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Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.





Answer two question from this session. You are advised to spend 50 minutes

The state of facilities and equipment in your school has gone very bad and it has adversely affected
learning .As senior prefect ,write a letter to the chairman of the Old Student Association of your school
explaining the condition of things to him and how it has affected academics and co-corricular
activities .Also ,request that the old student come to your assistance.

2.Write a letter to the commissioner of education intimating him of the havoc done by unsupervised
sports activities and how the situation can be rectified

3.Write an article suitable for publication on ways of getting youths interested in facing their studies in
school so that they can achieved academic excellence.

4.You are a speaker in a debate on the topic ;The adults are to blame for the indecent behaviour of the
youths. Write your contribution for or against the proposition.

5.Write a story that ends with ,So you see it does not pay to be dishonest.


Answer All the questions in this section. You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

A recent noticeable trend in the education sector is the high rate of failure by candidates in
public examinations. Why do students fail? This is a question that has been a source of worry, anxiety
and concern to all stakeholders in the education of the young ones ¬¬– government, teachers,
educationists, parents and so on.

The factors responsible for the failure of candidates in examinations are many and varied.

Let us consider the students themselves. Many of the students do not really take their students
seriously. Instead of facing their studies, they prefer watching videos, playing games and lazing about.
They engage themselves in many activities which are detrimental to their progress. They thus fail to
prepare for their examinations. You remember the saying? – ‘To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail’- or
what miracle does one expect to happen when an unserious student sits for an examination?

Teachers have a lion’s share of the blame. Majority of the teachers are no longer devoted or
dedicated or committed to their jobs. Some of them skip lessons. Some of them have some other private
businesses which they pay greater attention to. Many of them are not even bothered whether or not
their students do well and yet they spend more time agitating for more pay. The devotion, the
dedication and the commitment associated with teaching in the days of old are almost gone.

The quality of many teachers nowadays is nothing to write home about. Many of them have a
haphazard or smattering knowledge of the subject matter or topic they teach. In some cases it is just like
the blind leading the blind. Unfortunately, many of them are too lazy to read about the subject matter
they teach. The result is that little or no learning takes place after the teacher has taught.

Parents too are to blame. Many parents fail to cater for the needs of their children. Many of
them do not provide textbooks and other educational materials for their wards. Their priority is not the
education of their children. Whilst many of them can, and do spend colossal amounts of money on
frivolities e.g burying their dead relations or ‘turning the side’ of their long forgotten dead parents, they
fail to provide essential educational materials for their wards. One wonders how a child can perform
well without good textbooks and instructional materials.

The society itself contributes much to the failure of students in examinations through its
wrapped value system. The society places much emphasis on money and what money can buy. Anyone
who acquires wealth through whatever means- fair means, foul means, any means at all – is made an
object of worship. Since the child has observed that money is regarded as the all in all, he doesn’t see
the need to receive education. His main concern is how to acquire money. His mind is far away from the
classroom environment. The societal value system thus serves as a disincentive to education.
Another contributory factor is the loss of the reading culture. In the olden days, every student
had to read at least a novel a term. The result was that spoke and wrote good English. In addition,
students read their textbooks and relevant books from cover to cover. Nowadays, even the
recommended texts are not read. Similarly, many teachers themselves hardly read anything extra apart
from the textbooks which the use in preparing their notes of lessons. If the situation is to change
therefore, everybody must be involved in a new reorientation.

In six sentences, one for each, state the factors responsible for the high rate of failure of students in
public examinations according to the writer.


Answer all the questions in this section. You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

He bid me observe it, and I should always find that the calamities of life were shared among the
upper and lower parts of mankind, but that the middle station had the fewer disasters, and was not
exposed to so many vicissitudes as the higher or lower parts of mankind. No, they were not subjected to
so many distempters and uneasinesses either of body or mind. This is unlike those who, by vicious living,
luxury and extravagances on one hand, or by hard labor, want of necessaries, and mean or insufficient
diet on the other hand, bring distempers upon themselves by the natural consequences of their way of
living. It is said that the middle station of life was calculated for all kinds of virtues and all kinds of
enjoyment, that peace and plenty were the handmaids of a middle fortune. It is also believed that
temperance, moderation, quietness and health were blessings attending the middle station of life. In
this way men went silently and smoothly through the world, and comfortably out of it, not sold to the
life of slavery for daily bread, or harassed with perplexed circumstances, which rob the soul of peace,
and the body of rest; not enraged with the passion of envy, or secret burning lust of ambition for great
things; but in easy circumstances sliding gently through the world, and sensibly tasting the sweets of

After this, he pressed me earnestly, and in most affectionate manner, not to play the young
man, not to precipitate myself into miseries which Nature and the station of life I was born in seemed to
have provided against. He also told me I was under no necessity of seeking my bread. He assured me
that he would do well for me; and that if I was not very easy and happy in the world it must be my mere
fate of fault that must hinder it. He further told me that he should have nothing to answer for; having
thus discharged his duty in warning me against measures which he knew would be to my hurt.

(A) Into how many classes, according to the writer, is society divided and how do you identify each

(B) What are the characteristics of the lower class which the writer mentions first?

(C) What are the natural consequences of the way of living of the upper class?

(D) Into what type of life has the person being addressed in passage been born and what type of life is
the writer recommending to him?

(E) Why did the writer say that he would have nothing to answer for?

(F) ‘… peace and plenty were the handmaids of a middle fortune.’

What figure of speech is used in the above expression?

(G) ‘… that the calamities of life were shared among the upper and lower parts of mankind …’

(i) What grammatical name is given to the above expression as used in the passage?

(ii) What is its function?

(H) For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and can
replace it as it is used in the passage.

(i) calamities

(ii) necessaries

(iii) consequences

(iv) calculated (v)

(vi) discharged

Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.



OBJECTIVE TEST: Answer all questions

In each of the following sentences there is one word or group of words underlined and one gap. From
the list of words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in
meaning to the underlined word or group of words and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap
in the sentence.

1. Some people delight in provoking aggrieved persons instead of _________ them. A. slent B. Praising
C. Pacifying D. Encouraging

2. One of the amazing things of nature is that while in some areas there is a surplus of commodities in
other areas there is ______

A. Scarcity B. Plenty C. Much D. None

3. Whilst Mero’s husband is extravagant she is quite __________

A. Miserly B. Frugal C. Wasteful D. Considerate

4. The students expected that the committee would recommend severe punishment for the offenders
but instead it recommend a _____________ one.

A. Strict B. Great C. Painful D. Mild

5. Pride is a quality that we should avoid but ____________ is one that should be imbided.

A. Humility B. Arrogance C. Pomposity D. Gentleness

6. A good leader must not always be rigid he should be ____________ so as to take into account human
frailty. A. soft B. twisted C. flexible D. Gentile

7. They will need to ______ all those dilapidated houses first if they are going to erect a new five star
hotel there. A.Burn B. buy C. remove D. demolish

8. The girl frequently has severe headaches, though she ____________ complains.

A. Often B. Seldom C. Recently D. Gently

9. It is often said that attack is the best means of ____________.

A. Defence B.Fighting C. War D. Diplomacy


From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best
completes each of the following sentences.

10. After their meeting the two presidents issued a ______________.

A.Communique B. Memorandum C. Report D. Statement

11. The preliminary ______________ conducted by the police into the incident revealed that the death
of the victim was result of provocation.

A. Interrogation B. Examination C. Report D. Investigation

12. The unfavorable economic climate has forced many people to ___________ to seek for green
pastures. A. Fly B. immigrate C. Emigrate D. travel

13. The package is ____________ please handle it with care.A. Weak B. Fragile

C. Infirm D. Frail

14. Many people are now going against ___________ punishment for criminal offences.

A. Mortal B. Fatal C. Capital D. Corporal

15. I trust my father, he will never ____________ act of indiscipline.

A. Condone B. Condemn C. Repudiate D. Discourage

16. The members of staff pledge their ____________ loyalty to the new principal.

A. United B. Divided C. Unalloyed D. Enormous

17. There was an interruption of the court ___________ because of power outage.

A. Procession B. Debates C. Deliberation D. Proceedings

18. The minister was asked for gross ____________ of duty.

A. Performance B. Dereliction C. Laziness D. Dishonesty

19. The kidnappers demanded a ___________ of two million naira before they could release the child of
the influential government official.

A. Ransom B. Token C. Settlement D. Deposit


After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the
interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

20. Those who are born with silver spoons in their mouths do not run into any financial problems. This
means that those

A. Who have silver spoons in their mouths at birth do not run into financial problems
B. Who brought silver spoon from heaven do not run into financial problems

C. Who are born into affluence do not run into financial problems

D. Who are born with a set of silver teeth in their mouths do not run into financial problems.

21. The man gave his son a free hand to run his business. This means the man

A. Assisted the boy freely.

B. Made his son the sole owner of the business

C. Allowed his son to make his own decision

D. Untied his son’s hand to run the business.

22. Just as she was at the brink of taking the crucial decision she developed cold feet. This means that

A. She lost interest B.Her feet suddenly became cold C. She caught cold from the feet

D. She became afraid.

A. The Professor of Medicine had made his mark before he died. This means that the Professor had A.
Scored high mark B. Become quite rich C. Stressed his points

D. Distinguished himself.

23.The General Manager of the company started on the wrong foot by listening to sycophants. This
means the General Manager

A. Started with a painful foot B. Made an initial mistake C. Started well at the beginning

D. Was not fit for the post.

24. She’d been wanting to see him for ages. This means that she had been wanting to see him

A. For almost an era B. Because of their ages C.In order to find out how old he was

D. For a long time.

25. They decided to call it a day. This means they decided that

A. They had done enough work for the time being B.It was a special day C. The best name for it was
‘day’ D. It was evening

26. The garrulous lady can talk the hind leg off a donkey. This means that she
A. Knows how to talk to donkey B. Talks complete nonsense C.Talks too much D. Can persuade
anyone to believe anything.

27. The lady supported her husband through thick and thin. This means that the lady supported her

A. When he was well and when he was ill B. In both good and bad circumstances C. Whether he was
behaving badly or well D. When he was fat and when he lost weight

28. The tragedy that befell her put paid to all her plans. This means that the tragedy that befell her

A. Forced her to pay some money B. Provided a receipt for her plans C. Made possible the
achievement of her plans D. Prevented her from carrying out her plans.


From the group of words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word that is
nearest in meaning to the underlined word or group of words as it is used in the sentence.

29. Politicians should not make damaging remarks about their opponents.

A. Sensitive B. Mild C. Harsh D. Scathing

30. The teacher refused to comment on the principal’s uncomplimentary speech.

A. Declined B.Rejected C.Inclined D. Descended






From the words lettered A to D, Choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one
represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below:
Example: seat A. sit B. cite C. set D. key.

The correct answer is D because only key contains the same vowel sound as the one underlined in seat.
Therefore, answer space D would be shaded

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Now answer the questions that follow:

1) sit A. guilt B. clique C. marine D. sardine

2)wed A. days B. says C. meal D. deal

3)card A. bat B. hat C. class D. glad

4)bought A. grouse B. loss C. worse D. horse.

5)who A. bulll B. wood C. rush D. lose.

6)serve A. harp B. come C. journey D. beg.

7 man A. dam B. basket C. parch D. park

8)bottle A. holy B. prowess C. grower D. modern.

9)cut A. butcher B. touch C. pouch D pull.

10)should A. push B. mould C. cousin D. gush.

11)great A. neighbour B. meat C. lead D. peasant.

12) boat A. comfort B. host C. golf D. mother.

13) boil A. mail B. sour C. coin D. mayor

14) fair A. sheer B. here C. heir D. fear.

15) ear A. chair B. wear C. cheer D. earnest


From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one
represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below.

Example: vice A. cat B. dress C. show D. chalk.

The correct answer is B because only dress has the same consonant sound as the one underlined in
vice. Therefore answer space B would be shaded.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

Now answer the questions that follow.

16. huge A. bug B. fog C. hug D. joy

17. wanted A. reduce B. handsome C. sandwish D. handkerchief

18. match A. machine B. charade C. moustache D. chunk.

19. gas A. debris B. reverse C. island D. aisle

20. those A. thrive B. scathing C. worthless D. threat.

21. knife A. sink B. bank C. gnaw D. single

22. feather A. victor B. vendor C. physics D. brave.

23. face A. lose B. shoes C. tease D. rats

24. nation A. anxious B. decision C. explosion D. equation

25. cool A. ceiling B. architect C. attache D. brochure.

26. cause A. course B. sauce C. pores D. toss.

27. thread A. bath B. booth C. writhe D. northern.

28. flood. A. plead B. fillip C. burglar D. ruffle.

29. exact A. exceed B. excess C. exhaust D. excel.

30. conduct A. attached B. resist C. indict D. impact.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word. An example is given

Example: obtain A. detain B. detail C. claim D. relay.

The correct answer is A because only detain rhymes with obtain. Therefore, answer space A would be
(A) (B) (C) (D)

Now answer the questions that follow.

31. clone A. crown B. lawn C. brown D. loan.

32. monk A. smack B. pluck C. sunk D. shock.

33. pride A. sprout B. kite C. spade D. wide.

34. hind A. void B. laud C. signed D. speed.

35. disdain A. convey B. curtain C. avail D. ordain.


In each of the following questions, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on
which it occurs in capital letters.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress. An example is given below.

Example: democratic

A. DE-mo-cra-tic B. de-mo-cra-tic C. de-mo-CRA-tic D. de-mo-cra-TIC.

The correct answer is C because the main/primary stress of the word democratic is on the third syllable.
Therefore, answer space C would be shaded.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Now answer the questions that follow.

36. indoctrinate A. IN-doc-tri-nate B. in-DOC-tri-nate C. in-duc-TRI -nate D. in-doc-tri-NATE

37. refinery A. RE-fin-e-ry B. re-FIN-e-ry C. re-fin-E-ry D. re-fin-e-RY.

38. phenomenal A. PHE-no-me-nal B. phe-NO-me-nal C. phe-no-ME-nal D. phe-no-me-NAL.

39. consistency A. CON-sis-ten-cy B. con-SIS-ten-cy C. con-sis-TEN-cy D. con-sis-ten-CY.

40. acrobatic A. AC-ro-ba-tic B. ac-RO-ba-tic C. ac-ro-BA-tic D. ac-ro-ba-TIC.


In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify
the one with the different stress pattern and shade your answer in the usual way. An example is given

Example: A. away B. apart C. behind D. river.

Options A,B, C, are all stressed on the second syllable while the option D is the only one stressed on
the first syllable. So D is the correct answer. Therefore, answer space D would be shaded.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Now answer the questions that follow.

41. A. pursue B. local C. river D. country

42. A. review B. surplus C. surprise D. concise.

43. A. cruel B. moral C. humane D. terror

44. A. profession B. proposal C. agreement D. resolute

45. A. condolence B. suspicion C. attachment D. personel.


In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital
letters. From the questions lettered A-D. Choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate
answer. An example is given below

Example: My mother’s FRIEND hates pets.

A. Does your mother’s boss hate pets? B. Does your mother’s friend love pets? C. Does your
mother’s friend hate toys D. Does your father’s friend hate pets?

The correct answer is A because My mother’s FRIEND hates pets answers the question. Does your
mother’s boss hate pets. Therefore, answer space A would be shaded.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Now answer the question that follow.

46. Tamuno bought his wife an expensive car

A. Did Musa buy his wife an expensive car?

B. Did Tamuno buy his daughter an expensive car?

C. Did Tamuno buy his wife a cheap car?

D. Did Tamuno buy his wife an expensive necklace?

47. Father REBUKED Kemi for being dishonest

A. Did Mother rebuke Kemin for honest

B. Did father rebuke praise Kemi for being dishonest

C. Did Father rebuke Tunde for being dishonest

D. Did Father rebuke Kemi for being honest?

48. Bola’s Mother is a very PATIENT teacher

A. Is Amina’s mother a very patient teacher?

B. Is Bola’s mother a barely patient teacher?

C. Is Bola’s mother a very impatient teacher?

D. Is Bola’s mother a very patient doctor?

49. Chinwe is usually HOSPITABLE to stranger

A. Is Ada usally hospitable to strangers

B. Is Chinwe seldom hospitable to strangers?

C. Is Chinwe usually hostile to strangers?

D. Is Chinwe usually hospitable to foes

EXAMINER uncle sam

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