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The FAO (2018) reported that global production from aquaculture to supplies of fish, crustaceans,
molluscs and other aquatic animals continues to grow and now stands at 80.0MMT for 2016.
Aquaculture continues to grow more rapidly than all other animal food producing sectors. The
history of aquaculture in Nigeria, just like agriculture, is intertwined with her political history.
These can be discussed broadly in the context of the varying constitutional frame works, viz:
Colonial, the Internal Self Government and the Post-1960 periods. In recent time, there has been
a leap in the growth of aquaculture in Nigeria, although production from this sector is far short of
her potential and meeting fish demand. Aquaculture is mainly practiced using various forms of
culture systems in earthen, concrete and plastic ponds and cages mounted in lakes and reservoirs.
Mariculture and the culture of aquatic plants are not common in Nigeria.
Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Define aquaculture and explain the various aquaculture practices.

2. Identify the basic principles underlying fish farming and the aims of aquaculture

3. Discuss factors to be considered before selecting a fish for culture

Definition of Aquaculture

Aquaculture is defined as the controlled rearing of aquatic organism in unnatural environment or

captivity. It has been described as the art and science of controlled rearing of aquatic organisms in ponds,

and in some instances, natural water bodies from seedlings to matured size. Thus, there is intervention

such as feeding, fertilization, and stocking. Reproduction and harvesting are controlled, as there is

intervention in the growth of the cultured species.

Cultured aquatic organisms include;

Finfish: Catfish, carp, tilapias, mullets, salmons

Shellfish: Mussels, prawns, oysters, shrimps

Plants: Water chestnut (Trapa natans), red algae and brown algae (Porphyra and Undaria)

Basic Principles Underlying Fish Production

1. Animals are dependent upon plants for food

2. Fish production depends on capacity of pond to produce plants

3. Plant production depends on sunshine, H2O, CO2 and essential elements; C, H, O, N, P, K,

S, Ca, Mg, B, Zn and Si.

4. Fertility of water dictates productivity

5. Productivity can be enhanced through fertilization

6. Phosphorus is the 1st limiting factor, followed by Nitrogen, CO2 and O2

7. Phytoplankton are most desirable for

 Short life span

 High nutritive value

 Small size

 Greater surface area

 Non-interference with fish movement

8. Higher aquatic plants (rooted) are desirable to limited extent

 Absorbs nutrients from soil

 Release nutrient to water

 Form food for fish

9. Floating plants are undesirable

 They cut off sunlight

 Lower production of fish-food organisms

 Lower O2 content of water

10. The shorter the food chain, the higher the production

11. At certain level of fertility, a pond can produce only a certain Kg of fish

12. The Kg may be a large number of small fish or a small number of large fish

13. Regulate number of fish by stocking rate or piscivorous fish.

Importance of Aquaculture

The reasons for aquaculture are numerous as listed below;

1. Food Production: Aquaculture provides protein rich, nutritive, palatable and easily digestible

human food. Fish accounts for the major source of protein to most rural dwellers at a low or

reasonable cost. It is a major contributor to global food security.

2. Means of Livelihood and Sustenance: It provides means of sustenance and earning of

livelihood and monetary profit through commercial and industrial aquaculture. In the case of

small-scale producer, the objective is to maximise income by greatest possible difference

between income and production cost and, in the case of large-scale producer, by maximising

return on investment.

3. Production of sport-fish and support to recreational fishing

4. Production of bait-fish for commercial and sport fishery

5. Provision of New species and strengthening stocks: Aquaculture provides new species and also

helps in the restocking of natural and man-made water-bodies through artificial recruitment

and transplantation.

6. Production of ornamental fish for aesthetic appeal.

7. Recycling of organic waste of human and livestock origin

8. Creation of production surplus for export (earning foreign exchange especially important to

most developing countries).

9. Provision for industrial purposes such as the culture of pearl and seaweeds (for colloids)

Aquaculture Practices

Aquaculture can be classified using a number of factors namely

A. The Level of Manipulation of the Environment

i. Extensive: This is any fish culture techniques that do not require any

supplementary feeding or energy input to support growth of the species under

culture (species depend on natural food). There is little or no manipulation of the

environment, low degree of control in terms of nutrition, predator, competition,

disease or pathogen. Generally, low initial cost.

ii. Semi-Intensive: In addition to natural food, there is supplementary feeding or

fertilization of the pond to increase ponds primary productivity. There is also

feeding of domestic wastes. Therefore in a semi-intensive culture system, part of

the food needed is supplied through supplementary feeding; stocking density is

moderate and much higher than extensive culture systems.

iii. Intensive: In this culture system, the nutrient requirement of the species is provided in

compounded diets. They do not depend on the natural food chain. Thus, it involves the use

of adequate food both in term of quantity and quality. The attributes include:

-High degree of control and manipulation of the environment. There must be recirculation

of water in the culture systems, wastes are removed and enough water is supplied.

-High initial cost

-High technology and high production efficiency (for instance electricity required)

-High stocking density

B. Number of Species/Sex Stocked

i. Monoculture: This is the culture of only one species of an organism in a culture

system of any intensity, be it in any type of water, fresh, brackish or salt. It is

commonly practiced in intensive fish culture systems. e.g. Catfish, Clarias

gariepinus in Africa, Common carp, Cyprinus carpio in East Germany and

Oreochromis niloticus in several countries of Africa,

ii Polyculture: This is a type of system in which different types of fish with varying

feeding habits are cultured together. Also called mixed fish farming, it allows for

the exploit of the different kinds of food present in the different parts of the pond.

This increases the productivity of the pond because the difference in feeding habit

poses no serious competition between the different species as each species renders

a beneficial influence on growth and production of the other. For example, the

Grass carp (Ctenopharyng odonidella) converts plant tissue into flesh by feeding

on aquatic vegetation but its excreta fertilizes the pond which benefits other species.
If artificial food is given it is a common food acceptable to all or most species that

are cultured, e.g. Freshwater-polyculture of Clarias gariepinus (African Catfish)

and Oreochromis niloticus (Nile Tilapia).

iii Monosex: It is a type of fish culture in which wild spawning is controlled and

desired sex is increased e.g. all male Tilapia pond. Both sexes of Tilapias in a pond

cause uncontrolled breeding. To avoid this, mono-sex culture is practiced. Tilapia

monsoex can be produced using manual sexing, hormone administration (Sex

reversal) or hybridization techniques.

C. Culture Systems

i. Static water ponds.

ii. Running water culture.

iii. Culture in recirculating systems: in reconditioned water and in closed systems.

iv. Culture in rice fields.

v. Aquaculture in raceways, cages pens and enclosures

vi. Finfish-culture cum livestock rearing.

vii. Hanging, ‘’on-bottom‟ and stick methods of oyster culture.

(a) Static freshwater ponds

Most fresh water fish culture ponds are still-water. They vary a great deal in area

and depth. Some are seasonal and some perennial. The ponds may be rain-fed (also

called sky ponds) and/or may have inlet and outlet systems. The water supply may

be from a stream or a canal or from an underground source such as wells.

(b) Running water culture

In places where there is abundant supply of water, fish can be cultured in running

water ponds. The running water is always high in dissolved oxygen and temperature

is optimal for feeding. There is therefore high production e.g. A very high Common

Carp production rate of 980 t/ha achieved at the Tanka Running water fish farm in


(c) Culture in recirculating systems

This system is comparable to running water culture system except that in the latter,

water goes out with wastes, whereas here the same water is reused. In this system,

water is filtered continuously and reused, often after aeration, to the fish pond. The

system consists of a biological filter unit, mechanical filter and fish tank. Filtering

element comprising 3 – 4 cm diameter pebbles, or honey-comb synthetic strips, are

designed to arrest particulates (uneaten feed and faecal matter). The biological filter

is inhabited by the bacteria; nitrosomonas and nitrobacter which help to denitrify

catabolic wastes.

(d) Aquaculture in Raceways: Cages, Pens and Enclosures

Brackish and marine aquaculture farms can be located at six possible sites;

i. On the shore with pumped sea-water supply

ii. In the intertidal zone

iii. In the sub-littoral zone

iv. Offshore with surface floating cages

v. Mid-water floating cages

vi. Seabed cages.

The first three are enclosures and the last three cages.
(e) Integrated system

Culture in Rice Fields

Rearing fish and growing rice together in the same field is an example of an integrated

system. Finfish culture cum livestock rearing is another example. This is a synergic system

of mutual benefit to each organism cultured: duck droppings fertilizing the pond, duck

foraging consuming a variety of unwanted biota for fish culture such as tadpoles, frogs,

mosquito and dragonfly larvae, molluscs, aquatic weeds etc.

Species Selection for Aquaculture

Not all species of fish are suitable as aquaculture candidates. This is because certain factors

must be met for the successful culture of a fish species. The following are desirable


a. Fast growth: Species must attain marketable size over a short period of time.

b. Efficient food conversion: Ability to convert food and feed into flesh is a very

important attribute required for fast growth.

c. Acceptance of compounded feeds: This allows for intervention through the provision

of required nutrient for the culture species.

d. Resistance to disease: The species must be resistant to diseases prevailing in the

culture area.

e. Hardiness: It must be able tolerate handling

f. Reproduction in captivity: This will ensure all year-round availability of fish seed for

stocking of production facilities.

g. Early maturation: This character ensures the availability of parent stock (broodstock)

for artificial propagation of cultured fish.

h. Species must be able to tolerate wide range of environmental factors in the region of

culture (Salinity, temperature, dissolve oxygen, pH)

Once species possess the above listed characteristics, the following criteria are considered

before a final choice of culture organism is made:

a. Geographic and climatic conditions in the location

b. Objectives of culture

c. Consumer acceptance and marketability

d. Cost of production

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