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Philosophy is a word of Greek roots meaning ‘the love of wisdom’. Philosophy in the western world

traces its roots to the ancient city of Miletus where the first Greek philosophers were interested in the

question “What is the world made of”. There have been many great philosophers throughout of history,

from Thales (c.585 B.C.E.) who was among the very first philosophers to the likes of Socrates (469-399

BCE), Plato (427-347 BCE) and Aristotle (384-322 BCE) who had a huge influence on modern philosophy

and philosophers which was later translated to Africa.

Key principle of philosophy include:

 Epistemology -the study of knowledge, belief and justification.

 Political philosophy- inquiry into justice, rights and the role of the government.

 Logic- valid reasoning and argument.

 Ethics- examination of morality and virtue.

 Metaphysics- study of the nature of reality, existence and the universe.

Western philosophy has greatly influenced the social, economic and political development of Africa

historically and in the present modern day Africa.


The period of the late 19th century and early 20th century saw the scramble by existing European powers

to make various parts of Africa their colonies. As the European powers made their way into Africa, they

came with their own cultural, political and philosophical frameworks. By the time many African

countries were regaining their independence, these ideas had rubbed off on the existing people and

their leaders.

These philosophical ideas were introduced through various key mechanisms such as:
1. Colonial education systems. The European powers introduced education similar to their

homelands which included curriculums based on their history, literature and philosophy.

Students were introduced to western philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and

Descartes among others.

2. Christian missionaries. Christian missionaries played a key role in introducing western

philosophical ideas. Mission schools taught religious doctrine as well as western notions of

morality and rationality.

3. Literature and Media. Colonial libraries and bookstores harbored works of western

philosophers hence exposing these ideas to educated Africans.

Key philosophical ideas introduced included:

1. Rationalism and Empiricism. This emphasized on reason and sensory experience being the

primary source of knowledge. This encouraged logical thinking and skepticism about unverified

beliefs and made African intellectuals to value observation and experimentation in gaining


2. Individualism. Emphasized on the idea that each person should have the freedom to make their

own choices and decisions and are therefore responsible for their own actions and wellbeing.

3. Political philosophy. Philosophies such as liberalism, socialism and democracy were introduced.

This influenced many African intellects and leaders who played significant roles in

independence movements.

4. Christian ethical frameworks. Emphasized on the values such as charity, humility and the

sanctity of human life. This integrated Christian moral teachings with traditional African values.

However after the colonial powers left and most African countries gained independence there was

an obvious shift in the philosophical ideologies in various ways. For one, there was a resurgence in
the interest in preexisting indigenous and traditional knowledge and philosophies that had been

suppressed by the colonial rule. Intellectuals and philosophers sought to revalidate traditional

African ways of knowing including ethics, morals, spiritual beliefs and communal practices that had

were once integral to pre-colonial societies. Many African thinkers emphasized on the importance

of reclaiming cultural authenticity and identity.

So how did these philosophical ideologies contribute and affect Africa’s development?

 Socio-Economic Development

1. Education systems. Western philosophy introduced formal education which

emphasized on critical thinking, scientific questioning and literacy. This led to the

establishment of schools, colleges and universities all over Africa. This produced a

new class of educated people brought about development.

2. Industrialization and Technology. Western emphasis on industrialization and

technological growth led to the establishment of industries, development of

infrastructure and the adoption of technologies boosted economic growth and

raised living standards.

3. Urbanization. Western influence brought about and accelerated urbanization. This

made people to move to cities seeking better economic opportunities

4. Social Structure. Introduction of western social structures and norms such as legal

systems, property rights and business practices transformed traditional ways of life.

5. Economic policies. Various economic policies and models were adopted from

western philosophy. Among them were:

 Capitalism. Many African countries adopted and integrated capitalist

economic models which encouraged private enterprise, competition and

investment leading to industry growth, trade and urbanization.

 Introduction of Market Economies. African countries shifted from barter

trade to currency and market economies which further led to the

development of financial institutions, stock exchanges and trade unions.

 Integration into Global trade. African countries were integrated into global

trade networks which helped them achieve economic growth.

 Political Development. Political influences include:

1. Distortions of natural boundaries without due recourse to antecedent institutions

and cultures.

2. The western civilization submerged and dismantled indigenous institutions and, in

its place, a foreign rule was established. Traditional institutions before then were

regarded as not only political authorities but also custodians of cultures.

3. Introduction of Westminster liberal democracy: This does not just work in Africa. It

is not that Africa did not have its own pattern of democracy before imposition of

liberal democracy but the typical democracy in Africa and its processes were

submerged by westernization.

Challenges brought about by western philosophy.

 Deviation from the traditional politics

Initially in traditional African politics, every member of the community shared power as it was vested in

the people in the entire community. The power to govern is invested on a group of persons and at

times, a worthy leader to act on behalf of the community. The leaders became symbols of unity and
harmony in the communities. Due to political changes brought about by western philosophy, the

modern African politician no longer see themselves as leaders who have the mandate of their people to

serve. This has led to many politically motivated deaths and wars to bulldoze their ways into power. This

is attributed to the loss of values especially the sacredness of human life.

 Neocolonialism

This is the practice of using economic, political, cultural and other pressures to control or influence a

country typically a former colony.

Neocolonialism in Africa manifests through:

a. Economic dependence – Former colonies often rely heavily on exporting raw materials and

importing finished goods from former colonial powers.

b. Foreign Aid and Debt – African countries rely on grants and debts from financial institutions such

as the IMF and the World Bank thus creating dependence which hampers development.

c. Cultural imperialism – The spread and dominance of western culture value and norms has

undermined and replaced indigenous cultures leading to loss of cultural identity.


Western Philosophy has influenced Africa greatly in both negative and positive ways. These ideas may

have brought modernization, development but they have also led to challenges such as cultural erosion,

economic dependency and political instability.

It’s important for African countries to navigate these influences properly and thoughtfully, highlighting

positive impacts and integrating them with a model that respects their unique cultural and philosophical


o The Key Ideas of Western Philosophy, John Greenbank


PROSPECTS, Dr Clifford Meesua Sibani

o, Dr John Messerly


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