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Postsurgical Electrical Stimulation Enhances
Recovery Following Surgery for Severe Cubital
Tunnel Syndrome: A Double-Blind Randomized
Controlled Trial
Hollie A. Power, MD, FRCSC∗ BACKGROUND: Patients with severe cubital tunnel syndrome often have poor functional
Michael J. Morhart, MD, MSc, recovery with conventional surgical treatment. Postsurgical electrical stimulation (PES) has
FRCSC∗ been shown to enhance axonal regeneration in animal and human studies.
Jaret L. Olson, MD, FRCSC∗ OBJECTIVE: To determine if PES following surgery for severe cubital tunnel syndrome
would result in better outcomes compared to surgery alone.
K. Ming Chan, MD, FRCPC‡
METHODS: Patients with severe cubital tunnel syndrome in this randomized, double-

Division of Plastic Surgery, Department blind, placebo-controlled trial were randomized in a 1:2 ratio to the control or stimulation
of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Den- groups. Control patients received cubital tunnel surgery and sham stimulation, whereas
tistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
patients in the stimulation group received 1-h of 20 Hz PES following surgery. Patients were
Canada; ‡ Division of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine assessed by a blinded evaluator annually for 3 yr. The primary outcome was motor unit
and Dentistry, University of Alberta, number estimation (MUNE) and secondary outcomes were grip and key pinch strength
Edmonton, Canada
and McGowan grade and compound muscle action potential.
A preliminary report of this work was
RESULTS: A total of 31 patients were enrolled: 11 received surgery alone and 20 received
presented at the American Society for surgery and PES. Three years following surgery, MUNE was significantly higher in the PES
Peripheral Nerve Annual Meeting in group (176 ± 23, mean + SE) compared to controls (88 ± 11, P < .05). The mean gain
Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 16, 2016,
and at the Canadian Society of Plastic
in key pinch strength in the PES group was almost 3 times greater than in the controls
Surgeons Annual Meeting in Ottawa, (P < .05). Similarly, other functional and physiological outcomes showed significantly
Canada, on June 17, 2016. greater improvements in the PES group.
CONCLUSION: PES enhanced muscle reinnervation and functional recovery following
K. Ming Chan, MD, PRCPC, surgery for severe cubital tunnel syndrome. It may be a clinically useful adjunct to surgery
Division of Physical Medicine and for severe ulnar neuropathy, in which functional recovery with conventional treatment is
Rehabilitation, often suboptimal.
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry,
5005 Katz Group Centre, KEY WORDS: Cubital tunnel syndrome, Electrical stimulation, Functional outcomes, Nerve regeneration,
University of Alberta, Randomized controlled trial, Surgery, Peripheral nerve regeneration
Edmonton, Canada T6G 2E1.
Email: Neurosurgery 0:1–9, 2019 DOI:10.1093/neuros/nyz322

Received, December 5, 2018.

Accepted, May 30, 2019.

ubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS) is the have a devastating impact on hand function
C 2019 by the second most common compression with profound weakness of the intrinsic muscles,
Congress of Neurological Surgeons neuropathy with an annual incidence pain, and paresthesias. In patients with severe
rate of 25 cases per 100 000.1 Severe cases can axonal loss and symptoms that do not respond
to conservative therapy, surgical intervention
is advocated.2 However, despite appropriate
ABBREVIATIONS: CMAP, compound muscle action surgical management, suboptimal recovery of
potential; CuTS, Cubital tunnel syndrome; MCID, hand function remains in a majority of patients
minimum clinically importance difference; MUNE, with severe CuTS.3
motor unit number estimation; PES, Postsurgical
electrical stimulation; S-MUAP, surface-detected
Although injured peripheral nerves have the
motor unit action potential capacity to regenerate, the rate of nerve regener-
ation is slow and functional recovery following
Neurosurgery Speaks! Audio abstracts available for this proximal nerve injuries is often incomplete.4,5
article at www.neurosurgery-
This may be attributed to progressive decline



in the distal nerve’s regenerative milieu to support growth.6 Brief of multiple flexor muscles in the forearm and hand, of which the

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postsurgical electrical stimulation (PES) is a novel therapy that ulnar-innervated muscles are a major contributor. Key pinch relies
has been shown to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration. In a primarily on the strength of the first dorsal interosseous and adductor
pollicis muscles. It is, therefore, a highly sensitive measure of intrinsic
rat model of femoral nerve transection, 1 h of PES increased
hand muscle strength. Preoperative assessment included motor nerve
regeneration-associated gene expression and accelerated both conduction study and MUNE of the hypothenar muscles. For functional
motor and sensory axonal outgrowth.7-10 Similar effects were evaluation, we assessed grip strength using a Jamar dynamometer
seen in a rat model of demyelinating neuropathy.11 PES was also (Sammons Preston Rolyan, Bolingbrook, Illinois) and key pinch strength
efficacious in humans following carpal tunnel release, repair of using a pinch gauge (B&L Engineering, Santa Ana, California). Because
digital nerve laceration, and in reducing shoulder dysfunction inadvertent activation of the flexor pollicis longus muscle, innervated by
after oncologic neck dissection.12-14 Although motor reinner- the anterior interosseous nerve, could have a major confounding impact
vation was significantly better in patients who received carpal on the results, subjects were strictly instructed to keep the thumb straight
tunnel release and PES, we did not detect a significant functional throughout the test.
improvement compared to surgery alone. This is likely due to the
short regeneration distance and that fine dexterity can be compen- Nerve Conduction Studies
sated for by the ulnar-innervated muscles. In contrast, the distance Motor nerve conduction studies were performed on a Viking
to the intrinsic muscles is much longer in patients with CuTS. Select EMG machine (Nicolet Biomedical, Minneapolis, Minnesota).
Because the ulnar nerve plays a pivotal role in hand function, Maximum compound muscle action potential (CMAP) from the
hypothenar muscles was elicited by stimulating the ulnar nerve at the
successful reinnervation of the intrinsic muscles is critical.
wrist, below elbow, and above elbow sites. This was performed in accor-
Therefore, the goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that dance with the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodi-
PES following cubital tunnel surgery in patients with severe ulnar agnostic Medicine19 guidelines for ulnar neuropathy.
neuropathy would result in improved intrinsic muscle reinner-
vation and functional recovery compared to surgery alone. Motor Unit Number Estimation
MUNE is a research tool widely used to quantify motor unit loss and
METHODS track changes over time.20,21 It is a more sensitive measure of axonal
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was loss than motor nerve conduction study because the results are not
approved by the Human Research Ethics Board at the University of confounded by sprouting of terminal branches of the motor axons or
Alberta. All patients gave written informed consent. This trial was regis- expansion of motor unit territory.17 It also allows direct comparisons
tered with the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial with data from animal studies where this is commonly measured.22-24
registry (trial no. 52307835). We chose to record from the hypothenar muscles, because the surface-
detected motor unit action potentials (S-MUAPs) are unlikely to be
contaminated by the median nerve innervated muscles located on the
Participants lateral palm.25 In contrast, S-MUAPs recorded from the first dorsal
Patients with severe CuTS were recruited from EMG laboratories interosseous muscle are susceptible to contamination from the median
and plastic surgery clinics at the University of Alberta between 2007 innervated thenar and lumbrical muscles that are in close proximity. This
and 2016. Patients who met the following inclusion criteria were would render the results highly unreliable.25
eligible: 1) age >18 yr, 2) signs and symptoms of severe CuTS (ie, MUNE was performed on all patients using the multiple point
McGowan-Goldberg grade 3),15,16 3) needle EMG examination showing stimulation technique, one of the most widely used methods with
evidence of chronic motor axonal loss and reduced recruitment in good reliability on an Advantage EMG machine (Neurosoft, Sterling,
the ulnar-innervated intrinsic hand muscles, and 4) electrophysio- Virginia).17,26 Briefly, disposable electrodes were placed over the
logic evidence of severe motor axonal loss with motor unit number hypothenar muscle group to detect the maximal CMAP and S-MUAPs.
estimation (MUNE) greater than 2 standard deviations below the A ground electrode was placed on the dorsum of the hand and the
normative mean.17 Although these patients with severe axonal loss also bandpass filter was set at 5 to 2000 Hz. The maximum CMAP was
had numbness and tingling affecting medial part of the hand, those evoked by stimulating the ulnar nerve at the wrist. S-MUAPs with the
sensory symptoms were less troublesome and functionally less debili- lowest stimulus thresholds were elicited at multiple sites along the course
tating compared to hand weakness and digit deformity from marked of the nerve that is accessible to surface stimulation. The peak-to-peak
muscle wasting. Patients were excluded if they had concurrent nerve amplitudes of 13 to 25 S-MUAPs were averaged using the “datapoint-by-
injury, prior surgery for CuTS or coexisting neurologic conditions. After datapoint” averaging technique. The MUNE was calculated by dividing
inclusion, patients were randomized in a 1:2 ratio into the control or PES the peak-to-peak amplitude of the maximum CMAP by the peak-to-peak
groups using a computerized random number generator. The decision amplitude of the average S-MUAP.
for unequal allocation was made to maximize the recruitment rate and
to increase statistical power.18 Patients and evaluators were blinded to Operative Technique and Post-Op Rehabilitation
treatment allocation.
All surgeries were performed under general anesthesia by one of 2
peripheral nerve surgeons (JLO or MJM). Under tourniquet-control,
Preoperative Assessment a 10-cm incision was made over the ulnar nerve at the elbow. The
Because the ulnar nerve plays a pivotal role in hand strength, we medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve was identified and protected. The
focused on evaluating motor innervation. Power grip requires contraction ulnar nerve was released at all common sites of compression around the

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elbow. An in situ decompression was performed in the majority of cases.

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However, if the ulnar nerve subluxated with elbow flexion, a submus-
cular transposition was performed with myofascial flaps elevated from the
flexor-pronator mass. Although the study spanned over 10 yr, the same
surgeons performed all surgeries using the same techniques throughout
this time period. Local anesthesia was avoided because sodium-channel
blockade was previously shown to eliminate the effects of PES by
blocking propagation of action potentials to the neuronal cell body.7,10
Following surgery, all patients underwent identical rehabilitation therapy,
supervised by experienced therapists at the hand clinic.

Stimulation Protocol
Prior to skin closure, 2 sterile Teflon-coated stainless-steel electrodes
were placed transcutaneously immediately adjacent to the ulnar nerve
proximal to the site of compression (Figure 1A). These were secured
to the surgical dressing using tape (Figure 1B). In the postanesthesia
recovery unit, a research assistant who was not involved in outcome
assessments administered PES using a Grass SD9 stimulator (Grass
Technologies, Warwick, Rhode Island) (Figure 1C). The proximal wire
electrode was connected to the cathode and the distal to the anode.
Patients in the stimulation group received 1 h of PES as a continuous
20-Hz train of balanced biphasic pulses. The stimulation intensity was
set at the tolerance limit (<30 V, 0.1 ms pulse duration). Patients in
the control group received 5 s of similar-intensity PES before the stimu-
lator was turned off for the remainder of the hour. Because none of the
patients had previously received PES, it was difficult for them to guess
which group they had been randomized to. This was further aided by
sensory accommodation following repetitive stimulation and that the
patients were still groggy under the influence of general anesthetics and
opioid analgesics in the recovery unit. This method of blinding was used
successfully in a prior study.13 The stimulation electrodes were removed
and discarded at the end of the stimulation session.

Postoperative Outcome Assessment

In addition to routine postoperative follow-up, patients were assessed
annually for 3 yr. At each visit, motor nerve conduction study, MUNE,
grip, and key pinch strength were assessed by a blinded evaluator.
McGowan-Goldberg grade was assigned at the 3-yr follow-up visit.

Statistical Analysis
We used intention-to-treat analysis and for missing values, the last
available value was carried forward. Unless otherwise stated, all results
are reported as mean + standard error. Student t test and Fisher exact
test were used to compare differences in demographics. The Shapiro-
FIGURE 1. Experimental set up for brief PES. A, Electrode placement,
Wilk test of normality demonstrated that MUNE and CMAP ampli-
intraoperative view of the right arm. The black asterisk (∗ ) marks the
tudes were not normally distributed (P < .05), and therefore, nonpara- decompressed ulnar nerve, and the black arrows mark the stimulating
metric statistics were used. Preoperative means for MUNE and CMAP electrode wires that were lay immediately adjacent to the ulnar nerve
amplitudes between groups were compared using the Mann Whitney U- proximal to the site of compression. B, Electrode placement for stimulation
test. Kruskal-Wallis rank test was done to evaluate postoperative changes of the right arm in the postanesthesia recovery room. The proximal wire
within each group. When a significant change was found, Wilcoxon electrode was connected to cathode (black), whereas the distal electrode
signed ranks test was used to determine which time point was signif- was connected to anode (red). C, The stimulator used (Grass SD9).
icantly different from baseline and to compare the average between
groups at each postoperative time point. Grip and key pinch strength
were normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk, P > .05) with homogenous Sample Size Estimation
variance, and were therefore compared using Student t tests. Statistical Because the main goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of
significance was set at P < .05. Stata 12 (StataCorp, College Station, PES on muscle reinnervation, MUNE was used as the primary outcome
Texas) was used for analysis. measure, as in published animal and human studies.7,12 Assuming a



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FIGURE 2. Clinical trial flow diagram.

difference in treatment effect of 26%, standard deviation of 30%, with

α = 0.05 and β = 0.20, a sufficiently powered study would require 20 TABLE 1. Baseline Patient Characteristics
Control Stimulation
group group P value

RESULTS Number of patients 11 20 –

Gender 8 males 15 males P = .90†
Thirty-six patients were assessed for study eligibility. A total Age, years ± SD 59 ± 12 54 ± 12 P = .35∧
of 5 were excluded: 2 patients had previous cubital tunnel Dominant hand 9 right (82%) 16 right (80%) P = .72†
surgery and 3 patients had coexisting neurologic conditions. Dominant limb affected 63% 48% P = .56†
Thirty-one patients were randomized into the control and stimu- Duration of symptoms, 419 ± 622 481 ± 380 P = .55∗
lation groups in a 1:2 ratio. Two patients in each group were days ± SD
Surgery type:
deceased. As per the intention-to-treat protocol, results at their
In Situ decompression 8 15 P = .89†
last follow-up were used for analysis. A total of 20 patients in Submuscular transposition 3 5
the stimulation group and 11 patients in the control group were
included in the final analysis (Figure 2). Each patient was followed

Fisher’s exact test; ∧ Paired t test; ∗ Mann-Whitney U test.

on average 3.1 ± 0.2 yr. Patient demographics are shown in

Table 1. The mean duration of symptoms prior to surgery was
similar between groups (control: 419 ± 622 d; stimulation: Motor Unit Number Estimation
481 ± 380 d; P = .55). There were no significant differences MUNE was used to establish the degree of denervation of
in preoperative MUNEs, CMAP amplitudes, grip, or key pinch the hypothenar muscles preoperatively and to quantify reinner-
strength (P > .10; Table 2). vation following surgery (Figure 3A). Preoperative MUNE was

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Motor Nerve Conduction Studies

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TABLE 2. Preoperative Values
At baseline, there was no significant difference in amplitudes
Control Stimulation of the maximum CAMP in the hypothenar muscles between the
group group P value stimulation and control groups (1.68 ± 0.41 vs 2.55 ± 0.53
mV; P = .67). In the stimulation group, the CMAP amplitudes
MUNE, number of 66 ± 13 34 ± 8 P = .10# showed gradual improvement that reached significance by 2 yr.
hypothenar motor units
At 3 yr, CMAP amplitudes were 4.46 ± 0.37 mV (P < .001).
CMAP amplitude, mV 2.55 ± 0.53 1.68 ± 0.41 P = .67#
Grip strength, kg 37.6 ± 4.3 34.1 ± 3.2 P = .91∧ In contrast, although there was a trend of increase in the control
Key pinch strength, kg 3.7 ± 0.9 3.3 ± 0.5 P = .97∧ group, it failed to reach significance by 3 yr (3.79 ± 0.76 mV;
P = .06) (Figure 3B).
MUNE: motor unit number estimation; # Mann-Whitney U test; ∧ Paired t test.

Grip Strength
Preoperatively, there was no significant difference between
similar between groups (P = .10; Table 2). One year following groups (P = .91; Table 2). Postoperatively, patients in the
surgery, patients in the stimulation group demonstrated signif- stimulation group experienced a significant improvement in grip
icant increases in MUNE (107 ± 11) compared to controls strength from the first year onward (P < .001), whereas patients
(78 ± 6) (P < .05). By 3 yr postoperatively, stimulated in the control group failed to significantly improve their grip
patients had more than double the number of motor units strength even at 3 yr (P = .08) (Figure 4A).
compared to controls (178 ± 11 vs 88 ± 18; P < .05). In A minimum clinically importance difference (MCID) in grip
contrast, patients in the control group failed to attain a signif- strength, calculated based on 50% of the standard deviation
icant increase in motor units by 3 y (66 ± 7 vs 88 ± 18; of the mean preoperative grip strength was 5.9 kg.27 Patients
P = .13). in the control group had a mean improvement of 4.2 kg,

FIGURE 3. Motor reinnervation in the hypothenar muscles. A, Motor unit number estimates (MUNE) in the control group (left panel) compared
to subjects in the electrical stimulation (ES) group (right panel). B, Comparisons of maximum compound motor action potential (CMAP) amplitude
between the 2 groups with the same layout as in A. The black lines and grey bars represent mean ± SE at baseline. Asterisks (∗ ) represent statistical
significance (P < .05) postoperative improvements.



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FIGURE 4. Strength improvements in the hand. A, Postoperative changes in grip strength in the control group (left panel) compared to that in the
electrical stimulation (ES) group (right panel). B, Postoperative changes in key pinch strength between the 2 groups. Layout is the same as in A. The
black lines and grey bars represent mean ± SE at baseline. Asterisks (∗ ) represent statistically significant (P < .05) postoperative improvement.

whereas patients in the stimulation group had an improvement of McGowan-Goldberg Grading

8.1 kg at 3 yr. Thus, patients in the stimulation group had a Using the McGowan-Goldberg grading system at final follow-
clinically important improvement in grip strength by 3 yr from up, 3 of 11 patients (25%) in the control group attained grade
surgery. 2, and 3 of 11 (25%) attained grade 1. In contrast, 8 of 20
patients (40%) in the stimulation group attained grade 2, and
Key Pinch Strength 7 of 20 (35%) attained grade 1, which represents a significant
At baseline, there was no significant difference between groups improvement over the control group (P < .05).
(P = .97; Table 2). Patients in the control group failed to Complications
show a statistically significant improvement in pinch strength
There were no postoperative complications and no adverse
at all time points (P > .1), whereas patients in the stimulation
events observed with our stimulation protocol.
group had a significant improvement at all 3 postoperative visits
(P < .001; Figure 4B). The mean gain in key pinch strength in
the stimulation group was almost 3 times of that in the control
group. In this clinical trial, we found that patients with severe CuTS
Using the same calculation as grip strength, the MCID for key who underwent a single 1-h session of PES had faster muscle
pinch strength was 1.1 kg. Patients in the control group had an reinnervation, significantly more functional motor units, and
improvement of 0.67 kg, whereas those in the stimulation group improved grip and key pinch strength compared to controls. This
had an improvement of 1.9 kg at 3 yr, representing a clinically is reflected clinically by improvement in the McGowan-Goldberg
important difference for the patients that received PES. grade.

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Comparisons to Other Studies double the number of functional hypothenar motor units by

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Based on previous reports, patients with severe CuTS (ie, 3 yr. This provides evidence that chronically injured motor axons
McGowan-Goldberg grade 3) have meaningful motor recovery retain the ability to regenerate and that this can be augmented
following surgical treatment in only 50% of cases.3,28,29 Although with PES.
patients in our control group showed comparable improvement,
those in the PES group did significantly better. This is further
supported by quantitative electrophysiologic and functional Limitations
outcomes. Patients in our control group failed to attain a A limitation of our study is the lack of objective assessment
significant increase in MUNE even 3 yr from surgery. In of pain and sensation. The reason for this is that the most debil-
contrast, patients that received PES improved markedly by 3 yr. itating symptom of severe CuTS is muscle atrophy and loss of
Functionally, this corresponded with significantly better grip and hand strength. We have previously shown that PES promotes
key pinch strength in stimulated patients. sensory nerve regeneration in ulnar-innervated digital nerves,13
In a recent study by Bruder et al30 (2017), they found that and assume the same would be true for the sensory changes in
CuTS patients with shorter symptom duration (210 ± 300 d) patients with CuTS.
had greater recovery of muscle bulk compared to those with long Second, this is a single-center study with relatively small sample
symptom duration (780 ± 990 d) after surgery. In contrast, we size. Realizing the potential limitation on statistical power, we
did not find a significant correlation between MUNE increase elected to use unequal treatment allocation. This helped to
(r = 0.26; P = .33) or pinch strength gain (r = 0.28; P = .30) increase recruitment and statistical power.18 To increase the gener-
and symptom duration in our subjects in the stimulation group. alizability of our findings, a large multicenter study including
One potential explanation for this is that patients in the study of patients with different disease severity will be needed.
Bruder et al30 were only followed for 6 mo after surgery; a time Lastly, another potential limitation is that 2 different surgical
that is far too short for reinnervation to occur in the intrinsic techniques were used to decompress the ulnar nerve at the elbow.
hand muscles. Therefore, findings between the 2 studies may not Although the majority of our patients had an in Situ decom-
be directly comparable. pression, a small number of patients with ulnar nerve instability
required submuscular transposition. There has been much debate
as to which surgical technique yields the best outcome in CuTS.
Correlation with Animal Studies and Mechanism of Gervasio et al29 (2005) compared in Situ decompression with
Action submuscular transposition in a randomized controlled trial of 70
One hour of 20 Hz PES accelerated axon outgrowth and patients with severe CuTS and found no difference in outcomes
facilitated earlier target reinnervation in animal models of nerve between the 2 procedures. Similarly, a Cochrane systematic review
injury including rats,7-10,31 mice,32,33 and in humans following involving 430 patients failed to find a significant difference in
digital nerve transection,13 carpal tunnel release,12 oncologic neck outcomes between the 2 procedures.41 Other studies also failed
dissection,14 and now cubital tunnel decompression. Interest- to find a consistent difference between the 2 techniques.2,42,43
ingly, 1 h of 20 Hz PES in rats produced the same beneficial results A subgroup analysis of outcomes in our study could not be
as week-long continuous stimulation in motor nerves,7 whereas meaningfully interpreted because of the small number of patients
stimulation durations longer than 1 h (ie, 3 h, 7 d, and 14 d) that underwent transposition. However, based on the literature
were harmful for regenerating sensory nerves.10 above, we do not believe the type of surgery significantly impacted
PES promotes regeneration by activating molecular pathways our outcomes.
within Schwann cells, surrounding inflammatory cells and the
cell body of neurons. It increases production of neurotrophins,
including BDNF, NT-3, and NT-4/5,33-35 causing increased Feasibility in the Clinical Setting
intracellular cyclic AMP levels,36 enhanced regeneration- The stimulation equipment is inexpensive (stimulator $2400
associated gene expression, and production of cytoskeletal USD, implantable electrodes $5-$10 USD) and requires minimal
assembly proteins.37 For a more extensive review on the mecha- training to operate. In a previous study, we demonstrated that it
nisms of PES, the reader is referred to Gordon and English38 adds minimal operative time to implant the electrodes.13 The 1-h
(2015). treatment can easily be administered in the recovery room, day
The chronic compressive axonal injury seen in CuTS likely surgery unit, or clinic. A potential barrier to clinical implemen-
impairs the ability of motor axons to regenerate after the tation is the requirement for surgery to be done under general
compression is released. The diminished capacity for axonal anesthesia. Given the recent trend towards “wide-awake surgery,”
regeneration in chronic axotomy was reduced up to 66% in a rat the use of local anesthesia is becoming increasingly desirable.
model of chronically axotomized tibial nerve.39,40 Thus, it is not However, this issue can likely be circumvented by stimulating
surprising that patients in our control group failed to demonstrate the nerve well proximal to the field of local anesthesia. In the
a significant improvement in hypothenar reinnervation even case of the ulnar nerve proximal to the elbow, ultrasound-guided
3 yr after surgery. Remarkably, patients that underwent PES had placement of a needle stimulating electrode could be utilized.



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43. Chen HW, Ou S, Liu GD, et al. Clinical efficacy of simple decompression small numbers, they were able to demonstrate a statistically significant

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versus anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve for the treatment of cubital improvement in motor unit number estimation (MUNE) and functional
tunnel syndrome: A meta-analysis. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2014;126:150- motor recovery. The outcomes for sensation and pain were not studied.
Patients with advanced ulnar entrapment neuropathy comprise a notori-
ously frustrating group for nerve surgeons, with a large percentage
Acknowledgments of patients not showing clinically meaningful improvement with any
We would like to thank Dr Matthew Curran, Dr Joshua Wong, Mahsa Mackie, surgical procedure. This relatively simple intervention holds promise
and Cheryl Pilipchuk for their assistance in data collection. for greater recovery in these patients. It will be important to study this
technique in patients with milder entrapment neuropathies to see if this
benefit is still seen. Many of these simple decompression procedures are
Neurosurgery Speaks! Audio abstracts available for this article at www.neurosurgery-
performed with local anesthesia. The authors do point out that local
anesthesia renders this stimulation useless, unless the electrodes are placed
far proximal to the field. This could be done percutaneously with the use
of ultrasound guidance. Do we know that that electrode placement would
work as well? It is likely it will, but perhaps this question requires another
COMMENT study to prove that. The authors are to be congratulated for pursuing this
intervention from the laboratory through well-conducted clinical trials,
T he authors have presented an important study in which they
performed a randomized, double-blind, sham stimulation control
trial of post-surgical electrical stimulation (PES) in patients with severe
for the benefit of our patients.
Eric L. Zager
ulnar nerve entrapment neuropathy at the elbow. Despite the relatively Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


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