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1. Chuyên Anh Bình Dương 2022-2023

Write an essay of at least 200 words on the following topic:
Nowadays, it only takes a few seconds to translate any foreign language into our mother tongue and
vice versa thanks to Google Translate or other translation apps. Therefore, some people think that it is
a waste of time to learn a foreign language. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Đáp án tham khảo

In contemporary times, technological breakthroughs have significantly simplified the process of

translating foreign languages, enabling one to do so with a mere click. The advent of translation apps,
such as Google Translate, has given rise to the contention that learning a foreign language is an
impractical pursuit. However, I vehemently disagree with this notion. The acquisition of a foreign
language is an invaluable life skill, proffering multifarious benefits that translation apps cannot

Foremost, learning a foreign language engenders a profound understanding of a culture, inextricably

intertwined with language, customs, and traditions. By mastering a foreign language, one can gain a
deeper appreciation of the values, beliefs, and way of life of a people. For instance, studying
Mandarin Chinese can uncover the complex history and cultural mores of China, which cannot be
fully comprehended by translation apps.

Furthermore, language acquisition enhances cognitive abilities, bolstering memory retention,

multitasking, and overall brain function. Several studies have underscored the positive impact of
bilingualism on cognitive performance, illustrating that learning a second language can slow down the
aging process of the brain, resulting in better cognitive function. These benefits cannot be obtained by
relying solely on translation apps.

Finally, fluency in a foreign language can lead to a plethora of new opportunities, both socially and
professionally. A second language can be an invaluable asset in a globalized economy, increasing
one's competitiveness in the job market. Moreover, it can facilitate communication and foster cultural
exchange, leading to new friendships and enriching life experiences.

In conclusion, although translation apps have made cross-linguistic communication more efficient,
they cannot supplant the advantages and opportunities that come with mastering a foreign language.
Learning a foreign language imparts a comprehensive understanding of a culture, enhances cognitive
abilities, and widens horizons socially and professionally. Hence, it is an endeavor worth pursuing.

2. HSG bảng A lớp 9 Nghệ An 2022-2023

Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention in school. What are the reasons? What
could be done to solve this problem?
In about 250 words, write an essay to express your opinion on the issue. Use reasons and examples to
support your position.
Đáp án tham khảo
The attainment of academic success is heavily reliant on the capacity to focus and concentrate during
classroom instruction. Nevertheless, a significant proportion of students face difficulties in this area,
resulting in suboptimal academic performance and emotional dissatisfaction. The underlying reasons
for this struggle are multifarious and could be attributed to a range of factors, including pervasive
technological distractions and extraneous personal concerns.

Additionally, the lack of intellectual stimulation and challenge from the academic material could also
contribute to a student's inability to concentrate in class. Mitigating these issues requires a
multifaceted approach that involves the creation of a more engaging learning environment. This can
be achieved by teachers through the use of interactive and hands-on learning experiences that foster
student engagement and active participation. Concurrently, educators can also promote a classroom
ethos that prioritizes the importance of concentration and steadfastness while discouraging disruptive
and extraneous behavior.

To further ameliorate this issue, students could be provided with an array of tools and resources to
bolster their capacity to focus and concentrate. The use of mindfulness techniques such as deep
breathing or meditation could help students calm their minds and improve their cognitive
attentiveness. Additionally, noise-cancelling headphones and other similar technologies can provide
students with an environment that is conducive to their learning.

In summary, addressing the challenges associated with students' ability to concentrate and focus in
class is a complex and intricate issue. It requires a collaborative and comprehensive approach that
encompasses teacher-led initiatives to create an engaging classroom environment, the promotion of a
focused and disciplined classroom culture, and the provision of a wide range of tools and resources to
help students optimize their learning potential.

3. HSG Hà Tĩnh 2022-2023
“Most teachers think that homework is necessary”
How far do you agree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge and experience. Write an essay with about 200 words to express your opinion.
Đáp án tham khảo
Homework has been a customary practice in the academic sphere for generations. Numerous
educators believe that it is a fundamental component of a student's learning process. Nevertheless, I
maintain a dissimilar viewpoint. Although homework can offer some advantages, I contend that it
produces more adverse outcomes than positive ones.

Firstly, an overabundance of homework can result in stress and anxiety for students. When students
are inundated with assignments, they may experience feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to
keep up with the workload. This can have a deleterious impact on their mental and emotional well-

Secondly, homework can detract from vital family time and extracurricular activities. Students require
time to rest and participate in other activities to cultivate their all-round abilities and talents.

Lastly, homework may not be efficacious in improving a student's academic performance. Research
studies have revealed that there is no direct link between homework and student achievement.

In conclusion, I reject the notion that homework is necessary. Although it may offer some benefits,
such as fostering good study habits and reinforcing classroom learning, the harmful effects of
excessive homework far outweigh these benefits. Educational institutions should focus on providing a
holistic education that includes classroom learning and a wide range of activities that enhance a
student's overall development.

4. Chuyên Anh Ninh Bình 2022-2023

It is a popular belief that nowadays students lack several necessary life skills. What more life skills do
you think students should be taught at school?
Write a paragraph of about 150-180 words to express your opinion.
Đáp án tham khảo
Apart from academic knowledge, it is crucial that students are equipped with vital life skills to tackle
the complexities of real-world challenges. While many schools do offer rudimentary life skills
training, there is always scope for improvement. In my viewpoint, some indispensable life skills that
should be instilled in students include financial acumen, time management, communication

proficiency, and problem-solving aptitude. Financial literacy would impart the knowledge of
budgeting, saving, and investing prudently. Time management expertise would facilitate prioritization
of tasks, efficient management of deadlines, and balance between personal and academic life.
Communication proficiency would foster effective communication, establishment of strong
relationships, and conflict resolution. Problem-solving skills would enable them to cogitate critically,
scrutinize intricate situations, and devise innovative solutions. These skills would not only assist
students in their academic and professional domains but also facilitate a satisfying life. Thus, it is
imperative that schools proffer extensive life skills education to equip students to face real-world

5. HSG lớp 9 Bắc Ninh 2021-2022

With the advent of the Internet, human life has been improved a great deal. However, many people
claim that the Internet has several negative impacts on family life. Do you agree or disagree with this
Write an essay of about 250 words to express your idea.
Đáp án tham khảo
The internet has had a transformative effect on the way we interact with each other, carry out our
professional activities, and entertain ourselves. Despite the manifold benefits it has brought about, it
has also raised concerns about its potential negative impact on family dynamics. While some argue
that the internet has caused harm to familial relationships, I contend that its advantages outweigh its

On the one hand, the internet has created a sense of alienation among family members. For instance,
individuals may devote more time to their electronic devices instead of engaging in face-to-face
communication with their loved ones. This can lead to a reduction in the quality time spent together.
Furthermore, the internet exposes children to inappropriate content and online predators, which can
cause anxiety and insecurity in parents.

On the other hand, the internet has also fostered greater intimacy within families. Social media
platforms have enabled family members to stay connected even when they are geographically
dispersed. Video conferencing tools allow families to have virtual face-to-face conversations and
share special moments. The internet has also facilitated remote work, enabling parents to spend more
time with their children.

Moreover, the internet has made it easier for families to access educational resources and useful
information. Children can use the internet to conduct research for their schoolwork and acquire new

knowledge. Parents can also utilize the internet to find information on diverse topics such as health,
parenting, and finance.

In conclusion, despite the negative impacts of the internet on family life, its benefits far outweigh its
drawbacks. Families can leverage the internet to foster connection, obtain educational resources, and
engage in remote work. It is incumbent upon us to utilize the internet in a judicious and balanced
manner to maximize its benefits and mitigate its potential harms.

6. Chuyên Anh Hà Tĩnh 2022-2023

A number of teenagers today spend much of their summer vacation doing part-time jobs. Do you
think that its benefits outweigh its drawbacks?
In about 250 words, write an essay to express your idea. Use specific details and examples to support
your composition.
Đáp án tham khảo
The summer vacation period is generally perceived as a time of respite, merriment, and liberation
from academic stress for most adolescents. Nonetheless, a significant number of teenagers elect to
spend their break by engaging in part-time employment. While it might be contended that such a
practice has its drawbacks, I assert that its benefits outweigh them.

Primarily, a part-time job furnishes teenagers with invaluable vocational experience. It confers upon
them the awareness of the duties and responsibilities that are an integral part of employment, such as
punctuality, collaboration, and innovative problem-solving, which can be applied to other facets of
their lives, including academic pursuits and future careers. Furthermore, work provides an opportunity
for teenagers to cultivate a robust work ethic and foster self-assurance.

Secondly, part-time employment proffers teenagers the chance to accrue financial gain and learn
about fiscal prudence. Earning their own income can educate them about budgeting, saving, and the
significance of diligence. They can utilize their earnings to defray school-related expenses, save for
future goals, or contribute to their family's financial well-being.

Furthermore, partaking in a part-time job during the summer vacation can assist teenagers in
cultivating time-management skills. Juggling work, school, and social activities may prove
challenging, but it teaches teenagers how to prioritize and manage their time efficaciously. This skill
is indispensable for success in all areas of life, including future careers.

However, some may argue that part-time work during summer vacation can encroach upon leisure
time and curtail opportunities for social interaction. While it is vital for teenagers to relish their

summer break, a part-time job can, in fact, enhance their social acumen by providing an avenue to
interact with a diverse range of people. Additionally, part-time employment during the summer does
not necessarily entail the complete surrender of leisure time, as teenagers can still partake in enjoyable
activities while balancing their work.

In conclusion, although part-time employment during summer vacation may have some drawbacks,
such as reduced leisure time, I opine that the benefits of such a practice are substantial. The vocational
experience, financial prudence, and time-management skills acquired from part-time employment can
benefit teenagers in various areas of their lives. Consequently, I propose that adolescents give serious
consideration to partaking in part-time jobs during their summer break.

7. Chuyên Anh Tây Ninh 2022-2023

Some people say that children these days do not have as much time for play, an important stress
reliever, as their parents’ generation did.
Do you agree with this statement? Write an essay of about 250 words to express your opinion and
support your answer with relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Đáp án tham khảo
The topic of whether contemporary children are allotted less leisure time for play compared to their
predecessors is a contentious issue. Despite the fact that current children have the opportunity to use
technology and live more scheduled lives, I am of the opinion that playtime remains a vital
component of their daily routine.

Primarily, it is imperative to acknowledge that the nature of play has undergone a transformation over
the years. While today's children may not spend as much time playing in outdoor settings or
interacting with peers, they still participate in activities that encourage inventiveness and creativity.
For instance, video games, which are viewed as a sedentary pastime, can assist children in developing
problem-solving abilities and building teamwork. Additionally, children now have access to an array
of toys and games that promote learning and the acquisition of skills. As an example, Lego blocks
stimulate the imagination and enhance spatial and mathematical skills.

Secondarily, while organized activities such as music lessons and sports are crucial to a child's
development, unstructured playtime is equally essential. Playtime provides an opportunity for
children to unwind and release stress, explore their own interests, and interact with their peers. Studies
have demonstrated that unstructured playtime fosters the development of social skills such as
communication, empathy, and sharing. Furthermore, playtime provides children with a means to
express their emotions and cultivate effective coping mechanisms for dealing with stressful situations.

In conclusion, although the mode of play has shifted over time, playtime continues to be a crucial
aspect of a child's growth and development. As a society, it is essential to acknowledge the
significance of unstructured playtime and ensure that children have access to it. Whether it involves
engaging in creative activities, playing outside, or simply having free time to pursue their interests,
playtime functions as a critical stress reliever, aiding children in becoming well-rounded individuals.

8. Chuyên Anh Quảng Ngãi 2022-2023

Write an essay of about 200-250 words on the following topic:
Some people say that the Internet provides students with a lot of valuable information for their
learning. Others think access to so much information causes problems for students. What is your
Đáp án tham khảo
The worldwide web has, beyond doubt, revolutionized the epistemological paradigm and students
have been a beneficiary of this prodigious transformation. While proponents assert that the Internet
furnishes an abundance of vital information that enriches the learning experience, detractors argue
that the copiousness of information sources poses obstacles to students.

From my standpoint, the Internet can indeed serve as an invaluable asset for students, provided that it
is used judiciously and effectively. The sheer magnitude of data available online presents an
unparalleled opportunity for students to broaden their intellectual horizons, assimilate new
knowledge, and engage with divergent perspectives. Furthermore, cyberspace provides a platform for
students to collaborate with their peers and establish connections with experts from around the globe,
enhancing the educational experience.

Nonetheless, the surfeit of available information online does come with potential challenges. Students
may become inundated with data and struggle to differentiate between relevant and reliable sources,
impeding the development of critical thinking skills. Additionally, the superabundance of information
can cause cognitive overload and reduce attention spans, which may impede learning progress.

Therefore, it is crucial to educate students on how to utilize the Internet productively, responsibly, and
critically. Students need to acquire the ability to discern reliable sources of information and evaluate
their credibility. Educators can aid students in using the Internet to supplement their learning while
avoiding the temptation to rely solely on it.

In conclusion, the Internet proffers a cornucopia of valuable information to students, but it is essential
to instruct them on its judicious utilization. The key is to enable students to develop critical thinking

and discernment skills so they can reap the maximum benefits of the Internet while evading its
potential drawbacks.

9. Chuyên Anh Đắk Lắk 2022-2023

Write an essay of about 220 words on the following topic:
Some people prefer learning from books, while others prefer learning from experiences. Which one
do you prefer?
Use any relevant examples to justify your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
Regarding the acquisition of knowledge, diverse methodologies are embraced by individuals. While
some are attracted to traditional didactic approaches, others are drawn to more immersive and
practical means. Personally, I hold both techniques in high regard for their unique advantages, yet if I
were compelled to select one, I would advocate for experiential learning.

Undoubtedly, books and literature offer a vast pool of information, providing unparalleled insight into
various topics. However, experience provides hands-on knowledge that can be applied in real-world
scenarios. For instance, perusing a book on swimming techniques may furnish theoretical knowledge,
but one can only truly master the art of swimming through practical involvement.

Experiential learning is a catalyst for personal growth and development. It helps us to learn from our
mistakes, fosters problem-solving skills, and enhances our confidence in our abilities. For example,
my participation in a study abroad program in a foreign country while in college was a phenomenal
experience that broadened my understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures.

In conclusion, though both techniques have their strengths, experiential learning holds a special place
in my heart. It offers practical knowledge, personal growth, and enriching experiences that cannot be
paralleled by mere words in books.

10. Chuyên Anh Bến Tre 2022-2023

It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn the culture of other people. We can learn just as
much from books, films and the Internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write a well-organized essay of about 150-180 words to give your reasons for your answer and
include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Đáp án tham khảo
The assumption that exploring foreign lands is the only way to comprehend other cultures is flawed.
We can glean just as much knowledge about diverse societies through literary works, cinematography,

and digital resources, which provide comprehensive insights into the beliefs and customs of people

Although visiting a new location can offer a first-hand experience of a culture, books and media can
furnish a profound understanding of a community's past, traditions, and social mores. By delving into
a culture's language, religion, and history through written works, we can develop an intimate
knowledge of its inner workings, ideas, and values.

Furthermore, films and documentaries can provide a window into a culture's daily life, arts, and
perspectives. By viewing depictions of other societies, we can develop empathy and appreciation for
their distinct ways of life.

In conclusion, while traveling to different places may provide an immersive experience of other
cultures, we can gain extensive insight into the world's diverse societies through books, films, and the
Internet. These resources offer a unique opportunity to learn about others and expand our
understanding of the world.

11. Chuyên Anh Quốc Học Huế 2022-2023

Write an essay on the following topic: Some people think that social networking has made life more
complex and stressful. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
You should write between 200 and 250 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
In contemporary times, social networking has become a ubiquitous facet of modern existence. While
there are some who contend that social networking has engendered a more convoluted and demanding
way of life, I personally diverge from this point of view.

One of the principal merits of social networking is the facility it affords for communication. Through
social networking sites, individuals can establish contact with friends and family members worldwide,
share experiences, and maintain regular communication. This can contribute to fortifying personal
relationships and establishing novel ones, leading to augmented happiness and gratification.

Moreover, social networking platforms also endow individuals with access to a plethora of
information and resources. From news articles to academic content, social networking permits people
to discover and disseminate novel ideas and viewpoints, enhancing their understanding of the world
around them.

Lastly, social networking provides a medium for self-expression and creativity. Through social media,
individuals can present their art, music, and writing to a wider audience, which can be a source of
personal fulfillment and satisfaction.

While it is true that social networking can have adverse impacts, such as addiction or cyberbullying,
these negative effects are not exclusive to social networking and can arise in any form of
communication or interaction.

To conclude, while social networking can have some negative ramifications, I opine that its positive
aspects outweigh the potential downsides. The facility to connect with others, access information and
resources, and express oneself creatively make social networking a valuable and enriching element of
contemporary existence.

12. HSG tỉnh Quảng Nam 2021-2022

Write an essay about 150-200 words on the following topic in the Answer Sheets.
Many people believe that it is better to learn something in a group rather than individually. Do you
agree or disagree?
Đáp án tham khảo
Learning is an essential facet of human development, and the efficacy of individual versus group
learning has been a subject of considerable debate. While proponents of solo learning posit its
superiority, I maintain that collaborative learning in a group setting surpasses it in terms of efficacy
and benefits.

One of the most salient advantages of group learning lies in its capacity to cultivate active
participation and engagement. Learning in a group milieu creates a dynamic space that facilitates
discussion, feedback, and collaboration, thereby augmenting the overall learning experience.
Furthermore, learning in a group fosters the acquisition of superior communication skills, as it trains
individuals to articulate their thoughts and ideas with greater efficacy.

In addition, group learning affords individuals the opportunity to learn from their peers' experiences
and knowledge. This is particularly valuable when tackling complex subjects or problems, as each
member brings a unique perspective and innovative ideas to the table, resulting in a more
comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the subject matter.

In conclusion, while individual learning is not without its merits, group learning boasts numerous
advantages that set it apart as the optimal mode of learning. By stimulating active participation and

engagement, improving communication skills, and facilitating the exchange of knowledge,
collaborative learning in a group context represents the quintessential means of enhancing one's
learning capabilities.

13. HSG tỉnh lớp 9 Bình Phước 2021-2022

"It is said that parents are the best teachers". Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write an
essay about 220 - 250 words to express your viewpoint. Use specific reasons and examples to support
your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
The proposition that parents are the preeminent educators is a highly contentious issue. While some
may harbor reservations, I firmly concur with the aforementioned statement. The reasons
underpinning my stance are manifold.

Primarily, parents have an unparalleled cognizance of their offspring's disposition, strengths, and
shortcomings. They are cognizant of their child's learning modality, predilections, and proclivities.
This cognizance empowers them to devise a personalized pedagogic milieu that caters to their child's
exigencies. For instance, if a child is more visual, parents can leverage images, videos, and other
visual aids to reinforce their learning.

Secondarily, parents have a vested interest in their progeny's development. They ardently yearn for
their child's success and will go to great lengths to ensure that their child has the indispensable skills
and knowledge to thrive. Divergent from teachers who attend to numerous students, parents can focus
singularly on their child's advancement and rectify any impediments that may arise.

Finally, parents serve as paragons for their progeny. Children acquire knowledge through observation
and imitation of their parents' conduct. Ergo, parents can instill positive values and habits in their
progeny from an early age. If parents inculcate a penchant for reading, for example, their children are
more likely to develop a love for reading, which will inure to their advantage in their academic

In conclusion, the quintessential educators for children are unequivocally their parents. Their unique
perception of their child's requirements, vested interest in their development, and potential to cultivate
positive habits and values underscore their indispensability. Thus, parents should strive to be active
contributors to their child's education and take an active role in shaping their child's future.

14. Chuyên Anh Quảng Nam 2021-2022

According to many researches, Covid-19 pandemic has adversely influenced education when students
cannot attend traditional classes. However, it has paved the way for positive shifts in students' self-
study and self-training.
How can students take advantage of this lockdown period in order to become better global citizens?
Write an essay (about 200 words) to answer the question. Support your points with examples and
relevant evidence.
Đáp án tham khảo
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an adverse impact on education, with students unable to attend
traditional classes, leading to a paradigm shift towards self-study and self-training. Despite the
numerous challenges, this unprecedented situation has also provided an impetus for students to
become exemplary global citizens.

One way for students to leverage the lockdown period is to take advantage of online learning
opportunities. Several prestigious universities and educational organizations offer free or discounted
online courses encompassing a broad spectrum of disciplines, including cutting-edge fields such as
science and technology, language studies, and cross-cultural training. By availing themselves of these
resources, students can enhance their competencies and cultivate skills that are essential for thriving in
a globalized world.

Another avenue for students to foster their global citizenship is by engaging in virtual volunteering.
As traditional volunteering opportunities are restricted due to the pandemic, various organizations
have switched to online volunteering programs that empower students to contribute to the causes they
are passionate about remotely. This can foster a sense of empathy and accountability towards one's
community, in addition to supporting the organizations in achieving their objectives.

Finally, students can use this lockdown period to hone their cross-cultural communication abilities by
interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds through virtual language exchanges and online
cultural exchange programs. This exposure can provide students with a deeper appreciation of
different cultures, expand their horizons, and augment their communication proficiencies, all of which
are vital for succeeding in a globalized world.

In conclusion, while the COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges to the education sector, it has also
presented opportunities for students to become exemplary global citizens. By capitalizing on online
learning, virtual volunteering, and cross-cultural communication experiences, students can develop
the essential competencies and knowledge required for flourishing in a rapidly changing world.

15. HSG lớp 10 Hà Nam 2022-2022

In recent years, there have been a number of significant changes in term of family structure and its
members' roles. Write a paragraph of 180-200 words to discuss the trend. Do you think these changes
are positive or negative?
Đáp án tham khảo
In recent years, there has been a significant and profound paradigm shift in the fundamental structure
of the family unit and the roles ascribed to its constituent members. This has resulted in a seismic
departure from traditional gender roles, an exponential rise in the number of single-parent households,
and a marked diversification of familial structures. The families of today are composed of an array of
diverse and variegated configurations, with a pronounced emphasis on adaptability and a distinct
absence of a universal blueprint for familial life. The participation of women in the workforce has
surged to unprecedented levels, with a commensurate increase in shared parental responsibilities.
Furthermore, families headed by same-sex couples have emerged as a ubiquitous feature of
contemporary society, as have blended families and other unconventional arrangements. Whilst these
changes are laudable for promoting diversity, they are not without their challenges, such as
heightened levels of stress for individual family members and an indeterminate societal mandate and
expectations concerning the definition of a "normal" family. Ultimately, the changes in familial
structure and roles reflect the evolving needs and values of society, with individuals and communities
required to adapt and construct supportive environments that foster inclusivity and embrace all forms
of family.

16. HSG Quốc Gia Phú Thọ 2020-2021

Write an essay of about 350 words to express your opinion on the following topic:
"Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products
anywhere in the world".
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Đáp án tham khảo
The world has become increasingly interconnected, granting individuals access to a vast array of
products and services. Consequently, some contend that globalization has rendered nations
increasingly homogeneous as people can procure identical goods worldwide. While this notion bears
some truth, assessing whether this is a positive or negative development proves challenging.

On one hand, the facility to purchase uniform commodities universally can foster convenience for
consumers, especially those who travel frequently or reside abroad. For instance, individuals can
procure identical electronics or apparel from a familiar brand regardless of their location, thus saving
them valuable time and effort. Additionally, the availability of products from diverse cultures can

encourage cross-cultural exchange and understanding. For instance, someone in Japan can indulge in
American-style hamburgers or savor German beer, facilitating intercultural exchange.

Conversely, the standardization of products and services may yield adverse consequences.
Homogeneity can engender the loss of cultural diversity and identity. Nations that once celebrated
their exceptional goods may forfeit their distinctiveness as consumers gravitate towards standardized
products. Furthermore, emphasizing uniformity may result in traditional craftwork and expertise
waning, impacting local economies and communities. For example, local craftsmen producing unique
goods may struggle to compete with multinational corporations offering standardized products.

In conclusion, the homogenization of products and services can have both affirmative and detrimental
effects. While facilitating convenience and cultural exchange, standardization can also imperil cultural
identity and traditional craftsmanship. Hence, it is vital to strike a balance between standardization
and diversity. Nations must strive to preserve their unique products and services while embracing the
benefits of globalization. Ultimately, maintaining a healthy equilibrium between standardization and
diversity is essential to ensure each country retains its distinctive cultural identity while benefitting
from global exchange.

17. HSG Hải Dương 2022-2023

Write an essay of about 300 words to express your opinion on the following issue.
More and more students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in a foreign country. Do the
benefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Đáp án tham khảo
The act of pursuing academic studies in a foreign land is gaining momentum among students, with an
array of benefits to offer. Nevertheless, students should be aware of the drawbacks that come along
with this option. In my opinion, the merits of studying abroad are more substantial than the demerits,
making it a valuable experience for those who are prepared to face its challenges.

One of the most significant benefits of studying abroad is the opportunity to immerse oneself in a
foreign culture. This provides students with a chance to broaden their knowledge about the history,
traditions, and values of a different country. Furthermore, studying overseas allows students to
develop cross-cultural communication skills, which are vital for their future careers. For example, a
student studying in a foreign country can learn a new language, comprehend different perspectives
and ways of thinking, and gain exposure to novel concepts and practices.

Another advantage of studying abroad is the chance to expand one's social circle and establish
professional connections. Through interaction with other students from diverse backgrounds, students
can hone their interpersonal and leadership skills. They can also connect with professionals in their
field of study and establish valuable contacts for their future careers.

However, studying abroad also presents certain drawbacks, one of which is the cost, as pursuing
academic studies in a foreign land can be financially draining. This includes tuition fees,
accommodation, travel, and living expenses. Additionally, students may undergo culture shock, which
can impact their mental and emotional well-being. However, most universities and colleges offer
various support services to help students navigate these challenges, such as orientation programs,
academic advising, and counseling services.

In conclusion, despite the drawbacks of studying abroad, the benefits are numerous, leading to
personal growth, career advancement, and cultural enrichment. Consequently, students considering
studying abroad should weigh the advantages and disadvantages and make an informed decision
based on their goals and priorities.

18. HSG lớp 9 Tây Ninh 2021-2022

Some people think we are too dependent on technology nowadays. Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
In my estimation, technology has undeniably transformed and revolutionized our existence in myriad
ways, rendering tasks easier and more expedient than ever before. Nevertheless, there is a burgeoning
apprehension that our overreliance on technology has reached a critical level, causing an array of
adverse consequences.

On one hand, technology has indisputably ameliorated and enriched our quotidian existence in
numerous aspects. For instance, we can presently communicate instantly with individuals across the
globe, access vast reservoirs of information with a mere touch, and luxuriate in a nearly limitless
assortment of entertainment options. Additionally, progress in fields such as medicine, transportation,
and energy has metamorphosed our world, rendering it more efficient, secure, and convenient.

On the other hand, our dependence on technology also entails undesirable ramifications. For one
thing, it can be exceedingly compulsive, detracting from critical responsibilities and relationships.
Furthermore, there are apprehensions that technology is impairing our creativity, sociability, and
critical thinking abilities. For instance, adolescents may expend numerous hours each day on social

media platforms instead of partaking in face-to-face interactions or pursuing hobbies that might
engender their talents and skills.

In conclusion, despite the manifold benefits that technology has conferred upon us, it is imperative to
exercise prudence and caution in our reliance on it. We must be cognizant of the deleterious impacts
that technology can exert on our lives and implement measures to mitigate them. Ultimately,
technology should be perceived as a tool to augment and enhance our lives, not a substitute for human
interaction and inventiveness.

19. HSG lớp 9 Gia Lai 2020-2021

Many forests around the world are being destroyed for agricultural or housing use without allowing
time for the forests to generate themselves. What are the consequences? Write about 200 words to
present your ideas and suggest some ways to protect the forests.
Đáp án tham khảo
The worldwide annihilation of forests for agricultural or residential purposes without allowing
sufficient time for regeneration has severe and far-reaching consequences. Foremost among these is
the loss of biodiversity, as deforestation decimates habitats and dislocates a multitude of species.
Additionally, forests play a pivotal role in regulating the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and
releasing oxygen. The devastation of forests results in a marked increase in greenhouse gas emissions,
contributing significantly to the cataclysmic phenomena of global warming and climate change.
Furthermore, deforestation engenders soil erosion and a pernicious loss of fertility, rendering it a
daunting challenge to sustain agriculture or human habitation.

A multitude of measures can be taken to conserve and safeguard forests. Foremost among these is a
complete cessation of deforestation. This can be achieved through a panoply of interventions,
including the creation of protected areas, the adoption of sustainable forestry practices, and the
enforcement of laws against illicit logging. Reforestation can also play a pivotal role in restoring lost
habitats, mitigating climate change, and fostering sustainable forestry practices.

Individuals can make meaningful contributions to forest conservation by curbing their consumption of
products that contribute to deforestation, such as paper products. Supporting businesses that prioritize
sustainability and environmental conservation can also serve to ameliorate the deleterious effects of

To conclude, deforestation is a grave threat with manifold pernicious implications that necessitate
immediate action to protect forests. Governments, individuals, and organizations must collaborate and

work tirelessly to implement sustainable practices, safeguard existing forests, and promote
reforestation to ensure the perpetuation of the world's forests for future generations.

20. HSG lớp 9 Vũng Tàu Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu

Most people strongly argue that face-to-face education is essential and should never be replaced even
though online education or e-learning is becoming more and more popular. In about 150 words, write
to express your opinion about the issue.
Đáp án tham khảo
The matter of traditional face-to-face education versus online education has been the subject of
intense debate in contemporary society. While many individuals adamantly contend that in-person
instruction is indispensable and should never be supplanted, the popularity of e-learning has been
steadily gaining momentum.

Conventional education offers a distinctive opportunity for pupils to interact actively with their
educators and classmates, inquire, receive timely feedback, and engage in collaborative discussions
and activities. It also affords a more immersive and personalized learning experience that takes into
account the individual needs and learning styles of students.

In contrast, online education provides unparalleled flexibility and convenience. Learners can acquire
knowledge and skills from any location, at any time, and at their own pace. Moreover, e-learning
leverages sophisticated technology to provide interactive and engaging learning experiences, such as
simulations, videos, and games, that can substantially enhance the quality of education.

In my estimation, the optimal pedagogical approach hinges on the unique requirements and
proclivities of each student. Both face-to-face and online education possess their respective merits and
demerits, and it is essential to evaluate both approaches to provide an effective and engaging learning
experience. Ultimately, a combination of both methods may prove to be the most efficacious approach
to imparting high-quality education to a diverse student body.

21. HSG lớp 9 Nam Định 2021-2022

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless
to try and keep them alive.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
You should write at least 250 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
The notion that technological advancements inevitably result in the extinction of traditional practices
and customs is a debatable proposition. While it is accurate that scientific and technological progress

can transform societies, I concur that it is not an absolute certainty that traditional practices must
become extinct. In fact, there are numerous examples where modernization has coexisted with the
preservation of cultural heritage.

In one respect, technological breakthroughs frequently introduce novel modes of production and
lifestyles that can potentially make traditional skills and practices irrelevant. For instance, the advent
of automated farming machinery and mechanization has reduced the requirement for manual labor,
which, in turn, has resulted in the waning of traditional farming techniques. Similarly, the
proliferation of digital communication has diminished the need for face-to-face interactions, leading
to a decline in traditional forms of socialization.

In contrast, modernization can also facilitate the preservation and revitalization of traditional skills
and practices. For example, the emergence of sustainable technologies has enabled traditional
communities to sustain their way of life while simultaneously adjusting to evolving conditions. In
some cases, technological innovations can enhance traditional practices, such as utilizing irrigation
systems in farming.

Furthermore, traditional skills and ways of life can have substantial cultural and historical
significance, and their extinction can contribute to the erosion of cultural diversity. As a result, there
is frequently an effort to conserve and commemorate traditional practices through cultural festivals,
museums, and educational initiatives. These efforts not only serve to maintain cultural heritage but
also offer opportunities for individuals to learn from and appreciate different lifestyles.

In conclusion, while scientific and technological progress can lead to the fading of traditional skills
and customs, it is not an inevitable outcome. Through careful planning and consideration,
modernization can coexist with the preservation of cultural heritage. The loss of traditional practices
and customs can have significant cultural and historical implications, underscoring the need to find
methods to ensure their survival.

22. HSG lớp 12 Bắc Giang 2021-2022

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
One should never judge a person by external appearances.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. Write about 200-250 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
I wholeheartedly subscribe to the notion that one must never evaluate an individual based on their
external appearance. Such a practice is fundamentally unjust since outward appearances can be

deceitful, and it is unwise to generalize based on the clothes, grooming, or physical traits of an
individual. Such practice can lead to irrational treatment and the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes.

Discerning individuals based on appearances can trigger a social stigma that is detrimental to personal
and professional growth. By assuming that someone dressed casually is not as professional or
competent as someone wearing formal attire, it is easy to miss opportunities and reinforce harmful

It is vital to acknowledge that appearances do not mirror a person's true character, values, or actions.
It is therefore imperative to take the time to get to know people, explore their personalities, and
discover their achievements. By doing so, one can gain a more accurate understanding of an
individual, rather than relying on surface impressions.

Furthermore, appraising individuals based on outward appearances can adversely affect mental health.
The pressure to conform to certain beauty standards or clothing trends can result in feelings of
inadequacy and low self-esteem. Rejecting the idea that external appearances are the most crucial
factor in an individual's identity can cultivate a positive, accepting attitude towards ourselves and

In conclusion, it is unequivocally imperative that individuals should never judge a person based on
their external appearances. While physical characteristics can provide some insight, they should not
form the primary basis for one's opinions or treatment of others. Instead, we should focus on knowing
people for who they genuinely are and appreciate their diversity and uniqueness beyond their external

23. Chuyên Anh Vĩnh Phúc 2021-2022

Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best academic results, while
others believe that it is more important to reward students who show improvements.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Write 250-300 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
The debate surrounding whether schools should provide incentives for high-achieving students or
those who display progress has been a topic of discussion for an extended period. While some contend
that rewarding academic excellence is paramount, others assert that recognizing advancement is
equally significant. In this exposition, I will expound on both perspectives and proffer my personal

Advocates for incentivizing the highest academic results contend that doing so is a way of
acknowledging and motivating the most exceptional performers. These students frequently exhibit
more commitment and diligence than their peers, and they merit acknowledgement for their exertions.
Additionally, rewarding academic excellence can engender a culture of distinction within schools,
where students are encouraged to strive for their optimal performance.

On the other hand, proponents of rewarding progress argue that it is a more inclusive approach. This
is due to the fact that it acknowledges the exertions of students who may not be top-performing but
have invested substantial effort and dedication into improving their academic performance.
Rewarding progress can also motivate struggling students to work harder and achieve superior
academic outcomes in the future.

In my estimation, both approaches have their merits, and a balance needs to be struck between the
two. Acknowledging top-performing students can inspire them to continue pursuing excellence, but it
is crucial not to overlook the efforts of other students who are making headway. Likewise,
acknowledging students who exhibit progress can motivate them to work harder, but it should not
come at the expense of those who have already attained academic excellence.

To sum up, schools should endeavor to find a middle ground between incentivizing top-performing
students and those who display progress. By doing so, they can create a culture of distinction in which
all students are encouraged to work diligently and achieve their full potential.

24. Chuyên Anh Đà Nẵng 2021-2022

It is advised that everyone should look on the bright side of everything. What are the positive sides
that you can see of the COVID-19 pandemic?
You should write about 150 words on the Answer Sheet.
Đáp án tham khảo
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented various challenges, but it has also yielded several positive
outcomes. Notably, the pandemic has underscored the importance of scientific research and medical
advancements, as scientists and researchers worldwide have exerted tremendous effort to develop
effective vaccines and treatments for COVID-19. Moreover, the pandemic has catalyzed
advancements in telemedicine, which has facilitated remote access to medical care for many people.

The pandemic has also fostered a sense of community and solidarity, prompting people to support one
another and prioritize their health and well-being. This has led to an increase in physical activity and
the adoption of healthier habits. Additionally, businesses have been compelled to adapt and innovate,
resulting in the emergence of novel ways of working and delivering services that are likely to persist

beyond the pandemic. For instance, digital technologies have enabled many businesses to operate
more efficiently.

Despite the manifold challenges that the pandemic has posed, it has also highlighted the resilience and
adaptability of individuals and communities, and has spurred significant progress and innovations in
various domains.

25. HSG lớp 9 Hà Tĩnh

Today more and more teens follow the trend of becoming a Youtuber or Vlogger because of its
Do you think that its benefits outweigh its drawbacks?
In about 200 words, write an essay to give your idea about this opinion. Use specific details and
examples to support your idea.
Đáp án tham khảo
The trend of embarking on a career as a YouTuber or Vlogger has gained significant traction among
teenagers due to the potential for lucrative financial gains while pursuing one's passion. While there
are indeed considerable advantages associated with this occupation, it is important to acknowledge the
accompanying disadvantages.

One of the most notable advantages of this profession is the prospect of considerable financial
rewards. Accomplished YouTubers and Vloggers can earn substantial incomes through advertising,
sponsorships, and merchandise sales. Moreover, the nature of this job permits individuals to work
from the comfort of their own homes and establish their own schedules, offering a great deal of
flexibility and autonomy.

Despite these advantages, it is essential to take into account several drawbacks associated with this
career path. Foremost among these is the intense competition present in the industry, making it
difficult to stand out among a vast pool of creators. Furthermore, there is the risk of burnout and
resultant mental health issues due to the pressure to continually generate content and maintain a large
following. Finally, the income earned in this field can be unreliable, rendering it challenging to plan
for the future.

In conclusion, while there are certainly advantages to pursuing a career as a YouTuber or Vlogger, it
is critical to fully comprehend the associated downsides before committing to this path. Although
financial rewards and professional freedom are undoubtedly attractive, one must also consider the
fierce competition, burnout risk, and erratic income streams that are prevalent in this industry.

Ultimately, individuals must carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks before deciding whether this
career path aligns with their goals and aspirations.

26. Chuyên Anh Phú Yên 2021-2022

Many people think technological devices such as smart phones and tablets bring more disadvantages
than advantages. What is your opinion? Write about 150 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
Undoubtedly, I subscribe to the notion that technological devices, specifically smartphones and
tablets, confer more disadvantages than benefits. It cannot be denied that these contraptions have
indeed transformed our means of communication, work, and recreation. Nevertheless, their drawbacks
are undeniable and must not be disregarded.

Primarily, the excessive use of smartphones and tablets can lead to deleterious consequences.
Research has demonstrated that prolonged screen time can result in addiction and impede cognitive
faculties, social aptitude, and mental well-being. Furthermore, these gadgets emit blue light, which
can interrupt sleep patterns and induce eye strain, headaches, and exhaustion.

Furthermore, technological devices can entail exorbitant maintenance and replacement costs,
contributing to fiscal burdens and environmental predicaments. Frequently, many people succumb to
the pressure of possessing the latest gadgets, resulting in needless expenses and generating electronic

To conclude, while technological devices can be advantageous in certain aspects, their negative
attributes are too consequential to ignore. We must exercise prudence and restraint in employing these
devices, particularly for prolonged durations, to curtail their adverse effects.

27. HSG lớp 12 Thanh Hóa 2021-2022

It is said that the Internet plays an indispensable role in people's lives during lockdown period. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Write an essay of about 250 words to express your ideas.
Đáp án tham khảo
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on our lives, and the imposition of
lockdowns in many countries has changed the way we live. During these periods, the internet has
become a vital tool for people to work, learn, socialize, and entertain themselves. In my viewpoint, I
strongly concur that the internet has played an indispensable role in people's lives during the
lockdown period.

Primarily, the internet has facilitated remote work for employees, ensuring that businesses and
organizations can continue to function during the pandemic. With the aid of video conferencing and
online collaboration tools, employees can communicate and collaborate with their colleagues and
superiors as if they were in a physical office. This has mitigated the pandemic's economic impact,
guaranteeing that individuals can sustain their livelihoods.

Secondarily, the internet has enabled remote education for students. Educational institutions across
the world have closed their doors due to the pandemic. However, thanks to the internet, students can
continue to attend classes and complete assignments from the comfort of their homes. E-learning
platforms and tools like Zoom and Google Classroom have enabled educators to provide quality
instruction to their students.

Lastly, the internet has allowed people to stay connected with their loved ones during lockdowns.
With social distancing measures in place, people have had to limit their physical interactions.
Nevertheless, social media platforms, messaging apps, and video conferencing tools have enabled
individuals to keep in touch with their friends and family, reducing the feeling of isolation and

In conclusion, the internet has played an indispensable role in people's lives during the lockdown
period. It has enabled remote work, learning, and socializing, guaranteeing that individuals can
maintain productive and fulfilling lifestyles despite the pandemic. The internet has also highlighted its
significance in our daily routines, and it is expected to remain an essential component of our lives
long after the pandemic is over.

28. Chuyên Anh Đồng Tháp 2021-2022

Write an essay on the following topic:
Fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas, are used in large amount in many countries. The use
of alternative sources of energy, such as wind, wave or solar power, is encouraged. Is this a positive
or negative trend?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. You should write at least 250 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
The utilization of fossil fuels, encompassing coal, oil, and natural gas, has been widely prevalent in
numerous countries for a protracted period. Nevertheless, the deleterious environmental effects of
these non-renewable energy sources, particularly in terms of contributing to the ongoing phenomenon
of climate change, have prompted a burgeoning advocacy for a shift towards alternative sources of

energy such as wind, wave, and solar power. While some may view this transition as a salutary trend,
others may contend that it has a litany of adverse consequences that necessitate close scrutiny.

On the affirmative side, the transition to alternative sources of energy embodies an indispensable
stride towards abating the existential menace of climate change. Fossil fuels engender the release of
greenhouse gases upon combustion, which contravene the climate by fueling global warming.
Conversely, renewable energy sources are inconsequential to the environment as they exude no
greenhouse gases. Additionally, the plummeting costs of renewable energy technologies, especially
solar and wind power, have elevated their competitiveness with traditional fossil fuels, providing a
more cost-effective alternative for energy production.

Furthermore, the development of alternative energy sources engenders novel economic opportunities
that can engender growth and innovation. The transition to renewable energy mandates skilled
workers in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance, thereby propitiating new job markets.
Additionally, investing in renewable energy can generate new market opportunities for innovative
technologies and solutions, further augmenting economic growth.

However, the shift towards alternative sources of energy has potential negative ramifications that
must be duly pondered. The development of renewable energy technologies may necessitate
substantial investments in research and infrastructure, which may pose impediments for countries
with limited resources. Furthermore, the installation of renewable energy technologies may lead to
land-use changes and ecological disruptions that can have unforeseen consequences.

To sum up, the trend towards alternative sources of energy epitomizes a momentous stride in
mitigating climate change and advocating sustainable growth. While there are multifarious challenges
associated with this transition, the potential benefits, such as cleaner energy, novel economic
opportunities, and innovation, far outweigh the costs.

29. HSG Quốc Gia Quảng Nam 2020-2021

Write an essay on the following topic.
As populations become more mobile, the idea of national borders between countries will disappear in
future. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 350 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
The surge in global population mobility has sparked debates on the relevance of national borders.
Some argue that such borders will inevitably vanish as human mobility increases, while others

disagree. This essay seeks to expound on the extent to which the disappearance of national borders is
feasible, and provide specific reasons and examples to support this standpoint.

Primarily, the notion that national borders will disappear is untenable. National borders play a pivotal
role in maintaining a country's identity, acting as a symbol of sovereignty, and serving as a means of
regulating entry and exit, thereby enhancing security. For instance, the US-Mexico border has become
a contentious political issue due to illegal immigration. Additionally, national borders are essential for
safeguarding a country's economy by controlling the movement of goods and services.

Secondly, although populations have become increasingly mobile, the assumption that national
borders will eventually disappear fails to acknowledge that people still exhibit intense emotional
connections to their country of origin. This is evident in cultural practices and traditions that are still
observed, even when residing in other countries. Moreover, people display allegiance to their home
country, as evidenced by their support of their national sports teams in international competitions.

Lastly, the recent upswing in nationalism worldwide suggests that the disappearance of national
borders is unlikely. Nationalism is a reaction to globalization and promotes prioritization of a
country's interests above others. It has led to the ascension of populist leaders who advocate for
policies geared towards advancing their country's interests.

In conclusion, the prospect of national borders vanishing due to increased population mobility is
unrealistic. National borders are critical for preserving a country's identity, ensuring economic
protection, and controlling the movement of goods and people. Additionally, people still possess a
profound attachment to their country of origin, and nationalism has become increasingly prevalent
worldwide. Therefore, while it is essential to promote global cooperation and mobility, national
borders will undoubtedly remain a salient aspect of the global terrain in the foreseeable future.

30. Chuyên Anh Nghệ An 2020-2021

Write an essay (at least 250 words) on the following topic:
Some people think that children who spend a lot of time reading children's story books are wasting
their time, which could be better used to do other more useful activities.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Đáp án tham khảo
While some individuals hold the belief that children who allocate substantial periods of time to
perusing children's storybooks are wasting their valuable time, I wholeheartedly refute this notion.

Rather, I am of the opinion that indulging in this literary activity is an indispensable pursuit, which
can engender multifarious benefits that surpass those of alternative activities.

Primarily, immersing oneself in the pages of children's storybooks can enhance a child's imaginative
and inventive faculties. Storybooks are replete with elaborate and vibrant descriptions that can
mentally transport children to various worlds and expose them to new and divergent viewpoints.
Furthermore, reading can foster lexical acquisition and advanced comprehension, thereby refining
their linguistic aptitude and communicative proficiency.

Additionally, the act of reading children's storybooks can cultivate a child's empathetic and emotional
intelligence. These books often feature relatable characters whose experiences children can relate to,
and by reading about their trials and tribulations, children can develop an understanding of others'
emotions and be more receptive to diverse perspectives. This, in turn, can hone their compassionate
nature and equip them with vital qualities needed in today's interconnected society.

Lastly, delving into the pages of children's storybooks can be an enjoyable and gratifying pursuit that
children can engage in either individually or with companions. This activity can provide a momentary
respite from the stresses of everyday life and imbue children with an enduring passion for knowledge
acquisition and the exploration of new topics.

In conclusion, I vehemently reject the notion that children who dedicate copious amounts of time to
reading children's storybooks are squandering their time. Instead, the manifold benefits engendered
from this literary endeavor make it a worthwhile and invaluable pursuit that should be encouraged by
educators and parents alike.

31. HSG Quốc Gia Đồng Tháp 2018

Write an essay about the following topic:
The Internet, TV, and radio are very popular nowadays. Some people say that they are replacing
books and printed materials as the main sources of information and entertainment. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. Write about 300 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
The proliferation of technological advances has led to a plethora of information and entertainment
channels, namely the internet, television, and radio. Although some contend that these modern
mediums are displacing conventional printed materials as the primary sources of information and
entertainment, I maintain that they cannot fully supplant traditional mediums.

The convenience and accessibility of the internet, television, and radio have been the primary driving
factors behind their widespread popularity. Users can easily access vast quantities of information and
entertainment through the internet with minimal effort. Similarly, television and radio broadcasts can
be accessed anytime and anywhere, providing viewers and listeners with a wide range of options for
their entertainment needs. These modern mediums also offer an interactive experience, allowing users
to engage with one another and contribute their own content.

Nevertheless, despite the numerous advantages of these modern mediums, they cannot completely
replace books and printed materials. Reading books, for example, offers a unique experience that
cannot be replicated through digital means. The act of reading allows readers to become engrossed in
a story or topic, providing them with a more personal and intimate experience. In addition, printed
materials such as newspapers and magazines provide more comprehensive analysis and commentary
on current events than their digital counterparts.

Furthermore, books and printed materials offer distinct benefits that cannot be found in digital
mediums. For instance, books and printed materials do not require electricity or an internet connection
to be accessed, making them a more reliable source of information during power outages or internet
downtime. Additionally, reading books and printed materials can enhance cognitive function,
augment vocabulary, and sharpen critical thinking skills, which are not commonly acquired through
passive consumption of internet, television, and radio content.

In conclusion, while the internet, television, and radio undeniably serve as popular sources of
information and entertainment, they cannot entirely supplant books and printed materials. Despite the
convenience, accessibility, and interactivity of modern mediums, traditional mediums provide a
unique and irreplaceable experience that cannot be replicated through digital means. Therefore,
traditional mediums will continue to coexist with modern mediums, each providing their own distinct
benefits and advantages.

32. HSG lớp 9 Hưng Yên 2020-2021

Some people say that students should be taught only academic knowledge at school so that they can
pass exams while others believe that life skills such as social skills, housekeeping skills, or self-care
skills are also really essential to them. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Write an essay of about
200 words to support your opinion.
Đáp án tham khảo
In my personal view, incorporating life skills instruction alongside academic education is crucial for
producing individuals who are well-equipped to excel in all facets of life. While academic knowledge

is critical for acing examinations and pursuing advanced education, life skills are equally significant
in terms of preparing students for success in the practical world.

Life skills, such as effective communication, problem-solving, time management, and financial
literacy, are essential for success in any profession or personal relationship. These proficiencies
cannot be obtained solely through theoretical instruction but must be taught through experiential
learning and practical application. By educating students in budgeting and financial management or
instructing them on how to communicate proficiently with others, they will develop the competencies
needed to navigate complex social and economic systems as responsible, effective adults.

Moreover, incorporating life skills training within educational curricula can foster a sense of
responsibility and self-sufficiency in students. Through learning how to cook, clean, and take care of
themselves, students can gain the confidence and independence necessary for success in life. These
skills can also assist in maintaining a healthy work-life balance, avoiding burnout, which is
increasingly prevalent in today's fast-paced environment.

To summarize, while academic knowledge is undoubtedly important, it is equally essential to include

life skills instruction to prepare students for real-world success. Educational institutions can equip
students with the tools and resources required to become well-rounded individuals, preparing them for
lifelong success in both personal and professional realms.

33. HSG lớp 11 Vĩnh Phúc

Write an essay of around 250 words on the following topic.
The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it
may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student
inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
Studying at an overseas university is an exciting and alluring prospect for many people. However,
despite the potential advantages, it is arguably better to remain in one's home country due to the
numerous difficulties that students inevitably encounter when living and studying in a foreign culture.
The degree to which one concurs or disagrees with this assertion is contingent on the individual's
personal situation and their willingness to face challenges head-on.

On one hand, studying abroad confers a multitude of benefits, such as exposure to diverse cultures,
access to global networks, and the opportunity to learn a new language. Additionally, studying abroad

can broaden one's outlook and improve career prospects, with international experience being highly
prized by employers and setting applicants apart from their peers in the job market.

On the other hand, studying abroad is not without its challenges. The initial thrill of arriving in a new
country can quickly give way to feelings of homesickness, culture shock, and isolation. The language
barrier, unfamiliarity with the educational system, and variations in teaching styles can all make
studying overseas a daunting prospect. Furthermore, financial constraints, visa restrictions, and the
uncertainties of the current pandemic can all compound the stress of studying abroad.

In conclusion, studying overseas presents a difficult yet rewarding experience. While it may not be
suitable for everyone, those who are willing to confront the difficulties can reap the benefits of an
international education. Ultimately, the choice to study overseas or stay at home should be predicated
on one's specific circumstances and aspirations. Students should weigh their options carefully and
conduct thorough research on their desired institutions before making a decision.

34. HSG lớp 12 Hà Nam 2020-2021

Write an essay of 200-250 words on the following topic:
In this modern age, a country should give the first priority to the development of artificial intelligence
to be recognized as a great nation. Others, however, argue that the government should pay much
attention to the general welfare of all its people.
Present your perspective on this issue, using relevant reasons and examples to support your viewpoint.
Đáp án tham khảo
In the contemporary era, the foremost priority of a nation should be to prioritize the advancement of
artificial intelligence (AI) in order to establish itself as a preeminent global power. Conversely, others
contend that the government ought to allocate significant attention to the general welfare of all its

In my opinion, the development of AI is undeniably indispensable in the modern age, given its
potential to revolutionize numerous industries and enhance the quality of human life in multifarious
ways. Nevertheless, it should not be the sole determinant of a great nation. Rather, the government
should prioritize the provision of fundamental amenities and services to the populace, including
education, healthcare, and infrastructure, to ensure their overall well-being and foster national growth.

Focusing solely on AI could result in exacerbated social inequality and the perpetuation of wealth
disparity, as well as the neglect of vital sectors such as healthcare, education, and agriculture, which
are pivotal to a country's development.

For instance, consider a country with advanced AI technology but an underdeveloped healthcare
system. Despite its technological achievements, such a nation cannot be considered great if its citizens
face significant obstacles in accessing affordable healthcare. Conversely, a country with a robust
healthcare system that provides comprehensive care to all its citizens, even if its AI development is
comparatively lower, can still be considered a great nation.

In conclusion, a nation's priority should be to ensure the welfare of its people, with the development
of AI being a secondary concern. The government should concentrate on building a strong social
infrastructure that caters to its citizens' fundamental needs, thereby contributing to the overall progress
and development of the nation.

35. HSG lớp 9 Bắc Ninh 2017-2018

Many people suggest that children should be encouraged to do the housework.
Write an essay of about 250 words to express your point of view on the topic. Use specific reasons
and examples to support your opinion.
Đáp án tham khảo
In my personal viewpoint, I firmly believe that it is imperative to instill in children the value of
participating in household duties. There are a myriad of rationales to support my stance.

Primarily, engaging in domestic chores imparts valuable life skills unto children. The acquisition of
knowledge pertaining to cleaning, cooking, and laundry facilitates the development of self-sufficiency
in their later years. Furthermore, it fosters a sense of responsibility and discipline, which is an
attribute that can be utilized in various other aspects of their lives.

Secondarily, undertaking household duties provides an opportunity for children to contribute to the
family dynamic and cultivate a sense of collective teamwork. Collaboratively maintaining a clean and
organized household can generate a cooperative environment and enable children to feel a sense of
significance and control.

Ultimately, engaging in domestic tasks can even prove to be enjoyable for children. When chores are
approached positively and presented as an avenue for skill acquisition and family contribution,
children can take pride in their work and develop an appreciation for the process. Furthermore,
participating in household duties as a family can engender a bonding experience and create enduring

Nevertheless, it is essential to ensure that children are not overburdened with domestic responsibilities
and that they possess sufficient time to pursue other interests and hobbies. However, by instilling in

them a positive and constructive outlook towards contributing to household duties, we can equip our
children with crucial life skills, a sense of responsibility and teamwork, and even a sense of

36. HSG lớp 12 Vĩnh Phúc 2019-2020

Living in a traditional family of three or four generations has both advantages and disadvantages.
What do you think of that matter? Write an essay of about 180- 220 words to support your points.
Đáp án tham khảo
Residing within a traditional family consisting of three or four generations presents both advantages
and disadvantages. On the affirmative side, a conventional family structure can yield a potent sense of
communal solidarity, support, and mutual affection. Elders within the family unit can impart valuable
knowledge, expertise, and customs to the younger generations, constructing a powerful sense of
familial heritage and distinct identity. Furthermore, by cohabiting with multiple generations, families
can save costs on expenses such as housing and caregiving.

On the other hand, residing in a multigenerational household can present its own set of difficulties.
One of the primary challenges is the potential for contention arising from disparities in values, beliefs,
and lifestyles. As each generation brings its unique viewpoints and ways of life, it can prove
challenging to reach a common ground and resolve conflicts in a manner that satisfies all parties.
Furthermore, living under one roof with a multitude of individuals can create privacy, space, and
boundary issues.

Ultimately, the advantages and challenges of residing within a traditional family of three or four
generations hinge on the individuals involved and their ability to communicate effectively,
compromise, and exhibit respect towards each other's differences. For those who prioritize family
connections and value the significance of intergenerational relationships, residing within a traditional
family structure can offer a fulfilling and enriching experience.

37. HSG lớp 12 Thái Nguyên 2018-2019

Write a passage of about 250 words to show your opinion on the following statement:
“Smart devices have put all of the world’s information at our fingertips.” What are the drawbacks of
this development?
Đáp án tham khảo
The advent of intelligent devices has brought about a revolutionary change in the way we access
information. With just a few touches or clicks, we can now explore a vast array of information,
ranging from the most recent news to historical data, scientific research, and cultural trends. Hence,
smart devices have enabled us to learn, discover, and explore to an unprecedented extent.

However, notwithstanding the manifold benefits of smart devices, there are also significant drawbacks
to this development. One of the most pressing issues is information overload. Given the vast amount
of information available at our disposal, it can be challenging to filter through and find relevant,
accurate, and trustworthy information. This can lead to confusion, misinformation, and cognitive
overload, which can have detrimental effects on our mental well-being.

Another disadvantage of smart devices is their propensity to distract us from the present moment.
With constant notifications and alerts, it can be effortless to get absorbed in the digital world and lose
touch with our physical surroundings. This can negatively impact our relationships, productivity, and
overall quality of life.

Moreover, the widespread use of smart devices has raised concerns about privacy and security. As we
entrust more of our personal information to these devices, there is an increasing risk of data breaches,
identity theft, and other cyber threats.

In conclusion, while smart devices have undoubtedly brought about many positive changes, it is
crucial to be cognizant of the potential drawbacks and take steps to minimize their impact. We must
strive to strike a balance between our use of technology and our physical and mental well-being and
ensure that our personal information remains safeguarded from harm.

38. HSG lớp 12 Hải Dương 2015-2016

Teenagers’ ability to live independently does not seem to develop naturally. What essential life skills
should each teenager develop to lead an independent life?
In about 250 words, write an essay to clarify your point of view.
Đáp án tham khảo
Living autonomously is a crucial aptitude that adolescents must cultivate as they advance into
adulthood. Nevertheless, this ability does not occur spontaneously. It is paramount that teenagers
acquire essential life skills that enable them to function independently. In this discourse, we will
scrutinize the indispensable life skills that teenagers ought to acquire to attain independence.

Primarily, financial literacy is a pivotal life skill that adolescents must acquire. They must
comprehend how to administer their finances effectively, comprising budgeting, economizing,
investing, and managing debts. It is critical to instill in teenagers the significance of monetary value,
the prudence of saving, and the wisdom of investing. Financial instruction can prepare them for
forthcoming expenses and unforeseen events.

Secondarily, time management is another pivotal skill that teenagers must develop. They must learn
how to prioritize tasks, establish goals, and create timetables. With dexterous time management skills,
adolescents can balance academic tasks, social commitments, and other responsibilities while
obviating procrastination.

Thirdly, communication skills are critical in all facets of life. Adolescents must acquire effective
communication skills through articulate oral expression, articulate written expression, and active
listening. Proficient communication skills can assist adolescents in cultivating better relationships
with their family and friends, performing well in group dynamics, and attaining success in their

Fourthly, culinary and nutrition expertise are essential life skills that teenagers must acquire. They
must have knowledge of how to prepare nourishing meals and understand the significance of a
wholesome, balanced diet. Culinary competence is a life skill that can assist teenagers in economizing
on food expenses, nourishing their bodies optimally, and having fun while preparing meals.

Fifthly, problem-solving skills are imperative life skills that teenagers must acquire. They must be
able to identify problems, analyze potential solutions, and make well-informed decisions. The aptitude
to solve problems can assist teenagers in dealing with challenges and making prudent decisions.

Lastly, self-care is a critical life skill that teenagers must acquire. They must know how to practice
good hygiene, exercise regularly, obtain adequate sleep, and manage stress. Self-care is essential for
preserving their physical and mental health and overall well-being.

To conclude, teenagers must learn indispensable life skills to live autonomously. Parents, guardians,
and educators must take an active role in teaching these skills and providing guidance and support.
With the proper tools and resources, teenagers can cultivate the skills required to navigate the
complexities of adulthood successfully.

39. HSG Hưng Yên 2017-2018

Some parents think that they can take advantage of modern technology to educate their children at
home. Others argue that the learning process can only be facilitated with the appearance of teachers.
Which opinion are you in favor of? Why? You should write at least 250 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
In my view, the advent of modern technology has fundamentally altered the landscape of education,
providing parents with an unprecedented array of tools and resources that can be leveraged to deliver
a highly personalized and effective learning experience for their children.

Modern technology has revolutionized the way we access and consume information, enabling parents
to tap into a vast and diverse range of educational resources that were previously unavailable. From
online courses and interactive multimedia content to educational games and social learning platforms,
parents now have access to a wealth of resources that can be used to enhance their child's education.

In addition, homeschooling provides a unique opportunity for parents to create a customized learning
environment that is tailored to their child's individual learning needs and preferences. By leveraging
the latest digital tools and educational techniques, parents can deliver a personalized educational
experience that fosters deep learning and instills a lifelong love of learning.

Moreover, homeschooling can provide children with a level of flexibility and adaptability that is
simply not possible in a traditional classroom setting. Children can learn at their own pace and in their
own unique way, allowing them to explore and develop their interests and talents to their fullest

In conclusion, modern technology has opened up a whole new world of educational possibilities,
providing parents with an unparalleled level of control over their child's education. By leveraging the
latest educational tools and techniques, parents can create a highly personalized and effective learning
experience that can help their children achieve lifelong success.

40. Chuyên Anh Đồng Tháp 2015-2016

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Watching television is bad for children.”
Write an exposition of 150-200 words to express your own opinion. Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
Expressing a nuanced perspective, it can be argued that watching television has both benefits and
drawbacks for children. On the one hand, television can expose children to a wide range of
information, ideas, and cultural perspectives that they might not otherwise encounter. For example,
educational programs can help young viewers develop vocabulary, problem-solving skills, and social-
emotional competencies. Furthermore, televised sports, news, and documentaries can foster a sense of
curiosity, empathy, and global awareness.

On the other hand, excessive TV watching can have negative consequences for children's health, well-
being, and social development. Sitting for long periods in front of a screen can contribute to sedentary
behavior, obesity, and sleep disturbances. Moreover, exposure to violent or sexual content can

desensitize children to aggression and undermine their moral values. In addition, excessive screen
time can interfere with face-to-face communication and hinder the development of social skills.

Therefore, it is crucial for parents, caregivers, and educators to monitor children's screen time and
ensure that it is balanced with other activities such as exercise, reading, and creative play.
Furthermore, they should carefully select the content that children watch and engage in meaningful
conversations with them about the messages and values conveyed by television programs. Ultimately,
with thoughtful guidance and moderation, television can serve as a useful tool for children's learning
and growth.

41. Chuyên Anh Đồng Tháp 2017-2018

Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook, Zalo, Twitter) have a huge
negative impact on both individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write an exposition (about 150-200 words) to express your own opinion. Use specific reasons and
examples to support your opinion.
Đáp án tham khảo
Social media platforms have become an indispensable aspect of contemporary life. Although they
provide numerous advantages, including facilitating communication with acquaintances and peers,
professional networking, and providing easy access to information, they also carry detrimental effects
on both individuals and society.

One of the most significant drawbacks is the adverse impact on mental health. Social media usage has
been associated with heightened levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. This is mainly due
to the tendency of individuals to compare themselves to others on social media, often leading to
feelings of inadequacy and fear of missing out.

Another detrimental consequence is the propagation of false news and disinformation. Social media
algorithms tend to promote content that garners the most engagement, regardless of its authenticity.
This results in the dissemination of inaccurate information, which can have serious repercussions,
especially in times of crisis such as during a pandemic.

Moreover, social media contributes to the polarization of society. People tend to seek out and engage
with content that reinforces their pre-existing beliefs and opinions, creating echo chambers and
breeding a lack of understanding and empathy towards those with diverging perspectives.

To conclude, despite the numerous advantages of social media platforms, their negative impacts
cannot be disregarded. Individuals must be cautious of their social media usage, and society must
work towards better regulations and accountability for social media platforms.

42. Chuyên Anh Đồng Tháp 2020-2021

Write an essay on the following topic:
The development of tourism has both positive and negative effects on a country.
What do you think about that?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. You should write at least 250 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
Tourism has emerged as a pivotal source of revenue for numerous nations across the globe. The
industry has ushered in a myriad of advantages for countries, including job creation, infrastructure
enhancement, and augmented economic growth. Nonetheless, the tourism industry's expansion also
comes with detrimental effects on a country, such as environmental degradation, overcrowding, and
cultural disintegration.

One of the primary benefits of tourism is its potential to generate employment opportunities for the
local populace. Tourism offers prospects for employment in several domains, such as accommodation,
food, transport, and recreation, which can curb unemployment rates and enhance the standard of
living in a country.

Furthermore, the growth of tourism leads to the development of infrastructure, which provides a
significant impetus to the economy. The construction of airports, roads, and hotels contributes to
boosting accessibility to various regions, making travel more convenient and improving the local

However, the growth of tourism also brings about negative impacts. One of the most consequential
negative impacts is environmental damage. The inflow of tourists into an area can cause pollution,
deforestation, and other environmental problems. Additionally, various tourist activities, such as
diving, snorkeling, and hiking, can damage delicate ecosystems and habitats.

Another unfavorable outcome of tourism is overcrowding. Popular tourist destinations may become
inundated with visitors during peak seasons, leading to long lines, traffic congestion, and other forms
of inconvenience. Overcrowding may also result in the deterioration of local customs and ways of life,
as visitors may disregard cultural traditions and norms.

In conclusion, the growth of tourism brings about both positive and negative impacts on a country.
While tourism can promote job creation and economic growth, it can also lead to environmental
degradation, overcrowding, and cultural erosion. Governments must find a balance between the
benefits of tourism and its negative impacts and take steps to mitigate any negative effects. It is vital
to promote sustainable tourism practices that safeguard the environment, preserve cultural heritage,
and promote economic growth in a responsible manner.

43. Chuyên Anh Quốc Học Huế 2015-2016

Within from 200 to 250 words, write a composition about the following topic.
How do movies influence the young generation in Vietnam nowadays?
Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
The silver screen has always been an influential form of mass media, and its impact on the younger
generation in Vietnam is certainly no exception. Nowadays, movies are widely available and easily
accessible, thanks to streaming platforms and ubiquitous movie theaters. Consequently, the young
generation in Vietnam is significantly influenced by the movies they watch.

One manner in which movies shape the values and attitudes of the younger generation in Vietnam is
by introducing novel perspectives and ideas, as well as reinforcing pre-existing beliefs. For instance, a
film that advocates for cultural diversity can instill in young people a more open-minded outlook
toward dissimilar lifestyles and cultures.

Movies also wield a potent influence on fashion trends and consumer behavior. Young people are
often enamored with the fashion and style of their beloved movie stars and may aspire to emulate their
fashion choices or purchase items endorsed by them. For instance, a film featuring a specific clothing
brand can engender a surge in sales for that brand.

Furthermore, movies can also exert a profound effect on the language and communication style of the
younger generation. Young people frequently adopt the slang and idioms employed in popular
movies, which can shape their speech patterns and even spur the creation of fresh phrases and

To sum up, movies exert a substantial influence on the younger generation in Vietnam, shaping their
values, attitudes, fashion trends, consumer behavior, language usage, and communication style. It is
imperative to acknowledge the formidable power of movies and to ensure that they convey
affirmative messages that can promote the betterment of society as a whole.

44. Chuyên Anh Quốc Học Huế 2016-2017
Within from 150 to 200 words, write a short composition on the following topic.
What roles does fresh water play in our life?
Đáp án tham khảo
Freshwater is a highly coveted and pivotal resource that plays an indispensable role in our day-to-day
lives. It serves as a fundamental necessity for our very existence and the preservation of all living
organisms on our planet. Freshwater is not only critical for drinking purposes, but also plays a vital
role in cooking, cleaning, and sanitation. Furthermore, freshwater is essential for agriculture,
industrial activities, and power generation.

Freshwater bodies provide a plethora of habitats for a diverse range of flora and fauna. These bodies
serve as a breeding ground for fish and other aquatic species, which are integral to the food chain and
support biodiversity. Additionally, freshwater ecosystems offer recreational activities such as
swimming, boating, and fishing.

Regrettably, the availability of freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce due to a conglomeration of

factors such as climate change, population growth, and pollution. It is therefore crucial to conserve
and manage freshwater resources sustainably to ensure that forthcoming generations have access to
this highly valuable resource. This can be accomplished through measures such as reducing water
consumption, safeguarding freshwater ecosystems, and implementing policies that promote water

In conclusion, freshwater is an extremely significant and indispensable element for our survival and
the well-being of our planet. It is imperative that we acknowledge its true worth and take concrete
action to preserve it for present and future generations.

45. Chuyên Anh Quốc Học Huế 2017-2018

Within from 200 to 250 words, write a short composition on the following topic.
Should teenagers spend more time on such cultural activities as enjoying music or theatre, etc and less
time on sports? Why or why not?
Đáp án tham khảo
Teenagers should not have to make a binary choice between cultural pursuits and athletic endeavors,
as both domains offer distinct advantages for their physical and mental development. Achieving a
harmonious equilibrium between the two spheres is crucial, given the manifold benefits each can

Engaging in sports can cultivate essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance,
while also promoting robust health, a vital consideration during the formative teenage years when
physiological growth and development are ongoing. Conversely, exploring cultural activities such as
attending music concerts or theatrical performances can instill a sense of identity and foster a feeling
of belonging, while also stimulating creativity and inspiring innovative forms of self-expression.

Therefore, the aim should not be to diminish the importance of sports in favor of cultural pursuits but
to encourage a balanced approach that recognizes the value of both. Schools can provide opportunities
for students to attend cultural events, such as music concerts, plays, or art exhibitions. Parents can
also introduce their children to various artistic forms by taking them to museums or other cultural

Ultimately, the goal is to enable teenagers to pursue their passions and interests freely, without
constraining them to a narrow range of activities. By doing so, they can develop a multifaceted and
well-rounded personality that will serve them well throughout their lives.

46. Chuyên Anh Quốc Học Huế 2018-2019

Within from 250 to 300 words, write a short composition on the following topic.
Some people think that only men, but not women, should be allowed to hold high positions at work.
Do you support this opinion? Give your reasons.
Đáp án tham khảo
The view that men possess superior abilities and, therefore, are better suited for high-ranking
positions is not only archaic but also prejudiced. Men and women possess distinctive talents,
experiences, and skill sets that enable them to make valuable contributions to any workplace. Gender
must not play a decisive role in determining promotions or appointments to top positions.

Extensive research has consistently shown that organizations that champion diversity and inclusion
outperform those that don't. When individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives come
together, they generate novel ideas and innovative solutions. Hence, restricting high-level positions to
men would be counterproductive to the growth and success of an organization.

Moreover, it is crucial to recognize that gender equality is a fundamental human right. Women are
entitled to work and receive recognition for their contributions on an equal footing with men.
Discriminating against women by withholding top positions would not only be unjust but would also
create a hostile work environment.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that both men and women should have equal opportunities to hold
high-level positions at work. Gender must not be a determining factor in an individual's career
trajectory. Embracing diversity and inclusion in the workplace is not only the ethical thing to do, but it
also benefits the organization in the long run.

47. Chuyên Anh Quốc Học Huế 2019-2020

Write a short essay of about 250 words on the following topic.
With the development of technology in education, will traditional classrooms disappear in the future?
What's your opinion?
Đáp án tham khảo
The advancement of technology in education has led to a paradigm shift in the way students acquire
knowledge and teachers deliver instruction. With the advent of e-learning platforms, video
conferencing tools, and educational applications, the prevalence of conventional classrooms has
gradually diminished. Nevertheless, the question remains: will traditional classrooms become obsolete
in the future?

In my perspective, the traditional classroom setting will not become entirely extinct in the future.
While technology has made education more accessible and convenient, there are certain aspects of the
conventional classroom environment that cannot be replicated through online learning. For instance,
physical interactions with educators and peers create a sense of community and facilitate personalized
instruction. Learners can seek clarifications and receive prompt feedback, which is frequently lacking
in virtual learning environments.

Furthermore, traditional classrooms provide a structured atmosphere that helps learners develop
crucial skills such as time management, discipline, and social interaction. Although e-learning can be
flexible, it necessitates self-motivation and self-discipline, which can be arduous for some individuals.

Notwithstanding, I believe that technology will continue to play an increasingly prominent role in
education. It can augment traditional classrooms by offering supplementary resources, such as e-
textbooks and educational videos, that complement in-person instruction. It can also provide
alternative learning modes, such as distance or hybrid learning, that enable learners to access
education from anywhere globally.

In conclusion, although technology will continue to revolutionize education, traditional classrooms

will persist as a significant component of the educational landscape. The optimal approach is to
embrace the benefits of technology while acknowledging the value of face-to-face interactions and the
structured atmosphere of traditional classrooms.

48. Chuyên Anh Nghệ An 2010-2011
Write an essay on the following topic: (150-200 words) Do you agree with the following statement?
"Traveling is a good way of improving our knowledge."
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinions.
Đáp án tham khảo
Traveling can be an efficacious means of augmenting our intellectual prowess. By embarking on
expeditions to novel territories and cultures, we can garner sagacity into the global milieu and acquire
knowledge of diverse customs, traditions, and ways of life. Interacting with locals presents us with
opportunities to expand our horizons and challenge preconceived notions.

Moreover, traveling facilitates linguistic acquisition or proficiency refinement, a crucial aspect of

interpersonal communication. Learning a new language can enable us to connect with the denizens of
the land, thus providing deeper insights into their ethos.

In addition, travel is a conduit to firsthand experiences of history, art, and architecture. Exploring
museums, historic sites, and landmarks that were hitherto only relegated to books and documentaries
can deepen our comprehension and appreciation of their significance.

Overall, travel is a splendid instrument for enriching our knowledge and broadening our perspective.
The exposure to diverse cultures, languages, and historical relics can foster a deeper understanding of
the world and contribute to our intellectual evolution.

49. Chuyên Anh Nghệ An 2011-2012

Write a composition on the following topic (about 150-200 words)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city.
Đáp án tham khảo
The contention of whether children are better off growing up in the countryside or in a large city is not
easily resolved, given the distinct advantages and disadvantages of each environment. However, I
contend that the countryside offers a singular array of experiences and benefits that may be
unavailable in urban settings.

Foremost among these is the opportunity to cultivate an intimate relationship with the natural world,
thereby developing an appreciation of the environment and a sense of ecological responsibility.
Furthermore, outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and camping can foster physical activity and a
healthy lifestyle.

Another significant benefit of rural life is the tight-knit sense of community that prevails in these
areas, with neighbors working together to support each other. Children can derive a sense of
belonging and social support from this close network.

That said, metropolitan centers offer a plethora of cultural and educational opportunities that may not
be accessible in more rural areas. Children can access museums, libraries, and other resources that can
expand their knowledge and stimulate their intellectual curiosity. Moreover, they can interact with a
diverse range of individuals from varying backgrounds, promoting empathy and understanding.

In sum, determining whether the countryside or the city is a better environment for children's
upbringing depends on a host of factors. While the countryside can offer a distinctive set of
experiences and benefits, the city has its own unique advantages. Ultimately, parents must weigh their
children's individual needs and interests when deciding where to raise them.

50. Chuyên Anh Nghệ An 2017-2018

Write an essay (at least 250 words) giving your opinions on the following statement:
"Electric bikes are very convenient for students but also potentially dangerous."
Đáp án tham khảo
Electric bicycles have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, particularly among students who
seek a convenient and cost-effective mode of transportation. Despite their advantages, electric
bicycles also present potential risks to their riders and other road users. Therefore, the statement that
electric bicycles are highly convenient for students but also potentially hazardous is valid, and this
essay will discuss both perspectives of the argument.

On the one hand, electric bicycles offer unparalleled convenience for students, providing a swift and
efficient transportation method that helps them evade traffic, minimize commuting time, and reduce
expenditure on gas and parking fees. Electric bicycles are also environmentally friendly, emitting no
pollutants or greenhouse gases, which makes them a fantastic option for ecologically aware students.

On the other hand, electric bicycles can be potentially perilous to both riders and other road users.
Their ability to achieve high speeds can make them challenging to control, particularly for
inexperienced riders. Furthermore, their motorized component can destabilize riders if not handled
with care. Additionally, electric bicycles have a greater risk of accidents, especially when riders fail to
wear proper safety equipment or do not follow traffic regulations.

Nevertheless, the potential dangers of electric bicycles can be minimized through proper training,
compliance with safety guidelines, and appropriate usage. For example, riders should always wear
helmets, utilize lights when cycling at night, and avoid distractions. Students can also take safety
courses to enhance their knowledge and skills on how to safely operate electric bicycles.

In conclusion, electric bicycles are an outstanding and practical mode of transportation for students,
but they also pose potential hazards. However, these hazards can be reduced by proper training, usage,
and compliance with safety guidelines. Therefore, students who choose to ride electric bicycles should
prioritize safety above all else to ensure their safety and that of other road users.

51. Chuyên Anh Bắc Ninh 2022-2023

The responsibility of bringing up children should be shared equally between mother and father.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write an essay of about 250 words to express your opinion, using specific details and examples to
support your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
The task of raising children is of paramount importance and necessitates an equal contribution from
both parents. Although mothers are conventionally viewed as the primary caregivers, I contend that
fathers should also bear an equal share of the responsibility.

When both parents are actively involved in child-rearing, it fosters a more balanced and nurturing
family environment. Children who grow up with involved fathers tend to develop higher self-esteem
and cognitive abilities. Moreover, fathers who actively participate in parenting can act as positive role
models and instill important values such as responsibility, respect, and empathy.

Furthermore, when fathers take on an equal responsibility in raising children, it not only promotes
gender equality but also relieves the burden on mothers. Women have historically borne the majority
of childcare responsibilities, which can lead to exhaustion, stress, and burnout. Equally dividing the
responsibilities can alleviate this burden and create a more supportive family dynamic.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that cultural and societal norms can impact the extent to which
parents can share the responsibility of child-rearing. In certain societies, traditional gender roles are
deeply ingrained, making it arduous for fathers to participate equally. In such cases, it is vital to break
down these cultural barriers and promote gender equality in all aspects of life.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that fathers should share an equal responsibility in raising children. Not
only does it nurture a healthier family environment and foster gender equality, but it also facilitates

the overall development of the child. By working collaboratively, both parents can provide the
necessary support and guidance for their children, enabling them to evolve into responsible, confident,
and well-rounded individuals.

52. Chuyên Anh Vĩnh Phúc 2022-2023:

The advancement of internet technology means people do not need to travel to foreign countries
to understand how people in other places live.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? Write 250-300 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
Undoubtedly, the internet's progress has transformed our means of communicating and interacting
with people worldwide. It has made information about various topics, including the lifestyle and
culture of people in different countries, readily available. Nevertheless, I disagree with the idea that
the internet can entirely replace the experience of traveling to a foreign country.

Primarily, obtaining knowledge about a culture via a screen cannot fully replicate the sensory and
emotional experiences of being there physically. Although watching a travel vlog about Japan may be
informative, it fails to match the feeling of walking through Tokyo's bustling streets, smelling the
aroma of local cuisine, and interacting with the locals. Being immersed in a new environment is a
unique and irreplaceable experience that the internet cannot provide.

Moreover, cultural understanding is not only about the surface-level aspects, such as food, fashion, or
music. It also encompasses the deeper values and beliefs that shape a society. Such values are often
nuanced and require a profound understanding, which can only be acquired by engaging with the
people and their surroundings. Although the internet may provide a glimpse into these values, it
cannot fully capture the complexity of a culture or the way people live their lives.

Lastly, traveling to foreign countries provides not only knowledge but also personal growth and
development opportunities. It challenges one's beliefs, broadens one's perspective, and enhances skills
such as adaptability and cultural sensitivity. These are experiences that cannot be gained solely
through the internet.

In conclusion, while the internet has made it convenient to learn about other cultures, it cannot replace
the value of physical travel to foreign countries. Physical travel offers unique and unparalleled
experiences that provide a deeper understanding of cultures and promote personal growth.

53. Chuyên Anh Hà Nam 2021-2022

Participating in extracurricular activities plays an important role in students' life.

Write a paragraph of about 180 words about the benefits of extracurricular activities.
Đáp án tham khảo
Engaging in extracurricular activities is an integral component of a well-rounded education. These
activities offer an avenue for students to delve deeper into their interests and passions, expanding their
horizons beyond the confines of the classroom. From participating in team sports to performing in
musical groups, engaging in extracurricular activities instills a love of learning and fuels students'
passions. Furthermore, participating in such activities hones a range of invaluable skills such as
leadership, teamwork, time management, and communication. These skills, which are crucial for
success in both academia and the professional world, are developed in a dynamic, real-world setting,
providing students with the practical experience necessary to thrive in a competitive environment.
Notably, participating in extracurricular activities can also boost students' confidence and self-esteem.
By providing a sense of belonging and accomplishment, students are empowered to challenge
themselves and develop a positive sense of self-worth. In summary, extracurricular activities are a
vital component of a holistic education, fostering students' growth and development in a range of
essential skills, and promoting their wellbeing and self-assurance.

54. Chuyên Anh Bắc Ninh 2019-2020

It is generally believed that a university education will lead to a well-paid job.
Do you agree or disagree? Write an essay about 250 words to support your point of view, using
specific details and examples.
Đáp án tham khảo
The belief that a university education will lead to a well-paid job is widespread. While there is some
truth to this assertion, the reality is more complex. While a university education can open doors to
high-paying jobs in certain fields, it is by no means a guarantee, and many other factors come into

For one, the job market is in constant flux, with new industries emerging and old ones becoming
obsolete. This means that certain degrees may not be as valuable as they once were, while others that
were once less in demand may now be highly coveted. Additionally, the availability of high-paying
jobs varies depending on the location, with certain regions offering more opportunities than others.

Moreover, obtaining a well-paying job requires more than just a degree. A strong work ethic,
experience, networking skills, and other factors play a crucial role in securing a good job. In fact,
many successful individuals have achieved their positions without a university education, through
sheer determination and hard work.

Furthermore, the notion that university education is the only path to a well-paying job is problematic,
as it discounts the value of vocational training and other forms of education. Skilled trades, for
example, such as welding or plumbing, can offer lucrative career paths, without requiring a university

In conclusion, while a university education can certainly provide a foundation for a successful career,
it is not a guarantee of a well-paying job. The job market is constantly changing, and numerous other
factors play a role in securing a good job. Rather than viewing university education as the only path to
success, we should embrace the diversity of educational and career paths available, and encourage
individuals to pursue the paths that align with their interests and goals.

55. Chuyên Anh Hà Tĩnh 2021-2022

It is said that grade-9 students should do nothing but spend most of their time studying for the
entrance examination to their favorite high school. To what extent do you agree?
Đáp án tham khảo
In many parts of the world, grade-9 students face intense pressure to perform well on their high school
entrance exams. The idea that they should do nothing but study for these exams is a common one, but
I believe that this approach is misguided.

On the one hand, it is understandable why some people might believe that grade-9 students should
devote all of their time and energy to exam preparation. The stakes are high, and getting into a
prestigious high school can have a significant impact on a student's future prospects. Moreover, the
curriculum in grade-9 is often designed with the entrance exam in mind, making it difficult for
students to balance exam preparation with other activities.

However, I do not believe that a singular focus on exam preparation is the best approach for grade-9
students. Students at this age are still developing socially, emotionally, and physically, and it is
important that they have opportunities to explore their interests and pursue extracurricular activities.
These experiences can help them develop important skills such as leadership, teamwork, and
creativity, which will serve them well in high school and beyond.

Moreover, it is important to recognize that high school is just one step in a lifelong learning journey.
While getting into a good high school can certainly open doors, it is not the only path to success. By
encouraging grade-9 students to focus exclusively on exam preparation, we may be inadvertently
sending the message that academic success is the only measure of a person's worth. This can be
damaging to students' mental health and well-being.

In conclusion, while it is important for grade-9 students to prepare for their high school entrance
exams, I believe that a singular focus on exam preparation is not the best approach. Students at this
age need opportunities to explore their interests and develop important life skills. We should aim to
strike a balance between academic preparation and personal development, recognizing that academic
success is just one component of a fulfilling life.

56. Chuyên Anh Vĩnh Phúc 2019-2020

Some people think that children should be taught to compete, but others think that children
should be taught to co-operate to become more useful adults.

Write an essay of about 250 words to express your opinions and give evidence to prove your
Đáp án tham khảo
The question of whether children should be taught to compete or co-operate has been a subject of
debate for a long time. While some argue that competition is necessary to teach children how to strive
for success, I believe that cooperation is a more important quality to cultivate in children to become
useful adults.

To begin with, the world we live in is becoming increasingly interconnected, and the ability to work
effectively in a team is essential for success in many areas of life. Today's complex challenges require
people to work together across different disciplines, cultures, and perspectives. By learning how to co-
operate from an early age, children can develop the skills and mindset necessary to work effectively
with others, respect diversity and solve complex problems.

Furthermore, an excessive focus on competition can lead to a narrow and self-centered worldview,
which may hinder a child's ability to develop social skills and empathy. Children who are taught to
compete may be more likely to view others as rivals rather than collaborators, and this can lead to a
range of social problems, including bullying and conflicts.

However, it is important to acknowledge that competition can also be a positive force in some
situations. In sports, for example, competition can teach children the value of hard work, dedication,
and perseverance. It can also help build self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment.

In conclusion, while competition may have some benefits, I believe that teaching children to co-
operate is more important for their future success. By developing skills such as teamwork,
communication, and empathy, children can become well-rounded individuals who are better equipped
to navigate the challenges of the modern world.

57. Chuyên Anh Vĩnh Phúc 2020-2021
Modern technology is changing our world. This has advantages such as bringing people closer
together through communication. It also has disadvantages such as destroying the differences
between cultures.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write 250-300 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
The advancement of modern technology has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we interact with the
world around us. While it has brought us closer together through communication, it has also raised
concerns about the potential loss of cultural diversity. In this essay, I will discuss both the advantages
and disadvantages of modern technology and express my opinion on whether it is ultimately
beneficial or detrimental to our world.

On the one hand, modern technology has brought people closer together through communication.
Social media platforms and instant messaging apps have enabled people to connect with others
regardless of geographic location. This has created a more interconnected world where people can
share ideas and experiences with each other. In addition, modern technology has enabled the spread of
information and knowledge, providing greater access to education and resources for people

On the other hand, modern technology has also brought about the potential loss of cultural diversity.
As people become more connected through technology, cultural differences can be erased or
overshadowed by a dominant culture. This can result in the homogenization of cultures, leading to a
loss of unique traditions and customs. Additionally, the reliance on technology has the potential to
isolate individuals from face-to-face interactions, leading to a loss of social skills and the breakdown
of personal relationships.

In my opinion, modern technology has both advantages and disadvantages. While it has brought
people closer together and facilitated the spread of knowledge, it is important to recognize and
preserve the diversity of cultures. This can be achieved by embracing and celebrating differences and
encouraging cross-cultural communication. It is also essential to recognize the potential negative
effects of technology and take steps to minimize them, such as promoting face-to-face interactions
and limiting screen time.

In conclusion, modern technology has had a profound impact on our world, bringing both advantages
and disadvantages. While it has the potential to bring people closer together and provide greater
access to information, it is important to recognize and preserve the unique differences between

cultures. Ultimately, the key is to strike a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of modern
technology to create a more harmonious and interconnected world.

58. Chuyên Anh Tây Ninh 2021-2022

It has been suggested that all teenagers in your country should be required to perform five
hours of unpaid work each week with organizations that help the local community. This work
would be an addition to their normal schoolwork and homework. What is your opinion of this
plan? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Write an essay of about 250 words to express your opinion and support your answer with relevant
examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Đáp án tham khảo
In recent times, there has been a suggestion that teenagers in our country should be mandated to
contribute five hours of unpaid work each week to local community organizations. While some might
see this as an additional burden on students, I believe that this plan has significant advantages that far
outweigh its disadvantages.

One primary benefit of this plan is that it would instill a sense of community service and volunteerism
among teenagers, which would be valuable for their future development. Through their service, they
would be exposed to various local issues and challenges, and this would help them develop empathy,
social responsibility, and leadership skills. Additionally, the work would be an excellent opportunity
for teenagers to acquire new skills and knowledge, which can be helpful for their future career

Moreover, this plan would be beneficial for the local community. The work done by teenagers could
help fill gaps in services that may be missing, and it could also contribute to creating a stronger sense
of community. Furthermore, the work would provide an opportunity for community organizations to
tap into the unique perspectives and skills of teenagers, which could lead to innovative solutions to
local problems.

However, there are potential drawbacks to this plan. For instance, students may find it challenging to
balance their schoolwork, homework, and community service. Additionally, some students may have
to travel to distant locations to perform their service, which could lead to time management

In conclusion, while there are some challenges associated with the suggestion that teenagers should be
required to perform unpaid work for the local community, I believe that its benefits outweigh its
disadvantages. By instilling a sense of community service and volunteerism in teenagers, we would be
investing in our future generations and contributing to building stronger and more vibrant

59. Chuyên Anh Bắc Ninh 2021-2022

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Using the mobile phone at secondary
school should be banned.“?
Write an essay of about 250 words to express your opinion, using specific details and examples to
support your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
The use of mobile phones has become a contentious issue in many secondary schools worldwide.
While some people advocate for the complete prohibition of mobile phone use in schools, others
argue that mobile phones are an essential tool for communication and learning. In my opinion, I
disagree with the notion that mobile phone use should be banned in secondary schools.

One reason why mobile phones should be allowed in secondary schools is that they can serve as a
useful learning tool. With access to the internet, students can quickly research information and look
up definitions or facts, which can be beneficial to their academic performance. Additionally, mobile
phones can be used to record lessons, which can be helpful for students who may have missed a class
or who need to review the material.

Moreover, mobile phones can be a useful means of communication between students and their parents
or guardians. In case of emergencies or unexpected events, parents can easily reach their children, and
vice versa. This can help alleviate anxiety and stress for both parents and students.

However, there are some potential drawbacks to mobile phone use in schools. For instance, mobile
phones can be a distraction, particularly during class time. Students may be tempted to browse social
media or play games instead of focusing on their studies. Additionally, there are concerns about
cyberbullying, where students use their phones to harass or bully their peers.

In conclusion, while there are potential drawbacks to allowing mobile phone use in secondary
schools, I believe that their benefits far outweigh their disadvantages. With appropriate monitoring
and guidelines, mobile phones can be a valuable learning and communication tool for students.
Therefore, I do not support the idea of completely banning mobile phone use in secondary schools.

60. Chuyên Anh Đồng Nai 2021-2022
Write a paragraph of about 150 words on the following topic:
Many people believe that it is important for teenagers to make decisions about matters that
affect them (such as food, clothes, entertainment, learning, etc.).
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and
include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Đáp án tham khảo
The question of whether teenagers should have the autonomy to make decisions about matters that
affect them is a highly debated topic. In my opinion, I firmly believe that it is crucial for teenagers to
have the freedom to make their own choices, as it enables them to develop their decision-making
skills and assert their independence. Adolescence is a period of significant growth and self-discovery,
and by making choices on their own, teenagers gain a sense of control over their lives, which is
essential for their emotional wellbeing. For example, allowing teenagers to choose what they wear or
eat can help them understand the importance of responsibility and decision-making, and can help
them develop good habits and preferences that will serve them well in the future. However, it is
important to note that guidance and support from parents, teachers, and other role models are critical
to ensure that the decisions made by teenagers are well-informed and safe. Ultimately, giving
teenagers a degree of autonomy can help them develop into well-rounded, confident individuals
capable of making their way in the world.

61. Chuyên Anh Thanh Hóa 2021-2022

Write a paragraph about 130-150 words concerning the following topic:
What can you do to protect the environment in your local community?
Đáp án tham khảo
Preserving the environment in our local community is of paramount importance in our efforts to
combat climate change and create a sustainable future for our planet. As responsible members of our
communities, there are several ways in which we can contribute to environmental protection. One of
the most effective steps we can take is to reduce our carbon footprint by adopting eco-friendly
practices such as using public transportation, cycling or walking to work or school, reducing energy
consumption at home, and recycling as much as possible. Additionally, supporting local conservation
efforts such as tree planting programs, beach clean-ups, and campaigns to reduce plastic waste can
significantly contribute to environmental preservation. Moreover, spreading awareness and educating
others about environmental issues can inspire more people to take action and create a more
sustainable future for all. Finally, holding policymakers and industries accountable for their
environmental impact is crucial, and we can actively advocate for policies that protect our planet and
communities. By taking these small but impactful steps, we can help create a healthier and more
sustainable environment in our local community and beyond.

62. Chuyên Anh Nam Định 2015-2016
Writing an argument
Nowadays, most students take extra classes. Do you think this is a good idea? Or would it be
better for students to invest all that time in self-study?
Write a paragraph of about 150 words. Support your points with examples and relevant evidence.

Đáp án tham khảo

In recent years, it has become increasingly common for students to take extra classes outside of
school. While some argue that this is a valuable use of time, I believe that investing in self-study is a
more effective and efficient way for students to improve their academic performance. Self-study
provides students with the flexibility to tailor their learning to their individual needs and preferences.
With access to an abundance of educational resources, such as online courses, educational websites,
and digital libraries, students can pursue their interests and focus on areas in which they need
improvement. Moreover, self-study encourages students to take ownership of their learning,
cultivating important skills such as critical thinking, time management, and self-discipline. In
contrast, taking extra classes can be expensive, time-consuming, and potentially counterproductive if
they are not aligned with the student's goals and learning style. In addition, students who prioritize
self-study can use their free time to pursue extracurricular activities, build relationships, and engage in
other enriching experiences that contribute to their overall development. Therefore, I believe that
investing in self-study is a more effective and practical approach to academic success.

63. Chuyên Anh Thái Bình 2019-2020

“In some countries, teenagers are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies.”
What do you think are the causes of this?
Write a paragraph of about 150 words to express your ideas.
Đáp án tham khảo
The pressure on teenagers to excel in their studies can be attributed to various factors. Firstly, the
fierce competition for limited opportunities in higher education and the job market is a significant
cause of academic pressure. Many countries have highly competitive education systems that place
great emphasis on standardized testing and academic performance. Consequently, students feel the
need to perform exceptionally well to secure admission to top universities or secure coveted jobs.
Moreover, parental expectations and cultural values that prioritize academic achievement also
contribute to the pressure on teenagers. In some cultures, academic success is seen as the key to a
better life, and students are encouraged to devote themselves to their studies from a young age.
Additionally, the widespread use of technology and social media has created a culture of comparison
and validation that can lead to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety among teenagers. The pressure to

succeed in their studies can have serious consequences for teenagers' mental and physical health, and
it is crucial that educational systems, parents, and society as a whole work together to reduce this
pressure and create a more supportive learning environment.

64. HSG lớp 12 QUẢNG BÌNH 2021-2022

While some students are content to receive a grade based on the group’s combined effort, others
feel that it is unfair to be granted as part of a group.
What is your opinion about being graded as part of a group? Write an essay of 200-250 words to
explain your idea.
Đáp án tham khảo
Group projects are a common form of assessment in many educational settings. While some students
may enjoy the collaborative nature of group work, others may feel that it is unfair to be graded as part
of a group. In my opinion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to being graded as part of a

One advantage of group work is that it can help students develop important social and teamwork
skills, which are highly valued by employers. Additionally, group projects can provide students with a
different perspective and a variety of ideas, which can lead to more creative and effective solutions.

However, being graded as part of a group also has its drawbacks. For example, some group members
may not contribute equally, which can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration. Furthermore,
group projects can be time-consuming and may require a significant amount of coordination and
communication among members.

In my opinion, the best way to approach group projects is to ensure that each member has a clearly
defined role and responsibility, and that there is open and honest communication throughout the
process. Additionally, instructors should consider incorporating individual assessment components
into group projects, such as peer evaluations or individual reflection papers, in order to ensure that
each student's contributions are recognized and rewarded.

Overall, while being graded as part of a group has its benefits and drawbacks, it is important for
students to approach group projects with a positive attitude and a willingness to collaborate and
communicate effectively with their peers.

65. Chuyên Anh Đồng Tháp 2022-2023

Write an essay on the following topic:

Some schools now offer online lessons as an alternative to those in classrooms. Do you think this
is a positive or negative development?
Give some reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. You should write at least 250 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
In recent years, an increasing number of schools have begun to offer online lessons as an alternative
to traditional classroom-based learning. While some people view this development as positive, others
believe that it is a negative trend. In my opinion, online lessons can have both advantages and
disadvantages, depending on the specific circumstances.

One potential advantage of online lessons is the flexibility that they offer. For example, students who
are juggling multiple commitments, such as work or family responsibilities, may find it easier to fit
online lessons into their schedules. Additionally, online lessons can be accessed from anywhere with
an internet connection, making them more convenient for students who live in remote or rural areas.

However, online lessons also have some potential disadvantages. For example, they can be isolating,
as students may miss out on the social interaction and collaborative learning opportunities that are
available in a traditional classroom. Additionally, online lessons may require a high degree of self-
motivation and discipline, as students are often responsible for managing their own time and staying
on track with the course material.

Furthermore, the quality of online lessons can vary depending on the resources and support that are
available to students. For example, students who lack access to high-speed internet or computers may
struggle to participate in online lessons effectively. Similarly, students who do not receive adequate
support from instructors or tutors may find it difficult to keep up with the course material and succeed
in the online learning environment.

In conclusion, while online lessons can offer some benefits in terms of flexibility and accessibility,
they also have some potential drawbacks, particularly in terms of social interaction and the need for
self-motivation and discipline. Ultimately, the effectiveness of online learning will depend on a range
of factors, including the quality of the course material, the availability of resources and support, and
the individual learning styles and preferences of the students. As such, it is important to evaluate each
situation on a case-by-case basis and consider both the advantages and disadvantages of online
lessons before making a decision.

66. Chuyên Anh Tây Ninh 2019-2020

With the development of online communication, people will never be alone and will always be
able to make new friends. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Write an essay of about 200 words to express your opinion and support your answer with relevant
examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Đáp án tham khảo
In today's world, online communication has undoubtedly made it easier for people to connect with one
another from different parts of the world. It is true that with the development of social media
platforms, people are just a click away from making new friends. However, whether online
communication can guarantee that people will never be alone is debatable. In my opinion, the
statement is partly true, but it also has its limitations.

On one hand, online communication has made it possible for people to connect with others who share
similar interests or hobbies, regardless of their location. For instance, social media platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have made it easy for people to join groups or communities based
on their interests and preferences. This has created opportunities for individuals to meet and interact
with like-minded people from different parts of the world.

On the other hand, online communication has its limitations in fostering meaningful relationships.
The virtual world can be a superficial and shallow representation of reality, and people's online
personalities may differ from their real-life selves. In addition, the absence of face-to-face interaction
can make it challenging to build deep connections with others. The lack of physical presence and
nonverbal cues can make it difficult to develop trust and understanding between individuals.

In conclusion, while online communication has undoubtedly made it easier for people to connect with
others and make new friends, it cannot guarantee that people will never be alone. Building genuine
relationships requires effort, patience, and a willingness to invest time and energy in nurturing those
relationships. Ultimately, it is up to individuals to make the most of the opportunities that online
communication provides and use it as a tool to supplement, rather than replace, real-life interactions.

67. Chuyên Anh Nguyễn Huệ

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“Fast food is becoming a part of our daily life. Some people argue that fast food has negative
effects on our lifestyle and diet.”
Write about 250 words to support your opinion ( and do not include your personal information).
Đáp án tham khảo
Fast food has undoubtedly become an integral part of our daily life, especially in urban areas. While
some individuals view fast food as a convenient and affordable option, others assert that it has adverse

effects on our lifestyle and diet. In my opinion, I agree with the latter group and believe that fast food
poses several negative impacts.

Firstly, fast food is high in calories, fat, and sugar, leading to several health problems such as obesity,
diabetes, and heart disease. Most fast food items contain high levels of saturated and trans fats, which
can elevate cholesterol levels, leading to a higher risk of heart diseases. Moreover, fast food is usually
high in sodium, which can lead to high blood pressure, another significant health issue.

Secondly, fast food consumption can negatively affect our mental health. Research suggests that
individuals who consume fast food frequently are at a higher risk of developing depression and
anxiety. The high levels of saturated fats and trans fats in fast food can cause a decrease in serotonin
levels in the brain, leading to mood swings, irritability, and even depression.

Lastly, the regular consumption of fast food can have a negative impact on our environment. The
production and transportation of fast food contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions that harm the
environment. The packaging of fast food items, such as plastic cups and straws, also adds to the
plastic waste, which has adverse effects on the planet.

In conclusion, fast food has become a part of our daily life, but its negative effects on our health,
mental well-being, and the environment cannot be ignored. Therefore, we must make a conscious
effort to limit our consumption of fast food and choose healthier options to maintain a healthy

68. Chuyên Anh Ngoại Ngữ

What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world
Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
Đáp án tham khảo
In the contemporary world, there is one crucial aptitude that an individual should possess to achieve
success - effective communication. The capability to communicate effectively is pivotal as it makes a
substantial difference between success and failure in personal, professional, and social domains.
Therefore, I strongly believe that mastering the art of communication is the most significant skill that
a person must learn to succeed in the world today.

One of the primary reasons for the significance of effective communication is its ability to foster
robust relationships. Whether it is personal or professional, communication is the bedrock of success.
Proficient communication skills help to establish positive and robust relationships, leading to more

understanding and cooperation. For instance, a manager with exceptional communication skills can
foster a motivated and productive team, which works cohesively, attaining their objectives. Similarly,
excellent communication skills help individuals build enduring personal relationships with friends and

Furthermore, effective communication skills are indispensable in the contemporary corporate

environment, where individuals need to articulate their ideas and thoughts convincingly to succeed. In
the competitive job market of today, having exceptional communication skills is a valuable asset for
job seekers. A person who can express their thoughts lucidly and persuasively to clients can increase
sales, and someone who can present their ideas compellingly to their superiors can impress them,
potentially leading to promotion and advancement in their career.

Finally, excellent communication skills bolster the confidence and assertiveness of individuals in their
personal and professional lives. When individuals can communicate their ideas and thoughts clearly
and confidently, they feel more self-assured and can articulate their opinions without the fear of being
misunderstood or criticized.

In conclusion, mastering the art of communication is the most critical skill that a person should learn
to succeed in the contemporary world. It helps build strong relationships, enhances job prospects, and
elevates self-confidence and assertiveness. Therefore, individuals must focus on developing and
honing their communication skills to achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

69. Chuyên Anh Hà Tĩnh

New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do advantages of this
outweigh disadvantages?
In about 250 words, write an essay to express your opinion on the issue. Use reasons and examples to
support your composition.
Đáp án tham khảo
The rise of new technologies has substantially altered the way children spend their leisure time. While
some contend that technology's benefits are superior to its drawbacks, others assert that it has more
detrimental effects on children's free time. In my opinion, the advantages of technology outweigh the

One of the significant advantages of modern technology is that it provides children with extensive
educational opportunities. Nowadays, children have access to a wide range of educational apps,
websites, and software that enable them to learn and explore novel ideas. Technology allows children

to access vast volumes of information, widen their knowledge, and prepare them for future academic
and professional pursuits.

Moreover, technology provides children with an avenue to socialize and connect with others. Social
media, video games, and other online platforms allow children to interact with their peers and build
meaningful relationships, especially in the current pandemic situation where social distancing is

Additionally, technology also offers a plethora of entertainment options, which can keep children
occupied and engaged during their leisure time. Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime
offer a diverse selection of age-appropriate content that children can enjoy, while video games
provide an immersive experience that can enhance their cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities.

Nevertheless, some contend that technology has negative effects on children's leisure time, such as
addiction, poor eyesight, and lack of physical activity. While these concerns are valid, they can be
addressed with proper measures, such as restricting screen time, taking breaks, and promoting
physical activity.

In conclusion, the benefits of modern technology on how children spend their leisure time are superior
to the drawbacks. Technology provides children with educational opportunities, social connections,
and entertainment that can enhance their personal growth and development. However, it is essential to
monitor and regulate children's technology usage to mitigate any negative effects.

70. Chuyên Anh Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu

Vietnamese educators are divided on whether the current system of high schools for the gifted
should be maintained. Whilst some argue that the system may promote unhealthy competition
or unnecessary stress among students, and therefore should be abolished, many others have
praised the merits of those schools and voiced strong approval of their existence.
What advantages can schools for the gifted offer to their students and to society? Write 250-300
Đáp án tham khảo
Vietnamese educators are at odds over the continued relevance of high schools for the gifted. While
some argue that these schools foster unhealthy competition and unnecessary stress, and should
therefore be done away with, others staunchly support them, extolling their benefits. In this essay, I
will discuss the advantages of schools for the gifted for students and society as a whole.

Firstly, schools for the gifted offer exceptional students the opportunity to receive a more challenging
education. These students are given the chance to delve deeper into subjects that interest them, with a
higher level of academic rigor than in regular high schools. This not only allows them to develop their
talents to the fullest extent, but also prepares them better for higher education and advanced academic

Secondly, schools for the gifted can contribute to social mobility by providing a chance for talented
students from disadvantaged backgrounds to receive an education on par with those from more
privileged backgrounds. By creating a pathway for bright and driven students to achieve success,
regardless of their socioeconomic status, schools for the gifted can help to reduce the impact of
inequality on educational outcomes.

Lastly, schools for the gifted can also benefit society as a whole by nurturing a talented and skilled
workforce. By providing gifted students with the opportunity to receive an education that fosters their
skills and talents, they can be better equipped to contribute to the country's growth and development,
and compete in a global economy.

In conclusion, while some educators argue that high schools for the gifted promote unhealthy
competition and unnecessary stress, it is clear that these schools offer many benefits to both students
and society. They provide talented students with an education that challenges them and helps them
develop their abilities to their fullest potential. They also offer a pathway to success for students from
disadvantaged backgrounds, and contribute to the development of a skilled and talented workforce
that can drive the country's progress forward. Therefore, high schools for the gifted should be
maintained and continuously improved.

71. Chuyên Anh Nam Định

More and more people now prefer reading books on smart devices to reading paper books.
Thus, some say that the latter will become unnecessary and disappear in the future. What is
your opinion?
You should write about 200 words.
Đáp án tham khảo
With the growing popularity of e-books and the convenience of reading on smart devices, some have
speculated that traditional paper books will soon become obsolete and fade into irrelevance. In this
essay, I will share my opinion on whether or not paper books will disappear in the future.

While it is true that the rise of e-books has led to a decline in paper book sales, I believe that paper
books will continue to have a place in society for several reasons. Firstly, the experience of reading a

physical book is unique and cannot be replicated on a smart device. The texture, smell, and weight of
a book in one's hands provide a sense of connection to the story that cannot be matched by reading on
a screen. Additionally, the act of physically turning the pages and marking one's progress through a
book can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that is lacking in digital reading.

Furthermore, paper books offer a respite from the constant stimulation and distraction of smart
devices. In a world where people are constantly bombarded by notifications and distractions, the act
of unplugging and immersing oneself in a book can be a welcome escape. In fact, research has shown
that reading on paper can lead to better retention and comprehension of information than reading on a

In conclusion, while the rise of e-books may have threatened the future of traditional paper books, I
believe that paper books will continue to have a place in society. The unique sensory experience they
offer and their ability to provide a respite from digital distractions will ensure that they remain
relevant for years to come.

72. Chuyên Anh Thái Bình

“In some countries, teenagers are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies.”
What do you think are the causes of this?
Write a paragraph of about 150 words to express your ideas.
Đáp án tham khảo
In certain nations, adolescents are faced with a significant amount of stress to perform well in their
academic studies. There are a number of factors that contribute to this phenomenon. Firstly, the
competition for university placements and good jobs is fierce, with high standards for admission and
employment, which places additional pressure on students to succeed. Additionally, in some cultures,
academic success is highly valued and seen as a measure of a person's worth, which exacerbates the
pressure to excel. Furthermore, the cost of education can be prohibitively expensive in some
countries, making the stakes even higher for students to succeed and obtain good jobs to support
themselves and their families. Finally, parents can also place a significant amount of pressure on their
children to succeed academically, which can lead to excessive stress and anxiety. In summary, the
combination of intense competition, cultural values, high costs of education, and parental expectations
all contribute to the significant pressure faced by students in certain countries.

73. Chuyên Anh Đăk Lăk

Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do
you prefer?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Write an essay in about 120-150 words to express your ideas.
Đáp án tham khảo
When it comes to studying, different students have different preferences. While some students prefer
to study alone, others prefer to study with a group of their peers. In my opinion, studying in a group is
more beneficial than studying alone.

Firstly, studying with a group allows for collaborative learning. Each member of the group has a
unique set of strengths and weaknesses. By working together, students can help one another to
overcome individual difficulties and can learn from each other's strengths. This collaborative learning
fosters a sense of camaraderie, creates a supportive learning environment, and helps students to retain
information more effectively.

Secondly, studying in a group is an effective way to prepare for exams. When students study alone,
they may not be able to identify gaps in their knowledge or weaknesses in their understanding. In
contrast, when students study together, they can discuss difficult concepts, ask each other questions,
and share their knowledge. This can help to ensure that all members of the group have a
comprehensive understanding of the material.

In conclusion, while some students may prefer to study alone, I believe that studying with a group is a
more effective approach to learning. It promotes collaboration, creates a supportive learning
environment, and helps students to prepare for exams more effectively.

74. HSG tỉnh lớp 9 Quảng Bình.

Write about 200-250 words about the following topic:
Computers can translate all kinds of languages well, so students don’t need to learn more
languages in the future.
Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons and examples for your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
The proliferation of computer technology has led some to argue that the need for learning additional
languages is unnecessary for students. They posit that computers possess the ability to translate
various languages with precision and efficiency, rendering the acquisition of additional languages
superfluous. However, I fundamentally disagree with this assertion for a myriad of reasons.

Foremost, computers' translation capabilities have inherent limitations in accuracy, particularly when
interpreting nuanced or culturally specific language nuances. Although machine translation
technology has progressed significantly, it remains unable to rival the accuracy of human translation,
particularly for languages with unique grammar or idiomatic expressions. In such cases, dependence

on machine translations can lead to significant misinterpretations and cultural misunderstandings, a
pitfall that only human translators are equipped to avoid.

Moreover, learning a new language offers a plethora of benefits that extend beyond the practical value
of communication. It offers an opportunity to explore the cultural and historical contexts of a society,
appreciate its unique artistic and literary expressions, and broaden one's perspective. Indeed,
multilingualism is increasingly becoming a prerequisite for success in the globalized world, as it
enables individuals to engage and communicate with diverse individuals and cultures.

In conclusion, while computers offer an efficient means of translation, they cannot replace the
significance of learning a new language, particularly in a world that is increasingly interconnected and
reliant on cross-cultural communication.

75. Chuyên Anh Bến Tre 2020-2021

Write a well-organized essay of about 150-180 words on the following topic.
Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening?
What can students do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?
Đáp án tham khảo
The issue of increasing amounts of rubbish produced is a matter of concern that requires urgent
attention. The primary cause of this problem is the overconsumption of resources, population growth,
and changes in lifestyle. For instance, the rise of fast food culture, single-use plastics, and the
excessive packaging of consumer goods has contributed significantly to the increasing levels of waste

To combat this issue, students can play a significant role by taking responsibility for their actions and
adopting sustainable practices. Firstly, they can reduce waste by using reusable bags, water bottles,
and food containers instead of disposable ones. Secondly, they can recycle and dispose of waste
properly by segregating waste into recyclable and non-recyclable materials. Finally, they can advocate
for environmentally friendly practices in their community by promoting sustainable habits and
participating in community clean-up activities.

In conclusion, it is crucial for everyone to take responsibility for their waste generation and adopt
sustainable practices to minimize the impact of waste on the environment. Students have a critical role
to play in reducing the amount of rubbish produced and can contribute significantly to creating a more
sustainable future.

76. Chuyên Anh Cần Thơ 2020-2021

Some people say that the young generation now spend too much time on personal enjoyment -
doing things they like to do - rather than doing things they should do. Do you agree with this
point of view?
Write a composition of about 200-250 words on the following topic. Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
In contemporary society, the younger generation has a myriad of opportunities for personal
enjoyment, leading some individuals to question whether they prioritize leisure activities over
obligations. From my perspective, while it may be true that some young people may engage in
excessive leisure activities, it is unfair to generalize the entire generation in this way.

Firstly, personal enjoyment is an essential aspect of life. It can help individuals recharge, reduce
stress, and enhance their overall wellbeing. The younger generation should not be denied the
opportunity to pursue activities that bring them happiness and fulfillment, as long as they maintain a
balance between responsibilities and leisure.

Secondly, the perception that the young generation is solely focused on personal enjoyment is
misguided. Many young people actively engage in activities that contribute to society, such as
volunteering, fundraising, and community service. Moreover, they face tremendous pressure from
societal and academic expectations, which require considerable time and effort to fulfill.

Finally, the balance between obligations and personal enjoyment is a personal decision that varies
from person to person. It is unfair to assume that all young people prioritize leisure activities over
their duties, as many individuals work hard to achieve their goals while also enjoying their hobbies
and interests.

In conclusion, while it may be true that some young people prioritize personal enjoyment over their
obligations, it is unfair to generalize the entire generation in this way. The balance between
responsibilities and leisure is a personal decision that varies from individual to individual, and both
aspects are essential for a fulfilling and satisfying life.

77. Chuyên Anh Tây Ninh 2020-2021

“ Children’s achievement is highly influenced by parents’ education and income” Do you agree
with this statement?
Write an essay of about 200 words to express your opinion and support your answer with relevant
examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Đáp án tham khảo

The correlation between parental education and income and the academic achievement of their
offspring is an intricate and multifarious issue. While it holds true that parents' level of education and
financial status can have a momentous impact on their children's success, it is not the solitary factor
that can determine the outcome.

Several empirical studies have substantiated that progenies from affluent families with higher
educational attainments tend to have more access to educational resources such as books, technology,
and extracurricular activities. This elevated exposure can augment their cognitive development and
scholastic accomplishments.

Furthermore, parents who possess advanced degrees and financial stability generally have more
extensive social networks and affiliations, which can provide their children with internships,
mentorship, and career counseling, thus resulting in better career prospects.

However, it is crucial to emphasize that children from low-income households and less-educated
families can also flourish academically. Many eminent individuals have originated from destitute
backgrounds and have surmounted daunting obstacles to accomplish their goals.

Furthermore, it is plausible for parents with limited means to offer their offspring a sturdy educational
foundation. Reading to children, introducing them to diverse cultures and experiences, and providing
them with a nurturing and supportive environment can all foster a child's success.

In conclusion, while parental education and income can wield an influence on the academic
achievements of their children, they are not the sole arbiters. Several other factors, such as hard work,
tenacity, and a supportive environment, can enable children to triumph regardless of their background.
It is imperative to ensure that all children have access to the necessary resources and support they
require to realize their full potential.

78. HSG lớp 11 Quảng Bình 2020-2021

Write an essay of 250 words on the following topic:
Plastic shopping bags are used widely and cause many environmental problems. Therefore, it is
said that they should be banned.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Đáp án tham khảo
The use of plastic shopping bags is a subject of ongoing debate due to the significant environmental
problems they cause. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, which means that they remain in the
environment for hundreds of years and contribute to environmental pollution. As such, many people

argue that plastic shopping bags should be banned. However, the issue is not so straightforward, and
there are arguments on both sides of the debate.

On the one hand, proponents of a plastic bag ban argue that the negative environmental impact of
plastic bags is far too great. They point to the vast quantities of plastic bags that end up in landfills,
oceans, and waterways, where they harm wildlife and cause widespread pollution. Moreover, plastic
bags take a long time to degrade, which means that the waste they generate accumulates and persists
for generations.

On the other hand, opponents of a plastic bag ban argue that plastic bags are a convenient and cost-
effective way to carry groceries and other goods. They claim that alternatives to plastic bags, such as
paper bags, require more energy to produce and have a larger carbon footprint. Furthermore, plastic
bags are often reused for other purposes, such as lining trash cans or picking up pet waste, which
extends their lifespan and minimizes waste.

In my opinion, while plastic bags have their benefits, the environmental costs are too great to ignore.
The long-term harm caused by plastic bags is a significant concern, and alternatives, such as reusable
bags, are readily available. A plastic bag ban would also encourage people to adopt more sustainable
behaviors, which could have a broader impact on the environment. As such, I agree that plastic bags
should be banned, and we should encourage the use of more environmentally friendly alternatives.

In conclusion, the use of plastic shopping bags is a significant environmental issue that requires
attention and action. While there are arguments on both sides of the debate, the long-term harm
caused by plastic bags is too great to ignore. As such, a plastic bag ban is a necessary step towards a
more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

79. HSG lớp 11 Lạng Sơn 2020-2021

In about 250 words, write an essay in response to the following question.
What do you think is the most important lesson(s)that governments and individuals have
learned from our unfortunate experience of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Present your perspective on this issue, using relevant reasons and examples to support your views.
Đáp án tham khảo
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a profound shift in the way we live and work, and it has
taught us several valuable lessons. Governments and individuals have had to adapt and respond to the
pandemic, and as a result, we have gained a newfound understanding of the importance of public
health, scientific research, and social responsibility.

Perhaps the most critical lesson we have learned is the importance of investing in public health. The
pandemic has exposed the fragility of our healthcare systems and the need for more significant
investments in healthcare infrastructure, medical research, and emergency preparedness. Governments
and individuals have realized the need for better public health policies and programs, such as
universal healthcare, pandemic response plans, and increased funding for medical research.

Another critical lesson we have learned is the need for collaboration and cooperation. The pandemic
has affected every country, and it has shown us that global problems require global solutions.
Governments and individuals have had to work together to share information, resources, and expertise
to control the spread of the virus. The pandemic has also highlighted the importance of international
organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), and the need for stronger and more
effective international cooperation.

Finally, the pandemic has taught us the importance of personal responsibility and social
accountability. The spread of the virus has shown us that the actions of individuals can have a
significant impact on the health and well-being of others. Governments and individuals have had to
take responsibility for their actions, such as wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and
following public health guidelines. The pandemic has emphasized the importance of empathy and
social responsibility, and it has encouraged us to take a more compassionate and caring approach to
our interactions with others.

In conclusion, the Covid-19 pandemic has been a challenging and sobering experience, but it has also
provided us with valuable lessons. Governments and individuals have learned the importance of
investing in public health, collaboration and cooperation, and personal responsibility and social
accountability. As we move forward, it is crucial that we continue to apply these lessons to create a
more resilient and sustainable future.

80. HSG lớp 11 Bắc Ninh 2020-2021

“Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions on such things as what to wear, who
to play with, and what career to choose.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement above?
Write an essay of about 250 words to express your idea.
Đáp án tham khảo
The question of whether teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions is a contentious
one. While some argue that it is important to allow teenagers to make their own choices, others
maintain that they are not yet mature enough to make such decisions. In my opinion, teenagers should
be given the freedom to make choices about their lives, as it is an important part of their growth and

Firstly, allowing teenagers to make decisions about what to wear, who to play with, and what career
to choose helps to develop their sense of identity and autonomy. When teenagers are given the
freedom to make their own choices, they are more likely to develop a sense of responsibility and self-
reliance. They also gain a greater understanding of their own interests, values, and priorities, which is
essential for their personal growth.

Secondly, allowing teenagers to make their own choices also helps to build their confidence and self-
esteem. When teenagers are given the freedom to make decisions, they are more likely to take
ownership of their lives and feel empowered. This, in turn, leads to greater confidence and self-
assurance, which is essential for success in later life.

Finally, allowing teenagers to make their own choices can also help to foster better communication
and relationships between parents and children. When parents allow their children to make decisions,
they demonstrate trust and respect, which helps to build stronger bonds between parents and children.

In conclusion, I believe that teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions about what to
wear, who to play with, and what career to choose. Allowing teenagers to make their own choices
helps to develop their sense of identity, builds their confidence and self-esteem, and fosters better
communication and relationships with parents. While it is important for parents to provide guidance
and support, ultimately, it is up to teenagers to make choices about their own lives.

81. Chuyên Anh Bình Dương

Write an essay of at least 200 words about the benefits of reading books.
Đáp án tham khảo
Reading books is a highly beneficial activity that fosters intellectual growth and cognitive
development. It enables individuals to broaden their horizons, enhance their language proficiency, and
expand their knowledge base. Moreover, reading can provide a great source of entertainment and
serve as a means of escapism from daily stresses.

One of the most significant advantages of reading books is the opportunity to gain exposure to
different cultures, ideas, and perspectives. It allows individuals to develop an appreciation for
diversity and cultivate an open mind. Additionally, reading can promote critical thinking skills,
allowing readers to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information with a discerning eye.

Reading books can also improve mental and emotional well-being. It can serve as a stress reliever,
promoting relaxation and mindfulness. Furthermore, reading can increase vocabulary, comprehension,
and language fluency, leading to better communication skills and cognitive processing.

In terms of physical health, reading has been shown to have numerous benefits. It can help reduce
blood pressure, alleviate insomnia, and prevent cognitive decline. Furthermore, regular reading may
lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

In conclusion, reading books offers a multitude of benefits, ranging from expanding intellectual
horizons to improving physical health. It is an activity that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages
and serves as an investment in personal growth and development.

82. Chuyên Anh Bến Tre 2021-2022

Many people think modern communication technology is having some negative effects on social
relationships. Do you agree or disagree?
Write an essay of about 150-180 words to illustrate your points.
Đáp án tham khảo
In contemporary times, the widespread usage of modern communication technology has prompted
debates about its impact on social relationships. While some may argue that it has revolutionized
social interactions, others contend that it has resulted in negative consequences. In my opinion, I
concur with the latter view, and I will expound on my points in the following paragraphs.

To begin with, modern communication technology has contributed to a decrease in face-to-face

interactions. With the rise of social media and messaging applications, people have become more
reliant on digital communication, which can limit the quality of social interactions. Moreover, it can
lead to a lack of emotional connection and empathy, as non-verbal cues such as tone of voice and
body language cannot be conveyed in digital communication.

Furthermore, modern communication technology has led to an increase in online relationships, which
can be detrimental to physical social connections. In some cases, individuals may prioritize virtual
communication over in-person interactions, resulting in social isolation and a lack of human

In conclusion, while modern communication technology has provided a plethora of benefits, it has
also had some negative effects on social relationships. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance
between online and offline communication to maintain healthy and meaningful social relationships.

83. Chuyên Anh Sơn La 2021-2022
Over time, the popularity of different jobs may change. In your opinion, what job will be the
most popular in the next 10 years?
Write a paragraph about 150 words to express your opinion and discuss the reasons for your choice.
Đáp án tham khảo
In my estimation, the most ubiquitous profession in the coming decade will be in the field of artificial
intelligence (AI). As technology continues to evolve and impact various industries, the demand for
experts in AI is expected to surge. AI has already revolutionized industries such as healthcare,
finance, and logistics, and its potential applications are limitless.

AI professionals will be responsible for developing and implementing cutting-edge solutions that can
streamline business operations and improve efficiency. As more companies adopt AI technology,
there will be a growing need for professionals who can design and implement complex algorithms and
predictive models.

Moreover, AI is expected to create numerous job opportunities in areas such as data analysis, machine
learning, and natural language processing. These jobs will require a high level of technical expertise
and proficiency in programming languages such as Python and Java.

In addition, the rise of AI is expected to increase demand for jobs in ethics, law, and policy. As AI
continues to evolve, ethical and legal issues will arise, and there will be a need for professionals who
can address these challenges.

In conclusion, the field of AI is expected to experience significant growth in the next decade, creating
numerous job opportunities in various industries. Professionals who possess technical expertise and a
deep understanding of AI's ethical and legal implications will be highly sought after in the job market.

84. Chuyên Anh Quảng Ngãi 2020-2021

“Life skills are very important and useful for students nowadays.” Do you agree or disagree
with the statement?
Write an essay of about 200-250 words on the following topic. Use specific reasons and examples to
support your statement.
Đáp án tham khảo
I strongly concur with the notion that life skills are of utmost importance and incredibly advantageous
for students in the contemporary era. As the world becomes increasingly complex and competitive,
students must develop a wide range of skills that go beyond academic excellence.

To begin with, life skills equip students with the ability to navigate the challenges of the real world.
Such skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making, which enable students to
approach challenges with a proactive and logical mindset. By developing such skills, students can
adapt to different situations and make sound judgments that will benefit them in the long run.

In addition, life skills enhance communication, collaboration, and teamwork. These skills are essential
in the workplace, as they promote effective communication and collaboration among colleagues. By
learning how to work with others, students can develop empathy, respect, and inclusivity, which are
essential values in any professional setting.

Furthermore, life skills enable students to build resilience and cope with stress. In today's fast-paced
world, students face numerous pressures, including academic demands, social media, and other
personal challenges. Life skills such as time management, self-awareness, and self-care can help
students cope with stress and maintain their well-being.

In conclusion, life skills are indispensable for students, as they provide numerous benefits that go
beyond academic achievement. By equipping students with critical thinking, communication, and
resilience, life skills can prepare them to navigate the complexities of the real world and achieve
success in their personal and professional lives. Therefore, schools and educators should prioritize the
development of life skills among students to ensure their holistic growth and development.

85. Chuyên Anh Quảng Trị 2022

Teenagers should be encouraged to take part in volunteer activities. Do you agree or disagree
with this statement? Why?
In an essay of 180-200 words, answer the questions using explanations and relevant examples to
support your option.
Đáp án tham khảo
Without a doubt, encouraging teenagers to participate in volunteer work is a crucial aspect of their
personal and social development. Engaging in community service can provide teenagers with a
plethora of invaluable experiences that can help them become well-rounded individuals and
productive members of society.

Firstly, volunteer work can help teenagers find meaning and fulfillment in their lives. Through
meaningful activities, they can build self-esteem, self-confidence, and a sense of accomplishment,
which are all crucial aspects of personal growth.

Secondly, volunteering can also help teenagers become more empathetic and socially responsible. By
working with diverse communities, they can gain a deeper understanding of the world around them,
learn to communicate with people from different backgrounds, and develop compassion for those
facing adversity.

Thirdly, volunteer work can also provide teenagers with opportunities to learn new skills and explore
different interests. Whether it's developing event management skills or acquiring technical
knowledge, volunteering can provide teenagers with practical experience and exposure to new ideas
and opportunities.

Lastly, volunteer work is also an excellent way for teenagers to expand their social connections and
network. By working with like-minded individuals, they can form valuable friendships and
professional relationships that can benefit them in the future.

In conclusion, encouraging teenagers to participate in volunteer activities is a win-win situation for

both the individual and society. The experience provides them with a sense of purpose, empathy,
practical skills, and social connections that can help them become successful and fulfilled members of
their communities.

86. Chuyên Anh Hà Nội 2022-2023

Write an academic essay of about 250 words on the following topic
“It is said that self-study is very important for secondary school students”. Do you agree or disagree
with the statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Đáp án tham khảo
Self-directed learning has become increasingly important in today's education system, particularly for
secondary school students. It is a process in which individuals take responsibility for their own
learning, seeking out and utilizing resources to develop their knowledge and skills independently. In
my opinion, self-study is crucial for the personal and academic growth of secondary school students,
and I strongly agree with this statement.

One of the most important reasons why self-study is essential for secondary school students is that it
helps to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By engaging in self-directed
learning, students are encouraged to think creatively, ask questions, and seek solutions to problems
independently. This can lead to the development of important life skills such as decision-making,
goal-setting, and time management.

Moreover, self-study allows students to pursue their interests and passions in a more personalized and
individualized manner. They can choose what to learn, how to learn, and at what pace to learn. This
can help to build their confidence, self-esteem, and motivation towards their studies.

Furthermore, self-study can also help secondary school students to develop a love for learning, which
can stay with them throughout their lives. When students take control of their own learning, they tend
to be more engaged and invested in their studies, which can lead to higher levels of achievement.

In conclusion, self-study is an integral part of the education system, particularly for secondary school
students. By taking responsibility for their own learning, students can develop important life skills,
pursue their interests, and cultivate a love for learning that can last a lifetime. As such, I strongly
agree that self-study is vital for the personal and academic growth of secondary school students.

87. HSG lớp 9 Thanh Hóa 2022-2023

Some people say that grades (marks) encourage students better than remarks. To what extent do you
agree with this statement? Write a paragraph within 130-160 words to express your own idea.
Đáp án tham khảo
The use of grades versus remarks for evaluating student performance is a contentious issue that has
been widely debated. Some argue that grades are a more effective way of motivating students than
remarks. However, I believe that this statement is only partially true.

On one hand, grades can provide students with a clear indication of their academic progress and
achievement. The use of a grading system allows for a standardized way of measuring student
performance, which can help students understand their strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, grades
can be a powerful motivator for some students, as they provide tangible evidence of their academic

On the other hand, remarks can be a valuable tool for providing students with more detailed feedback
on their academic performance. Unlike grades, which simply provide a letter or number, remarks can
be used to provide specific comments on areas of strength and areas for improvement. This can help
students better understand their academic performance and provide them with the necessary guidance
to improve.

Moreover, solely relying on grades can create an unhealthy focus on achieving high marks, rather than
truly understanding the material. This can lead to students engaging in rote learning and simply
memorizing information to achieve a high score, rather than truly understanding the material.

In conclusion, while grades can be an effective way of measuring academic progress, they should not
be the only tool used to evaluate student performance. Remarks can provide valuable feedback and
guidance, and can help students gain a deeper understanding of their academic performance.
Ultimately, a combination of both grades and remarks is necessary for effective student evaluation.

88. HSG lớp 12 Thanh Hóa 2022-2023

Some people believe that using the result of study during three academic years at high schools to
admit students to universities is better than that of the national examination for general high
school students.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Write an essay of about 250-300 words to express your ideas.
Đáp án tham khảo
The issue of admission to universities has long been a controversial topic. Some argue that the use of
a student's academic performance over three years in high school is a more suitable metric than the
national examination for general high school students. I concur with this view, as I believe that a
student's long-term performance provides a better indicator of their potential and capabilities.

To begin with, a student's three-year academic performance reflects their consistent effort, dedication,
and discipline over a prolonged period. This approach enables admission officers to evaluate a
student's learning process and overall performance. Unlike the national examination, which tests
students on their ability to memorize and regurgitate information in a high-pressure environment, the
use of academic performance over three years provides a more accurate and holistic picture of a
student's abilities.

Moreover, relying solely on a single examination does not take into account the varying levels of
education among different high schools, which may disadvantage some students. In contrast, using
three years of academic performance ensures that students from all high schools have an equal
opportunity to showcase their abilities, and it is a fairer assessment of their capabilities. Furthermore,
this method motivates students to remain committed and engaged in their studies, as they understand
that their long-term academic performance can impact their future opportunities.

In conclusion, using a student's academic performance over three years in high school to admit
students to universities is a more equitable, inclusive, and accurate way of assessing their potential.
While the national examination remains an important factor, a student's three-year academic
performance should be a critical consideration for university admission.

89. Chuyên Anh Hà Nam 2022-2023

Nowadays, soft skills are more and more important for a person to do a job well. Write a paragraph
(180 words) about the soft skills young people need to acquire to prepare for their future jobs.
Đáp án tham khảo
As the job market becomes more and more competitive, possessing the right set of soft skills is
becoming increasingly essential for young people to succeed in any field. These skills are typically
interpersonal, as they relate to how well an individual can work with others and communicate
effectively. In order to prepare for their future jobs, young people should focus on developing a wide
range of soft skills, including strong communication and collaboration skills, adaptability, critical
thinking, problem-solving abilities, and leadership qualities.

In terms of communication and collaboration skills, young people should learn to listen actively,
speak clearly and concisely, and communicate respectfully and professionally in a range of settings.
They should also develop their ability to work effectively as part of a team, recognizing and
leveraging the strengths of their colleagues to achieve common goals.

Adaptability is another important soft skill for young people to cultivate. In an ever-changing work
environment, the ability to adjust to new challenges and situations is critical. Young people should
learn to be flexible, open to new ideas, and able to think on their feet in response to unexpected

In addition, young people should also focus on developing their critical thinking and problem-solving
abilities. This includes the ability to analyze complex problems, identify potential solutions, and
implement effective strategies to solve them. It also involves the capacity to approach challenges with
a positive attitude, to learn from setbacks, and to continuously improve.

Finally, leadership qualities are also essential for young people to acquire. This includes being able to
inspire and motivate others, to take initiative, and to demonstrate a strong sense of accountability and
responsibility. By developing these soft skills, young people can set themselves up for success in their
future careers, no matter what field they choose to pursue.

90. HSG lớp 12 BÀ RỊA VŨNG TÀU 2022-2023

In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. Do
you agree or disagree?
Write an essay (of about 300 words) to state your own opinion.
Đáp án tham khảo

In numerous cultural contexts, it is a common practice for parents to encourage their offspring with
the maxim that they can accomplish any goal or ambition, provided that they devote sufficient effort
and dedication. However, whether this adage holds true or not remains a topic of debate and scrutiny.

On one hand, this assertion is undoubtedly motivational and instills in children a sense of self-
efficacy, which is an essential component of personal growth and development. By emphasizing the
importance of hard work and determination, children are inspired to persevere in the face of obstacles,
which can lead to a more resilient and tenacious mindset. Moreover, by believing that they have
control over their own success, children are less likely to succumb to feelings of helplessness or
despair when faced with adversity.

On the other hand, this claim may be overly simplistic and unrealistic. While effort and perseverance
are undoubtedly important ingredients for success, they are not the only factors at play. External
circumstances such as socioeconomic status, access to resources and opportunities, and personal
background can all significantly impact an individual's ability to achieve their goals. In addition,
innate abilities and talents may also play a critical role in determining an individual's success in
certain fields, and no amount of hard work can compensate for a lack of natural aptitude.

In conclusion, while the adage that one can achieve anything with enough effort and dedication may
serve as a motivational tool, it is important to recognize that it is not a guarantee of success. While it
is essential to encourage children to work hard and persevere, it is also critical to acknowledge that
external factors and innate abilities play a role in shaping an individual's future. Ultimately, a more
nuanced and comprehensive approach to success should be embraced, one that emphasizes the
importance of hard work and determination, but also recognizes the complex web of factors that
contribute to an individual's achievements.

91. HSG Vĩnh Long 2022-2023

Write an essay about 250 words on the following topic:
In the past, knowledge was contained in books. Nowadays, knowledge is uploaded to the
Internet. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Đáp án tham khảo
In former times, books served as the main repository of knowledge. In the present day, however,
information is disseminated through the medium of the Internet. The question is whether the benefits
of this approach outweigh its drawbacks.

It is my opinion that the advantages of this mode of information transmission indeed outweigh any
disadvantages. Firstly, the vast amount of information available on the Internet is unparalleled. No
book collection can match the diversity and depth of data available on the Internet. Furthermore,
information on the Internet can be updated in real-time, ensuring that users can access the most recent
and relevant information. In contrast, books, once published, cannot be modified, updated or

Secondly, the Internet has enabled information to be accessed and shared by individuals worldwide,
fostering a global exchange of knowledge. This exchange of ideas has facilitated collaborations
between individuals who would have otherwise never had the opportunity to connect, spurring
innovation, creativity, and the formation of new knowledge.

Despite the benefits, there are some drawbacks to relying solely on the Internet for knowledge. For
example, some sources of information may be unreliable, outdated, or even fraudulent, leading to
misinformation and confusion. Additionally, the vast amount of information available can be
overwhelming, and it may be difficult to discern what is essential and what is not.

In conclusion, while there are some disadvantages to relying solely on the Internet for knowledge, the
advantages are numerous, making it a superior tool for information sharing and exchange. As we
continue to advance in technology, the Internet will become an even more important source of
knowledge, connecting individuals from all over the world and facilitating the formation of new ideas
and knowledge.

92. HSG lớp 12 Hải Dương 2022-2023

Write an essay of about 300 words to express your opinion on the following issue.
More and more students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in a foreign country.
Do the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Đáp án tham khảo
Studying overseas has become a burgeoning trend among students who seek to expand their
knowledge and enrich their educational experience. The critical question, however, is whether the
benefits of studying abroad outweigh any potential drawbacks.

From my perspective, the advantages of studying in a foreign country undoubtedly outweigh the
disadvantages. Primarily, studying abroad provides a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in a
different culture, which fosters intercultural understanding and enhances one's global perspective.

Moreover, international students may have access to specialized academic and professional
opportunities that may not be available in their home country. For example, they can attend world-
renowned universities or research institutions, which can significantly broaden their knowledge and

Furthermore, studying overseas can enhance personal growth and development. By living
independently in a foreign country, students learn to be self-reliant, resilient, and adaptable to
different situations. This experience can significantly improve their confidence and ability to navigate
various life challenges. Additionally, studying abroad provides an opportunity to develop language
skills, which are becoming increasingly crucial in our interconnected world.

While there are some drawbacks to studying abroad, such as potential culture shock or homesickness,
the benefits outweigh the risks. Furthermore, these challenges can be overcome with proper
preparation and support. International students can access a wealth of resources, including peer
support, academic advising, and mental health services, to ease their transition into a new

In conclusion, studying abroad offers numerous advantages, including cultural enrichment, academic
and professional opportunities, personal growth, and language development. As such, I believe the
benefits of studying abroad far outweigh any potential drawbacks, making it a worthwhile experience
for students seeking to expand their horizons and broaden their knowledge.

93. HSG lớp 12 Lạng Sơn 2021-2022

Write an essay of about 300 words on the following topic. Some people think that a sense of
competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are
taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Đáp án tham khảo
The topic of whether children should be taught to compete or cooperate has been an ongoing debate.
Some individuals advocate for a competitive approach, believing that it fosters a sense of motivation
and achievement. Conversely, others argue that cooperation is the better method to develop well-
adjusted adults who can work well in groups.

From one perspective, competition can be viewed as a positive influence on children. By pitting
themselves against others, children can develop a sense of drive and motivation, working harder and
pushing themselves to succeed. Competition also teaches children how to handle stress and pressure,
honing skills that will help them in their future careers.

However, others believe that cooperation should be encouraged instead. When children learn how to
work with others, they develop important skills that will benefit them in adulthood, such as
communication, collaboration, and empathy. By cooperating, they can gain a better understanding of
different perspectives and become better problem-solvers. Furthermore, children who learn to
cooperate tend to have better mental health, as they feel supported and valued by their peers.

In my opinion, a balance between competition and cooperation is ideal. Children need to learn how to
compete, but they also need to learn how to cooperate with others in a group setting. Encouraging
children to collaborate and work together can help them develop interpersonal skills that are crucial
for success in the future. At the same time, promoting healthy competition can motivate children to
strive for excellence and set ambitious goals for themselves.

In conclusion, whether to promote competition or cooperation in children is a complex issue, and both
sides have valid points. While competition can be beneficial, it should be balanced with a focus on
cooperation to help children develop interpersonal skills and build positive relationships. Ultimately, a
balanced approach that emphasizes both competition and cooperation is the most effective way to
raise well-rounded and successful individuals.

94. HSG lớp 12 Hải Dương 2021-2022

Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic:
A large number of high schools in other countries have included voluntary work in their
syllabus and regarded it as a criterion in personality assessment. Should this policy be
adopted in Vietnamese high schools in forthcoming years?
Give reasons and specific examples to support your opinion(s).
Đáp án tham khảo
The inclusion of voluntary work in high school curriculums has become increasingly popular around
the world, with some schools even regarding it as a criterion for assessing students' personalities. This
begs the question: should Vietnamese high schools adopt this policy in the future? While some may
argue that such a move would be a positive step, there are several factors to consider before making a

On the one hand, proponents of this policy argue that voluntary work can be a valuable learning
experience for students. Through volunteering, students can develop important soft skills such as
empathy, communication, and teamwork. This can ultimately help them become well-rounded
individuals who are better prepared for life after school. Additionally, volunteering can also expose
students to a wide range of social issues and help them develop a sense of social responsibility.

However, there are also several potential drawbacks to this policy. For one, not all students may have
the resources or time to participate in voluntary work. This could lead to inequality in the assessment
of students' personalities and abilities, potentially hindering their chances of admission to higher
education institutions. Additionally, if not properly managed, voluntary work may become a "tick-
box" exercise, where students engage in superficial activities solely for the purpose of meeting the
criteria, rather than to genuinely help others.

In my opinion, the adoption of voluntary work as a criterion for personality assessment in Vietnamese
high schools could be a positive move, provided that it is implemented thoughtfully and equitably.
Schools should ensure that all students have equal access to voluntary work opportunities, and that
such activities are chosen based on their potential to genuinely benefit communities and individuals in
need. Furthermore, schools should also take steps to ensure that the assessment of students'
personalities is done in a fair and consistent manner, and that voluntary work is just one of many
factors considered.

In conclusion, the inclusion of voluntary work in high school curriculums can be a positive step for
students' personal development, but it should be done with careful consideration and management. If
implemented effectively, this policy has the potential to help students become more well-rounded
individuals and better prepare them for their future careers. However, it is important to recognize the
potential drawbacks and to work towards a fair and equitable implementation.

95. HSG lớp 12 Đồng Nai 2020-2021

You have recently watched a documentary about the role of technology in education. The
documentary claims that students today rely too much on technology and it has had a number
of negative consequences.
Do you agree or disagree? Write an essay of at least 250 words to state your points of view. Use
examples to support your opinion.
Đáp án tham khảo
Recently, I had the opportunity to watch an intriguing documentary regarding the influence of
technology in education. The central argument of the documentary asserts that students today have
become excessively dependent on technology, resulting in various undesirable outcomes. While some
might argue that technology has facilitated learning, I firmly believe that its negative effects cannot be

One of the most significant concerns of the over-reliance on technology is its potential impact on the
development of critical thinking skills. Technology has made information more accessible than ever

before, leading to a culture of quick, passive consumption of information. Consequently, students may
miss out on the opportunity to analyze information critically and formulate their own ideas. Moreover,
excessive screen time may have detrimental effects on the physical and psychological health of
students, causing problems such as eye strain, headaches, and social isolation.

In addition to the negative effects on learning, the overuse of technology also poses significant
challenges to our society. Social media platforms, for instance, have been shown to contribute to a
decrease in empathy and an increase in anxiety and depression among teenagers. This is due to the
constant exposure to filtered and curated versions of reality, leading to distorted perceptions of oneself
and others. Furthermore, the prevalence of fake news and misinformation on the internet can
undermine the foundations of a healthy democracy, making it harder to distinguish between facts and

In conclusion, while technology has certainly brought positive changes to the way we learn, it has also
created a host of problems. It is crucial that students are taught to use technology judiciously and
responsibly. As a society, we must recognize the potential harm that excessive use of technology can
cause and take steps to mitigate its negative effects.

96. Chuyên Anh Hải Dương 2022-2023

In about 150-170 words, write a paragraph about some of the qualities that make for an ideal school.
Đáp án tham khảo
An exemplary educational institution places great emphasis on the comprehensive advancement of its
pupils. It serves as a secure and hospitable haven where students are urged to explore and enhance
their inclinations, aptitudes, and proficiencies. Such an institution is manned by qualified and
enthusiastic educators who cultivate a conducive learning milieu and establish constructive rapport
with their pupils. The model institution also provides a diverse range of extracurricular programs that
cater to various interests and abilities, thereby promoting camaraderie and leadership capabilities. A
well-balanced curriculum that integrates academia, arts, and physical education is the hallmark of an
ideal institution. The institution also recognizes the vital role of technology in the contemporary world
and grants pupils access to modern educational resources and tools. Finally, an exemplary institution
nurtures robust partnerships with parents and the broader community, thereby creating a cooperative
environment that bolsters the growth and triumph of its pupils.

97. HSG Phú Thọ 2022-2023

In about 150 words, write a paragraph about qualities you think a person needs to live harmony in an
extended family.
Đáp án tham khảo

Living in an extended family presents a complex challenge that requires an individual to possess a
multitude of advanced qualities to ensure harmonious coexistence with family members. Foremost
among these is a mastery of effective communication skills, which must include the ability to
articulate one's emotions, needs, and perspectives while simultaneously navigating conflicts with tact
and diplomacy. Additionally, one must possess an adaptable and cooperative nature, readily willing to
compromise and work collaboratively with others to ensure the family unit functions smoothly.
Patience and empathy are also crucial, as extended family living demands an exceptionally high
degree of tolerance and understanding. A deep respect for personal boundaries, a commitment to good
manners, and an overall conscientiousness towards others' needs are equally important traits that
foster harmony within extended families. Ultimately, an optimistic, open-minded, and inclusive
mindset serves as the capstone to creating a positive and supportive extended family dynamic.

98. Chuyên Anh Quảng Trị 2020

Write an essay about 180 words to present your argument on the following topic:
“Tourism has been developing at a fast pace. However, many people believe that this development
only brings disadvantages to the local region.”
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Đáp án tham khảo
Tourism has experienced rapid growth in recent years, attracting visitors from all corners of the globe.
Despite the significant benefits it brings, such as job creation, economic growth, and cross-cultural
exchange, there are concerns that tourism development can lead to negative consequences for the
local region.

One of the most notable drawbacks of tourism development is its potential environmental impact. The
influx of tourists can place a substantial burden on the local environment, resulting in issues such as
littering, deforestation, and damage to natural habitats. Additionally, tourism development often
entails excessive resource consumption, further exacerbating these issues.

Another negative effect of tourism development is the potential erosion of cultural authenticity. As
tourism demand rises, local businesses may adjust their offerings to cater to the preferences of
visitors, which may result in a loss of indigenous culture and traditions. This can generate discontent
among locals and contribute to the homogenization of cultures worldwide.

Nevertheless, these negative effects can be mitigated through meticulous planning and management.
Sustainable tourism practices can help to reduce the environmental impact of tourism while
preserving local culture and customs. Moreover, tourism can provide an excellent opportunity for

cross-cultural exchange and education, enabling people from diverse backgrounds to share their
perspectives and experiences.

In conclusion, while tourism development can have detrimental effects on the local region, careful
planning and management can alleviate them. Ultimately, if executed correctly, the benefits of
tourism development, such as economic growth and cross-cultural exchange, can outweigh the
negative effects.

99. Chuyên Anh Quảng Trị 2017-2018

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“City life is much more convenient and comfortable than country life”
Write an exposition about 150-200 words to present one side of an argument.
Đáp án tham khảo
Cities are often deemed to offer greater convenience and comfort than rural areas, and this assertion is
supported by several compelling arguments.

Foremost among these is the wealth of amenities and services available in urban areas. Cities boast a
vast array of entertainment options, such as cinemas, theatres, shopping centers, and restaurants,
which are generally less accessible in sparsely populated regions. Moreover, the public transportation
systems in cities are more sophisticated, providing easy access to different parts of the metropolis, and
enabling people to commute to work or school without owning a car.

Another major advantage of city life is the abundance of employment opportunities. Urban areas are
typically hubs of industry and commerce, providing a broad range of jobs for individuals with varying
skill sets. This means that city dwellers are more likely to find gainful employment, which can lead to
financial stability and an enhanced quality of life.

Furthermore, cities are often considered to be safer than rural areas, due in part to their well-equipped
emergency services, such as police and fire departments, which can respond rapidly to crises.
Additionally, the presence of closed-circuit television cameras and security personnel in public areas
serves to deter criminal activity.

In summary, despite the challenges associated with urban living, such as high living costs and noise
pollution, the convenience and comfort afforded by cities make them a highly attractive option for
many individuals. With their diverse employment prospects, abundant leisure activities, and
dependable transportation networks, it is little wonder that cities are frequently regarded as the
epitome of desirable places to reside.

100. Chuyên Anh Quảng Trị 2021
Online classes have proved to be beneficial to many educational systems worldwide. Do you agree
that online classes should be developed in the future? Why?
In an essay of 180-200 words, answer the questions using explanations and relevant examples to
support your opinion.
Đáp án tham khảo
In my estimation, I concur that online classes have proven to be a paradigm shift in the realm of
education, particularly during the pandemic. I vehemently assert that online classes should be
augmented in the future, as they proffer sundry advantages such as flexibility, accessibility, and cost-

Primarily, online classes endow students with the opportunity to study at their own pace and
convenience, a feat that is unfeasible in conventional classroom settings. This malleability is
especially beneficial for scholars who have additional commitments, such as employment, family, or
medical issues. They can study from any location and at any time, and they can access learning
materials, lectures, and assignments at their discretion.

Secondly, online classes are more accessible than traditional classroom settings. For instance, pupils
from remote or rural areas can effortlessly access quality education without having to traverse long
distances. Moreover, pupils with disabilities can access education with greater ease, as online classes
provide accessibility features such as closed captions and transcripts.

Lastly, online classes are more cost-effective than traditional classroom settings. Online courses are
generally less expensive, and learners can save on transportation, accommodation, and other expenses
associated with attending physical classes.

In conclusion, online classes have demonstrated their worth for many scholars and educational
institutions worldwide. As technology continues to advance, online classes are anticipated to become
even more effective, accessible, and affordable. Thus, I firmly contend that online classes should be
expanded in the future to provide quality education to a wider audience.


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