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com/esps/ World J Gastroenterol 2014 July 7; 20(25): 8061-8071

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DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i25.8061 © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.


WJG 20th Anniversary Special Issues (11): Cirrhosis

Clinical relevance of sarcopenia in patients with cirrhosis

Aldo J Montano-Loza

Aldo J Montano-Loza, Division of Gastroenterology and Liver capacity, decreased reserve, resistance to stressors,
Unit, University of Alberta Hospital, University of Alberta, Ed- and predisposition to poor outcomes. In this review,
monton AB T6G 2X8, Canada we discuss the current accepted and new methods
Author contributions: Montano-Loza AJ solely contributed to to evaluate prognosis in cirrhosis. Also, we analyze
this paper.
the current knowledge regarding incidence and clini-
Correspondence to: Aldo J Montano-Loza, MD, MSc, PhD,
Assistant Professor, Division of Gastroenterology and Liver cal impact of malnutrition and sarcopenia in patients
Unit, University of Alberta Hospital, University of Alberta, 130 with cirrhosis and their impact after liver transplanta-
University Campus, Edmonton AB T6G 2X8, tion. Finally, we discuss existing and potential novel
Canada. therapeutic approaches for malnutrition in cirrhosis,
Telephone: +1-780-2481892 Fax: +1-780-2481895 emphasizing the recognition of sarcopenia in an effort
Received: November 1, 2013 Revised: January 13, 2014 to reduced morbidity related and improved survival in
Accepted: March 12, 2014 cirrhosis.
Published online: July 7, 2014
© 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.

Key words: Cirrhosis; Sarcopenia; Malnutrition; Prog-

Abstract nosis; Mortality; Body composition; Lumbar skeletal
The most commonly recognized complications in cir- muscle index; Liver transplantation
rhotic patients include ascites, hepatic encephalopathy,
variceal bleeding, susceptibility for infections, kidney Core tip: Severe muscle wasting or sarcopenia is one
dysfunction, and hepatocellular carcinoma; however, of the most common and frequently hidden complica-
severe muscle wasting or sarcopenia are the most tions in patients with cirrhosis, which negatively impact
common and frequently unseen complications which survival, quality of life, and response to stressor, such
negatively impact survival, quality of life, and response as infections and surgeries. Numerous indirect meth-
to stressor, such as infections and surgeries. At pres- ods have been used to quantify body composition in
ent, D’Amico stage classification, Child-Pugh, and cirrhotics; however, most of these methods lack either
MELD scores constitute the best tools to predict mor- availability and/or reproducibility, and their accuracy
tality in patients with cirrhosis; however, one of their may be limited in the presence of fluid retention.
main limitations is the lack of assessing the nutritional Cross-sectional imaging studies, including computed
and functional status. Currently, numerous methods tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imagin-
are available to evaluate the nutrition status of the cir- gare the gold standard tools to quantify skeletal mus-
rhotic patient; nevertheless, most of these techniques cle mass and hence constitute a good resource for ob-
have limitations primarily because lack of objectivity, jective and detailed nutritional/metabolic assessment
reproducibility, and prognosis discrimination. In this re- of cirrhotic patients and identification of sarcopenia.
gard, an objective and reproducible technique, such as
muscle mass quantification with cross-sectional imag-
ing studies (computed tomography scan or magnet- Montano-Loza AJ. Clinical relevance of sarcopenia in patients
ic resonance imaging) constitute an attractive index with cirrhosis. World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20(25): 8061-8071
of nutritional status in cirrhosis. Sarcopenia is part of Available from: URL:
the frailty complex present in cirrhotic patients, result- v20/i25/8061.htm DOI:
ing from cumulative declines across multiple physio- i25.8061
logic systems and characterized by impaired functional

WJG| 8061 July 7, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 25|

Montano-Loza AJ. Sarcopenia in cirrhosis

INTRODUCTION rhotic patients. Along with the current evidence regard-

ing frequency and clinical impact of sarcopenia in cir-
Cirrhosis is the result of the progression of many forms rhosis, in order to promote recognition of this compli-
of necroinflammatory liver diseases leading to fibrosis, cation and lead to strategies in effort to improve survival
vascular remodeling, portal hypertension development and reduced morbidity associated with cirrhosis.
along with its complications, and ultimately liver failure.
The precise prevalence of cirrhosis worldwide is un-
known; however, it was estimated at 0.15% or 400000 in PROGNOSTIC EVALUATION OF
North America which accounted for more than 25000 CIRRHOSIS WITH CONVENTIONAL
deaths in the late nineties[1]. Importantly, the average sur-
vival probabilities for cirrhotic patients at 1- and 5-years SCORES
are approximately 85% and 65% for patients with no Prognostic assessments of patients with cirrhosis remain
hospital admissions requirements, and 55% and 30% a difficult task as the natural history of these patients is
following hospital admissions, respectively. Moreover, particularly variable due to several factors. These factors
hospital admissions in cirrhotic patients substantially include etiology of the cirrhosis, the possibility of treat-
impaired prognosis independent of stage of cirrhosis[2]. ment and resolution of the underlying damaging process
Accordingly, the social and economic burden of cir- of the liver, the level of liver dysfunction, the presence
rhosis is immense considering the disability for labor, and degree of portal hypertension, and the occurrence
decreased quality, and need for frequent hospitalizations of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)[11]. For example, in
of cirrhotic patients. patients with cirrhosis, the onset of complications such
At present there is no effective treatment to revert as variceal hemorrhage, ascites, encephalopathy, jaundice,
the cirrhosis; therefore, management is generally focused and development of HCC changes the stage from com-
on treating the primary liver disease, screening and con- pensated cirrhosis to decompensated cirrhosis, and in
trolling the complications of portal hypertension, and the absence of liver transplantation this may lead to early
consideration of liver transplantation in patients with mortality. Once patients have developed the first episode
decompensated cirrhosis. Although, liver transplantation of decompensation, complications tend to accumulate
may be considered curative for cirrhosis, this therapeutic and the life expectancy is markedly reduced. In a single-
option is not available for the majority of cirrhotic pa- center study, the risk of transitioning from compensated
tients. to a decompensated state was 58% over 10 years [12],
Malnutrition is one of the most common complica- and in another experience from the United Kingdom
tions in cirrhosis, and despite the important role that the general practice research database, the rate of transition
nutrition status has in the prognosis of cirrhosis, it is fre- from compensated to decompensated state was 12% per
quently overlooked as the nutrition assessment could be year[13].
complex in cirrhotic patients with fluid retention and/or D’Amico et al[14] from the University of Palermo have
are overweight[3,4]. further subclassified compensated cirrhosis into stage 1
At present, several methods are available to evaluate and 2, and decompensated cirrhosis in stage 3 and 4 as
the nutrition status of the cirrhotic patient; however, a result of a systematic review of 118 studies. Patients
most of these techniques have limitations primarily due in stage 1 have neither varices nor ascites, and the 1-year
to a lack of objectivity, reproducibility, and prognosis risk of mortality is only 1%, and if patients develop vari-
discrimination. In this regard, muscle mass quantifica- ces (stage 2) the 1-year risk of mortality increase to 3.4%.
tion with cross-sectional imaging studies [computed to- With decompensation and onset of ascites (stage 3) the
mography (CT) scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)] 1-year risk of mortality increase to 20%, and following
constitutes an objective and reproducible technique, and a variceal bleeding (stage 4) the 1-year risk of mortality
an attractive index of nutritional status in cirrhosis[5]. is higher than 50%[14]. Furthermore, currently there is a
Moreover, muscularity assessment with cross-section- proposal to include two more stages to this classification;
al imaging studies is not bias by the fluid overload status stage 5, patients with infections (such as bacteremia or
that frequently is present in decompensated cirrhosis, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis) as 1-year risk of mor-
and sarcopenia seems to reflect a chronic detriment in tality increase from 49% to 66%[15], and stage 6, patients
the general physical condition, rather than acute severity with kidney failure as mortality at 1-year could be up to
of the liver disease[6]. 70%[16].
In general, sarcopenia is defined as a muscle mass Child-Pugh[17] and the Model for End-Stage Liver
two standard deviations below the healthy young adult Disease (MELD)[18] scores constitute the most frequent
mean[7], and although it is associated with aging, it can tools to predict mortality in patients with cirrhosis.
also be present as a result of chronic diseases and malig- Child-Pugh score (initially termed Child-Turcotte) was
nancy[8], and it ultimately leads to decreased functional originally designed to predict mortality during surgery
capacity and higher risk of morbidity and mortality in in patients with cirrhosis[19]. This has been shown to be
different groups of patients[9,10]. useful in determining prognosis, treatment response, and
In this review, we analyze the current accepted and necessity for liver transplant[20,21]. MELD was originally
new potential methods to evaluate the prognosis in cir- developed as a prognostic model of early-mortality in

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Montano-Loza AJ. Sarcopenia in cirrhosis

patients with cirrhosis who received a transjugular in- ing liver transplantation[34].
trahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)[22]. The original The hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG), is an
MELD has subsequently been simplified[23] and currently indirect estimation of portal pressure, and has been as-
it is widely used to predict short-term mortality in differ- sociated to the development of complications and prog-
ent patient populations with cirrhosis[24-27]. Moreover, in nosis in patients with cirrhosis. The HVPG has been
most liver transplant centers MELD score has replaced associated with the risk of development of varices and
the Child-Pugh score for priority of organ allocation[28], variceal bleeding; also to the development hepatocellu-
and since 2002 the MELD score has been used for the lar carcinoma, requirement of liver transplantation, and
prioritization of potential liver transplant recipients in survival[36]. Other tests such as the 6-min walk distance[37]
North America, mainly because MELD was developed seem to identify cirrhotic patients with low functional
in a statically fashion and includes only objective labora- capacity and increased risk of death which may be due
tory parameters. Since implementation of the MELD to sarcopenia, and further studies evaluating this test and
score, there have been reports of reductions in the correlations with sarcopenia are warranted[38].
number of patients listed for liver transplantation, wait-
ing time for liver transplant, and deaths on the waiting
Although, MELD score has the advantage over Child- MALNUTRITION IN CIRRHOSIS
Pugh score of being based on objective variables [serum
Malnutrition is one of the most frequent complications
bilirubin, international normalized ratio of prothrombin
in cirrhotic patients, independently of the etiology[39].
time (INR), and serum creatinine] rather than on subjec-
The frequency of malnutrition in cirrhosis is highly vari-
tive evaluation of the severity of clinical findings (ascites
able and has been estimated to affect between 50%-90%
and encephalopathy), the MELD score also has limita-
tions[31,32], the most important of which are the variability of patients. This wide range is explained in part as there
of biochemical parameters, the lack of evaluation of the are significant differences in the operational definitions
nutritional, and functional status in patients with cirrho- of malnutrition in cirrhosis. For example, it is difficult
sis. to define the presence of calorie malnutrition and as
adipose tissue is the largest pool of calories, fat malnu-
trition is generally defined as reduction in body fat mass.
OTHER TESTS TO EVALUATE However, as most proteins are located in the skeletal
muscle, a proper definition of clinical protein malnutri-
tion should use depletion of skeletal muscle[40].
Despite the irrefutable benefits of MELD, limitations of Overweight and obesity are now endemic in Western
this score have been recognized and attempts are ongo- countries. Patients with cirrhosis may develop simulta-
ing to improve it[33,34]. One of the major limitations of neous loss of skeletal muscle and gain of adipose tis-
MELD is not having a component for the evaluation of sue, culminating in the condition of sarcopenic obesity.
the nutritional and functional status. As current scores to Moreover, muscle depletion is characterized by both a
evaluate the prognosis in patients with cirrhosis need ap- reduction in muscle size and increased proportion of
propriate modifications, previous studies have evaluated inter- and intra-muscular fat[41].
the importance of other biochemical parameters. The etiology of malnutrition in cirrhosis is com-
For example, serum sodium has been shown to be plex, seems to be multifactorial and tends to be more
an independent risk factor for mortality in patients with common as the liver disease progresses, as the factors
cirrhosis[22,33]; and previous studies reported that the ad- that lead to malnutrition in the first place become more
dition of the serum sodium to generate the MELDNa prominent. The most important factors associated with
score was more accurate than MELD for predicting malnutrition in cirrhosis include metabolic abnormali-
short-term mortality on the waiting list[33]. The authors ties, insufficient oral intake mainly due to early satiety in
in this study estimated that use of MELDNa might
moderate-severe ascites, malabsorption, and impaired
have prevented 7% of deaths that occurred within 90-d
capacity of the liver to metabolize and save nutrients.
of listing for transplantation; though, serum sodium is
highly variable in cirrhotic patients using diuretics. More-
over, in one study of patients with cirrhosis we found TESTS USED FOR NUTRITION
that hyponatremia was only present in less than 15% of
our patients being evaluated for liver transplant[35]. EVALUATION IN CIRRHOSIS
Another study reported a negative prognostic impact The nutrition evaluation in cirrhosis should consider
of hypoalbuminemia among liver transplant candidates various aspects of the patient, including the severity of
after adjusting for the MELD and serum sodium con- underlying illness, medical history, physical examination
centration, and compared with MELD, a novel risk score including anthropometric measurements, and biochemi-
named the 5-variable MELD (5vMELD, MELDNa cal data[3]. The subjective global assessment (SGA) is
scores incorporating albumin), improve the prediction one of the most frequent instruments used for nutrition
of short-term mortality among cirrhotic patients await- assessment in patients with cirrhosis. Since the early

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Montano-Loza AJ. Sarcopenia in cirrhosis

eighties, SGA has been used to assess patients for mal- BODY COMPOSITION EVALUATION IN
nutrition at the bedside, without the need for precise
body composition analysis[42]. The features of the SGA CIRRHOSIS
include a physical exam component that evaluates the Patients with cirrhosis frequently have significant chang-
loss of subcutaneous fat, peripheral or sacral edema, and es in their body composition, characterized by increased
muscle wasting. The quantity of muscle and subcutane- in the extracellular fluids and decrease in muscle and
ous tissue is graded subjectively by the examiner, who adipose tissue. However, clinical identification of body
then categorizes it as normal, mildly, moderately, or se- composition changes in cirrhosis with ascites and edema
verely decreased. Multiple components on patient histo- could be challenging, as fluid gains hide muscle and
ry are also evaluated. The first component is the amount adipose tissue losses[53,54]. It seems that cirrhotic males
of weight loss in the previous 6 months. Less than 5% have more muscle wasting, whereas females tend to have
of body weight loss is consider “small,” 5%-10% is con- more depletion of fat tissue[55]. Moreover, previous stud-
sidered “potentially significant”, and > 10% “definitely ies have showed that changes in body composition may
significant”. Supplementary historical features of the progress with the course of the liver disease and corre-
SGA include patient’s dietary intake and the presence of late with the Child-Pugh score[53].
gastrointestinal symptoms experienced daily for at least Numerous indirect methods have been used to quan-
2 wk. These symptoms can include anorexia, nausea, tify body composition in cirrhotics. These methods
vomiting and/or diarrhea. Once the history and physi- include total-body electrical conductivity, bioelectrical
cal examination sections are completed, the patients are impedance, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, air dis-
classified as well nourished (SGA grade A), moderately placement plethysmography, and magnetic resonance
malnourished or suspected of being malnourished (SGA spectroscopy [56-58]. These methods are based on the
grade B), or severely malnourished (SGA grade C). principle that body fat and no fat mass have specific
However, the SGA is a partially subjective method, con- components, such as water, proteins, and minerals[59].
stituted by quantitative and qualitative variables subject By establishing the total body weight and fat mass, the
to varied interpretations, and previous studies reported remaining weight should be lean mass (no fat mass). As
that SGA has demonstrated low sensitivity in cirrhotic approximately 50% of lean body mass is constituted by
patients, as underestimates the nutritional state in the skeletal muscle mass, quantification of lean body or fat-
majority of patients[43]. free mass is considered to be an indirect measure of the
Some laboratory tests are used as part of the nutri- body skeletal muscle mass.
tional assessment in cirrhosis, including the prothrombin Most of these methods lack either availability and/
time or INR, albumin, prealbumin, creatinine height or reproducibility, and their accuracy may be limited in
index, and indirect evaluation of the of immune func- the presence of fluid retention. For example, the dual-
tion, like the delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions[39,44]. energy X-ray absorptiometry assesses body composition
Nevertheless, as cirrhosis confounds these common through a low-dose X-ray, and the bioelectrical imped-
parameters of nutritional status, their utility in these pa- ance analysis measures the body composition by the flow
tients is limited. For example, patients with cirrhosis may of a small (less than 1 mA) alternating current that esti-
have significant impairment in their hepatic synthetic mates total body water, fat-free mass, and body fat; still,
function that results in low serum albumin, prealbumin, these techniques are not accurate in cirrhotic patients
transferrin levels, and prolonged INR, which may lead to with fluid retention[57,60].
an overestimation of the prevalence of malnutrition[45,46]. Other methods, such as the body cell mass is pref-
Also, the creatinine height index is an inaccurate measure erentially assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis,
of malnutrition in cirrhosis as creatinine levels could which can be performed with a portable equipment in
be low due to muscle wasting, or alternatively could be the office setting and is a validated marker used to assess
high as in renal impairment, which is common in these body composition in cirrhotics and seems to be accurate
patients[47]. Lastly, T cell anergy is a tolerance mechanism even in fluid retention. Although, this is expensive, not
in which the lymphocytes are inactivated following an accessible for clinical use, and is usually is only used as a
antigen encounter, and this phenomenon is frequently validation tool when analyzing other anthropometric as-
present in cirrhotic patients. This makes delayed-type sessments. The air plethysmography measures changes in
hypersensitivity an inaccurate measurement of malnutri- volume within an organ or whole body (usually resulting
tion[45,48]. from fluctuations in the amount of blood or air it con-
Therefore, even that several methods to evaluate tains), and subsequent calculation of body composition;
nutritional and functional capacity status in patients with however, this varies among men and women, and there
cirrhosis have been tested, they have reported diverse is limited availability[61,62].
results [37,49-52], and consequently an optimal index for Other techniques, includes the skin-fold thickness
nutritional status in terms of availability, reproducibility, measurement that quantify fat mass in the upper-arm
practicality, and prognostic performance is needed. (midarm muscle area) using a caliper; however, there

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Montano-Loza AJ. Sarcopenia in cirrhosis

have been conflicting reports in the accuracy for pre- penic patients, respectively; and the frequency of sepsis-
dicting malnutrition in cirrhosis due to interobserver related death and was significantly higher in sarcopenic
variability, and this method did not correlate with Child- than non-sarcopenic patients. In our study we found
Pugh score[60,63]. With regards to the hand grip strength that even though the BMI was lower in cirrhotic patients
testing used a hand dynamometer to assess grip strength, with sarcopenia, only one patient in our cohort would be
as decreased grip strength is associated with malnutri- considered underweight by commonly accepted criteria
tion; yet, many factors may influence the results, and this (BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2)[35]. Therefore, sarcopenia is not
test also did not correlate with the Child-Pugh score[52]. exclusively present in underweight patients, and consti-
Lastly, a recent study showed that low respiratory tutes a hidden condition that can be present in cirrhotic
quotient (RQs) occurs in cirrhosis, and this finding did patients with any BMI. Furthermore, measurement of
not predict mortality. Also, a direct and significant rela- sarcopenia is independent of the fluid retention, which
tion between RQ and muscle area was reported, which plagues accurate measurement of body weight and BMI
suggests that altered skeletal muscle protein turnover in cirrhotics.
contributes to this metabolic response[64]. Subsequently, we found similar results in another
study of cirrhotics patients and concurrent hepatocel-
lular carcinoma (HCC) where median survival for sar-
MUSCULARITY ASSESSMENT IN copenic patients was 16 ± 6 mo vs 28 ± 3 mo in non-
CIRRHOSIS sarcopenic (Log-Rank, P = 0.003, Figure 2B). Also, in
the multivariate Cox regression analysis, sarcopenia (HR
Cross-sectional imaging studies, including CT scan or
= 2.04, P = 0.02) was independently associated with
MRI are the gold standard tools to quantify skeletal
mortality[41,70]. We also found that even though sarcope-
muscle mass[65] and hence constitutes a good resource
nia is a strong and independent predictor of mortality in
for objective and detailed nutritional/metabolic assess-
patients with HCC and cirrhosis, it did not correlate with
ment of cirrhotic patients, and identification of sarco-
tumor-node-metastasis stage, and degree of liver dysfunc-
penia. Recently, our group performed an analysis of the
tion evaluated with conventional scores (Child-Pugh and
frequency and impact of sarcopenia in cirrhotic patients
being evaluated for liver transplant[35]. We used CT scan
Therefore, body composition and muscularity as-
at the 3rd lumbar (L3) vertebrae analyzed with the Sli-
sessment should be considered as part of the nutritional
ceOmatic V4.3 software (Tomovision, Montreal, PQ),
assessment, treatment decision and outcome prognosis
which enables specific tissue demarcation using previ-
in patients with cirrhosis with and without HCC; and
ously reported Hounsfield unit (HU) thresholds. Skeletal
further studies including sarcopenia with conventional
muscle was identified and quantified by HU thresholds
scores may allow significantly better prediction of mor-
of -29 to +150[66], and cross-sectional area of muscle
tality among cirrhotic patients.
and adipose tissue was normalized for stature (cm2/m2)
as reported in previous studies[67]. The L3 skeletal muscle
index (L3 SMI) was expressed as cross sectional muscle COMPLICATIONS OF MALNUTRITION
area/height2, and cutoffs for sarcopenia were based on
a CT-based sarcopenic study for patients with malignan- AND SARCOPENIA IN CIRRHOSIS
cies (L3 SMI: ≤ 38.5 cm2/m2 for women and ≤ 52.4 Malnutrition in cirrhosis affects the quality of life, sur-
cm2/m2 for men[68]; moreover, recently we set up new vival, and development of complications in cirrhosis.
cutoff values for cirrhotic patients, and values were simi- In one study of cirrhotic patients, those with malnutri-
lar in cirrhosis compared to patients with malignancies tion as established by the SGA experience lower quality
(L3 SMI: < 42 cm2/m2 for women and < 50 cm2/m2 for of life, defined as impairment in 6 of the 8 quality-of-
men)[69]. life scales on the short-form health survey with only 36
Sarcopenia is present in 40% of patients with cir- questions (SF-36), compared to those without malnutri-
rhosis being evaluated for liver transplant. To exemplify tion[71]. Furthermore, in a prospective study to identify
that there is no adequate correlation of classical anthro- risk of variceal bleeding or death in cirrhosis, poor nutri-
pometric measurement and sarcopenia, in Figure 1A and tional status was independently associated with a higher
B, we present images of the L3 SMI analysis of two cir- risk of variceal bleeding and mortality[72].
rhotic patients with identical body mass index, but one Plasma levels of ammonia tend to be high in liver
with and another without sarcopenia. In Figure 2, we dysfunction and portal hypertension, and as skeletal
present images of the L3 SMI analysis of two patients muscle have a significant role in ammonia detoxification;
with cirrhosis and HCC, and identical body mass index, cirrhotic patients with muscle depletion may be at higher
but one with and another without sarcopenia. risk of hepatic encephalopathy. Improvement of nu-
Importantly, we reported that median survival for tritional status could decrease the prevalence of neuro-
sarcopenic patients was significantly worse compared to cognitive alterations in these patients[73]. In a prospective
non-sarcopenic patients (19 ± 6 mo vs 34 ± 11 mo, Log- study of cirrhotic patients evaluated for the presence of
Rank, P = 0.005) (Figure 2A). Six-month probability of hepatic encephalopathy according to the West-Haven
survival was 71% in sarcopenic and 90% in non-sarco- criteria, two psychometric tests, and fasting plasma am-

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Montano-Loza AJ. Sarcopenia in cirrhosis



Figure 1 Computed tomography images used for the 3rd lumbar skeletal muscle Index assessment of two patients with cirrhosis (A, B), and two patients
with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (C, D). Comparison of two cirrhotic patients with identical body mass index (BMI 32 kg/m2), and two patients with cir-
rhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma and identical BMI (28 kg/m2). A: The patient at the left is sarcopenic with the 3rd lumbar (L3) skeletal muscle index (L3 SMI) of 50
cm2/m2; B: Patient at the right is not sarcopenic with a L3 SMI of 71 cm2/m2; C: Patient at the left is sarcopenic with L3 SMI of 47 cm2/m2; D: Patient at the right is not
sarcopenic with a L3 SMI of 59 cm2/m2. Red color indicates skeletal muscles, green color indicates intermuscular adipose tissue, yellow color indicates visceral adi-
pose tissue, and teal indicates subcutaneous adipose tissue.

A Sarcopenia B
No sarcopenia
100 100
( % )

( % )

8 0 8 0

6 0 Log rank, P = 0.005 6 0

S u r v i v a l

S u r v i v a l

Log rank, P = 0.003

4 0 4 0

2 0 2 0

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Follow-up (mo) Follow-up (mo)
Pt (no.) Pt (no.)
67 61 59 57 54 49 45 41 38 35 31 27 26 81 76 71 67 61 56 47 39 38 37 34 29 21
45 39 35 32 26 25 21 18 17 17 12 12 12 35 33 24 21 19 15 12 11 10 9 7 6 4

Figure 2 Kaplan-Meier curve indicating the survival of patients with cirrhosis (A) and patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (B). A: Kaplan-
Meier curve indicating the survival of cirrhotic patients with and without sarcopenia. The 6-m probability of survival was 71% and 90%, respectively (P = 0.005, Log-
Rank test); B: Kaplan-Meier curve indicating the survival of patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma with and without sarcopenia. The 6-mo probability of
survival was 67% and 90%, respectively (P = 0.003, Log-Rank test).

monium concentrations, patients with malnutrition had the hypothesis that malnutrition was an independent risk
more frequently hepatic encephalopathy, and in the factor for the presence of hepatic encephalopathy in
multivariate analysis the time needed to perform num- nonalcoholic cirrhosis[75].
ber connection test A was independently correlated to Finally, the clinical significance of malnutrition in
malnutrition[74]. However, another study did not support cirrhotic patients can be evaluated by the effect of sar-

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Montano-Loza AJ. Sarcopenia in cirrhosis

copenia on survival and complications. As previously mortality after liver transplantation, and may revert after
discussed, patients with cirrhosis and sarcopenia have transplant in some cases[85].
elevated mortality[35,41]; and this higher mortality risk New treatments to reverse sarcopenia in cirrhotic pa-
seems to be related to a higher frequency of sepsis- tients, including myostatin antagonists are waiting to be
related death rather than liver failure mortality[35] as there evaluated in randomized controlled trials. In a preliminary
is correlation between protein malnutrition and sepsis in investigation, myostatin levels in patients undergoing
hospitalized cirrhotic patients[76]. This may explain why liver transplant evaluation were significantly higher in
conventional scores that reflect mainly liver function, cirrhotics compared with healthy controls[86]. In addition,
such as MELD and Child-Pugh do not detect mortality animal model studies have shown that myostatin expres-
risks associated with low muscle mass. sion can be reversed without significant impairment of
liver dysfunction[87].
Finally, one specific problem to be consider in cir-
THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS FOR rhosis is that division of adiposity and muscle responses
MALNOURISHMENT AND SARCOPENIA to specific interventions may result in the increase of fat
tissue, without the proportional reversion of sarcopenia
IN CIRRHOTIC and potential risk to develop sarcopenic obesity.
In patients with cirrhosis, increased protein intake has
been demonstrated to be safe, well tolerated, and ben-
eficial; however, the long-term effects on muscle mass SARCOPENIA AND LIVER
are not completely elucidated. Other strategies that have TRANSPLANTATION
been evaluated include late-evening snacks, repeated
Sarcopenia is associated with increased mortality in cir-
snacks, branched chain amino acid, and protein supple- rhosis[35]; however, how it impacts after liver transplan-
mentation in general with beneficial results[77-79]. tation requires further analysis. Previously, one study
Interestingly, intake of leucine-enriched essential showed that central sarcopenia strongly correlates with
amino acid nutrient may be useful in the treatment of mortality after liver transplantation[88]. In this study the
sarcopenia in cirrhosis. Leucine is one essential amino cross-sectional area of the psoas muscle was measured
acids substrate for protein synthesis, but also has a key on CT scans of 163 liver transplant recipients, and after
role in the skeletal muscle anabolism, protein synthesis controlling for donor and recipient characteristics using
and autophagy regulation. The activation of anabolic Cox regression models, authors reported a strong as-
signalling occurs via the mammalian target of rapamycin sociation between psoas area and post-transplantation
(mTOR) through an undefined mechanism and as amino mortality (HR = 3.7/1000 mm2 decrease in psoas area;
acid[80,81]. This data suggests a potential role for leucine- P < 0.0001). Then, they stratified into quartiles based on
rich supplements in the management of muscle wasting psoas area and the 1-year survival ranged from 50% for
in cirrhosis. the quartile with the smallest psoas area to 87% for the
Exercise, including aerobic and resistance physical ac- quartile with the largest.
tivity are important for the muscle metabolism. Patients We recently presented a study showing that sarco-
with cirrhosis frequently have complications of portal penia does not increase mortality after liver transplant,
hypertension, such as ascites or hepatic encephalopathy, and in some cases may resolve after transplantation[85].
or symptoms associate to chronic illness including sig- In this study we found that median survival after liver
nificant fatigue and reduced maximum exercise capacity transplantation for sarcopenic patients was 115 ± 25 mo,
which significantly reduce the physical activity. Moreover, compared to 146 ± 34 mo in non-sarcopenic patients
even moderate exercise augments the portal pressure (P = 0.2); however, sarcopenic patients had longer hos-
and may increase the risk of variceal bleeding in patients pitalization following liver transplant compared to non-
with esophageal varices; therefore, cirrhotic patients with sarcopenic patients. Interestingly, in a subanalysis of
portal hypertension should be advised of potential risks non-protocol CT after liver transplant we found that in
during exercise[82]. The patients who are able and willing patients who had sarcopenia before the transplant sarco-
to enter in a exercise program may benefit from pharma- penia resolved in at least 20% after transplantation.
cological prophylaxis, as the increase in portal pressure Some differences in protocols may explain these
could be prevented by propranolol pretreatment[83]. dissimilar results between the two studies[85,88]; for ex-
An interesting therapeutic approach in cirrhotic sar- ample in first retrospective study, 85% of the patients
copenia could be the use of transjugular intrahepatic had a non-protocol CT done in the post-transplantation
portosystemic shunt (TIPS). A recent study showed period, and probably sicker patients with higher risk
that TIPS may reverse sarcopenia, and failure to im- of mortality were those who need CT after transplant.
prove muscle mass after TIPS is associated with higher Moreover, the muscularity assessment technique they
mortality[84]; however, the utility of TIPS as an interven- used was different to ours, as they evaluated the cross-
tion to reverse sarcopenia should be evaluated in future sectional area of the psoas muscle obtained selecting
prospective studies. Similar to these findings, our group imaging slice at the superior aspect of fourth lumbar
has recently showed that sarcopenia does not increase vertebra and outlined borders of the left and right psoas

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P- Reviewers: Pares A, Wong GLH

S- Editor: Zhai HH L- Editor: A E- Editor: Liu XM

WJG| 8071 July 7, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 25|

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