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■■I" Ninth Grade


Objective: Students will be able to talk about sports and kinds of

music using the present tense.
___________________________________ >
Find the musical instruments in
VOCABULARY F the word search.
Categorize the words below accordion / cello / trombone/

O relating to dance, theater,

or all three combined.
tambourine / clarinet / double bass/
b H
L F C U U y b L A H U X H c F
stage / playwright / live music /
X F Z Q E R u b X y S N X N P
performance / orchestra / F P L o 5 H V N O E P S S T C
choreographer / dancer / audition/ B b Z U Z E L L P N V S s Q J
ballet / conductor / audience / play
J L E y Q I U J N U H L E F Q
L A C L X I I N E O O b L L J
T R Q I L Z w Z J B AA Z B U c
E I J H b O s G K AA O H U S F
O N o I b R o C C A W J O U Q
S E E N o B AA o R T P R b X F
V T N F I y N X I S T G V s A

Match each musical

© instrument
with its corresponding
definition. ___ 1 .Trombone.
A. A very large musical instrument that
is shaped like a violin.
___ 2.
B. A musical instrument that you hold
Write the correct word next to its in both hands to produce sounds. You
definition; use the vocabulary from press the two ends together and pull
them apart and press buttons or keys
exercise one.
to produce the different notes.
C. A keyed woodwind instrument with a ___ 3. Double bass.
A. Group of people listening to or viewing
cylindrical bore and a single reed.
a public event. __________________ .
B. A person who writes plays.
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F 4. Cello.
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

C. A short performance to show D. A large brass musical instrument

that has a tube that you slide in and out
someone's talent to be considered for a to play different notes.
role in a play, a position in an orchestra, E. A small drum with several pairs of ___ 5. Ciarinet.
etc. __________________ . metal jingles attached, played
D. The stage representation of an action especially by shaking or striking with
or story. ___________________ . the hand.

E. A person who stands in front of an

orchestra or a group of singers and directs F. A large musical instrument like a
their performance. ___________________ . violin. It has four strings, it is held ___ 6. Accordion.
between the knees.

Match the words on the right READING
with their corresponding ...J
homophone on the left. Read the text and underline the
vocabulary words that are
A. Pair C 1. Break related to the performing arts
or musical instruments.
B. Ate __ 2. Eye

C. Brake __ 3. Knew
D. Wait __ 4. Bee Performing Arts Academy
E. I __ 5. Eight

F. New __ 6. Hour Do you like dancing? Do you enjoy acting? Do you

want to learn how to play a musical instrument...? The
G. Our __ 7. Passed Talented Soul Performing Arts Academy is the place
for you!
H. Be __ 8. Weight
Our mission is to inspire our students to believe in
I. Tail __ 9. Pear themselves and to create an environment in which they
can explore and expand their passion for the arts. We
J. Past __ 10. Tale offer dance, music, and drama. Our classes are from
Monday to Friday.
Choose the correct word to
In the dance program, students will have the
complete the sentences. opportunity to learn how to dance: salsa, tango, ballet,
rumba and jazz. Our teachers are professional
dancers and choreographers.
1. If your pants are big, you have to wear a
belt around your waist / waste. In the music program, students will have the
opportunity to learn how to play the cello, accordion,
2. The beautiful dear/ deer was eating clarinet, and double bass.
plants and fruits. In the drama classes, they will have improvisation
lessons along with vocal ensemble workshops. Some
3. The night / knight kissed the lady and of our classes offer performance opportunities. Our
then disappeared into the forest with his academy is different from other academies because
horse. the students can show their talents in front of a live
audience every weekend.

4. Today is my birthday so I am going to

If you want to be a member of our professional group
eat a big piece /peace of cake. of dancers, actors or orchestra musicians, you have to
perform an audition in our academy.
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5. The grizzly bare/ bear was eating some

plants in the forest. Don't miss this opportunity to discover the talented
person within!
6. One of the best dishes in this restaurant
is the stake / steak with mushroom sauce.

7. "I was made/ maid for loving you" is

a song by American hard rock band, Kiss.

Answer the questions based GRAMMAR F
on the text exercise 7 text.
Write complete sentences for
A-G based on the
chart below. Make sure to use
1. What is the mission of the Talented
Soul Performing Arts Academy? “like” or “doesn't like”. Follow
the example.

Activity Evan Lucas

2. What kind of performing arts does A. Dance
the academy offer? z z
B. Clean the house
z X
C. Perform in front of an
3. What types of dances will the audience z X
students learn? D. Listen to music
E. Get up early in the
z z
morning z X

4. What are the students going to do in

the drama classes?
F. Play the tambourine
z X
G. Play the accordion
z z
5. What do you have to do if you want to A. Evan and Lucas like
be a member of the professional group dancing _____________________________
of dancers?

6. Why is this academy is different

from other academies?
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

7. The Talented Soul Performing Arts

Academy is a place for you, if you are:

Complete the sentences with the Complete the sentences using the
O correct preposition given and the
correct form of the verb in
© expression “has to” or “have to”
plus the correct form of the verb
parenthesis. given.
about / in/ of / on / at (x2) go / do / work/ have I perform /
A. My best friend is really good (play) the
accordion. A. My father _______ ___________in his office
from Monday to Friday.
B. You shouldn't be afraid _____ ___
(perform) in public. You are a good actor. B. My little sister ___________ _____________to
bed before 8 p.m.
C. My sister is serious ________ ___________
C. The actor ___________ _______________in
(study) ballet when she leaves school.
front of an audience in the afternoon.
D. My brother is hopeless ________ D. The boy ____________ ____________ an
___________ (cook).
audition if he wants to play in the orchestra.
E. I am interested _____ ____________ (learn) E. I _________ _______________a lot if I want
to be a good future dancer.
to become a great dancer.
F. My brother _____________ _______________
F. Charles is not keen _________ ______ (be) in
the new play. special lessons because he is a jazz pianist.

Write sentences, about yourself,
using a verb of “ambition” from
box 1 and a verb from box 2,
0 Write the questions using “have
to” asking about the information
from the sentences in exercise
pay attention to the structure. 12.
Box 1 Box 2 A. _Does your father have to work in his _____
office from Monday to Friday? _______________
want travel - learn
hope plan
J work - become
study - buy

Structure: C. _____________________________________
Verbs of ambition + main verb in infinitive
Example: I want to become a good dancer.
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

D. _____________________________________

E. _____________________________________

Rewrite the following sentences Complete the sentences using

o in the past tense.

A. My mother has to have special lessons to play the
“so” or “such a”
A. I'm _______ hungry because I didn't have

B. This is _________ romantic movie that it

made me cry.
B. I don't have to do an audition to be a member
ofthe dance class. E. I have never felt ______ happy before.

C. Paris is _____________ beautiful city that I

want to live there.
C. The actor has to find somewhere to practice.
D. My little brother was __________ tired that he
fell asleep in my mother's car.

D. I have to go to drama classes in the afternoon. F. My teacher speaks ___________ quickly that I
can't understand her ideas.

G. I had _______________ terrible headache

that I couldn't go to the party.
E. Does he have to go to the performing arts
academy in the morning?
Complete the sentences using
Q “” and an adjective from
the box.
Complete the sentences using
© the gerund (-ing form) of the
boring I good I busy / bad / hot
\_ ________________________________

A. The doctor is
A. It is bad for your teeth to eat
go out with his friends.
Eating __________candies is bad for
your teeth. B. The soup is
______________________ eat.
B. It is nice to take my two dogs for a
walk ______________ my two dogs C. The new singer is
for a walk is nice.
sing in this small place.
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C. It is hard work to clean the

bathrooms in the schools. the D. My sister's photos are be in an
bathrooms in the schools is hard work. art gallery.
D. It is interesting to work in a library
in a library is interesting
E. The new movie was be watched


Complete the sentences with WRITING
O the verbs in the infinitive or the

Write two paragraphs answering

A. She has decided the following questions. Write a
____________________ (study) English on Saturday. title for the text.

Paragraph 1: Which instruments do you think

B. I fancy ________________ (eat) a hot
are the easiest or most difficult to play?
dog with an ice cream this evening.
Paragraph 2: What is the best age to start
C. My father can't stand (be) late. learning to play an instrument?

D. They want _____________ (travel)

around the world.

E. My doctor suggested not (eat)

candies in the morning.

F. My best friend promised not

(tell) anyone my secret.

G. The kid tried not

________________ (laugh) but the movie
was so funny.

H. My brother doesn't enjoy _________

(watch) romantic movies.

I. I would like ______________ (be) a

professional dancer.

J. Lucy avoided _________________ (talk)

to her boyfriend.

K. My boyfriend promised not (drink) beer

at the party.
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L. Charles denied _______________ (go)

to the rock concert.

M. I am trying ________ _ (write)

a poem but it is difficult.

N. I expect ___________ .(finish)

my homework today.

111 F
Imagine you are the owner of a Read and answer the following
performing arts academy. Write a questions.
description about it (create a
name, talk about the mission and A. Do you think it is necessary to go to a
the activities students are special academy to become a star? Why?
going to do). You can use Why not?
exercise 7 as an example.

Our mission

B. Would you like to go to a performing art

academy? Why? Why not?

C. Which of the following performing arts:

music, dance, theatre would you prefer to
do? Why?
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Contact us :

k -----

LISTENING Listen to the audio of a person
talking about his art academy
Listen to Tom and Betty's audio and complete the chart.
talking about music and answer Audio 02
the questions. Audio 01 | Name of the academy:
A. What do Tom and Betty think about
music? | Mission:


In music classes students

B. How do they usually listen to music? will...

In dance classes students
C. What kind of music do they like? Tom:

In drama classes students
D. What kind of musical instrument do they
Listen to the audio's pronunciation of
the “short vowels” sounds in the
E. Which instrument(s) would they like to
play? following words, then listen again and
Tom: repeat them.
Audio 03
F. Are they attending to music classes in a
performing arts academy? Yes/ No, Why? Short “a” words: A
Tom: - act, has, ask, *
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Short “e” words

Betty: - met, ten, let, get
* Short “i” words
G. In the future they want to be: - his, him, win, did, kid,
Tom: * Short “o” words
- not, got, won, hot
Betty: * Short “u” words

SPEAKING Get together with a classmate,

Play the mimic game following

the instructions below.
o ask and answer the following
questions, and complete the
chart below with your classmate's

A. Which of the three performing arts would

you prefer doing?
B. What kind of music do you like?
1. Get in groups of 4 or 5
students. C. Do you play any musical instruments?
2. Cut strips of paper and write Explain why.
on them words related to the D. Which musical instruments would you like
vocabulary you have studied in to play?
this unit (performing arts and E. Have you ever seen a dance, a play, or
musical instruments). live music shows? Explain each one.
3. Students take turns acting out
F. Who are your favorite singers, dancers,
the written words, without
and actors?
4. Other students try to guess G. Are you good at dancing? Explain why.
the word that the student is H. What kind of music do you like to dance
trying to act out. to?
5. The student who guesses the I. Have you ever had an audition? Explain
word has to create a sentence why or why not.
using the word. J. Have you ever performed in front of an
6. The team or player who audience? What did you do?
guesses the words and correctly
pronounce the sentence is going
to get a point. The team with the
most points win.

< ________
Get together with a classmate
and talk about the answers from
exercise 21.

A. Do you think it is necessary to go to a

Let s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

special academy to become a star? Why or

why not?

B. Would you like to go to a performing art

academy? Why or Why not?

C. Which of the three performing arts

(music, dance, theater) would you prefer to
do and Why?

Writing exercise: ask the student to write 4 separate (simple, complex,
complete, negative, positive, and interrogative) sentences and to include one
or more of the following words + the statement “talented people”.

Vocabulary list.
zoology, dialogue, aspire, jovial, random, recede, stereotype, boisterous,


Writing exercise: write two sentences using two of the words from the
vocabulary list.



Compete to gain the flag of knowledge.

1. Throw the dice once, if the number is a:
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

1: Free-player decides the sentence's topic. 2: Opponent groups choose

sentence's topic. 3: Democracy and peace (Democracia y paz) 4: Health (Salud)
5: Sustainability (Sostenibilidad)
6: Globalization (Globalización)

2. Throw the pair of dice and write the number. Then, take the 1 st number and find its equivalent
vertical number (1 st column) and do the same for the 1 st horizontal line with the second number

3. Find the point where these two lines intersect.

4. Follow the instructions to construct and recite a sentence (structure the time accordingly).
- This game may have several variations.
1 .Small or large group setting or individually.
2. The sentences could be oral or written.
3.System where the teacher can use multiple words in a sentence.
4. May be informative, humorous, educational... teacher's discretion.


1st dice you drew a “5” / 2nd throw you drew a pair of 4s / trace the two numbers to their
intersection (the noun lichen). So, the task is to write a sentence related to sustainability
theme using the noun “lichen”

Sentence in sustainability theme: Plan the path towards your future carefully, the road at
times is like a lichen plant and could get slippery, especially towards the top where it is
steep, (historian sea-dreamer)

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 nebula (n.) inference (n.) hypocritical (adj.) alliteration (n.) rainforest (n.) ultraviolet (adj.)

2 renegade (n.) advocate (n.) quarantine (n.) nocturnal nuisance (n.) vaccine (n.)
3 guerrilla toxin (n.) parasite (n.) decimated (v.) marsupial (n.) advocate (v.)
4 immune (adj.) phloem (n.) outrageous (adj.) lichen (n.) boycott (v) mutation (n.)

5 quota (n.) wretched (adj.) quarantine (V.) boycott (n.) suffrage (n.) marsupial (adj.)

6 kilometer (n.) ambiguous (adj.) antibody (n.) guerrilla (n.) impertinent (adj.) renegade (adj.)
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Make sure to play the game until you let sufficient participants play. If at 1st you play it within a four group setting make
sure each group gets a chance. Start timing after the teacher tells the student/group to begin writing. The group or
students that wrote and recited the sentence the fastest is the bearer of the flag of knowledge.

19W Ninth Grade

Objective: Students will be able to ask for or give directions using
prepositions of motion.
Read the clues and complete
the crossword.
1. Tomorrow, my mother has to come to my to
talk to my teacher because I cheated on an exam.
2. John is going to the _____________ to buy
an aspirin for his headache.
3. Let's leave the car in the ______________
_______ while we go shopping.
4. Would you go to the corner's ______________
store and buy my favorite cupcakes?
5. My mother buys all the fruits and vegetables
at the ______________ .
6. Let's go to the _________________ . There's a
dinosaur exhibition that I want to see.
7. My father is a teller and he works at a

8. My grandmother goes to the ___________ on

Sundays. She is very religious.
9. This year's country fair is going to be in the
Look at the crossword above and write: What
National ____________ .
is the secret place?
10. Last Sunday, Anne and I went to the and
watched an amazing movie.
11. Yesterday, I went to the ______________ and
I bought a book that I needed to read for a report.

Match the picture with its corresponding place.

Sport center
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Shopping Mall
Police station

WF7 Complete the conversation Look at the map in exercise 3 and

below based on the map check (v4false or true after each
provided and the prepositions sentence.
given. True False

1. (You are in front of the bakery.)

Police 1 Super- Library Turn left and walk to the corner of
Station market
—n_ Blue Street. Turn left and go straight
Main Roac Stan until Main road. Turn Right and
----- ““1 cross the street. You will see the
Restaurant Parking '
Lot a> Bank bank on your right.
a> a)
co 1 co Movie Park
(D Theater 2. The movie theater is on the

School (1) Bakery

corner, across from the restaurant.

James’ 3. (You are at the supermarket) Go

straight on Main Road and walk
past the police station. Cross the
next intersection. A Skyscraper is
on your left.

□ on the corner □ go past

4. (You are at the drug store) Go
□ on the left □ go straight straight on Green Street to the
second intersection. Turn left onto
□ turn left
Main Road and you will see the
police station on the corner.
Stan: James, how do I get to your
apartment? I'm in front of the library. James: 5. (You are at the park) Go past the
oh, that's easy. Go past the supermarket. movie theater. Tur n right onto Blue
street. Go straight on and turn right
Stan: ok!
onto Main Road. You will see the
James: _________________ on Main Road supermarket on the corner.
and ____________________ onto Green
Street. Go straight on until you see a drug
store ____________________.
Correct the false statements
Stan: ok, and then?
from the previous exercise.
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

James: then, you will see my apartment in

front of the drugstore. My apartment is

Stan: ok! Is it your apartment the green


James: Ok, thanks. See you soon! _______

Complete the conversation Read the examples below.

using the phrases in the box.

Can you tell me which way I

O Then,
match the homographs
need to go ...? the corresponding
• How do I get there, please? meaning.
• Where is the police station?
• You can't miss it! Homographs: Words that have the
• Thanks a lot! same spelling,
Example but differentMeanings
• Turn pronunciations and meanings.
• Straight 1. The singer bows (b) to
the audience.
• Problem a. decorative ribbon
2. Marissa put a red bow
(a) on the birthday gift. b. bend at the waist
Conversation 1

Anne: excuse me! Where is the police

station? Sentences Meanings
Billy: It's next to the museum.
A: •All the students are
present today.
a. here
to the museum, please? •The coach will present
B: yes, go down Grey Street and it's on the ________________ the b. give
left. award at 10:00.
•The wind is a. moving air
blowing hard.
b. turn the stem
Conversation 2 •I have to wind
______ my clock.

Cerci: Sorry to bother you but can you • Please close _______
please tell me where's the nearest bank? the door.
a. near
Diana: It's on Pink Road. • Sam sat close_______
Cerci: to his cousin. b. shut
_________________________________ ?
Diana: Go down Yellow Road and turn right. • The rope wounded
It's in front of the bank. around his
a. tied around
• The soldier
b. an injury
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Conversation 3 received a wound

in the battle.
A: How do I get to the parking lot,
• I dont know if I will a. to have life
live or die.
B: _______________ left at the first b. in real time
corner, go ______________ on Main Street • Last night, I went to see performance
and it will be on your right. a live show.
A: Thank you!
B: No _________________


Read the conversation. Then, trace

on the map the route taken to get
to the bookstore.
Charlie: I went to a great little town last weekend. School Sport
Betty: Really? What was it like? (D Center
J 2
Charlie: It was beautiful! There was an amazing Restaurant Bakery j store
bookstore. It was huge, I'm sure you can find all
the books that you're looking for there. I
Pink Street >-
Betty: Oh! I want to go, how do I get there?
Charlie: Well, if you're at the sports center on Main Lot
Road, walk to the corner of Main Road and Yellow
Street. Turn left onto Yellow Street. Go past the
school and the bakery. Cross Pink Street and you
will find the bookstore on the corner.

Betty: ok, I got it. Were there any good Look at the map again and

Charlie: There was Gino's Restaurant. It was on

O answer the following questions.

Pink Street, and a Café was across from Ginos. 1. Where's the grocery?
Betty: We should go next weekend, I'll buy the
books I need and then we'll eat something. What
do you say?

Charlie: Ok, it sounds good. 2. I'm at the supermarket. How do I get to the

Read the conversation again and parking lot?

check false or true after each
True False
3. Where's the library?
1. Betty went to a little town last

2. The book store was huge.

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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

3. Betty wants to go to the books store 4. Where's the park?


4. To go to the book store, you have to

go past the clothing store.

5. I'm at the café. How do I get to the

5. There weren’t any restaurants in the skyscraper?
little town.

6. Charlie is not going to go with Betty

next week.

GRAMMAR Complete the conversation with

Complete the directions below

© the simple past form of the verb to
O based on the map.
Jimmy: Hi Lindsey. I heard you_________________

on vacation. ________________you in Paris?

A. Exit the station and cross the road.
Lindsey: Yes, I _____________. I
Turn right and walk until Purple Road.
____________ there for two weeks with my best
Turn left and the bank in on the right. friend, Billy.

Jimmy: And, how________________ it?

B. Exit the station cross Station Lindsey: It _____________ very exciting.
Street. Turn left and walk towards Jimmy: How _______________the weather?

Blue Road. Turn right at the parking Lindsey: It _____________ fine during the first

lot. Go along Blue Road, the week, then it _______________too cold and

is at the end of rainy. So Billy and I ______________ upset for

some days.
the road on the left.
Jimmy: Did he stay at the hotel the second week of

your vacations?
C. You are at the bank. Turn left and
Lindsey: No, he didn't. He ________________ with
go straight ahead on Purple Road.
me all the time. What about you?
Pass by the movie theater, the Jimmy: I _______________ not on vacation. I
is at the end of worked the whole week.
the road on the left. Lindsey: Too bad! You have to rest more.

D. Go right out of the Sports Center

and take the first turning on the left. © Complete Lindsey's vacation log.

Go straight on and the

is at the end of
Station Street in the right.
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

E. Exit the library and go straight ahead

on Great Street. The
is at the end of
the road at your right.

Write a short paragraph about Rewrite the sentences in simple
© what you did during last
past form.

1. She can't go to the party.

2.1 have a beautiful cat.

3. Martha is in the swimming pool.

4. He comes to my apartment.

Write the simple past form of the

© following regular and irregular
5. She does a lot of homework.

Present Past 6. She gets up at six o'clock.


7. They don't play soccer anymore.

Do 8. I am late! And I miss the bus.


Get 9. Sarah leaves the park and goes

straight on Blue road.

10. He tells me his little secret.
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9


11.1 turn left and find the store.

12.1 want to go to Paris on vacation.

Write the corresponding past Write sentences based on what
form of the verb in parenthesis. these people were doing
1.1 _________ (To wish) I ___________ (To be)
x z ----------------------- x
2. He __________ (To wish) he ____________
(To live) in Brazil.
3. I ________ fTo be) too fat. I wish I
__________ (To be) thin.
4. She _________ (To wish) she ___________(To
be) more confident.
5. They ________ (To wish) they ___________
(To win) the match.

Read the text and answer the


My boyfriend, Chris, is not very handsome. He's

very tall, and he's really thin. He doesn't like
sports, and he never
wants to go dancing with me on Saturdays. He Choose the correct sentence.
can't dance! He doesn't
have much money and he never buys me
flowers. Everybody asks me why I still 1. When I waited for the bus,
go out with him. Actually, I'm not sure someone stole my watch.
but I like him.
When I was waiting for the bus,
someone stole my watch.
a. What does Kate want her boyfriend to be like?
Ex: Kate wished Chris was handsome.
2. Charlie was reading while John
watched a movie.
Let’s Practice English

Charlie was reading while John was

watching a movie.

3. When I called my sister, she was

taking a shower.

When I called my sister, she took a



0 Write a past continuous

sentence for each verb.
Listen to the words and write them
in the order you hear them. Audio
1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________

4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________

6. ________________________________
7. _________________________________

8. ________________________________
9. _________________________________

10. ________________________________

Choose the beginning from column Listen to the audio and underline
A and the ending from column B. the words you hear. Audio 05
Make up a story and add as many
1. At 9 a.m. James and Oliver were at the
details as necessary.
bank / bakery I police station.
2. James and Oliver were at the museum
...was walking home from was the president of
at 9:00/9:30/10:00 a.m.
school. my country.
...received a strange ...there was a police car 3. At 11 a.m. James was at the bank /
phone call. outside my house.
museum / bakery.
...accepted an interesting ...found a beautiful dog.
4. Jane I James / Oliver was at the candy
store at 11 a.m.
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

5. Later they were at the toy store / pet

shop / bookstore.

6. When Oliver was at home, James was at

the drugstore / bank / museum.

7. They were in the bookstore / Movie

Theater / park at 7 p.m.

PRONUNCIATION Read the following words, out

Listen to the following words,

© loud, and choose which words are
pronounced with the long “e”
and classify them in the sound, and which ones with the
corresponding category. long “a” sound.
Audio 06
Mail _ Long a____ Nail _____________

Ceiling Tea _____________ Ape ____________

Eight Hey
Green ___________ Grain __________
Honey Key
Money Leisure Day _____________ Beat ___________

Obey They Leaf ____________ Read __________

Survey Receive
Hair ____________ Eat ____________
Tree Bee
Cage See _____________ Bake ___________

Key _____________ Receive ________

Long 'a’ sound Long 'e’ sound
Sail _____________ Honey __________

Vain ____________ T ree ____________

Chat with a classmate the
following questions:
1. Which words from the vocabulary in this unit
were the most difficult to understand? Why?

2. Which words did you already know?

3. How many new words did you learn?

Read the words, out loud, and Read and follow the instructions.
circle the seven words with the
Let’s Practice English

long 'a' sound. 1. Get into groups of six. Divide each group into two
teams. Write as many words as you want from the
vocabulary in this unit on a piece of paper, fold them,
Play Key and put them into a bag.

Sail Map
2. One person from a team takes a word and makes
Rat Money a drawing so the others can guess the word.

Lion Time
3. The team that guesses the most words wins.
Wake Rose

Writing exercise: ask the student to write 4 separate (simple, complex,
complete, negative, positive, and interrogative) sentences and to include one
or more of the following words + the statement “talented people”

Vocabulary list.
accentuate, camouflage, silhouette, hologram, bizarre, tariff, tempo, virtuous,


Writing exercise part b: write two sentences using two of the words from the vocabulary


& Compete to gain the flag of knowledge.

1. Throw the dice once, if the number is a:

1 = Free-player decides the sentence's theme.

2 = Opponent groups choose sentence's theme.
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9
Lets Practice English

3 = Democracy and peace theme (Democracia y paz)

4 = Health theme (Salud)
5 = Sustainability theme (Sostenibilidad)
6 = Globalization theme (Globalizacion)

2. The teacher or the opposite group will give you two sets of numbers from 1 - 6. Then,
take the 1st number and identify its equivalent vertical number (1st column), and do the
same to the horizontal (1st line) with the second number.

3. Find the point where the two lines intersect.

4. With the word and definition found in the intersection write a sentence based on the theme
drawn in step 1.

5. The group or individual students that form(s) the sentence fastest will be the bearer of the flag
of knowledge for that day.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Tempo (n.) inference (n.) hypocritical (adj.) rainforest (n.) bizarre (adj.)
2 renegade (n.) advocate (n.) tariff (n.) nocturnal (adj.) nuisance (n.) vaccine (n.)

3 guerrilla (adj.) toxin (n.) camouflage (n.) decimated (v.) marsupial (n.) advocate (v.)

4 Voracious (adj.) virtuous (n.) outrageous (adj.) lichen (n.) boycott (v) mutation (n.)

5 quota (n.) wretched (adj.) accentuate (V.) hologram (n.) suffrage (n.) virtuous (adj.)

6 Silhouette (n.) ambiguous (adj.) antibody (n.) guerrilla (n.) impertinent (adj.) renegade (adj.)

Make sure to play the game until you let sufficient participants play. If at 1st you play it within a four group setting make sure
each group gets a chance. Start timing after the teacher tells the student/group to begin writing. The group or students that
wrote and recited the sentence the fastest is the bearer of the flag of knowledge.
WORKBOOK 6*7-8-9
Let’s Practice English

IMP Ninth Grade

Objective: Students will be able to talk about different means of
transportation using the present perfect.

Read the clues given and complete the crossword.


4. A vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing 1. A set of several carriages that are connected to
its pedals with your feet. each other and pulled along a railway line by an
6. A vehicle used for traveling or carrying things into
space, which is shaped like a big tube. 2. A type of aircraft with large metal blades on top
which turn around very quickly to make it fly.
9. A car and driver that you pay to take you
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

3. A vehicle that travels across the water.

10. An electric vehicle for carrying passengers which 5. A short board with two small wheels at each end,
travels along the street on metal tracks. which you can stand on and ride for fun or as a sport.
11. A fast two-wheeled vehicle with an engine.
7. A vehicle with four wheels and an engine that can
carry a small number of passengers.
13. A ship, especially military one that can stay under
8. A very large, expensive, and comfortable car,
driven by someone who is paid to drive.
14. A vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at
least one engine.
12. A large vehicle that people pay to travel on.

Categorize the following means of Match the definition

transportation in the
corresponding box below.
o Car □ Plane
O with the
corresponding phrasal
related to travelling.
□ Helicopter □ Motorcycle
' a. Drop off b. Check in
o Bicycle □ Bus c. Check out d. Pick up
o Taxi □ Boat e. Set out f. Take off

□ Train □ Trolley
g. Get in h. Get away
□ Limousine □ Rocket i. Get on j. Speed up
□ Submarine □ Skateboard k. Look around I. Hurry up
m. Go back n. See off
o. Look forward

1 ■ _____ : If a train, plane, etc. arrives at an

airport or train station.

2. _____ : To go to an airport, train station, etc. to

BY WATER say goodbye to someone.

3. _____ : To be excited and pleased about

something that is going to happen.

4. _____ : To report that you have arrived at a

hotel or airport.

5. _____ : To look at what is in a place such as a

BY AIR building, shop, town etc. especially when you are

6. _____ : When a plane leaves and begins to fly.

7. _____ : To take someone or something to a

place by car and leave them there on your way to
another place.

8. _____ : To increase speed.

Write complete sentences in
the past simple using the 9. _____ : To start a journey, especially a long
words given.
10. _____ : To make someone do something more
a. Trolley: _______________________ quickly, or to make something happen more quickly.
Let’s Practice English

11. _____ : To leave a hotel after paying

b. Limousine: _____________________ the bill.

12. _____ : To take a holiday away from the place

you normally live.
c. Boat: _________________________
13. _____ : To let someone get into your car, boat,
etc. and take him / her somewhere.

14. _____ : To return to a place that you have just

d. Helicopter: _____________________ came from.

15. _____ : To climb on a board.


Match the homograph with the two possible meanings.

g. _________ : The things that are inside a box. /

a. Fair b. Lie c. Tear Happy and satisfied.
d. Bow e. Row f. Wind h. _________ : A small animal like a mouse with
wings that flies around at night. I long wooden stick
g. Lead h. Bass i. Bat with a special shape that is used in some sports and
j. Bank k. Close I. Axes
m. Content n. Moped o. Wound i. _________ : To be in a position in which your
v J body is flat on the floor, on a bed, etc. I To
deliberately tell someone something that is not true.
a. __________ : A line of things or people next to
each other IA short angry argument, especially j. _________ : A very low singing voice, or a man
between people who know each other well. with a voice like this. IA fish that can be eaten and
lives in both rivers and the sea.
b. __________ : The past tense and past
participle of wind I An injury to your body that is k. _________ : A business that keeps and lends
made by a weapon such as a knife or a bullet. money and provides other financial services. I Land
along the side of a river or lake.
c. __________ : A soft heavy grey metal that
melts easily and is poisonous. I The first position in a l. _______ : The plural of axe. / The plural of axis.
race or competition.
m. ______ : A weapon used for shooting arrows,
d. __________ : A drop of salty liquid that comes made of a long thin piece of wood held in a curve by
out of your eye when you are crying. IA hole in a a tight string. / A long thin piece of wood with a tight
piece of cloth or paper where it has been torn. string fastened and it used to play musical
instruments such as the violin or cello.
e. __________ : A situation, system, way of
treating people, or judgment seems reasonable, n. ______ : Acted sad or gloomy. IA bicycle with
acceptable, and right. I i\ form of outdoor a motor.
entertainment, at which there are large machines to
ride on and games in which you can win prizes. o. ______ : Moving air, especially when it moves
strongly or quickly in a current. I To turn or twist
f. ________ : To shut something in order to cover something several times around something else.
an opening, or to become shut in this way. / Not far
from someone or something.

Write complete sentences in the present simple with the following words.

a. Bow: 1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
Let's Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

b. Bat: 1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
c. Fair: 1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
d. Bank: 1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
e. Bass: 1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
f. Close: 1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________


Read about Sofia and why she
decided to become a teacher.
Read Frank's biography.
Sofia is a senior at the University of California. Her
plan is being a teacher. When asked why she chose
Frank is a sophomore at the University of New this major, her reply was that as a child she always
York. When asked what he will be loved to teach new things to people and enjoy
studying on campus, his reply was that he helping people learning new material. Growing up,
dreamed on working with a huge corporation, she was often asked during class sessions to explain
which he will be in charge of processing, difficult material and her classmates understood very
inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and quickly after she had explained it to them. That was
modeling data; he felt that he could one day be when she noticed and knew right away what she
able to manage and create his own team. He wanted to do when she grew up. When asked what
graduated from Irwin High School in 2000, and grade level she wanted to teach in, she replied that
he is set to graduate from the University of New she wanted to teach younger kids because they are
York with a master's degree in data analysis in better listeners and they would be scared of her and
2017. Some of his closest friends suggested listen to everything; unlike older kids that may be a
that he should've gone with another major, bit smarter however stubborn at times. She
however they are studying to become security graduated from the University of California in 2009.
analysts. When he isn't working on his studies, We asked what she does in her free time,
he works on his hobby, which is building
computers, and his job is to fix and clean all
types of electronic devices.

her reply was that she enjoys to read books

^and spend time doing word puzzles. _________

Make a diagram that

summarizes the main ideas Answer the questions taking into
of Frank's biography. © account what you read about
a. Where did Sofia get the degree?

b. Why did she choose this major?

Let's Practice English

c. Which grade would she like to teach?

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

d. Why would she like to teach little kids?

e. What does she do in her free time?


GRAMMAR Complete the sentences using the

Complete the sentences

© present perfect negative form and
the words given.

O with
the corresponding verb in
a. Use a computer / this week

present perfect or past

b. Read a book / this month
a. I ____________________ (To see) five movies
this month.
c. Eat any fruit / today
b. My dad is looking for the car keys and he can't
find them. I think he ________________ (To lose)

c. My brother ________________ (To crash) my

d. Lose anything / recently
mom's car last year.

d. We can't go out, it _______________ (To not

stop) raining.

e. I ________________ (To buy) a gift to my father e. Be to the cinema / since

last month.

f. My mom ________________(To travel) to

Venezuela last year and she ____________ (To
bring) many souvenirs. f. Buy a cellphone / for ages

g. I don't know anything about Charles, _______

you _______________ (To hear) about him
g. Travel to the main city / this year
h. I __________________ (To have) a lot of friends
where I used to live.

i. I am starving! I ___________________ (To not

eat) anything since last night. h. Crash a car / recently
j. I can't fall asleep that is why I _____________
___________ (To drink) a lot of cups of coffee
i. Talk to the headmaster / since last year
k. It is nice to see you again Robin! We ______
_____________ (To not see) each other for such a
long time.
Let s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

I. My father _______________ (To buy) a new

laptop and he ______________ (To give) his old
j. Study science / today
desktop computer to me.

m. I ___________________ (To be) so busy

recently that I _________________ (To not read)
the book assigned from the teacher.
k. Run a marathon / this year

n. My teacher _________________ (To use) to live

in the U.S. before she ___________ (To move) to

o. My family __________________ (To travel) to

different places during this year because my dad
starts working in a big company.

Write an appropriate question Write a possible ending for each

for each answer given. © one of the sentences in the past
simple form.
a. _________________________________
a. My sister has been at the hospital
since ____
I have been a teacher for twenty years.

b. _________________________________
b. I have studied science since _________
My mom has worked at the hospital since
c. My dad has worked in the same
company since _____________________
c. ________________________________

My family has travelled to Bogotá since

d. My teacher has worked at the school
Saturday. since ______________________________
d. _________________________________

Yes, I have studied this weekend. e. My cat has eaten Purina since ________

e. ________________________________
f. Tomas has read a lot of books since
No, he hasn't worked as a waiter.

f. _________________________________ g. My uncle has travelled to different places

since ______________________________
Yes, we have read three different books this
Write true sentences for you in
© the present perfect and past
simple form.
No, I haven't travelled to Europe this year.

h. ____________________________

My friends have lived in the same house since

they were children.
c. ____________________________
Let’s Practice English

i. ________________________________
Yes, my mom has cooked since she got
married. e. ____________________________


No, my dog hasn't gotten sick since he

was a puppy.

WRITING Get together with a classmate

Write a short biography about
yourself in which you describe
the things that you have done
o and create a dialogue talking
about the things that you have or
haven't done in your life.

until now. Student! :

My biography


Student! :




Student! :

Let’s Practice Engiish
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9



LISTENING Write 8 complete sentences

using the present perfect tense.
Listen to the descriptions given
in the audio and write the
corresponding vocabulary words.
Audio 07 2._____________________________________
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________ 3. ___________________________________
c. ____________________________
d. ____________________________ 4. ___________________________________

5. ___________________________________

g- ______________________________
h. ____________________________ 6. ___________________________________

i. ____________________________
j- ______________________________ 7. ___________________________________

Listen to the audio and complete 8. ___________________________________

the sentences with the missing
information. Audio 08
a. I ___________________in different places Get together with a classmate
this year.

b. My English teacher _____________________ in

Colombia for seven years.
o and taking turns, read the
sentences from the previous
exercise and write in your book
what he/she reads to you.
c. My family ______________________ this
house a long time ago.

d. My dog _________________________ sick

the whole week, I think I need to take him to the vet.

e. My mother _______________________ a car

last year and my sister __________________ a

f. I __________________________ since 5. _____________________________________

Let s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

yesterday because I need to give a report on

Monday. 6. _____________________________________

g. My mom doesn't find the keys of the

house, I think she __________________________ 7. _____________________________________
them again.

h. I __________ any books this

year because I _________ the
time to do it.

Listen to the audio and Create a comic strip in which you
categorize the words in the summarize the important things that
corresponding box. Audio 09 you have done in your life.

Get together with a classmate and

share what you did in the previous
exercise. Ask questions about the
Let's Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

reasons why you have done what

you describe in the comic strip.

Get together with a classmate and

prepare a dialogue to present in
front of the classroom in which you
show, how an interview for a job
would be.


Compete to gain the flag of knowledge.

1. Throw the dice once, if the number is a:

1 = Free-player decides the sentence's theme.

2 - Opponent groups choose sentence's theme.
3 = Democracy and peace theme (Democracia y paz).
4 = Health theme (Salud).
5 = Sustainability theme (Sostenibilidad).
6 = Globalization theme (Globalizacion).

2. The teacher or the opposite group will give you two sets of numbers from 1-12.
Then, take the 1st number and identify its equivalent vertical number (1st column),
and do the same to the horizontal (1st line) with the second number.

3. Find the point where the two lines intersect.

4. With the word and definition found in the intersection write a sentence based on
the theme drawn in step 1.

The group or individual students that form the sentence the fastest will be the bearer
of the flag for that day.
Let’s Practice English

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bamboozl e Embarg o Solstic Formidable Pulveri ze Antibo dy Quand Repose Saga Immun e
1 (v.) (n.) e (n.) (adj.) (v)
(n.) ary (n.) (n.) (n.) (adj.)
ed (adj.) choice

Renegade Undula te Symbio Sacrifi ce Ellipse Embarg Guerrilla Appeas e Laconi c

2 Quaran Nocturnal (adj.) Marsu
(n.) (v.) sis (n.) (v.) (n.) o(v.) (adj.) (v.) (adj.)
tine (n.) pial (adj.)

Vertebrat e Partici Ascetic Vertebrate Expone Mutati on Advoca Lavish Platea

3 Legitim Chrono Tranqu
(n.) Pie (n.) (n.) (adj.) nt(n.) (n.) te (v.) (adj.) u(n.)
ate (adj.) logy (n.) ility (n.)

Renaissa Phloem Repose Deign Xylem Embarg o Divulge Suffrag e

4 Decorum (n.) Toxin (n.) Teache rs
nee (n.) (v.) (v.) (n.)
Embar (n.) (v) (n.)
go (v) choice

Light- year
Kilometer Ozone Amiss (phrase = Animate Decima Parasit e Tumult Fallacy Amiabl e Boycott
5 nent
(n.) (n) (adj.) astronomica d (v.) ted (v.) (n.) (n.) (n) (adj.) (n.)
1 distance)

Tundra Sacrifi ce Deduction Labyrinth Cower Canine Ascetic Rainfor Yacht Spectru m
6 (n.) (n.)
(n.) (n) (v.) (adj.) (adj.) est (n.) Catastr (n.)
(adj.) ophe (n.) (n.)
Hieroglyp Sequel Ruptur Consul Astute Teacher's Eclectic
Unanimous Guru (n.)
7 hie (n.) (n.) e(n.) (adj.) t(v.)
Marsu dent
(adj.) Allitera choice (adj.)
pial (n.) (adj.) tion (n.)
Fruitless Brawl Gargoy le Nuisance Resum e Gratify Inferen ce
Ambigu Wretched Quaran
8 (adj.) OUS
Lichen (n.)
(n.) (n.) (v.) (v.) (n.)
(adj.) tine
(adj.) (V.)

Guerrilla Lavish Rebuke Heritag Techni Acciai Nebula Robust Atroph Canine Insinu ate
9 (n.) (v.) (n.)
Strategy (n.)
e(n.) que (n.) m (v.) (n.) (adj.) y(v) (n.) (v.)

Mosaic Jaunty Advoca Boycott Hurtle Advoca Metap Inunda te Ruptur e Legacy
10 (n.) (adj.) te (n.)
Analogy (n.)
(v) (v.) te (n.) hor (n.) (v.) (v.)

Flourish Captio Advoca Omnivore Rebuke Renega Plunde Poised Acclai m
11 Cater (v.) Ultravi morate
(v.) n(n.) te (v) (n.) (v.) de r(v.) (adj.) (n.)
(adj.) olet (adj.) (v.)

Maneu Poised
Enthusias tic Antics Vaccine Flouris Brawl Quota Infamo us Maneu
12 (adj.) (n.) (n.)
Plunder (n.)
ver (v.)
h(n.) (v.) (v.) (n.) (adj.) ver (n.)
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9


BE* Ninth Grade


Objective: Students will be able to talk about shopping habits.

_____________________________________ _______________ >

Match the words related to
shopping vocabulary with their
meanings. o Complete the sentences with
some words from exercise one.
A. My father went to the ________________ to try
on a shirt.
A. The place or area where __ 1. Shopping car.
goods are paid for in a store. B. I don't like going shopping on Sunday. There
are long lines at the ______
B. A person who buys goods __ 2. Counter. C. When my mother is in the supermarket, she
in a shop. puts shopping goods in a ________
C. An area where a person __ 3. Bargain.
can try the clothes before D. My mother always keeps the _________ when
buying. she buys clothes in case she needs to change
D. A special offering of goods F 4. Receipt.
at reduced prices. E. Shelves near the _______ often contain
sweets, books, or magazines.
E. A large metal basket or __ 5. Shopper.
frame on wheels, used for
transporting heavy or large F. I think that working as a shop assistant is a
items, such as supermarket boring job because you have to stand behind the
purchases. ________ most of the time.

Complete the sentences using

F. A piece of paper on which __ 6. Changing
the things that you buy are
listed with the total amount
paid and the prices for each.
o the words from the box. And then
rearrange the steps in the proper
order to launch a new product.

G. A thing bought or offered __ 7. Cash register. advertisement, commercial, marketing,

for sale much more cheaply slogan, campaign, launch, promote,
than is usual or expected. advertisement,
logo, product.

H. A horizontal surface over __ 8. Cash register. A. Write a _______

which business is performed. B. Develop the product _______
C. Create an ______________ campaign and make
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

a TV ___________ .
I. A drawer or box in which __ 9. Sale. D. Give it a name and design the _____
money is kept, as in a shop. E. Do some _________ research
F. Launch and ______ the product.

1. Develop the product ________________

3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________
6. ________________________________

Complete the chart with the Match the words with their
correct words from the box. corresponding homophone.

T-shirt, baggy, high heels, hoodie, A. Air C 1. Sail

striped, sweatshirt, sneakers, casual,
spotted, jacket, flip-flops, elegant, tight, B. Fare __ 2. Aloud
plain, oxford shoes, skirt, trousers,
checked, shirt, shorts, patterned, sporty, C. Sale __ 3. Gorilla
flowery, jeans, flats.
k _______ _______ _________________ /
D. Key __ 4. Heir

Clothes Styles Patterns

E. Principal __ 5. Toe
F. Guerrilla __ 6. Quay

G. Tow __ 7. Fair

H. Allowed __ 8. Principle

Write sentences using one word

O from each pair of homophones

from exercise six. You can use
the dictionary to look up the words
you are not familiar with.


Using the clothes vocabulary from exercise B.

four, complete the categories.


Let’s Practice English



© Read the text and answer the
Read the article and answer the


Advertisements are part of our lives. Perhaps,
they are one of the most important factors that Like other forms of addiction, shopping
influence our shopping habits. We are addiction is a disease; it is similar to other
surrounded by advertising everywhere, on addictive behaviors and has some of the same
television, radio and internet influencing every characteristics as alcoholism, gambling, etc.
purchase we make.
It can occur when a person feels depressed,
Advertisements persuade us to buy things, and angry, and/or lonely. This shopping addiction
to achieve it, advertising media use different may result in interpersonal, family and financial
problems in one's life.
methods and strategies to present a product or
service as something necessary for the
The person who suffers this addiction is called
consumer. The problem here is that most of the
a shopaholic. Becoming a shopaholic is a
time those products are unnecessary in our
problem not just for women but also for men.
The motivations and effects of compulsive
buying are the same for men and women. What
The ways in which advertising convey their
differs is the types of things they buy, while
messages have a profound effect on many
women spend vast sums of money buying
aspects of our lives, such as: culture, family and
clothes, shoes, jewelry and make-up. Men buy
interpersonal relations, business, stereotypes,
sport equipment, electronics and car related
wealth, individuality, and the way you feel.
When you are looking at an advertisement, you
have the choice to decide whether you need it
This addiction can be treated with behavioral
or not, just ask yourself this question “Do I really
therapy and individual counseling. The
need it?”
shopaholic must learn how to develop impulse
control. If it stems from depression or other
A. What is an advertisement? clinical mental health problems and medication
may help. Shopping addicts can also benefit
from recovery programs like Shopaholics
Anonymous or Debtors Anonymous, that offer
B. How do advertisements persuade us? a positive source of support during recovery.

Are you a shopaholic? Why?

C. What do you think about advertising? Do you agree with the text?
Let’s Practice English

Read again and answer the GRAMMAR
© following questions.
Complete the chart with the

A. What is compulsive shopping? correct form for the following

comparative and superlatives.
Adjective Comparative Superlative


Nice nicer
B. What do you call a person who
suffers from this addiction? Beautiful the most

Small the smallest

Big bigger
C. When does the compulsive
Good better
shopping behavior occur?
Bad the worst


D. Are men and women equally
addictive to shopping? Expensive more expensive

Read the sentences and correct

the mistakes.

A. This t-shirt is the most cheap in the

Let s Practice English

E. What is the treatment for B. That wine is more cheaper than this
shopaholics? one.

C. The red dress is fashionabler than the

blue one.

D. This new shopping center is the better

place to go shopping in my town.

Complete the sentences with a Complete the sentences using
comparative or superlative. © comparative or superlative
adjectives. Use the adjectives
A. Fashion is __________
(important) to women ________________ men.
from the box.
/ -------------------------------------------------- ---- X
B. Sunday morning is ____________________ beautiful / cheap / old /
(bad) time to go shopping.
comfortable / big
C. This new store has ____________________ X ____________________ _ _________ /
(cheap) prices in the area. A. This flowery shirt is _____________________
the spotted one, it is from the latest collection.
D. The hypermarkets offer a _______________
(wide) selection of products ___________ local
shops. B. The shops in a city are __________________
in the town, so you can find everything you want for
low prizes.
E. Sometimes it is _______________________
(easy) for teenagers to follow fashion to be original.
C. These flats are ________________________
than these high heels, I think walking on high heels is

Complete the sentences with D. I think this is the _______________________

the comparative or superlative dress I have ever seen. It is perfect for me.
adjectives taking into account the
information from the chart below. E. Those flip-flops are _____________________
these black oxfords. ¡They cost the entire earth’s
SHOP Andy Pandy Diamond’s
NAMES: clothes shop clothes shop Combine the two sentences into

A. Prices Low prize High prize

© one using the correct relative
pronoun (who, which, where
B. Originality Old style New style
or whose) and in some cases,
C. Popularity Very popular Not popular
D. Queues Long lines No lines the words need to be removed
or added to make sense.
A. Andy Pandy clothes shop is ____________
___________ than Diamond's clothes shop. A. She is the girl. I met in the store.

B. This is the song. It makes me feel happy.

B. Clothes in Andy Pandy
than clothes in Diamond’s (original) C. He is the person. He teaches how to dance
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

C. Andy Pandy is _____________________
than Diamond.
D. She is the girl. Her sister is a shopaholic.

D. The queues in Andy Pandy

E. That is the place. I go there to eat
than Diamond. hamburgers.

E. Andy Pandy is _____________________

F. If you are stressed you have to choose an
clothes shop in the city.
activity. You enjoy it.


Complete the blanks with the Complete the table with the
O correct link from the box. correct adjectives from the box.
---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

wooden, big, green, square, amazing,

on the other hand, however,
while, furthermore horrible, Italian, new, reck plastic,

cotton, Spanish, beautiful, little, oval,

According to some surveys, girls are more interested glass, long , fantastic, Chinese,
in shopping than boys. Boys go shopping less and
woolen, old, blue
spend less on clothes. A) , they prefer going
shopping alone. \ ________________________ _______________x
opinion size age shape color origin material

B) _________________ , girls really enjoy

shopping for clothes and usually shop with friends or big red
with their parents.

Girls like visiting different shops to see what is on

sale C), _________________ boys don't waste
time bargaining. D) ______________ , both boys
and girls spend too much money on electronic goods
and mobile phones.

Complete the sentences using

the correct form of the adjective
from the box.

- exciting I excited
- frightening/ frightened Write the adjectives in the
corresponding order.
- surprising / surprised
- depressing I depressed
A. flip-flops / plastic/ old/ green/ Chinese I a pair of
- annoying / annoyed A pair of old green Chinese plastic flip-flops
- interesting / interested
B. woollen/ a skirt I beautiful/ long I black / Italian.

A. Shopping addiction can occur when a

person feels ________________ .
B. Long lines at the cash register are
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

C. expensive I some/ gold/ new I oval I earrings

C. I don't like horror films, they make me feel

D. I enjoyed reading this book, it was really

D. a pair of I leather/ red I comfortable/ flats/
E. We were __________________ with the American.
new prices, all the things were cheaper than before.
F. It was so _______________ when I won a
discount coupon for 90% in the new hypermarket.

WRITING Do a survey in your classroom

Read and answer the following

questions about shopping.
@ about the difference between
female's and men's shopping
habits. Then do a report with the
findings. Below you can find
A. How much money do you spend a month some questions that you can
at the shops?
Do you go shopping every weekend?
Do you shop online?
Do you prefer branded clothes?
Do you buy electric goods?
Do you look for bargains?
Are you compulsive or impulsive?
B. Who do you normally go shopping with? Do you prefer going shopping alone or
with friends?
Do you go shopping when you are feeling
sad or bored?

C. Do you enjoy shopping? Why?

D. Have you ever bought unnecessary things? Why?

Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

E. What do you think about shopping addiction?


lie’ Listen to the audio of a woman

On a piece of paper design a
talking about shopping and fill in
poster promoting a new product.
the blanks. Audio 11
The poster must contain the name
of the product, a logo, a slogan and A. Things are __________ if you buy them
a picture of it. during __________ .

B. I always keep the ___________ when I

buy something __________ .

C. I think Saturday afternoon is _________

time to ___________ .

D. I don't buy __________ because they

are really ___________ .

F. I think that shopping on the __________

is ____________________ .

G. I __________ go into a shop if the

__________to pay is too ___________ .

Listen to the audio pronouncing
Listen to the audio about the to each word below. Then, listen
descriptions of some model's to it again repeating each word.
clothes and fill in the blanks. Audio 12
Audio 10 Starting “n”
Words Starting with
A. Andy is looking ___________ ; he is “m” Nice , Nap, Night
wearing _________ jeans, with a plain Market, May ,
_________ . On his feet he is wearing
Words with “m” in the Middle “n”
Middle Counter, Launch,
B. Jen is in a plain mini ___________ Promote, Commercial, Spanish
with a __________ __________ . On her Amazing
feet she is wearing _________ . She looks Words Ending with Ending “n”
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Slogan, Plain, Wooden

Room, RAM, Bottom
C. Chris is off to the beach in _________ ,
a _________ t-shirt and a pair
Practice and read the following
of __________ .

D. Jeal is looking very ____________ in a

0 tongue twister using the sound of
the letters “m” and “n”.
___________ dress. She is wearing a Imagine an imaginary menagerie
beautiful pair of red ________________ . manager imagining managing an
imaginary menagerie.

SPEAKING Think about one product that you
like and complete the chart below
On a piece of paper write with the information
questions about shopping habits. needed.
Use some ideas from the box. —
After that, get together with a
Name of the product:
classmate; ask him/her your
questions and write the answers.
Example: Do you like designer
clothes? Why? Or Why not? The logo:
designer clothes / local shops or
shopping centers I favorite shops /
buy things on the internet I shopaholic
/ baggy clothes / style / go shopping
alone or with friends / buy during sales
/ keep the receipt
The slogan:

_ A
Get together with a classmate and

C? talk about the following questions.
K Then complete the chart with your
partner's answers.
A. What is your favorite fashion label?
G? B. Has your favorite fashion label got a logo?
C. Can you think of an example of an advertising
T ————— slogan?
D. What is your favorite TV commercial?
Get together with a classmate
and talk about two stores that you
like to go to. Talk about their
Let’s Practice English

prices, originality, popularity,

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

service, queues, decoration, etc.

The clothes in store A are cheaper than
the ones store B.
I think the store A is the best place to
buy books.



Play the same game from exercise 26 unit 3. However this time, write all the
sentences in the affirmative present simple form using 3rd person singular.

1. Throw the dice once, if the number is a:

1: Free-player decides the sentence's topic.
2: Opponent groups choose sentence's topic.
3: Democracy and peace (Democracia y paz)
4: Health (salud)
5: Sustainability (Sostenibilidad)
6: Globalization (Globalizacion)

2. Throw the pair of dice and write the number. Then, take the 1 st number and find its equivalent vertical numbere (1 st
column) and do the same to the 1 st horizontal line with the second number drawn.

3. Find the point where these two lines intersect.

4. Follow the instructions to construct and recite a sentence (structure the time accordingly).
- This game may have several variations.
1. Small or large group setting or individually.
2. The sentences could be oral or written.
3.System where the teacher can use multiple words in a sentence.
4. May be informative, humorous, educational... teacher's discretion.


1st dice you drew a “5” / 2nd throw you drew a pair of 4s / trace the two numbers to their intersection (the noun
“lichen”). So, the task is to write a sentence related to the sustainability theme using the noun “lichen”.

Sentence in sustainability theme: Plan the path towards your future carefully, the road at times is like a lichen plant
and could get slippery, especially towards the top where it is steep, (historian sea-dreamer)

1 2 3 4 5 6
alliteration ultraviolet
1 nebula (n.) inference (n.) hypocritical (adj.) rainforest (n.)
(n.) (adj.)
2 renegade (n.) advocate (n.) quarantine (n.) nuisance (n.) vaccine (n.)
nocturnal (adj.)

3 guerrilla toxin (n.) parasite (n.) decimated (v.) marsupial (n.) advocate (v.)
Let s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

4 immune (adj.) Phloem (n.) outrageous (adj.) lichen (n.) boycott (v) mutation (n.)

5 quota (n.) wretched (adj.) quarantine (V.) boycott (n.) suffrage (n.) marsupial (adj.)

6 kilometer (n.) ambiguous antibody (n.) guerrilla (n.) impertinent renegade (adj.)
(adj.) (adj.)
Make sure to play the game until you let sufficient participants play. If at 1st you play it within a four group setting
make sure each group gets a chance. Start timing after the teacher tells the student/group to begin writing. The
group or students that wrote and recited the sentence the fastest is the bearer of the flag of knowledge.

up Ninth Grade

Objective: Students will be able to talk about different means of

transportation using the present perfect.
__________________________________ _____ ____________________ >


Read the definition and write the corresponding vocabulary word.

a. The mother of your mother or father: m. The son of your stepmother or stepfather.

b. The child of your uncle or aunt. n. A woman who is married to your father but who is
not your mother.

c. Someone's female child.

o. A girl or woman who has the same parents as
d. A male parent.

p. A male who has the same parents as you.

e. The father of your father or mother.

q. The brother of your husband or wife.

f. A female parent of a child

r. The mother of your wife or husband.

g. The brother of your mother or father, or the
husband of your aunt.
s. The sister of your husband or wife.

h. The sister of your father or mother, or the wife

of your father's or mother's brother. t. The father of your husband or wife.

i. The child of your son or daughter. u. A son that your husband or wife has from a
relationship before you marriage.

j. The son of your brother or sister, or the son of

Let’s Practice English

your husband's or wife's brother or sister. v. The man that a woman is married to.

k. Someone's male child. w. The woman that a man is married to.

I. The daughter of your brother or sister, or the x. The mother of my grandmother.

daughter or your wife's or husband's brother or sister.

Look at the family tree and complete the sentences with the corresponding
vocabulary word.

Kate Peter Lina — Chris

Luisa Tom

John Silvia

Johnny Jenny Sebastian Dana -T- Edward

Nicholas Sarah Camila

a. Kate is Sebastian's ___________________ . i. Chris is Tom's_________________________ .

b. Nicholas is Sarah's ___________________ . j. Sarah is Nicholas' _____________________ ,

c. Silvia is John's ______________________ . k. Tom is Chris' _________________________ .

d. Camila is Dana's ____________________ . l. Edward is Silvia's ______________________ .

e. Sebastian is Nicholas' _________________ . m. Sebastian is Dane's ___________________ .

f. Luisa is John's _______________________ . n. Dane is Luisa's ______________________ .

g. Sarah is Camila's ____________________ . o. Edward is Camila's ____________________ .

h. Dana is Sebastian's ___________________ p. Sebastian is Peter's __________________ .

Match the definition with the corresponding vocabulary word.

1. Farmer Someone who produces art, especially paintings or drawings.

2. Doctor Someone whose job is to protect an important person.
3. Artist A married woman who works at home doing the cooking, cleaning, etc.
4. Manager Someone whose job is to design or build roads, bridges, machines, etc.
5. Fireman Someone who owns or manages a farm.
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

6. Engineer Someone who swims well, often as a competitor.

7. Police officer Someone who is skilled at repairing motors, vehicles and machinery.
Someone whose job is to manage part or all of a company.
8. Pilot
Someone whose job is to look after people who are ill or injured in a hospital.
9. Swimmer
A member of the army of a country, especially someone who is not an officer.
10. Reporter
Someone who is trained to treat people who are ill.
11. Bodyguard
Someone whose job is to write about news events for a newspaper, or to tell
12. Nurse
news about them on television or on the radio.
13. Mechanic A man whose job is to stop fires.
14. Soldier Someone who operates the controls of an aircraft or spacecraft.
15. Housewife A member of the police.

Read the following idioms and Complete the sentences with
match them with the the corresponding idiom.
corresponding definition.
1. Now ___________________ _ is catching up
with criminals who operate across the border.
a. Play devil’s advocate 2. The new headmaster wanted to make so many
b. A gentleman’s agreement changes but the teachers advised her
c. Walking on air
3. The police is not ignoring the increasing
d. Go ape vandalism in the streets, after all, ____________
e. The long arm of the law
4. My dad and I had _____________________ to
f. Recharge your batteries
use the car. It was just a simple handshake.
g. Kill two birds with one stone 5. ____________________ waiting to get paid,
h. Once bitten, twice shy the company can take up to three months.
6. I always _____________________ in my
i. Rock the boat
stomach when I am going to sing in front of a lot of
j. Don’t hold your bread people.
k. Have butterflies 7. I want to ____________________ and ask her
why shouldn't we use cellphones during classes?
l. Like taking candy from a baby
8. Persuading Peter was so easy, I think it was
m. Let the cat out of the bag
n. Be caught napping 9. Let's visit Kate and see if the house is for sale.
\ ________________ ______________ /
In this way, we will _______________________

___ To feel very nervous before doing something.

10. My performance in the school play was
___ To become very angry or excited.
awesome. I am feeling like ______________
___ To let people know something secret.
___ To have a long rest or a holiday so that you
11. With one careless sentence, the headmaster
feel better. let _____________________________ about the
___ To pretend to disagree about something so that new schedule for next year.
there will be a discussion about it. 12.1 needed the vacation to _______________
___ An agreement that is not written down, but _______________ before doing the final report.
made between people who trust each other. 13. My parents admitted that they were _________
___ Not to be prepared for something. __________ by the changes of technology.
___ Don't expect something to happen soon. 14. If I buy more candies, my little brother will

___ To achieve two things with one action.

Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Create a complete sentence in

___ To spoil a comfortable situation, usually by
criticizing it or trying to change it.
the future form I tense using
___ The police seen as reaching everywhere or into
three idioms that you prefer.
every area of life.
a. ____________________________________
___ To feel extremely happy that you do not
notice anything else.
b. ____________________________________
___ If you have failed or been hurt once, you will be
very careful next time.
c. ____________________________________
___ Very easy.


Read about Susan's family.

Hello, my name is Susan and I have an amazing family. I live in a small town but we are a
big family. So my family owns a lot of businesses in the area. My uncle, Sam is the only
doctor in this town; so everybody knows him and he is really patient. My aunt is Karen and
she loves animals, which is why she decided to be a veterinarian. My cousin, who is older
than me always knew when he was a child that, he would love to create a program that
teaches little children how to deal with life problems, so he became a counselor. My other
aunt, Kate who has a very friendly personality, as a child she was very talkative. Kate
decided to study communication and she is now a public speaker giving multiple speeches
on a daily base. My brother, James is a salesmen. He is very confident that he is able to go
up to people and introduce his product. My sister, who graduated last year, she created a
website that got very successful. She is very experienced in working with computers. My
father, he is old however he is able to do something he loves. He loves to create furniture
for our home, because he is good working with his hands. My mother, Jane who doesn't
have an academic education, however she was able to open a business, which keeps her
busy. My grandmother Amy, doesn't do much for a living, but she helps around the town by
cleaning other people’s houses. My grandfather Tony, was a solider during a war. He was
on the team that provided backup for the front line soldiers.

Let’s Practice English

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

GRAMMAR Write a complete sentence usin9
information from the word
Rephrase the two sentences into bank given.
one taking into account the
relative clauses: “who, that or Word bank
which”. Profession Definition

a. The girl is a good student. - The girl Burglar Not brave.

lives on the second floor. Discover information about

crimes and catch criminals.
The girl who lives on the second floor
Coward Steal from a shop.
is a good student.
b. The boy was injured in the accident. - Waiter Travel and work in a
He is now in a hospital. Astronaut Drive a car or bus.

Student Compete in sports

Detective Design buildings.

c. The bus goes to the airport. - It goes Study at a university or

around every hour. school.

Driver Serve food and drinks in a


d. The necklace was from my mom. - The 1. A burglar is someone who steals from
necklace was stolen last week. a shop.
2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________
e. The house has been rebuilt. - It was
destroyed by the fire.
4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________
f. The laptop was repaired last month. - It
broke down again. 6. _________________________________
Let s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

g. The doctor is back in town. - The

doctor travelled to San Francisco.

O Write a complete sentence
the past perfect tense using Create a short story about your

relative clauses given.
© family members describing the
things they do. Remember to use
relative clauses.
a. Who: ____________________________
My family

b. Where:___________________________

c. That: ____________________________

d. Which: ___________________________

e. Whom: ___________________________

f. Whose: ___________________________

g. Who: ____________________________

h. Th at: ____________________________

i. When: ____________________________

j. Where: ___________________________
Let's Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

k. Whom: ___________________________

I. Whose: ___________________________

m. Which: __________________________

What would you like to be when Listen to the definitions and
© you are older? Write a short text in
which you explain what profession
© write the corresponding words.
Audio 13
you would like to do and the
reason you would like to do that. a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
What would you like to be when
d. _______________________________
you are older?
e. _______________________________
f. _______________________________
g- _________________________________
h. _______________________________
i. _______________________________
j. _______________________________
k. _______________________________
l. _______________________________
m. _______________________________
n. _______________________________
o. _______________________________

o Exchange the book with your

classmate and take into account
the following criteria to grade
your classmate’s work. Tick if your
Listen to the audio and write the
sentences you hear. Audio 14

classmate took into account
these items to create his/her text.
b. _______________________________
1. The text has punctuation and it is used c. _______________________________
2. The text is coherent.
3. The text has a clear message. d. _______________________________
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

4. The text started with capital letters and

the paragraphs end with period.
e. _______________________________
5. The handwriting is understandable.
6. The text is about what your classmate
want to be in the future. f. _______________________________

g. ----------------------------------------------------

Listen to the audio and write the Listen to the audio and complete

o words you hear. Audio 15

1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
the chart with the corresponding
vocabulary word. Audio 16
Who is that person?
Laura Mother
3. _______________________________ Peter
4. _______________________________ John

5. _______________________________ Karen
6. _______________________________
7. _______________________________ Pam
8. _______________________________ Dana

9. _______________________________ Luisa
10. ______________________________

Using the words that you

listened in exercise 17, write J
complete sentences using
Categorize the words that you
relative clauses.
hear in the corresponding box.
1. _____________________________________ Audio 17

2. _____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

6. ____________________________________
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

7. ____________________________________

8. ____________________________________

Consonant sound Z
9. ____________________________________

10. ___________________________________

Create a tongue twister using Get together with a classmate

o words that contain at least one of

the following letters: S, Z, and C.
and dictate words that contain
the letters S,Z and C.

a. _____________ b. ___________

c. _____________ d. ___________

e. _____________ f. ___________

g- _____________ h. ___________

i.______________ j. ___________

k. _____________ I. ___________

m. ____________ n. ___________

Get together with a classmate and create an interview between the owner of a
company and someone that is applying for a job. Remember to ask about personal
information and the skills that the job aspirant has.
Let’s Practice English

Roleplay the interview in front of your class.



Compete to gain the flag of knowledge.

1. Throw the dice once, if the number is a:

1 = Free-player decides the sentence's theme.

2 = Opponent groups choose sentence's theme.
3 = Democracy and peace theme (Democracia y paz).
4 = Health theme (Salud).
5 = Sustainability theme (Sostenibilidad).
6 = Globalization theme (Globalizacion).

2. The teacher or the opposite group will give you four sets of numbers from 1-12. Then,
take the 1st number and identify its equivalent vertical number (1st column), and do the
same to the horizontal (1st line) with the second number. And repeat the same step with
the 3rd and 4th number.

3. Find the point where the two lines intersect. For each pair of numbers.

4. With the two words and the definitions found in the intersections write a complex
sentence (complete + fragmented sentence in the past tense) sentence with the two
words based on the theme drawn in step 1.

Let’s Practice English

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bamboozl e Embarg o Solstic e Formidable Pulveri ze Antibo Quand Repose Saga Immun e
1 (v.) (n.) (n.) (adj.) (v)
dy(n.) ary (n.) (n.) (n.) (adj.)
ed (adj.) choice

Renegade Undula te Symbio Sacrifi ce Ellipse Embarg o Guerrilla Appeas e Laconi c

2 Quaran Nocturnal (adj.) Marsu
(n.) (v.) sis (n.) (v.) (n.) (v.) (adj.) (v.) (adj.)
tine (n.) pial (adj.)

Vertebrat e Partici pie Ascetic Vertebrate Expone Mutati on Advoca Lavish Platea
3 Legitim Chrono Tranqu
(n.) (n.) (n.) (adj.) nt(n.) (n.) te (v.) (adj.) u(n.)
ate (adj.) logy (n.) ility (n.)

Renaissa Phloem Repose Deign Xylem Embarg o Divulge Suffrag e

4 Decorum (n.) Toxin (n.) Teache rs
nee (n.) (n.) (v.) (v.) (n.)
Embar (n.) (v) (n.)
go (v) choice

Light- year
Kilometer Ozone Amiss (phrase = Decima Parasit Tumult Fallacy Amiabl e Boycott
nent Animate
5 (n.) astronomica d(v.) ted (v.) (n) (adj.) (n.)
(n) (adj.) e(n.) (n.)
1 distance)

Tundra Sacrifi ce Deduction Cower Canine Ascetic Rainfor Spectru m
6 (n.) (n.)
(n.) (n) (v.) (adj.) (adj.) est (n.) Catastr (n.)
(adj.) Yacht (n.)
ophe (n.)
Hieroglyp Sequel Ruptur e Consul Astute Teacher's Eclectic
Unanimous Guru (n.) dent
7 hie (n.) (n.) (n.) (adj.) t(v.)
(adj.) Al litera choice (adj.)
pial (n.) (adj.) tion (n.)
Fruitless Gargoy le Nuisance Resum e Gratify Inferen
Ambigu Brawl (n.) Lichen (n.) Wretched Quaran
8 (adj.) ous (n.) (n.) (v.) (v.) ce (n.)
(adj.) tine
(adj.) (V.)

Guerrilla Lavish Rebuke Heritag e Techni Acciai m Nebula Robust Atroph Canine Insinu ate
9 (n.) (v.) (n.)
Strategy (n.)
(n.) que (n.) (v.) (n.) (adj.) y(v) (n.) (v.)

Mosaic Jaunty Advoca Boycott Hurtle Advoca Metap Inunda te Ruptur e Legacy
10 (n.) (adj.) te (n.)
Analogy (n.)
(v) (v.) te (n.) hor (n.) (v.) (v.)
Flourish Captio n Advoca Omnivore Rebuke Renega Cater Plunde Poised Acclai m
11 de Ultravi morate
(v.) (n.) te (v) (n.) (v.) (v.) r(v.) (adj.) (n.)
(adj.) olet (adj.) (v.)
Let’s Practice English

Enthusias tic Antics Maneu
Vaccine Flouris
Brawl (v.)
Poised Quota Infamo us Maneu
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Plunder (n.) ous,

(adj.) (n.) (n.) ver (v.) h(n.) (v.) (n.) (adj.) ver (n.)

nu* Ninth Grade


Objective: Students will be able to talk about the future using “will, going to and
might’.’ __________________________________________________ >

Complete the dialogue using

VOCABULARY some expressions from the box.
Match the definition from a good idea 11 will call you later / What's

© “A”
to “H” with the
the matter? / I'm worried about my exams /
why don't we study together? / I don't
understand some new topics.

phrase from 1 through 8.

A: You look a bit worried. _____________ ?
B: ______________________________ .
A. When two people end their A: Why?
relationship. B: Because ______________________ .
B. To be very attracted to someone and A: I see. Well, _______________________ .
begin experiencing feelings of love. B: Yes, I think it is
C. To restart a relationship. ___________________ , thanks.
D. Promised to be married. A: __________________ , bye.
E. To wed. B: ok, bye.
F. To go out with someone that you like in
a romantic way. Write a conversation using the
G. A romantic meeting between two prompt given below and some
people who have never met before. of the expressions from the
H. An immediate, strong attraction for box under it.
someone you just met.
Situation: You heard that your best friend is in
1. Get back together. ______ a hospital. Phone his/her parents and you are
2. Love at first sight. _____ at the hospital.
3. Blind date. _____
-What's the matter? / You look worried /
4. Fall in love. ____
5. Get married. ____ Why are you crying?
6. Go on a date. _____ - I'm worried because... / I have just heard
7. Break up. A that...
8. Get engaged. _____ - You should.... I why don't you...
-1 see, well...
Write sentences using the
Let's Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

A. _________________________________
words from exercise 1.
B. _________________________________
C. _________________________________
D. _________________________________
E. _________________________________
F _________________________________
G. _________________________________
H. _________________________________

Match the adjective with the Match the words with

correct meaning.

O their
A. Knows homophone.
__ 1. Higher
A. Jealous __ Feeling or being
worried, nervousness, or
unease about something B. Stare __ 2. Site
with an uncertain
outcome. C. Bored __ 3. Brake

B. Love-struck ___ Extremely happy; full D. Chilly __ 4. Board

of joy.
E. Hire __ 5. Nose
C. Lonely ___ Unhappy because
someone you like or love
is showing interest in F. Check __ 6. Chile
another person.
G. Break __ 7. Stair
D. Blissful ___ Sad because one
has no friends or H. Sight __ 8. Czech
E. Anxious ___ Experiencing intense
feelings of romantic love
for someone. Write sentences using one word
from each pair of homophones
from exercise 6. You can use the
Complete the sentences with
dictionary to look up the words
the correct adjective of
you are not familiar with.
A. _________________________________

B. _________________________________

C. _________________________________

D. _________________________________

E. _________________________________
A. Mary felt very _____________________after
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

she has broken up with Charles.

B. They were _____________ for the first few
months of their marriage. Now they fight every
F. ________________________________
C. As soon as I saw Chris, I was G. _________________________________
________ with him and couldn't get him out
off my mind.
D. My sister only went out with him to make H. _________________________________
Bob __________________ .
E. I was _________ to go to a blind date.


Complete the sentences using

Read the story and choose one
of the titles below. O “will” or “going to” and the
correct form of the verb in
A. A disaster date story. parenthesis.
B. Love at first sight.
C. An awesome blind date.
D. Waiting for my true love. A. Did you phone Lucy?
No, I didn't. I ______________(to do) it

B. My brother is nervous because he

It was early in the morning when I saw him. I was
waiting for the bus when I got the impression someone (to get married)
was looking at me. I looked up and saw a tall man who in the afternoon.
was also waiting for the bus. When our eyes met I
knew he was going to be the man I will be married to. C. According to some experts, the world
(to collapse)
Days went by and we started to be good friends, but it if we continue polluting.
was difficult for me because I was in love, he was
exactly the person I wanted to be with. Unfortunately D. Next month, I ____________________
he had to move to another town and he never called
(to travel) to Paris because today I bought
the tickets.
Almost a year went by. During that time we did not see
or hear from each other. One day I was in a shopping
center and I saw him. I was really nervous, I did not E. It was a pleasure to go out with you.
know what to do. He gave me a big hug and he held I ____________________ (to phone) you as
me tight “I missed you, I need you” he stated. soon as I get home!

After that day, we kept in touch and within weeks we F. Where are you going?
were dating. A year later we got engaged and some I __________________ (to visit) my
months later we got married. girlfriend.

G. Would you prefer wine or water?

I _________________ (to have) a glass of
water, please.
Read the story again and
© answer the questions. H. Would you like to come to my house
to celebrate my sister's surprise birthday
A. Does the story have a happy ending? party?
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Why? Or why not? _______________ Yes! I_____________ (to bring) some


I. Are you sick?

Yes, I have a terrible headache.
B. Do you think it was real love? Why?
Don't worry, I_________________ (to get)
you a pill.

Write six sentences using “going
to” and seven sentences using ©
Complete the sentences with
the correct modal verb (will,
“will”. Use your own personal may, might or won't), and take
information to write complete into account the word in
sentences. parenthesis.
In 25 years from today...

A. Space tourism ____________ be a

common activity for the holidays.
2. _________________________________ (Possibility)

B. People _______ develop telepathy.

3. ________________________________ (Impossibility)

C. The space explorers find water

4. ________________________________
on Mars. (Probability)

5. ________________________________

D. We ________________ smell
6. ________________________________ things on computer. (Probability)

E. People _________________ talk

1. _________________________________ with animals. (Impossibility)

F. There ______________ only be

2. _________________________________ three languages in the world, English,
Spanish and Italian. (Slightly possible)

3. ________________________________ G. Deserts ____________ become

tropical forests (Impossibility)

4. ________________________________ H. People __________ have a life

expectancy of 150 years. (Slightly
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

5. ________________________________
I. Most film actors ________ be out
of work due to competition from
computer animated actors.

J. People___________ go on holiday
under the sea. (Probability)

Read the sentences and WRITING
© complete them with the proper
question tag. Read and answer the following

A. My friends are going home from

© questions.

school, _________
A. Have you ever been on a blind
B. She doesn't like blind dates,

C. My sister is working in the new

Italian restaurant, ________

D. You will come to Italy next month,

B. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Why? Or why not? ________________
E. My little brother is collecting
stamps, _______

F. My mother didn't wash the dishes,

C. Would you like to get married one
G. Chris and Jen like gummy bears, day?

H. My father won't play his football

match, _________

I. He can speak English,___________

D. What is the most important thing in
J. Tatiana didn't visit her mother a relationship?
yesterday, _________

K. The new couple will be happy, Let s Practice English

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

L. You must clean your bedroom,

E. Have you ever been love-struck?

M. Claudia and Lucas were blissful

y esterd ay, __________

N. The children have made some

colorful kites, _____________

Write a love story and give it a Imagine you are in the year 2024,
title. Use the words from the box write complex sentences using
below. “will, won't, may, might”.
In the year 2024...

B. _________________________________

C. ________________________________

D. _________________________________

E. _________________________________

F. ________________________________

G. _______________________________

H. _______________________________

I. _______________________________

Read and answer the following

question: Will students study at
home or at school in the
future? Why? Or why not?
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

LISTENING Listen to Karol and

Listen to Tomas and Tatiana's

dialogue talking about a blind
© Angie's
conversation and fill
in the
Karol: Hello Angie, you look
blanks. . Do you
Audio 20
date and rearrange the
have a problem?
sentences below in the correct
Angie: well, I think I'm
order. Audio 18
_________________ with Tom
Tomas: To try something new and Karol: Really? I can believe you! He is
exciting. your _______________ .
__Tomas: Well, there isn't a problem, after Angie: yes, I know that, but I can't stop
the first date you don't date him again. ______________ about him, he's been
__Tatiana: well, I don't know. I don't have on my _________ all day.
a boyfriend right now and sometimes I feel ______________ I feel ______________
lonely, but I don't want to do that. I think it when he _______ with a girl and when
would be dangerous. Tomas: No, I am we are ___________ I feel
talking seriously.
__Tatiana: Are you kidding me?
__Tatiana: What if I don't like him? Karol: You are _____________ You
__Tomas: Would you like to go on a blind should___________ and talk with _______ .
__Tomas: Ok, if you say so...
__Tatiana: No, no way! I don't want to PRONUNCIATION
date someone I don't know. Why would I J
date someone who is a stranger?
Listen to the audio and pay
attention to the “f and h” sound
and repeat the words as you
Listen to Tomas and Tatiana's hear them. Audio 21
dialogue talking about a blind
date and rearrange the
Iti Ihl
sentences below in the correct
order. Audio 19

You are the girl of my ________ , I Fair Hair

______ with you every day and every night, Fate Hate
you know baby, our love was at first sight.
Let s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

One day we _________________ but we Feel Heel

_____________ together. Honey, I will love Fill Hill
you __________ . I will never let you
down. I will never make you cry and I will Force Horse
never say _____________ . This story
Foam Home
started with a _____________ , and I found
my soul mate. I always remember our first Fowl Howl
________ under an apple tree, today I want
to ask you, Will you __________________ ? Funny Honey

Listen to the tongue twisters Get together with a classmate,
and pay attention to the “f and discuss the headlines provided,
h” sounds. Then practice them. taken from the year 2040.
Use “will”, “won't”, “may”,
a. Fido hides his food at home under the foam.
and “might”, then present the
b. Five fuzzy French frogs had no hair and live in a
hill of France. conclusions in front of the class.
Example: I think people will / won't live up to 150
SPEAKING because...

Get together with a classmate; A.

choose one of the prompts below, OF 150.
write a dialogue and role play it in
front of your classmates. B. HOLIDAYS ON THE MOON.

A. Have a problem with a friend (talk to him/her) - ___________

B. Go to a party but don't have anything to wear __ **
(borrow something) C. People eat algae burgers
C. Failed an exam (talk to the teacher) produced in a giant sea farm.

Get together with a classmate PEOPLE HAVE DRIVERLESS CARS.

and talk about the following D.
situations. Take notes about
___________ s—
your classmate's answers. E.
A. If your girlfriend I boyfriend asked you to get
married after going out just for a month, what would
you say? Romantic, Adventurous, Independent.

B. which of these adjectives would you use to
describe yourself? Why? In groups of four, talk about the
following question.
Romantic, Adventurous, Independent What do you think holidays will be like in the future?
Write your ideas below and then have a discussion
C. why would you break up with your boyfriend / with the rest of the group.

Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Play the same game from exercise
25. Unit 5. However this time, write
all the sentences
in present simple interrogative or
affirmative using the 3rd person

Let’s Practice English

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

mr Ninth Grade

Objective: Students will be able to talk about different types of crime

using the passive voice.
-------------------------------------------- —— ______________________________________ J

Match the pictures with the words Match the definition with the
or phrases from the box. corresponding word or phrase.

__ Shoplifting ________ Burglary Types of Crime

__ Armed robbery Assault
a. Drug b. Drunk driving
x ____________________________________________ /
trafficking c. d. Domestic
Kidnapping violence
e. Murder f. Fraud
^g. Smuggling h. Vandalism

____ taking a person to a secret location using

____ taking someone's life through violence.
____ trading illegal drugs.
____ physical assault that occurs within the home.
____ lying or cheating for business or monetary
____ driving under the influence of alcohol.
_____ damaging public or private property (for
example with spray paint).
____ bringing products into a country secretly or

Complete the chart with the

missing words.
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Criminal Crime Verb

robber robbery rob

thief thieve

burglar burglary


piracy pirate

rap Fill in the gaps with the

© Match the words with their
definitions. © corresponding expression
(their, they're or there).
Types of Punishment
1. ____________ playing cards in the park.
_ License suspension _ Fine 2. ____________ are three houses for sale.
3. ____________ planning to go shopping.
_ Community service _ _ Punishment 4. ____________ books are green.
5. ____________ going to ______________
Jail time grandmother's house.
_Life in prison^
6. ____________ were four laptops in the
a. a penalty imposed on somebody who is room.
convicted of a crime. 7. What did you see over ________________ ?
b. spend a certain amount of months or years 8. ____________ always late to class.
locked away from society. 9. They want to visit _______________ cousins
c. do volunteer work such as teaching children in Miami.
about crime or cleaning up garbage. 10. Is _____________any ketchup in the
d. driving rights are suspended for a certain period fridge?

of time.
e. pay money as punishment for a minor / petty
Choose the correct homophone.
f. spend the rest of one's life in prison with no
1. The children got (bored, board) during the
chance of going back into society.


© Read each sentence and

complete the sentences
with “their”, “there”, and
2. Alice is going to (wear, ware) her favorite

dress today.
“they are”.
3.1 saw a gas station just off the (rode, road)
a. ____________ are going to buy a
cellphone. about a mile back.
b. ____________ cellphones are white.
4. Danny wants his socks because his (tows,
c. ____________ are four books in the desk,
Let’s Practice English

d. ____________ toys are on the ground.

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

toes) are cold.

e. ____________ the most intelligent
students. 5. Marie's brother is in a rock (band, banned).
f._____________ books were incomplete.
g. ____________ are three kids running in 6. (Their, They're) going to play soccer next
the park.
h. ____________ tall and thin.
i. _____________ are three big trees in the

Read the text. Then, match
paragraphs with the
corresponding picture.

The police was called to the Central Bank this

morning. The bank was robbed at 8:30am.
$2,000,000 was stolen.

Armed robbers have escaped with two
million dollars. It is also thought that
besides the quantity of cash, other
valuables were taken. However, the bank
has not yet revealed the details.

o Bank customer were not hurt

Ten customers were in the bank at the time
the robbery took place. They did what they
were told and drooped themselves to the
ground. “We were told to lie on the floor, if
anyone moved they would shoot” Charlie
Smith, a witness, told the reporters. As they
followed the instructions of the robbers, no
one was hurt. When police arrived, shots
were heard coming from inside the bank.
One robber was shot by a police officer
when he was leaving the bank. The robber
was shot on his right leg, but he escaped
with the other robbers in a black truck.
Some customers were interviewed on the
local news about the robbery. They were
relieved to be alive after that awful

Clues are being investigated

O Although many clues were left at the bank,

the bank robbers have not been found.
Fingerprints of the robbers were found at the bank. The
Two million dollars were
Let’s Practice English

fingerprints were found on the doors and on two guns

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

that were left at the scene. One robber was shot and
the blood
he left behind is the most important clue. These clues
are being studied by police investigators.
Scan the “big robbery at the
The robbers were caught on camera. central bank” text and underline
The robbers were filmed by the security all of the verbs you find. Identify
cameras, but they have not been identified
yet. The police asked the TV audience to
the tense for each verb and
call them if they had any information. write down whether it is an active
or passive voice.

Answer the questions using GRAMMAR
information from the “Big robbery
at central park” text.
Choose the correct option.

1. What time did the robbery happen? 1. The car was stolen / stole by the
2. The Tetris' game was invented /
2. How much money was stolen? invented by Aleksei Pazhitnov.
3. The soccer team wasn't won / didn't
win the championship.
3. How many customers were at the bank
4. The sari wears / is worn by Indian
during the robbery?
5. The teacher checked / was checked
the homework.
4. What did the customers do when the
robbers were at the bank?
© Rewrite the sentences using
the passive voice.

5. Was there anybody hurt?

1. People use internet every day.

2. The burglar stole my laptop.

6. Who was shot during the robbery?

3. Customers buy music on the web.

7. How did the robbers escape?
4. Millions of people buy illegal copies of
8. Were there any clues left on the
5. A burglar assaulted Sophia.
Let’s Practice English

9. What kind of clues were found in the 6. The police escorted the actress to the
movie theater.

7. The police is investigating the clues.

10. Have the robbers been identified?

DIP Complete the sentences with

Complete the chart with the
© passive forms of the verb.
© the passive voice in the
present perfect. Then match
Tense active passive the sentences with the
corresponding picture.
Present simple I make it

Past simple I made it

Present perfect I have made


Past perfect I had made it

Rewrite the sentences in the

© passive voice.

1. Caroline has painted the walls.

2.1 ate a lot of chocolate today. 1. Watch out for thieves. Many people

___________ (steal) in the city center.

2. Close the windows when you go out. Many
3. We have read four books in a week. houses ______________________________
___________ (break) by burglars.
3. If you see a shoplifter tell a shop assistant.
Thousands of items _________________
4. Tomas has opened the present. ________________________ (shoplift) by
these criminals.
4. Don't buy CD's from street vendors. These
copies ______________________________
5. They have not read the book. ___________ (obtain) illegally.
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

What is the crime in each

6. A shoplifter stole Madonna's CD.
© picture?

7. They have not caught the thieves.

8. Martha had phoned him ten times.


Complete the sentences with the

o o
Fill in the blanks with the passive
voice for the verbs in parenthesis. passive voice of the verbs using
1. A drunk driver
1. Marissa
________________________ (might/fine) by
the police. __________________________ (might /
choose) to represent our school in the drama
2. Piracy _______________________
(Should / punish) by the law. 2. Many animal species ___________________
3. Vandalism ________________(could / save) if
___________________________ (should / humans stopped the logging.
stop) by the police. 3. New cures
4. A drunk driver __________________________ (will /
________________________ (might/take) find) by new scientific instruments.
to the police station. 4. Fats and sweets
5. A sobriety test _________ (have to/take) _____________________ (should / not I
by drunk drivers. eat) excessively by very young children.
5. Obesity __________________________ (can
6. Criminals
/ cure), but diets
_____________________ (must I not /
(must/inform) of their rights. disrespect).
6. _______________ French
7. Any traffic accident
____________ (will / teach) in our school
___________________ (must / report) to next year?
the police. 7. Most of car accidents ___________________
8. Community service ____________ (can / prevent) if drivers don't
___________________ (might / do) by drink alcohol.
Rephrase the following
Write the correct form of the sentences using the passive
verbs in the passive voice. voice with infinitives.
Choose the present or past simple.
1. They think he has stolen the cellphone.
1. In Mexico, obesity _________________ He is thought to have stolen the cellphone.
(consider) a serious health problem.
2. Many years ago, soybeans
________________________ (make)
popular by the Chinese. 2. We all know that cancer is caused by
3. Nowadays, children smoking.
___________________ (teach) to spend their
Let s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

times in a productive way.

4. Thousands of years ago, horses
________________________ (use) as a mean 3. People say Marie and Daniel are getting
of transportation. married next week.
5. Carla's house
________________________ (burgle)
6. Thousands of people (assault) at 4. They say drunk driving is dangerous.

WRITING Read the following sentences,
underline the mistakes and
Have you ever been robbed?
© When did it happen? How was
that experience? If you haven't,
correct them.

1. Your letter was arrived this morning.

write about an experience you
have heard of.

2. He was saw with a famous actress

at the movie premiere.

3. A strange thing was happened last


4. Vandalism is consider as a criminal

Write sentences in the passive
voice. Use verbs from the box. act.

Stole Assault

Punish Shoplift
5. Banks are opened at nine and are
closed at five.
Find Escape

6. The prisoners have be escort by
the police officers.

Let’s Practice English

7. The robber were shot while he was


3. trying to escape from the bank.


5. 8. Thousands of items have been

shoplifter by these criminals.

LISTENING Listen to the audio and fill in the

Listen to Emma and Sam talking

© gaps. Audio 23

© about piracy. And identify who

made the statement. Audio 22
Samantha _________ shopping new
clothes at the mall. She ___________ her
car at her friend's house since it is near the
______ Downloading music and films should be mall. When she _____________ back to
punished by law.
take her car, she couldn't
______ Downloading music and films should be free ______________________________ it
and legal. .
______ Downloading music and films should be It had been ____________ . Samantha
more expensive. knocked at the door, but there was no one
there. Bob had been ______________

© Listen again and answer the

out. When Bob arrived home, Samantha
had been __________________ asleep
1. Who is supporting the free downloading? at the front door. She was wet because it
Emma or Sam? had ____________ raining. She was
really angry because she hadn't
2. Why does Sam think that buying an illegal copy of ________ anything and she couldn't go
a film is a crime?
back home either. She vented all her
anger on him, he ________ her that he
3. What examples does Sam give to prove that web
piracy is a crime?
had beenListen to the audio
__________ the and
car. write the
words you hear. Audio 24

4. Why does Emma consider piracy as something 1. _______________________________________

good? 2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________
5. What does Emma propose to reduce piracy?
4. _______________________________________

5. _______________________________________

6. _______________________________________
What do you think about free
® downloading and piracy? Do 7. _______________________________________
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

you agree with Emma or Sam? 8. _______________________________________

Write down your opinion. Then,
9. _______________________________________
discuss with a classmate.
10. ______________________________________

11. ______________________________________

12. ______________________________________


PRONUNCIATION Listen and underline the words

jk Read the following

© you hear. Audio 26

C jp words, notice the L sound.

1. The surprise / supplies came before

2. We had an important flight / fright.

Love Long Fall
Stolen Leave Help 3. I'll collect / correct the homework
Lie Final Whistle tomorrow.
Laugh Slow Fill
Lay Life Play 4. She saw something in the trees / leaves.

5.1 love dancing in the rain / lane.

Read the following
® words, notice the R sound. Record yourself saying the
sentences in exercise 29,
Rate Round Ground choosing one of the tow words.
Pray Train Draw Make a note of which words
Marry Tomorrow Sorry you say. Then, listen to your
Near Appear Are recording during the next class.
Write Wrong Real Notice if the word you said were
clear enough.
Listen to twelve pairs of SPEAKING
© words.
Underline the word you Read the following statements.
listen. Do you agree or disagree with
lane 25 rain those ideas?
Agree Disagree
2. flight fright
1. Piracy should be punished by
3. light bright prison.
4. lip trip 2. Drunk drivers must pay
millions of dollars as fines.
5. lice rice
3. You should get free access to
all the music and film content
6. belly berry online.
7. lent rent
Let’s Practice English

4. Domestic violence must be


punished with a lifetime sentence

8. look root in prison.

9. alive arrive 5. Murders dont deserve a trial,

they must be punished with a

10. lake rake lifetime sentence in prison.

11. lime rhyme

12.collect correct Discuss your opinions with a



Compete to gain the flag of knowledge.

1. Throw the dice once, if the number is a:

1 = Free-player decides the sentence's theme.

2 = Opponent groups choose sentence's theme.
3 - Democracy and peace theme (Democracia y paz).
4 = Health theme (Salud).
5 = Sustainability theme (Sostenibilidad).
6 = Globalization theme (Globalizacion).

2. The teacher or the opposite group will give you six sets of numbers from 1-12. Then, take the 1st number and
identify its equivalent vertical number (1st column), and do the same for the horizontal (1st line) with the second number.
And repeat the same step with the 3rd and 4th number, and the same step with the 5th and 6th number.

3. Find the point where the two lines intersect for each pair of numbers.

4. With the three words and the definitions found in the intersections and write complex sentences (complete +
fragmented sentence in the past tense) with the three words based on the theme drawn in step 1.

The group or individual student that form(s) the sentences the fastest will be the bearer of the flag of knowledge for that
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bamboozl Embarg Solstic Formidable Pulveri Antibo Quand Repose Immun Oposite
1 e (v.) o(n.) e (n.) (adj.) ze (v)
dy (n.) ary (n.) (n.)
Saga (n.)
e (adj.) group
ed (adj.) choice
Renegade Undula Nocturnal Symbio Sacrifi Ellipse Embarg Guerrilla Appeas Laconi c
2 (n.) te (v.)
(adj.) sis (n.) ce (v.) (n.) o(v.) (adj.) e(v.) (adj.)
tine (n.) (adj.)
Vertebrat Partici Ascetic Vertebrate Expone Mutati Advoca Lavish Platea
3 e (n.) ple(n.) (n.) (adj.) nt (n.) on (n.)
te (v.) (adj.) u(n.)
Chrono Tranqu
(adj.) logy (n.) ility (n.)

Renaissa Phloem Repose Deign Xylem Embarg Divulge Toxin Suffrag

4 nee (n.) (n.) (v.)
Decorum (n.)
(v.) (n.)
Embar o(n.) (v) (n.) e (n.) Teache
go (v) rs choice
Light-year Imperti
Kilometer Ozone Amiss (phrase = Animate Decima Parasit Tumult Fallacy Amiabl e Boycott
5 (n.) (n) (adj.)
d (v.) ted (v.) e(n.) (n.) (n) (adj.) (n.)
astronomica (adj.)
1 distance)
Outrag Labyrint
Tundra Sacrifi Deduction Cower Canine Ascetic Rainfor Catastr Spectru
6 eous h Yacht
(n.) ce(n.) (n.) (v.) (adj.) (adj.) est (n.) ophe m (n.)
(adj.) (n) (n.) (n.)
Hieroglyp Sequel Ruptur Unanimous Consul t Guru Astute Teacher' Eclectic
7 hie (n.) (n.) e(n.) (adj.) (v.) (n.)
Marsu dent
(adj.) Allitera s choice (adj.)
pial (n.) (adj.) tion (n.)
Let’s Practice English

Gargoy Nuisanc Inferen Introsp Wretched Quaran

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Fruitless Ambigu Brawl Resum Gratify

8 (adj.) OUS (n.)
Lichen (n.)
le (n.)
e(v.) (v.) ce (n.)
ection (adj.) tine
(adj.) (n.) (n.) (V)

Guerrilla Lavish Rebuke Heritag Techni Acciai m Nebula Robust Atroph Canine Insinu
9 (n.) (v.) (n.)
Strategy (n.)
e (n.) que (n.) (v.) (n.) (adj.) y(v) (n.) ate (v.)

Mosaic Jaunty Advoca Boycott Hurtle Advoca Metap Inunda Ruptur e Legacy
10 (n.) (adj.) te(n.)
Analogy (n.)
(v) (v.) te (n.) hor (n.) te (v.) (v.) itical

Cater Ultravi Plunde Comme

Flourish Captio Advoca Rebuke Renega Poised Acclai m
11 (v.) n(n.) te (v)
Omnivore (n.)
(v.) de (v.)
r(v.) (adj.) (n.)
(adj.) (adj.) (v.)

Enthusias Antics Vaccine Maneu Audaci Flouris Brawl Poised Quota Infamo Maneu
12 tic (adj.) (n.) (n.)
Plunder (n.)
ver (v.) OUS, h(n.) (v.) (v.) (n.) us (adj.) ver (n.)

HR* Ninth Grade


Objective: Students will be able to report information about natural

disasters using reported speech.
___________________________________________ ____ _______________ >

Match the pictures with the words Match the column A with the
or phrases from the box. column B with the corresponding
__ Drought _ Flood Column B
__ Earthquake _ Hurricane Column A
a. a blinding storm of wind
J and snow.

b. a mass of mud moving

.Wildfire suddenly and quickly down a
steep slope.

.Thunderstor c. a violent whirlwind that can

cause great damage.

m Drought d. a long period of dry

weather or no rain.

.Mudslide e. a shaking of the earth's


f. a great overflow of water

that covers an area of land.

g. a storm with thunder and

Tornado lightning and usually heavy
Tsunami h. a very large sea wave,
caused by an underwater
earthquake or a volcanic
.Earthquake eruption, that can cause a lot
of destruction when it hits
Volcanic .
I. a violent tropical storm with
high winds and heavy rains.
Eruption .
Let s Practice English

j. heavy fires destroying


k. melted rock and gases
expelled with great force by a
Hurricane mountain.


UK' Find the eleven natural disasters in

Find the eleven natural disasters
the word search.
in the word search.
w P A y T G K M 0 L T W F W H
H K U X Z w G 0 M U B C E L T
G M F b B b V T A C F V J b 0 T~
U M N u S y R S N C L V H F R
0 B A 0 E L A R U y 0 p S I N
R E E K A S b I E p 0 F S R A
b V L T Z T z V b A b G GE b
X C S N J E w F N L I U Z A 0 T~
C Z I K b L Q U U P F A V C u
N c H B F I V A H X 0 F R A T "7 ...
V s F R H b u E T c H U R M M
N 0 I T P u R E N A C L 0 V T~
V s y S E K A U Q H T R A E A T-
I X V b R A Z z I L B G Z b 0

Fill in the gaps with the verbs The skiers were stuck in the mountains

O from the box. Use the

corresponding form of the verbs.
after the

Trigger Erupt
1. _______________ are frequently formed
Damage Strike
in flat land areas.
Collapse Destroy
2. Researchers released a photo showing a small
V ___________________________ >
active lava lake inside the crater of the
1. The earthquake _______________
3. The snow and very strong winds in the
a landslide that destroyed many cities.
__________________ make it hard for drivers to
see the slippery road.
2. The tornado ________________the
4. The intense heat in the forest caused a
roofs of the houses.
huge __________________ .

3. The volcano ________________ 5. A precipitation is water that falls to the

sideways and killed thousands of animals.

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6. The waves of the ____________________ were

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

so huge that they destroyed everything on the

4. The earthquake caused the bridge beach.
to ________________ . 7. The winds of a ___________________ rotate
around a calm center called the eye.
5. Lightning _______________ the 8. Because of the ___________________ , the
crops and they burst into flames. farmers could no water their crops and they
9. Those lightnings and thunders indicate that a
is coming.

Read the examples below.
Choose the correct word.
^Homophones: Words that have
the same pronunciation, but
1. That is his favorite (pare, pair, pear) of
different spelling and different shorts.

J 2. Mr. and Mrs. Smith like to work in (there,
they're, their) garden.

3.1 think it is going to (rein, rain, reign) this

To: preposition afternoon.
He was going to school.
Too: also 4. (He'll, Heel, Heal) be here in two hours.
I'm going to go too.
5. I have (for, four, fore) dollars in my wallet
Two: a number
right now.
I have two blue bags.
6. Can she go to the party (to, too, two)?

Fill in the gaps with the 7. The (sun, son) seems brighter today.
corresponding word (to, too
8. I've been studying the (whole, hole) (weak,
or two).

1.1 like ____________ skateboard. 9.1 love your perfume's (cent, scent).
2. We were ___________ scared
10.1 haven't received my (mail, male) yet.
___________ jump.
3. There are ___________ cars in the
parking lot. Tick the words that have a
different pronunciation.
4. Michael wants ____________ play

dear die deer

5. She has ____________ cats. brake break brick
6. It's ____________ cold
hall hole whole
___________ go outside.
7. Marley walks ____________school no now know
every day. met meat meet
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

8. She likes chocolate chips and sole soil soul

vanilla ice cream ____________ .
soon son sun
9. Those ___________ green parrots
sweet suite suit
are my favorites.
red ride read
10. Let's the
go hear here hire

0 museum ___________ .

The Nevado del Ruiz Volcano
and the Tragedy of Armero
The Colombian volcano Nevado del Ruiz is an active " We didn't hear any kind of alarm, even when the
stratovolcano that erupted in 1985 in Armero. ash was falling and we were in the hotel, we turned
on the radio... The mayor was talking and he said
Minor earthquakes and steam explosions from not to worry, that it was a rain of ash, that they had
not reported anything from the Nevado, and to stay
Nevado del Ruiz were seen and felt during 1985. But
calm in our houses. There was a local radio station
these signals didn't alarm the local citizens. The and we were listening to it, when suddenly it went
volcano erupted violently on November 13th, 1985. off the air... about fifteen seconds later, the electric
However, the citizens of Armero remained calm since power went out and that's when we started hearing
messages from the Mayor over the radio claimed that the noise in the air, like something toppling, falling,
there was nothing to be alarmed. At 9:08 p.m. molten and we didn't hear anything else, no alarm ... The
rock began to erupt from the summit crater for the first priest from Armero had supposedly spoken on a
time. loudspeaker [around 6:00 p.m.] and had said the
same thing: that there was no need to leave
Armero... When we went out, the cars were
Few days before the disaster, a Colombian geology swaying and running people down . . . there was
total darkness, the only light sources were
student, José Luis Restrepo, had come to Armero on
provided by cars... we were running and were
a field trip. After playing billiard, he was returning to his about to reach the corner when a river of water
hotel at about 10:50 p.m., when the lava arrived. His came down the streets.. . we turned around
recollection of events were recorded by Dr. Barry screaming, towards the hotel, because the waters
Voight. were already dragging beds along, overturning
cars, sweeping people away. . . Suddenly, I heard
bangs, and looking towards the rear of the hotel I
saw something like foam, coming down out of the
darkness ... It was a wall of mud approaching the
hotel, it crashed against the rear of the hotel and
the walls started crushing.... And then the ceiling
cracked and the entire building was destroyed and
broken into pieces. ”

Story adapted from the recollection of events recorded by Dr. Barry

Voight ( 1 9 9 9). Taken from:

Change the sentences of

Read the text above and check
exercise 9 into the reported
true or false for the following

True False 1.
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

1. The Nevado del Ruiz volcano

erupted in 1985 in Armero. 2.
2. Minor earthquakes were felt
during the whole year. 3?
3. The Mayor alarmed the citizens
to leave the town.
4. When José Luis was in the
hotel, he heard the alarms.
5. The ceiling of the hotel was

GRAMMAR Look at the following reporting
Fill in the gaps with the
O verbs and match the words with
their definitions.
© past
perfect form of the verbs.
/ --------------
Column A A z Column B
a. repeat something for
1. When I arrived at the movie theater, the __ claim emphasizing.

movie ___ ____________________ (to b. say something is a fact.

start). __ deny
c. confess that something is
2. Martha ______________________ _ (to true.
live) in Japan before she went to South __ admit
d. to declare that something is
Korea. not true.
3. If you ________________________ (to __ insist
e. say that a rumor or belief is
listen) to me, you would have won the correct.
__ confirm
prize. f. say something that has
4. He told me that he been a secret.
__ explain
_________________ (to study) for the g. to put one's own thoughts
exam. into words.
__ express
5. The lights went off because your father h. to make something clear or
_______________________ (not/ to pay) __ reveal
easy to understand.

the electricity bill.

6. Cynthia ________________________
I <J
(not/ to eat) so I prepared some hot dogs.

7. Diego and Marie Complete the sentences with
_____________________ (not/ to meet) words from the box.
before the party.
eruption | hurricane

8. She said that she
| flood
____________________ (not/ to be) in wildfire | earthquake
London before.
9. The storm destroyed the sandcastle
1. Cristian said that the _____________________
that we _____________________ (to
started because someone was smoking there.
2. It was claimed that volcanic started at
10. She told me that the tornado
____________________ (to damage) all
3. She said that the main reason of the was
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the roofs in the neighborhood.

WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

that it had been raining so much.

11.1 could not remember the guitar 4. The reporter claimed that although a lot of
lesson we _____________________ (to building were shaking, they didn't fall during the .
learn) the week before. 5. She expressed that she felt so sad when
12. The children collected the apples that she saw her bike flying through the air during the
____________________ (to fall) from the _____________________.
13. ____________________ (he / to
phone) Alex before he went to see him in
New York?

ray Look at the pictures. Then, read Write the following direct speech

o the sentences and choose the

best option.

2. Mum! I told you

o sentences into reported speech.

1. “I work as a waiter in a sushi

before, I'm doing my
science homework.
He said _________________________

2. “We went out last night to an

expensive restaurant.”
She told me______________________

3. “I've never been to Sydney before.” He

said ____________________________

4. “I was sleeping when you called.”

She said ________________________

5. “I haven’t eaten shrimps before.”

He told me _____________________

0 Change these questions into

reported speech sentences.

1. “Is your mother home tonight?” She

asked me if

1. Anne denied / claimed that she was the 2. “Is it cold outside?”
He asked________________________
2. She insisted / admitted making sure that he
was doing his science homework. 3. “Where are the garage keys?”
She ____________________________
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

3. He insisted / revealed that he is married.

4. She admitted / expressed that she had 4. "How is the weather in Colombia?"
broken the glass.

5. They claimed / confirmed that they were 5. “Who do you go running with?”
more than friends.

6. She explained / denied that she had eaten

the chocolate.


o o
Write the following statements in Listen to the audio and fill in the
the reported speech. gaps. Audio 27

1. “We're celebrating Marcelas That day I _____________ watching TV on my

grandma's sofa. It ___________________________
raining all day, but in the afternoon, the __________
She told me that _________________ _____ got worse. The booming __________
rattled. That sound shook the walls and made me
2. “How much TV did you watch?” cover my ears. The light _________________ out
My mother asked me _____________ and I was terrified. The _____________ flashed for
hours. They seemed to be electric snakes slithering to
the sky. I was _________________________ and I
3. “Why do you study English?” didn't know what to do. I remembered my mother
The teacher_____________________ __________________ me to keep calm and
unplug all the electronic devices but I ______ barely
4. “I would help you if I could” move. I ____ hours sitting on the sofa waiting for the
to pass.

5. “The Hurricane hits the coast.”

Write a short paragraph
reporting the previous
Have you ever experienced a She said it had been raining all day.
natural disaster? When did it
happen? What did you see?
Explain what you did to stay safe.
(If you haven't, write about an
experience you have heard of.)

o Listen to the audio and write the

words you hear. Audio 28

1. _________________________________
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2. _________________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
6. _______________________________
7. _______________________________
8. _______________________________

PRONUNCIATION Listen to the audio. Then, read
the text out loud. Record your
voice if you can. Compare your
A syllable is a group of one or more sounds.
Syllables can be divided into one or more
recording with the audio. Did
syllables. you say the same number of
syllables than the underlined
Example: words? Audio 30
One syllable: mum Two syllables: mother
Three syllables: grandmother On Wednesday, Mark and I went to an
\ _____________ - ________ J interesting restaurant near the city center. I had
chicken sandwich with
lots of different vegetables. Mark ordered a delicious
Write the following words in the chocolate cake. Everything there was lovely.
correct column. L _____ ______ /
drought flood hurricane
rain earthquake blizzard Read the following sentences
volcano wildfire tsunami aloud and write the number of
syllables for each sentence.
One syllable Two syllables Three syllables
1. The hurricane destroyed the whole
10 syllables

2. Those delicious chocolates you gave

me were a lovely gift.
Some words may be pronounced
with fewer syllables than in the
writing. Listen to the following
examples. (The dot shows the 3. Geologists found interesting
syllable division) Audio 29
information about the earthquake.

Chocolate = /tjok.let/
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Interesting = /In.tres.tig/
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

4. Different evidence was found on

Comfortable = /kAmf.te.bol/
the crime scene.
Different = /d If. rent/
Secretary = /se.kra.tri/
Vegetables = /vedj.ta.bel/
Wednesday = /wenz.del/ 5. You should eat all your vegetables to
Restaurant = /rest.ront/ be healthy.

Play the game in pairs:

Cut out the cards from the next page.

Student A picks up a card and changes the direct speech into reported speech.
Students B listens to the sentence or question and puts it back into direct speech. If the
students say the sentences correctly, they win a point.
The students with most points win the game.
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Cut out the cards

“When I arrived at the movie theater, the

movie had started.”
< ___________________________ J

“I was sleeping when you called.”

< _____________________________________ /

“She was waiting for the bus when he

------------------------------------------------------------------ . <---------------------------------------------------
______________________________ ->
“I was watching TV on my grandma’s sofa.” “She is living in Mexico for a few months.”

X _________________________________ / <______________________________ /
-------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- -

“We’re celebrating Peter's birthday.” “I hadn't travelled by train before I came to

< _____________________________ / X ______________________________ /

/ --------------------------------------------------------------- \ / ----------------------------------------------------------------
“What are you going to do during the
"How is the weather in Colombia?"

X_____________________________________ / x ______________________________ /

/ --------------------------------------------------------------- \
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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

“I promise I’ll do my homework by the end “Show me your passports.”

of the week”
X_____________________________________ / V J

---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- -

“Are you nervous for the test?” “The earthquake shook all the town.”

X _____________________________________ J
< ______________________________ /
Let’s Practice English
WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

Read the following document by a historian sea-dreamer and complete the
© assignment.
Some countries' emergency response centers are very efficient. They know exactly when to
quarantine an area to prevent spreading diseases. Most major cities deal with what can be considered
annual natural disasters such as tornados, hurricanes, and blizzards. Places that if there were no
emergency response centers, millions of families would be stranded every year, especially during a
snow storm. Instead, families go about their daily life immune to the wretched weather outside.

What is amazing is the negative effect a natural disaster can have on the wildlife. I wildfire fueled by
many windy days decimated the marsupial population in an area of Australia. However the critical part
is when politicians try to explain the lack of preparation as when Hurricane Catrina hit New Orleans in
the U.S.A, an Impertinent local governmental spokesmen, came with their ambiguous misinformation
and hypocritical resignations of higher ups protecting the highest of them all, there were thousands of
stranded people in a football stadium for days breathing decaying bodies’ toxins that surrounded the
stadium for a few kilometers around.

Some disasters are manmade, In Brazil, there is a problem with the deforestation of the rainforest,
and in some parts of the world human beings are responsible for the effects that excess ultraviolet
rays have on bare skin.

I am not an advocate of anything, nor in the business of inference information, I just write things to
think about as an antibody for ignorance.

Writing exercise. Within a group setting, write a 600 words essay evaluating
the emergency response center in your area. Make sure to use the following
list of vocabulary words.

quarantine, hypocritical, immune, impertinent, inference, antibody, kilometer,

marsupial, rainforest, toxin, ultraviolet, advocate, ambiguous, wretched, decimated

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WORKBOOK 6-7-8-9

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