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1. What is the major device in the following remark: 'At the fall of the house they lived in, the widow lost
her husband, her sewing machine and her ear-rings'?

A. Metaphor B. Oxymoron C. Bathos D. Simile. (1 mark)

2. What is the dominant device used in 'I came, I saw but was conquered'?

A. Allusion. B. Blank verse. C. Free verse. D. Illusion. (1 mark)

3. A deliberate understatement in which one uses the negative in order to express the opposite of what
is meant is:

A. Anti-thesis. B. Litotes. C. Hyperbole. D. Apostrophe. (1 mark)

4. What figure of speech is prominent in 'The US us making use of many Nigerian scientific brains in her
technological programmes'?

A. Synedoche. B. Metonymy. C. Metaphor. D. Oxymoron. (1 mark)

5. To derive meaning of a word through its sound is referred to as:

A. Phonetics. B. Phoneme. C. Oxymoron. D. Onomatopoeia. (1 mark)

6. A question asked in a poem, drama, or prose which does not demand an answer before it makes
impact is known as:

A. Leading question. B. Rhetorical question. C. Paradoxical question. D. Heeding question. (1 mark)

7. In the remark, 'The child is the father of the man,' the user deploys.....
A. Paradox. B. Oxymoron. C. Pun. D. Onomatopoeia. (1 mark)

8. 'The sunshine of her smile left me restless for days.' What is the most outstanding literary device
deployed in the sentence?

A. Personification. B. Metaphor. C. Metonymy. D. Apostrophe. (1 mark)

9. A figurative expression in which a part stands for a whole or a whole stands for a part is referred to as:

A. Personification. B. Amplification. C. Synedoche. D. Metonymy. (1 mark)

10. 'For me a delicious music, and then prayers start my typical day.' the preceding sentence is an
example of:

A. Simile. B. Litotes. C. Bathos. D. Synaesthesia. (1 mark)

Use the passage below to answer question 11-15.

If that may be, then all is well. Come sit down, every mother's son, and rehearse your parts, Pyramus,
you begin when you have spoken your speech, enter into that brake, and so everyone according to his

11. Who is the speaker?

A. Quince. B. Bottom. C. Flute. D. Puck. (2 marks)

12. "Pyramus, you begin...." You begin what?

A. The counting. B. The play. C. The singing. D. The hunting. (2 marks)

13. Does Pyramus begin immediately?

A. Yes. B. No. C. Not sure. D. Was not there. (2 marks)

14. The magic juice first affected one of these young Athenians.

A. Demetrius. B. Hermia. C. Lysander. D. Helena. (2 marks)

15. The non-Athenian in the play is?

A. Demetrius. B. Lysander. C. Hippolyta. D. Egues. (2 marks)

Use the excerpt below to answer question 16-20.

He hath rid his prologue like a rough colt: he knows not the stop. A good moral, my Lord; it is not
enough to speak, but but to speak true.

16. Where was this excerpt taken from?

A. Act IV, Scene I. B. Act I, Scene, I. C. Act V, Scene I. D. Act II, Scene I. (2 marks)

17. Who is the speaker?

A. Demetrius. B. Titania. C. Lysander. D. Theseus. (2 marks)

18. Who does the speaker speak about?

A. Quince. C. Puck. C. Pyramus. D. Flute. (2 marks)

19. What is the obvious poetic device overwhelmingly present in Line 1?

A. Alliteration. B. Indentation. C. Synedoche. D. Simile. (2 marks)

20. Puck pays a trick on Bottom by:

A. Transforming him into a strange animal. B. Stealing his clothes while he is bathing. C. Changing his
voice into that of a bird. D. Changing his head into that of an ass. (2 marks)


1. The poem "The Journey Of The Magi" is a biblical allusion and also talks about the recovery of the
Great Britain, after World War I, explain briefly what biblical allusion is. (8 marks)

2. List and briefly explain five themes of the poem "The Journey Of The Magi". (8 marks)

3. Write a short note on the following:

Euphemism: (2 marks)

Alliteration: (2 marks)

Assonance: (2 marks)

Simile: (2 marks)

Metaphor (2 marks)

4. List out the figures of speech in the poem "Caged Bird." And cite notable examples. (8 marks)

5. List and explain three themes in the poem caged bird. (6 marks)

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