Approaches to Information Security Implementation

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Approaches to Information Security


In order to determine the safety of data from potential violations and cyber-attacks, the
implementation of the security model has an important phase to be carried out. In order to
ensure the integrity of the security model can be designed using two methods:
1. Bottom-Up Approach: The company’s security model is applied by system
administrators or people who are working in network security or as cyber-engineers. The
main idea behind this approach is for individuals working in this field of information
systems to use their knowledge and experience in cybersecurity to guarantee the design
of a highly secure information security model.
 Key Advantages – An individual’s technical expertise in their field ensures that every
system vulnerability is addressed and that the security model is able to counter any
potential threats possible.
 Disadvantage – Due to the lack of cooperation between senior managers and relevant
directives, it is often not suitable for the requirements and strategies of the
2. Top-Down Approach: This type of approach is initialized and initiated by the
executives of the organization.
 They formulate policies and outline the procedures to be followed.
 Determine the project’s priorities and expected results
 Determine liability for every action needed
 Advantages And Disadvantages of top-down implementation:
This approach looks at each department’s data and explores how it’s connected to find
vulnerabilities. Managers have the authority to issue company-wide instructions while
still allowing each person to play an integral part in keeping data safe. Compared to an
individual or department, a management-based approach incorporates more available
resources and a clearer overview of the company’s assets and concerns.
A top-down approach generally has more lasting power and efficacy than a bottom-up
approach because it makes data protection a company-wide priority instead of placing all
the responsibility on one person or team. Data vulnerabilities exist in all offices and
departments, and each situation is unique. The only way for an information security
program to work is by getting every manager, branch, department, and employee in
agreement with a company-wide plan.
Implementing a layered information security approach:
Cybersecurity is critical for businesses of all types and sizes. In one survey, more than
half of participants cited cybersecurity as a top concern for their organization. Data and
network compromise can have devastating effects that many businesses never fully
recover from. In 2019, cyberattacks cost individual businesses an average of $200,000.
Attacks come in several forms, such as phishing scams, hacking, unauthorized access at
physical locations, Trojan viruses, ransomware, and password attacks. Because there are
so many possible vulnerabilities, a layered approach is the best method for implementing
total protection across departments.
Infosec layering accounts for all standard data protection along with other facets of
cybersecurity, including web, network, device, application, software, and physical
security. It also includes having a disaster recovery and data backup plan. Layered
protection breaks larger security concerns into smaller, more manageable pieces. It lets
you customize the type and protection level depending on specific needs, such as
department, device, or stored data.
Consider a healthcare business. In the financial department, data integrity is likely the top
concern to prevent overcharging or undercharging accounts. But the patient records
department focuses on data security, privacy, and access control. This is where a layered
approach comes in. Layered approaches are woven together so each area of information
security relies on the other, creating a stronger, more defensive blanket of protection that
makes it harder for outside attackers to gain entry.
Web and network security:
Web and network security cover creating policies and safeguarding all browsers, private
networks, shared networks, and online user accounts, such as:
 Clearly assigned user roles for each person with access, including management,
employees, third-party contractors, and partners
 Various encryption methods for on-site and off-site employees and contractors
 IP network-wide security for all network traffic
 Firewalls, antivirus and antimalware systems, intrusion alerts, and defense software
 Disabling web browser pop-ups
 Security for all webmail, including attachments and possible phishing scams
 Using a secure, up-to-date web browser with an individual, controlled employee
access account
 Mobile device security for company phones, tablets, and smart devices
 Network segmentation whenever applicable
 Data loss prevention (DLP) for files and messages
Device and app security:
Device and app security applies to all computers, tablets, company phones, smart devices,
applications, user software, computer programs, and online accounts. Precautions
 Keeping all apps and software and their subsequent security up to date
 Requiring unique passwords and log-in credentials for each user, changed regularly
 Implementing regular device and system maintenance windows throughout the month
 Keeping thorough, up-to-date records for all device and app activity, including
possible, detected, or isolated threats
 Giving each device user and account a host intrusion detection system
 Removing unnecessary apps, software, user accounts, and devices from rotation
 Implementing patch management to keep everything up to date and automatically
fixed when new patches are released
It is more likely to succeed. That strategy usually provides strong support from top
management by committing resources, a consistent preparation and execution mechanism
and opportunities to affect corporate culture.
Security management issues have been handled by organizations in various ways.
Traditionally, companies adopted a bottom-up approach, where the process is initiated by
operational employees and their results are subsequently propagated to upper
management as per the proposed policies. Since management has no information about
the threat, the effects, the idea of resources, possible returns and the security method, this
approach has occasionally created a sudden and violent collapse. On the contrary, the
top-down approach is a highly successful reverse view of the whole issue. Management
understands the gravity and starts the process, which is subsequently collected
systematically from cyber engineers and operating personnel.

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