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My Active Lifestyle Students will be able to: Talk about their routines using presen 6 Complete the chart with the countries or the national t simple and possessive adjectives. ies that are missing. Countries Nationalities ‘Argentina Argentinian Australian Brazil Ends in- an Colombia ‘The United States ‘American Peruvian China Japan Japanese Ends in-ese — Portuguese Sudan Spanish England English Ends in - ish trish Turkey French Irregular Greece Netherlands e Complete the sentences using the vocabulary in the box. Pilot Artist Lawyer Doctor Engineer Architect 'have family all around the world, They travel a lot because of their work: ‘a. My father isa_______. He works in the Saint Anna Hospital in The United States. b. My uncle, Freddy is an in England, He is designing new electrical devices . My cousin lives in London, he is English. He wants to be an He loves to design buildings. d. My aunt, Mary, is an She paints beautitully. e. Ralph is a former - He is my brother. He travels everyday all around over the world. f.Mysisterisa_________. She defends innocent people. Look at the picture and write the corresponding vocabulary word under it. Brush Towel _Nail clippers Toothpaste Shampoo Toothbrush La 6 5 6 Match the pictures with the hobbies. Play soccer Swim Listen to music Watch movies Biking Play video games 5. e Find the 10 types of music in the word search. TXCINORTCELE W QBXIGPZZAIGSF Osk ¢ it WO NY ¢ EN go ECR di J ~~ Uo ze CIEEAG6GGE H Bb og a = og a = 4 H KCAVYLLAT OAZWDMOTLI P 9. WO. 6 Match the phrasal verb with its corresponding definition. Phrasal verbs - Starting with Bi 1. Break away: 2. Break down: 3. Break in: 4. Break off: 5. Break out: 6. Break through: 7. Break up: 8. Break upon: Stop working or encounter abundant agony. ——A painstaking termination of a previous engagement or ending a relationship. ‘Someone escaping from a hostile environment or prison, An act of overcoming an obstacle or restriction Enter a domestic home using force, to extract merchandise or jewelry. Come upon suddenly, (from someone): leave someone arrogant who is holding you. To abandon someone or provoke a couple to end their relationship. Complete the sentences with the corresponding phrasal verb from the list in excercise 7. 4.She and her boisterous child. 2. Although she lives in a prominent neighborhood, the thief and stole the new TV. 3. Two prisoners have managed to of jail in a conspicuous way. 4, Could you let me use your printer? Mine has just from her husband and now lives by herself 5. They their engagement creating a financial burden. 6. The police the killer and now itis time to pursue the evidence to build a case. 7. After the he realized it was a blunder to let her go. 8. The store was so crowded that Sam had to the crowd to get to the exit. e Read the following text My Active Lifestyle My name is George. At school, we are studying physical fitness. Our teacher told us that it is important to adapt exercising in our daily life. She says that we should work out hard for at least thirty minutes each day because with rigorous work, we strengthen the heart and the muscles. It also makes the bones stronger, helps us digest food better, and propel us to long-lasting good health. Also, | found out that there are tangible benefits based on the fact that we get in a better mood when we are constantly active, and we might not feel as tired as we usually do. Besides, we may be less likely to get angry or impatient with people. Sleeping better and thinking more clearly are other advantages of an active exercising routine. We may even do better in school if we strive to have a healthier lifestyle. - Complete the chart taking into account the previous text “My active lifestyle” Ways to be an active person ‘Advantages of exercising 1. Strengthens the heart Eocene and the muscles. | 2. | 3. j oe Read the text again and check ( v’) false or true after each sentence. True | False T. Adapting our daily life to exercising strengthens the heart and muscles, 2. Playing hard makes bones weaker. 3. Exercising doesn't help the body digest food slower. 4. You may do worse in school when 1 you play a lot. 5, To strive for a healthier lifestyle has no benefits. 6. Restraining from eating bad food is recommended. i] oe Rewrite the false statements from exercise 10, and make them true. a 2. a. 4. @ Write the corresponding form of the verb given to fill in the gaps. 1. | always {to listen) to music after school. 2. John (to play) soccer on Saturdays. 3. Carla and | always, {to watch) movies at night. 4, Marissa (to swim) in the club on Wednesdays and Fridays. 5.We (to play) video games in Sebastian's house. eo Write the third person form of the following verbs. Listen Go Play Do Walk Take Get _____ Have Eat Watch Sm | Glee eo Fill in the gaps with a verb from the box using the present simple tense. Play Tom up at 7:00 a.m. every morning with ample time to get ready to go to school. Then, he usually a shower and gets his apparel ready before breakfast. He always _ cereal for breakfast before going to school. Then, he to school. He with his friends at the recess. At 12 o'clock, he, hot dogs and drinks for lunch in the school cafeteria with a friend. After school he always ____ his homework. In the afternoon, he soccer in the park. Sometimes he alittle TV after dinner. At 10 p.m. precise, he to bed. @ Answer the following questions based on the text in exercise 14, 1. What time does Tom get up? 2. What does he have for breakfast? 3. What is apparel? 4.What does he eat for lunch? 5. When does he play soccer? 6. What is the precise time he goes to bed? oe Make present simple 'wh' questions and add the missing au, 1. (When / you / go to school?) hen do you school? 2. (What / you / do?) 3. (What time / your mom / get up?) 4. (when / your best friend / eat lunch?) 5. (where / your father / play soccer?) 6. (what sports / you / like?) 7. (where / your best friend / live?) @ Write the Answer for the questions from exercise 16. 1 Pa 3. ———— z Read the chart and complete the sentences with the corresponding possessive adjective. eure Geen rho = 2 = Your Their 4.1m Martha and this is optimist brother, Sam. 2. My mother is Susan and this is anxious sister. 3. They are Robert and Adam and this is barren land. 4. He is Marco and this is inept assistant. 5. We are Tom and Barbara and this is. remote house. 6.1 have two teachers. ___ names are Paul and Rita. o Replace the personal pronouns with possessive adjectives. 1. Where is (!) laptop? 2. She is (we) teacher. 3. Kate goes to school with (she) brother, Oliver. 4. (They) father works in a police station. 5. (You) Pad is very expensive. 6. (He) favorite hobby is biking. 7,(I)_____ husband and | want to go to Machu Picchu. 8. We want to see (it) landmarks. 9. Louisa adores (she)_____catt 10. This is my dog, (It) name is Toby. 6 Write the corresponding possessive adjective. 1. Two students lost composure. 2.We have adog,and_____name is Lucas. 3.1 have a sanctuary. ___ sanctuary is home. 4, Andrew is from England, but wife is from Australia. 5. Catherin and Silvia are apprehensive, and ___little brother is a beacon to the community. 6. Mr. Smith has a Chevy, and color is gray. 7.We study in Johansson High School. high school is fantastic. 8. I like singing unique lyrics and mother sings with me. 9, Jean, Paul and Amelie are French. families are from France. 10. This is my new pet. name is Matt. change the phrases to a possessive apostrophe “'s” to the following phrases. 4. The women families 2. Those girls friends 3. Her babies toys. 4. The people names, 5. Danni and Tommy son.. 1g the possessive “'s”: oe Re-write the following phrases us 1. The books of the students. 2. The bikes of the children. 8. The toys of the babies. 4. The blouse of Elizabeth. 5.The brothers of Aria. 6.The chair of via. 7. The daughter of Marissa. 8. The wardrobe of my grandmother. 9.The children of Antonio. 10. The sandwich of Sergio. 11. The food of the hamster. 12. The milk of the cow. eo Write the correct form of the apostrophe “'s” into the gaps. 1. This is Peter's car. (Peter) 2. Let's go to 3. The 4, & 6. The 7My 8. 9. This is the house. (Romero) toys are upstairs. (Children) sister is thirteen years old. (Joe) and school is huge. (Susan - Steve) shoes are brown. (men) car is very expensive. (parents) computer is new. (Charles) doll. (girl) 10. These are the pencils. (boys) 8 Choose the corresponding demonstrative adjective. 4. Which supplement should I choose these / this one here or that one over there? 2. Look at that / those primitive roads in the background; they look so treacherous and hazardous. 3, The movie is set in the 1800s; people wore different clothes in that / those days, 4, Can you see this / these jovial little children running near me? 5. Hey, mom, what do you think of this /these significant legislation? 6.On the onset, | told you that This / These are my priorities, and that / those stifle sings over there are not mine. 7. This | That man over there wants to salvage our economy. 8. Is this / that your makeshift refuge over there on the top of the hill? 9. This / That lady over there wants to linger around. 10. John, take this / these folders and put them on the desk over there. Look at the pictures and write sentences using the demonstratives: this, t those. 4. This is my towel. 6. 8 Answer the following questions based on your personal information. 1. What is your favorite kind of music? 2. What is your hobby? 3. What sports do you play? 4. What do you do to have fun? 5. What do you do on the weekends? Write a short text describing how healthy is your lifestyle. Use the Spider Graphic Organizer to identify the main ideas and supporting details for your text. Make sure to use these words in your text: mere, massive and meager. My healthy lifestyle Remember: do not forget to write about your diet, physical activity, and explain what you can do to have a healthier lifestyle, 8 6 Listen to these students’ hobbies and check the activities they do. Audio 01 ] ia Students Listen to music| swim | Play soccer | Biking | Watch | vidi, games el Andrew [ Maris [| arissa | | Louisa | i Tommy eo Listen to the audio and check (v ) the correct box, Audio 02 © This is her brand-new car. ©) These are his brand-new cars. This is Frank, he is Australian, © This is Frank, he is Argentinian, Those red towels are Melissa's. These pink towels are Melissa's. That Pop CD is Diego's ©) Those Rock CDs are Diego's This blue skirt is Daniela's. OC) These blue dresses are Daniela's. © That is James' toothpaste. © Those are James' toothpaste. © This is my beautiful drawing. © These are my beautiful drawings. Name: __ — Country: Nationality: Nationality; Hobby Favorite kind of music: ace alae ed Listen to your teacher pronouncing the letters of the alphabet, then practice them, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ Practice with a classmate. Spell your full name. Your classmate should write it as you spell it. Then, check and correct it. Listen to the consonant sounds in the following words. Then, practice them. Audio 04 Zoo, these i S HW Fan, off, phone 8 NI Very, leave iw Wet, away, one Me, summer imi a M ight, fall Ath Byrds Ask your classmates the questions below and complete the survey in a separate piece of paper. Age: Nationality: Hobby: Favorite music: Show your results: * After collecting your classmate's information read the answers using complete sentences * Classify the answers into groups. * Present the information to your class. You can use graphs as in the example: HopelEs In the survey, the age range of the participants is They are from... The results show that: Four students that like to listen to music. Five students like to.. Es ic 3 a P= ee a is fo) Students will be able to: * Talk about their daily activities using present simple. Ale laa 6 Find the daily routine activities in the word search. 3 3 3 & 3 3 & 3 2 @ 5 3 2 o © g s Q s 3 & have breakfast/ go to school / have lunch / do the homework / have dinner. BIRYYCLILFAQC WNXZLUTRIRKS OYELAVSKMTFECEHG6P TZCHUFEADONNWG6EKAD OVIRNMKEMNAOE PPUO SPY FDDRAIXHTEIXAT cFIWWI6DESDENSPEH HECBVGEMARLCZRERE OLIIXVSEESBBSXUY OZRSAYKSOAZEG GET FAHTEETEHTHSURB QVKEMYFZHALXNK HAVELUNCHSLMZS e Complete the sentences with the correct verb. Use the verbs from the box. .g0(x2) — listen — watch ~ surf Al TV. In the afternoon. Bul out with my friends on Friday. cl the net every day. D.I to music in the evening. E.|_____ shopping on Sunday. e Complete the sentences using the vocabulary from exercise 1 and 2. A. At night Monica the new soap opera. TY, she is somewhat in awe with BI at 6:00 a.m. | usually have cereal, bread, and a cup of coffee. c. My mom at 12:30, then she washes the dishes and watches T.V. especially during the presidential campaigns. D. Jessie always to rock music in the evening. | must ‘commend him for his genre taste. E. My little brother doesn't ike because the water is really cold. He dwells for hours until the water is warm. early in the morning F. My computer doesn't work so | can't _ __ the net at home. It is vital that we upgrade to a better internet provider. G. The old lady likes. ‘shopping because in the new supermarket the things are really cheap. 3 H. My friends and | usually out on Fridays. We sometimes go : to a disco but we prefer having a drink at Starbucks. oe What time is it? Match the items on the right with the items on the left. It is twenty-five to three. ____Itis five past three. __ Its twenty-five past three. Its quarter past three. —_Itis half past three. Itis five to three. __ Its a quarter to three. __ Itis ten past three. __Itis ten to three. AL Itis three o'clock. e Match the picture with the correct name. Have a good time / Have a rest / Have a drink / Have a chat oe Match the phrasal verb with its corresponding definition. A. Call back To visit somebody for a short time. B. Call off To shout aloud. ©. Call up “To require / to need. D. Call on To postpone, delay or cancel something. E. Calll out To call someone. F. Call for __A_To return a telephone call. e Reorder the words into correct sentences. ‘ / homework / they / seven /do their / o'clock. B. never/ |/ 6:30 / get / before /up C. sisters / half / have/ at / twelve / lunch / my / past D. rest / grandmother / my / has /o'clock / a /at / four E. A hamburger and orange juice / has / for / Tomas / breakfast F dinner /1/ at / past/ have / quarter / six G. to/ I/ bed/ ten / go / at / past eleven e Choose the correct phrasal verb. A. Peter has to call off / call back / call up the picnic because its raining, B. The cake recipe calls off / calls on /calls for brown sugar, not white sugar. C. He sometimes calls out / calls back / calls for his girlfriend's name in his sleep. D. | usually call my mother off / call my mother up / call my mother out at night. E. Charles, | can't talk now, can you please call me off / call me out / call me back in about 20 minutes? Cea 6 Read the text and underline the adverbs of frequency. ‘My name is Christian and I'm fifteen years old. | love drawing and playing the guitar. | don't like eating vegetables. On weekdays, I always get up at 4 o'clock in the morning because | have to go to school. On Saturdays and Sundays, | never get up early, | usually get up at half past ten, and | go to sleep after midnight. On Saturdays, | always have guitar lesson; | have a big guitar at home. Then, | usually have lunch at Jen's house. Jen is my best friend, she loves dancing and going shopping. She doesn't like watching T.V. We sometimes go shopping after lunch. We often have a drink at Starbucks, and at night, we call on our friends. On Sundays, my parents and I always go out for lunch. In the afternoon, we do an activity together, for example, we listen to music or watch T.V. We sometimes go to the beach when the weather is nice. We often have dinner at my grandmother's oe Based on the text, complete the chart about their likes and dislikes Likes Dislikes, Jen eo Answer the following questions about the text. ‘A. How often does Christian have guitar lessons? B. What time does Christian get up on weekdays? C. How often does Christian have lunch at Jen's house? D. How often do Christian and Jen have a drink at Starbucks? E. How often do Christian and his parents have dinner at his grandmother's house? F. What time does Christian get up on weekends? G, What time does Christian go to sleep on weekends? CTU @ Underline the correct word. A. Do/Does you play the piano constant? B. What time does your father get/gets up? C. He usually have/has lunch at 1 o'clock at the civic center. D. My brother don't/doesn't like going shopping. E. We surfs/surf the internet every day. F. How often do/does she call her friends? G. She usually go/goes out with friends on Saturdays. @ Complete the sentences. Use don't or doesn't. A. Tatiana like going out with his brothers friends. She can't cope with their childish behavior. B. My parents like going out shopping on Sundays. They like to conserve their energy and relax. C. Tom likes listening to music, buthe ___like dancing. i is very convenient since his friends like it either. D. Peter like having lunch at his grandmother's house, despite his displeasure he keeps going there on the continuous basis, EI like brushing my teeth with the new toothpaste although it is supposed to be very beneficial. F. My sister like eating in that restaurant, it has a distinct bad odor. G. Lucas drive with his girlfriend's friends. They adhere to the speed limits. H. My grandfather and my grandmother rest in the living room because it is a noisy place. @ Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. A. early / up /1/ never / Sundays / on / get B. usually / Dan / goes / on / Fridays / his / out with / friends C. go / you / restaurant / often / a / do / how / to /? D. up / they / get / six o'clock / usually / at E. homework / my / do / at / sometimes / five o'clock / | F. breakfast /eggs /eats /Sam /for /often G. likes / having / Peter / chat / with / a / friends / his H. quarter / has / three/ my / sometimes / grandfather / a / at / rest / to Organize the sentences using the present simple tense and using the key commands below. KEY: += positive x =negative 2 = question A. Heflike/go out with his friends x EEE B. your litle brother/get up/at 9 o'clock ———————— C. The journalist/watch TV/every day in the morning x SS D. Lucy and Charles/go to schooV/at 8 o'clock + EE E. The children/playfootballVin the park 2 EEE i G. The new student/speaks/English x EEE H. Simoni listen to music/in the evening x El EE © ‘Complete the chart with the correct third person singular verb form. Tom and Mary... Simon... watches TV B. take a shower. C. get dressed. D. do the homework. E. brush the teeth, F have dinner. G. study English. H. have a good time. Complete the sentences with the correct present simple form of the verb in brackets. A.|____(To watch) TV with my mother. B. My father and my mother sometimes ____ (To surf) the internet. C. Lucy (To have) a talk with her boyfriend in the afternoon. D. Sam (To like) listening to rap music. E. She (To do) her homework before dinner. F.Ted (To go) shopping on Wednesday afternoon. G.|____(e take) a shower in the evening. E H.Mymom____ (To go) to work early in the morning. 5 |. My car (to have) only one passenger seat, and it will only accommodate one person. (41) © Read the sentences and correct the mistakes. ‘A. Angela love getting up five past six in the morning. B. Ted doesn't like listen to romantic music. €. Dan loves call his best friend on Sundays. D. My brother like go out with his friends on Fridays. E, My mother and my father likes calling up their neighbors on Saturdays. F. My little sister like call out the answer in the classroom. G. My brother doesn't like go shopping with his girlfriend. H. you will only being granted salvation by swearing allegiance to god. A. Itis B.Itis C.Itis D. Itis 6 Use the adverbs and the expressions in the box to write sentences about you. always. usually, often, sometimes, never ‘A. do homework in the afternoon B. go to sleep early C. have breakfast at half past ten D. surf the internet E. watch TV in the evening F. go out with friends on Fridays G. go shopping with my mother H. listen to romantic music |. experience extreme pain and Write a paragraph about Simon's life. Use the information below to help you. Name: Simon Adams Likesplaying football going to sleep early, surfing the internet. Hates: watching TV, going shopping his sister. 5 a.m. (always) 30 (often) does homework3:15 (usually) has dinner: 7: 45 (sometimes) goes to sleep: 10:00 (never) 8:30 (always) e6 Complete the chart talking about your likes and dislikes i e Listen to the audio of a conversation between Andrew and Kristal and ill in the blanks. Audio 05 What do you do on the weekend? Kristal: | go to the dance studio on Saturdays. On Sundays | late. 1 play basketball with my brother. After that | and have lunch at In the afternoon 1 with my friends. What about you? Andrew: Well, | always get up early, . and go shopping with my father. After lunch, | often my friends. Then | help my father in the store because he anew shop assistant. Kristal: Andrew, what about Lucy's party? Andrew: She is sick, so she called it off. Kristal: poor Lucy... well, Ihave to go. Andrew: I'm going to you in the afternoon. Kristal: ok. If 'm not at home, | will call you back. Bye. Listen to the audio of Susana and Sam talking about their daily routines. Complete the chart. Audio 06 SUSAN SAM ——_ LS Listen to the audio of the pronunciation of the Short vowels in the following words, then listen again and repeat them. Audio 07 SHORT VOWELS + Short “a” words: has, ask, Sam, Dan + Short “e” words get, ten, bed, egg * Short “I” words big, his *Short“o” words Tom, mom, not + Short “u” words Up, bus Syed Get together with a classmate and prepare a role play of a journalist and a famous person. Student A: Journalist Student B: Famous person ‘Student A: Ask your partner what he/she likes/ doesn't like/hates to do Do you like. 2 Student B: Answer the questions Yes, | do No, I don't. like Work in pairs; ask your partner what he/she usually does on the weekdays and on the weekend. Complete the chart with your partner's information. Prepare a presentation about your favorite singer, talk about his/her daily routine, likes, and dislikes. NR M Name. Daily routine Likes Dislikes Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about a typical day in your lives ind things that you like, dislike, or do Example: What time do you get up? =| get up at five o'clock. What about you? = I get up at a quarter to six. What time do you have a shower in the morning? ‘A. What time/get up? B. What time/have a shower in the morning? C. What time/have lunch? D. What time/watch TV in the evening? E. What time/go to bed? F. What anticipate /doing next Saturday? G. what food / appeal to you? H. What / ike to do |. What / dislike to do tun els ‘Students will be able to: stalk about extreme weather conditions using present simple and present continuous. 6 Read each sentence and match them with its corresponding definition. A. Hurricane B. Tornado C. Drought D. Flood E. Thunderstorm —_F. Blizzard G. Hail —— 1. Overflowing of water. —— 2. A violent, tropical, cyclonic storm occurring over water. —— 8. Destructive cyclonic windstorm occurring over land. —— 4. A shower of ice falling from clouds. 5. Period of dry weather. —— 6. Storm with strong winds with intense snow. —— 7. Storm with rain, wind, lightning, and thunder. e Complete the sentences using the vocabulary from exercise 1. A. It hasn't rained in weeks in the desert; the desert is ina B. At the North Pole, there is a C, There has been so much rain, that the river is beginning to a D. In the Pacific Ocean, there is a — E. Oklahoma is known to get hit by many destructive circulating cones of air called . with the capacity to destroy everything in its path. Se Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with its corresponding weather. Look at all the clothing below and color each one according to the instructions below. 1. Color the face mask in black. 2. Color the goggles in green. 3. Color the rain jacket in yellow. 4, Color the boots in brown. 5. Color the gloves in red. 6. Color the helmet in blue. Using the vocabulary from exercise 4, write in each line below which clothing item you would wear depending on the weather. A. Ina blizzard, what do you wear? — EE B. During a thunderstorm, what do you wear? EEE C. When there is hail, what do you wear? ee 36 Read each clue below to complete the crossword puzzle. Across 3. Storm with strong winds and intense 5. The result of mixing red and yellow. 7. Protect your hands from the cold, Down 1. Protects your face from cold air, ieee 2. The result of mixing blue and red 4. Period of dry weather. 6. The result of mixing blue and yellow. Read each sentence and write the corresponding answer from the word bank provided. Word bank: Shelter Hospital Supermarket Police station American Red Cross 1. If you are trapped within your house during a flood, you would call the a e_ ris. 2. If someone gets injured during a tornado, you should call the s a 3. If you lost someone during a blizzard, you should calll the ° 4. You should go to the k____ before a storm. Phrasal verbs — Starting with “come” e Match the phrasal verb with the corresponding definition. A.Come along B. Come across_C. Come back D.Come by E.Come out _F. Come over G.Come around H. Come through 1. Come up with _____ 1. Appear socially. ____.2. Find by chance. 3. Succeed. ___ 4. Return (to where the speaker is). ____ 5. Accompany, make progress. ___ 6. Come to visit someone. ___ 7. Imagine, invent, and produce. ___.8. Recover consciousness. ___ 9. Find by accident, visit someone at home. Read each sentence and complete them with the best phrasal verb from the word bank. A.When Amy _, she found herseff at the hospital, 36 and a very cordial doctor caring for her. B. If you at 5, you will get free pizza. C. We will after the school play. If parents don't boycott the performance. D. Bob's mother told him to of his room. El______abird nest on my way home. FE with me to meet Daniel. G.I a way to make pancakes faster. H. My grandma will later today. 1. Our team in the contest. Word Bank Come along- Come across - Come back - Come by Come out - Come over - Come around Come through - Come up with Using the word bank above, choose 5 of the phrasal verb and create 5 sentence using the tenses that you learned. Read about! rds in North America. February is a terrible month in the North of the United States because it is the beginning of the blizzard season. Everyone has a hard time getting from place to place because of the amount of snow. The snow from the blizzard causes different problems, one of those is that drivers can't see what is ahead of them, and so the risk of having accident increases. When there is an accident, people tend to call the police station for assistance. People tend to stay home during a blizzard, but in the event that they need to go out; they tend to wear face protection, gloves, jacket, and boots. They wear so many clothes to protect themselves from the cold. When someone's body temperature gets too low, they may need eo Using the above reading, answer the questions below. 1. Whom do people call when they need assistance? 2. Why is it dificult to get from place to place during a blizzard? 3, If your body temperature gets too low, where would you go? 4, What do you wear when it is cold outside? 5. The snow from a blizzard causes what problem? Based on the text about the blizzards in North America, answer the questions, with true or false, in the space provided below. 1. People wear a lot of clothes to protect themselves from the cold, __ 2. People go outside to play during a blizzard. 3. Itis very easy to see during a blizzard, __ 4. The police station offers free assistance to anyone during a blizzard. 5. People should only wear a t-shirt and shorts during a blizzard.__. Read what Kate and her family do to survive the drought. Hi, here in Arizona, we are in drought season. We are struggling to keep our town water supply from going empty. It is really difficult to keep our crops from dying. Because of the town not allowing being wasteful with the city's water supply we are trying our best to recycle ‘our excess water during our shower, in order to use it to water our crops. In addition, we fill a bucket of water to wash our vegetables and afterwards, use that water for the indoor plants and crops. Taking into account what Kate and her family did during the drought to © Save water, write four things you can do to save water at your home. Make sure to use the following words with your answers: Declare, collaborate, consequence, and deplete. 6 Read the sentences below and write in the space provided, the verb in its correct present simple form. 4. Everyone (to have) a hard time to get from place to place during a blizzard. 2.She____ (to wear) boots to walk to the supermarket. 3.We (to fill) a bucket of water to wash our vegetables. 4. During a Blizzard, he (to want) to wear a facemask to look like a ninja. 5. They (to study) about drought today. 6.We (drinks) very little water during drought. 7.They (to wear) heavy jackets to protect themselves from getting hit by hail. 8.1 (studies) about thunderstorm in Science. @ Rewrite the following sentences into present simple negative form. 1, He does wear goggles. 2. We watch the hurricane on television. 3. We work hard to plow snow from the blizzard. 4, She wears a new jacket. 5. He goes to the supermarket every Monday. 6. We do need the police station’s help. 7. They listen about the tornado on the radio. &. How many people contaminate is still a controversy. oe Rearrange the words below to create questions in present simple tense. Example: wear / she / gloves / does Does she wear gloves? 1. did / call / you / who 2. sing / Amy / well / does 8. pizza / your / ike / brother / does 4, hail /it/ did /a lot 5. hospital / do / at / you / work / the 6. did / blizzard / the / where / hit 7. do / why / police stations / free / offer / assistance @ Write a sentence with the verb given in present simple continuous form. 41 (to watch) the tornado on the television. (to sleep) at the hospital. 3. They (to drive) in the blizzard. 2.We 4.He (to save) water for the plants, 5. She (to listen) to the radio. 6. They (to plow) the snow of their driveway. 7We (to walk) to the supermarket. 8.We (cultivate) and getting things ready before draught season. Write in the space provided the correct form of the verb in present simple in its negative form, 4. They (to plow) the snow off their driveway. 2.They (to drive) in the blizzard. 3.We (to walk) to the supermarket. 4,He (to save) water for the plants. 5.1 (to watch) the tornado in the news. 6.She___— (to listen) to the radio. 7.We (to sleep) at the hospital. 8.We (to need) the owner's consent to enter the room. Write an email to your friend telling him/her what would you and your family do to prepare for a blizzard, how would your family spend time until the blizzard is over. a ee Write a paragraph about what you would do before, during, and after a tornado if one were to hit the town you live in. — Sa ee SS —— Listen to the audio about the weather report and complete the information. Audio 08 ‘A. How is the weather on Thursday? 8. What should they do if they can't make it to the police station? ———————— C. Where are they going? ———————————— D. Where is the hurricane located? —— 6 Listen to the audio about the weather and answer the questions. Audio 9 A. How high is the flood? B. Where is it flooding? C. What are the animals doing? ————— eee D. Where is the flood heading to? ee 6 Listen to the audio and write the words you hear. Audio 10 ———————— 2. —— 3. ———— 4. Listen to the audio, and while listening, write the missing words in the empty gaps. Audio 11 Hello my name is, Kate, and | am from | want to tell you about a A thunderstorm consists of wind, , and thunder. During a thunderstorm, last week the intense rain and caused a loss of power in our area; in addition the thunderstorm caused a in lower elevation areas. 6 Listen to the audio and number the words accordingly. Audio 12 Thunderstorm —— Hospital Purple Flood Tornado Red Cross Hurricane Hail LaLa 6 Listen to the words provided in the box. Audio 13 Storm Desert Through Too Start Hard See Increase Need Mask Supermarket Using the word chart from exercise 26, write the vocabulary words in the correct category. Short “A” vowel sound Short “E” vowel sound Short “I” vowel sound ‘Short“O” vowel sound Short vowel sound b Long “E” vowel sound You are going to be a news reporter and you need to talk about one of the weather conditions (thunderstorm, hurricane, tornado or a flood), the clothes that people should wear, and what the people should be doing to prepare themselves. Write what you would like to talk about. Weather: List of clothes: What people are doing to prepare: Using what you prepared in exercise 28, write a paragraph of what you would tell your classmates if you were a news reporter. 04 ae) ‘Students will be able to: * Talk about their favorite food using quantifiers and countable and uncountable nouns. Waeatcas eo Match the pictures with their corresponding vocabulary word. ___. butter = _.eggs. _. milk cheese __.yogurt ___. water __.grapes ___.chicken ___. bread ___. mushrooms, Or4 , in the word search, and then classify Find the the different kinds of food, them in the following categories. a. Three kinds of fruits: b. Three dairy products: c. Three kinds of vegetables d. Three kinds of meats: e. Three drinks: r>u w2unna Zawnnoa bHuwolwadg LX TAPRTSGL QTLANKPCIK ITEGOBMET HP _-.... ICECREAMH QL Ste Ue ITBSXWXRMNGKJIP Vye@euxsoep ox Nc Oe: 6 Write three more different examples for each category. 3 Complete the statement with the correct word. Can — jar — bottle — loaf- dozen of soup of white bread of jam eggs of water Write, on the drawing, the correct container/Unit of measure (see list provided) above each item in the drawing. bag - bottle - box - carton - can = jar - cup ~ bow! ~ loaf - bar - dozen - bunch LILI 0 Wm 4 | E YWeosy se Mn oe! 6. Complete the statements by matching each phrase with its corresponding noun. a. Two bottles of b.A bag of c.Acan of e. A bunch of 1.Two bars g.A loaf of h. A jar of grapes Phrasal verbs — Starting with “cut” 8 Match the phrasal verb with its corresponding definition. ___to consume less. 4. Cut across: __to interrupt when 2. Cut down: someone is speaking. to make the trip faster. 8, Cut in: when you want to tell another person to stop 4. Cut off: his/her bad behavior. to cut with scissors into smaller pieces. 5. Cut (it) out: 6. Cut up: __ to stop the supply of something 36 Fill in the gaps with the corresponding phrasal verb. 1. He really annoys me. He's always and never lets me speak. 2. We will gain time if we this field. 3. They didn't pay the bills and the electricity was 4.1'm ona diet: I'm on fast food. 4 De it ! I'm trying to take a nap’. 6.The teacher__ the sheet into triangles. While a dense fog, most drivers could not see, so they had to stop. 6 Read the text and underline the countable nouns with red and the uncountable nouns with blue. My favorite dish! Hil My name's Charlie. 'm 12 years old and I'm American. | lve in Texas with my parents and my siblings — Jenny and Tommy. We usually have breakfast together. Jenny and I have a bowl of cereal with milk, but Tommy has tea and bread with jam. He doesn't like milk. Sometimes | also have a piece of bread without jam; because it is too sweet. | prefer a piece of cheese orham instead. On weekdays, we have lunch in the school's restaurant at 12:30. My favorite dish is some meat with French fries. Jenny doesn't like it. She says: “eating too Much fat is bad for our health” She prefers fish with vegetables. Tommy doesn't worry about his health, He loves fast food. His favorite dish is pizza, but he can only have it once a week, usually during weekends when we go to Pizza Hut. Our school can't sell fast food in the restaurant. When we get home at §:00, we have a snack—a yogurt anda lot of cookies. We love chocolate cookies! We always have dinner at 8 o'clock. Today we have soup, meat, or fish, and fruit. Sometimes our mom makes our favorite cake: pumpkin cake with cherry topping. Yummy, Yummy! . © Read the sentences and write true or false. : a. Charlie has a bow! of cereal with milk for breakfast. b. Tommy has chocolate and bread for breakfast. ©. Charlie's favorite dish is some meat with pasta. d. Tommy's favorite dish is pizza. e. Jenny's favorite dish is fish with vegetables. Ors? Answer the following questions in reference to the text “my favorite dish”. a. What does Tommy have for breakfast? . What time do the siblings have lunch on weekdays? c.Whatis Charlie's favorite dish? d.What is Tommy's favorite dish? e.Whatis Jenny's favorite dish? f.Do you think Tommy and his family are having a healthy dinner today? Justify your answer. oe Based on the text: My favorite dish! Complete the chart with Tommy's diet. Tommy's diet Breakfast () 4 e Classify the following food and drinks in their corresponding categories, butter cheese grapes ‘mushrooms cakes Countable eo Complete the text with a/ an /s/or a hyphen (-) if there is nothing to add. love food, | always try to take care of myself; that is why I eat the best food, let me show you! This is my daily diet: For breakfast, | eat___ sandwich with tomatoe___and__piece of cheese. Then, Ihave __ham on _toast or leat ___ bow! of salad. For lunch, | have _ meat and __rice. | really love roast beef___and Vegetable___. Sometimes, | eat some fruit___salad___. For dessert, | have apple pie or__ orange cake. ()4 oe Label the pictures. Use “a” or “some” 6 Underline the correct option. 1. love a meat! love meat! 2. Do you like cheese? Do you like a cheese? 3. leat three apple for breakfast every day. | eat three apples for breakfast every day. 4, Would you like some milk? Would you like a milk? 5 5. | eat bananas with milk in the morning, eat banana with a milk in the morning, 6. Her favorite dish is a cookies and yogurt. Her favorite dish is yogurt and cookies. () 4 @ Complete the sentences with the following quantifiers. any ~ some ~ a lot of 1.1 eat a lot of fruit. 2.1 have some cereal in the morning. 3.1 don't eat any fish. 4.1 normally don't eat cheese. 5. always have hot chocolate for breakfast. 6.I never eat vegetable. Zl love candies!leat____ chocolate chip cookies. 8.1 drink ‘orange juice every morning. 9.1use tomatoes for cooking my favorite pizza. 10. I don't drink ind of soda. oe Read each sentence and circle the correct option. 1. | need a lot of tomatoes / chip for dinner. 2.| don't need any fish / some meat. 3. With the vegetable salad, | want any / a lot of onions. 4. | prefer eating some / any pasta for lunch. 5.We want a carton of eggs / apple today. Complete the questions using how much or how many, and indicate if the subject is countable or uncountable. 1. How much salad is there? (uncountable) 2. How many apples are there? (countable) ie milk is there? 4 dozens of eggs ate there? 5. bunches of grapes are there? 6. pasta is there? ()Z4 Look at the picture and underline much or many. Then answer the questions. 4. How much / many cheese is there? There is some cheese. 2. How much / many water is there? 3. How much / many sausages are there? 4, How much / many cakes are there? 5. How much / many salad is there? 6. How much / many milk is there? 7. How much / many eggs are there? 8. How much / many rice is there? 9. How much / many apples are there? 10. How much / many loaves of bread are there? ()4 in the gaps using any, some, a lot of, much or many. 1. There isn't meat in the refrigerator. 2.We need cheese for our sandwiches. 3. Anne always eats fruit in her salad. 4. How cans of soda are left in the bar? 5. Charlie likes to eat cookies with a carton of yogurt. 6. How jam do you want with you bread? 7. There are Italian restaurants downtown. 8. There isn't piece of cake left. 9. How dozens of eggs did you buy? 10. Eating out is expensive here. There aren't restaurants. cheap 11. Their arguments were concise, simple, and clear. | didn't find flaws. 6 Unscramble the words to form complete sentences or questions. 1.some / milk/ There / fridge / is / in the/. a EE 2. How / are / jam / many / left /? / jars / of 3. cookies / Tom / a / of /eats / lot /. 4.2 / How / do / much / you/ butter / need 5. pumpkins / There / any / aren’ left /. 64 Look at the picture and ask a classmate questions using how much or how many based on the picture. 9 2 Ein 64 e Read and write about Anne's food diet. Anne’s diet 7:30 Breakfast: Orange juice. sandwich, and eggs. 11:00 Lunch: fruit, rice / pasta, meat, apple juice (at school) 5:00 Dinner: vegetable salad, bread with jam, chocolate milk. Favorite food: hamburgers. Favorite drink: strawberry milk shakes, Anna has breakfast at - She usually eats and . She drinks At . She has a big lunch at school, she eats fruit, drinks apple juice, and - She really likes meat, especially Roast beef. . or ‘AL5:00, she has dinner with her parents, they eat a bowl of vegetable . But she prefers to have some loaves of with jam and some yummy On Saturdays, she loves to eat and to drink 64 6 Answer the following questions with your information. 1. What's your favourite food? 2. How often do you have it? 3. What's your favorite drink? 4. if you had to cultivate a vegetable which one would it be? 6 Complete the chart with your diet. diet Breakfast: What time? tunch: What time? Dinner: ()4 6 Write about your daily diet. Take into account your answers on exercise 26. Make sure to use these words: Cumulative, dissolve, and drastic. Ihave breakfast at $e eo Listen to the audio and number the drawings. Audio 14 OF4 Listen to Jenny talking about her favorite recipe. Write down the ingredients in the correct column. Audio 15, Pumpkin pie Ingredients: Eggs, sugar, salt, pumpkins, lemons, whipping cream, milk, She doesn’t She nee: raed nutmeg, ginger or cloves. Listen to Jane and Edward talking about their favorite dishes. Mark each phrase with a J if Jane mentions it and an E if Edward mentions it. Audio 16 1.A lot of apples 2. Pizza 3. Oranges 4, Mangoes 5. Cans of coke 6. Vegetable soup 7, Raisin cakes 8. Fish 9. Chocolate chip cookies 10 milk and yogurt J ()4 Consonant sound 8 Listen to the consonant sound p in the following words. Audio 17 Grapes Pumpkins Pancakes Peas Potatoes Pasta 6 Listen to the audio and repeat. Audio 18 ‘© Consonant p in starting position: @ Consonant p in mid position Potatoes Pie Pumpkin Spin Peel Piece Spit Split Pear Pour Happy Rapid © Consonant p in ending position: Cop Crisp Soup Keep Cup Listen and practice the “p” consonant sound. Remember to press the lips together. And then, blow the air out. Audio 19 Complete the chart with your classmates’ information. Ask and answer the question as in the example. My favorite dish What's your is hamburger favorite dish? and French fries. CClassmate's Name Favorite dish au Objecti Students will be able to describe what a room consists of and talk about urban places. Vocabulary 6 Match the picture with the correct name, Write it under each picture. bunk bed / lava lamp / oval mirror / electric stove / single door refrigerator / round table / rocking chair / sofa seat / flat-screen T.V. /large closet e Read the sentences and complete them by using some of the vocabulary words from exercise 1. to store and keep the food cool, A.luse my___ B.A is an apparatus for cooking or heating. C.| sometimes watch movies on my new. D. Itis considered bad luck to break a E. Since he is afraid of the dark, he doesn't turn off his _ F. There are some rich women with full of clothes that they never wear. G. My father needs to buy two mattresses because the new is smaller than the one we had. 86 Read the clues and solve the crossword. — o ACROSS => 2.Aroom furnished with beds and used for sleeping. 3.Aroom equipped for preparing and cooking food. 4,Aroom ina house or flat used for relaxation and entertainment. Down J 1. Aroom where meals are eaten. 2. Aroom containing a bath or shower and usually a washbasin and lavatory. Read the sentences and choose the correct place according to the description. A. Azoo/bookshop/ factory is a place where some animals are kept, bred, and exhibited to the public. B.A gas/petrol station / factory / post office is an establishment selling gasoline and oil for motor vehicles, C.A factory/ computer shop/ shopping center is a group of shops or stores in one area, D. A bookshop / factory / square is a building or group of buildings where products are made. E.A post office / computer shop / book shop is a building where the mail for a local areais sent and received. Match the phrasal verb with its corresponding meaning. A.Doaway with ‘1._____ Make something look good. B.Doup 2. Become successful. C.Dowellfor(oneself) —3., Live without something. D.Dowithout 4,___ Stop having something. Complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs from exercise 5. A.|wantto. the living room, the wallpaper is too old fashion. B. forgot to buy some vegetables..oh wellljust have to C.Mymotheris going to with the orange sofa seat. Nobody likes it. D. Sally started her own business and now makes a lot of money. She has really herself. E. Although a swarm is a sign of danger, I don't like to remove them after all nature can't bees. F. Two years of marriage had not diminished an iota the awe I feel for you I can't you. 8 @ Read the text and answer the questions. My name is Charles and I lve in a big house, itis nice and comfortable. Itis next to the new shopping center andin front of the post office. Downstairs there is a living room where we watch TV and a dining room. Next to the dining room there is a kitchen. The kitchen is 4 meters long and 3 meters wide. Itisa large kitchen and | can have breakfast and lunch there. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and three bathrooms. My parent's bedroom is the biggest room; it has two big windows and a bathroom. My bedroom has only ‘one window;ithas a big bunk bed, a large closet, a lava lamp, and an oval mirror. ‘A.Where is Charles’ house? B. How many bedrooms are there? C.Howis the kitchen? D.Where does he watch TV? E. In which room of the house does he eat? F.What does he have in the bedroom? G, How many bathrooms are in his house? Read the description of Laura's bedroom, and draw a picture of i This is my bedroom, it is the room | like the most. There are two windows and a bunk bed. Next to the bunk bed there is a large closet, in the closet there are books. There is a round table next to the closet and on the table, there is a lava lamp. Above the table, there is an oval mirror hanging on the wall. Under the bunk bed, there are two boxes. There is a big teddy bear on the floor next to the bunk bed, ITT a 6 Read the sentences and write the correct form of the verb to be. A. There ‘two socks on the table. B. There a book in front of the oval mirror. C. There. ‘some boxes under the bunk bed. D. There a living room in my house. 3 E. There. a big window in the kitchen. F.There______ thirteen pictures on the wall oe Complete the sentences, use a/an, some, or any. A.There are chairs in the dining room. B. There are lamps on the table. there window in the bathroom? D.There isn't mirror in my bedroom. E. In my living room, there is_ orange sofa. F.In the new bookshop there aren't romantic books. Not one. G. Next to the shopping center there is___zo0. H. Are there factories in front of the police station? |. There aren't toy cars under the bed. J. There aren't apples in the kitchen. @ compete the txt wth there is or thre aofarent Hello, this is my town, next to my house: ‘two parks, in the parks some big trees, but any benches. In front of the park, a computer shop and next to it, a post office. On the corner, petrol stations but any police stations. Next to the zoo, a really big shopping center, but any factories. The square is popular among tourists because some bookshops, cafes, and surrounding buildings. | think this is a nice place to live. e Read the sentences and correct the mistakes. A. In my bedroom there are some big posters on the wall. eee B. There is only an apple in my single door refrigerator. eee C. In my town there are two factories. eee D. Is there a petrol station next to your house? eee eS E. In the new bookshop there aren't any fantasy books. eee F. There are lava lamps in my house. eee G. Is there a computer shop at the corner? SSS H. There is an orange book on the table. SS |. Ihave three boxes under the bed. Se —————————————— J. The living room has two sofas. SS 3 K. My little sister has a nice lava lamp in her bedroom. ———————— L. My brother has a sign on his door stating “enter at your own discretion* my z sister loathes it, ee Write questions using “how many” and answer them using “there is” or “there are”. ¥ A. lamp! living room 1. How many lamps are in the living room? 2. There are three lamps. B. factory / town 1. 2. C. kitchen / your house 1. a D. oval mirror / bathroom E. window / shopping center. i F. some / bear / 200 1. a G. computer shop / neighborhood 1 mR H. electric stove / your grandmother's house 1. 2 eo Rewrite the following sentences from positive to negative form, or from negative to positive form. A. There is a new shopping center in my town, B. There are some small rocking chairs under the big table. ee C. There isn't a bunk bed in my little sister's bedroom. —— D. There are some factories behind the petrol station. eee SSS F. There are some oval mirrors in the dining room. SSS G. There isn't a police station next to the computer shop. SSS H. There is a beautiful tree between the factory and the post office. 2 SS ee |. There is a beautiful stone piece carved in the likeness of our grandma. ————— © Match the questions with the corresponding answers. ‘A. Where is the police station? 1. They are next to the petrol station. B, What is upstairs? 2 She has 3. C. Where are my friends? 3. Itis at the corner. D. How many Italian restaurants are 4, Ihave 2 in my living room. there in the square? E, Where are the factories? 5. She is in her bedroom. F. Where is my sister? 6.___ There are 2. G. How many sofas do you have? i They are in the dining room, they are having lunch. H. How many mirrors does Lucy have? 8. My bedroom. oe Read and complete the conversations. AA: restaurant downstairs? jo, there__, but. ____one upstairs. bathroomsare there? one. My house is very small. a bookshop nextto the computer shop? windows are in your house? | AIEEE EA: any books on the table? B:No, , but onthe table. abiglavalamp. e Unscramble the words and write the sentences. A. front/a/in/ of /car/is/ my house/ there. ES ee B.tables/ are / dining /two/there/the /in/room/round Se C.large/ many /closets / she / does / how / have /? EEE D.the/a/lion/z00 /isn't/there /in E.has/ grandmother five /my /lamps /in/living/the /room/lava —E—————— F.neighborhood / how/in/post offices / many /are / your /there /? G.isn't/police /a/there/station/corner/the/at Oe H.some/centers//are/ shopping /in/ my /there /city Lis/a/200/between/there/the post office and the bookshop / big @ Choose the correct option and write a complete sentence. A .(thereisn't/ there aren't) (any / seme) green sofas in my living room There aren't any green sofas in my livingroom B.(Is there/Are there) (a/some) flat-screen TV in your classroom? C.(Is there/Are there) (any/some) pictures on the wall? D.(There isn't/There aren't) (any/a) round tables in the petrol station. E.(is There /are There) (any/some) books on the table? F (Is there/Are there) (any/some) vegetables in the refrigerator? G. (There isn't/There aren't) (any/some) lava lamps in the bedroom. H. (Is there/ are there) (some/ a) police station at the corner? |. (There is/there are) (a/ any) large closet in my sisters living room. e Write questions and answer using the information given. Follow the example. A.electric stove? (next to the door) {s there an electric stove next to the door? Yes, there is, B. oval mirrors? (in the shopping center) I oe C. lava lamp? (on the table) eee Yes, D. boxes? (in the kitchen) oe Yes E. factories? (next to the police station) No, : Farge closet? (between the bed and the chair) No, : G. flat-screen T.V.? (in the living room) ——————E Yes, H. computer shops? (in your town) — A Look at the pictures and complete the sentences using the prepositions of place (behind, in front of, next to, under, in). ‘A. The rocking chair is, B. The boy is ©. The lava lamp. D. The electric stove is. E, The dog is F. The flat-screen T.V. is Answer the questions, with complete sentences, according to your own house. ‘A. Where is your house? SSS B. How many bathrooms are there? ee C. How many bedrooms are there? ———E———— D. How many beds are in all the bedrooms? OO E. How many chairs are in the dining room? F How many mirrors are there? ee G. Do you have a lava lamp? H. Do you have a rocking chair? —EE———— What's your bedroom like? Write about the objects you have there. Use prepositions of place. e Write a paragraph about your ideal house. Then draw a picture of it. ideal house Listen to the audio about the description of Simon's house and fill in the blanks. Audio 20 I live in a house, next tothe _____——_. There are three , akitchen and two . My sister and | sleep in the same room. We watch TV in the and eat in the because it is very big. The best place to relax is the there are some cushions and a bit . In my bedroom there is a big and two . In front of my house there is a nice 6 Listen to the audio about the description of Andy and Jen's house. Write the name of the person who is giving the information. Audio 21 A. There are 3 bedrooms: _Andy B. There is a big kitchen: C. Downstairs there is the living room D. In front of my house there is a bookshop: E. The living room has the TV and a big sofa: F. There are two bathrooms upstairs: G. The dining room has the refrigerator: H. There isn't a picture on the wall: |. There are some trees behind my house: J. There is a computer shop next to my house: 6 Listen to the audio describing a town and fill in the blanks with the correct preposition of place. Audio 22 This is my town; the bookshop is the computer shop, The computer shop is, the post office. There is a 200 and it is the shopping center. On the corner, there is a big petrol station and it there is a police station, it there are some big trees. There is a factory and itis the square and the park. cola eA) Read about the pronunciation of consonant “B” then listen to the audio of the pronunciation of each word. Audio 23 Consonant: b Letter b and the /b/ sound. The /b/ sound is a bilabial sound, which means the lips are pressed together while producing the sound. bookshop / bed / bath / breakfast / bedroom / behind / between Now, Listen to the audio and repeat the words from exercise 27, Listen to the audio and learn some tongue twisters with “b” sound. Audio 24 Bought a big blue bucket of blue blueberries to bring both my boss and boy-friend, but Bernie and Bob brought big back books packs from the big bookshop from Brooks bay street, where a big black bug bit a big black bear, on its big black nose. ee Draw a plan of your house. Present your project in front of your classmates and describe it. Write some notes here: Imagine you live in the year 2040. Draw a picture of the houses during that time. Then, get together with a classmat both drew. ite and talk about the houses you Write some notes here: Work in groups of four, everyone is going to describe a partner's house using his/her First, on a piece of paper, draw an unfurnished outline of your house. (living room, dining room, kitchen, your bedroom...) ‘Second, get together with a classmate and exchange outlines. Third, take turns asking questions of furniture and things him/her have in their house for each room of the layout. Finally, draw and complete the drawing based on your partner's information. Ask questions such as: Do you have......? How many ......2 What do you have in/ on / between... hanging....? Where is your 2 plans. Write which one you like the most and why. Objective: Students will be able to practice describing people and events in the past and presenttense form. Exercise 1: Match the body parts with the correct d sentences using the parts of the body and the adjectives from the box 1. A. Eyes 1. The line of hair that grows over your eye. B.Nose 2. The front part ofa person's head from the forehead to | | the chin . - — Go 3. The external opening of the nose. | D. Ears 4. A pair of globular organs of sight in the head. E, Face | __5. The opening and cavity in the lower part of the human face. F. Nostril 6. The part projecting above the mouth on the face. S- Eyebrow 17. You have this on the head on 8. The organs of hearing and balance. 1 Hair Box 1 adjectives _ big / pointy / curly / square / curled / deep / blue / large /Iong ——__;————— He inition. Then write 9 UNIT Write under each picture the adjective that describes the hair of the following people. 6 Read each word and match it with their opposite. A.Tall Beautiful / Handsome 8. Thin Active C.Cold —— Young D. Friendly —A_ Short E. Outgoing ty F. Lazy oral G. Quiet ____ Unfriendly ie O06 oe Unscramble each word. Then complete the sentences using the words from box 1 and the verbs from box 2.You can use the verbs more than once. {rsoh - ahir - ogin = lita —nhti- vywa is /are / am / has / have A. My favorite actress blonde B. The new students__very They about 1.90 meters. C. Mary beautiful, she : black hair, D. My favorite actor spikey 5 E. Tom and Lina were on a diet, now they Fl 1 about 1.5 meters. e Choose the correct option. ‘A. When my mother was young she had long straight hair / long slim hair. B. She's got curly blond / curly tall hair. C. My father had long short hair / short blond hair. D. My brother was wavy / short. Now he is about 2 meters. 38 Complete the text with the correct personality adjective active - shy ~ friendly — lazy — quiet When I was a child | had a lot of friends, they were all different. Luis slept a lot, he was very Clara always listened to me when | was sad, she was . Lucas didn't talk a lot, he was . Andy was . he was doing so many things all the time. Karla was nervous in the company of other people because she was really. Ne O6 86 ‘Complete the sentences using the vocabulary words from exercise 1, ‘A. |watched T.V. for 5 hours yesterday. Now my burt, B. My mother told me: ‘Andy, please do not chew with your open. C. When | was a child my. was short. Now it is very long and | need to cut it. D. Itwas very cold yesterday, my was red! E. Did you see my mother's new earrings? No, | couldn't see her because her hair is very long. 36 Match the phrasal verb with the correct meaning. ‘A. Getalongwith ___ 1. Have a good relationship. B. Get away = 2. Return C. Getup 3. Escape D. Get back —&_ — 4.Arise from bed eo Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb. ‘A. When did your friends from their holiday? B. I's important to be able to with your boss, C. Did you early in the morning? D. Someone tried to rob me, so | ran to from him. oN) 5 o Read the grandmother's physi provided below. When my grandmother was alittle girl, she was very thin and short. She had long curly black hair and big blue eyes. She had a large mouth with a lovely smile and a small nose. oe Read the story below. My great-grandfather, Manuel, was born in Italy in 1910, He moved to London at the age of twelve, He worked in a famous circus as an acrobat. There, he had a lot. of friends; he was friendly and active. He was tall and thin with big eyes. He had a ‘small nose and a large mouth. He met my great-grandmother Jen in 1935. She was a beautiful woman, she was thin, short, and she had black hair. She had big brown eyes. Her nose and mouth were small. She was outgoing and she was good at dancing. They worked together in a circus. In 1938 they got married. In their free time, they liked to draw, dance, and read, They were happy together. They died when they were really old and they died on the same day. ie eS) e Using the previous reading, answer the questions below. A. Manuel was born in B. Attheage of 12he C. Hewas He workedin Jenwas. They got marriedin o9m™mo . They intheirfree time. H.When they were really old they Using the previous reading, draw a picture of Manuel and Jen. Take into account the description provided in the text. UNIT e Read each sentence; circle the correct past simple form of the verb to be. ‘A. Was/were Tom with Monica last night? B. Where was/were Angelica at five o'clock? C. Was/Were you alone in the car? D. My sister were/was in Miami in May. E. Lucas and Mary was/were late for class yesterday. F. My neighbors wasn'tiweren't rich before. G. Where was/were you last night? @ Complete the sentences using wasn't / weren't. ‘A. Charles and her sister are thin now but they two years ago. B. Itis sunny today but it________yesterday. C. My mom is overweight now but she overweight many years ago. D. The supermarkets are open today but they Sunday. on E. My father's car is clean today but it yesterday. F. My husband is at home now but he an hour ago. G. My friends are at home now but they two hours ago. H.1 am in the library today but | yesterday. |. My little sister and her friend are at the fair today but they two days ago. J. Today itis rainy but it a week ago. UNIT. OG Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn't or weren't. Use the key guidelines below. positive (was/were) negative (wasn't / weren't) ‘A. My parents at home. + B. Tom and Lucas in the classroom after school. + C. The secretary at the office yesterday. x D. My friends, in the shop near the park. x E, Angelica and Karol at the disco yesterday night. x F.Andy at the cinema yesterday morning. + Read each sentence and write the verbs in the past simple form, Remember that regular verbs need a suffix “d” or “ed. A. Lucy dance__ alll night. \live_____in Paris when | was a child. I'm tired, | clean. all my house yesterday morning. 9 os Yesterday morning | watch, a great movie at home. m My mother call____me yesterday morning. My friends and | play____ football in the park. . Last Saturday | visited___ my grandmother because it was her birthday. zon Last week my husband cook a delicious dessert. |. Yesterday | was sad, | listen___ to romantic music all day. UNIT O06 Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box, write them in past simple tense. call / listen to / not dance / move / travel / not invite / lean / play / walk / not cook / didn't work / wash A. On Sunday | ‘computer games with my cousins. B. My mom lunch yesterday because she was sick. Gl to school because there weren't any buses. D. Lucy and Sam at the party because they were tired. E. My English teacher to Italy last summer. F. My sister Gl the window using a piece of newspaper. to music while | was doing my homework. HI to Paris last week, the new house is beautiful. |. couldn't listen to music in the morning because the radio - j. Melanie was happy because her boyfriend her last night. K. I didn't go to peter's party because he me. ul the dishes while my family was playing board games. oe Underline the correct form of the verb. A. She didn't listen / listened to music last night. B. Did you wash / washed the dishes? C.I didn't ironed / iron my uniform in the morning, D. My litle sister helps / helped my mother in the garden yesterday morning. E. Lucas and Betty didn't study / studied for the English test. F. Did your baby cried / ery last night? G. Anna didn't danced/ dance at the party because she was dizzy. UNIT O6 e Lookat the picture, read the sentences and choose the correct answer. A. My favorite singer has a big / small mouth, B. He has a mustache / tattoo on his, face. C. His ears are small / big. D. He's got a piercing on his mouth / nose E. His eyes are fantastically huge, they are big / small. F. He has long/ short wavy hair. 8 Using the words given, write past simple sentences. A.When Brian /6/ thin and fat. When Brian was six he was thin and fat. B. When Lucas /8/ short hair. C.When my mother / young / fat and short. D.When I/ 13/ shy and quiet. . When Tom and Sam / 10 / friendly and active. F.When my sisters / 4 / thin, had short, long hair. G. When Tatiana / young / short hair, was fat, and lazy. H. When my son / baby / thin and active. |. when the new pop star / 6 / short and fat. ON eS) 6 Rewrite the sentences below in negative form. A. | watched a scary movie at school yesterday. L didn't watch a si fia in_school yesterday, B. My teacher came to class C.| studied in the afternoon eee eee eee D. My grandmother called me at 6:30. EE E. | visited my best friend yesterday. SSS F.I climbed a big tree yesterday afternoon. i G. | cleaned my bedroom with my mother. ee H. Last Saturday | cooked my lunch. ———EeEee——eE———————————— |. I played video games in the afternoon. —E———————————— J. 1 brushed my teeth in the morning, el e Look at the images and write each person's description. Nie O06 8 Write about your personality and physical appearance when you were a child in comparison to now. Make sure to include the following words in your text: diligent, dominate, and subsequent. When I was a child... 6 Describe someone you know. Write about his/her appearance in the past and now. Make sure to include the following words in your text: minute, ingenious, and diversity The person | chose is . when he/she was a child, he/she OO Now he/she = Os (opin eae Listen to the audio describing some people and complete the information. Audio 25 A. Sam was He had B. Luisa was She had 8 Listen to the audio of a conversation and fill in the blanks. Audio 26 Mary is asking Tatiana about her family. Mary: Do you have a big family? Tatiana: Well, | have a little brother and a sister. Mary: What's he like? Tatiana: He is , but sometimes Mary: What about your sister? Tatiana: She is and Mary: Who is your mother? What does she look like? Tatiana: She is and , she has long hair and green 06 Listen to the description of the 4 girls. Write the corresponding name under each picture. Audio 27 CU atari) Listen to the following words and pay attention to the “T” consonant sound. Audio 28 Consonant: T Letter t and the // sound. When making the “t" sound in English, the tongue touches the gum ridge behind the upper front teeth. Starting “T” Tall, travel, tired tree Middle “T” Active watch invite sometimes Ending “T” Fat visit get short quiet Now, listen again to the audio and repeat the words. UNIT O06 Provide examples of words with starting, middle and ending “T’: Practice the pronunciation of the words with a classmate Middle “T” > SiN Get together with a classmate and talk about your favoring singer. Make sure to use the following words: duration, dialog, and vibrant. ‘A: Who is your favorite singer? B: | like - She/ he is active, friendly... ‘A: What does she/ he look like? B: she is tall... eo Get together with a classmate and talk about the picture. Describe the people. He/she is tall....... He / she has...... UNIT oy Bele) ar Vale)\ Objective: Students will be able to use the past simple tense with irregular verbs, talk about different means of transportation, sports, and some common places of interest. (OCABULAI 6 Using the word bank below, write the corresponding word wit definition. Hot air balloon — Prairie schooner — Raft Canoe — Sailboat — Trolley ~ Blimp - Moped Double decker bus - Dog sled a : An aircraft without wings that looks like a very large balloon with an engine. 2 : A covered wagon used by the 19” century pioneers in crossing the North American prairies. 3. : A vehicle that is pulled by dogs over snow. 4. : A very large balloon made of cloth and filled with hot air, used for carrying people in the air. 5. A vehicle like a bicycle with a small engine. 6. : An electric vehicle for carrying passengers, that moves along the street on metal tracks. z : A large vehicle that has two floors that people pay to travel on. 8. : A long light narrow boat that is pointed at both ends, which you move using a paddle. 9. : A flat floating structure used as a boat to travel over water mainly a river. 10. : A small boat with one or more sails. ACROSS 1. A game in which you hit a small white ball into a hole in the ground with a club. 3. A game in which two or four people use rackets to hit a ball fo each other across a net, 5. in which two teams of five players try to get points by spiking a ball over a net. 6. in which two teams of nine players try to get points by hitting a ball and running around 3 bases, Down 2. A. game in which two teams of eleven players carry, kick, or throw a ball into an area at the end of a field to score points. 4. A. game in which two teams of eleven players try to kick a ball into their opponents’ goal net. ea oy) Using a dictionary, look up the definition of each word, and create a sentence in simple past tense. 4. Picnic: 2. Hike: 3. Mall: 4. Lake: 5. Fair: 6. Museum: 7. Park: 8. Parade: 9. Cabin: 10. Cave: oe Read each sentence and circle the best option. a. | went to a (cave/parade) and | saw a lot of bats on the ceiling. b. [fed a lot of ducks when | was at the (fair/lake) with my family. cc. went shopping at the (park/mall) and | bought a new dress. 4. | rode a rollercoaster at the (fair/cave). e Complete each sentence by choosing the best option. 4. went fishing with my uncle on a (raft/blimp). 2. | flew up the mountain on a (sailboat /hot air balloon). 3. The best way to travel on snow is by (canoe/dog sled). 4. In the 19” century, people traveled by (mopediprairie schooner). 5. Today, people stil use a (prairie schooner/trolley) to get around town. ee ————— EE 6. When | was at the (museum/cabin), | saw a mummy. 7.Ata (hike/fair), | won a stuffed animal. SSS 8. | have a lot of drivers and putters because | used to play (baseball/golt). SSS 9. | brought the new big ball, but no one wanted to play (socceritennis). 36 Using the vocabulary given, write a sentence in simple past tense. a. Trolley ~ Mall b. Parade ~ Soccer players . Picnic ~ Moped d. Park ~ Baseball is O7 1. 2. 5. Read the definitions and write the corresponding vocabulary words in the shaded boxes. Use the numbered boxes to answer the riddle. Riddle: What is one thing you always gain by losing? 6. 7 6 7. 2 4 3 8 9. 1 9 10. 5 10 Definition 1. Avehicle ike a bicycle with a small engine, 2. The sport of fighting with your hands while wearing big leather gloves. 8. Anoccasion when people take food and eatit outdoors, for example in a park. 4, Along walkin the countryside, mountains, etc. 5. Apubliccelebration when musical bands, decorated vehicles move down the streets. 6. Asmallhouse made of wood, usually ina forest orin the mountains. 7 A game in which two teams of nine players try to get points by hitting a ball and running around four bases. 8. Alonglight narrow boat thats pointed at both ends, which you move using paddle. 98. A game in which two teams of eleven players try to kick a ball into their opponents’ goal net. 52 which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing a balllover a oe Read the following paragraph about how people used to travel from one place to another. In ancient times, people used to walk from place to place because there weren't any other types of transportation, as we know now. People would walk in sandals carrying long sticks, or shoes. In Egypt, people were carried on chairs with long poles that were supported by twelve men, but this was reserved only for royalty. When people needed to travel over water, they used a type of raft that was built with wood. On land, they used animals to. pull wagons or to carry the harvest. They started to create roads or paths in order to make it easier to pull the wagons full of harvest goods. Slowly new inventions made transportation easier, such as engines that also made traveling faster. ‘Summarize, in short sentences, four main ideas of how people used to travel from one place to another and taking into account the previous reading from exercise 8. Ne oy) oe Read about Jennifer's vacation to Lake Okeechobee. This past summer, | traveled with my family to Lake Okeechobee on a double decker bus. During our trip, there were prairie schooners at the entrance used as decoration. | stood in front of a prairie schooner to to take a photo. Mydad helped me to take some photos. At the lake, my mom and my litle sister fed the ducks, while | maneuvered a boat with my dad. Near the lake, my family set up a picnic and we ate hot dogs, mini hamburgers, sandwiches, and small sices of pizza. On our way home, we slopped at the fair to play some games and rode some rollercoasters. My sister won some prizes, while my dad was distracted because there was a baseball game broadcasting on television. At the end of the night, | had so much fun, that | took a lot of my pictures to remember my trip to Lake Okeechobee. Answer the following questions taking into account what Jennifer did during her vacation. a. Where did Jennifer and her family travel to? b. What did Jennifer see at the entrance of the lake? c. What did Jennifer's mom and sister do at the lake? d. What did Jennifer's family do at the fair? e. What did Jennifer's family eat during the picnic? Ne O7 oe Read about Anne and Peter's camp experience. Hi, my name is Anne and 1am twelve years old. Last year | traveled to a camp and | played different games. One day, | played soccer with everyone at the camp. On my team, there were five girls and six boys. | was able to score three goals. After that, | played baseball, this time | played with five girls and four boys. We lost because | didn't know how to play. Finally, | tried to play tennis but | didn't have a good racket soit was difficult forme to hit the bal. Hello, my name is Peter and | am thirteen years old. | went to a Spirit Camp last year and | played different sports. I played football with some of my friends, but we didn't know how to play it well, so we just had fun. | learned how to play golf using wooden sticks instead of golf clubs. | was able to play basketball; My team just scored four points. The other team's players were taller so it was difficult to score more. At the end of Spirit Camp, | played soccer ‘and my team won the last match. | had so much fun being there. © Write four sentences summarizing what Anne and Peter did during camp. Anne: oy Answer the following questions taking into account Anne and Peter's vacation. a. Which sports did Anne play at the camp? b. Which sports did Peter play at the camp? c. Which games did Anne win? 4d. Which games did Peter win? . Which games did Anne lose? {Which games did Peter lose? @ Write the past form of the following verbs. a. To write: fh To have: b. To make: i. To bring: ©. To get: j. To ride: .To hit: k. To eat 5 e. Torun: I. To feed: f. To throw: m. To take: 9. To wit i UNIT O7 © Create a sentence for each verb in simple past tense. a. To write: b. To make: ©. To get: To hit: e. To run: f. To throw: g.To h. To have: i. To bring: j. To ride: k. To eat: @ Read each sentence and write the verb in the correct simple past form. a. Carla (to ride) some rollercoasters at the fair. b.I (to feed) the ducks when | was at the lake. ¢.Myfriends_________(to win) the soccer match with three goals. 4d. My teacher (to write) the homework on the board. oy Write the verbs in the correct box with the corresponding past form of the verb. ia took Need) Ride Pal Travel Moke ‘Throw “Feed Write Use Play | Move Have = Ht Close Read «Open Like Take Bing IRREGULAR VERBS REGULAR VERBS Win Won Took Looked Write in the space provided the corresponding verb in its simple past negative form. al (to win) the golf event last month. b. My family __(to eat) hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner. c. My dog (to run) at the park because it was raining. d.Peter______(to write) the homework in his agenda. i e. My little sister (to ride) the rollercoaster because she 3 was afraid. fl (to throw) the ball over the net. g. My favorite team {to make) three points at the soccer event. Ue O7 eo Unscramble the words into questions. a. did / Which / like / Anne / to play / games 2 b. the ducks / feed / Did / you ? ©. travel / did / Peter / When 2 4. What / did / eat / at the picnic/ they 2 @. run/ did / Where / you 2 f. throw / the balll / Did / Tim 2 g. prize / Did / win/1/ the EEE 8 Read each sentence and write was or were in the space provided. a. There a lot of boys at the camp. b.There___ some ducks on the lake. ©. There a girl on the rollercoaster. d. There a boat on the lake, e.There___a family taking pictures. f. There many soccer players on the field. g. There a bat in the cave. h. There some old wagons in the museum. i. There a parade last weekend. i. There a lot dog sleds at the competition. UNE O7 e Write the missing word/s in the corresponding box. Afternoon - Month ~ 1989 jorning - An hour ~ 2010 Yesterday Ago AN Imagine that you went to a camp with your best friends. Write a short paragraph about what you did at the camp. 07 Imagine you lived in 1845; write about how you traveled from place to Place. Include what you wore, how long it took to travel, and what you ate. LISTENING 6 Listen to the audio and write the corresponding vocabulary words taking into account the definitions given. Audio 29 a. $$ b. c a. $e e. f. fey Listen to the audio and answer the questions. Audio 30 a. Where did the family travel? b. What did Jenny do at the fair? c. What did Jenny's father do at the fair? d. Did Jenny win any prizes? e. Did Jenny's mom eat hot dogs? {. Did Jenny ride the rollercoaster? If so, how many times? g. What mode of transportation did the family use to travel? aise) far Nale) 8 Listen to the audio and repeat each word. Audio 31 + D sound in starting position Definition Dog Different Dictionary Ducks Did Do Day + D sound in ending position * Dsound in middle position Today Saturday ten to the audio and tick with a (v) in each word box that you hear. Audio 32 Definition Today Dictionary Saturday Did Word Dog End Duck ‘Around Do Need Different Land Dad Board Day Had Paddle Old STAIN) eo Write about three places you visited and whi visited any places imagine them. ~ Complete the following information. Then, get a class presentation ready, © Place #1: What did you do? Se © Place # 2: What did you do?. —— EE e Fiece ‘What did you do? ts) a at you did. If you have not 07 With the information above, write what you are going to say in front of the classroom. UNIT 08 LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Objective: Students will be able to talk about their favorite TV programs using sentences in theirpresent continuous and present/past simple tenses, oN} NAg e Match the TV programs with their definition. —Cartoon __ Series Documentary __ Movies —Sports program __ The news —Soap opera __Comedies — Quiz show — __Cooking program A television program that is intended to comprise a limited number of episodes usually divided into seasons. 2. A drawing depicting a humorous situation, often accompanied by a caption. 3. A television program in which contestants compete, often for prizes, by answering questions. 4. A program where a chef prepares and explains how to cook different kinds of recipes. 5. A program intended to document some aspects of reality for the purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record. 6. A series of experiences characterized by dramatic displays of emotion. 7% Aprogram where sports commentators describe the coverage of the events as they happen. 8. A popular entertainment composed of jokes, salire, or humorous performance. 9. Information about recent events or happenings. 10.A cinema film. e Match the pictures with the words. __ Special effects __ Soundtrack Photography Cast Costumes and make-up _Script io] Replace the underlined words with the words from exercise 2. 4. The clothes and the hairstyles used in Avatar were very realistic. 2. The musie from the movie ‘Titanic” is very famous. 3. liked the dialogues of the movie because they were very realistic. 4, The actors of the film were very talented and professional. ee 08 8 Complete the crossword puzzle using the words from the box. Animation Adventure Fiction Romance Non-fiction Down 1. film in which the characters sing and dance, 3.A romantic love story film. 4. film that deals with themes such as time traveling or extraterrestrial life forms. 5. A film produced by photographing a series of gradually changing drawings. 6.A film set in the American West where the protagonists are cowboys and bounty hunters. 8. Films with fantastic themes, usually involving magic, supernatural events, or exotic fantasy worlds. 2. Films that deal with the viewer's nightmares or their hidden fears. 7.A film based on a book which stories deal with real facts and information. 9.2 film where the protagonists are involved in a quest of some kind, such as searching for a lost city or for a hidden treasure. 10. film of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Phrasal verbs — Starting with go e Match the phras 1. Go along with: 2. Go by: 3. Go out: 4. Go off: verb with its corresponding definition. 5. Go over: 6.Go on: 7.Go with ___ to make a loud noise or to explode. to be a part of a social activity. to review. to happen. ___ to match, to be similar to. to agree with or follow. —_topass. oe Fill in the gaps with the corresponding phrasal verb. 1. Every weekend, | with my friends. 2. Diego usually what | say because he trusts me. 3. My alarm clock always at 7:00 a.m. 4, When three hours. , I'l call you. 5. What is ____ in Colombia right now? 6. You should your homework before you give it to the teacher. Make sure there are no mistakes. 7. My dress and shoes are both purple. They each other.

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