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of Ont. Furdamentt Sampling Pamelor Sarapling : - Mts ouhome ga Satislicod cocpetenent rey Le Jatocleel ether as a quemedtcol Value A as a dhscdpplive Lepecsentolion ° SS fr Gabititian it rrasity lortuscl wilt) te anotyst f murmeicol Dile ' lhe Shedly Samm ples from a dlistibdtion of us Joballion affect good anctye f reese — Bmp mean £ Sample Vatauce Out Tombow — Dita cbseuntions pobutetion anol Sampbs' Pipetetion: au fevvibls Vater ox Abel oleseaeLebng Somople > a pakion of Lar population D4! pofutotion (x unioue) Ly Lie agqepl® ott ghtslcel cata ening a Lbjet invabgatio - fe exompl ' CI) tes foptotion of height of Inoliaus (ii) He pe prtetson f Nationohzed) Banks iin Grolia eke DBS cle vod atscunting in kis prypaletion Lt chficed fa te me ye fe, pele 9 lon Scanned with CamScanner Dsl tior ' _ | Salibiioh Imfounte : — gervrolipng fromm mre to a foputotim — arith ratealolsd closet? ff (eloininy Peemeli > a Chowcliustic of a apetotion Gx 3 foputetion onan JM - Statistic Calealelid from —olofa in tus Saunpole i Sample mean [a ) ff Hee ae Fas poputotion ’ all fouulacet ol: Semple ! Counties wilh bdP >10 pypetotion 2 AU Shedlealy from univ G Sanus ati. (eu efeemet - » AU Song’ from India’ Gonple ° — Senge from nol Loguog ° Dyfeice teow oat od EET bhlesky Soroplr x yes yer Scanned with CamScanner y Some Pytetroa Posamelett & Sample Shbhie | prea Habistic ie yh - Peopeclero pb , obiqeores prt RA Slarolaed clecia.tion cr Ss Cottelelo r A peradate Stat facto lon bi sliotls couetlimalé Lon ley fypteen Bb: A Sorpling fnfetencer wal wnrcluerirals Gana Chotactaist: ¢ of Lv di id & 4 biased - ve atecntr ony poostacly of Hat ie Be we / ks dletsoble Le chorse Deh g bet XiXh, fen Frrelapeveleat- kanclom Vasiabtey each ashe lus Came punbolititg dlisliilalioO xX bea fandom Sample ffx). Difine XI%G%m Lge. fom tee foprstotion fi) onde Jent urbalilily pliclalulion el ' F biG ty) fla) Fl) ~ Be ere: amma fu 15 opel ef & ample - Staliska Scanned with CamScanner Diffemn omelkode 7 Lopting | t Remelom seo Ob Ute pescees of deawhng a Sample from a Jooplas in duc & long dter each member of The foputetron jes an egucl chouwe of a7 Ineluceol fn tbe Borple The Sample 2bloinecl ty thu peers of tandem Som pling bs cette! a Larch Sample - Example! 1. Geleeting Lamek 290 tools fom a dlickionaty Ua farchm Sample ’ 2 hb af Gecls cleot fom a cell- Shuffle! Pack of crus sis a fandom Sani 2 hy whl 2. Shabid — Senblpg (8 Shale AE 5 Mex onetieacl x refed when hee paprukolion * A feliio et» —> on otis pe Sampling » Le poputotion as fut Sub hidded Lolo Srrall group lotled) Strata autecelingn Lo dome “eelilant Choweliustu. SoHo cach weed, mou a Lut acon — each Slatin 2 tolled! a Sib prop — > fu a Grralt Sample Colle Sb Soonple eleeleal from each Naluine ab Lancloy « Scanned with CamScanner lotwifiiction ff Lanpler Gamafter ane dtifel ad fa Gf? I bege Sermple: Sige gf Seorple Cn) 30 2. Grall Somple > Sige Sonple (0) 22° he Simpl mean: Db: & XX My & tesent A Kanelon Sample g Ose >, ten L192 ample menu au definel fy a ebiths € ve OK Es bce Suonple Variance : Dts ob Kh Xn wpescsli a tandem Gamfle of FREX, - : “ete 6 Hen ths nfs Vastaves x cbifirad ty be Sha * n yb a. sis bi) 27 Sap - EX) Gq ee m(n-} NoTE: Valance 4 qneatene f variabitly f cota about Hts mean - t@ozs di bd olechale Le median) amicklle Value ; yan ncde ae qnacle is fas Valse hol Detut aneg- flex 5 london NOTE .[Nanean, qneolian , Maat aut Lowolion aneakulet ape Note a 1a) seutonr, SD Veabilly crantoet Sond? Scanned with CamScanner Example ! A Comparision of Laffer pets ae & Lanclomly delecliol cet Shu Saved Freeenice fom “tts eectoo” omnenrth of 12416, F 20 anh fea J- oud bg frre! Die Variant q Zhit farclom ample J pice Intisott - a Sample meer = 24IHAA IO _ 1b Gul 4 4 _ Vataet 2 se a E (at We (ahr o's y1Qe-6 3 at ry + (30-16)? 28h @3 * Grane? The tek Corleuli f 8 huoule f G elected at bandon from tts Lol Lar seledsecA in to Sats ot follow: #3, 6b, 4, Ib, 12.161) J 3 milli Lottatels (I) mean, median , med on (4) Voskaute , SD, ange . Scanned with CamScanner ¥ Sarnplieg Dreteiabions : Dietaibslion’ A Sampling le tfeleonm Lh a Peotelielg chidabulions of 2 Selita aistelelion quell O Gemplr deawst btainecl fom a k e fom 6 Speke opetebon NOTE: lle pvtediEG didi bin ds weld 4 Som plirg lislall”” alislalulion of & Gabish'c clefrenols La Sef 2 Me Sempling On Ltn clistabtion of papel ) ; Le Gemplers — duct tee menos of chootiog ue Guenpler bse Ol Gam plén TS enping digleilebion one tnnpectant fot i i Cpbisku - Oat, ane will Collect” ample clot. ae fon ete Sampla , Blirralé Lio prusenelid ptolion . 4 oy y te Lonpling clisleibén Can _ dag eoopt a making Irrfeceereet clot fle Call pletion - ere — He main Chowelesbic G “ae MT se aiatia ofa elicit. dy chot it afpecactet gered eal Quon when te frpetokmn distiller ; Scanned with CamScanner > antec Infectat fools of danpitg Altetcitnbion f Sticke Ls Leah Lae mre ad Lie bd J ts Sampling alicla of damp heer a defini setoteon” Lo Covutfore BF Poplar jrndawelts — meet SD —> dese Chowacltisic of a Sompling chistes” haip os be b6 esliraG 4 unkuowu aptetion prasancte foom Ma Huson disc Q- To bee re Conficlence Line of tee posometé: botthin uli Lie paamele Valus 20 OF b&b et a Agbenetn aud te Lae? a Chat Fanfecenes pow zk ‘ Pear _a4_@ leommon greostut LO Shialy the Sam pling. dlislalbion: > wWkh-T ream = pt = Ex ie Se ran) —_ cheoly gnea, — Inthuder cued Vall dn pe gna is io got (orrmon GrGsht urd B a 5 fence 3 acomrolelg —jnfe fgpetotion peseoles We lontider ow Lar gud ms bs wld §— Sample dilib bon of meaed — 9 Culiol Bit -faoten emplitia on Saoping alitab.ton ef wears - Scanned with CamScanner Sampling Mtitution of (eons onel Be Gull Limit Alm) capo on a4 img) beta tinkenon Clislibabion , exthex Prile ot Infiocle, voll SEU Ae eee tte Somplios ditalalion Xx ieiatlp tral hat FEMS it an 2 medial, Cotbeguen? —) ls angyin, el of Me A Colted Lae Conliol thmid Heres Scanned with CamScanner Gontat Cl era a Loucom Sample of | BK be tue meas da Sem cleawon from @ — faprutotion pacing “~ ope 6D, then Les Sampler Aster tin aud SD, 4 " Ta bona le Ls Gomple mem x 4 appune ye dlctilelien cotth orean ft & SDs Standancl wee f al TA provided hic Sample Gem is Lage (n7z30) —) his tt catabtsheal ys Labial Limit Heown . Tuowm 2 le te amean ga fandom Sennple ‘ whth mean ft f Sen Lobn fom a, epee ve sed GD. fan tn Slardeize) Gof 7 / ee Et a /m . ; Le a stardom yariatts choke alitlabrlion Pnclror appsocia suo bu eloncland oval olictidlsa A(z; pois f Conlial Lrit lheoem: poses Lo% pufwlotion a nrocmal « Scanned with CamScanner land wot (SE) $2 Statistic ' Slandnd ON ON 5) tar Slanclaucl eal & statistic (rean te) £ Lew So Somplig dlistaibdion gf Ue Glatistic L - is tea clifgernes HOA —> #4 ced Lass utes onpeelid Valet quiol chested Value 5 Aue Sonal the andarol LR; pis mrt fapecsertobiot tts Gampb wilt be gf overall opto * NOTE: SESH plist ore Le “4 ineceorierg Samp Figo 7) nut Statice (5-2 Ghanclarel 4ie of vars es cee Sormnpla mean Xk = a sf Sonpl S06) = F— }- a: Te 5. 56 of Sep japeion p= [PB y= 1? 4g. BEY dffemee f Mer Sample orem % §%, seg(i-s )> [eae cu) Dg SPs gs6 (Sa) = [era ant 9% Scanned with CamScanner "Examples: cabot ie tts Valen of couttion foal ih neS ano) N2200 nes Siz f Sample a Neaee Sie population , piles 2 ay 4 7 be Cpeuction facta free HT = m0. 1 = 098 oo 199 N-l aoo-! Granple [How mang oliffuwer Samples of Re oe Gan La Chasen, jon & frit Popetolern f Siz Sol we Can lake Ny Sampler of Se " wotthoud- flown sar apatatin J SBE Pot N2 ab mea 2 = 300 Sampler of Se 2 eithant wplaanst S otth zeploceret —N™ 2202 BS A popectoleon — Loutisle f fe rmbt Louiislr oll prottitle — Sample J can be dtuen — with Asplocument Example: 2, 3,68 era" 2 fp which de Slanchsol duration of Tee , fhe onan op tee Lom pling — distatebirt 4 te on of te SEG ; clutation f Tis Soon pting be dee Stamelasol listiolion of meant ( Shanclarch cust gf raced ) Scanned with CamScanner Slobion! 7 Mean af Lt population f= ast 6IBIN L304 F ° . pur-lotr Or) 2 Vakauce f fapetolin Fatt -- Ebina nN rs L res (ot Eby rb) 1B) le a ee 4 2 164% 4044HDS _ 19-8 lea to +e o> Sd > [wg = 324 3+ fe mean of Lhe con plirg alislabction gf ment folat 70-4 — Sompler iwith taf locemt” a hence Ns 52225 Somple J Sie 8° 2s Sampla edith Aaplatemett cee eee @a) G3) (2b) C28),2) Ga) 63) G68) 6") (G3) CGP ") a 63) GHGs) 6") Gs) Gut) G0) Gu) @2\ ‘ EXE AO Noes Lompulié tts aubtfmelic. mean fre each of these 25 Cmpls , cohdoh ght Sourhig dlistibation of oreaus Scanned with CamScanner he Somple mreand at 2 as 5 6S as 3 4S 55 4 4 4s 6 7-0 es ‘i 5 6s # g qe 6S FF as 4 aD y 2 mean of anvan of Samm pling clistitaion 4 : 2S meat p= Send all Spy men nD 2188 ot as eo ee a . recat of Sunpling olin ed B Hpllw distibabion of mead mean 2 6 fom adh cand. hid fy he CA). talacr 6" ef Sampling Ls pblainedl Substiaetin g , Wa arean of 6) and Guo = 2 ree (able Os8lt CPO. 185 gto a as rz [Sm = 282 NOTE: ze om ap oe tga a n Se 2 Ss asa x la a Scanned with CamScanner Example | Do tts alnue Example fot Sampler cotthout Aefolacement « Sol! peat ow. gf irnpls Lotion cop locrusel Nz G 210 Semper of S02 Bn a be 19 Samples at the section (2,8) (aa) Gn) 8) Ca] 4 = Cos (34) G8) (a0) G8) (Gn) (8,") Ode Gunple omeaut a as 4 5 bE 45 55 F F as as he mem gf les omplig alistilbon of enemut is ee aSt4 AE AGS +40 A DSAPTEPIE HIS _ 9 oh asa cate 10 2) the Valances of Sampling dlistiibations of ment *- Ges) Lae 6) 1-6) fb c-4) 4 Gs 65-8) § G4 4G4? - 2 AES AGE) pn gg AD yz aol a Scanned with CamScanner xi\ » % 2 Pird fue anean aud Ae a Gonpling, — itaton J vance * why an dleossing Serre q ae (a) wih teplocemeul” &) cothioul Hf Sotalive population Se N° 4 Sample Spe = A A Jocement . (4) tT 4 Spe 8 whi eeploconnl 2 wed 2) (ass AB) wre wok 62) 3164) GS) Sormpbs ov 1D GG HO ™ os 6 GHCEO bom pulid Lr Vatlawee Bro! Vaccer fot Grorohse + GO Cue ae Gptistic be Ae Sopligg clistaitalion of Varioues gach Gempl) gf Die S Gomple (Ad) ream = aiah 2 . Valance 2s @av7@2) =O a Scanned with CamScanner Sammple (2,3) | onean = BU. aS * a Vasiamee 2 ey: h-asvaGead oar Capea Sample (9,4)! eri Som pling alistitation of Variances 0 DRS } aas oar ows 1 oar 0 ons gar | oar mon f Senieg EE FO 0 OasKb HX TZAE 19. o42 QOL. Ts kf Vastawes Cf Soompliog olecidon J Meow 2 gies lo pac }ie 6 (oar-ovser) +4” co * 49(2aS- obi) 2 gaceosie is Ib G) coin xcplotumaul — Permacerh o-6e OM Scanned with CamScanner Grampte! Nhe arean height of Shbalz tm a College #5 ISS Con and Slanchd lukalim i Is ~ quot i fe puvbutitlg tual Ltr rrreaas baignt f Bb Sfuoleuti 2 Len Slouchud eof meet = F.. Pee wk-T &* Ft] ete ~ Scanned with CamScanner se = X-(18) (pe Be.) _ lB #=: 6K 8 “E -s . ppt Loullt Beomple An electzitol — ius onan og. “ane han a tng op Be tt Y g olislibelid, cotth me equat alo a ao furlatilg hat a hau ie : Go he ~ eo) op. tp of HA SD 4 Jat an ane0gt Sample f 16 baths wil hos F775 MA o - t= ool: 2600 ge KH = = Seo” “Hh ale nel ' - -Qis" Prd ple <9) Ge tH pl xt) = plac -2%) 9: 0062 Scanned with CamScanner ee Sampling Dislixulévn f far Bypence — buen fen arena [Jamo tl) > Sufrpert, wat ive haut her popetetore- oneon Valores goer 4 — > otth * § ; My § [y % 5 te tee Spobtistic x, Lefesesente Ses amen J a Keandom Saunplr of Gye a Ceseekiel from Lue fue 9 petotion Be ay roan fo sande So Sen, Seba) form Secor pyeetr olichihliva of we 3 dlan fa. compli dlsfuaen of areata apfeniently dliclithlad cloth aean Qad Valianes Scanned with CamScanner Exomble: nso Inckfrenclut eapetimeti alt fer in hich hao cbf” Lifer of pink at Compacecl Siptn Grainvont ase [rinclicl wing Ape a ard) ig Bane, Ir heuer, En cecal fot ach Ty Crue Us alone coith tile B Tue [pgrstotion Shon ched pletatin au both oe be bea Aygumi Bi tat Lit mmean days Lima Li equol fe Be WI le eon, dohew a paint, ee By ow amnage dying toe pr Sate %, FU, = 218° Slatin: fom tu Soup dlitituctim of Aiffemues thvan ep aneant Sux feputetion SD aus both = - _ ge =) NG a ehh =0 iar, Known Lo be IO n r obit ] Bye 72? Vastance — Sropelst moe Ge te tet as Ty eB pp ped [peg PI at K,-myel #F Fa-%e )- Hey), 1 efret) A B20 8 | » PLan-% >) = P(273) = 1 p(aeg) = |-0:9487 = 0:0018 Scanned with CamScanner <. Esample! The Milevittrn facta libs f nanufcliw A base a mean blint FEE Yor aud a Glaretucl Achalin J 0:9 yoot, colle tiose Of maniactiiu Bhove a mean Lliflioe Of 6:0 rast aud ol levkalir o oe deon . plot 2y gus Gy duota Lanobm Srapls of 36 aber from fuvbo? li f sgranufaclitt A il) have a mean Lifeline Leola at Leort ie wot qneut son tas meas Liylns of 4 Sanfo f 44 Liles fon arianu folie B° Solution. given Mle olitecotion of Hifpoor gf xed rong Seven olen vg Soy sei sarS My -R = 66-604 oR-k * _ a4 be rd plx,-% 21°) L [E-%, )-(n-t s ak KH) 5 = GA —( > 1 OS 2a8e ae Ze . ma 7, PRR ZI) = P(Zz 249) z j-lee gab) p= «qago = 0.0040 Scanned with CamScanner eee) ee L Sanabling Mistitatioa of B (vasuce St pg Mbt 7 aes ; ssid 9 Sampling distitoctios of aa Foam alioo 1s fe fea Lonfomobor about —) Ya sanolom Sample f Se 7 e a aoenat pepation wth MONT sanin ud ts Sapls Variant de compl » a tae of te AOS SL Salt ° e gf 4 — gf sy te bee in Iasig 4 Se 7 slow fom coed fe x) x2 & Zz & a aga f Me one J 9) cflae Values gf ttt candle Vout a1 Dorm each Sompa ty te formula. ysit al Cone ie He ion: a 5 Le pucbalilitg uot a Jade Somnpr fundluct a oe me L Zz fuon Some os xX” Value gpeole Lue Spciped Vals agual fo tas ana nds bo bes Ligne of tis Vale « L Scanned with CamScanner | | ypplet ancl > uc x” teste dy Bue gf a ner ewickely useel mon- paaernts6 J xt is goes “4 sa pa , oo ‘ ’ Xs EC colignie o- piste fequanted C- expectid fray wae gf ite” un was | Xt Lake ata Lat irked owe! . ute help x” Lat 6 Can Pere! oof one! nat lin ot rps attlliT Ot Parclependent Af wig a hypotiace 2 Sanale pemelerree . ne tot a. x het ase Lik of goomen J Fe x : hows afpprsrinatsTy Be Cuables Le asarlacn : fmomial, Pei Snaverticol cLislibslions uch et Anemia, Bio Norol le be eonpivol Littaslation’ —> x* hos a ormpirg Salisiua Lhe men x, x Vatuen ort th alaags Lint ob: pores xe dlautved fom cbewalind « SE ts a shuibtbe clistiitabion uit ad orhet E Vasiaser + poreue £ le uf Scanned with CamScanner Dagestan oy | Ste nog Prolpedit fren of Pefomntnt | Crak wert inl Coleulotin Les esbrmols b + ~~ cof Yaluat Lhot at fet ) Le noo ae ph — os hes au A, Conshiacied? bev- dipeut of fect olf = Tr ome “yy Dey Toe alipac on meg - we aut asberadi] Scanned with CamScanner L xan ple A momefpoctaitt f Cat bottetiel Guotaulie 7 i Lost, On a rape | 3 yo" bith fez gf ee fot fe Loktelic Wi e Shedl dlabalioo of | yer A patwstet Gt a of 14,84 ,82)5 § F2PO4s fet sod fot d ull bes Lonvinued Stat Ds cat. Pisuma (Stott 8” mang Ghorelacct detation of | Lifeline less a meerrad lis letabor | ohoe tus okie Solabion . Ford Gtr valut of Leal Stolistic jow “Samp Vacauce aut ed Lew uation. Samp asians 2 Ss i n Sat >t] ins Ss SKY eeu / . LL 5 (96%) HSV] 2 oat L Xe IS 2 A fos 2 38h 2068 | rn Scanned with CamScanner b- distithation’ [for Saratt Saonplet : AF Tonal! amp, bstth o— ankywren'] ? J tyich cleo SF het aksenpliont of les Gabial Livie | vay frit foe Sonate Samples —_~ Kf te Glatislicl Meciel at aff xe tage amples * ) uxdle doling wlth ral Sampler Dus endian ‘ntbatt” Is oot GB estinrnls the foftabron Vowel at ke én toge amps, Aadiet we hove te Late Agpetiat om doral! damm >) fis Gusolee Lontiibntem Ld fer Haars of Goat Spe Lumples at fon eS bosek y with 2 be clicteitubin or. Small Lamps —) Gower adoplizd te pon mame Ghuolot ol published hie freliegs nel bis mat cfu Leclislibatios Ls Lomarondg folkd Shudeats Eclistehes of Storpyy bhedl” Aislin" * . 2A, tus L- aistitbabirs 4 tateal whan Aumpl- Sse 4 eer) epetotion Shancescl clesokion 4 pr ke obo cbefinel a4 1 lieobe kes pee —_ te KL x[n “Ae , yan $ n poet Sz [GR-2) LS v1 Scanned with CamScanner Ls the be islet bebion hos bet duived rotheol unde Tht ghumptior of a notmally pslilbeledd Lolo * / ° YT olin a dusty fanelin quer bp “O° je) cfrrt] whee be xX- Ht —_ SA C = a conttaut poise tombe quvor roles Lhe Calle’ equal > , yee), aes vorep Ogee ip tude propecticn of £- alti: | tae & vadabte af # dislitbbion Aangel fom * grommet — B +tod- teleiletion 4 snelnc, fad a meat 340. riprnrae es L “pete be pat 1 cepusent Lis A-vilud . Baelawet gf Le distablio wy) gs y- Variance of L- listabtive approaclar Tea Variant Gharclrl noel obislabsbr gy) te B porte Gplir Se Po cee once Sf aee ae’ ele ne4 bled ie Ay Ge oy Scanned with CamScanner ppielaibation | a I ty fate the Sigpt Feance f Me Mean | a Rendon Sam pe J infect about poputotio yen Q Apeling cliffeteneet “Le froeem neon d Ione Gorolefrdeut? Samples 3 + -testin abiffereucet fehotwn meant of ke friueel dhscurstond) aleperclut Samples (* telccl Applications of ts b- a ae Giged fecowes fw pbjervrect Lotulolod Co- Neve! 1 use £- Table Lo get postales Le dictibLeo - a bg 2 qa Example? tes b- Volus with 0 Vals alguet J eluate deouer on ated of 7028 ° x o M Zz pe — ieee ar and. therfore Jo tos bet —_ an asses, of 0908 fe Le Light d= 098 -~te24 2 pe. ae p-0at ee o-gaT f be ee Sau pnd Plot Lt Z _) ue 4,—Va bla — 8 8a" = | pour = ne re Scanned with CamScanner yyw ee a) iatethation [ Comping Lane vatione > hs F- alls (ilu Gm fr erioemow?s aplication? vin Comuctors Cfanfte Uaciawcert —)Dyplleotiont J J. licliibution Ont foovel in Gamples prssins forersfehng ee Conlin oll lien 0d Lio of Pur Sample Vs a ie ' se — we hey RA Fiske | ly ae Capting bist H gu fa Pema ltr Habel ut gies fy ' cseree ce) t L ) i sili ghea S$, Sau Laiauce? Salle” va 2 . Saar ple p davelora Samp of “of Irabfenden Sige 1 &% , m-! Se EGA) G4 ml fret obunyt 6 >se assumplion of 2G we Pa coith hte ~ ye nl g ye > F bs alan & postive numer * ae” SF delimint aphet hea pot bus solo of 0 Sauspartrions) SES Us be8 Sanalt ot Lio huge - 0 th oa Scanned with CamScanner 3 poke Fs close 01, tts ho Saft Vataucer $45 OF almod@ Sor + J an fuoctiv ) cl it Cathmaty lo [aby Ml tly mumaolo + Gample Valautey as qacol LB Ga he ye. wtolion reat , ay fh olistibelem Gon be equolilf f Generel Pop Ghunjle Vaaucer auc antyis 5 tee clislisbtom function fF ds @ ala d@-c F a (1% 74% 1/2 : wat f puso of ance , dohes gol C1 a Conle epeucling hekom - Ppt fe pute elistzibelion tts and cent Po Segue freer " nt *, ee bailabti La enh én fot 4 gi be Aish blor Cows O” hoo Op ohele a ie a Fo l% f fl ) gem SA $6 Laue Vale of F with i. cus Lo WP uote Ms alee Uncle tte Fo distil peg A Scanned with CamScanner 3 fhe Fo ramets 7, 6% State . wud Ne ‘g ° | Ee (4%) < Applications of F— clictaib tee’ a coll! fhe laviaue soto 5 F - clisttide-tiom dlisliil bor - seat foe nly f variances cased Lo fest Usein BLL whi Samplt utecd fo tat bee equolity of deveol pte dun baslolishe. probe ty —_ aa amen? L. disleibalion tabe fo “ote URE Exommple paclreu fe ne h2 008 Example! feo tte x, able Ford fabrtaticl x. 0-0 Solin rape L870 ble at hao” af -ven-1 =4 cegut of pom 2 %06,4 7 16-4) Example 2: Prd oy + gohen D=lb 0-05 8) £,,, ener Val? (8) bag Ct Ve? Solution? — pum 4-tabU Cl) at yelb 20k pos = ht46 / 2) ve = (2) vio Lol - 2-164 Scanned with CamScanner

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