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1-3-2 The Diphthongs vowels

In Djimini language, there are also diphthongs vowels and they are of two kinds: the oral vowels and the
nasal ones. The oral diphthong vowels are eleven in Baule.

nbrs Djiminispellin examples

Djimini English
1 aɪ aɪ hai interjection
2 ee ee narrow
3 ɪɪ ɪɪ fii narrow
4 ɪo ɪo fioto underpants
5 ɪa ɪa fia fool
6 ɪe ɪe fie farm
7 ɪɛ ɪɛ fiɛ vomit
8 ua ua tua penis
9 ue ue kue knife
10 uɪ uɪ bui bark
11 uɛ uɛ suɛ civet

The nasal diphthongs are seven in Baule satiklan).

nbrs Baule examples

spelling Baule English
1 aũ aun vaun large
2 eĩ ein clein clear
3 ɪẽ iɛn fiɛn dirty
4 ɪã ɪã fian run away
5 uẽ uɛn fuɛn corpse
6 ẽẽ ɛɛn kɛɛn roast
7 uã uan fuan chase

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