Bài thi giữa kỳ_Lê Bảo Minh_2212280034

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Minh 1

Le Bao Minh



Impact of the US-China trade war on Vietnam’s economy

The ongoing trade war between the United States and China has had a significant impact on the
global economy. One of the countries that has been most affected by this trade war is Vietnam.
In this essay, we will analyze the impact of the trade war on Vietnam's economy and discuss pos-
sible paths forward for the country.

In aspects of background, according to World Bank Overview Data, Vietnam is a country located
in Southeast Asia. It has a population of around 98 million people and is one of the fastest-grow-
ing economies in the region. Vietnam is a member of the ASEAN group of countries and has an
open and market-oriented economy. The country is also heavily reliant on trade, with exports ac-
counting for almost 100% of its GDP.

The US-China trade war has had a significant impact on Vietnam's economy. Vietnam is a major
exporter of goods to the US and China and has been caught in the middle of the trade dispute.
While the trade war has led to a decline in exports from China to the US, Vietnam has seen an
increase in exports to the US as companies look to relocate their production facilities to avoid
tariffs. This has resulted in a significant increase in foreign investment in Vietnam, particularly
in the manufacturing sector. (Source: China's Belt and Road Initiative in the Global Trade, In-
vestment and Finance Landscape)

However, the trade war has also had negative effects on Vietnam's economy. The decline in ex-
ports from China has led to a reduction in demand for Vietnamese goods from China, one of its
largest trading partners. Additionally, the US has imposed tariffs on a number of Vietnamese
goods, which has led to a decline in exports to the US.

Vietnam has also been impacted by the global economic slowdown caused by the trade war. The
uncertainty and instability created by the trade war have led to a decline in investment and con-
sumer confidence, which has in turn impacted the country's economic growth. (Source: Trade
Diversion Effects of the US-China Trade War on Vietnam)

For possible paths forward for Vietnam, in order to mitigate the negative impact of the US-China
trade war on its economy, Vietnam needs to take a number of steps. One approach is to diversify
its export markets to reduce its reliance on the US and China. Vietnam should also prioritize in-
vestment in technology and innovation in order to increase productivity and competitiveness.

Another approach is to take advantage of the opportunity presented by the trade war to attract
more foreign investment to the country. Vietnam should continue to create a favorable business
environment, such as improving infrastructure and providing incentives for businesses to invest
in the country.
Minh 2

Vietnam should also work to improve its domestic economic policies. This includes addressing
issues such as corruption, improving the legal system, and investing in education and training to
improve the skill level of Vietnam's workforce. By improving its domestic economic policies,
Vietnam will be better equipped to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the trade
war. (Source: Global Trend 2040)

It is also important for Vietnam to diversify its export market beyond the US and China. Vietnam
should explore new markets in Southeast Asia, Europe, and other regions of the world. Diversi-
fying its export markets will reduce the country's reliance on any one market, making it more re-
silient to external shocks.

In addition to diversifying its export markets, Vietnam should also focus on developing its do-
mestic market. Vietnam has a large and growing population, and there is significant potential for
growth in the domestic market. By investing in infrastructure and promoting consumption, Viet-
nam can create new opportunities for growth in sectors such as retail and services.

At the same time, Vietnam cannot ignore the impact of the US-China trade war. The country
needs to continue to monitor the situation and be prepared for any further disruptions to global
trade. Vietnam should also work with other countries in the region to promote free trade and a
rules-based international trading system.

In conclusion, the US-China trade war has had a significant impact on Vietnam's economy.
While the trade war has presented new opportunities for growth, it has also created challenges
for the country. Vietnam needs to take a comprehensive approach to address these challenges, by
focusing on improving its domestic economic policies, diversifying its export markets, and pro-
moting free trade in the region. With the right policies and strategies, Vietnam can emerge
stronger from the trade war and continue to grow and prosper in the years ahead. (Source: Viet-
nam is a trade world winner. Now it has to figure out to stay ahead)
Minh 3

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