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LWT - Food Science and Technology 61 (2015) 516e523

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Dissipation of chlorpyrifos-methyl by Saccharomyces cerevisiae during

wheat fermentation
c*, Rada D. Ðurovi
Tijana M. ÐorCevi c-Pej
Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade, Serbia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The dissipation of chlorpyrifos-methyl during wheat fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae was
Received 6 June 2014 investigated. The effect of pesticide on the yeast growth, and on the efficiency of wheat fermentation,
Received in revised form was studied. Obtained results indicate that growth of yeast in medium was significantly inhibited by
21 October 2014
chlorpyrifos-methyl applied in higher than 5MRL concentration (growth inhibition 53%), reaching in-
Accepted 19 December 2014
hibition of 88.3 and 90.1% at the two highest doses (15MRL, 20MRL). The presence of chlorpyrifos-methyl
Available online 31 December 2014
in wheat, overall negatively affected the yeast fermentation expressed through pH alteration, number of
yeast cells mg1 and CO2 production. Further in order to evaluate chlorpyrifos-methyl dissipation during
preparation of wheat substrate, the effect of sterilization on reduction of pesticide in wheat was
Dissipation determinate. Dissipation of pesticide was extremely high at all fortification levels (MRL, 5MRL and
Fermentation 15MRL), reaching 79.4, 79.2 ad 78.8% respectively. During the incubation period in samples without yeast
Yeast there was no further reduction of the chlorpyrifos-methyl with time on different temperatures. Finally,
Wheat activity of yeast itself caused pesticide reduction for approx. 14.8, 18.8 and 19% respectively, without
significant differences regarding fortification levels, or variations of incubation parameters. Overall,
maximum reduction of approximately 94.2, 98.0 and 97.8% at three fortification levels respectively was
reached during fermentation.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction undesirable residues can remain on grains and can be transferred to

cereal food products. In presence there are increasing concerns over
Consumption of wheat flour and its products is increasing the use of organophosphorus insecticides linked to health, as those
everyday throughout the world, leading to tremendous increment are the main residues detected in wheat (Balinova, Mladenova, &
of wheat crop cultivation and production. In order to obtain good Obretenchev, 2006). One of the most commonly used organo-
yield and satisfactory harvest with minimal lost during storage, phosphate is chlorpyrifos-methyl(O,O-dimethylO-(3,5,6-trichloro-
intensive usage of pesticides is required. Nowadays, in many major 2-pyridyl)phosphorothioate), a nonsystemic, broad-spectrum
wheat-producing countries a large proportion of stored cereal grain insecticide with contact, stomach, and respiratory action (Tomlin,
is protected against insect attack by numerous residual contact 2003), listed as a product unlikely to present acute toxicity in the
insecticides, and active substances with a long persistence of WHO's recommended classification of pesticides by hazard (WHO,
insecticidal activity, such as organophosphates, are most 1997). The main degradation pathway of chlorpyrifos-methyl is
commonly used for this purpose (Arthur, 1996). hydrolysis to 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol, while degradation in-
The control of pesticide residues in wheat grain is generally volves both chemical hydrolysis and microbial activity.
based on MRLs (Maximum Residual Limits). Although the correct As microbial degradation is considered to be one of the most
use of pesticides does not cause problems of public concern in significant process determining the fate of chlorpyrifos-methyl and
health and environmental areas, if inappropriate abusive treat- other organophosphates in nature (Lu, Wu, Newman, Faber, & Gan,
ments are applied without respecting safety recommendations, 2006; Yang, Liu, Guo, & Qiao, 2006; ), and in the context of recent
increased interest in obtaining better information about the
pesticide residue levels in “processed food”, it is toxicologically
* Corresponding author. Banatska 31b, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia. Tel./fax: þ381 interesting to study the potential loss of pesticide during fermen-
113076133. tation in order to obtain information about the real intake of
E-mail address: (T.M. ÐorCevi
0023-6438/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.M. ÐorCevic, R.D. Ðurovic-Pejcev / LWT - Food Science and Technology 61 (2015) 516e523 517

pesticides. Numerous publications already indicated that various GmbH, Taufkirchen, Germany), and re-suspended in sterile distilled
food processing techniques can significantly reduce the pesticide water to its original volume.
residues in foods, and this was extensively reviewed by Kaushik,
Satya, and Naik (2009). These authors established that there was
reduction of pesticide residue levels due to processing techniques 2.2. Analytical standard and working solutions
in most of the food materials, including whole wheat grain, wheat
and wheat flour. Although fermentation is one of the oldest simple Stock solution (2.0 mg mL1) of analytical standard of
biotechnological process and reduction of pesticide residues during chlorpyrifos-methyl (Dow Agro Sciences, Indianapolis, Indiana,
fermentation has been continuously studied in different food USA, purity 99.9%) in acetone was stored at 18  C and working
commodities (Bo & Zhao 2010; Jung et al., 2009; Navarro et al., solutions were prepared daily by diluting with sterile distilled
2007), there is very few data regarding pesticide residues dissipa- water.
tion during cereal fermentation process. Acetone, methanol, ethyl-acetate and anhydrous sodium sulfate
Therefore, the objective of the present study was to investigate (99.0%), were purchased from J.T. Baker (Deventer, Holland), while
the dissipation of chlorpyrifos-methyl during wheat fermentation florisil (60e100 mesh) was purchased from Serva Electrophoresis
by baker's yeast as one of the key baking ingredient especially in GmbH (Heidelberg, Germany). Before use, sodium sulfate was dried
homemade baking, but also in industrialized processes. In the 24 h at 130  C and florisil activated 4 h at 600  C and then 5 h at
experiment the fermentation conditions were optimized according 130  C.
to RSM (Response Surface Methodology) in order to obtain the
highest pesticide dissipation level. The effect of chlorpyrifos-
methyl on the yeast growth, and further on the efficiency of
wheat fermentation, was firstly studied in order to determine the 2.3. Effect of chlorpyrifos-methyl on S. cerevisiae growth
fermentation rate in samples contaminated with pesticides.
Spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) used in this study is an alterna- Cells of yeast were incubated 5 h on 30  C in YPD broth fortified
tive culture of major cereal grain cultivated throughout the world. It with pesticide (at 1.5, 3, 6, 15, 30, 45 and 60 mg mL1 rates i.e.
shows a very good adaptability (Laghetti, Piergiovanni, Volpe, & /2MRL, MRL, 2MRL, 5MRL, 10MRL, 15MRL and 20MRL for
Perrino, 1999), and, even with low fertilizing, spelt wheat gives a chlorpyrifos-methyl in wheat), and growth was determined
good harvest with significant mineral uptake (Moudrý & Dvora 
cek, directly by plating on YPD agar (Torlak Institute, Belgrade, Serbia)
1999). As the nutritive value of spelt wheat is high and it contains and indirectly by measuring the O.D.620nm (UV/visible spectro-
all basic components which are necessary for human beings, it is photometer LKB Biochrom Novacpec II, Biochrom Ltd., Cambridge,
not surprising that this culture with undemanding growing re- UK).
quirements is nowadays more grown in the European countries.
Currently it is widely used for fermented food products such as
pasta products, muesli and flakes. 2.4. Effect of chlorpyrifos-methyl on efficiency of wheat
As cereal grains are naturally contaminated by moulds, yeasts fermentation
and bacteria (Russo, Beleggia, Ferrer, Pardo, & Spano, 2010), mi-
croorganisms of grains might be found in products made with flour Wheat mash used as a substrate in this study was prepared
such as yeast-raised dough. Since during bakery products prepa- from uncontaminated grain Triticum spelta manufactured in
ration flour is not subjected to sterilization, the occurrence and organic production by Jevti c farm, Backo Gradiste, Serbia. Wheat
number of certain types of microorganisms may vary significantly grains were milled, fortified at 0, 3, 15 and 45 mg kg1 rates of
in dependence on a combination of available substrates and specific chlorpyrifos-methyl (i.e. MRL, 5MRL and 15MRL for wheat) and
technological parameters. In this study milled wheat samples were homogenized for 24 h. Spiked samples were introduced to in-
sterilized in an autoclave prior inoculation to avoid contamination dividual Pyrex bottles (100 mL) (Corning B.V. Life Sciences,
with wild strains in order to determine the individual effect of used Amsterdam, The Netherlands) loosely sealed with screw caps and
fermentative microorganism strain (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on subjected to sterilization in an autoclave for 15 min at 121  C
chlorpyrifos-methyl residues. Concerning possible degradation of (103 kPa) (Sanyo Lab Autoclav MLS 3780, Sanio Electric Co, Ltd.,
different pesticides during sterilization, pasteurization, autoclaving Osaka, Japan). After cooling, slurry was prepared by adding
and boiling (Abou-Arab, 1999; Kontou, Tsipi, & Tzia, 2004; Lalah & distilled water (1:1). Previously prepared cultures of S. cerevisiae
Wandiga, 2002), the effect of applied thermal treatment by steril- were inoculated individually at 8% (v/w) levels (final cell number
ization on chlorpyrifos-methyl residues in wheat was as well in the substrates of ca. 8 log cfu g1). Fermentations were carried
investigated. out at 23, 30 and 37  C for 24, 48 and 72 h (FOC 225l Incubator,
Velp Scientifica, Usmate, Italy), and samples were analyzed for
fermentation efficiency. The following analyses were made: col-
2. Materials and methods ony count (yeast cells mg1), determination of CO2 production
and pH measurements. S. cerevisiae cells present in fermented
2.1. Starter culture and growth conditions wheat mash were enumerated using YPD agar. 10 g of fermented
slurry was mixed with 90 mL sterile distilled water and ho-
A yeast strain e S. cerevisiae (collection of the Laboratory of mogenized for 30 min by horizontal shaker (IKA Werke HS 501
Microbiology, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Digital, Staufen, Germany). Further dilutions were made and pour
Serbia) used in the study was maintained at 4e6  C on YPD broth plated in sterilized YPD agar plates, incubated at 30  C for 48 h
(Torlak Institute, Belgrade, Serbia). When used for wheat fermen- and the colonies were counted using a colony counter (Scan 100
tation, cells were incubated 5 h in YPD broth at 30  C (cell density of Manual Colony Counter, Interscience, Saint Nom, France). Carbon
9 log cfu mL1, cells diluted 1:10 gave an O.D.620nm of ca. 0.069) dioxide production i.e. mass of CO2 lost was measured directly by
harvested by centrifugation on 9580 g for 10 min at 4  C (Velocity weighing the fermentation vessels during incubations. For the
14R, Dynamica, Salzburg-Mayrwies, Austria), washed with measurement of pH InoLab 730 pH meter (WTW, Weilheim,
50 mmol L1 phosphate buffer pH 7.0 (SigmaeAldrich Chemie Germany) was used.
518 T.M. ÐorCevic, R.D. Ðurovic-Pejcev / LWT - Food Science and Technology 61 (2015) 516e523

2.5. Effect of yeast fermentation on chlorpyrifos-methyl dissipation 2.8. Statistical analysis

in wheat
All experiments were performed in triplicates. Statistical anal-
Wheat mash was prepared as described previously (2.4.), with ysis of data from determination of effect of chlorpyrifos-methyl on
fortifications at 3, 15 and 45 mg kg1 of chlorpyrifos-methyl. After S. cerevisiae growth and effect of pesticide on fermentation effi-
sterilization in an autoclave samples were distributed in three ciency were processed by Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, Okla-
groups. homa, USA). The whole RSM procedure i.e. data regarding
First group of samples was analyzed for chlorpyrifos-methyl optimization of fermentation conditions in order to obtain the
residue immediately after autoclaving to check the effect of steril- highest pesticide dissipation level, were analyzed using ReliaSoft's
ization on pesticide dissipation. DOEþþ software (ReliaSoft Corporation, USA).
From second group of sterilized samples, slurry was prepared
with distilled water (1:1), and cultures of S. cerevisiae were inocu- 3. Results and discussion
lated at 6, 8 and 10% (v/w) levels. Fermentation was carried out at
23, 30 and 37  C for 24, 48 and 72 h and samples were analyzed for 3.1. Effect of chlorpyrifos-methyl on S. cerevisiae growth
chlorpyrifos-methyl residue.
The third group of sterilized samples, a control substrate, was The effect of pesticide on the growth rate of S. cerevisiae is
held under the same conditions as previously prepared for presented on Fig. 1. The results indicate that yeast growth was not
fermentation (on 23, 30 and 37  C for 24, 48 and 72 h), but without significantly inhibited by chlorpyrifos-methyl applied in less than
starter, to check pesticide spontaneous chemical degradation. 5MRL concentration. Although low inhibition of growth did start on
½MRL concentration and in the presence of MRL and 2MRL
remained on slightly elevated level (12.4e21.2% of inhibition), no
2.6. Sample preparations for pesticide analysis
relevant differences in comparison to control were found for those
three lowest pesticide concentrations. At 5MRL concentration of
For chlorpyrifos-methyl residue GCeMS analyses, samples were
chlorpyrifos-methyl cell stress was reflected on colony-forming
prepared according analysis procedure described in our previous
 ability (growth inhibition of 53%) with a dramatic reduction of
work (ÐorCevic, Siler-Marinkovi 
c, Ðurovic-Pej
cev, Dimitrijevi
CFU/mL following pesticide application at the two highest doses
Brankovic, & Gajic-Umiljendic, 2013a, 2013b). For recovery assay
(growth inhibition of 88.3 and 90.1%). As contamination with
uncontaminated wheat grain and fermented wheat samples were
chlorpyrifos-methyl at concentration five time higher than
fortified at 0.6, 3, 15 and 45 mg kg1 rates of chlorpyrifos-methyl
permitted cause reduction of yeast cell number (CFU) to approx.
prior analysis procedure.
50%, while concentration twenty-fold higher than MRL has an
extremely negative effect on S. cerevisiae, it could be expected for
2.7. Instrumetation the efficiency of wheat fermentation to significantly decrease in the
presence of higher contamination with chlorpyrifos-methyl.
A gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC/MS) (CP-3800/ It is known that the occurrence and growth of yeasts during
Saturn 2200, Varian, Melbourne, Australia) with fermentation is influenced by many factors, including pesticides
30 m  0.25 mm  0.25 mm, VF-5ms column (Varian, Melbourne, residues (Fleet, 2003). As expected, many fungicides were shown to
Australia) was used as a detection device The GC was programmed as have caused a inhibition of S. cerevisiae growth (Bi Fai & Grant,
follows: initial temperature was 170  C, then increased to 260  C at 2009; Cu s & Raspor, 2008; Santos, Simo ~ es, & Sa
-Correia, 2009;
9  C min1 and held for 3.5 min. The carrier gas (helium, 99.999%) Shin, Kim, Park, Kim, & Rhee, 2003), although there are in-
flow rate was in constant flow mode at 1.1 mL min1. The ion trap vestigations which showed that residues of some did not influence
mass spectrometer operated in the electron impact/selected ion the course and rate of yeast growth (Cabras et al., 1999; Chaves
monitoring (EI/SIM) mode. Ion (m/z) 286 was used for quantifica- pez et al., 2004; Jawich, Lteif, Pfohl-Leszkowicz, & Strehaiano,
tion, while ion (m/z) 125 was used for confirmation. The ion trap and 2006), as in all cases growth resumptions, with an increasing dose-
transferline temperatures were set to 210  C and 250  C. dependent period of latency, were observed (Santos et al., 2009).

Fig. 1. Effect of chlorpyrifos-methyl on S. cerevisiae growth in YPD broth presented as (a) reduction of CFU mL1 and O.D.620 nm, and (b) percentage of growth parameters in-
hibition. Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM (n ¼ 3). (Legend: C log10 CFU ml1, , O.D.620nm).
T.M. ÐorCevic, R.D. Ðurovic-Pejcev / LWT - Food Science and Technology 61 (2015) 516e523 519

Current literature also provides a discrete number of studies & Tewary, 2005). Results obtained in this study are confirmation
reporting the effects of herbicides on yeast biological parameters. It of how different pesticides could impact specific micro biodiversity
was stated that herbicide treatments were able to affect yeast including food interest microorganisms like S. cerevisiae, resulting
growth by affecting the enzymatic activity of catalase and super- in lowering of viable counts in growth mediums contaminated with
oxide dismutase (SOD), as well as inducing oxidative modifications those agrochemicals.
of proteins (Braconi et al., 2006; 2008). Finally, it is also evident Regarding obtained results, three chlorpyrifos-methyl concen-
that, although presence of insecticides malathion, chlorpyriphos trations (3 mg kg1 (MRL), 15 mg kg1 (5MRL) and 45 mg kg1
and deltamethrin in media did not show considerable affect on (15MRL)) were further used for wheat fortification in order to
yeast growth, inhibition of yeast growth was however observed in evaluate influence of pesticide on fermentation and effect of
samples containing insecticide endosulfan (Sharma, Satya, Kumar, fermentation on chlorpyrifos-methyl dissipation.

Fig. 2. Effect of chlorpyrifos-methyl on fermentation activity of S. cerevisiae in wheat substrate. Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM (n ¼ 3). (Legend: C 0 mg kg1 of
chlorpyrifos-methyl, B 3 mg kg1 of chlorpyrifos-methyl, A 15 mg kg1 of chlorpyrifos-methyl, D 45 mg kg1 of chlorpyrifos-methyl).
520 T.M. ÐorCevic, R.D. Ðurovic-Pejcev / LWT - Food Science and Technology 61 (2015) 516e523

3.2. Effect of chlorpyrifos-methyl on efficiency of wheat the presented method is sensitive enough for determination of this
fermentation pesticide at concentration levels much below its MRL value.
In order to evaluate chlorpyrifos-methyl reduction during
Results presented on Fig. 2 show that the presence of preparation of wheat substrate, the effect of thermal processing by
chlorpyrifos-methyl in all three applied concentrations, overall sterilization on reduction of pesticide in fortified wheat samples
negatively affected the yeast fermentation in wheat by S. cerevisiae. analyzed immediately after autoclaving was first determinate. As
Obtained P-values (ANOVA, a ¼ 0.01) of 1.68*107 for pH, 1.10*1010 can be seen from the obtained results (Fig. 3), after thermal pro-
for CFU and 1.60*107 for CO2 production, for fortification at cessing at 121  C (103 kPa) for 15 min, reduction of chlorpyrifos-
different concentration levels (from 0 to 45 mg kg1) indicated that methyl was extremely high at all fortification levels, reaching
this insecticid had significant effect on all fermentation responses. 79.4, 79.2 ad 78.8% respectively for samples fortified with MRL,
However, although contamination on all three concentration rates 5MRL and 15MRL of pesticide. Mentioned results correspond with
caused significant decrease in the number of cells per g of one obtained by Uygun, Senoz, and Koksel (2008), Uygun, Senoz,
fermentation substrate, this was least expressed in presence of the Ozturk, and Koksel (2009) who pointed out that the rates of
smallest used amount of pesticide i.e. at MRL level (3 mg kg1), thus degradation and volatilization of chlorpyrifos-methyl residues
pH lowering in those samples, especially after 48 and 72 h of were increased by the heat, and not just by extremely high ones
fermentation, and CO2 production, especially after 24 h of (205  C), but by significantly lower ones (40  C). It is obviously that,
fermentation, were not significantly negatively affected. Further as Holland, Hamilton, Ohlin, and Skidmore (1994) mentioned,
fortification with higher concentrations leaded to more expressive processes involving heat can increase volatilization, hydrolysis or
reduction in CFU number, as well as less pH alterations and less other chemical degradation and thus reduce residue levels. As
carbon dioxide production. commonly the loss of pesticide residues from heated substrate
There is a lack of publications for comparison of obtained re- fortified with pesticides obtain through physico-chemical pro-
sults, as most of researches concerning impacts of pesticides on cesses, e.g., evaporation, co-distillation and thermal degradation
yeast fermentation are focused on influence of fungicides on which may vary with the chemical nature of the individual pesti-
fermentation of grape must. Due to extensive use of fungicides in cides (Sharma et al., 2005), it is not surprising that obtained high
the treatment of several fungi-caused diseases of grapes for vini- reduction of chlorpyrifos-methyl occurred, considering that this
fication, numerous studies are focused on the connection between pesticide have significantly high vapor pressure. Regarding results,
fungicide residues and stuck and sluggish alcoholic and malolactic it could be concluded that possible chlorpyrifos-methyl contami-
 s &
fermentations (Angioni et al., 2005; Cabras et al., 1999, 2000; Cu nation in wheat, in amount over MRL, could be reduced nearly up to
Raspor, 2008; Gonza lez-Rodríguez, Cancho-Grande, Torrado-Agra- 80% by autoclaving.
sar, Simal-Gandara, & Mazaira-Pe rez, 2009; Ruediger, Pardon, Sas, Further, during the incubation periods on different tempera-
Godden, & Pollnitz, 2005) and therefore the negative effect on the tures without yeast inoculums, there was no significant additional
aromatic composition of wines (García et al., 2004; Oliva, Navarro, reduction of the chlorpyrifos-methyl. Although the percentage of
Barba, Navarro, & Salinas, 1999). Unexpectedly, in most, if not all, remaining pesticide was consistently lower than the value of the
cases, fungicide residues were found to have little or no effect on respective control (for approx. 1.5%, without significant differences
yeast fermentation through the winemaking process. And while among variations of incubation parameters), the differences were
most of authors were focused on influence of fungicides at MRL not statistically significant (t-test, P < 0.05) (Fig. 3). Obtained results
concentration and/or recommended application rate on fermen- are in agreement with proved stability of chlorpyrifos-methyl in
tation of grape must (Cabras et al., 2000; Gonza lez-Rodríguez et al., wheat stored at ambient conditions for longer period of time after
2009; Ruediger et al., 2005), others tested impact of higher con-
centrations, up to 1.5 and 5 MRL (Cabras et al., 1999; Cu  s &
Raspor, 2008), and still obtained similar results with lack of nega-
tive effect on fermentation. Concerning that, and the results ob-
tained in this study, it could be concluded that various yeast species
response differently in presence of different amounts of various
pesticides, especially in diverse fermentation substrates, thus those
interactions should be always tested prior further experiments
dealing with dissipation of pesticides during yeast fermentation.

3.3. Effect of yeast fermentation on chlorpyrifos-methyl dissipation

in wheat

With described analysis procedure, developed in our previous

work (Ðurovic & ÐorCevi c, 2010), and confirmed for efficiency for
organophosphate pesticide extraction from wheat substrate altered
by fermentation (ÐorCevi c et al., 2013a, 2013b), chlorpyrifos-
methyl was efficiently extracted from fermented and unfer- Fig. 3. Dissipation of chlorpyrifos-methyl residues during sterilization of wheat sub-
strate and under fermentation conditions during incubation time without yeast. First
mented samples and measured accurately. Recoveries at four
column in series e samples fortified with 3 mg kg1 concentration of chlorpyrifos-
fortification levels (0.6, 3, 15 and 45 mg kg1) were for unfermented methyl; second column in series e samples fortified with 15 mg kg1 concentration
wheat samples 84.3, 89.8, 85.3 and 84.4% with good reproducibility of chlorpyrifos-methyl; third column in series e samples fortified with 45 mg kg1
i.e. RSD% of 7.5, 1.9, 5.2 and 0.2%, and for fermented wheat samples concentration of chlorpyrifos-methyl. According to Student's t test (P < 0.05) the dif-
86.9, 88.2, 82.8 and 85.3% with RSD% of 6.1, 4.6, 2.7 and 2.5%. The ferences between dissipation during sterilization and dissipation during
sterilization þ dissipation during incubation, differences between samples fortified at
limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were determined different levels, as well as differences between dissipation among variations of incu-
according to IUPAC recommendations (Currie, 1999), and were bation parameters, were not statistically significant. (Legend: , dissipation during
0.007 mg kg1 and 0.04 mg kg1, respectively, thus it is obvious that sterilization, - dissipation during incubation).
T.M. ÐorCevic, R.D. Ðurovic-Pejcev / LWT - Food Science and Technology 61 (2015) 516e523 521

Fig. 4. Dissipation of chlorpyrifos-methyl residues during yeast fermentation of S. cerevisiae in wheat substrate. (a) samples fortified with 3 mg kg1 concentration of chlorpyrifos-
methyl; (b) samples fortified with 15 mg kg1 concentration of chlorpyrifos-methyl; (c) samples fortified with 45 mg kg1 concentration of chlorpyrifos-methyl.
522 T.M. ÐorCevic, R.D. Ðurovic-Pejcev / LWT - Food Science and Technology 61 (2015) 516e523

post-harvest treatments (Fleurat-Lessard, Vidal, & Budzinski, 1998). food processing techniques, at domestic and industrial level, can
The half life for this insecticide was already in several early re- significantly reduce the pesticide residues in food.
searches stated to be 4e5 months on 30  C and 50% relative hu-
midity (Desmarchelier et al., 1980), which is in agreement with
later findings on the behavior of residual chlorpyrifos-methyl with 4. Conclusion
ambient temperature (Balinova et al., 2006), and somewhat higher
than half-life of 2 months measured, under conditions of elevated Although nowadays MRLs are a credible and useful means for
humidity, by Fleurat-Lessard et al. (1998). This finding can be useful regulating the acceptable pesticide use, food processing studies are
in establishing the appropriate conditions for the laboratory stor- critical in understanding the real dietary consumption of pesticides.
age of analytical samples. The present study demonstrated high reduction of chlorpyrifos-
Overall, considering sterilization in autoclave and spontaneous methyl in wheat during sterilization applied prior fermentation
chemical degradation of chlorpyrifos-methyl, there was reduction processes, and during fermentation by S. cerevisiae. Reduction of
of pesticide residues of about 82% for all fortification levels, without chlorpyrifos-methyl in wheat was highly impacted by elevated
involving yeast fermentation. temperature during sterilization, thus it could be concluded that
In order to determine effect of yeast fermentation on this pesticide is considerably unstable during thermal processing
chlorpyrifos-methyl dissipation in wheat samples, the fermenta- for 15 min up to 120  C, and this could be effective tool for mini-
tion condition was optimized using a Box-Behnken design con- mizing the residual contamination from one of the most commonly
taining three levels for each parameter toward the highest pesticide used storage insecticide in final product through reduction to
reduction level as response. Results presented on Fig. 4 indicated nearly 80%. Further, yeast fermentation was responsible for addi-
that, after sterilization, further degradation by S. cerevisiae obtained tional reduction of chlorpyrifos-methyl enhancing dissipation for
at all three fortification level, reaching maximum reduction of approximately 14e19%, thus yeast fermentation itself without
approximately 94.2, 98.0 and 97.8% respectively in samples fortified heating could be tool for minor lowering of the residual pesticide
with MRL, 5MRL and 15MRL. Considering already mentioned contamination in final product.
reduction of pesticide residues prior fermentation (79.4, 79.2 and Although food processing techniques seems to offer a suitable
78.8% respectively), it can be concluded that activity of S. cerevisiae means to tackle the current scenario of unsafe food, based on
itself caused chlorpyrifos-methyl residue reduction in wheat sam- presented results and due to real health risk in case of exposure to
ples for approx. 14.8, 18.8 and 19% respectively, without significant chlorpyrifos-methyl at higher dosage levels, the limits established
differences regarding fortification levels, or differences among for wheat are adequate and changing regulatory guidelines and
variations of incubation parameters. It could be presumed that, recommendations for MRL is not recommended.
even though the presence of chlorpyrifos-methyl, especially at
higher concentrations, caused significant decrease in the number of
cells per g of fermentation substrate during fermentation (Fig. 2),
there were still a sufficient number of cells in all of the samples to
This study was carried out as a part of the project No TR31043,
allow enzymatic activity which could lead to pesticide degradation.
supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic
Somewhat higher reduction rate in samples fortified with 5MRL
of Serbia.
and 15MRL could be connected with pH dependent hydrolytic
degradation of chlorpyrifos-methyl (being more rapid at higher
pH), as in those samples presence of used amount of pesticide References
reduced fermentation efficiency, hence pH of samples maintained
at higher level (Fig. 2). There are some works showing the ability of Abou-Arab, A. A. K. (1999). Effects of processing and storage of dairy products on
lindane residues and metabolites. Food Chemistry, 64, 467e473.
S. cerevisiae cells to adsorb inorganic and organic contaminants as €nmez, G. (2003). A comparative study on the biosorption of some
Aksu, Z., & Do
pesticides (Aksu & Do € nmez, 2003; Gomes, Fragoso, Riger, Panek, & yeasts for Remazol blue reactive dye. Chemosphere, 50, 1075e1083.
Eleutherio, 2002; Goyal, Jain, & Banerjee, 2003; Razmkhab et al., Angioni, A., Garau, A., Caboni, P., Russo, M. T., Farris, G. A., Zara, S., et al. (2005). Gas
chromatographic ion trap mass spectrometry determination of zoxamide resi-
2002), which is attributed to the cell wall polysaccharides (Ballou,
dues in grape, grape processing, and in the fermentation process. Journal of
1988). Ruediger et al. (2005) also mentioned that reductions of Chromatography A, 1097, 165e170.
pesticide concentrations by microorganisms could possibly be due Arthur, F. H. (1996). Grain protectant: current status and prospects for the future.
to the absorption onto the bacterial cell walls, rather than chemical Journal of Stored Products Research, 32, 293e302.
Balinova, A., Mladenova, R., & Obretenchev, D. (2006). Effect of grain storage and
or biological degradation. However, concerning that during the processing on chlorpyrifos-methyl and pirimiphos-methyl residues in post-
extraction procedure in presented study cells of yeast remained in harvest-treated wheat with regard to baby food safety requirements. Food
wheat samples (enabling the pesticide extraction from the cell Additives and Contaminants, 23, 391e397.
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