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7 -§ Gatlicean Alpecttto : DNIT= L — 5 Fu Loge umbet BCD wing fa J Euclideau algoitm Provicls a afpucah of prodiog 66D J Lan jrositivs jntegeet cheot aut Ved ae > ban officieut one/icd of Computing cd(a,) torthout having te factouge then. jositise Neonbecd oLoeiga tion wa Lions behing Systiwalie Cohet a, & ae Loge 3 Sutlidean teoun fools CCD tg Gacetcely obhipog divizsn algection Qnty fot Example’ Lontcolt (30,42) FQ = B0xa t+) Wing ltoision algoutho , & CETA ‘ gered (30,14) = (80, 5x2 ai (atch, t) = lab) = = (anit 50x94 12 7 32) ¢ = (la, ao") = (isi, 12) [ope i alviion - ae (a6) algovitha] 46 xa) 6) =(%0)=6 [agen a apblyng (30,74) =6 Oe abject a | Scanned with CamScanner Zutliean algasithn Sep ’ apo, 620 Aw focr Git Falegas 1 aygunne 0 = (8,4) = (h(t, 4) iets oe (3084, 1944) = 4° uM u Scanned with CamScanner Glalimenl’ Euclidean | adgerithn: — tie flaged ib foe ab Le toe be Z J Une divitton adgectinn a Gace: as bing wth He? eee = A to Last 707 Us obtan ay gue ene (ab) 2 4) Scanned with CamScanner forckimendal Cheon gf atlhmele / Pe ___— —3 Na Purdamentél hea of aibhorel’C Ls an Ionpstout esullt cleo” Showt tbe peloret Qu thes Ancitdling Mocks ef A? inligew- ag Lan be —5 Galiment : doug jottve flies in sotition Uniquely ah a pooctuc $ wa loth Ibe patent _faclos loti Exempt’ 240 = QxR KAKA xBxS ool = FxM x13 Lora! of ak ade au porktive Inligesd | — chor (ab)-) and albe , then ale: Gocomnpl (345) eek amd g3lyxe '* 6/42 ale Scanned with CamScanner tease Common onelltps Y g Bee Ge chet is fbivivibe Df! tem: Me Ligo povbe dnlaged on, jnbgee Panalus — pestve GY , ly ase aud Ls olonotid “Y at) Zaample: [isiar] =10S ~ [ae] 2 6 ape iT Scanned with CamScanner . © he fecergnlel aciny of obithelic: faseet Zoery festive Palaget Can be ln re co Proof) kak ut wate ref ty dntadiclion am siape inlis Lek ws assume ol Some he “a perno ge a es a joodct 10, \- n J: . Such d “A hot Met ee ee puodlack y fone . a tme chen we ous “4 i colich iv poduet J Pe Can cole n=Ox!l , L597 but conbradiclion 19 Oot aiseonlt nb Compeolt om ab ash 164 [Vi On! 12660 _ 4 chich bem and om Sy sera NTT pint ° Carmo Le cotiten 04 ie mas ) gk Gn be coctlin ot rode’ => a : leer speak 7 ao oxi te 2} 2 fem QA lorliadliclon to ous aksumplivn 1) 1 Boeup penile prliger Con be expusticeh at pnb op Aeonas- ——= Scanned with CamScanner 2 dang hoes fom foe Now Show he jelowsatin as Suppose there ki a petitive fntigee fol orote Ahan One prime -faetoeszation thou fiom well audigy Putnuple ne hho Ps 544 Me —) bio R Ue G ae at jatenes lots Dee C Peet Pee) Uh WO Now we have Lo Show hts Aye dy, ber te akumte = #4, then ether fy >4, 0 A 64, Lohe Py) <4, P, <% Pi < 4% oe rr = bhai fom Corolla aA A, 14,4 °° Ge =) P) fn uacing Oo a Oo QA Conbiadilion b= 4, ma b= %: Scanned with CamScanner dodeuphin go Irtguet aud ths flarat unis” 2 fom bts frndarenrtal Meow f atte c toe Krow Lot t4 pesigve Pnliges Can bt wo len cenigualy a ths pucducr gf pore femal chown 44 dard Ly cleliverins Ms ts pions povlougelin 3 lave! ametlod f fireling * ‘ dn officier if the mumbu i 4elg ‘ AA — fot Example’ puima foolsr,zalion f Srnalt guumber ' 24 AG = IKAXAXS aA ealy : pulene faclirizalion of toiye rremlet : 42233 G42933.= FKAQX AN Buk Mes Bolt het- of Livigon Scort f puferes 33,5 Lb aioe ab pine 7 3 4 adduss Ubu wx ue an offiiat sn Collud furood’ foslorigation vuguiad fa felanzation f loge inligoss ‘ i faateyzation: > dtm corto Ubed 2 No: clecimet ag Time 5° 3-4 Mb 74 youd 00 Scanned with CamScanner > famali facloei zation uo boned pn lho fottowsing Lemma * Lemena: % 9 uu an cdl fresitrve integer, len thee it a bne-lo- ud Cocucsporolauet Lebwan facto facloci gation gf m ite too fe indigo aud dbffasuew ¢ i ae an +@ 4 a& ge hoo fowls Labiger ancl chun 12 ab = bel at a 2 Gheps 4 Cony out tte onetiod of femal facliu zation: |. book fe tue Solution of tts Cguotion ns xia? “y | Ls febect Guces of we fun #7 AQ Now LO frd foclbcazabiva qn wa fe Sues ee Sguineet g 7 “a a-n, (eer on) (2 ny) iy gus oral ap bee Scanned with CamScanner faclbrize Cort using fora _frcleization plo ltt ay Sel n= bot7 frd (eore TFT by fera)-s Nbie—=Cleai X= 4F glut ale 1274 Cleoty 77 < Veorr J 78 Lonilusee Lt Soguenct : [at yen G2 M . aud putt tur pufect Squeut in Le Seg wanes : (m+ Non = 78-boi4 = 7 Not a prfech uot (" gin = far-bott 2G Na aw fuer Guat (443) ms Got bot = 32a Nola puget Huce git Loa? = 484 22a" ppafect” Syroes (2440 ce oT 2 za Now we Can Wik nerf whet ty a fort = gre aa. 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The dipuunct between tt farlom (2) w In donge & unde such tar, Farmale a uo 5s alton. appeal Tokin Jungting Uwalior Yn take initial x, To fadorise wn, Fumals a th ‘eit hicks (hey inegon to Uhusk thay oe pe AG UO Scanned with CamScanner eo Tntiocluckion 5 _ longue: Cong tuewut coe free aleuelofoed! YY Gault « Def a ard & ae Inligee, we Cay toot | au lorgpuut Lo & modulo 2 if am) (a2). witten ab ab (modm) Example 1; 9/ aa-4 > 9g = 4 (meld) Gxample & ° 4ala+s 9/3-(4) =) gb Grod9) > de coaching Lotth CP aad at if oflia astfel Lo Linslols Mew tole Gquolites- > ulte Pottosing fucpesilion is usecl L5 Liauslols . 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Compal M= mm ™M™ has & bmigue Q- pe ach 42 hd A Compu ge tM = my 7B 78) ; ms Scanned with CamScanner 3. fo Xi = gy" nod any using A 4 Te integet Ls E Ay fot fe) to Exomple |! each fe },2.-% dompuli 2 if by euclrondinn algeith7 au poe mm 4 Zi opiate a Solulv rd. Mt pen Cog eet “ gncelulo 1 - ; lion x mod 1 i dw anigee Solute Me ye cages x 1( meds) ae a (mods) ox 3 (mot) Scanned with CamScanner Now ) 2 md) | gs lmodla = x @) = 35! mod 3 ~ gnod 3 =X #)2 amod3 al ase-| =) Kaa %a= Ge! mod ™, 35 mod = A mod 3 Hs = ai nod & ar! made 2 6/ aix-]) z= ! moe! £ xe) ) var! mod &= ) mod S By = Ys oned om, feces | % = 1s lonad # y]isx-) n=] # = | mod Now the Solution Le Ae stir of cir A ae EF OY 4 (mod) jer = (135-8 PAA F31SH) mod (Of pep pec [OS 52 mod 106 Sw uences, Eeetin > Solon tue ston af Cong a 2b (mod) a = 13 (mod ib) ate 9 (modal) af 14 (mod ac) x AS Scanned with CamScanner Spe of dineat Cog huni : Het yoo Consider Lhe fystins of moe 7 4 gum than Bas Chee fncoloing Lbs Came / of unkmontur as Gf Congest’ opus 24 Ca ee, . have fa Gums hewn: fale a/b, ¢,d,64 ard om ba alight bith m0 3 (Am)! ghee be ad-be her that Gen of Cong euente! antty & e (wed) Catdg & $ (moclm) hes 4 cnigue Solutio qmodulo 9m pon by a 2 B (ae -bt) farod 0) q= B (et -ce) [modm lahil Zi an frrce of A medlado an - NoTE! |) Te aloue approoch Lan be tree! 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