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1. Awali kegiatan dengan berdoa, bersikap tenang dan tidak terburu – buru
2. Simak dan pahami semua penjelasan dan intruksi dari pengawas. Jika ada yang
kurang jelas, tanyakan pada pengawas.
3. Pastikan semua kolom pada LJK sudah terisi dengan benar.
4. Baca dan pahami baik – baik soal, hingga kalian yakin telah memahami isi pertanyaan.
5. Dahulukan menjawab soal soal yang menurut kalian mudah.
6. Kerjakan dengan tenang dan teliti
7. Waktu yang disediakan adalah 60 menit
8. Jika masih cukup waktu, periksa kembali semua jawaban, apakah sudah sesuai.
9. Jika sudah selesai, Soal dan LJK wajib dikumpulkan.



1. Look at the picture!

It is number …
a. Eleven c. Thirteen
b. Twelve d. Fourteen
2. Look at the picture!
It is number …
a. Eith c. Eigth
b. Eigh d. Eight
3. Look at the picture!
There are … bananas in the picture.
a. Seven c. Nine
b. Eight d. Ten
4. The number comes after fourteen is …
a. Threeteen b. Thirteen c. Fiveteen d. Fifteen
5. Mother comes home with twelve oranges. I take three of them. How many oranges are left?
a. Four b. Nine c. Twelve d. Fifteen
6. Look at the picture!
The colour of a leaf is usually …
a. Green c. Purple
b. Blue d. Black
7. Look at the picture!
The colour of a pineapple is usually …
a. Red c. Brown
b. Orange d. Yellow
8. The colour of a clear sky is …
a. Blue b. White c. Grey d. Red
9. The following are the rainbow colour, except …
a. Orange b. Green c. Grey d. Violet
10. When we combine red and blue, it becomes …
a. Yellow b. Green c. Orange d. Purple
11. Look at the picture!
It is a …
a. Chicken c. Duck
b. Hen d. Bird

12. Look at the picture!

It is a …
a. Goat c. Dog
b. Sheep d. Wolf
13. It has four legs. The colour is black and white or brown. It produces milk. It moos. It is a …
a. Goat b. Cow c. Horse d. Bull
14. Chicken produces the following things, except …
a. Eggs b. Meats c. Feathers d. Scales
15. Baby chicken is called chick, baby duck is called …
a. little duck b. duckling c. ducks d. ducklish
16. Look at the picture!
It is a …
a. Notebook c. Backpack
b. Pencil case d. Sharpener
17. Look at the picture!
It is a/an …
a. Eraser c. Sharpener
b. Ruler d. Scissors
18. Look at the picture!
The followings are in the picture, except …
a. Eraser c. Sharpener
b. Ruler d. Scissors
19. They are used to cut things. They are …
a. Erasers b. Rulers c. Sharpeners d. Scissors
20. Look at the pictures!

If mother only gives you Rp. 10.000 what things could you buy?
a. Two books and an eraser
b. A book and three pencils
c. A book, two pencils, and two erasers
d. A book, two pencils, and an eraser

21. Look at the picture!

They are ….
a. Bananas c. Jackfruits
b. Grapes d. Berries
22. Look at the picture!
It is a …
a. Pineapple c. Starfruit
b. Jackfruit d. Mangosteen
23. It is a fruit. The colour is yellow. It is small, but long. Monkeys love it. It is a …
a. Banana b. Pineapple c. Cucumber d. Starfruit
24. It is a fruit. It has round shape, and orange colour. It tastes sour. It is a/an …
a. apple b. guava c. mangosteen d. orange
25. Look at the pictures!

1 2 3 4 5

Fruits are shown in pictures number …

a. 1–2–5
b. 2–3–4
c. 1–3–4
d. 2–3–5

26. A: “__________ did the story happen?”

B: “It happened long time ago.”

A. When B. Who C. Where D. Why
27. Yesterday, I __________ a story about a princess named Lolita.
A. Readed B. Read C. Red D. Rode
28. An aunt is __________.
A. Father/mother’s brother
B. Father/mother’s sister
C. Father/mother’s niece
D. Father/mother’s parents
29. Jane and Jack __________ at the field during recess.
A. Is B. Am C. Are D. Do
30. Haris, Wenxi and I are classmates. ______ like to play together.
A. He B. She C. They D. We
Read the story below and answer the questions. It is questions 31 - 35.

Grace is reading a book. It is about cooking.

She is worried that she can’t read some words.
She is happy when she looks at the colourful pictures of food in it.
Grace loves to look at pictures of burgers and cakes.
These are her favourite foods.
Then she turns to look on how to make a sandwich.
She is going to make an egg sandwich next week with her teacher.
She is very excited.
31. What is Grace doing?

A. She is cooking. C. She is reading.

B. She is eating D. She is drawing.

32. What is Grace’s favourite food?

A. Cake B. Sandwich C. Pizza D. Hotdog
33. The pictures in the book ________ .
A. Have no colours. C. Are not clear.

B. Have different colours. D. Are only cakes and burgers.

34. What does Grace want to learn from the book?

A. How to make a sandwich.

B. How to draw pictures of food.

C. How to fry an egg.

D. How to bake cakes.

35. Grace feels _______ about the cooking lesson with her teacher next week.
A. Worried C. Happy

B. Excited D. Terrified

36. Sinta : Hi, Daby.________?

Daby : Hi, Sinta. I’m pretty good. How about you?
The possible greetings to fill the blank is …
A. How are you? C. What’s your name?
B. How do you do? D. Do you think it is good?
37. Robby : My mom is coming._________, Bob.
Bob : Bye, Robby. See you next time.
The possible leave taking to fill the blank is …
A. How are you?
B. See you next time
C. How about coming home with me?
D. You are so nice.
38. Edward : Hi, Hudson. Tell me,_______?
Hudson : I’m from Surabaya.
The possible statement to fill the blank is …
A. Where do you live? C. Where are you from?
B. What city is it? D. Where is the city of Pahlawan?
39. Jane : Kate, where is Martha?
Kate : She is absent today. Her mother is sick.
Jane : Ow, I’m______to hear that.
A. Happy B. Glad C. Pity D. Sorry
40. Luke : Thanks for helping me with my homework, Nathan.
Nathan :_______________.
A. Thank you.
B. The same with you.
C. You’re welcome.
D. I don’t like homework.

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