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16/7/24, 16:50 UTP+class



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Has utilizado 1 de 1 intento

Intento 1 (16.00pts.)
Desarrollado el: 16/07/24 a las 04:50 p.m.
Tiempo de desarrollo: 9 min

Revisa tu exámen y valida tus respuestas

1 Tienes 0.00/2 pts.

INSTRUCTIONS: Unscramble the words to make sentences in simple past or present perfect. DO

NOT leave unnecessary spaces and use the correct punctuation (capital letters, apostrophes,

commas, and periods) as indicated in the groups of words.

Alexander Fleming/ in 1928./ penicillin/ discovered

Respuesta 1:

Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928

Respuestas correctas:… 1/6
16/7/24, 16:50 UTP+class

• Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.

2 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

INSTRUCTIONS: Unscramble the words to make sentences in simple past or present perfect. DO

NOT leave unnecessary spaces and use the correct punctuation (capital letters, apostrophes,

commas, and periods) as indicated in the groups of words.

appeared/ Machu Picchu/ movies./ in/ some/ has/ Hollywood

Respuesta 1:

Machu Picchu has appeared in some Hollywood movies.

3 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

INSTRUCTIONS: Unscramble the words to make sentences in simple past or present perfect. DO

NOT leave unnecessary spaces and use the correct punctuation (capital letters, apostrophes,

commas, and periods) as indicated in the groups of words.

I/ Paris/ when/ was/ I/ a child./ lived/ in

Respuesta 1:

I lived in Paris when I was a child.… 2/6
16/7/24, 16:50 UTP+class

4 Tienes 2.00/2 pts.

INSTRUCTIONS: Unscramble the words to make sentences in simple past or present perfect. DO

NOT leave unnecessary spaces and use the correct punctuation (capital letters, apostrophes,

commas, and periods) as indicated in the groups of words.

I/ bought/ for/ my family./ have/ a house and two cars

Respuesta 1:

I have bought a house and two cars for my family.

5 Tienes 0.00/2 pts.

INSTRUCTIONS: Unscramble the words to make sentences in simple past or present perfect. DO

NOT leave unnecessary spaces and use the correct punctuation (capital letters, apostrophes,

commas, and periods) as indicated in the groups of words.

scored/ Paolo Guerrero/ goal/ in/ a/ Russia 2018.

Respuesta 1:

Paolo Guerrero scored in goal a Russia 2018.

Respuestas correctas:

• Paolo Guerrero scored a goal in Russia 2018.… 3/6
16/7/24, 16:50 UTP+class

6 Tienes 10.00/10 pts.

INSTRUCTIONS: Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right.

A. Gain



B. Leave



C. Earn


a good salary

D. Take


an exam

E. Get… 4/6
16/7/24, 16:50 UTP+class


a job

F. Go


to school

G. Become


a professional

H. Buy


a jacket

I. Win


a competition… 5/6
16/7/24, 16:50 UTP+class

J. Achieve


a goal… 6/6

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