ER3200 CW 2023_24 Main (2)

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ASSESSMENT: Mini project with Associated Report

Name ………………………………


MODULE TITLE: Mechatronics

MODULE TUTOR: Prof Ahmed Onsy – Dr Ozgun Selvi

SEMESTER 2, 2023/24

Submission Date and Time:

On or before: 01:00 pm, 17th April 2024


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Mechatronics, ER3200 – Coursework 2023/24



This assignment constitutes 50% of the grade for this module.

Submission Date and Time:

On or before: 01:00 pm, 17th April 2024

Submission Rules

The assignment should be your work and written in your own words. It will be checked for plagiarism
using Turnitin. Any plagiarism or copying from others will be dealt with through the university’s
plagiarism procedures.

Your assignment must be submitted electronically via BlackBoard (Assignments tab) by the
submission time. The report should be contained in a Word document, or PDF No other means of
submission will be accepted.

Any assignment submitted late, but within 5 working days of the deadline, will be given a maximum
mark of 50%. Assignments submitted more than 5 working days after the deadline will not be marked,
and a mark of 0% will be recorded.

Learning Outcome to be assessed:

1 Demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles of Mechatronics and

Measurement systems
2 Apply the key aspects of mechatronics systems engineering

3 Provide an overview of the sensors, amplifiers, conditioning circuits, and

4 Demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles of controllers and the data acquisition

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Car Parking Management Systems (CPMS) are advanced parking management solutions that utilise various
sensors, actuators, and control systems to automate and optimise parking operations. These systems can
monitor and control various aspects of a car park facility, such as space availability, entry/exit control, parking
guidance, and duration monitoring. By using sensors and actuators, CPMS can enhance efficiency, security,
and user experience in parking facilities.

Figure 1 Concept of a Car Parking Management System1

Your task is to design and develop an innovative Car Parking Management System that combines these
sensors, actuators, and control components to create a comprehensive solution for optimising car park
operations. The system could include subsystems and features to enhance various aspects of parking
management, such as occupancy monitoring, entry/exit control, parking guidance, duration tracking, and any
other functionality that improves the overall parking experience. Incorporate appropriate sensors to gather
relevant data, actuators to control access and provide guidance, and a user interface to display information
and facilitate user interactions. Then, write a technical report with the following structure:

1- Introduction:
Review of different CPMSs currently in use and their main sub-systems, including their main elements.
Your introduction should lead to the methodology section of the report.

2- Design and Methodology:

Describe your design of the CPMSs and functions, incorporating at least two main sub-systems. The
system design should include the system controller, sensors, actuators, and any other elements required
for the system operation with the use of block diagrams, flowcharts, and schematics, etc. to illustrate
your design in detail.
3- Proof of Concept, Validation, Results, and Conclusions:
Select one of the subsystems discussed in (2) and develop a proof of concept including the software
program. The system should include DAQ/microcontroller, sensors, actuators, and any other required
elements for the system operation. Validate the system operation using experiments. Describe your
results and comment on your results.

Tang, et al. "An Intelligent Car Park Management System based on Wireless Sensor Networks " 2006 First
International Symposium on Pervasive Computing and Applications, Urumqi, China, pp. 65-70,

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4- Future work and next phases of development:
A- Proposal of using other methods of data transmission in CPMSs; wireless/ wired methods.
B- Proposal for using the Internet of Things in CPMSs.

Cite “good quality” journal/conference papers, books, etc.

Add any other documents or details to help support your report.

Marking Criteria

The Department’s Principles of Assessment will be used to determine grading levels.

1 Introduction: Review of different CPMSs currently in use and their main sub- 20%
systems, including their main elements. Your introduction should lead to the
methodology section of the report.
2 Design and Methodology: Describe your design of the CPMSs and functions, 20%
incorporating at least two main sub-systems. The system design should
include the system controller, sensors, actuators, and any other elements
required for the system operation with the use of block diagrams, flowcharts,
and schematics etc to illustrate your design in detail.
3 Proof of Concept, Validation, Results, and Conclusions: Select one of the 30%
subsystems discussed in (2) and develop a proof of concept including the
software program. The system should include DAQ/microcontroller, sensors,
actuators, and any other required elements for the system operation. Validate
the system operation using experiments. Describe your results and comment
on your results.
4 Future work and next phases of development: 20%
A- Proposal of using other methods of data transmission in CPMSs;
wireless/ wired methods.
B- Proposal for using the Internet of Things in CPMSs.
5 Report presentation, structure, clarify of information, use of references 10%
(“good quality” journal/conference papers, books, etc.)

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