GARS 3 Template2

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Autism Assessment

The Gilliam Autism Rating Scale – Third Edition (GARS-III) was administered to STUDENT’s
teacher and mother to determine if STUDENT continues to demonstrate behaviors which are
characteristic of an Autism Spectrum Disorder. The results of the current ratings are charted on
the following page.

Gilliam Autism Rating Scales - Third Edition (GARS-3)

Subscales Teacher Rating Parent Rating
Scaled Percentile Rank Scaled Percentile Rank
Score Score
Restricted/ 13 84 12 75
Social 14 91 11 63
Social 12 75 11 63
Emotional 13 84 9 37
Cognitive Style - - - -
Maladaptive - - - -

Composites Teacher Rating Parent Rating

Standard Score Probability of Standard Score Probability of
Autism Autism
Autism Index 121 Very Likely 106 Very Likely

When looking at responses on the Restricted/Repetitive Behaviors subscale, both parent and
teacher indicated that STUDENT repeats unintelligible sounds (babbles) over and over and does
certain things repetitively or ritualistically. When looking at his Social Interaction skills,
STUDENT’s teacher and parent reported that STUDENT doesn’t try to make friends with other
people, displays little or no excitement in showing toys or objects to others, and seems
uninterested in pointing out things in the environment to others. Both teacher and parent
indicated a high number of Social Communication items were very much like STUDENT; for
example, STUDENT has difficulty understanding jokes and identifying when someone is
teasing, and he doesn’t seem to understand that people have thoughts and feelings different from
his own. When looking at his Emotional Responses, STUDENT’s parent indicated that he needs
an excessive amount of reassurance if things are changed or go wrong. STUDENT’s teacher
reported that he becomes frustrated quickly when he cannot do something and becomes upset
when routines are changed. When looking at STUDENT’s Autism Index scores, teacher and
parent ratings produced an Autism Index of 121 and 106 respectively which is in the very likely
range when considering the possibility of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). When considering
the DSM-5 Severity Level for ASD, both parent and teacher ratings indicated Level 3 severity
requiring very substantial support for the student.

Overall Executive Problem Solving Attentional Control Behavioral Control Emotional Control
Functioning Index Index Index Index
Extremely Extremely Extremely Extremely Extremely
Elevated Elevated Elevated Elevated Elevated

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