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全球首个港口自动驾驶示范 卡的规模化运行效果,全面提升港口 灵动科技再获两项行业大奖

区在天津港获批建设 自动化运输水平,加快建设世界一流
广,将自动驾驶渗透到港口业务链, 2020 年中国机器人行业年会暨
以物流为核心,促成港口业务系统形 Leaderobot 中国机器人颁奖典礼近
近日,天津港集团正式获得天 成统一信息平台,引领港口的基础设 日在南京隆重举行。
津市交通运输委员会批复,建设天津 施进行智能化、自动化、数字化升级, 中国工程院、哈尔滨工业大学机器人
港港口自动驾驶示范区,成为全球首 推动港口物流运输的全面自动化、 研究所等近三百位知名学者、

个获批建设的港口自动驾驶示范区。 智能化,加快天津港的数字化转型, 投资人、创业者齐聚一堂共议行业发

以港口自动驾驶示范区获批建 实现自动驾驶多场景串联,打造成为 展态势。


设为标志,天津港集团将进一步统筹 智慧港口与智慧物流的综合示范区, 一举斩获两项重磅奖项:“2020 工

业机器人物流开拓奖”及“2020 年
各类创新资源,发挥集成创新优势, 为助力天津北方国际航运枢纽建设
度中国机器人新锐企业 Top30”。
组建 50 辆以上规模的自动驾驶车队, 贡献“津港智慧”,为世界一流港口
建设自动驾驶车队调度管理系统,搭 建设提供“中国方案”,为服务创新
建港口交通云控制平台,构建港口自 型国家建设和交通强国战略实施提
定出 Leaderobot2020 年度“中国机
动驾驶标准体系,制定港口自动驾驶 供有力支撑。
器人新锐企业 TOP30”。灵动科技作
安全管理办法,不断完善自动驾驶集 ——天津港集团
为唯一一家 AMR 企业入选榜单。专家
振华重工成功研发新型多功能吊具 领域运营良好,极具发展潜力及投资

部平移机构可调整宽度方向的吊点, 价值,作为新锐企业,它们正处于

快速切换可吊装 ISO 标箱或 WTP 宽箱 快速发展阶段,近三年有突出成绩;

的模式;伸缩机构采用全行程设计, 具备创新先进的技术水平,核心产品

可吊装任何规格的集装箱和平板车; 在实际应用场景中获得较好的效果;

中部倾转机构可实现左右主动侧倾, 取得重大成就或为产业发展做出积

以适应在斜坡上堆放的集装箱和平 极贡献。

近日,上海港机重工成功研发 板车;四腿踏板机构为快拆式,能快 2020 年是灵动科技硕果累累的

了一款新型多功能吊具(PIGGYBACK 速更换以适应不同标准的货柜车和 一年,这匹 AMR 领域横空出世的黑马,

吊具)。该吊具适用性广,可吊装常 平板车。除此之外,所有机构均采用 凭借其技术引领和商业落地能力已

拖车等。 外置设计,维修﹑保养便利。该类吊 获得来自政府、行业,国内外顶级智

目前已经完成核心机构的样机测试 具还可应用到轮胎吊﹑轨道吊等任 库和媒体近 20 项重磅奖项。

及整机产品的重载测试。 何类型的起重机上,具有广阔的市场
与国外类似机型相比,本次研 前景。 ——灵动科技 ( 北京 ) 有限公司

发的新品可快速实现多模式切换,端 ——上海振华重工

2020 年第 24 期 / 11


P10 国机集团与海南省签署深化战略合作协议 P12 表彰先进、弘扬正气,为实现更好更快发展凝聚正能量
SINOMACH enters into an agreement of deepening strategic cooperation with Hainan ——中国机械工业联合会党委举行疫情防控和服务复工
12 月 13 日,海南自由贸易港重点项目集中签约活动在海口举行。在海南省委书
Commend the advanced, promote the uprightness and gather positive energy for better
记沈晓明,省委副书记、代省长冯飞,国机集团党委书记、董事长张晓仑的共同 and faster development - the Party Committee of China Machinery Industry Federation
见证下,国机集团党委常委、副总经理丁宏祥与海南省副省长刘平治签署了《海 holds the Commendation Meeting for Advanced Collectives and Individuals in
Epidemic Prevention & Control and Service Resumption
南省人民政府 中国机械工业集团有限公司深化战略合作协议》。
On December 13, the signing ceremony for key projects of the Hainan Free Trade Port was held in 2020 年 12 月 23 日下午,中国机械工业联合会党委在北京隆重召开“抗击新冠
Haikou. Witnessed by Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, Feng Fei, 肺炎疫情和服务复工复产工作先进集体先进个人表彰大会”,全系统 18 个先进
Deputy Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Acting Governor, and Zhang Xiaolun,
Party Secretary and Chairman of SINOMACH, Ding Hongxiang, Member of the Standing Committee of 集体和 79 名先进个人受到表彰。
the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of SINOMACH, and Liu Pingzhi, Vice Governor of On the afternoon of December 23, 2020, the Party Committee of China Machinery Industry Federation
Hainan Province signed the Agreement of Deepening Strategic Cooperation between Hainan Provincial solemnly held the “Commendation Meeting for Advanced Collectives and Individuals in COVID-19
People’s Government and China National Machinery Industry Corporation Ltd. Epidemic Prevention & Control and Service Resumption” in Beijing, at which 18 advanced collectives
and 79 advanced individuals in total were commended across the system.

IPPR wins a number of awards for scientific and technological achievements granted by

近日,在国机集团 2020 年科技大会上,中国中元获得多项集团科技类奖励,包

括科学技术奖 1 项、优秀标准奖 4 项、标准化工作突出贡献单位奖 1 项、优秀专
利奖 1 项、优秀期刊奖 1 项。公司党委书记、董事长丁建参加会议并领奖。
Recently, at the 2020 Science and Technology Conference of SINOMACH, IPPR won a number of group
science and technology awards, including 1 science and technology award, 4 excellent standard awards,
1 unit award for outstanding contributions to standardization works, 1 outstanding patent award, and
1 outstanding journal award. Ding Jian, the company’s Secretary of Party Committee and Chairman,
attended the meeting and received the awards.

P17 北京起重运输机械设计研究院有限公司提级考核大会
北起院建成第 77 条脱挂索道 顺利召开
BMHRI completes the construction the 77th detachable ropeway Beijing Materials Handling Research Institute Co., Ltd. successfully holds the upgrade
assessment conference
P11 全球首个港口自动驾驶示范区在天津港获批建设
The world’s first port autonomous driving demonstration zone is approved for P18 中国重型机械行业“十四五”发展规划高峰论坛成功举办
construction in Tianjin Port
The “14th Five-Year” Development Planning Summit Forum of China’s Heavy
Machinery Industry is held successfully
ZPMC successfully develops the new multifunctional spreader 近日,中国重型机械行业“十四五”发展规划高峰论坛在北京成功举办,论坛由
近日,上海港机重工成功研发了一款新型多功能吊具(PIGGYBACK 吊具)。该吊
100 余家行业重点企业与高校,120 余位代表参会,共同探讨中国重型机械行业
Recently, the “14th Five-Year” Development Planning Summit Forum of China’s Heavy Machinery
Recently, ZPMC has successfully developed the new multifunctional spreader (PIGGYBACK spreader).
Industry was successfully held in Beijing. Hosted by China Heavy Machinery Industry Association
The spreader has wide applicability and can hoist conventional containers, non-standard containers,
and under the theme of “New Situations, New Tasks and New Plans”, the Forum gathered over 100
platform lorries and trailers, etc. At present, the prototype testing of the core mechanism and the heavy
industry key enterprises and universities, and was attended by more than 120 representatives to discuss
load test of complete machine product have been completed.
the challenges and opportunities currently encountered by China’s heavy machinery industry as well as
the development direction and focus of the industry during the period of “14th Five-Year Plan”

P22 国际标准化组织起重机技术委员会(ISO/TC96)
2020 年系列会议成功召开
灵动科技再获两项行业大奖 The 2020 series meetings of the ISO Crane Technical Committee (ISO/TC96) is held
Forwardx Robotics wins another two industry awards successfully

8 / 2020 年第 24 期

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