf d. Hat
25. The clothing which is used by the students are called …
a. School uniform c. Shirt and skirt
b. School pajamas d. School clothing
26. Georgia pulled the strands of hair off ther brush and threw... into a bin.
a. It c. Its
b. Her d. Them
27. “You took your medication,...? mother asked.
a. Did you c. Have you
b. Didn’t you d. Haven’t you

No. 28 to 32, Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

Have you ever played chess? Some say you need to be very (28) .... to play it well but
it is quite easy to learn. I started learning when I was only six years old and it helped
me my powers of (29) .... . If you want to achieve (30) .... as a chess player, the
maiinn requiremet is an ability to analyse a situation (31) .... . chess even helped me
find various (32) ... to the mathematical problems I was given for homework.
28. .....
a. Skill c. Skills
b. Skilled d. Skillfull
29. .......
a. Concentrate c. Concentrated
b. Concentrating d. Concentration
30. ......
a. Success c. Successfully
b. Succeessful d. Succeed
31. ......
a. Effective c. Effect
b. Effectively d. Effected
32. ......
a. Solve c. Solved
b. Solving d. Solution
33. Mrs. Chan ... in this school since 1995.
a. Taught c. Will be teaching
b. Is teaching d. Has been teaching
The dialogue for question no 34-38
Salsa met Intan the green grocery. They talked about their favorite fruits and
Salsa : Hi, Intan. Nice to meet you here …………………. (34) you like Durian ?
Intan : ……………. (35). I don’t like the strong smell of it. What about you ?
Salsa : I really like it. I think durian is a delicious fruit. By the way, what do you
…….. (36)?
Intan : Oranges and watermelon
Salsa : ……………. (37) your sister like them ?
Intan : Yes, she does. Mmm, It is enough for me, I have go home now. See you later
Salsa : …………………. (38)

34. .........
a. Doing c. Does
b. Do d. Did
35. ....
a. Yes, she does c. No, she doesn’t
b. Yes, I do d. No, I don’t
36. .....
a. Buy c. Buys
b. Bought d. Buying
37. .....
a. Doing c. Does
b. Did d. Do
38. .......
a. You are welcome c. See you
b. Nice to meet you d. Oke, let’s go now
39. Mother is coming home with forty oranges. She stores half of it to be made as an
orange cake tomorrow. Half of the rest is given to the grandma next door. And the rest
is served to my family. My family consist of my father, my mother, my brother, my
sister and me. If each of us gets the same number of oranges, how many oranges do I
a. Two oranges c. Five oranges
b. Four oranges d. Eight oranges
40. “…the state parliament and makes laws…”
The synonym of the underlined word is …
a. Regulations c. Policies
b. Regulators d. Strategies

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