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1. Setting: Where and when the story happens. It's like the place and time of a story.
2. Characters: The people, animals, or things in the story. They are like the friends in the story.
3. Conflict: The problem in the story. It's like something that goes wrong and needs to be fixed.
a. External Conflict:
When something outside makes a character upset, like a fight.
Example: A dog barking loudly outside the house.
b. Internal Conflict:
When a character feels upset inside, like being scared or confused.
Example: Feeling nervous before a big test.


1. Exposition (start): This is how the story begins. You meet the characters and learn what's happening.
2. Rising Action (Exciting Part): Fun things start to happen in the story! The characters face challenges and try to
solve them.
3. Climax (Super Exciting Part): The most exciting moment in the story! Something really big happens.
4. Falling Action (Calm Part): After the big excitement, things start to calm down. The characters figure out what to
do next.
5. Resolution (Ending): The story comes to an end. Everything gets sorted out, and the characters solve their
problems. It's like when you finish a puzzle!



Tante Adela:
 Kind: She's nice to others. Madame Ross:
 Clever: She's smart and finds solutions.  Watchful: She looks closely to understand.
 Practical: She thinks about what will happen next.
Felix Bell:
 Helpful: He wants to assist. Alice Roy:
 Practical: He suggests simple solutions.  Caring: She worries about the skunk's feelings.
 Smart: She thinks of a clever idea.
Louis Ross:
 Thoughtful: He thinks about things carefully. Jules Martel:
 Hardworking: He works very hard.  Calm: He stays relaxed.
 Clever: He thinks of a smart plan.
Samuel Roy:
 Considerate: He cares about others' feelings. The Skunk:
 Busy: He has a lot of work to do.  Curious: It likes to explore.
 Brave: It's not scared to leave the oven.
The story happens in the countryside of French Canada, where Tante Adela lives in a
cozy house with her cat and cows.


 Internal Conflict:
Tante Adela feels worried and unsure about what to do when she finds the
skunk in her oven. She's scared it might cause trouble.

 External Conflict:
The skunk being stuck in Tante Adela's oven creates a problem for her and her
neighbors. They need to figure out how to get the skunk out without causing
harm or making a mess.


 Exposition (Start):
Tante Adela finds something unexpected in her oven and seeks help
from her neighbors.

 Rising Action (Exciting Part):

Neighbors suggest different solutions to remove the skunk from the
oven, but none seem to work.

 Climax (Super Exciting Part):

Jules Martel comes up with a clever plan to convince the skunk to leave
the oven peacefully.

 Falling Action (Calm Part):

The skunk leaves the oven without causing any harm, and everyone is

 Resolution (Ending):
Tante Adela and her neighbors learn that sometimes simple solutions
and understanding can solve big problems.

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