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Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 457-466


doi: https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS1804457T

UDK 669.14; 622.785; 676.017.2

A Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of
PM Steels With Chemical Compositions Fe-(1-3)%Mn-0.8%C

Monika Tenerowicz-Zaba, Maciej Sulowski

Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science Department of
Physical Metallurgy and Powder Metallurgy AGH University of Science and
Technology, Mickiewicz Ave. 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland

Mechanical properties of sintered steels containing 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 %Mn and 0.8
%C, candidate materials for structural parts, are compared with actually used PM steels.
Höganäs iron powder grade NC 100.24, low-carbon ferromanganese Elkem and graphite
powder grade C-UF were used as the starting powders. Powder mixtures were prepared in a
Turbula mixer for 30 minutes and “dog bone” compacts were single pressed at 660 MPa,
according to PN-EN ISO 2740 standard. Sinterhardening was carried out in a semi-closed
container in a laboratory tube furnace at 1120 °C and 1250 °C for 60 minutes in a mixture of
95%N2-5%H2. Microstructures consisted of pearlite and ferrite, sometimes bainite and
martensite, depending on the Mn content. Yield, tensile and three point bend strengths and
Vickers' microhardness were determined and metallographic observations carried out. The
best combination of properties was for 2.5 %Mn steel: yield strength 620 MPa and 3.7 %
elongation. The tensile properties of 2.5/3 %Mn-0.8 %C are not inferior to the best Ni-Cr-
Mo-Cu type PM steels in MPIF Standard 35.
Keywords: Sinterhardening; PM Mn steels.

1. Introduction

The interest in application of Mn in powder metallurgy is related to its beneficial

effect on the strength properties of steel. Manganese is an alloying element which widens the
austenite range by reducing the GS line and moving the ES line to the left (Fig. 1) in the Fe-
Mn-C system [1]. In addition, it enhances the coexistence of the three-phase austenite-
cementite-ferrite structure in Fe-Mn-C. This alloying element is inexpensive and easily
accessible [2] and, unlike carcinogenic nickel, does not adversely affect the human body.
Accordingly, it is extensively used in wrought steel products.
The first mention of the usage of manganese in sintered steel appeared in 1950 by F.
Benesovsky and R. Kieffer [3], followed by, In 1968 and 1971, K. Mauer and H. Grewe [4].
Mn steels were investigated in detail in 1975 by G. Zapf et al [2], who reported the best
combination of mechanical properties (yield point, tensile strength) at ~6%Mn, Fig. 2. NoTab.
in further PM Mn steel research are the contributions of A. Salak [5, 6], who reported the self-
cleaning effects of Mn vapour, as a major problem in PM production of Mn steels is
brittleness, due to its affinity for oxygen.
This microstructural problem was identified by Mitchell et al [7] as continuous oxide
networks, which were not produced when steels were sintered in a sufficiently clean
atmosphere. Renewed interest in PM Mn steels followed, as evidenced by numerous
publications of e.g. E. Dudrova, E. Hryha, A. Ciaś, A. Wronski, S.C. Mitchell and M.
Corresponding author: tenerowi@agh.edu.pl
458 M. Tenerowicz-Zaba et al. /Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 457-466

Sulowski [8-12]. Noteworthy are the general reports that the optimum Mn content is near 3
and not 6 % [9] and the beneficial effects, especially increased plasticity for the same strength
levels, of sintering in a semi-closed container [13-15].

Fig. 1. The effect of manganese content on the austenite region in the Fe-Mn-C system [1].

Fig. 2. The effect of: a) type of manganese carrier and its content on mechanical properties
(yield point, tensile strength) of sintered Fe-Mn materials, b) carbon content of steels with
2%Mn,both sintered at 1280 °C [2].

Manganese is added to the powder mixture generally either as electrolytic powder or,
very often, as ferromanganese. When added as a ferroalloy, however, it decreases the
compressibility of the mixtures. In addition, to reduce the formation of oxides during
sintering, high-purity reducing atmosphere and a low dew point [5, 6] or special backfill [16]
are required. Relatively recently sinterhardening has been introduced [13-19] and thus is
worth investigating for Mn steels. Accordingly PM 1-3%Mn steels were reinvestigated,
sinterhardened in a semi-closed container. The results are critically compared with
conventionally sintered Ni-Cu-Mo-C materials.
M. Tenerowicz-Zaba et al./Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 457-466 459

2. Materials and Experimental Procedures

Höganäs iron powder grade NC 100.24, Elkem low-carbon ferromanganese (77%Mn,

1.3%C, particle size- below 20 µm - Eramet Norway Sauda) and graphite powder grade C-UF
were used as starting powders. From the starting powders, mixtures with compositions of Fe-
1.5/2.5%Mn-0.8%C), to complement data for 1, 2 3%Mn [11, 12], were prepared in a Turbula
mixer for 30 minutes. Following mixing, “dog bone” green compacts were single-action
pressed at 660 MPa following the PN-EN ISO 2740 standard. The batch number for each
processing variant was 15 samples. To minimize friction during pressing, zinc stearate was
used as a lubricant and was applied on the punches before pressing each sample. The average
densities of green compacts (Tab. 1) varied from 6.67 g/cm3 (for samples contained 1 %Mn)
to 6.59 g/cm3 (for 3 %Mn samples). Following pressing, compacts were sintered at 1120 ºC
and 1250 ºC (heating rate – 75 °C/min) for 60 minutes in the mixture 95%N2-5%H2in a semi-
closed container and cooled at a rate 66°C/min. (sinterhardening). The inlet dew point of the
gas, following gas producer specification, was maintained below -60 °C.The designation,
chemical composition, variants of sintering and heat treatment of the steels are presented in
Tab. I.

Tab. I The designation, chemical composition, and variants of sintering and heat treatment of
the steels – mean values and corrected standard deviations.
Batch Chemical Sintering Green density, Δd = (d1-
density, d1,
description* composition variant do, [g/cm3] d0)/d0 [%]
A1 Fe-1%Mn- 1120°C/SH 6.67±0.01 6.65±0.01 -0.30
A2 0.8%C[16] 1250°C/SH 6.61±0.01 6.67±0.01 0.91
B1 Fe-1.5%Mn- 1120°C/SH 6.62±0.03 6.61±0.02 -0.15
B2 0.8%C 1250°C/SH 6.60±0.01 6.59±0.01 -0.15
C1 Fe-2%Mn- 1120°C/SH 6.63±0.01 6.62±0.01 -0.15
C2 0.8%C[16] 1250°C/SH 6.63±0.01 6.64±0.01 0.15
D1 Fe-2.5%Mn- 1120°C/SH 6.53±0.01 6.54±0.01 0.15
D2 0.8%C 1250°C/SH 6.54±0.01 6.55±0.01 0.15
E1 Fe-3%Mn- 1120°C/SH 6.63±0.02 6.64±0.01 0.15
E2 0.8%C[16] 1250°C/SH 6.59±0.01 6.59±0.07 0.00
*Batch size- 15 samples, SH – sinterhardened

The sintered steels were physically (green and as-sintered densities – Tab. I) and
mechanically (tensile, 3-point bend and apparent hardness – Tab. II and Fig. 8) tested at room
temperature. Green and as-sintered densities were calculated by the geometrical method.
During tensile testing, on a MTS 810 instrument, according to 10002-1 standard the cross-
head speed was 1 mm/min. The 0.2 % offset yield strength was determined from the
engineering stress-strain diagram. Elongation was measured using geometric method.
Transverse rupture strength (TRS) was measured using ZD10-90 testing machine, following
PN-EN ISO3325 standard on test samples parallel to the pressing direction. The load was
applied to the surface on which the pressing punch contacted. Vickers hardness was measured
on an Innovatest machine. Ten data points were taken on the length of the cross-sectional
surface of the sample. Following mechanical tests, metallographic (LOM) investigations were
460 M. Tenerowicz-Zaba et al. /Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 457-466

carried out using Leica DM 4000M on areas etched with 3 % Nital. The results are the
continuation of investigations [16] and were to be compared with the results of conventionally
sintered 1-3%Mn-0.8%C [12-20].

3. Results and Discussion

The representative results of metallographic investigation of Fe-X%Mn-0.8 %C steels

are presented in Figs. 4-8. The microstructure of sintered steel containing 1 %Mn consisted of
pearlite and ferrite, sometimes bainite, which corresponds to average tensile strength
(calculated for 15 samples) of 587 MPa ± 32 for this steel. Metallographic examination
showed that microstructure of sintered steels containing 2 %Mn (Fig. 6) consisted of pearlite,
bainite and martensite, which were present in the areas surrounding residual particles of
ferromanganese [16]. These results correspond with the CCT curves presented in Fig. 3 [13].

Fig. 3. Continuous Colling Transformation diagram for Fe-3%Mn-0.8%C (nominal

composition) alloy (Elkem ferromanganese) sintered at AGH at 1150 °C in hydrogen
atmosphere with dew point -60 °C. Austenitizing: 850 °C, 15 min. (Diagram plotted in
collaboration with prof. Pal Barczy from Miskolc University) [13].

It can be observed that bainitic or martensitic structures can be more easily obtained
when Mn content is higher. It widens the range of occurrence of austenite and decreases the
amount of bainite [14]. Further increase of Mn content up to 3 % resulted in the creation of a
more martensitic, or martensitic-bainitic, structure with addition of Mn-rich austenite.

1120 °C 1250 °C


Fig. 4a. Microstructure of sample A1 Fig. 4b. Microstructure of sample A2

(marker 50 µm). (marker 50 µm).
M. Tenerowicz-Zaba et al./Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 457-466 461


Fig. 5a. Microstructure of sample B1 Fig. 5b. Microstructure of sample B2

(marker 50 µm). (marker 50 µm).


Fig. 6a. Microstructure of sample C1 Fig. 6b. Microstructure of sample C2

(marker 50 µm). (marker 50 µm).
1120 °C 1250 °C


Fig. 7a. Microstructure of sample D1 Fig. 7b. Microstructure of sample D2

(marker 50 µm). (marker 50 µm).

3% Mn

Fig. 8a. Microstructure of sample E1 Fig. 8b. Microstructure of sample E2

(marker 50 µm). (marker 50 µm).
462 M. Tenerowicz-Zaba et al. /Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 457-466

The results of mechanical properties of each batch are summarized in Tab. II and
Fig. 9. For comparison purposes, data for sintered and slow-cooled alloys [12] are also
presented in Fig. 9. Taking into account the Anderson–Darling and Kolmogorov-Smirnov
goodness-of-fit tests, for investigated steels the number of samples in batches (15) should be
satisfactory to introduce the 2-p and/or 3-p Weibull statistic to predict probability of failure of
investigated steels initiated by non-interacting flaws. This analysis will be the subject of
further investigations.

Tab. II Mechanical properties of sintered Fe-(1-3)%Mn-0.8%C steels – mean values and

corrected standard deviations.
Batch Chemical Sintering UTS TRS 0.05
yield A [%]
description* composition variant [MPa] [MPa] (cross-
A1 Fe-1%Mn- 1120°C/SH 285±23 511±22 888±85 4.36±0.50 240±54
A2 0.8%C[16] 1250°C/SH 297±45 587±32 1070±95 5.80±0.54 241±43
B1 Fe-1.5%Mn- 1120°C/SH 371±43 580±55 1005±115 4.13±0.73 250±21
B2 0.8%C 1250°C/SH 370±25 632±39 1132±84 4.92±0.54 226±11
C1 Fe-2%Mn- 1120°C/SH 367±22 611±22 997±85 3.73±0.54 310±66
C2 0.8%C[16] 1250°C/SH 429±31 713±53 1200±88 4.23±0.60 429±55
D1 1120°C/SH 501±44 671±31 997±120 3.34±0.33 287± 53
D2 0.8%C 1250°C/SH 623±75 754±61 1187±110 3.66± 0.43 270± 36

E1 1120°C/SH 529±29 626±81 1112±108 2.95±0.30 390±131

E2 0.8%C[16] 1250°C/SH 602±42 727±48 1234±130 3.35±0.35 343±87

*Batch size - 15 samples, SH – sinterhardened

There were no significant changes in density from green to sintered values (Tab. I).
The densities are lower than presented in [17] and are comparable with the results published
in [9]. The microstructure of the steels changed with the amount of Mn: from mainly pearlite
and ferrite, sometimes bainite - in Fe-1%Mn-0.8%C - through pearlitic, bainitic and
martensitic, in the areas surrounding the residual particles of ferromanganese, up to
martensitic or bainitic/martensitic with Mn-rich austenite for Fe-3%Mn-0.8%C. This
modification is connected with the increasing influence of Mn on creation of martensitic
(bainitic/martensitic) structure.
Expectedly the mechanical properties were generally somewhat better after sintering
at 1250 °C (Fig. 9). The R0.2yield offset of sintered steel with 3 %Mn was the highest, because
of the appearance of martensite in the microstructure, and hence hardness of this steel was
higher than of steel containing 1-2.5 %Mn, while plastic properties were the lowest. Salak et
al [17] previously reported the best combination of strength and plastic properties for
manganese content of 2-2.5 %. However our plasticity was superior because of sintering in a
semi-closed container [18], since, as Cias demonstrated in [13], the sintering system inhibits
the formation of deleterious oxide networks. Fig. 10 presents our, slightly superior, yield
strength and elongation data for sinterhardened specimens with those for similarly processed,
but slow-cooled [12].
M. Tenerowicz-Zaba et al./Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 457-466 463

Fig. 9. The effect of Mn content on a) strength properties and b) hardness and c) elongation of
single pressed Fe-X%Mn-0.8%C steels, sintered and sinterhardened (X = 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5,

Fig. 10. 0.2 % offset stress (a)) and elongation (b)) of 1-3 %Mn-0.8 %C steel sintered at
1120°C or 1250 °C and slow cooled (SC) or sinterhardened (SH).

It is further useful to compare all our mechanical properties results with the most
demanding PM steels of MPIF Standard 35: FC-0208-60, FC-0508-60, FN-0408-55 and FLN-
4205-55 with 0.2 % offset stress above 400MPa (Tab. III). For sintered steel containing 2-3
%Mn higher strength and plastic properties could be obtained than in the PM steels containing
Ni, Cu and Mo. This demonstrates the possibility of replacing carcinogenic nickel and Cu
with Mn structural sintered steels used today.
464 M. Tenerowicz-Zaba et al. /Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 457-466

Tab. III Mechanical properties of Fe-2.5/3%Mn-0.8%C with those of the most demanding
PM steels of MPIF Standard 35:FC-0208-60, FC-0508-60, FN-0408-55 and FLN-4205-55
with yield strengths above 400 MPa.
Chemical composition%, balance Fe Mechanical properties
Steel offset UTS
designation/description density, A TRS Hardnes
C Ni Cu Mo Mn yield [MPa Ref.
[g/cm3] [%] [MPa] s
stress[ ]
0.6 - 1.5 -
Fe-Cu FC-0208-60 - - - 7.2 450 520 <1 1070 84 HRB 20
0.9 3.9
0.6 –
Fe-Cu FC-0508-60 - 4-6 - - 6.8 480 570 <1 1000 80 HRB 20
0.6 –
Fe-Ni FN-0408-55 3-5 0-2 - - 7.2 410 550 1 1030 87 HRB 20
0.4 – 1.3- 0.49 – 0.2 –
Hybrid FLN-4205-55 - 7.3 430 600 2 1210 83 HRB 20
0.7 2.5 0.85 0.4
2Mn 0.8 - - - 2 6.6 430 710 4.2 1200 429 HV 17
3Mn 0.8 - - - 3 6.6 600 730 3.4 1234 345 HV 17
3Mn 0.8 - - - 3 6.6 530 630 3.0 1110 390 HV 17
3Mn 0.8 - - - 3 6.9 410 500 1 1230 183 HV 12
3Mn 1120°C + 0.8 - - - 3 7.0 410 740 2.3 1740 250 HV 12
3Mn 0.8 - - - 3 7.0 480 610 1.2 1310 189 HV 12
0.6 –
3Mn 1250°C + - - - 3 6.9 450 730 1.6 N/D N/D 19
3Mn 0.8 - - - 3 7.0 460 480 1.5 1060 210 HV 12
3Mn 1250°C + 0.8 - - - 3 6.7 470 830 3.7 1480 247 HV 12
2.5Mn 0.8 - - - 2.5 6.5 500 670 3.3 1000 287 HV PI
2.5Mn 0.8 - - - 2.5 6.5 620 750 3.7 1190 270 HV PI
PI – present investigation

4. Conclusion

1. The increased plasticity of all our Mn steels, as compared to conventionally sintered,

even in high-purity atmospheres, should be attributed to sintering in a semi-closed
2. Mechanical properties of sinterhardened Mn steels are only slightly superior to those of
conventionally sintered.
3. The optimum combination of strength and plasticity was for 2.5%Mn-0.8%C steel:mean
0.2 % offset stress 623 MPa and 3.7 % elongation.
4. Comparison with commercial Cu and Ni steels, described in MPIF standard 35, indicates
that for both sintered and sinterhardened (2.5-3)%Mn-0.8%C steels strengths of are not
inferior and plasticity superior.
5. The mechanical properties now reported are generally better than in previous
publications on similar alloys.
M. Tenerowicz-Zaba et al./Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 457-466 465


The financial support of the grant for Young Scientists under AGH contract no The authors would like to thank Prof. A. S. Wronski for his content-related
comments and editing this text.

5. References

1. C. D. Desforges, W. E Duckworth., T. F. J. N Ryan.: „Manganese in ferrous

metallurgy”. Edited by The Manganese Centre, ISBN 2 901 109 004, (1976)
2. G. Zapf, G. Hoffmann, K. Dalal , Powder Metallurgy, 18, 35 (1975) 214-236.
3. F. Benesovsky, R. Kieffer, Berg- u. Huttenmann. Monatsh., 8 (1960) 145-148.
4. K. Mauer H. Grewe, DEW-Techn. Ber, 4 (1968) 242.
5. A. Salak, M. Selecka, Manganese in Powder Metallurgy Steels, Cambridge
International Science Publications, (2012).
6. A. Salak, The International Journal of Powder Metallurgy and Powder Technology,
16, 4 (1980) 369- 379.
7. A. Cias, S.C. Mitchell, A.S. Wronski: Microstructure and properties of PM 0.6% C
manganese steels, Proc. of 1998 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy, organized
by EPMA, Granada, 3 (1998) 179-189.
8. E. Hryha, L. Nyborg., E. Dudrova., S. Bengtsson, Euro PM2009 (CD) - Sintered
Steels 1- Composition, (2009).
9. A. Cias., S.C. Mitchell, A. Watts, A.S. Wronski, Powder Metallurgy, 42, 3 (1999)
10. A. Cias., S. C. Mitchel, Powder Metallurgy Progress, 5, 2 (2005) 82-91.
11. M. Sulowski, Powder Metal., 53, 2 (2010) 125-140.
12. M. Sulowski, The structure and mechanical properties of structural sintered Fe-Mn-C
steel, Ph. D. Thesis, AGH UST, (2001), Cracow.
13. A. Cias, Development and Properties of Fe-Mn-(Mo)-(Cr)-C Sintered Structural
Steels, Kraków, ISSN0867-6631, 129, AGH – UWNT, (2004).
14. A. Cias, Science of Sintering, 45 (2013) 379-383.
15. A. Cias, Science of Sintering, 47 (2015) 61-69.
16. A. Šalak.: The International Journal of Powder Metallurgy and Powder Technology,
v. 16, 4 (1980) 369-379.
17. A. Šalak, M. Selecka, R. Bures, Powder Metallurgy Progress, 1, 1 (2000) 41-58.
18. A. Cias, S.C. Mitchell, K. Pilch, H. Cias, M. Sulowski, A.S. Wronski, Powder
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19. M. Tenerowicz, M. Sulowski, Archives of Metallurgy, Archives of Metallurgy, 62, 4
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20. Materials Standard for PM Structural Parts, Metal Powder Industry Federation,

Садржај: Механичка својства синтерованог челика који садржи 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 и 3%Mn и
0.8%C, су поређена у овом раду са PM челицима. Коришћени почетни прахови су били
Höganäs гвожђе NC 100.24, ниско-карбонски феро манганат Elkem и графит C-UF.
Смеше прахова су припремљене у миксеру Turbula током 30 минута и узорци су
компактирани на 660 MPa, према PN-EN ISO 2740 стандарду. Синтеровање је рађено
у полу-отвореном контејнеру у лабораторијској цевној пећи на 1120 °C и 1250 °C
466 M. Tenerowicz-Zaba et al. /Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 457-466

током 60 минута у смеши 95%N2-5%H2. Микроструктуре су се састојале од перлита,

и ферита, понекад са баинитом и мартенситом, у зависности од садржаја Mn.
Принос, затезање, савијање и тврдоћа по Викерсу су одређене. Најбоља комбинација
својстава је приказана за челик са 2.5% Mn: чврстоћа 620 MPa и 3.7 % елонгација.
Затезање 2.5/3%Mn-0.8%C није испод вредности за најбољи тип Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu PM
челика по стандарду MPIF 35.
Кључне речи: Oчврњавање путем синтеровања, PM Mn челици.

© 2018 Authors. Published by the International Institute for the Science of Sintering. This
article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons — Attribution 4.0 International license

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