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What would be Yp(psi P) of a flaccid cell :-

(1) +3
(2) +2
(3) –3
(4) 0
2. Water will move from the root hairs to xylem of root, if description of water potentials are :-
(1) Root hairs = 0; Cortex = 0; Xylem = 0
(2) Root hairs = –1; Cortex = –2; Xylem = –3
(3) Root hairs = –2; Cortex = –1; Xylem = 0
(4) Root hairs = 0; Cortex = +1; Xylem = +2
3. The following show the pathway of water movement in the root. A, B and C, are respectively:-
(1) Desmosome, Casparian strip, Endodermis
(2) Gap junction, Casparian strip, Endodermis
(3) Tight junction, Casparian strip, Endodermis
(4) Plasmodesmata, Casparian strip, Endodermis
4. C4 plants are more evolved than C3 plants because
(1) C4 plants are twice efficient in terms of carbon fixing.
(2) C4 plants loose only half of its water as C3 plants for same amount of CO2 fixed.
(3) Both (a) and (b)
(4) None of these
5. Which of the following facilitates opening of stomatal aperture?
(1) Decrease in turgidity of guard cells
(2) Radial orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells
(3) Longitudinal orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells
(4) Contraction of outer wall of guard cells
6. Which of the following is correct about facilitated and active transport ?
(1) Both need energy
(2) Both need no ATP
(3) Both use carbohydrates to move the molecules across the membrane
(4) Both need carrier proteins which are sensitive to inhibitors that react with proteins side
7. In a ring girdled plant
(1) the shoot and root die together
(2) neither root nor shoot will die
(3) the shoot dies first
(4) the root dies first
8. In animals, glucose is stored as while in plants it is stored as .
(1) cellulose, starch
(2) starch, glycogen
(3) cellulose, glycogen
(4) glycogen, Starch
9. A watermelon has how much water :-
(1) More than 92%
(2) About 10 to 15%
(3) 100%
(4) 5 litres
10. A few drops of sap were collected by cutting across a plant stem by a suitable method. The
sap was tested chemically. Which one of the following test results indicates that it is phloem sap?
(1) Acidic
(2) Alkaline
(3) Low refractive index
(4) Absence of sugar
11. For gaseous exchanges, plants have :-
(1) stomata
(2) lenticels
(3) porin
(4) both (1) and (2)
12. At equilibrium stage the yw of cell "Y" will be :-
(1) –8 bar
(2) –5 bar
(3) –2 bar
(4) –4 bar
13. In above figure cells A, B and C are placed in different solutions. Identify the
type of solution:-

14. A column of water within xylem vessels of tall trees does not break under its weight because
(1) lignification of xylem vessels
(2) positive root pressure
(3) dissolved sugars in water
(4) tensile strength of water
15. Osmotic potential and pressure potential of cells P, Q, R are given below :-
Identify these cells as root hair, root cortical and leaf mesophyll cells respectively in an
actively transpiring plant :-
(1) P, Q, R (2) R, Q, P
(3) R, P, Q (4) Q, R, P
16. Two cell A & B are contiguous. Cell A has Ys – 50 & TP 10. Cell B has Ys – 20 & TP 5. The result
will be :-
(1) Movement of water from cell B to A
(2) Movement of water from cell A to B
(3) No movement of water
(4) Equilibrium between both A & B
17. The net direction & rate of osmosis depends on:-
(1) Pressure gradient
(2) Concentration gradient
(3) 1 & 2 both
(4) Proton gradient
18. When solute added to solution its water potential will :-
(1) Increased
(2) Decreased
(3) First increased then decreased
(4) Remain unchanged
19. Guttation is the result of :-
(1) Root pressure
(2) Diffusion
(3) Transpiration
(4) Osmosis
20. Choose the incorrect option for facilitated diffusion :-
(1) Down hill process
(2) Dependent on the living system
(3) Highly selective
(4) Transmembrare proteins set up the concentration gradient
21. Choose the incorrect statement for plant water relation :-
(1) A watermelon has over 8% dry matter.
(2) A mature corn plant absorb almost 5 litres of water in a day.
(3) In plant body distribution of water is varies.
(4) Water is essential for physiological activities of plant.
22. Which one is a type of diffusion :-
(1) Mass flow
(2) Osmosis
(3) Ascent of sap
(4) Pressure flow in phloem
23. Choose the correct ascending order of osmotic pressure :-
(1) Hydrophytes > Mesophytes > Xerophytes > Halophytes
(2) Halophytes > Xerophytes > Mesophytes > Hydrophytes
(3) Halophytes < Xerophytes < Mesophytes < Hydrophytes
(4) Hydrophytes = Mesophytes < Xerophytes = Halophytes
24. Read the following statements :-

(I) Solution of which chamber has a lower water potential.

(II) In which direction will osmosis occurs.

(III) Which solution has higher solute potential.

Give the answer of above (I to III) three Questions choose the correct option:-

(1) I-B, II-B to A, III-A (2) I-A, II-A to B, III-B

(3) I-B, II-A to B, III-A (4) I-A, II-B to A, III-B

25. What would be the Yp of flacid cell ?
(1) equal to OP
(2) negative
(3) zero
(4) equal to DPD
26. Choose the correct option for guard cell of stomata :-
(1) Cuticle is present
(2) Chloroplast are absent
(3) Inter cellular space is absent
(4) Outer wall is thin
27. Choose the correct option for given figure :-
(1) A has lower OP than B
(2) B has higher OP than A
(3) Water movement occurs from B to A
(4) A and B has same OP
28. Which one option is not a property of water which helps in ascent of sap ?
(1) Cohension
(2) Adhension
(3) Transpiration pull
(4) Surface tension
29. Phloem sap mainly composed of :-
(1) Water and starch
(2) Water and amino acids
(3) Starch and amino acids
(4) Water and sucrose
30. If this given plant cell is placed into pure water than choose the correct option :-
(1) Cell become plamolysed
(2) Water exit from the cell till Yp = 0.7
(3) Water enter into the cell till Yp = 0.7
(4) Cell become more flacid
31. The rapture and fractionation do not usually occurs in the water column in vessels during
ascent of sap because of :-
(1) Lignified thick cell wall
(2) Transpiration pull
(3) Cohesion and adhesion
(4) Pits of xylem wall
32. Choose the correct statements for long distance transport :-
(1) Long distance transport within a plant occurs by diffusion alone.
(2) Bulk flow can be achieved through a positive hydrostatic pressure only.
(3) Xylem is associated with translocation of water only.
(4) Phloem translocate a variety of organic solutes, mainly from the leaves to other parts of the
33. Water loss in its liquid phase from the margin of the leaf is known as :-
(1) Transpiration
(2) Osmosis
(3) Guttation
(4) Bulk flow
34. Water vapour comes out from the plant leaf through the stomatal opening. Through the same
stomatal opening carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant during photosynthesis. Reason is:-

(1) Both processes cannot happen simultaneously.

(2) Both processes can happen together because the diffusion coefficient of water and CO2 is different.

(3) The above processes happen only during night time.

(4) One process occurs during day, and the other at night.
35. Broken water chain in xylem column due to excessive water loss, is re-established by :
(1) Tensile strength of water
(2) Dissolved sugar in water
(3) Negative pressure / pulling force
(4) Positive root pressure
36. If the external pressure more than atmospheric pressure is applied on pure water, the water
potential will be :
(1) Less than zero
(2) Zero
(3) More than zero
(4) Always negative
37. When a cell is placed in hypotonic solution, water enters the cell expanding it. This expansion
is mainly regulated by :
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Ribosomes
(3) Vacuole
(4) Plastids
38. Which of the following Not facilitate opening of stomatal aperture ?
(1) Increase in turgidity of guard cell
(2) Radial orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall of subsidiary cells
(3) Radial orientation of cellulosic microfibrils in the cell wall of Guard cell
(4) All of the above
39. Which of the following occupies the space between the cell wall and the shrunken protoplast
in a plasmolysed cell ?
(1) Hypotonic solution
(2) Hypertonic solution
(3) Pure water
(4) Isotonic solution
40. Identify A, B and C in the given figure.
(1) A–Transported molecule, B–Inner side of cell, C Transport protein
(2) A–Transport protein, B–Transported molecule, C–Membrane
(3) A–Inner side of cell, B–Membrane, C–Transported molecule
(4) A–Membrane, B–Transport protein, C–Transported molecule
41. The two main components which determine water potential are
(1) Solute potential
(2) Pressure potential
(3) Solution potential
(4) Both (a) and (b)
42. What is the condition for pure water having zero water potential?
(1) Standard temperature
(2) No pressure
(3) At 1 atm pressure
(4) Only (a) and (b)
43. Which portion of the root absorbs both water and minerals?
(1) Terminal portion of roots
(2) Zone of cell elongation
(3) Zone of cell formation
(4) Zone of cell differentiation
44. Which of the following is an example of imbibition?
(1) Uptake of water by root hair.
(2) Exchange of gases in stomata.
(3) Swelling of seed when put in soil.
(4) Opening of stomata.
45. Match the following and choose the correct option

(a) Leaves (i) Anti-transpirant

(b) Seed (ii) Transpiration

(c) Roots (iii) Negative osmotic potential

(d) Aspirin (iv) Imbibition

(e) Plasmolysed cell (v) Absorption

(1) (a)–(iii), (b)–(iv), (c)–(i), (d)–(ii), (e)–(v) (2) (a)–(ii), (b)–(iv), (c)–(v), (d)–(i), (e)–(iii)

(3) (a)–(iii), (b)–(ii), (c)–(iv), (d)–(i), (e)–(v) (4) (a)–(iii), (b)–(ii), (c)–(i), (d)–(iv), (e)–(v)
46. Guard cells help in
(1) protection against grazing
(2) transpiration
(3) guttation
(4) fighting against infection
47. Bidirectional translocation of minerals takes place in
(1) xylem
(2) phloem
(3) parenchyma
(4) cambium
48. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding stomata?
(1) It helps in exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the leaf.
(2) It is open in the day time and close during the night.
(3) Opening or closing of the stomata is a change in the turgidity of the guard cells.
(4) The inner wall of each guard cell, towards the stomatal aperture is thin and rigid.
49. A cell is said to be flaccid when
(1) there is no net flow of water towards the inside or outside.
(2) the external solution balances the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm.
(3) water flows into the cell and out of the cell and are in equilibrium.
(4) the external solution is more dilute than the cytoplasm.
50. Match column-I with column-II and find out the correct answer from the code given below.

Column-I Column -II

A. Diffusion I. Hydrophilic substances

B. Osmosis II. Shrinkage of protoplasm

C. Imbibition III. Semipermeable membrane

D. Plasmolysis IV. Free movement of ions and gases

(1) A – II; B – I; C –IV; D – III (2) A – IV; B – III; C – I; D – II

(3) A – III; B – I; C – IV; D – II (4) A – II; B – III; C – IV; D – I

51. Stomata opens when
(1) guard cells swell due to a decrease in their water potential.
(2) guard cells swell up due to an increase in their water potential.
(3) guard cells swell by endosmosis due to efflux of potassium ions.
(4) guard cells swell by endosmosis due to influx of hydrogen ions (protons).
52. Transpiration facilitates
(1) electrolyte balance
(2) absorption of water by roots
(3) opening of stomata
(4) excretion of minerals
53. A pressure that is responsible for pushing up water to small height in the stem is called
(1) positive root pressure
(2) turgor pressure
(3) pressure gradient
(4) negative root pressure
54. Which of the following is not a feature of active transport of solutes in plants?
(1) Occurs against concentration gradient
(2) Non-selective
(3) Occurs through membranes
(4) Requires ATP
55. What will be the direction of flow of water when a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution?
(1) Water will flow in both directions.
(2) Water will flow out of the cell.
(3) Water will flow into the cell.
(4) No flow of water in any direction.
56. The water potential of pure water is
(1) less than zero
(2) more than zero but less than one
(3) more than one
(4) zero
57. The process responsible for facilitating loss of water in liquid form from the tip of grass blades
at night and in early morning is
(1) transpiration
(2) root pressure
(3) imbibition
(4) plasmolysis
58. Xylem translocate
(1) water, mineral salts, some organic nitrogen and hormones
(2) water only
(3) water and mineral salts only
(4) water, mineral salts and some organic nitrogen only
59. Stomatal movement is not affected by
(1) temperature
(2) light
(3) O2 concentration
(4) CO2 concentration
60. ‘X’ breaks the continuity of the ‘Y’ pathway and forces water and solutes to cross the
endodermis by passing through the plasma membrane. Identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’.
(1) X - Suberin; Y - Tonoplast
(2) X - Suberin; Y - Symplast
(3) X - Casparian strip; Y - Tonoplast
(4) X - Casparian strip; Y – Apoplast
61. Which of the following is not dependent on a living system?
(1) Diffusion
(2) Facilitated diffusion
(3) Both 1 and 2
(4) None of the above
62. If the external solution balances the osmotic pressure of the
cytoplasm, the solution is said to be :-
(1) Hypotonic
(2) Hypertonic
(3) Isotonic
(4) None of the above
63. Water molecules are unable to penetrate the endodermis as it
is impermeable to water because of a caspanian strip which is
made up of :-
(1) Chitin (2) Cellulose
(3) Lignin (4) Suberin
64. The seeds of which plant cannot germinate and establish
without the presence of mycorrhizae
(1) Cycas
(2) Selaginella
(3) Pinus
(4) All of these
65. How much of water reaching the leaves is used in
photosynthesis and plant growth
(1) Less than 5 percent
(2) Less than 1 percent
(3) Less than 10 percent
(4) Less than 4 percent
66. For a solution at atmospheric pressure :
(1) Ѱw = Ѱs
(2) Ѱw = 0
(3) Ѱs =0
(4) None of above
67. The net direction and rate of osmosis depends on:
(1) Pressure gradient
(2) Concentration gradient
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) Equilibrium
68. Which part in roots has transport proteins that are control points,
where a plant adjuste the quantity & types of solutes that reach the xylem:
(1) Cortical cells
(2) Endodermal cells
(3) Epidermal cells
(4) Root hairs
69. The immediate cause of the opening and closing of stomata is :-
(1) Change in turgidity of guard cells
(2) Flaccidity of guard cell
(3) Orientation of microfibrills
(4) Turgidity of subsidiary cells
70. Facilitated diffusion can not cause net transport of molecules
from a low to a high concentration because :-
(1) This would require output of energy
(2) This would require input of energy
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of these
71. Over small distances substances move by :-
(1) diffusion
(2) cytoplasmic streaming
(3) Mass flow
(4) both (1) and (2)
72. Pumps are not associated with :-
(1) Uphill transport
(2) Transport from low concentration to high concentration
(3) Direct or indirect ATP consumption
(4) Non selective nature
73. Root pressure is responsible for :-
(1) transpiration and guttation
(2) exudation and imbibition
(3) exudation and guttation
(4) transpiration and imbibition
74. Xylem is not associated with translocation of :-
(1) Water
(2) Minerals
(3) Organic nitrogen
(4) Photosynthates
75. Cohesion, Adhesion & surface tension physical properties of water,
provide which of the following properties (Characteristics) in water column
(1) Transpiration pull & Tensile strength
(2) Tensile strength and capillarity
(3) Capillarity & tranpiration pull
(4) All the above
76. Diffusion is a slow process and is not dependent on :-
(1) concentration gradent
(2) membrane permeability
(3) a living system
(4) temperature and pressure
77. At atmospheric pressure a solution has ѰS = -10, what is the value of water
potential for this solution?
(1) Can't be calculated without ѰP
(2) Water potential = -10
(3) Water potential of solution at atmospheric pressure always taken to be zero
(4) Water potential = 10
78. If we place a twig, bearing white flowers in coloured water, it turn
colour, on examining the T.S. of the twig, what would we can demonstrate?
(1) Flowers have ability to turn their colour
(2) Osmosis of the coloured water
(3) After cutting, twig shows more affinity for water
(4) Path of water movement is through the vascular bundles
79. Which of the following is correct regarding apoplast pathway of water?
(1) Movement of water occurs through the intercellular spaces and the
walls of the cells
(2) Movement of water is dependent on the gradient
(3) Water movement is through mass flow
(4) All of the above
80. The physical properties of water like cohesion, adhesion and surface
tension give water which of the following ability that help in ascent of
xylem sap?
(1) Ability to rise in thin tubes
(2) Ability to resist a pulling force
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) High viscous nature
81. Which of following is correct statement ?
(1) Facilitated transport and active transport both are sensitive to inhibitors
(2) Facilitated transport and simple diffusion both do not requires ATP energy
(3) Both facilitated transport and active transport are highly selective
(4) All the above
82. The greater the concentration of water in a system the greater is it's kinetic energy
or water potential which of following is correct about water potential?
(1) Water potential of pure water is 0 and it is its minimum value.
(2) Water potential of solution is always positive.
(3) If presssure greater than atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water or solution
then its water potential increases
(4) All the above
83. Osmosis is the term used to refer specifically to the diffusion of water across a differentially or
semipermeable membrane. Which is not correct about it?
(1) Osmosis is the movement of solvent from their high conc. to low conc. through S.P.M.
(2) Osmosis is the movement of solution from their low conc. to high conc. through S.P.M.
(3) Osmosis is the movement of solvent from higher yѰ to lower Ѱw through S.P.M.
(4) Osmosis is the movement of solvent from high solute potential to low solute potential through
84. Xylem is associated with translocation of :-
(1) Water and mineral salts
(2) Organic nitrogen
(3) Hormones
(4) All of the above
85. Which of the following is not correct about DPD?
(1) Its the decrease of diffusion pressure
(2) Maximum value of DPD is equal to OP
(3) DPD of pure H2O is zero
(4) Increase in TP of a cell decreases DPD
86. Imbibition :
(1) is a special type of osmosis
(2) involve adsorbtion
(3) is the characteristic feature of lipophilic coloids
(4) occurs against the water potential gradient
87. All the following statements are correct except that :
(1) the symplastic movement of absorbed water may be aided by cytoplasmic streaming
(2) the xylem vessels and tracheids are non living conduits so are parts of the apoplast
(3) the movement through the apoplast does not involve crossing the cell membrane
(4) the apoplastic system is the system of interconnected protoplasts that is continuous through the
plant, except at the casparian strips of the endodermis in the roots.
88. As various ions from the soil are actively transported into the vascular
tissues of the roots, water follows and increases the pressure inside the
xylem. This pressure :
(1) is responsible for water loss from leaves in liquid phase
(2) may re-establish the continuity of water column in xylem
(3) is considered as positive pressure
(4) All of the above
89. Most of the nitrogen in plants is transported in :
(1) Organic form via phloem
(2) Organic form via xylem
(3) Inorganic form via phloem
(4) Inorganic form via xylem
90. In plants the accepted mechanism for the translocation of sugars from
source to sink :
(1) involves the modest push by root pressure
(2) involves the transport according to pressure potential gradient
(3) is completely based upon transpiration pull
(4) Does not requires metabolic energy

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