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3 (a) Determine the room temperature heat capacities at constant pressure for the following materials:
aluminum, silver, tungsten, and 70Cu-30Zn brass. (b) How do these values compare with one another? How do you
explain this?


(a) This problem asks that we determine the room-temperature heat capacities at constant pressure, Cp, for
aluminum, silver, tungsten, and 70Cu-30Zn brass. All we need do is multiply the cp values in Table 19.1 by the

atomic weights (values are found inside the front cover), taking into account the conversion from grams to
kilograms (for the atomic weights). Thus, for Al

C p = (900 J/kg - K)(1 kg/1000 g)(26.98 g/mol) = 24.3 J/mol - K

For Ag

C p = (235 J/kg - K)(1 kg/1000 g)(107.87 g/mol) = 25.4 J/mol - K

For W

C p = (138 J/kg - K)(1 kg/1000 g)(183.84 g/mol) = 25.4 J/mol - K

For brass it is first necessary to compute the alloy atomic weight (Aave) using Equation 4.11a as follows:

CCu C Zn

70 wt% 30 wt%
63.55 g / mol 65.41 g / mol

= 64.09 g/mol
C p = (375 J/kg - K)(1 kg/1000 g)(64.09 g/mol) = 24.0 J/mol - K

(b) These values of Cp are very close to one another because room temperature is considerably above the
Debye temperature for these metals; therefore, the values of Cp should be about equal to 3R [(3)(8.31 J/mol-K) =

24.9 J/mol-K], which is indeed the case for all four of these metals.

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