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Revise the answer of the following questions

1) what is agriculture marketing

2) What are the challenges in agriculture marketing

3) what are the items of operating surplus

4) features of organic farming

5) What is work force participation rate

6) what is labour force

7) Why more women work in rural areas

8) Precautions of Income Expenditure and value added method

9) What is two sector economy explain with a diagram

10) What is stock and flow state differences

11) what is the difference between depreciation and capital loss

12) what is taken in depreciation expected obscelence or unexpected obscelence ans expected

13 ) who are normal residents ?

14) Difference between intermediate and final good

15) Nominal GDP real GDP and formula of PI index

16) why is GDP not the true measure of welfare

17) What are the strategy of sustainable development

18) Explain LRR

19) what is sustainable development?

20) what will happen if AD is more than AS and AS more than AD .

21) what are the sources of human capital formation)

22) state differences between human and physical capital?

23) what are the merits and demerits of green revolution

24) what is MNREGA

25) what Is New Economics policy explain

26) Explain full employment,over employment and underemployment equilibrium with a diagram?

27) what is outsourcing?

28) what are the fiscal measures to control inflation and deflation

Ans Expenditure policy and Revenue Policy....

29) what are the quantitative and qualitative measures to control inflation and deflation

30) Explain inflationary gap with a diagram

31) Explain deflationary gap ? With a diagram

32) what is great leap forward explain?

33) what are the similarities between India and Pakistan

34) why did China adopt one child policy

35) what is great proletarian cultural revolution?

36) what all steps or policy china took as a part of reforms

37) write a note on liberalisation , globalisation and privatisation

38) How is crr,SLR, ,margin Requirement, bank rate used to control Inflation and deflation? Explain in

39)what was the condition of Indian economy before independence?

40) Explain the demographic condition before independence?

41) what is drain of wealth

42) why was Suez canal opened?

43) what is kudamshree?

44) what is market surplus

45 ) what are conventional and non conventional fuels?

46) what are the methods to reduce land degradation?

47) How can we conserve soil?

48) what are the objectives of government budget?

49) what is re- allocation of resources and reducing in equality in the context of budget objectives?

50) Identify capital receipt, revenue receipt, capital expenditures and revenue expenditure?
state the rules

51) what is the difference between bop and bot ?

52) state the items of current account and capital account?

53) what is current account deficit and current account surplus

54) state differences between fixed exchange rate and flexibilile exchange rate

55) what is managed floating rate)

56) what happens to export and import due to depreciation of domestic currency

57) how is flexible exchange rate determined explain with a diagram

58) when is demand for foreign currency made?

59 ) when is supply for foreign currency made?

60 ) when is bop disequilibrium.

61) During British period India had trade relations with which all countries

62) what is foreign exchange and foreign exchange rate

63) why were special economic zone created by China and Pakistan

64) what are the challenges of health sector.

65) what is the difference between human capital and physical capital?

66) what is golden revolution?

67 ) Explain the concept of diversification of agriculture with examples

68) what are the functions of environment?

69 ) what is absorptive capacity?

70 ) what are externalities explain with examples

71) Explain institution and non institution sources of credit

72) what are the features of NABARD

73) What are the problems of rural credit system?

74 ) Why WTO is known as the watch dog ?

75 ) what is demonitisation , what are the merits and demerits of demonitisation

76) What are the merits and demerits of GST

77) State the features of GST

78) what is excess demand and deficit demand explain with a diagram

79) what has government of India done to improve the agricultural marketing system

80) what is Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana

91) what is fiscal deficit

92) state the implication of fiscal deficit

93) what is primary deficit state it's implications.

94) what are non debt creating capital receipts

95) what are factor and transfer incomes

96) explain non monetary exchanges and state why they are not included in national income

97) why opportunity cost of environmental degradation is more

98) what is supply reversal concept of environment

99) explain Bruntland commission

100) what is paradox of thrift

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