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In as much as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have

been accomplished among us, just as those who from the beginning were
experimenters and pioneers of the deck have delivered them to us, it seemed good
to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an
orderly account for you, most excellent Sisayphilus, that you may have certainty
concerning the combos you have been taught.

The Book of Combos

Written by Excidium
Edited by Lucifire

Prologue: The Winning Formula........................................................................... 1

Chapter 1: Emiel Combos.......................................................................................3
Chapter 1b.: Dihada Orrery.................................................................................. 4
Chapter 1c.: Gaea’s Cradle…….………………………………………………..6
Chapter 2: Oath of Teferi........................................................................................7
Chapter 3: Displacer Kitten..................................................................................10
Chapter 4: Birthing Pod / Vivien..........................................................................12
Chapter 5: Kiki-Jiki (Non-Pod)............................................................................13
Chapter 6: Ioreth of the Healing House.............................................................. 15
Chapter 7: Outdated Combo Lines......................................................................16
Cadric, Soul Kindler........................................................................................... 16
Peregrine Dynamo.............................................................................................. 18
Najeela the Bladeblossom.................................................................................. 19
Lazav.................................................................................................................. 20
Dihada Breach.................................................................................................... 21
Final Chapter: The Payoffs, or “How Do You Win?”........................................ 22
Infinite Mana + Flicker:......................................................................................22
Infinite Mana + Creature Untaps........................................................................ 23
Infinite Mana Only............................................................................................. 23
Infinite PW Activations...................................................................................... 23
Infinite Life.........................................................................................................24
Prologue: The Winning Formula
It is no secret to players experienced with the deck that there are a lot of ways to
build Sisay. We can’t even agree on which way is the best. Maybe you already
looked at the Table of Contents above and said to yourself “Are there really that
many combos all in one deck?” No, of course not. That would be insane. Sisay
players generally choose which combos they personally like better, and play those.
The purpose of this guide is to go into detail for all of them, just in case.

However, for many of these combos, you might find they follow a similar pattern. I
refer to this pattern as The Winning Formula, and it goes as follows: Mana
Source, Mana Reset, Loop, Payoff. I will explain each part in detail. Not every
combo in this book follows this pattern, but because of the way Sisay operates
mechanically, many of them do. You can use your knowledge of this formula to
understand how the deck’s layered combos work, how to find the winning line
from a variety of game states, how to pivot when faced with disruption, and most
importantly how to brew your own combos in the same pattern.

First, we start with the Mana Source. This is where most of our combos start,
because we need mana to activate Sisay or cast spells. Usually, we’re looking for
something that makes a ton of mana: Dockside Extortionist, Bloom Tender, Selvala
Heart of the Wilds are all common examples of this, but you will see other
examples in this guide. Usually we will use these to activate Sisay to find the next
piece of our combo chain.

The Mana Reset is the way we get back the mana from our Mana Source to
continue the combo chain. Usually this is something that can flicker or untap, like
Aminatou the Fateshifter to flicker Dockside, or Tyvar Jubilant Brawler to untap a
mana dork, or Derevi Empyrial Tactician to untap a Chromatic Orrery. The Mana
Reset should be able to refund all or part of the mana we spend to get it out, while
also serving as a combo piece for the next step.
The Loop is where the combo all comes together, and is how I grouped the combos
in the chapters below. The Loop is the piece or pieces that turn your Mana Source
and Mana Reset into a demonstrable gameplay loop that we can then leverage
towards a win. The classic loop card is Emiel the Blessed, who you will find in
Chapter 1, because we stan our unicorn here in Sisay Land. Emiel allows us to pay
our mana to flicker our Derevi to untap our Mana Source, or even flicker our Mana
Source directly, to make infinite mana. In each combo chapter, you will find other
Loops, like the Oath of Teferi Loop which creates infinite Planeswalker
activations, or the Kiki Jiki loop that creates infinite Dockside Extortionists.
However, after establishing the loop, there is always someone asking that question:
“How do you win?”

The Payoff is how you actually end the game. Everything up until this point has
just been enabling this. The Payoff can be anything from a way to ping your
opponents for damage infinite times, or a way to draw your entire deck and cast
Thassa’s Oracle, or a way to pump your field to infinity and kill everyone. I will go
into detail for all of these in this Book’s Final Chapter, since generally all combos
(even some that do not use this formula) can use any payoff once you have an
infinite loop.


Chapter 1: The Unicorn in the Room

Required cards: Emiel the Blessed is the only necessary card, however, it is
assumed in this guide that you are also using Dockside Extortionist, Derevi
Empyrial Tactician, Gaea’s Cradle, Bloom Tender and/or Faeburrow Elder.
Additionally, Cultist of the Absolute, Dihada Binder of Wills, and Chromatic

The first, and arguably deck-defining combo on our list, is of course, the Emiel
Combo. While Sisay is far from the only deck that can make use of Emiel the
Blessed, our deck is unique in our Commander's ability to tutor up the pieces of the
combo directly to the field, and then make use of the resulting infinite mana to
tutor up a win.

The basic idea of the combo is this: by paying 3 mana to activate Emiel the
Blessed, we will flicker a target, which will result in a net gain of mana greater
than 3, allowing us to activate Emiel again and again, netting mana each time for
infinite mana.

The simplest way to do this, perhaps, is to flicker a Dockside Extortionist with

Emiel, and as long as Dockside makes 4 treasures, we have an infinite mana loop.
This is the least mana-intensive set up for the Emiel combo, but it has two
drawbacks: firstly, it depends on our opponents' boardstates to net mana, and
secondly Dockside is not legendary so it is more difficult to assemble the combo.

So we find that a lot of times, we assemble the Emiel combo without using
Dockside Extortionist at all. There are several ways to do this, and I will attempt to
cover most in this chapter.

Chapter 1b.: It’s not Delivery, it’s DihOrrery

The current "least set up" way to do this is with "Endstep CotA" (Cultist of the
Absolute), also sometimes called "The Dihada Line", which only requires Sisay,
one other creature, and WUBRG + 1 mana.

1. We hold up our mana for interaction, and if none of our opponents threaten a
win or disrupt us, on the endstep before our next turn, we activate our (only
two power!) Sisay and tutor up Cultist of the Absolute to the field.

2. When we untap, we will have to sacrifice our other creature on upkeep, but
since Sisay is at least at 6 power, we can spend WUBRG to tutor Dihada,
Binder of Wills to the field.

3. During our first main phase, we can then activate Dihada's -3 ability
{“Reveal the top four cards of your library. Put any number of legendary
cards from among them into your hand and the rest into your graveyard.
Create a Treasure token for each card put into your graveyard this way”}
now throw them all in our graveyard to produce 4 treasures.
*Note: The cards must go to the graveyard in order to make the treasures so
anything that would cause them to get exiled instead will stop this part of the

4. With those treasures and the one additional mana we had, we can activate
our now 8 (EIGHT!) Power Sisay to tutor Chromatic Orrery to the field.

5. We can tap the Orrery to activate Sisay again and tutor up Derevi, Empyrial
Tactician. Derevi will, when it enters, untap Orrery, generating us additional
mana. Derevi is also an additional 2 colors so Sisay is now at least a 10/10,
able to tutor anything in our deck.

From here, we have a few routes. If you have another 3 mana (plus the Orrery)
somehow, you can activate Sisay to tutor up Emiel, then use your remaining mana
to flicker Derevi to untap Orrery and then tap Orrery for 5 mana, using 3 of it to
activate Emiel, flicker, untap, and so on in a loop.

If you do not have all this mana, we need to go into a combo extension. For
example, we can tutor up Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset, who can +1 to untap
Orrery, a land, and possibly also a mana dork, which can net us 1, 2, or even more
mana (if we are untapping a Bloom Tender or Ancient Tomb, for example). We can
do this and also tutor Aminatou, the Fateshifter, or Amie for short, and use Amie
to flicker Teferi instead of Derevi, by the way, this will actually net us even more

More commonly, we can also go to combat and try to swing in at someone. CotA
gives our Sisay flying so this should not be difficult. Derevi will give us an untap
on the connect to generate additional mana (you can activate Orrery in response to
the trigger, and then activate Sisay to tutor out Emiel the Blessed). Even better if
we can tutor up Sakashima the Imposter or the bad Sakashima as a clone of
Derevi, which will both get us an untap of Orrery on ETB but also an additional
untap trigger on damage.

Chapter 1c.: Clams in the Cradle

Another way to assemble the combo line with Emiel that was occasionally used in
the past was via Gaea's Cradle. Derevi can untap Cradle on ETB, and if we have
at least 4 creatures, we can use the Cradle to activate Emiel and flicker Derevi to
untap Cradle again, and loop for infinite green mana. With infinite green mana, we
can flicker Derevi an infinite number of times to untap non-green sources to get
infinite mana of all colors.

This combo was formerly quite difficult to assemble because it was difficult to use
Cradle mana to climb up the Sisay combo chain, but Wilds of Eldraine brought us
an early Christmas gift in the form of Agatha’s Soul Cauldron, which allows the
green mana from Cradle to activate Sisay and get Derevi and untap and activate
again and get Emiel, provided you have the prerequisite number of creatures and
Sisay power. The efficiency and general utility of the combo pieces has made this
the preferred Sisay-centric combo for “Clam Chowder” decks.

The combo can also be assembled in other ways without either Dockside, Orrery or
Cradle. Bloom Tender and Faeburrow Elder can take Orrery's place, though they
are not legendary and will need to not be summoning sick. Selvala, Heart of the
Wilds is legendary but will also require either an extra turn or a haste enabler like
Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler, Geyadrone Dihada, Olivia Mobilized for War or a hasty
clone from Saheeli Rai. You may also need Sisay to be at 4 power so you can tutor
up Selvala directly instead of CotA. If you lose access to any of your combo
pieces, generally Agatha’s Soul Cauldron can enable you to continue the combo,
granting either the mana abilities of the dorks or the flicker ability of Emiel to
another one of your creatures.

But let's assume we can go for one of these combos, how do we win with Emiel
and infinite mana? As I said earlier, you can check out the Final Chapter which
goes over many of the Payoffs, as with Emiel combos you have Infinite Mana and
Infinite Flicker and usually Infinite Untaps too.


Chapter 2: Take an Oath

Required cards: Aminatou, the Fateshifter, Oath of Teferi, and Nicol Bolas
Dragon-God (unless on Jegantha Companion… see below for alternative). Not
technically required, but assumed in this guide that you are also using Dockside
Extortionist and/or a WUBRG dork (Selvala, Bloom Tender, Faeburrow Elder,
Jegantha). Additionally, you may want to run Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler and
Saheeli Rai to make the combo chain smoother.

The Oath of Bolas combo shares many similarities with the Emiel combo lines,
except that it does not require Emiel. The other pieces are largely the same. The
primary aim of the combo is to get out Aminatou, Bolas, and Oath all at the same
time. Aminatou can flicker Bolas, and Bolas can use Amie's ability to flicker
Amie, and both can activate twice each turn, and will re-enter as new permanents
when flickered, so we will have infinite PW activations of these two. Ticking up
Bolas enough times will force our opponents to exile their hands and fields while
we draw our deck with Bolas. If our opponents are particularly stubborn, it may be
helpful to win some other way, such as drawing our deck and casting Thassa's
Oracle, but in the worst case scenario you can just use Aminatou's -1 to flicker
Mount Doom and use its activated ability to ping down your opponents.

But why this combo? Surely there are better three card combos we could run? The
main draw of the Oath combo is that it can be assembled very easily, even more
easily than the Selvala combo, and all in one turn.

We begin with a 4 power Sisay and a single source of mana that produces at least
WUBRG (could be Dockside or one of the WUBRG dorks).
1. We activate Sisay to tutor. In the case of the dorks, we will tutor Tyvar,
Jubilant Brawler (or alternatively Derevi, Empyrial Tactician, though
Tyvar is preferred for working through Grafdigger's Cage) and untap our

2. After that, or in the case where our source of mana was Dockside, we tutor
Amie. Amie flickers either Dockside or our untapper (whichever one we
have) to gain us an additional WUBRG activation.

Sisay will now probably be at least a 6/6, but if she is not, you might need to extend
the combo in some way (by grabbing Derevi next and going to combat to untap,
perhaps, or by tutoring Dihada and making 4 treasures to help tutor again). You
may also be lacking Red for Bloom Tender or Faeburrow Elder, in which case you
need to tutor Saheeli Rai and make a token copy of your dork with haste at some
point in the chain.

3. With that additional WUBRG activation, we then tutor either Oath of Teferi
or Nicol Bolas (order does not generally matter). Either way, we get an
additional Aminatou activation, so we can again flicker something to get
back out WUBRG again, and tutor for the final piece of the combo (either
Bolas or Oath, whichever one is left).

One note I would like to make is the ease with which this combo can be set up by
casting Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer. For X=2 (five mana total) we can tutor
Dockside to the field with Rocco. As long as Dockside makes 5, we then can tutor
Aminatou to flicker Dockside and then the rest of the combo, since Rocco is
helping to pump Sisay.

This combo can also be done in the Jegantha the Wellspring version of Sisay,
using Jegantha as our WUBRG source. You may be asking how this is possible
because Nicol Bolas does not meet the requirements to run Jegantha as the
Companion. We're going to substitute Bolas for Teferi, Hero of Dominaria and
alter the steps a little bit.
1. First we begin with Sisay and Jeggy in play, tapping Jeggy for mana and
activating Sisay to find Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler. We use Tyvar's +1 to untap

2. We then activate Sisay again to find Aminatou the Fateshifter, who can
flicker Tyvar for another untap.

3. Then we activate Sisay once again to find the Oath of Teferi. This will allow
our Tyvar to untap Jeggy again, and we can find Teferi Hero of Dominaria,
but we also have a second activation of Aminatou now, so we can use her to
flicker Tyvar once again.

4. Now we can use Teferi's -3 to put our own Aminatou into our deck third
from the top. If this doesn't make sense to you, it should be clear soon.
Remember, we just flickered Tyvar so he again has two more untaps thanks
to Oath. So we untap Jeggy, float our mana, untap again, float more mana,
and then activate Sisay.

5. We're going to find the Aminatou we just put back, who comes in with the
ability to flicker Tyvar and Teferi. We now repeat, using Teferi to put
Aminatou in the deck, and Tyvar to untap Jeggy, and Aminatou to flicker
Tyvar and Teferi, which gets us infinite Jeggy mana.

We can win from there in any number of ways, but we can as examples, draw the
whole deck by using Teferi's +1 since we have two activations per loop, and we
can flicker things other than Tyvar with Aminatou since we have infinite mana, we
can flicker lands to untap them and get unrestricted mana, and do whatever payoff
you want to do as detailed in the Final Chapter.

Chapter 3: The Cat's Meow
Required cards: Displacer Kitten, then either but preferably both of Teferi, Time
Raveler or Lurrus of the Dream-Den, 0 mana rocks for the Teferi line such as
Mana Crypt, the Moxen, or even Jeweled Lotus, and for the Lurrus line, Lotus
Petal or Lion's Eye Diamond. There's also another line involving even more slots:
Spellseeker, Neoform, Reanimate, Entomb, Thassa's Oracle, and Demonic

Ah, Displacer Kitten. A card so broken, it goes infinite with a ham sandwich. But
we don't run a Ham Sandwich in Sisay. We do, however, run a lot of free mana
rocks and generally also some legends that combo with the cat. Here's some of the
most common lines, though far from an exhaustive list of ways to break this card.

The first is the Teferi-Kitten line. The strength of this line is that it inherently can't
be interacted with because of Teferi. What we need is Kitten; Teferi, Time Raveler;
and a mana neutral or positive rock (a rock that either costs the same as it makes,
or costs less than it makes). I will again use Sol Ring as the example, though it
could be anything. In fact, some of the options like Mox Opal and Mox Amber are
legends and so can be tutored.

1. We tap our "Sol Ring" for 2 mana and activate Teferi's -3 ability
{“Return up to one target artifact, creature, or enchantment to its owner's hand.
Draw a card.”}
in this case we’ll be returning the “Sol Ring” to our hand.

2. We then cast our "Sol Ring". On cast, Kitten flickers Teferi. We tap our "Sol
Ring" for mana again and once again -3 the Teferi to return it. Loop this to
draw our deck, netting one mana each draw.

As you draw additional mana rocks you can cast them to get additional Kitten
flickers without needing to draw, to get extra colors of mana, etc. If you can get out
Phantasmal Image as a copy of the cat, you can get two triggers per cast and start
netting more mana or start flickering an Ashiok, Dream Render to slowly exile
our opponents decks.
Regardless, by the time you draw to the end of your deck, you should have a huge
amount of mana, as well as your entire deck in your hand, and no ability from your
opponents to cast spells in response. If you cannot win from there, I don't know
what to tell you.

The second line is the Lurrus Kitten line, or as I like to call it Kitty Cat. You
need Kitten, Lurrus, and a Lotus Petal or Lion's Eye Diamond. You use Lurrus to
cast your mana rock from GY, and on cast, use Kitten to flicker Lurrus. This will
allow you to sac the mana rock and cast it again with Lurrus. Repeat for infinite

Without Sisay, this line does not usually result in a win. You typically need Sisay to
tutor out a win condition with the infinite mana.

The final Kitten line I will discuss is called 3 Man Orbit. This combo line
involves a lot of pieces but is generally self-assembling and can work with the
pieces in hand. It also contains 0 legends and so can operate without Sisay in play.
Those of you who are familiar with Inalla decks may grasp this combo easily.

1. To start we need Spellseeker and either another 3 mana creature (possibly

Sisay) or Kitten. If we do not already have Kitten, Spellseeker will tutor it
for us with a Neoform to hand. We use Neoform to sac our 3 mana creature
for Kitten.

2. From there, we cast any non-creature spell, flickering Spellseeker.

3. We get Entomb. We cast Entomb, flickering Spellseeker. We Entomb

Thassa's Oracle, the other Spellseeker ETB will grab us Reanimate.

4. We cast Reanimate, flicker Seeker and Reanimate the Thoracle. Because the
Seeker trigger goes on the cast, we tutor up Demonic Consultation and cast
that to exile our deck. Thoracle enters for the win.
This combo is mana intensive, but we can make one of the Seeker tutors Dark
Ritual to gain additional black if needed.


Chapter 4: Now THIS is Podracing

Required cards: Birthing Pod; Felidar Guardian; Karmic Guide; Kiki-Jiki,
Mirror Breaker; Tezzeret the Seeker; Vivien on the Hunt. Not required but
recommended are Corridor Monitor and Derevi, Empyrial Tactician.

One of the more deckbuilding reliant combos, this combo requires a large number
of dedicated pieces, but the trade off is a combo that requires very little in the way
of set up. Sisay and sufficient power to tutor (easily accomplished by tutoring
Cultist of the Absolute) are generally all that is necessary.

The combo itself is fairly straightforward if you are familiar with Birthing Pod.

1. Method one is to tutor out Tezzeret the Seeker and use him to tutor your
Birthing Pod to the field. From there, you activate pod to sacrifice literally
any creature on your field and work your way up the pod line.

2. If you sac a 1 mana creature, you grab Corridor Monitor to untap Pod, if
you sac a 2 mana creature you grab Derevi, Empyrial Tactician to untap
Pod, if you sac a 3 mana creature like Sisay or Derevi, you grab Felidar
Guardian and flicker your Pod.

3. When you sac Felidar Guardian you get Karmic Guide to reanimate
Felidar Guardian, flicker Pod, and then sac Felidar Guardian again to get
4. Kiki will clone our Karmic Guide to reanimate the Felidar Guardian, then
Felidar Guardian will flicker Kiki and Kiki can clone Felidar. The clones
will flicker Kiki and we make infinite cloned cats to attack.

1. Option 2 is much the same, except we tutor Vivien on the Hunt instead of
Tezzeret, and we use Vivien to sac Sisay for Felidar Guardian.

2. Felidar flickers Vivien, who repays this kindness by immediately killing the
poor cat to get Karmic Guide, reanimate Felidar, flicker Vivien again,
sacrifice Felidar for Kiki, same as above.


Chapter 5: Kiki-Jinkies!
Required Cards: Kiki-Jiki Mirror Breaker, Dockside Extortionist, Aminatou
the Fateshifter, Saheeli Rai, Tezzeret the Seeker and Corridor Monitor.
Alternatively, instead of Tezzeret and Corridor Monitor we can run Ioreth of the
Healing House; Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler; and Sakashima the Imposter and/or
Sakashima of a Thousand Faces.

Picture this: You have your 4/4 Sisay on the field. You have your Dockside
Extortionist for 5 in hand. There's no Birthing Pod anywhere in sight. How are
you going to win this one? It's actually quite simple:

1. First, we're going to play our Dockside and make enough mana to activate
Sisay. We're going to search for Aminatou the Fateshifter.

2. We use Aminatou to blink our Dockside and… get Nicol Bolas? No, no no
no. If our Sisay is only 5/5 still we're going to get Saheeli Rai, who will -2
{“Create a token that's a copy of target artifact or creature you control,
except it's an artifact in addition to its other types. That token gains haste.
Exile it at the beginning of the next end step.”}

and clone our Dockside for more mana.

3. Sisay is now a 6/6 and we can now activate her to find the star of this
combo: Kiki-Jiki Mirror Breaker.

4. Kiki can tap and clone Dockside for another 5 mana. We can now activate
Sisay again and find Tezzeret the Seeker, who can -X for 2 to find our
Corridor Monitor.

5. Monitor will untap Kiki-Jiki and now we can kick off the combo by tapping
Kiki to clone Monitor, untapping Kiki, to make infinite Corridor Monitors
and attack.

If combat is not an option, or if we simply don't like Tezzeret and his little hall
monitor assistant, we can go infinite with Ioreth instead.

1. Following all the steps above, up to using Kiki the first time, we will tutor
Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler and use his +1 to untap Kiki.

2. Then we clone Dockside again and tutor out Ioreth of the Healing House.
Ioreth can immediately tap thanks to Tyvar, so we untap Kiki and again
clone Dockside.

3. Then we find one of the two Sakashimas, having it come in as a copy of

Ioreth. We can now use the clone of Ioreth to untap both Kiki and the real
Ioreth, and the real Ioreth to untap both Kiki and the clone, and go back and
forth like that, tapping Kiki each time to clone Dockside, or anything else
you want I guess.
We now have infinite treasure and infinite Docksides to attack with, so if you can't
win with that I don't know what to tell you. Probably I will tell you to go read the
Final Chapter.


Chapter 6: It's EYE-oreth, not EL-oreth.

Required Cards: Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler; Ioreth of the Healing House;
Sakashima (either the Imposter or of a Thousand Faces if on Jeggy or
something). In addition, you will need at least one of the following: Selvala, Heart
of the Wilds, Jegantha the Wellspring; Katilda, Dawnhart Prime; Esika, God
of the Tree, Relic of Legends, Saheeli Rai, Samut Voice of Dissent, or some way
to make Ringbearers.

1. Alright. If you've read this far into the combo guide, as you should, you
should be familiar with many of the play patterns of Sisay. A lot of this may
seem familiar to you: 4/4 Sisay, endstep before your turn, tutor… you can
get Selvala or you can get Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler.

If you're on Jegantha, you can just tutor for Tyvar with your not-summoning-sick
Jegantha out.

2. From there, if we have Sisay and Tyvar but not a WUBRG dork, we're going
to tutor Selvala. If we have a WUBRG dork of any variety, we're going to
tutor out Ioreth.

3. Ioreth has pseudo-haste from Tyvar so she can untap our WUBRG source,
then we can tutor again to find Sakashima, who comes in as a clone of

4. Saka-Ioreth can now use the second ability to untap the real Ioreth and
another legend, and the real Ioreth can untap a legend and Saka-Ioreth, so as
long as the legend we are untapping can make mana, we make infinite mana
now. The untap target can be any legend with Relic of Legends or Esika out,
Katilda or another human with Katilda out, or any mana dork made
legendary by being Tempted by the Ring. If we are on Jegantha Companion
and have Sakashima of a Thousand Faces as our Ioreth Clone, we can get
Saheeli Rai and -2 her to make a clone of the Saka-Ioreth, at which point we
will have three copies of Ioreth and can establish an infinite loop of one
untapping the other two and having one untap a land / rock / dork and the
other start the loop again with a double untap.

Once here, we have infinite mana and infinite untaps. See the Final Chapter for
ways to actually end the game with these.
If you want to get really spicy, you can run BOTH Sakashimas, and copy Ioreth
twice, and now you can untap EVERYTHING infinite times. UNLIMITED


Sisay Archive: All the Stuff We Might Not Play Anymore

Sisay, like the wider cEDH metagame, is a constantly evolving and changing deck.
What once worked wonders, wanes and winds up winning less than we would
wish. And yet we get new legends with each new set, and it could be that these old
and outdated combos could find new life. So they will be kept here.

Chapter 7a.: The Part Where Autocad Was Supposed to Kill Oath
Required cards: Aminatou the Fateshifter, Cadric, Soul Kindler. Additionally,
at least one of the following 2+ mana sources is required: Dihada, Binder of
Wills; Sol Ring; Mana Crypt; Mana Vault; Gaea's Cradle; Selvala; Ancient
Tomb; Dockside Extortionist; Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset; Bloom Tender;
etc. Which ones you include is up to you (though Dihada works best) but generally
the more the better.
Now we come to a more uncommon combo, Aminatou-Cadric, or AutoCAD.
This combo is a bit more difficult to grasp, but the basic idea is to use Cadric and
Aminatou to assemble infinite mana and infinite hasty creatures to kill our
opponent. This combo is generally considered to be an alternative to Oath of Bolas
because, like Oath, it doesn't require Emiel and is all legends, but it takes fewer
deck slots than Oath. However, it is more difficult to set up as you cannot begin the
line with just a Dockside in play at the start as you can with Oath.

There are two main paths, but for both we need Cadric on the field first (either by
endstep tutoring or casting from hand on our turn).

1. The first is to tutor out Dihada, Binder of Wills. Sisay will need to be at 5
power, obviously, and we will also need 1 spare mana after activating Sisay.
When Dihada enters, we pay the one to have Cadric clone Dihada.

2. We activate both Dihada's -3 and mill ourselves for 4 cards each, making 8

3. Then tutoring again we get Aminatou the Fateshifter, cloning her on ETB
as well. The original Aminatou can -1 to flicker the original Dihada and
have her clone on ETB, then the cloned Aminatou will -1 to flicker the
original Amie and we clone her on ETB as well.

4. We can loop this step a large number of times. In this way, Dihada and her
clones will slowly mill through our deck, creating treasures, and we will net
gain mana while looking for legendary combo pieces to put to hand (any of
the other combos mentioned in this guide will work). Note that we can either
activate Sisay with the mana to find a piece or if it shows up during a Dihada
activation, put it to hand and cast it.

If you aren't on Dihada or can't fetch her, we can also use any 2 mana source (I will
use Sol Ring as the example), and we need to either cast or tutor Aminatou (again,
after Cadric is out).
When Amie enters, we use our "Sol Ring'' to pay Cadric's trigger and clone Amie.
We use the original Amie to flicker our "Sol Ring'' and then we use the cloned
Amie to flicker the original Amie. When the original Amie enters again, we use
our Sol Ring mana to pay to clone her again, and repeat the loop. This nets us
infinite colorless mana.

Again, we can use other objects besides Sol Ring as long as they net two mana.
Cradle will allow us to make infinite green, for example, as long as we have at
least two creatures. Flickering a Derevi with Amie to untap a WUBRG dork gets us
infinite of all colors. We can even use Amie to flicker Selvala and then use Cadric
to clone Selvala on ETB to make a hasty Selvala, as long as she can tap for at least
4 mana to repeat this loop.

From here, if we have any legend on the field besides Cadric, we can start using
the original Amie to flicker that legend and use our infinite colorless to make a
hasty clone. This gives us infinite attackers.

If we do not have another legend for some reason, we start using the colorless to
clone Amie but use original Amie's flickers to flicker lands or other rocks to filter
into colored mana. This will allow us to cast Sisay and we can then make infinite
clones of Sisay to attack. Or just do infinite any of the infinite mana and infinite
flicker payoffs as mentioned in the Final Chapter.

Chapter 7b.: The Dynamo Duo

Required cards: The Peregrine Dynamo & Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset.
That's it, that's the whole combo.

Teferi-Peregrine, or Teferegrine. This combo is so simple, you could do it drunk,

though I don't advise playing cEDH drunk, especially if you are underage.

What we need is Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset and Peregrine Dynamo on the field,
as well as either a mana dork or a mana rock, or a land that taps for more than one
mana (Cradle, Ancient Tomb, etc).
1. First activate Teferi’s +1 ability to untap the mana sources you’re going to be
using in this combo.

2. Then with Teferi's ability on the stack, hold priority and activate Peregrine to
copy the ability. The targets for the copied ability will be a land, Dynamo (as
either a creature or artifact since it is both) and another mana source (either a
rock or a dork). The copied ability will untap Dynamo and at least 2 mana,
allowing us to again activate Dynamo to copy the original Teferi activation
which is still on the stack. We will gain infinite mana and infinite life.

From there, win with the usual infinite mana outlets as detailed in the Final
Chapter of this Book.

Chapter 7c.: Inspire Jeela-sy

Required cards: Najeela, the Blade-Blossom & Derevi Empyrial Tactician.
Recommended but not required: Faeburrow Elder.

A combo best known with Najeela at the helm of the deck, yet easily doable in
Sisay as it requires only two pieces, which are usually both legendary.

The idea behind the deck is to have both Najeela and Derevi on the field and go to
combat with enough creatures (or make enough Warriors on attack) to connect with
5 of them. The Derevi triggers will then untap 5 mana sources and allow you to
activate Najeela for another round of combat. Eventually, you should completely
overrun your opponents with attacking tokens.

The combo can also be assembled without Derevi, if you use Faeburrow Elder
instead. As long as Faeburrow taps for all 5 colors, you can go to combat with it,
and because it has vigilance, you can then tap it to activate Najeela and gain an
extra combat and untap it. With a theoretically infinite number of combats you
should be able to kill any opponents without sufficient blockers or with a sufficient
snowball of warrior tokens.
Chapter 7d.: Lazav’s Rulings Nightmare
Required cards: Lurrus of the Dream-Den; Dockside Extortionist; Lazav, the
Multifarious; and Phantasmal Image. Not technically required but strongly
recommended is Survival of the Fittest.

This combo seems so unbelievable, that if you pull it off your opponents will think
you made it up on the spot, and also probably accuse you of cheating so keep those
judge rulings handy.

What we need is Lazav on the field and the rest of the creatures in the Graveyard
(Survival of the Fittest makes the setup so much easier as you can ditch the pieces
you need in yard to find the others). We also need Dockside to create 8 treasures on
ETB, a tall ask.

1. For 3 mana, we can activate Lazav to clone the Lurrus in our grave. That
allows us to cast Phantasmal Image for 2 mana from GY with the Lurrus

2. With Phimage on the stack, hold priority and use 2 mana to change
Lazav/Lurrus into Lazav/Dockside.

3. Phimage will ETB as Lazav/Dockside, making us 8 or more treasures,

however, as it is legendary, state based actions will force us to sacrifice it.

4. We then use our treasures to once again turn Lazav into Lazav/Lurrus and
repeat the loop.

At this point, your opponents will all stand up and object that you can't use Lurrus
again because you already used Lurrus' ability once this turn, and because Lazav
never left the battlefield, it's not a new game object! Point them to the Gatherer
entry for Lazav, where one of the rulings states that; {“If the copied card has an
ability that can be activated only once each turn, copying that card a second time
will allow you to activate the new instance of that ability.”}.
This gets us infinite mana, so we can win from there I hope. Read the Final
Chapter for infinite mana payoffs.

8 treasures is a lot, but we can reduce that requirement with more cards in the loop.
With Kinnan, we only need Dockside to make 4 treasures since we double the

With Seal of Removal, we don't even need the Phimage, and Dockside only needs
to make 7 treasures. We use Lazav and 3 mana to clone a Lurrus on GY, one mana
to cast Seal, Seal to bounce a Dockside back to hand, spend two to cast Dockside,
make 7 mana, repeat.

Again, your opponents may object. "Hey, you can't just copy Lurrus again with
Lazav… Lazav is already Lurrus!". Inform them that there's no rule stating Lazav
can't copy something in GY that he's already a copy of.

Chapter 7e.: The Dihada Beatdown Plan

Required Cards: Dihada, Binder of Wills; Underworld Breach; Flicker; Not
required but recommended are Brain Freeze, Lion's Eye Diamond, and
Wishclaw Talisman.

Some of you may be familiar with the classic Underworld Breach combo, which I
will not discuss at length here. In short, the combo uses repeated casts from the GY
with Breach to generate mana while milling the deck to continue to pay the escape

It happens to be that both those requirements, mana generation and milling, are
possible with a legendary permanent, the Dihada that has been mentioned many
times in this book. Dihada's -3 ability both mills 4 cards from our deck as well as
creates 4 treasures for us, so if we have Underworld Breach out we can use
Dihada's ability to continually fuel our GY and make mana to cast spells. There's
just one problem: how do we keep activating a Planeswalker? Well, with Flicker
of course! We exile Dihada and return her to the field anew for another round of
milling and treasuring. In the end we cast Thassa’s Oracle and win.
One upside to this combo is that for the low low price of 11 mana we can assemble
the entire combo with only 1 card: Wishclaw Talisman. For 2 mana, we cast
Wishclaw. We spend another mana to activate it, and we find our Flicker. 2 more
mana to cast Flicker returns our Wishclaw Talisman to our field, and one more
mana allows us to search for Underworld Breach. 2 mana to cast Breach and 2
mana to cast Flicker from GY will bring back the Wishclaw. Our eleventh mana
activates Wishclaw to find Lion's Eye Diamond, which will get us 3 more mana
and discard our hand to recast Flicker again, cast Lion's Eye Diamond twice more
to make another 6 mana, and then we activate Wishclaw to find and cast Dihada to
complete the combo.


Final Chapter: The Payoffs, or “How Do You Win?”

In playing this deck, inevitably people will refuse to scoop even after you have
demonstrated an infinite loop. When they do, if you can spare 5 mana, activate
Sisay and get Teferi Time Raveler on the field. Just get Teferi and win. Then do
one of the following according to what you have infinite of:

Infinite Mana + Flicker:

● Activate Sisay to find Mount Doom. Activate Mount Doom to deal 1
damage to each opponent. Flicker Mount Doom or flicker Derevi to untap
Mount Doom and repeat to kill all opponents.
● Activate Sisay and find Kinnan. Activate Kinnan until you find Orcish
Bowmasters. Flicker Orcish Bowmasters until you kill everyone.
● Activate Sisay and find Kinnan. Activate Kinnan until you find Thassa’s
Oracle. Activate Sisay to find one of the Sakashimas, clone the largest thing
in play, trigger Selvala and Emiel, order the triggers to pay G/W and put a
counter on your clone first, and draw a card. Repeat to draw the deck.
Flicker Thassa’s Oracle and win.
● Activate Kinnan until you find Lazav, the Multifarious. Activate Kinnan
until you find Thassa’s Oracle. Flicker Lazav to surveil your entire deck into
the yard. Flicker Thassa’s Oracle and win.
● Activate Sisay and get Teferi. Activate Sisay and get Ertai Resurrected. Lock
your opponents out of the game by flickering Ertai to counter anything they
do. Make them draw their deck and lose if they do something foolish like
cast an uncounterable spell.
● Activate Sisay to get Ertai Resurrected. Flicker Ertai and target the Emiel
ETB trigger with his ability to draw a card. Draw your whole deck, cast
Blind Obedience. Cast every single spell in your deck, paying the Extort
costs each time to kill your opponents.
● Activate Sisay to get Kinnan. Activate Sisay to get Tyvar. Activate Kinnan
until you hit Deathrite Shaman. Use and flicker DRS to exile every spell
from every player’s GY to drain them all. Draw your deck with Ertai /
Selvala / One Ring / Bolas etc and then cast all the instants and sorceries or
discard them with Olivia ETB triggers. Exile them all with DRS to drain the
other players more.
● Draw your deck using Selvala triggers, Ertai targeting your own stuff, or
Planeswalkers. Cast a spell. Counter it with Swan Song to make a Bird.
Flicker Endurance to shuffle your GY back into the deck. Redraw your deck.
Repeat the casts and counters and reshuffle to make infinite Birds. Give
them haste with Finale of Devastation or something. Go to combat and kill
your opponents.

Infinite Mana + Creature Untaps

● Activate Sisay to find Katilda and a haste enabler like Tyvar or Chainer,
Nightmare Adept. Activate Katilda to pump your team with a counter. Untap
and repeat until the team is infinitely big. Go to combat and kill everyone.
● Find Skrelv, Defector Mite and a haste enabler like Tyvar or Chainer.
Activate Skrelv to give one of your combatants Toxic 1 and unblockable
from a color. Repeat 10 times, choosing each color at least once. Repeat for
2 more combatants. Go to combat and kill all three of your opponents with
poison counters.
● Use Kiki-Jiki to copy Orcish Bowmasters. Ping your opponent. Untap and
repeat infinite times to kill everyone.
● Use Kiki-Jiki to make a hasty copy of literally anything. Repeat infinite
times, go to combat with your infinite tokens and kill everyone.

Infinite Mana Only

● Activate Sisay to find every legend in your deck. Activate Kinnan to find
every non-human in your deck. Cast Finale of Devastation for X = Big, go to
combat and kill everyone.
● Go to combat. Activate Najeela infinite times. Kill everyone.
● Activate Shalai, Voice of Plenty infinite times to pump the team to infinite.
Go to combat and kill everyone.
● Just activate Sisay and find one of the other payoffs. You have infinite mana.

Infinite PW Activations
● Activate Saheeli Rai’s +1 and deal 1 damage to each opponent. Repeat
infinite times to kill everyone.
● Activate Geyadrone Dihada’s +1 and drain your opponents for 2. Repeat
infinite times to kill everyone.
● Activate Wrenn & 6 to deal 1 damage to an opponent. Repeat infinite times
to kill everyone.
● Activate Bolas’ or Teferi’s abilities to draw cards. Repeat to draw the whole
deck, cast Thassa’s Oracle, and win.
● Activate Ashiok’s -1 to mill your opponents out and exile their yards at the
same time. If you have a Dauthi Voidwalker out, you get to steal any card in
their decks, including Thassa’s Oracle for after you mill yourself out with

Infinite Life
● This is useless.

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