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An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to

The Faculty of the Teacher education Department

Iloilo Science and Technology University

Barotac Nuevo

Jalaud, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education


Liezette Paulene B. Lobaton

Yvonie Shane B. Angeles

Neriza B. Banaria

Jella A. Dapitan


March 2024
Chapter 1


This chapter includes the background of the study,

statement of the problem, hypothesis, theoretical

framework and conceptual framework, definition of terms,

significance of the study, and scope and limitation of

the study.

Background of the Study

A snack is ready-to-eat foods commonly high in oil

and flavored with salty flavorings.

biological-sciences/snack). Preparing snacks in

alternative and healthier ways is crucial for promoting

overall well-being. By opting for nutritious ingredients

and cooking methods, you can reduce the intake of

unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives, while increasing

essential nutrients. This approach not only supports

physical health but also fosters better energy levels,

improved cognitive function, and a positive relationship

with food. Ultimately, making healthier snack choices

contributes to long-term health and vitality.


One of the favorite snacks is empanada. Empanadas

are savory pastries characterized by their half-moon

shape and flaky dough. They are typically filled with a

variety of ingredients such as seasoned meats,

vegetables, cheeses, or fruits, then folded and sealed

before being baked or fried to golden perfection. In order to make

this product healthy and nutritious, giant swamp taro and

sweet potato which contain high nutritive value were made

as the main ingredients making the nutritious and

alternative empanada.

With the preceding situations, the researchers are

inspired to conduct this study.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine the level of

acceptability of giant swamp taro empanada crust with

sweet potato filling.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the level of acceptability of giant swamp

taro empanada crust with sweet potato filling in terms of

aroma, color, flavor and texture when cooked using the

following proportions:

a. 100% giant swamp taro and 0% all-purpose flour with

sweet potato filling

b. 75% giant swamp taro and 25% all-purpose flour with

sweet potato filling

c. 50% giant swamp taro and 50% all-purpose flour with

sweet potato filling

d. 25% giant swamp taro and 75% all-purpose flour with

sweet potato filling

2. Is there a significant difference in the level of

acceptability of giant swamp taro empanada crust with

sweet potato fillings when cooked in different

proportions and evaluated in terms of aroma, color,

flavor and texture?


Based on the preceding problems, the following

hypothesis was advanced:

1. There is a significant differences in the level of

acceptability of giant swamp taro empanada crust with

sweet potato fillings varies based on different

proportions when cooked in different proportions and

evaluated in terms of aroma, color, flavor, and texture

between various combinations of giant swamp taro, all-

purpose flour, sweet potato, and pork meat.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on the principle od

substitution. Kaufman (2018) states that each ingredient

in a recipe gas a specific function. Substitution of

ingredient to one another ingredient for another may

alter taste, color, moisture content or texture of the

product. For this reason, it is suggested that ingredient

substitution be used in unexpected situations only.

In this study, swamp taro and sweet potato have high

nutritional value and both abundantly grow in locality

were used as substitute ingredients in making empanada.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework of

this study is presented in the paradigm that follows:

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Proportions of giant swamp Acceptability of Giant
taro and all-purpose flour
Swamp Taro empanada crust
Giant swamp All-purpose
Taro Flour with Sweet potato fillings

100% 0% in terms of:

75% 25% Aroma

50% 50% Color

25% 75% Flavor


Figure 1. Schematic diagram outlining the flow of

relationship among variables.

The Independent variables in this study involved the

preparation of Giant Swamp Taro Empanada crust using the

different proportions: 100% Giant Swamp Taro and 0% all

purpose flour; 75% Giant Swamp Taro and 25% all purpose

flour; 50% Giant Swamp Taro and 50% all purpose flour and

25% Giant Swamp Taro 75% all purpose flour.

The Dependent variables was the level of

acceptability of Giant Swamp Taro Empanada crust with

sweet potato filling in terms of Aroma, Color, Flavor and



To have a better and clearer understanding of the

study, the following terms were conceptually and

operationally defined:

Acceptability. Acceptability refers to the quality

of state or being acceptable. (Webster’s third New

International Dictionary, 1890)

In this study, acceptability refers to the worth of

Giant swamp taro empanada crust with sweet potato filling

to be approved by the community after being evaluated by

the board of evaluators.

Aroma. Aroma refers to the fragrance as in plant,

wine and other substances. (Webster’s, 1995)

In this study, aroma refers to the fragrance of

Giant swamp taro empanada crust with sweet potato filling

to be approved by the community after being evaluated by

the board of evaluators.

Empanada. Empanada is a baked or fried pastry

stuffed with any of a variety of fillings, such as meat,

cheese, vegetables, fruits, and other ingredients.

(Webster’s, 1995)

In this study ,empanada refers to small,savory snack

food in half moon shape which is the product of this


Filling. A food mixture used to fill pastry or

sandwiches. (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 1897)

In this study , filling refers to the food mixture

that is used to fill in the food item.

Sweet potato. Sweet Potato is a large ,starchy and

sweet tuberous roots. ( https:// direct com.)

In this study , sweet potato refers to starchy and

sweet tuberous to be mashed and prepared to make a

filling for the crust empanada .

Giant swamp taro (Cyrtosperma merkusii). Giant

swamp taro is an important staple food widely grown in

fresh water marshes of tropical regions (Englberger et

al. 2008)

In this study,giant swamp taro refers to as a source

of starch ,this is one of the main ingredients in making

empanada crust.

Taste. Taste is the ability to tell the difference

between flavors in your mouth. In this

study,taste refers to the flavor of sweet potato filling

Texture -Texture the quality of something that can

be decided by touch (


In this study,texture refers to the softness and

smoothness of Giant swamp taro empanada crust with sweet

potato filling

In this study ,aroma refers to the scent smell of

Giant swamp taro empanada crust.


The results of this study was deemed beneficial to

the following:

Consumers. The results of this study can be

beneficial for the consumer for they could assure that

the product is healthy because it is from natural

ingredients. Since its natural, people will patronize the


Entrepreneurs. The results of this study they are

allowed to produce the product and engage in

entrepreneurial activity which will contribute to their

economic condition and their living in general.

Homemakers. The results of this study the product

may help parents prepare food for their children which

are nutritious and affordable and it can provide health

benefits. The product may give them the choice of food in

a healthier diet and budget affordable to them.

The locale/the community. The results of this study

the locale/community will benefit from the product

proposal as it promotes the usage of an alternative

source of flour which is the taro plant hence giving them

more options for choosing a product.

Future Researchers. The results of this study can

help and give them knowledge or ideas to conduct another

research regarding giant swamp taro empanada crust with

sweet potato filling to what they are more capable of,

beside from it can be made as empanada.

Students. The results of this study can give them

the idea to conduct another research about Giant swamp

taro and sweet potato fillings.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focused on determining the level of

acceptability of giant swamp taro empanada crust with

sweet potato fillings in terms of aroma, color, flavor,

and texture.
This study was conducted at the food laboratory of

Teacher Education Department of Iloilo Science and

Technology University- Barotac Nuevo Campus, Jalaud ,

Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo, school year 2024-2025.

This study was prepared using the following


100% Giant Swamp Taro and 0% all purpose flour; 75% Giant

Swamp Taro and 25% all purpose flour; 50% Giant Swamp

Taro and 50% all purpose flour; 25% Giant Swamp Taro 75%

all purpose flour; and 0% Giant Swamp Taro and 100% all

purpose flour. And the preparation of sweet potato

filling using the the different proportions: 100% sweet

potato and 0% pork meat, 75% sweet potato and 25% pork

meat, 50% sweet potato and 50% pork meat, 25% sweet

potato and 75% pork meat, and 0% sweet potato and 100%

pork meat.

This experimental study was was evaluated by ten

(10) selected BTLED students and ten (10) faculty members

of Iloilo Science and Technology University- Barotac

Nuevo Campus, Jalaud , Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo and ten (10)

selected consumers. The different proportions were

evaluated through the Five-point Rating Scale and the

data collected were analyzed using the mean foe the level

of acceptability and two-way analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

for the significant difference. The level of significance

was set at 0.01.

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