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EXCLUSIVE! ! The official Airfix Model World magazine is your complete guide to the worid of scale modelling. making it essential reading for modellers with all levels of experience. Focusing on model aircratt, Airfix Model World also features cars, ships, sci-fi and space, meal ctmour ond figures AVAILABLE FROM: a) fern Re ANerny Tea cry ng nn ee hom 5S 5 6 el ch 2 oo et ee eae ice eee Soe fee eae eee es! ron ty apron cool Sk = (Fino al ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE by |ANIMO of Mig Jimenez ‘Copyright 2017 ERT UNIT ‘Sergiusz Pgczek ‘origina idea Are director Mig Jimenez ‘Editorial Managernent CCatlos Cuesta Sara Pagola Cover Mig Jimenez “Antonio Alonso lLeyout “Antonio Alonso Atle Assistant fain Hamilton, Stying & Community Manager Elizabeth Wiese Colaborator Moxi Fernéndee Nicolas Vassour Catlos Cuesta Ivan Drond Claudio Fernandez Roman Volchenkov Lincoln Wright César Oliva Fabrizio Pincell Laurent Tabib Daniele Gualielmi Mario Piori Translation Iain Hamilton ye. Jeb cniricas ER ISSN 2340-289 June 2017 CAMOUFLAGE crtical subject of military camouflage. This where the painting of all models begirs, arc with this i= sue we explore the innovative techniques used by modelers from around the works. Within this roleaso you wil alo ind two large artes descrbing the history of camouflage, featuring color profiles with descrp= tons that canbe a great source of inspiration when choosing a camouflage scheme, D fear readers - we bring you the 201h and very important issue af our magazine, devoted aniely to the \ithin the following pages, you wil se various examples of camouflage pattans Used not erly on tanks, tans, ships, uniforms, bu aso on scence fiction subjects. ‘Camou‘lage is an integral pat of the miltary theme, and thusis medtrcably elated to the modeling. Although many of you may fear the prospect of applying a more complicated pattern, we will ty 10 show you the devi's not s0 black ashe is painted! ‘The bass fox success i the preparation for work: Gathering reference, electing the proper paint colors and ‘ook, and sometimes doing tests on old modeks for the most complex schemes, ‘Thore wil azo be a bit of patience neadad before you see thera affect in most cases, It takes more tne to apply masking tapes or aluTack rolls than actual aitrushing ti important to pay attention to ths step, a it critical 10 achiovng the proper result fom our articles, you vill lan how to apply 2 hard edge camouflage on a tank or a locometve. Well show you how to create camouflage on 2 submarine - adding anithal lightning as well as combing it with mult= Lyared chipping. We will expire how to paint one of the most difficult and vsuall interesting pattans, the wellknown dice camouflage used by the Germans in 1944. Sharpen your sils and learn how to implament color modulation on a trichromatie camoull @ as expertly shown on the King Tiger, with easy to follow step by step instructions someone vas sil unable 1o measure tet painting skis, we recommend hand-paining ‘amouflage using lacquer pants - something that seems to be doomed to falure, buts possible and gives a very interestng and dynam range of effects. Finally, for those of you who ate fascinated by the art of figure panting, we wil show an effectwe way of painting the German Erbsenmuster uniform pattern, and for winter lovers we havea Stg illn white washable camoutlage, Enough tak it etme to get to work Sergjusz Peczek ELECTRIC PAINT SHAKER COMPATIBLE Pao ee eremmyrer retort veer ane Unique and exciting liquid chrome marker: High gloss effects can be MASKING LIQUID PEN created on most surfaces. Apply to smooth surfaces for a mirror-like ‘2MM OR AMM TIPS, ‘ffoct. Will write on glass and plastic. Highly opaque and permanont PLUS REFILLER STEEL MO . +39 049 89 Same day shipping from the USA Models, tools, and weathering accessories Largest paint store on the web Ga MEGAHOBBY.COM SEEING SPOTS RUSSIAN EXPO CAMOUFLAGE CAMOUFLAGE |_- MASCHINEN KRIEGER R | CAMOUFLAGED eet MODULATED CAMOUFLAGE ‘SS ERBSENMUSTER ag. 48 CAMOUFLAGE IN HISTORY THE AUSSIE Fernandez In 2006, the Australian Army received the first I1AA1 AIM Abrams. The first of the more than fifty units ordered to replace its ageing Leopard fleet. The Abrams tanks were delivered in a sand finish and lator received the Australian camouflage pattern, undoubtedly a very attractive alternative to the more ‘common NATO or plain sand schemes. It's obvious that the Aussias like to take their vehicles to the limit during manoeuvres: they show dents, broken and missing parts, faded paint. The result is a well used and abused appearance, almost to the same level of wear as vehicles engaged in real combat as, seen on the American Abrams tanks in Iraq. Another interesting fact is that most Australian Abrams tanks are given nicknames, so we can easily identify an individual tank during and after exercises, or even after having been repainted. “Avenger” is one of them. Thave used Rye Field Models kit ref. RM-5004, which allows us to build several versions and has all the necessary parts to build an Australian M1A1 AIM, including TISBLL tracks. I have scratch built ac- cessories and extra details like the ice cooler and flag bracket cartied by this particular vehicle. Even though we have several photos, | have taken some artistic license by altering a few details of this tank. In this article, ll show you how to paint the Australian color scheme, while adding a 3D appearance ‘and enhancing small details at the same time. This shall foundation will serve as the base for the ‘weathering phase in the next article, where we will explain how to create a result as close as possible to the images of the real vehicle during training exercises. (Once the sesembly i completa, the model wached ‘with soapy water to cean any possible remains of dr, dust cx oll residue from our hands that could hinder {900d paint aches. ‘The primer is aoplid in several thin cons, ty- ing net to cover the entite model in one go, especialy the frst layer. The primer creates a ‘onsbent surface when there are cifferent max fers, hichlights ery misteke in the build and improves paint aches. The green used by the Australian Army i Lusteles Olive Drab. Af te tying itfrent color mises, | finaly settled on a combination of NATO Green &MIG-0084, German Sand Brown A.MIG,0025 and Yellow A MIG-0048 ina 73/1 rao cespectivay : ‘The camouflage patches are masked with poster putty (Patafic 5 roled into tin sips and demarcated the areas etremain green, and as ied in with Tamiya Kabut tape. ma A The same process is then repeated on the rest of the mode 8 | THEWEATHERING MAGAZINE / CAMOUFLAGE The brown used in the Austealan camouflage FS30219. ITs a | used 4 parts of AMIG-0202, controversial color as it allegedly changes quite a lot n tone in 44of German Sand Brown &.MIG-0076 to photos, depending on the lighting conditions. ‘ive the pirkish hue that can be seen inthe photos, and 2 parts of whit pent Now the third cole i demarcated using poster puty spaghertis as be- Once again, masking tape s used to protect the areas nt tobe palhited fore. In the next camouflage color -back this ime 10 The last color of the camoufage scheme is Tamiya NATO Black luted The fine result appears with Tamiya Lacever Thinner (yellow cap bot. tion the Austelan vehic THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / CAMOUFLAGE / 9 With the masking method used, we get a semi-hard demarca Its a good idea to write down the mixes used for the camouflage colors, rt tion line, ast should be with this camouflage scheme. ‘only for future bulls and to pint small deta, but ao incase of mistakes ko Poster putty was used instaad of masking putty because the nat having protected some area correctly with the tape. latter tandstofaten an el, and if we're not caaful we could end up with a harc-edge camouflage Some spae pars are provided in the oricnal color In ths oa son we hove used Desert Sand ‘ANMIG:0029 for the US Army CARE paint. The same color ape Bled 10 the inner side ofthe hatch- £5, can be seen in photos of the real eile, ‘othar spares come in NATO Green, a the front mudguard here Yi weh the basi colors already app, 4 tore three-dimensional aposarance «an be aided tothe mode! in the next steps 7%) The previous work is sealed with satin vare ‘ish in preparation forthe fiers. THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE { CAMOUFLAGE J 11 Before applying the fer, the brush is unloaded onto a paper towel to get rd of the excess fiter ethenvise the fiter turns into a wash, Ths operation is done tice Contract ond volumes are enhanced by applying highlights and shadows with fl pains Light color ols are used for the highlight, 1 thc example Naples yew mixed with white 4 Final, we use a dry fibert brush to further blond the area and get ot any remaining hard edges. For the shadows we use a different of tone in each camoufioge colo. this case we used the new Oibrusher A.MIG-3500. It's 035) t0.useand you don't waste product ata ‘he olisthen blended with Odoress Thinner -E) The highlights and shacows applied with oils combined with the highlights on small deta and features create 2 more visually 2 tractive surtace 121 HE WEATHERING MAGAZINE { CAMOUFLAGE Gloss varnich & row airbruched onto the areas where decal are to be placed. Maro Set s brushed to fx the decals In place and then Micra Sol to adapt them to the surface, Itis alowed to diy over night before continuing Pin washes ae applied next. Don’t overdo this step or the finish will become unduly dak, The surface i fst moistened with thinner. Then the wash is brushed on tives, bois ard weld & panel nes Use a fiver brush forthe smaller det BP Finally, the oxcoss wath is leaned with a makeup sponge. THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE { CAMOUFLAGE / 13 Nicolas Vasseur ‘The WR 360 C 12 was a railroad locomotive engine used by the German Army during the Second World War. Essentially used on the European front, this locomotive made the connection from one military camp to another possible. Some refer- lence photos show locomotives of the same type used in North Africa as well. One can find a two-tone camouflage applied to some examples. Unfortunately, no official text lists the color code used. So, | took inspiration from photos to create a locomotive with a camouflage different from what can be seen on the armored wagons of the German Army, comprised namely of Dunkelgelb, Olivgrin and Rotbraun. Boing that the basic color of the locomotive Is black, | preferred to start from a very dark gray simply for aesthetic pur- poses. Having no official information on the color of camouflage patterns, | chose to use brown, as it can be found on some German vehicles on the North African front. 14 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE { CAMOUFLAGE \We startby applying alayer of gray primer on the entre modelo The base ccloris then sprayed wit an aitorush over the entre piece. This is break the surface tension ofthe plastic, enabling excelent adhe: 2 vey dark gray mbture of 90% matt black A.WIG-046 and 10%% gray stone ‘son ofthe paint to folloa’ AMG.O75. (wre adcing gray inthe base mtute, ansparator &.MIG-2017 To highlight some parts of the model, masks wil be used to spray the paint was added in order to give the paint a translucent power. As 2 without effecting the surrounding areas. This step also makes it posible to resul, transitions to thinner lyers are fine and subtle spay this ive moce volume tothe locomotive, by creating depth to upper and lower rrixtur on the upper parts ofthe locomotive areas. ‘The fina highights ae cared out with a propentian of 70% gray 10 30% black, alvays adding Tansperator. The areas to be worked are always continuously smaller and smaller, On tis area, we will work the center ofthe panel On the vertical aones, only the upper areas are worked, The Hele ‘maxing rape for curves used here, or he same principles ptevl cous seen, é Ptepe estan oo bees Othe zenitha ght tachnique over the ene model In ovder to achieve the pattems of bronn camouflage, Masking Putty is used to hide areas that wil not receive this coloz In adeltion to being reusable, ths versal tool is also easy to use and entremely effective. A tcothpick Wil be used ta celneate the Loaders of the camouttage (Once the future brown 2ones are welldefined withthe pty the band wil cover the last vse areas that must remain ofthe inital color ~~] then the colo Dunkelbaun is applied with the aerush and the camouflage crated finaly appears. Be sure to check for any necessary touchaps The puty is then gently removed ‘The brown zones ae then thinned using the same methods used previously forthe gray color. The vith AMIG.071 ka coir used hoe ic abxays Gunkelorsun A.MIG-007 mixed with equal The various details on the whole model ae highlighted ith 3 brush using the lighter Colors used previously. Thus, the bolts, exes. and some small surfaces land details like these guard vale 16 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE { CAMOUFLAGE ‘and the hands are lightened, Of course, care shouldbe taken to use the light gray onthe grey areas and the light brown on the brown part. fame dene of he duis of te cma iB poresnonie insur cowstngel oe toc SD ed bon show ANIC OTD and SD : J PII ccs ten ocr wits A | | inmepue red You can see here the diferent parts teated wth these colo — _S_ — = andthe dynam oft. ‘Once satisfied with the base color, a coat of satin varnish is apple with the atbrush ‘A black wath is then applied by brush around the details and in the recezes of the entre model. ‘Then afew minutes later, the effects moved arcund the de= tails andl removed from the outside of pare lines with the use ‘of a brush humid with enamel odor THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE { CAMOUFLAGE / 17 ‘We can see how the wash ges The fated color shaces ate then painted with ol pants, To do this, depth to the icomotive orce this use no less than seven diffoert Ollovushers. Spikes of paint are then eset step s comoiete spread over the surface of the model. | take care to apoly the light cclors on the locomative'sicht areas, and the dark colorson the areas cof shadows ‘then using odorless thinnor for enamel, |blend the colors on te sure We use this technique of ol dt fading on the enti locomotive, akways ‘aces, However, depending on the area on wich you are working, the making sure to apply the light colers on the areas of ight and the dar movement of the brush i differen, Here lam curving the roof of the

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