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On-line Control of Rapid Aiming Movements:

Unexpected Target Perturbations and Movement Kinematics

MATTHEW HEATH, University of Waterloo

NICOLA J. HODGES, University of British Columbia
ROMEO CHUA, University of Alberta
DIGBY ELLIOTT, McMaster University

Abstract Two experiments were conducted to assess the use die initial movement trajectory if response-produced feedback
of on-line visual information during rapid goal-directed indicates that die limb will fall outside of die target bound-
aiming movements. In both experiments, participants were aries. Thus, this second phase of the movement is dependent
required to complete a discrete aiming movement to a single on visual and proprioceptive information about the position
target on a graphics tablet. In Experiment 1, during 76% of of the end-effector in relation to the target. According to
the experimental trials, the target width remained constant Woodworth, it is the current control phase diat is responsible
throughout the movement. The remaining 24% of the trials for the speed-accuracy relation observed during rapid goal-
were evenly divided between two target perturbations in directed aiming. Although this original formulation by
which the width of the target unexpectedly increased or Woodworth has undergone numerous transformations, the
decreased in si2e upon movement initiation. During Experi- important components of the model still feature prominendy
ment 2, the spatial location of the single target was perturbed in current explanations of limb control (i.e., Abrams, Meyer,
to a new location closer to, or further away from the original & Kornblum, 1990; Beggs & Howarth, 1970; Carlton, 1979,
target position. The proportion of perturbation trials re- 1981,1992; Chua & Elliott, 1993; Meyer, Abrams, Komblum,
mained constant across experiments. The results indicated Wright, & Smith, 1988).
that peak velocity was determined prior to movement initia- A good model of limb control should not only explain the
tion in order to meet the speed-accuracy demands of the well-known relation between speed and accuracy (Fitts, 1954;
original target width or movement amplitude. In contrast, Fitts & Peterson, 1964), but also how the characteristics of the
during deceleration, participants modified their movement aiming trajectories will change widi the accuracy demands of
trajectories to account for a perturbation in target width or the movement and the availability of task-relevant informa-
movement amplitude. These data suggest that on-line moni- tion. An examination of movement kinematics indicates diat
toring of visual information can be used to modify the latter increases in movement time with increasing accuracy de-
half of a movement trajectory. mands are primarily due to an increase in die time spent
following peak velocity, when die limb is decelerating and
executing any adjustments required to hit die target (i.e.,
The issue of how goal-directed aiming movements are Langolf, Chaffin, & Foulke, 1976; MacKenzie, Marteniuk,
controlled has been controversial since the seminal studies of Dugas, liske, & Eickmeier, 1987). Presumably, this extra time
Woodworth (1899) almost a century ago. A major concern is required to process and use visual and proprioceptive
has been whether the control of aiming movements is a feedback about die relative positions of the limb and target in
continual process as feedback-based models posit (i.e., order to reduce any error associated with the initial movement
Adams, 1971), whether they are planned wholly in advance of impulse (Chua & Elliott, 1993). This explanation of the
execution (i.e., planned control; Plamondon, 1995a, 1995b; dynamics of movement trajectories is based partly on findings
Schmidt, Zelaznik, Hawkins, Frank, & Quinn, 1979), or if the which indicate that when vision is occluded upon movement
process is some combination of the two (Beggs & Howarth, initiation, less of the total movement time is spent after peak
1970; Grossman & Goodeve, 1963/1983). velocity, compared to situations in which vision is available
Woodworth (1899) originally coined the terms "initial over the entire course of die movement (Chua & Elliott, 1993;
impulse" and "current control" to describe simple aiming Elliott, Carson, Goodman, & Chua, 1991). Some studies have
movements as a combination of both central and feedback- also shown diat when vision of the aiming limb and target is
based processes. Specifically, an initial impulse is programmed available, there are a greater number of secondary accelera-
before the movement begins to bring the end-effector close tions and significant deviations in the acceleration profile than
to the target. Current control is evoked to correct for error in in visually degraded conditions (Elliott, Chua, Pollock, &

Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1998, 52:4, 163-173

164 Heath, Hodges, Chua, and Elliott

Lyons, 1995; Elliott, Lyons, & Dyson, 1997; cf. Elliott et al., Experiment 1
1991). These fluctuations in the trajectory are thought to The purpose of Experiment 1 was to evaluate the relative
reflect corrections to the movement made on the basis of importance of prior planning and the on-line use of afferent
response-produced visual feedback (Chua & Elliott, 1993; information in the control of goal-directed aiming move-
van Donkelaar & Franks, 1991). ments. We created a situation in which new visual information
Although an increase in movement time with greater pertaining to the movement goal was made available following
accuracy demands (Fitts, 1954) has been attributed to the the initiation of a movement, thereby creating a requirement
utilization of visual information during the movement, there to modify the originally planned movement. Specifically, we
have been alternative explanations for the trade-off between examined the ability of the performer to adapt to changes in
speed and accuracy. For example, Wallace and Newell (1983) target size that sometimes occurred upon movement initia-
have shown that in the absence of vision, speed-accuracy tion. This type of perturbation occurs frequently in everyday
trade-offs are still observed (cf. Elliott & Allard, 1985; Keele living (i.e., reaching for an object that is further than originally
& Posner, 1968). As well, Schmidt et al. (1979) have argued planned) and is a concern in occupations that utilize remote
that the speed-accuracy relation is due to variability associated feedback. For instance, during microscopic surgery, surgeons
with the initial movement impulse and therefore the result of are often exposed to situations in which the size of the object
movement programming prior to initiation (cf., Elliott, Heath, they are manipulating (i.e., blood vessel) unexpectedly changes
Binstead, Ricker, Roy, & Chua, 1998). following a movement (i.e., preparing a suture, see Starkes &
Recently, Plamondon (1995a, 1995b; Plamondon & Alimi, Allard, 1993). Given this scenario, on-line control of the
1997) has proposed a model to account for speed-accuracy effector is essential for ensuring overall movement precision.
trade-offs and the kinematic characteristics of goal-directed If the target-directed movement is planned entirely in
movements. According to Plamondon's kinematic theory, advance without subsequent feedback-based updates about
rapid goal-directed movements are controlled in a pro- the trajectory, then changing the target size and associated
grammed fashion, thereby minimizing the role of vision and index of difficulty (see Fitts, 1954) should have little or no
other afferent information during movement execution. impact on movement time or the characteristics of the
Specifically, Plamondon and Alimi (1997, p. 298) claim that, movement trajectory. That is, the movement time and
"No visual feedback is needed during the movement, except movement kinematics should reflect the target characteristics
... for the preparation of the next movement." In contrast to prior to movement initiation. For example, compared to a
feedback-based explanations of discontinuities in the velocity small target, participants should reach higher peak velocities
and acceleration profiles of a movement, Plamondon and and spend less time after peak velocity when aiming at targets
Alimi propose that variations in the movement profile are larger in initial size. Moreover, even if the new target informa-
emergent properties of an agonist-antagonist synergy. Specifi- tion can be utilized to prepare a secondary movement, as the
cally, multiple peaks in the velocity profile of a movement are kinematic theory allows, it should only be in those situations
the result of different timing properties between the impulse where modifications to the movement trajectory are observed.
commands of opposing muscles, and not due to the imple- In contrast, when the goal of the movement remains invari-
mentation of new commands based on feedback-based ant, then the movement should be carried out in a pro-
processes. grammed fashion and be devoid of indications that continu-
Thus, in contrast to other perspectives on the regulation of ous, feedback-based guidance occurred (Le., discontinuities in
movement (i.e., Chua & Elliott, 1993; Elliott et al., 1991; the acceleration profile following peak velocity). Models
Heath, Roy, & Weir, 1998), which posit the on-line utilization emphasizing the importance of on-line visual processing
of afferent information (i.e., visual) to guide the limb to the would suggest that the movement kinematics should be
goal, Plamondon's kinematic theory (i.e., Plamondon & Alimi, influenced by the new movement and target information.
1997) essentially emphasizes movement control that is Specifically, participants would be expected to spend more
primarily central in nature. In particular, the movement that time following peak velocity and make a greater number of
results from the actions of an agonist-antagonist synergy is adjustments to their movement trajectory, when faced with a
executed without the use of feedback for guidance. target that has unexpectedly decreased in width immediately
Plamondon and Alimi acknowledge that feedback could be following movement initiation. Indeed, these feedback-based
used to prepare a new movement, should new information models would also suggest that evidence of on-line utilization
become available during an initial movement that indicates a of visual information should be evident even when the goal of
need to change the original trajectory. However, the new the movement does not change during the movement.
movement would itself be executed in a programmed manner.
In sum, the kinematic theory proposes that feedback can play METHOD
a role in the preparation of movement but not in the on-line Participants. Ten volunteers from the McMaster University
regulation of the movement. community (6 men and 4 women) ranging in age from 23 to
On-line Control of Rapid Aiming Movements 165

of the movement to the centre of the target remained con-

stant at 13 cm.1

Inverted Computer Monitor

Procedure. Participants were seated in front of the target-aiming
apparatus such dial the midline of dieir body was aligned with
the primary direction of die movement (Y axis). Participants
were told to use die mouse to move die cursor from die
home position to die target "as quickly and as accurately as
Fully Silvered Mirror
possible." Participants were instructed diat it was not crucial
Table Top to hit the centre of die target, but rather that any trial in -which
the cursor was widiin the target boundary was correct. The
Graphics Tablet
monitor provided vision of the cursor, home position, and
target diroughout the movement.
Each participant completed 16 practice trials. Four of diese
practice trials included target perturbations to die small and
large targets (i.e., 2 each). Thus, participants were not naive to
the fact die target size could change during die experimental
trials. At die end of die practice trials, participants performed
Figure 1. Schematic of apparatus. 200 experimental trials, in two blocks of 100 trials. Once
again, on 76% of diese trials target size did not change,
37 years volunteered to participate in the study. All partici- whereas the remaining trials included perturbations to the
pants had normal or corrected-to-normal vision and were small and large target. The position of perturbation trials was
right-handed by self-report. randomly assigned widiin each block of trials. Upon comple-
tion of die experimental trials, participants were given at least
Apparatus and task. A schematic of the apparatus appears in a 5-minute rest period. After die rest period, participants were
Figure 1. The apparatus consisted of a modified computer required to complete 60 control trials. The control trials
monitor with an inverted screen image. This image was consisted of non-perturbed aiming movements to each target
projected on a fully silvered mirror such dial a computer widdi (small, medium, and large). Thus, the target that
cursor and target displayed on the monitor were reflected on appeared prior to movement initiation remained constant
the mirror and superimposed on the hand, which made throughout die movement and participants were aware diat
aiming movements direcdy underneath die mirror. Partici- trials would not be perturbed. The control trials were con-
pants held a computer mouse (SummaSketch II 4-button ducted and analyzed in two blocks of 10 trials for each target
mouse) with dieir dominant hand and made aiming move- size. The order of target size for the control trials was
ments on a 58.5 x 44.5 cm graphics tablet (SummaSketch II randomized separately for each participant. Any trial(s)
professional MMII1812 ) which sampled at its maximum rate including movement prior to the appearance of die target
of 138.85 Hz (one sample/7.2 ms). Participants were required were excluded from further analysis.
to move a solid yellow cursor (0.5 cm) into a red home
position (circular opening of 0.75 cm) at the beginning of Data reduction. The raw displacement data in the primary
each trial. The mapping between die graphics tablet and direction of movement (Y axis)2 were filtered with a second-
computer monitor was direct, such that a 1-cm displacement order dual-pass Butterworth filter using a low-pass cutoff
of the computer mouse corresponded to 1-cm displacement frequency of 6 Hz.3 Instantaneous velocity and acceleration
of die cursor. Once die home position had been achieved, a
target of solid blue appeared on die mirror direcdy anterior to ' Index of difficulty is defined as the relationship between movement
die cursor and home position. Achieving diis target location amplitude and target width, and represents the number of bits of
required linear displacement of die hand away from die information associated with the movement (ID logj (2A/W)). The indices
of difficulty associated with the small, medium, and large targets in
midline of the body. Participants were required to make a Experiment 1 were 2.7, 4.2, and 5.7 bits, respectively.
rapid, but accurate, aiming movement to diis single target
which appeared 13 cm directly in front of die home position. The primary direction of movement (Y-axis) was oriented in the
antero-posterior plane. The X-axis was oriented in the medial-lateral
On 76% of the trials, the target appearing prior to movement plane.
initiation (width =1.5 cm) remained constant in size; however
on 24% of trials, a target perturbation occurred when the * The low-pass Butterworth filter is designed to reduce, or attenuate, high
frequency components of a signal (typically noise), while allowing low
cursor left die home position. On half of die perturbation frequency components (movement related) to pass through unattenuated.
trials a smaller target appeared (width = 0.5 cm), and on die The frequency cutoff set for the filter represents the boundary values
other half, a larger target appeared (width = 4 cm). Amplitude between the high and low frequency components (Winter, 1990).
166 Heath, Hodges, Chua, and Elliott

Mean Movement Time (ms), Constant Error (mm), Variable Error (mm), Peak Velocity (mm/s), Time To Peak Velocity (ms), Time After Peak Velocity (ms),
and Corrective Submovements as a Function of Condition, Target, and Block in Experiment 1

Experimental Condition Control Condition

Dependent Variable/Block small medium large small medium large

Movement Time
Block 1 577 543 481 622 533 427
Block 2 588 543 484 590 512 426

Constant Error
Block 1 -1.62 -2.52 -4.12 -1.88 -1.47 -6.67
Block 2 -2.21 -2.04 -2.91 -1.99 -1.74 -5.16

Variable Error
Block 1 3.11 6.41 5.17 1.93 3.63 8.38
Block 2 2.63 4.26 4.15 2.91 3.30 5.30

Peak Velocity
Block 1 879 862 852 832 889 957
Block 2 887 890 901 854 907 1,027

Time to Peak Velocity

Block 1 189 190 184 190 187 170
Block 2 190 188 184 188 190 163

Time After Peak Velocity

Block 1 388 352 295 431 347 261
Block 2 398 353 301 403 317 256

Number of Corrections
Block 1 0.86 0.78 0.58 0.91 0.83 0.61
Block 2 0.97 0.77 0.63 0.87 0.73 0.63

were determined by differentiating displacement and velocity in acceleration that did not lead to a change in sign. Following
data, respectively, using a two-point central finite difference Chua and Elliott (1993), these fluctuations in acceleration were
algorithm (Elliott et al, 1991). required to last at least 72 ms (i.e., 10 samples in this study)
The first instantaneous velocity equal to, or greater than 30 and meet an amplitude criterion of 10% of the greatest
mm/s defined the beginning of the movement. The end of absolute acceleration value. Reversals were simply positive to
the movement was considered when the absolute velocity negative transitions in velocity which reflect a change from
value fell below the 30 mm/s value for more than five forward to backward movement. A custom interactive
samples (36 ms). Movement time was calculated by dividing program was used to identify when a particular type of
the number of samples between the beginning and the end of correction was present during a trial. These corrections were
the movement by the sampling frequency. In the same tallied and divided by the number of trials in each condition to
manner, the number of samples between the beginning of the determine the average number of corrections per trial.
movement and the sample at which peak velocity was attained The dependent measures included movement time, peak
was used to determine the time to peak velocity. velocity, time to peak velocity, time after peak velocity, the
The appearance of corrective submovements is further mean number of corrections per trial, as well as constant and
evidence that movement trajectories were modified on the variable error in the direction of the movement. Constant
basis of feedback-based information. Corrective sub- error is simply the mean signed error in displacement between
movements were assessed by examining the velocity and the centre of the target and the centre of the cursor at the end
acceleration profiles for each trial. These corrective of the movement, while variable error is the within-subject
submovements were defined as significant deviations in standard deviation of these signed errors. The error measures
acceleration over and above the primary acceleration and were employed to determine if spatial accuracy and consis-
deceleration, and included deviations before and after peak tency (i.e., effective target width) changed as a function of
velocity, and secondary zero-crossings. As well, reversals in experimental manipulation. Along with movement time, they
the direction of movement were determined from the velocity reflect a participant's performance. In terms of the kinematic
profiles. Zero-crossings were negative to positive transitions measures, peak velocity and time to peak velocity are usually
in acceleration, while significant deviations were "fluctuations" taken to reflect the programming that takes place prior to
On-line Control of Rapid Aiming Movements 167

movement initiation. In contrast, time after peak velocity and Target, F(2,18) = 5.02, MSB = 19.43,/> < .02, indicating that
the number of corrections per trial are thought to represent variability increased with target size regardless of experimental
the degree of on-line control (see Chua & Elliott, 1993). condition. The non significant finding for Condition
F(l,9) < 1, MSB = 13.70, suggested that target perturbations
RESULTS did not affect aiming consistency. Thus, participants termi-
All dependent variables were analyzed by a 2 Condition nated their movements in a manner consistent with the
(experimental, control) x 3 Target (small, medium, large) x 2 boundaries of the end target. A Target x Block interaction,
Block (first, second) repeated measures analysis of variance. F(2,18) = 3.58, MSB = 3.83,p < .05, indicated that participants
Significant effects and interactions were further analyzed became less variable during die second block of trials for the
using Tukey's HSD procedure (p < .05). Note that during the large and small target. Variability for the medium target did
experimental condition, the medium target represented not change as a function of block.
movements in which no change in target size occurred, and
that small and krge targets represented the perturbation trials. Peak velocity. To help identify the locus of the target effects, as
The mean values for each treatment and dependent measure well as die interaction between experimental condition and
are presented in Table 1. Only those main effects or interac- target size for movement time, peak velocity and die timing
tions reaching conventional levels of significance (p = .05) are characteristics of the movement trajectories were examined.
discussed. Analysis of peak velocity revealed a main effect for Target,
F(2,18) = 4.08, MSB = 12,747.01, p < .04, as well as a Condi-
Movement time. Analysis of mean movement time revealed a tion x Target interaction, F(2,18) = 4.84, MSB = 12,628.21,
main effect for Target, F(2,18) = 80.28, MSB = 2,296.68, p < .03. The peak velocities achieved when aiming toward
p < .001, as well as a Condition x Target interaction, F(2,18) targets in the experimental condition were essentially die
= 8.10, MSB - 1,623.96, p < .01. On average, movement time same, whereas in die control condition, participants demon-
decreased as die target size increased (i.e., lower index of strated a linear increase in velocity widi target size. These
difficulty; see Fitts, 1954). Movement time in the experimental findings suggest that peak velocity was programmed prior to
condition was not affected to the same extent by the final movement initiation and was not modified during perturbed
target size compared to the control condition, ahhough a trials.
linear trend was still apparent. As shown in Table 1, partici-
pants took longer to complete their movements to the large Time to peak velocity. Analysis of the time taken to reach peak
target in the experimental situation than they did in the velocity revealed a main effect of Target, F(2,18) = 3.96,
control condition. In contrast, mean movement time for the MSB = 755.56, p < .04. On average, participants took less time
small and medium targets did not vary as a function of to achieve peak velocity when moving to a large target
experimental treatment. (small =189 ms; medium =190 ms; krge 185 = ms).

Ernr measures. Analysis of constant error yielded a main effect Time after peak velocity. Given the absence of a target size
for Target, F(2,18) = 17.34, MSB = 5.93, p < .001, as well as influence on peak velocity in the perturbation conditions and
Condition x Target, F(2,18) = 7.53, MSB = 3.46, p < .01 and the very minor impact on time to peak velocity, it was
Target x Block, F(2,18) = 5.76, MSB = 1.34,/> < .02, interac- deduced diat the influence of target size on movement time
tions. As anticipated, the size of the target influenced accu- was attributed to die interval after peak velocity. Analysis of
racy. Constant error for the krge target was greater than that movement time spent after peak velocity yielded a main effect
for the small and medium targets which did not differ for Target, F(2,18) = 84.25, MSB = 1,909.89, p < .001, and a
significandy from one anodier. The Condition x Target Condition x Target interaction, F(2,18) = 6.06, MSB =
interaction indicated that, when die target size increased, 1,728.51,p < .01. The interaction indicated diat a perturbation
participants were more accurate for experimental trials dian to die small target resulted in less time following peak velocity
control trials. Presumably, the amount of error was reduced dian its corresponding control condition, while a perturbation
during diese trials because participants had originally prepared to a large target resulted in an increased time following peak
dieir movements to meet the more stringent accuracy de- velocity when compared to its control counterpart. Aldiough
mands of the medium target. Although there was always slight the control and perturbation conditions differed significandy,
undershooting of the target centre, constant error did not vary it is apparent in Table 1 that participants modified dieir
as a function of experimental condition for either the small or movement trajectories during perturbation trials to account
medium targets. The Target x Block interaction indicated for changes in target size.
that, during the second block of trials, participants became
more adept at aiming to the centre of the large target. Corrective submovements. Typically, at least some of the time after
Analysis of variable error revealed only a main effect for peak velocity may be spent making time-consuming correc-
168 Heath, Hodges, Chua, and Elliott

tions to the movement trajectory on the basis of response- ately" during perturbed trials, participants were able to utilize
produced feedback. Examination of secondary/corrective visual information in the later stages of a movement to meet
modifications revealed only a main effect for Target, F(2,18) the demands of the new target characteristics.
= 9.24, MSB = 0.09, p < .01. On average, a smaller target size Because the trajectory characteristics are strongly influ-
resulted in an increased number of movement corrections. enced by the final target size, there is strong support for on-
The absence of a main effect for condition, F(l,9) < 1, MSB = line visual regulation of rapid goal-directed movements, at
0.18, reflected the finding that participants made as many least during the final portion of the movement trajectory.
modifications to their movement trajectories when moving to These findings are inconsistent with programmed models of
targets in the experimental and control conditions. manual aiming which stress the importance of prior planning
and diminish the importance of on-line visual processing
DISCUSSION during an aiming movement (Plamondon, 1995a, 1995b;
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relative Schmidt etal., 1979).
importance of prior planning and the on-line use of afferent
information during movement execution in the control of Experiment 2
goal-directed aiming movements. Specifically, we were In Experiment 1, we created a situation in which the target
interested in determining whether the duration, accuracy, and constraints during movement preparation were sometimes
kinematics of a movement are determined entirely prior to different than those during movement execution. While
movement initiation, or whether a performer is able to adapt movement preparation may not always have been optimal for
his or her movement en route to a target when unexpectedly the optimization of speed and accuracy, the centre of the
provided with new accuracy constraints. In addition, we medium, small, and large target remained in the same location,
hoped to determine whether changes in target size would affording a movement of the same amplitude. Presumably this
affect either the initial impulse toward the target (i.e., rapid created a situation that may have forced participants to brake
reprogramming), or what is normally considered to be the their movements more intensely over a shorter period of time
corrective phase of the movement (i.e., time after peak when faced with a larger target during execution, and less
velocity; the number of discontinuities in deceleration), or intensely over a longer period of time when the target became
both. smaller. These adjustments in deceleration as well as discrete
In terms of the performance data, movement time in all changes in acceleration/deceleration (i.e., secondary zero-
conditions was determined more by the final target size than crossings) would serve to make end-point variability conform
by its initial characteristics. This finding is inconsistent with to the new target boundaries.
strong central models of limb control, which would predict In Experiment 2, we employed a target perturbation
movement time values based on the original target character- designed to make the amplitude of the original movement
istics only. Although final target size influenced movement inappropriate for target acquisition. During experimental trial
time to a larger degree than initial target size, the initial blocks, participants prepared for exactly the same target as in
impulse of a movement appeared to be programmed to meet Experiment 1 (i.e., the medium target). On 24% of the trials,
aiming constraints of the original target. In fact, peak velocity rather than becoming bigger or smaller on movement
was relatively unaffected by changes in target characteristics initiation, the target moved closer to, or further away from die
that occurred immediately following movement initiation. home position. We expected this change in movement
This is consistent with the notion that the initial phase of a amplitude to create a situation in which the initial impulse
movement is controlled centrally and operates without the aid would be either too large or too small for target acquisition.
of peripheral sources of information including response- Our goal was to once again determine whether or not
produced feedback (i.e., Beggs & Howarth, 1970; Carlton, participants would be able to adjust for this perturbation en
1981; Woodworm, 1899). route to the target, and if so, to determine how on-line
In spite of an initial impulse that was sometimes inappro- control of movement trajectories are accomplished.
priate for the optimization of speed and accuracy due to the
unexpected perturbations, participants achieved movement METHOD
time values consistent with the final target size while hitting Participants. Ten volunteers from the McMaster university
the target. As stated previously (Chua & Elliott, 1993; Elliott community (6 men, 4 women) ranging in age from 23 to 47
et al., 1991,1995,1997,1998), it is the time after completion years volunteered to participate in this research project. Nine
of the primary movement impulse, and before or during of the 10 participants had also participated in Experiment 1.
secondary/corrective movements, that vision may have its
greatest influence on movement accuracy. Not surprisingly Apparatus and task. The apparatus and general aiming proce-
then, in the current experiment the time after peak velocity dures were the same as in Experiment 1. What differed
was reflective of the final target size. Thus, even though the between experiments was the nature of the target perturba-
initial submovement may have been prepared "inappropri- tion. In Experiment 2, perturbations involved a change in
On-line Control of Rapid Aiming Movements 169

Mean Movement Time (ms), Constant Error (mm), Variable Error (mm), Peak Velocity (mm/s), Time To Peak Velocity (ms), Time After Peak Velocity (ms),
and Corrective Submovements as a Function of Condition, Target, and Block in Experiment 2

Dependent Variable/ Experimental Condition Control Condition

near middle far near middle far

Movement Time
Block 1 593 623 679 584 580 613
Block 2 622 619 698 568 582 604

Constant Error
Block 1 0.74 6.72 -3.12 -1.76 6.81 -.82
Block 2 -.78 7.26 -1.77 -1.64 7.08 -.45

Variable Error
Block 1 4.98 4.94 3.93 3.18 3.08 3.12
Block 2 4.27 3.47 3.19 3.33 4.13 3.44

Peak Velocity
Block 1 660 660 676 611 680 710
Block 2 648 655 655 634 658 709

Time to Peak Velocity

Block 1 210 210 206 209 213 218
Block 2 218 215 220 204 216 226

Time After Peak Velocity

Block 1 382 412 472 374 366 395
Block 2 403 403 477 364 364 378

Number of Corrections
Block 1 1.16 1.09 1.27 1.03 0.89 0.98
Block 2 1.20 1.12 1.37 1.08 0.89 1.04

movement amplitude, rather than a change in target size as the 10 used in Experiment I.5 All other experimental and data
was the case in Experiment 1. Therefore, in the experimental reduction procedures replicated those of Experiment 1.
condition, 76% of the trials were not perturbed, and move-
ment amplitude was constant (middle target). The remaining RESULTS
24% of the trials were evenly divided between the two The variables and analyses employed in Experiment 2 were
perturbations. In one case, the amplitude was decreased on the same as those used in Experiment 1. The mean values for
movement initiation by moving the target 1.5 cm closer to the each level of experimental treatment and dependent measure
home position (near target). In the second case, the amplitude are presented in Table 2.
was increased, resulting in a new target position 1.5 cm
further than the original target (far target). Therefore the three Movement time. Analysis of mean movement time revealed main
movement amplitudes were 11.5 cm, 13 cm, and 14.5 cm. effects for Condition, F(l,9) = 11.91, MSB = 6,360.87,/> < .01,
Target width remained constant at 1.5 cm.4 and Target, F(2,18) = 9.81, MSB = 3,752.92, p < .001. On
average, the duration of movements in the experimental
Procedure. Upon completion of the experimental trials, partici- condition (639 ms) were longer than those in the control
pants were required to complete two blocks of control trials. condition (589 ms). The prolonged movement time for
In contrast to Experiment 1, 72 control trials, which consisted experimental trials may be reflective of participants slowing
of non-perturbed movements to each target amplitude, were their movements in response to the uncertainty of target
administered. Thus, there were 12 trials per block instead of location. Regardless of the experimental condition, partici-
pants took longer to complete their movements as movement
amplitude increased. As is apparent in Table 2, the difference
Index of difficulty varied from Experiment 1 to Experiment 2. This was
due to the distance for which the computer monitor could accommodate
displacement of the target in the Y axis. The indices of difficulty for the Twelve control trials per block were employed in Experiment 2 to equate
near, middle, and far targets in Experiment 2 were 3.9, 4.1, and 4.2 bits, the proportion of near and far target perturbations in the two experimen-
respectively. tal conditions.
170 Heath, Hodges, Chua, and Elliott

between the original middle target and the far target location Time to peak velocity. Analysis of the time taken to achieve peak
was greater than the difference between the middle and near velocity revealed a main effect for Target, F(2,18) = 5.74,
location (cf. Fitts, 1954). MSB = 90.31, p < .02, and a Condition x Target interaction,
F(2,18) = 7.24, MSB = 86.03, p < .01. In the experimental
Error measures. As in Experiment 1, analysis of constant error condition, participants achieved peak velocity at similar times
revealed a main effect for Target, F(2,18) = 236.31, regardless of final target size (near = 215 ms, middle = 213
MSB = 3.92,^> < .001, a two-way interaction involving Condi- ms, far = 214 ms). In contrast, during the control situation
tion and Target, F(2,18) = 4.69, MSB = 4.80, p < .03, and a there was a linear increase in the time taken to achieve peak
three-way interaction of Condition, Target and Block, velocity with movement amplitude (near = 207 ms, middle =
F(2,18) = 5.21, MSB = 1.58,/> < .02. The Condition x Target 215ms, far = 222ms).
interaction indicated that participants were more accurate
aiming to the near target during the experimental trials as Time after peak velocity. Analysis of the time after peak velocity
opposed to control trials (experimental = -0.8 mm, control revealed main effects for Condition, F(l,9) = 17.30,
= -1.7 mm). In contrast, participants were more accurate MSB - 4,582.09, p < .05, Target, F(2,18) = 7.52, MSB =
during control trials when aiming to the far target (experimen- 3,094.22,p < .01, as well as a Condition x Target interaction,
tal = -2.5 mm, control — -1.1 mm). Accuracy to the middle F(2,18) = 4.11, MSB = 2,636.52, p < .05. The interaction
target did not differ as a function of experimental conditions, indicated that the time after peak velocity was significantly
and in both cases the endpoint was well short of the target greater during experimental trials, although both conditions
centre (experimental = -7.0 mm, control = -6.9 mm). The showed that time after peak velocity increased with amplitude.
accuracy differences between the near and far targets in the As was the case for movement time, time after peak velocity
two experimental conditions may relate to the distance was less during a near target perturbation and greater for a far
between the target and cursor at the end of the primary target perturbation in comparison to their respective control
submovement. We have demonstrated elsewhere (i.e., Elliott counterparts.
et al., 1997) that in order to minimize the necessity for time-
consuming reversals in movement trajectories, participants Corrective submovements. To further understand why participants
may adopt a strategy in which the primary submovement required more time after peak velocity to complete a move-
generally undershoots the target. If necessary, a secondary ment, analysis of the mean number of corrective movements
acceleration is employed to bring the limb onto the target. was conducted. As might be expected, participants made
This movement strategy may have led to greater accuracy more corrections in the experimental trials when compared to
when the middle target was perturbed to the near position, as control trials, F(l,9) = 10.43, MSB = 0.13, p < .02. When
the primary submovement for the middle target was roughly compared to Experiment 1, more corrective movements were
equivalent to the end location of the near target. The three- made when the amplitude of the movement was perturbed, in
way interaction simply indicated that during the second block spite of the fact that the differences between the accuracy
of trials, participants were more accurate aiming to the near constraints employed in Experiment 2 were less than that of
target during perturbed trials then to the same target during Experiment 1. Although the number of corrections was
control trials. Additionally, during perturbed trials, aiming greater in Experiment 2, the mean number of corrections for
accuracy to the far target increased from block one to each target location and experimental condition indicated that
block two. participants engaged in visual processing kte in the movement
Analysis of variable error did not reveal any significant in order to meet the changing characteristics of the target.
main effects or interactions. The absence of main effects for
Condition and Target (ps > 0.10) indicated that the consis- DISCUSSION
tency of movement endpoints was unaffected by the uncer- The goal of this study was to determine the nature of move-
tainty of movement amplitude, or by the actual movement ment regulation during a rapid goal-directed aiming move-
amplitude. ment in which the spatial location (movement amplitude) of
a target is perturbed upon movement initiation. Based on the
Peak velocity. Similar to Experiment 1, analysis of peak velocity findings from Experiment 1, we hypothesized that the
yielded a main effect for Target, F(2,18) = 50.16, primary movement would be prepared to meet the constraints
MSB = 489.32, p < .001, as well as a Condition x Target of the initial target, and would remain invariant in the pres-
interaction, F(2,18) = 13.31, MSB = 1,062.87, p < .01. The ence of a perturbation. In contrast, secondary/corrective
interaction demonstrated that the scaling of peak velocity was submovements based on visual information about the target
primarily affected by the initial location of the target. Thus, and changes in target location would be rapidly processed in
the initial ballistic phase of the movement remained invariant order to achieve a high degree of aiming accuracy and
despite a change in target amplitude at the onset of consistency.
movement. Movement time data indicated that participants •were slower
On-line Control of Rapid Aiming Movements 171

in the experimental condition compared to the control determine die nature of limb control under situations in
condition. These movement time results were somewhat which new information pertaining to the movement goal is
surprising when considering that the speed-accuracy con- made available during the onset of a movement. The presen-
straints used in Experiment 2 -were smaller than Experiment 1, tation of this information presumably creates a requirement
in which a significant main effect for condition was not to modify the originally planned movement trajectory. This
evident. However, these results may be belter understood allowed us to examine the relative importance of prior
through an examination of the movement kinematics. Specifi- planning and the on-line use of afferent information during
cally, our findings show that, like Experiment 1, the duration movement execution in die control of target-directed limb
and magnitude of the primary movement impulse was pre- movements.
planned and remained invariant in spite of changes in the Several salient features in the present set of results speak
target's spatial location. Once again, it was during the time after to die nature of limb control. In particular, examination of the
peak velocity that participants adapted to the target perturba- movement kinematics revealed that the initial portion of the
tion. In contrast to Experiment 1, participants did not rapidly movement trajectory was sensitive to the initial characteristics
adjust to target perturbations, suggesting that perturbing the of the target (i.e., its size and location) and was largely
spatial location of a target precipitated a greater number of uninfluenced by the changes that occurred at the onset of
time-consuming modifications to the movement trajectory. In movement. The impact of the new target information was
support of this view, the mean number of corrections in seen primarily in the latter part of the trajectory, during which
Experiment 2 (1.1) was proportionately higher than Experi- evidence of modifications to the movement was observed.
ment 1 (0.8). Participants may have adopted a strategy of Presumably the changes seen later in the movement reflected
deliberately slowing their movements in experimental trials, on-line regulation of die movement based on the new visual
where visual information in the latter stages of the movement information that had become available. This pattern of results
trajectory would be more effective for increasing aiming is consistent with two-component models of limb control in
accuracy (see also Carlton, 1981; Chua & Elliott, 1993). which movement modifications are made during the latter
In summary, the results of Experiment 2 support the phase of die movement (i.e., Woodworth, 1899). These results
notion of a two-component model for rapid goal-directed would also be consistent if one takes into account the
aiming movements (i.e., Carlton, 1981; Woodworth, 1899), constraints of visual processing delays (see Cadton, 1992).
whereby visual information in die latter half of die movement The presence of such system delays would suggest that
is used to make error-reducing adjustments. Further, it information presented early in the trajectory could not be
appears that adapting to the spatial location of a target is more utilized until later in the trajectory. These findings suggest that
time-consuming and perhaps more demanding than adapting new visual information can be readily incorporated into an
to a change in target size. ongoing movement.
It may be argued that our observations and support for a
General Discussion two-component model of limb control may be an artifact of
A longstanding issue in the control of goal-directed limb the given task context. That is, we created a movement
movements has been whether movement is continuously situation which essentially necessitated diat adjustments be
regulated based on afferent information, is prepared entirely made to the initial movement. Therefore, it is not surprising
in advance of initiation, or whether control is based on a that we observed modifications being made to the primary
combination of preplanned and current control processes. A movement trajectory. Although it is certainly the case that
recent model to account for speed-accuracy trade-offs and adjustments were made as a direct response to the perturba-
kinematic characteristics of goal-directed movements has tion of the target (i.e., the lengthening of movement time in
been put forward by Plamondon (1995a, 1995b; Plamondon Experiment 2), we also observed evidence of regulatory
& Alimi, 1997). A prominent feature of Plamondon's kine- processes even when the target characteristics remained
matic theory is its position on the role of feedback in the invariant. Specifically, secondary submovements, taken as
control of movement. Specifically, the kinematic theory holds evidence of corrective modifications (cf., Plamondon & Alitni,
that target-directed movements are executed without the use 1997), were also present during trials in which the target was
of feedback for movement regulation. The role of feedback not changed. In these situations, planned models, like the
is limited to providing information necessary to prepare a kinematic theory (Plamondon & Alimi, 1997), should hold.
movement, whether the movement is the primary movement, However, die data point toward ongoing, feedback-based
or the movement is a new movement superimposed on the regulation of the movement.
original one. Therefore, the movement itself is executed in a On a related note, the kinematic theory allows for a
programmed manner. In essence, die kinematic theory movement trajectory to be modified should there be a
proposes that feedback can play a role in the preparation of requirement to do so. Such a correction would come in the
movement but not in the on-line regulation of the movement. form of a new, discrete, planned movement that is prepared
The purpose of the experiments reported here was to and superimposed on die previous movement. According to
172 Heath, Hodges, Chua, and Elliott

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This research was supported by a postgraduate scholarship to tion of Fitts' law using a wide range of movement amplitudes.
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Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. MacKenzie, C. L., Marteniuk, R. G., Dugas, C., Liske, D., &
Correspondence should be addressed to the first author: Matthew Eickmeier, B. (1987). Three dimensional movement trajectory in
Heath, Department of Kinesiology, University Of Waterloo, a Fitts' task: Implications for control. Quarteriy Journal of Experimen-
Waterloo, ON N2L3G1 (e-mail: tal Psychology, 39A, 629-647.
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La question a savok comment les mouvements de visee sont mouvement amorce. Les sujets devaient executer des mouve-
controles suscite une certaine controverse depuis k publica- ments discrets de visee d'une cible unique au moyen d'une
tion des etudes primordiales de Woodworth (1899). En tablette graphique reliee a un dispositif de visee virtuelle (vok
general, deux theories, soit celle de k pknification et celle de k figure 1). Au cours de k premiere experience, une perturba-
la retroaction, ont etc appliquees au controle de ce type de tion consistant en un changement imprevu de k largeur de k
mouvement. Les theories du controle central et du controle cible se produisait; lors de k deuxieme experience, il s'agissait
pknifie du mouvement supposent qu'une fois le mouvement d'un changement dans Pamplitude du mouvement.
amorce, son execution se fait suivant le pkn central esquisse L'hypothese posee est que, si les mouvements de visee sont
durant Porganisation du mouvement et s'acheve sans 1'aide entierement planifies a Pavance, sans mises a jour basees sur
des sources peripheriques de retroaction afferente (p. ex. la retroaction, le fait de modifier k largeur de la cible ou
Plamondon, 1995a). Par opposition, les modeles fondes sur Pamplitude du mouvement devrait avok peu d'effet sur la
la retroaction, comme ceux que proposait Woodworth, cinematique de la trajectoke du mouvement. Par ailleurs, les
supposent que les mouvement diriges simples se composent modeles fondes sur Pimportance de k retroaction visuelle en
d'une combinaison de processus centraux et retroactifs. Plus dkect predisent que la mecanique du mouvement serait
precisement, une impulsion initiale est programmee avant que influencee par les nouveaux parametres de visee.
le mouvement ne commence a rapprocher 1'effecteur terminal De facon generate, les resultats de Petude demontrent que,
de k cible. Le controle de 1'influx est evoque pour corriger les meme si k vitesse de pointe est determinee avant Pamorce du
erreurs dans k trajectoke initiale du mouvement si k retroac- mouvement, pour permettre de produke k vitesse et la
tion produite par k reponse indique une erreur dans la visee precision exigees par k largeur initiale de k cible ou
de depart. Le but de cette recherche etait d'evaluer les theories Pamplitude initiale du mouvement, c'est durant k deceleration
susmentionnees du controle du mouvement et de determiner que les sujets modifient la trajectoke du mouvement pour
Pimportance relative de la pknification preakble et de s'ajuster aux nouveaux parametres de visee. Ces donnees
Putilisation en direct de retroaction afferente. laissent croke que k surveilknce d'information visuelle en
Les deux experiences consistaient a creer une situation ou dkect permet de modifier k deuxieme moitie de k trajectoke
de nouvelles donnees visuelles concernant le but du mouve- d'un mouvement.
ment (c.-a-d. k cible) etaient presentees au sujet une fois le

Revue canadienne de psychologic experimentale, 1998, 52:4, 173

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