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UCLan Coursework Assessment Brief 2023-24
Module Title: Electromechanical Systems Level: 6
School of Engineering
Module Code: ER3201
Automated Package Labeling This assessment is worth
50% of the overall
System Design and modulemark


This Coursework is compiled to address the learning outcome listed in the module descriptor below:
1. Evaluate the scope, context, and significance of electromechanical systems and their applications
2. Apply the key aspect of the operating principles of electromechanical actuators, motors, drives and
motion control.
3. Provide case studies of electromechanical systems using microprocessors/ microcontrollers in
process control.

Assignment Task.

An automated packaging labeling system improves efficiency and accuracy in applying shipping labels to boxes
and parcels. It consists of a conveyor belt that transports packages at a fixed speed and spacing. A labeling
applicator mounted on a servo motor positions itself above the conveyor and applies a label onto the top of each
package as it passes underneath. The servo motion is precisely coordinated with the conveyor speed and spacing
to properly place the labels without needing sensors. This system automates the repetitive task of label application
in warehouses and fulfillment centers.

Figure 1. Automated package labelling system

Your assignment is to:

1. System Design:

• Select components for the system.

• Make calculations relating to stepper motor and conveyor precision
• Determine appropriate dimensions for the conveyor belt and wheels
• Calculate forces and torque requirements for the stepper motor
• Justify your selections and document design

2. Motion Calculations:

• Derive equations for relating stepper motor rotation to conveyor motion.

• Calculate timing and sequence for coordinating conveyor and servo motions
• Determine operating parameters to synchronize label application

3. Microcontroller Implementation:

• Implement control logic on an Arduino with the electromechanical kit

• Display conveyor position, servo status, and counters on LCD
• Code the sequence and timing to coordinate the conveyor and servo

4. Testing and Validation:

• Define testing metrics and criteria for performance

• Document system performance against requirements
• Discuss potential improvements and optimizations

In your report also provide an abstract, introduction, and conclusion.

Marking Scheme
Your report should contain the following elements; it will be marked following the scheme:

Item Weight
1. System Design:
Select components for the system.
Make calculations relating to stepper motor and conveyor precision
Determine appropriate dimensions for the conveyor belt and wheels
Calculate forces and torque requirements for the stepper motor
Justify your selections and document design
2. Motion Calculations:
Derive equations for relating stepper motor rotation to conveyor motion.
Calculate timing and sequence for coordinating conveyor and servo motions
Determine operating parameters to synchronize label application
3. Microcontroller Implementation:
Implement control logic on an Arduino with the electromechanical kit
Display conveyor position, servo status, and counters on LCD
Code the sequence and timing to coordinate the conveyor and servo
4. Testing and Validation:
Define testing metrics and criteria for performance
Document system performance against requirements 25
Discuss potential improvements and optimizations

Total 100


The design study is to be introduced during one of the laboratory sessions in February. After populating the
coursework paper, the design problem will be introduced, and the expected results will be elucidated with examples.
The set of software tools available for theassignment will also be briefly described. During Fabruary laboratory
classes, additional support will be provided in the form of Q&A sessions.


Assessment release date: 19/2/2023 Assessment Deadline Date and Time: 2/4/2024 -
Please note that this is the final time you can submit- not the time to submit!
Your feedback and mark for this assessment will be provided by 22/4/2024 on Blackboard


Submission of assignment work

This design study will constitute 50% of the total module assessment mark. You should write a report
for this design study explaining the algorithm, show and discuss the results (including results for the
TestData, which should be clearly denoted), and consider any sources of error in the results. The report
should be approximately 1500 words long plus relevant materials (References and Appendices). You
should use Harvard referencing system for this report. The report should be submitted electronically
toTurnitin through Blackboard.
Please include any Matlab program you may write as part of the design study. All programs should
havecomments explaining their operation and should run as submitted (i.e. should include all the
relevant data and code). In case there are code multiple files, please create a single zip archive
containing all the files. The code should be submitted separately from the report into Blackboard
ER3201 assignment area denoted as “Design Study Code”.

Late work
Work submitted electronically may be submitted after the deadline to the same Turnitin assignment
slotand will be automatically flagged as late.
Penalties for late submission
Except where an extension of the hand-in deadline date has been approved, lateness penalties will
beapplied in accordance with University policy as follows:

(Working) Days Late Penalty

1-5 maximum mark that can be achieved: 50%
more than 5 0% given

During the induction and via your student handbook, you were informed of the serious consequences
of using or attempting to use unfair means to enhance performance. This includes plagiarism. The
work submitted must be your own and any information and material used properly identified and
The University operates an electronic plagiarism detection service where your work may be uploaded,
stored and cross-referenced against other material. The software searches the World Wide Web and
extensive databases of reference material to identify duplication.
For detailed information on the procedures relating to plagiarism, please see the current version of
theUniversity Academic Regulations.

• The support for this assignment will be provided during scheduled laboratory sessions.
• For support with using library resources, please contact <>. You will find
links to lots of useful resources in the My Library tab on Blackboard.
• If you have not yet made the university aware of any disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health
or mental health condition, please complete a Disclosure Form. The Inclusive Support team will then
contact todiscuss reasonable adjustments and support relating to any disability. For more information, visit the
Inclusive Support site.
• To access mental health and wellbeing support, please complete our online referral form. Alternatively,
you can email, call 01772 893020 or visit our UCLan Wellbeing Service pages for
more information.
• If you have any other queries or require further support, you can contact The <i>, The Student Information
andSupport Centre. Speak with us for advice on accessing all the University services as well as the Library
services. Whatever your query, our expert staff will be able to help and support you. For more information,
how to contact us and our opening hours, visit Student Information and Support Centre.
• If you have any valid mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an assessment submission deadline
and you wish to request an extension, you will need to apply online prior to the deadline.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this assessment brief is correct at time of publication. In the Version:
unlikely 1
event that any changes are deemed necessary, they will be communicated clearly via e-mail and a new
version of this assessment brief will be circulated.

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