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16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class



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Intento 1 (20.00pts.)
Desarrollado el: 16/07/24 a las 07:15 p.m.
Tiempo de desarrollo: 6 min

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1 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

Read these post from a forum and choose the correct answer.

What’s the matter?

Maria: I’m not feeling well these days. I have a backache and I
can’t work. On top of that, I also have a fever. I decided to visit
the doctor and he told me that I have to rest a lot and take some
medicine. I’m worried because I have a lot of work to do. I hope I
feel better soon.

Pedro: Oh, my stomach is killing me! I have this terrible

stomachache, and it's making me feel so uncomfortable. I went
to see the doctor and he said that I don't have to worry too
much. I have to drink a lot of water and I avoid eating heavy
foods. I have to take some antibiotics and rest at home. I have a
lot of homework to do and I worry about missing my classes at

Laura: I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning. It’s
difficult to talk. I decided to go to the doctor immediately. He
advised me to rest and drink warm liquids, like tea with honey.
The doctor said I don’t have to speak too much. I have an… 1/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class

important meeting tomorrow. I hope I can go to work and do my


Carlos: Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I

have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and terrible
headaches. I thought it was just a cold. I immediately contacted
my doctor, and he said I have to isolate myself at home. I have to
do that to prevent the transmission of the virus. It’s boring to
stay at home but I have to do it. I’m on vacation so at least I don’t
have to worry about work.

Who can’t talk to other people?

A. Laura and Carlos.

B. Pedro and Laura.

C. Maria and Carlos.

2 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

Read these post from a forum and choose the correct answer.

What’s the matter?

Maria: I’m not feeling well these days. I have a backache and I
can’t work. On top of that, I also have a fever. I decided to visit
the doctor and he told me that I have to rest a lot and take some
medicine. I’m worried because I have a lot of work to do. I hope I
feel better soon.

Pedro: Oh, my stomach is killing me! I have this terrible

stomachache, and it's making me feel so uncomfortable. I went
to see the doctor and he said that I don't have to worry too
much. I have to drink a lot of water and I avoid eating heavy
foods. I have to take some antibiotics and rest at home. I have a
lot of homework to do and I worry about missing my classes at

Laura: I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning. It’s
difficult to talk. I decided to go to the doctor immediately. He
advised me to rest and drink warm liquids, like tea with honey.
The doctor said I don’t have to speak too much. I have an… 2/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class

important meeting tomorrow. I hope I can go to work and do my


Carlos: Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I

have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and terrible
headaches. I thought it was just a cold. I immediately contacted
my doctor, and he said I have to isolate myself at home. I have to
do that to prevent the transmission of the virus. It’s boring to
stay at home but I have to do it. I’m on vacation so at least I don’t
have to worry about work.

What did the doctor tell Maria to do?

A. Isolate herself at home.

B. Rest and take some medicine.

C. Drink a lot of water and avoid heavy foods.

3 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

Read these post from a forum and choose the correct answer.

What’s the matter?

Maria: I’m not feeling well these days. I have a backache and I
can’t work. On top of that, I also have a fever. I decided to visit
the doctor and he told me that I have to rest a lot and take some
medicine. I’m worried because I have a lot of work to do. I hope I
feel better soon.

Pedro: Oh, my stomach is killing me! I have this terrible

stomachache, and it's making me feel so uncomfortable. I went
to see the doctor and he said that I don't have to worry too
much. I have to drink a lot of water and I avoid eating heavy
foods. I have to take some antibiotics and rest at home. I have a
lot of homework to do and I worry about missing my classes at

Laura: I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning. It’s
difficult to talk. I decided to go to the doctor immediately. He
advised me to rest and drink warm liquids, like tea with honey.
The doctor said I don’t have to speak too much. I have an… 3/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class

important meeting tomorrow. I hope I can go to work and do my


Carlos: Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I

have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and terrible
headaches. I thought it was just a cold. I immediately contacted
my doctor, and he said I have to isolate myself at home. I have to
do that to prevent the transmission of the virus. It’s boring to
stay at home but I have to do it. I’m on vacation so at least I don’t
have to worry about work.

What symptoms does Pedro have?

A. He has a sore throat.

B. He has a stomachache.

C. He has fever.

4 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

Read these post from a forum and choose the correct answer.

What’s the matter?

Maria: I’m not feeling well these days. I have a backache and I
can’t work. On top of that, I also have a fever. I decided to visit
the doctor and he told me that I have to rest a lot and take some
medicine. I’m worried because I have a lot of work to do. I hope I
feel better soon.

Pedro: Oh, my stomach is killing me! I have this terrible

stomachache, and it's making me feel so uncomfortable. I went
to see the doctor and he said that I don't have to worry too
much. I have to drink a lot of water and I avoid eating heavy
foods. I have to take some antibiotics and rest at home. I have a
lot of homework to do and I worry about missing my classes at

Laura: I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning. It’s
difficult to talk. I decided to go to the doctor immediately. He
advised me to rest and drink warm liquids, like tea with honey.
The doctor said I don’t have to speak too much. I have an… 4/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class

important meeting tomorrow. I hope I can go to work and do my


Carlos: Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I

have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and terrible
headaches. I thought it was just a cold. I immediately contacted
my doctor, and he said I have to isolate myself at home. I have to
do that to prevent the transmission of the virus. It’s boring to
stay at home but I have to do it. I’m on vacation so at least I don’t
have to worry about work.

What is Maria worried about?

A. She has to a lot of homework.

B. She has to work a lot.

C. She has to go to university.

5 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

Read these post from a forum and choose the correct answer.

What’s the matter?

Maria: I’m not feeling well these days. I have a backache and I
can’t work. On top of that, I also have a fever. I decided to visit
the doctor and he told me that I have to rest a lot and take some
medicine. I’m worried because I have a lot of work to do. I hope I
feel better soon.

Pedro: Oh, my stomach is killing me! I have this terrible

stomachache, and it's making me feel so uncomfortable. I went
to see the doctor and he said that I don't have to worry too
much. I have to drink a lot of water and I avoid eating heavy
foods. I have to take some antibiotics and rest at home. I have a
lot of homework to do and I worry about missing my classes at

Laura: I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning. It’s
difficult to talk. I decided to go to the doctor immediately. He
advised me to rest and drink warm liquids, like tea with honey.
The doctor said I don’t have to speak too much. I have an… 5/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class

important meeting tomorrow. I hope I can go to work and do my


Carlos: Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I

have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and terrible
headaches. I thought it was just a cold. I immediately contacted
my doctor, and he said I have to isolate myself at home. I have to
do that to prevent the transmission of the virus. It’s boring to
stay at home but I have to do it. I’m on vacation so at least I don’t
have to worry about work.

What did the doctor recommend Laura to avoid?

A. Speaking too much.

B. Resting and drinking warm liquids.

C. Eating heavy foods.

6 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

Read these post from a forum and choose the correct answer.

What’s the matter?

Maria: I’m not feeling well these days. I have a backache and I
can’t work. On top of that, I also have a fever. I decided to visit
the doctor and he told me that I have to rest a lot and take some
medicine. I’m worried because I have a lot of work to do. I hope I
feel better soon.

Pedro: Oh, my stomach is killing me! I have this terrible

stomachache, and it's making me feel so uncomfortable. I went
to see the doctor and he said that I don't have to worry too
much. I have to drink a lot of water and I avoid eating heavy
foods. I have to take some antibiotics and rest at home. I have a
lot of homework to do and I worry about missing my classes at

Laura: I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning. It’s
difficult to talk. I decided to go to the doctor immediately. He
advised me to rest and drink warm liquids, like tea with honey.
The doctor said I don’t have to speak too much. I have an… 6/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class

important meeting tomorrow. I hope I can go to work and do my


Carlos: Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I

have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and terrible
headaches. I thought it was just a cold. I immediately contacted
my doctor, and he said I have to isolate myself at home. I have to
do that to prevent the transmission of the virus. It’s boring to
stay at home but I have to do it. I’m on vacation so at least I don’t
have to worry about work.

What does Pedro have to do to get better?

A. He has to go to work.

B. He has to take medicine.

C. He has to go to the doctor.

7 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

Read these post from a forum and choose the correct answer.

What’s the matter?

Maria: I’m not feeling well these days. I have a backache and I
can’t work. On top of that, I also have a fever. I decided to visit
the doctor and he told me that I have to rest a lot and take some
medicine. I’m worried because I have a lot of work to do. I hope I
feel better soon.

Pedro: Oh, my stomach is killing me! I have this terrible

stomachache, and it's making me feel so uncomfortable. I went
to see the doctor and he said that I don't have to worry too
much. I have to drink a lot of water and I avoid eating heavy
foods. I have to take some antibiotics and rest at home. I have a
lot of homework to do and I worry about missing my classes at

Laura: I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning. It’s
difficult to talk. I decided to go to the doctor immediately. He
advised me to rest and drink warm liquids, like tea with honey.
The doctor said I don’t have to speak too much. I have an… 7/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class

important meeting tomorrow. I hope I can go to work and do my


Carlos: Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I

have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and terrible
headaches. I thought it was just a cold. I immediately contacted
my doctor, and he said I have to isolate myself at home. I have to
do that to prevent the transmission of the virus. It’s boring to
stay at home but I have to do it. I’m on vacation so at least I don’t
have to worry about work.

What do Pedro and Laura have to do?

A. They have to rest and drink liquids.

B. They have to avoid eating too much.

C. They have to go to a meeting.

8 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

Read these post from a forum and choose the correct answer.

What’s the matter?

Maria: I’m not feeling well these days. I have a backache and I
can’t work. On top of that, I also have a fever. I decided to visit
the doctor and he told me that I have to rest a lot and take some
medicine. I’m worried because I have a lot of work to do. I hope I
feel better soon.

Pedro: Oh, my stomach is killing me! I have this terrible

stomachache, and it's making me feel so uncomfortable. I went
to see the doctor and he said that I don't have to worry too
much. I have to drink a lot of water and I avoid eating heavy
foods. I have to take some antibiotics and rest at home. I have a
lot of homework to do and I worry about missing my classes at

Laura: I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning. It’s
difficult to talk. I decided to go to the doctor immediately. He
advised me to rest and drink warm liquids, like tea with honey.
The doctor said I don’t have to speak too much. I have an… 8/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class

important meeting tomorrow. I hope I can go to work and do my


Carlos: Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I

have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and terrible
headaches. I thought it was just a cold. I immediately contacted
my doctor, and he said I have to isolate myself at home. I have to
do that to prevent the transmission of the virus. It’s boring to
stay at home but I have to do it. I’m on vacation so at least I don’t
have to worry about work.

What symptom does Maria have?

A. Fever.

B. Stomachache.

C. Headache.

9 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

Read these post from a forum and choose the correct answer.

What’s the matter?

Maria: I’m not feeling well these days. I have a backache and I
can’t work. On top of that, I also have a fever. I decided to visit
the doctor and he told me that I have to rest a lot and take some
medicine. I’m worried because I have a lot of work to do. I hope I
feel better soon.

Pedro: Oh, my stomach is killing me! I have this terrible

stomachache, and it's making me feel so uncomfortable. I went
to see the doctor and he said that I don't have to worry too
much. I have to drink a lot of water and I avoid eating heavy
foods. I have to take some antibiotics and rest at home. I have a
lot of homework to do and I worry about missing my classes at

Laura: I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning. It’s
difficult to talk. I decided to go to the doctor immediately. He
advised me to rest and drink warm liquids, like tea with honey.
The doctor said I don’t have to speak too much. I have an… 9/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class

important meeting tomorrow. I hope I can go to work and do my


Carlos: Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I

have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and terrible
headaches. I thought it was just a cold. I immediately contacted
my doctor, and he said I have to isolate myself at home. I have to
do that to prevent the transmission of the virus. It’s boring to
stay at home but I have to do it. I’m on vacation so at least I don’t
have to worry about work.

Why is Carlos not worried about work?

A. He is on vacation.

B. He is a student.

C. He is the boss.

10 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

Read these post from a forum and choose the correct answer.

What’s the matter?

Maria: I’m not feeling well these days. I have a backache and I
can’t work. On top of that, I also have a fever. I decided to visit
the doctor and he told me that I have to rest a lot and take some
medicine. I’m worried because I have a lot of work to do. I hope I
feel better soon.

Pedro: Oh, my stomach is killing me! I have this terrible

stomachache, and it's making me feel so uncomfortable. I went
to see the doctor and he said that I don't have to worry too
much. I have to drink a lot of water and I avoid eating heavy
foods. I have to take some antibiotics and rest at home. I have a
lot of homework to do and I worry about missing my classes at

Laura: I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning. It’s
difficult to talk. I decided to go to the doctor immediately. He
advised me to rest and drink warm liquids, like tea with honey.
The doctor said I don’t have to speak too much. I have an… 10/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class

important meeting tomorrow. I hope I can go to work and do my


Carlos: Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I

have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and terrible
headaches. I thought it was just a cold. I immediately contacted
my doctor, and he said I have to isolate myself at home. I have to
do that to prevent the transmission of the virus. It’s boring to
stay at home but I have to do it. I’m on vacation so at least I don’t
have to worry about work.… 11/12
16/7/24, 19:15 UTP+class… 12/12

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