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fll\tPRl CIIINCtm~o l?

NABET Ac:credltod and CBSt Affiliated
Addnm 1 S. No. 110, Gut No. l , Rav~t, Pune - 412101

9BPP8 Contact no 1 7030183183 / 8087211888 18 sbppschool@gmall.com

( Scfwo(.leavin9 I rtransfer Certificate )

Atfallabon No, 1130534
UDISE No. 27252001410
Sf No 10 09 I 2(I 21 .. ,2 2 GR No l.3 q School Codo 30,471

, Nome ollhe Puiill

' ADI I 't8 a,..w WO,Df<f
2 Mo!Ml'INa,ne

3 FaD\el'~'t Name BNII

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I :r bl DtAN
5 ~ !ht c.ndiclatt btloog1 l o ~ • HINDJJ. t<uroo«OR
c.- or Sctiedule T~ °' oec
6 Data of lint Admlaion ~ h School~ elm fl L':tl:le/3 JTf
1 Olla of 841h (in Chrimn Erl) AccotdlnQ 10 : ClnflQurt•> 1 le /ioos
Adm!l&ion andWlbnwai ~ : CU\ Wordl) S'e VE HtH A11,.,.,,,,.r Two Tuau5Bei0 E'1 vE
I. Clas.s 11 \lltllch the pupil last su:ffeid : (In Figl.nl) :x: (In Words) liNTrl
9 ~ A m . i a , ~ lat tabnwill ruwt: _,
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10 Wl,elher tai!td, WIO, once/ t-W'Clt In !tie.,_ dul

11 Sut:j«:tsSu!iad : 1) t=;Nti:i, /,SH 2) HINDI 3) C9 A CtJ

4) SCl~N(6 5) <' SC 6) :Z: T
12. Wliattwqulfdled forPM•IOfluil 10 ' - hlgtlw ctau?

tr,o towtlichetass
. (lnWon11) Cf E>lf:NTrl
13 Mcrnh up 10whldl the Pll;il has paid actlXll dues : ..LM..:.uJ8::.is.RJ,JCHtt..-2~a~21-
14 /vr'f fn ccnc:aaicn ~ d If so, lhl nave at
such c:cnc:eSSlOll

15 Total numbtr dW011(ing ~ in '11 academic MSSlOn

16., T0Calnumblrdwon'.illgdi11PIJPl~llllhlad¥XII : . L . : l . l C . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
17 WhellwNCCC&deU'Boys«,.NGll1 Golde

18 Games played o r • ~ acfy!Dls In v.tictr the

pupil usudylDOltpatt Ondcr\adHWmlfCi..tlitw.r\): _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

19 General Conduct • fuao

20 Date of appbc:alion for 1h11 Olt1dlcala : ~ 18 b.o,i
21 Dote of Issue at lhls certJficall

22. Reuon for luvlng the adJOOI •X {o({).ftF:uD

23. Any other rema,1( SL lb-~ o ,, '1 -~--....... ,oooqs::
0(?.. ?,J,_ .. c...~J.
1yv hp-J..~1.,
Checked by Signature of Prlnclpal
(wllh fuU Nam■ & D11lg11Atlon) (with Data & School S11I)

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