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and cost negates any economic benefits of the intradermal route at

current vaccine prices. The vaccine price is likely to continue to fall
and the intramuscular route, which is effective, should be the
recommended method. This will ensure not only a much higher
conversion rate than that produced in Kurtz and colleagues’ study
but also avoid the need for post-vaccination antibody assay.
Northwick Park Hospital
and Clinical Research Centre,
Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3UJ J. A. LUNN


SIR,-Vancomycin is often reserved for seriously ill patients
being treated simultaneously with other drugs, making it difficult to
decide on the role of vancomycin if nephrotoxicity ensues. Our
study on renal function in patients on prophylactic vancomycin may
shed some light on this question.
In a prospective, randomised study of prophylactic vancomycin
in vascular prosthetic surgery caudal to the diaphragm’ patients
were randomly allocated to receive 1 g vancomycin in 100 ml saline

intravenously over 20 min 1 h before the operation and again 4 h

later (n=101) or physiological saline given in the same fashion
(n=99). Serum creatinine (normal 62-133 Vmol/1) was measured
before and after surgery. Because of missing data 4 patients were
excluded in the vancomycin group and 3 in the placebo group.
Nephrotoxicity was defined by an increase in creatinine
concentration of at least 40 J.1111ol/l above baseline.2
In the vancomycin group we found 14 cases of nephrotoxicity
(14%) and in the placebo group 2 (2%) (p < 0005). In all cases but 1
the creatinine peaked between postoperative days 1 and 5, usually
on day 2. In 10 of the patients in the vancomycin group who showed

signs of nephrotoxicity the serum creatinine level had returned to

normal or baseline by postoperative day 2-10 (average 4!days); 1
Haematological monitoring and renal function in man with acute
renal failure. patient died from heart failure 2 days after surgery and another from
myocardial infarction after 2 months, the serum creatinine in both
To convert haemoglobin in mmol/l to g,’dl multiply by 1 65. still being high; in the other 2 cases renal function had returned to
normal by 2 and 9 months. In the placebo group both patients
restoration of normal haemoglobin. The figure shows the data for a having abnormal renal function after surgery died shortly
65-year-old man with acute tubular necrosis after complicated afterwards.
surgery. Further studies on serum EPO in other types of acute renal Despite the many concurrent reasons for renal failure in vascular
failure, of EPO half-life in acute azotaemia, and on the effect of graft surgery, such as renal ischaemia during surgery on the
exogenous EPO in prolonged acute renal insufficiency are clearly abdominal aorta, hypotension, and postoperative infection, our
needed. Our preliminary conclusion, however, is that deficient study indicates that vancomycin, even in a short regimen, is
endocrine secretion of EPO may be an important facet of the acute responsible for reversible nephrotoxicity in several cases. This must
renal failure syndrome. be taken into account when weighting the pros and cons of

Medical Department P,
vancomycin therapy.
Division of Nephrology, Department of Thoracic
Rigshospitalet, OVE JUUL NIELSEN and Cardiovascular Surgery,
DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark J&Oslash;RN HESS THAYSEN Aarhus University Hospital, G. H. GUDMUNDSSON
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark L. JUHL JENSEN
1. McGonigle RJS, Wallin JD, Shadduck RK. Erythropoietin deficiency and
erythropoiesis m renal insufficiency Kidney Int 1984 25: 437-44 1 Jensen LJ, Aagaard MT, Schifter S Prophylactic vancomycin versus placebo in
2 Winearls CG, Oliver DO, Pippard MJ, et al. Effect of human Epo derived from arterial prosthetic reconstructions. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1985; 33.
recombinant DNA on the anaemia of patients maintained on chronic 2. Appel GB, Given DB, Levme LR, Cooper GL. Vancomycin and the kidney. Am J
haemodialysis. Lancet 1986; n 1175-79. Kidney Dis 1986; 8: 75-80.
3. Nielsen OJ. Determination of human Epo by radioimmunoassay: method and clinical
data. Clin Chim Acta 1988 176: 303-13.


SIR,-Dr Kurtz and colleagues report (Feb 25, p 451) the SiR,&mdash; Attention has recently been drawn to the contamination of
effectiveness of hepatitis B vaccine when given intradermally, and eggs with Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 (S enteritidis PT4).1;2
for economic reasons advocate this method. However, there are We would like to emphasise the life-threatening nature of infection
practical reasons why the intradermal method should not routinely with this organism in early infancy.
be used. We fmd that the recombinant vaccine, when given Case 1.-This boy had loose stools at 3 days of age. S enteritidis
intramuscularly to the same age group that Kurtz et al report on, PT4 was isolated from his stools and from those of his symptom-free
produces 100 IU/1 anti-HBs antibody or more in at least 97% of mother. He was discharged at 7 days but readmitted 2 days later
subjects. As is commonly accepted in the USA, post-vaccination with diarrhoea and severe dehydration. Five times a return to
antibody measurement after intramuscular injection is unnecessary formula (regrade) feeds was tried but diarrhoea persisted. At 4
in the under-40 age group. Kurtz and colleagues’ study emphasises weeks he was transferred to the Children’s Hospital, Birmingham.
that skill is needed for intradermal injection, and that efficacy varies He had hypocalcaemic and hypomagnesaemic convulsions, and was
with the route of administration and should not be assumed. In field very ill, with severe protein-energy malnutrition (weight-for-age
use a high standard of intradermal technique is not maintained and 54% of expected). He was hypoalbuminaemic (19 g/1) and anaemic
post-vaccination antibody measurement is mandatory. The time (haemoglobin Hb 7 7 g/dl), but not oedematous. Blood cultures

were sterile. Dietary regrading with a modular feed based on

minced chicken was successful, and he gained weight. However, 7
days after transfer, a previous infusion site became inflamed and
Notes and News
5 ml purulent fluid was aspirated. S enteritidis PT4 was isolated;
there was no radiological evidence of osteomyelitis and blood UNDERSTANDING WOMEN WITH POSITIVE
cultures were sterile. Oral amoxycillin was prescribed. The patient SMEARS
continued to gain weight but transfusion-dependent anaemia
A Lancet editorial (Jan 14, p 83) has already provoked letters
developed, and 16 days after transfer two pustules developed on the
surface of a cephalhaematoma and discharged purulent material: commenting critically on aspects of cervical laser therapy (Feb 11, p
culture again yielded S enteritidis. Drainage was successful. Blood 335; March 4, p 494). A doctor has sent us an anonymous account of
cultures were repeatedly sterile and amoxycillin was discontinued her own unpleasant experience of gynaecological treatment, which

after 19 days. The patient was discharged at age 9 weeks. we reproduce in part here.
Case 2.-This 8-week-old girl was admitted with a 10-day "... did I have cancer, as I feared, or only a few abnormal cells?
history of bloody diarrhoea. S enteritidis PT4 was isolated from the Friendly evasions are the opposite of reassuring, and histological
stool. The diarrhoea improved at first on a glucose-electrolyte findings are rarely shared with patients, even when they are
solution, but recrudesced on dietary regrading, with dehydration informed and ask. The tone of grim satisfaction with which the
clinic nurse told me: ’that’s what comes from sleeping with too
(plasma sodium 163 mmol/1) requiring intravenous fluids. Blood
cultures were sterile but intravenous chloramphenicol was given for many men too young’ made me want to hit her".
7 days. Further regrading onto a hydrolysed casein-based formula The patient’s first laser treatment was done without anaesthetic
was associated with more diarrhoea and dehydration. Weight gain and was watched by nine or ten men who were interested in the
was then satisfactory on the casein formula, initially given by technique. "Although I was offered the opportunity to ask them to
continuous infusion. She was discharged after 5 weeks but was leave, the offer was made in such a way as to make such a request

readmitted a few days later because of further diarrhoea, responding seem churlish and ungrateful... That gaggle of men’s faces peering
to another regrade. The stools were persistently positive for down my vagina is not a pleasant memory.The laser treatment was
S enteritidis PT4. excruciatingly painful. "They told me afterwards that the pain
Case 3.--An 11-week-old infant came to hospital with a 2-week indicator did not register a high level. I forgot to thank them for the
history of watery diarrhoea. S enteritidis PT4 was isolated from the computation. I was sent out into the windy streets of London utterly
stool and intravenous ampicillin was given for 7 days. Three dietary alone, with no glimmer of sympathy or concern about how I was
regrades were required because of persistent diarrhoea, despite a going to get home ... I had no advance warning of how weak I
would be, nor how much blood I would lose ... It was at least two
hydrolysed casein-based formula given by nasogastric infusion. She
was discharged after 19 days. weeks before the pain and blood loss ceased, bleeding which was
Haematogenous spread of S enteritidis in infancy (to bone, the interspersed with horrible black lumps of charred tissue. For
meninges, and soft tissues, for example) is well recognised, but until anyone less knowledgeable of medicine this could have been a truly
the strain PT4 emerged, protracted diarrhoea leading to protein- frightening experience. There had been no warning of that, either."
The treatment was unsuccessful. By the time a second operation
energy malnutrition in young babies seems to have been
uncommon.3 Subclinical bacteraemia is probably common,4 and it was arranged "enough other women had registered acceptable facial

has been suggested that salmonella infection in infants less than 3 expressions to justify pain relief. Repeat laser therapy, though
months of age should always be treated with antibiotics, despite the painless, was no more successful and cone biopsy was decided on.
risk of a prolonged carrier state. 5,6 Even though blood cultures were This procedure, which was successful, was accompanied by full
repeatedly sterile in our cases the metastatic infection observed explanations before and after the operation under anaesthetic.
supports that recommendation. The source of infection in two of However, "... the memory of the pain, embarrassment and trauma
our cases was unknown but S enteritidis PT4 infection in the UK is remains, and is re-activated whenever I have the smallest
commonly related to egg or poultry products, and the Department gynaecological problem ... In the right hands laser treatment may
of Health recommends that eggs should be cooked until the yolk is well be a useful, swift and economical therapy for cervical dysplasia.
hard before being fed to young children (or the elderly). Our cases In the wrong hands it’s a nightmare, even for a doctor, to undergo".
If that doctor could be treated in such an off-hand way, how
emphasise the virulent nature of the PT4 strain in early infancy, and
lend weight to this recommendation. much worse it must be for other patients-which is reflected in the
many books advising women how to cope with an abnormal cervical
Children’s Hospital,
J. H. CROSS smear finding and its consequences. The latest of these books is
Birmingham B16 8ET R. H. GEORGE Positive Smear.1
I. W. BOOTH Another effort to provide women with the emotional and
Sandwell District General Hospital,
Lyndon, West Bromwich A. J. MAYNE psychological backup they need was a conference held in London
earlier this month by Women and Medical Practice (WAMP),
1. Editorial. Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4: chicken and egg Lancet 1988; ii. 720-22. backed by a number of women’s health and cancer care groups, and
2.Sharp JCM. Salmonellosis and eggs. Br Med J 1988; 297: 1557-58 part sponsored by Penguin Books. The conference, entitled Positive
3. Lloyd Still JD, Schwachman H, Filler RM. Protracted diarrhea of infancy treated by Smear: A Positive Approach, afforded patients and health
intravenous alimentation. Am J Dis Child 1973; 125: 358-64.
4 Meadow WL, Schneider H,, Beem MO Salmonella enteritidis bacteremia in professionals a chance to hold a dialogue on these issues.
childhood. J Infect Dis 1985; 152: 185-89. The key-note of the report-back from the six afternoon
5 Nelson SJm Granoff D. Salmonella gastroenteritis in the first three months of life a workshops was the need for better communication: the provision of
review of management and complications. Clin Pediatr 1982, 21: 709-12.
accurate information, use of agreed terminology, demystification,
6. Sanders DY, Sinal SN, Morrison L. Chronic salmonellosis in infancy. Clin Pediatr
1974, 13: 640-43. destigmatisation, and counselling (though in the discussion that
followed a talk by Sue Mack, a psychotherapist, it was felt that
PRE-IMPLANTATION EMBRYOS? counselling is a luxury that cannot normally be afforded).
Understanding, by patients, of the medical rationale for
SIR,-A paper in your issue of Feb 18 (p 347) prompts the intervention and, by staff, of women’s feelings about that
following: intervention, was important, but judgmental messages that linked
A conceptus at pre-implantation women’s sexuality and cervical cancer were unhelpful, conclusions
Is at pre-embryonic gestation. also reached in a study published last year by the King’s Fund
You cannot dismiss (Prevention of Cervical Cancer: the Patient’s View, by T. Posner
That the blastocyst is and M. Vessey, see Lancet Jan 28, p 230).
The embryo’s younger relation
St George’s Hospital Medical School, 1 Positive Smear. By Susan Quilliam Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1989. Pp 185. &pound;3.99

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