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Comparison of Islamic Women's Rights and Western Feminism

Category Islamic Women's Rights Western Feminism

Principles - Rights and Duties: - Egalitarianism: Focuses on
Balances rights with duties, absolute equality, individual
emphasizing family and rights, and personal
community roles. freedom.
- Justice: Defined as placing - Justice: Often defined as
everything in its proper absolute equality and non-
place, balancing rights and discrimination.
duties, not just equality. - Secularism: Emphasizes
- Divine Will: Actions and separation of religion from
roles are seen as fulfilling public life.
divine commandments.
Economic Rights - Ownership: Women can - Workplace Equality:
own property and engage in Advocates for equal pay,
trade independently. opportunities, and
- Financial Support: Men are workplace rights.
required to financially - Economic Independence:
support their families, even Emphasizes financial
if the woman has her own independence and career
income. advancement for women.
Social Rights - Family Structure: - Individualism: Prioritizes
Emphasizes the importance individual freedom and
of family, with roles defined choice over traditional
to support familial family roles.
harmony. - Body Autonomy:
- Modesty: Encourages Advocates for freedom in
modest dress and behavior personal appearance and
to maintain social order and expression.
Political Rights - Consultative Governance: - Political Equality: Strives
Women have the right to for equal representation
participate in governance and participation in politics.
through consultation and - Secular Governance:
advice. Advocates for policies and
- Obedience to Divine Law: laws based on human rights
Political actions and roles and secular principles.
should align with Islamic
teachings and divine
Educational Rights - Mandatory Education: - Equal Education:
Education is obligatory for Advocates for equal access
both men and women to to all levels of education
fulfill their roles and and opportunities.
responsibilities. - Secular Focus: Primarily
- Religious and Secular focuses on secular
Knowledge: Emphasizes education and career-
both religious education oriented learning.
and secular knowledge for a
Legal Rights - Marriage and Divorce: - Marital Equality:
Women have specific rights Advocates for equal rights
in marriage and divorce, and responsibilities in
including consent to marriage, and easy access to
marriage and the right to divorce.
seek divorce. - Equal Inheritance:
- Inheritance: Women have Advocates for equal
defined shares in inheritance rights
inheritance, although these regardless of gender.
may be different from men's
Philosophical Differences - Tawhid (Unity): Sees all - Conflict Theory: Focuses
aspects of life, including on identifying and
gender roles, as part of a addressing power
unified divine order. imbalances and conflicts,
- Role Complementarity: especially related to gender.
Believes in complementary - Gender Deconstruction:
roles for men and women Challenges traditional
that together fulfill divine gender roles and seeks to
purposes. dismantle them.
Cultural Critique - Resistance to Colonialism: - Global Feminism: Seeks to
Views Western feminism as address women's rights
a tool historically used by issues globally, often
colonial powers to through the lens of Western
undermine Islamic cultures ideals.
and values. - Critique of Modesty
- Emphasis on Modesty: Norms: Views modesty
Hijab and modest dress are norms, including the hijab,
seen as symbols of respect, as symbols of oppression
modesty, and resistance to and patriarchy.
Western cultural
Historical Context - Colonial Impact: - Evolution of Feminism:
Recognizes that Western Acknowledges the historical
feminism was used to roots of feminism in
justify colonial rule and addressing inequalities and
suppress local customs, its evolution into various
especially concerning waves and branches.
women's roles and dress.
Theological Perspective - Divine Attributes: - Secular Theology: Feminist
Recognizes both masculine theology often challenges
and feminine attributes of traditional religious views,
God, with a focus on divine advocating for
mercy and justice. reinterpretation or
rejection of patriarchal
religious doctrines.
Oppression and Liberation - Islamic Liberation: Seeks - Feminist Liberation:
to address women's Focuses on liberation from
oppression within the patriarchal structures,
framework of Islamic promoting autonomy and
teachings, promoting equal rights in all aspects of
justice, and proper life.
treatment as defined by - Universal Rights:
Islamic law. Emphasizes universal
- Critique of Western human rights, often
Feminism: Argues that challenging traditional
Western feminist ideologies structures and advocating
can undermine the family for systemic change.
structure and moral values
central to Islamic teachings.
Modern Movements - Islamic Women's - Diverse Feminist
Movements: Aim to Movements: Includes
improve women's various branches such as
conditions based on Islamic liberal feminism, radical
principles, advocating for feminism, intersectional
justice and proper feminism, each with
interpretation of Islamic different focuses and
law. strategies.

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