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Introduction - - - - - - - - - - 2
1. Leadership theories and trust - - - - - - - 2

2. Challenges of leadership in the health and social sector - - - 3

3. Influence of leadership styles on outcomes - - - - - 3

4. Motivational theories and organizational performance - - - - 4

5. Factors influencing motivation and performance - - - - 5

6. performance management on the success of health and social

care organizations - - - - - - - - - 7

7. How own practice supports a positive culture in the organization. - - 8

8. Features of effective teams - - - - - - - - 8

9. Models of team leadership and their application to the health and social

care sector - - - - - - - - - - 9

10. Overcoming challenges to effective team performance - - - - 9

11. Different management styles can have a significant - - - - 11

12. Influence of management styles on team performance outcomes - - 11

Recommendation - - - - - - - - - - 13

Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - - 13

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The health and social care sector is dynamic with a complex structure that faces
numerous challenges. As the world evolves, teams and their leaders across various
disciplines are to navigate these challenges so as to enhance performance. In this report,
we will analyze the different models, styles and theories of leadership how trust and
effectiveness is maintained within teams, as well providing an overview of motivational
theories and how they influence outcome in the health and social care sector in other to
foster a productive and positive culture environment.


Leadership theories play a fundamental role in development and maintenance of trust

and accountability in any organization. The belief, assumption and expectation of a
follower about their organization is termed “Trust” (Carmeli & Spreitzer, 2009).Trust
lays a foundation for a stable, effective and a sustainable healthcare (Piper, 2010) as it is
an important factor in team empowerment and development to solve problems focusing
attention on important matters setting aside all distractions (Annison and Wilford,
1998). Accountability is known to be the act of showing responsibility. This shows that
a leader’s ability to maintain trust and accountability in an organization will bring about
a positive culture environment, fostering communication and collaboration. There are
several of these leadership theory which lays emphasis on trust and accountability
maintenance. Prior research studies noted various important attributes of trust including
transparency, opens, reliability, integrity, dependability, congruency,
ability/competence, communication, benevolence and consistency (Koohang et
al., 2017; Paliszkiewicz et al., 2015).

Transformational Leadership theory: The motivation and morale of both followers and
leaders is raised by the transformational leaders (House & Shamir, 1993). Studies has
shown that the transformational leaders “engage in interactions with followers based on
common values, beliefs and goals”. This impacts their performance leading to the
attainment of goal. Leaders here support their followers to build their skills.

Process Leadership theory shows how Servant leaders support, encourage and nurture
their followers. According to Greenleaf (1978) “The servant leader focuses on the needs
of the follower and helps them to become more autonomous freer and knowledgeable”.

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The servant leader is anxious about the “have-nots” and accepting them as equal
(Greenleaf, 1996). Stewardship should be a quality of leaders in an organization as well
as nurturing vision and ensuring clarity. Trust is therefore built by the leader’s support,
encouragement, transparency, equality and stewardship(Servants) making them

Authentic leadership theory; authentic leaders characterized by leading their sub-fiddle

with fairness without being partial (Gardner & Carlson, 2015). Leaders here build trust
and maintain accountability by being transparent, genuine, having empathy and
integrity. They also prioritize building relationships with their subordinates as well
astheir development (Avolio & Gardner, 2005; Cao et al., 2020; Gardner et al., 2021;
Ribeiro et al., 2018; Zheng et al., 2021).

The transactional leadership theory; is seen as a form of transactional relationship

between leaders and followers. Bass and Avolio (1994) viewed this leadership style as
a form of reward scheme pending how followers perform with tasks given. Leaders set
clear goals and reward good performance as well punish bad performance. The leaders
are concerned with achieving set goals. Leaders can build trust and foster accountability
by communicating their goals clearly as well rewarding their followers as expected for
their good or bad performance.



There are series of challenges which Health and social care leaders juggle around.

Healthcare is becoming complex round the world across all fields (BMJ (Clinical
research ed.) vol. 323,7313 (2001)).The health care sector is known to be highly
decentralized. This poses challenge to the organization, seeing that it deals with
different stakeholders, professionals, policy makers and patients. Due to its diversity,
there is need for leaders to navigate their interests to promote effectiveness.

Policies in the healthcare sector are constantly changing causing leaders to live in
uncertainty. As a result of these changes, leaders live in uncertainty and the need to
learn to adapt to this constant change.

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Due to shortage and burnout of qualified and skilled persons leaders work overtime
with no time to rehabilitate themselves. As a result of this, leaders need to learn to
attract talent as well as address this challenge to promote their patients’ outcome.

Lastly, Healthcare sectors are faced with lots of constraint in resources, due to
workforce shortage, high demand of health services and limited allocation of funds.
Leaders are to make decisions needed to allocate resources to the sector to balance the
needs of the organization, staffs and patients (Plsek, Paul & Greenhalgh, Trisha., 2001)


Leaders in the organization can utilize leadership theories and styles. An example is the
transformational leadership style, where leaders are inspirations to their followers,
creating a cultured environment, influencing outcome.

Transactional Leadership style: In this style, the leader makes use of a reward system to
motivate their followers (Bass, 1985). The transactional leader follows a scheme of
agreement with the followers, appreciating their good performances. Clear goals are set
and followers are expected to meet up with these goals with a reward for good
performance as well as punishment for bad performance. This has served as a
motivation to followers to do as expected to.

Transformational Leadership style: Motivation and relationship building are the

characteristics of transformational leader. These leaders influence outcome by inspiring
confidence, enhancing respect, motivating and effectively communicating with a shared
vision. This in turn, leads to increased productivity, strengthened morale and job
satisfaction (Burns J.M., 1978).The transformational leadership style encourages
followers to perform beyond expectation, working towards a common goal.

Servant Leadership style: Servant leadership style is known to influence a wide range of
an organization. This style influences positive outcome. This style can successfully
foster employee commitment, servant motivation, psychological well-being. This style
focuses on the followers needs and supports them to become freer and more
knowledgeable (Greenleaf, 1996). It is found to reduce turnout intentions and burnouts.

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According to a study by Milondzo (2008:23) motivation is described as “the process

whereby a person is inspired to perform certain actions or do certain actions or do
certain things. In the employer-employee environment it is the ability of the employer
to create the inspiration in the employee to perform the job function substantially better
than it is currently being performed”.

1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Human needs were arranged in a hierarchy according

to Maslow (1943, 1954). Each of these needs are of importance to humans, ranging
from physiological or survival needs to self-actualization needs to. Leaders in the
health and social sector can use this theory to understand and address the diverse
needs of their employers, creating an environment at work that will support their
well-being and personal growth

2. Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory: The two-factor motivation theory, also known as

Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory or dual-factor theory, states that there are
different factors in an organization that brings about job satisfaction or
dissatisfaction, satisfying the needs for self-growth and self-actualization(Herzberg,
1966; 1982; 1991; Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman, 1959). According to Herzberg
et al. (1959) shows that motivation factors (recognition, responsibility and growth
opportunities) and hygiene factors (salary, security and working conditions) are
paramount for improving job satisfaction.
3. Vrooms Expectancy Theory: Expectancy is referred to as an effort for performance
(Harris et al. 2017; Lunenburg 2011), or the probability that one can execute a
behavior successfully (Baumann and Bonner 2017). Expectancy is believed to be the
probability that an outcome can be attained based on an individuals’ effort. It is an
evaluation that individuals are influenced by their own experiences and personal
The health and social care sector can enhance performance by setting clear
expectations, allocating needed resources, providing support and rewarding
achievements. By aligning the individual goals alongside the organizational goals,
the organization can increase motivation and performance.

4. Goal-setting theory: Goals have a pervasive influence on employee behavior and

performance in organizations and management practice (Locke & Latham, 2002).
Furthermore, goal setting is the fundamental for all the major theories of work

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motivation. Based on studies, setting clear and specific goals brings about better and
attainable outcome. At the same time, however, the individuals must be equipped
with sufficient ability, accept set goals, and receive feedback related to their
performance (Latham, 2003).
In the health and social sectors, leaders can use this goal setting technique to
enhance performance by their objectives clear, providing feedback, support and
involving individuals in the goal-setting processes.

5. Adam Equity theory: Equity theory deals with the motives of individuals and has
wide application in understanding and organization behavior. The equity theory
entails equitability and inequitability. The theory emphasizes on two sides; the take
in and the take out. Here individuals compare their job in a ratio of inputs to
outcome. If inequality is perceived, the individual acts in other to correct the
inequality by either lowering their productivity or reducing the quality of their job.
Many times, inequities can lead to an increase in desertion and even at times
resignation from the organization (Greenberg, 1999).
This theory can be utilized by health and social care leaders in the organization to
understand and address equity and fairness among their employees, which will in-
turn, contribute to a motivated and satisfied workforce.

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Motivation in health and social care sector is influenced by many factors. Some of
These factors are:

Workload and Job Demands: When there is high workload and demand in an
organization, this will lead to burnout of energy of employees and in turn reduce
motivation to perform effectively. Organizations can address this by implementing
strategies that will manage this workload and balance employees’ work-life (Boamah,
Sheila A et al, 2022)
Leaders’ recognition and rewards: recognition and reward is an important motivation
builder in organizations. When employee’s works are recognized and rewarded, this
will lead to motivation to perform effectively, so as to get rewards. When reward is
given for good work done, it will motivate employees to perform well so as to obtain
this reward, whether it be in form of praise or pay.
Leadership and Management Support: Support in the health and social care sector is
very crucial. When employees gain support from their leaders and management, they
are motivated to perform effectively. They support by providing guidance, mentorship,
and feedback to create a positive work environment and foster motivation. Leaders can
as well empower and involve employees in their decision-making processes, so as to
enhance their sense of ownership and commitment.
Organizational Culture: These are set of rules, beliefs, values and attitudes that
influence and employees’ behavior within an organization. It detects the decision and
direction of an organization. This greatly impacts motivation and performance in the
health and social care sector. Leaders should prioritize the well-being and work-life of
their employees to enhance positivity and motivate performance.
Training and Development: When training opportunities are provided for employees,
they rehabilitate their skills, bringing about continuous learning. This will not only
motivate leaders to perform well, but also ensure their personal growth. Opportunities
should be made available for health and social care workers to develop their skills and
keep them aware.
Teamwork and Collaboration: Motivation and team work are important factors that
influence motivation in the health and social care industry. There should be
collaboration amongst professionals or other organizations, promoting team work,
which will bring about motivation. Lack of collaboration and team work could lead to a
bad outcome like medical which is not favorable to motivation.

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Performance management impacts greatly on the success of the health and social care
environment seeing that it has the ability to ensures ensure efficiency of employee’s
work adding up to aid accomplishment of the objectives and goals of the

Performance management stirs employees’ desires to perform sets desires for

employee performance and motivates employees to work in accordance as
expected by the.
Additionally, a performance management system gives a structure for
organizational and employee evaluations. However, employee’s performance
maybe anticipated, assessed, and encouraged. Ahmad Ali (2017) deduces that the
advantage of performance management system is due to continuous improvement
of the organization accomplished by the employee performance. Utilizing the
performance of workers to enhance the organizations performance.(Said,
Muhammad & Khan, Dr & Hameed, Filza. (2021). The impact of performance
management system on employees' performance. 2021.)


Setting clear goals can give employees a sense of purpose and to work towards these
goals. Also, transparency in communication will help build employees’ trust in the

Recognizing the employee’s efforts can bring about engagement and motivation. It also
helps to promote a friendly competition and work culture increasing their performances.

Embracing feedback, creating a balance between personal and work-life and creating
opportunities for collaboration so as to build interpersonal relations to foster
effectiveness at work.

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Teams who work together have a common purpose which is paramount to for effective
teams. West (1994) stated there is need for clear vision in an organization, which sets a
standard for the values. These values are communicated across the organization, hence
motivating and engaging individuals (Beatty 1987; Headrick, Wilcock & Batalden

A team’s success depends on how they interact. Communication is paramount and

shows a sense of oneness amongst team members. An important aspect of
communication is listening; it is more than just taking information but also shows a
gesture of respect as well listening is an important aspect of any team. For a team to
work together, set goals or objectives are to be communicated and understood to
enhance clarity of task at hand.

Lastly, team members who lack trust or believe in their team, have the tendency to not
succeed. Trust is slowly built across team members with different abilities, priorities
and assumption by developing confidence in one another’s reliability and competencies.
Individuals who trust each other share skills and knowledge without the fear of being


Leadership models provide useful structures for identifying the methods of management
that fit will fit a work style and personality. Knowing your personal approach to
leadership creates a standard from which adjustment and improvements can be made to
maximize efficacy and impact.
Autocratic leaders make decisions on their own, without consulting or considering
opinions from others. The leaders determine a course of action and pass on these ideas
with an expectation that their employees will complete the assigned task without any
questions. This leadership model works well in situations where quick decisions are

This is applicable when doctors, nurses and other high-level professionals make quick
decision without consultation during an emergency to save lives. In this case the
autocratic leaders should be cautious, because the employees and patients may feel
neglected with a feeling that their needs have been disregarded.

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Democratic leadership is an opposite of autocratic leadership it is also known as
“participative leadership.” In this leadership, the leader seeks input from their
employees’ perspective, although, they make the final decisions. Collaboration and
discussion are used promote creativity and innovation. This model helps to encourage
participation of employees perform as they are expected to. However, challenges may
arise in some situations when dealing with different ideas and perspective.

Coaching leader’s work with staff individuals in other to develop their strength in turn
improving the organizations success. Coaching leaders are goal oriented rather than
focusing on tasks. They work with their clear objective and don’t get lost in details.

Laissez-Faire model represents a political, economic leadership model that involves

acceptance. The phrase “laissez-faire” translates from French as “allow to do.”
((Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Laissez-faire,” last updated March 2,
2021: Laissez-faire leader provides
tools needed by employees and allow them work out everything. This approach
represents a great level of trust.

laissez-faire leaders take risk not recognizing the situation turning to chaos with proper
structures to guide the organization. In healthcare environments, laissez-faire is a poor
approach due to lack of structure and potential for negativity.

Integrity and vision are core qualities of transformational leaders. As a transformational

leader, demonstrating integrity, open communication and showing respect for
employees is a way to motivate and achieve goals. Mutuality in respect will lead to
gains in employee satisfaction and retention, in other to improve an overall patient care
and safety. ((Hongyun Tian et al., “The Impact of Transformational Leadership on
Employee Retention: Mediation and Moderation Through Organizational Citizenship
Behavior and Communication,” Frontiers in Psychology,

Lastly, transactional leadership is a straightforward rewards-based model. Transactional

leaders set performance goals for employees, reward is promised, and reward is
provided at successful completion of goals or imposition of consequence when
employees don’t meet their goals. It is useful in meeting short term objectives, such as
completing specific tasks, achieving quantifiable patient satisfaction goals, and
successfully following all safety protocols. ((DF Sfantou et al., “Importance of
Leadership Style towards Quality of Care Measures in Healthcare Settings: A
Systematic Review,” Healthcare, October 14, 2017:
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The challenges faced by effective team performance can be overcome by various

When communication and complexity is addressed it will bring about an easier task
fulfillment and promote common understanding amongst team members.

Groupthink is bad for a team. Mitigating this will encouraging teams to work as one
sharing a common vision to achieve a common set goal.

Effective teams should promote trust and collaboration, so as to build a positive culture
and a better team performance. Trust can be enhanced by having open communication
and demonstrating integrity. Collaboration can be achieved by building relationships
and creating opportunities for the team.

Conflict within an organization could lead to a lot of problems. When teams manage
conflicts effectively it will create a peaceful environment and enhance work together in
achieving their purpose and goals.



Autocratic Style

Those who utilize the Autocratic Influence, also known as a “commanding management
style,” have the tendency to take a single-minded approach during decision making. It
creates an individualistic tasks model which the benefit depends on the team structure.
Autocratic managers are too controlling, which can delay a collaboration culture and
result to poor morale for the employees.

Coaching Styles

The coaching management style prioritizes development of employees. To achieve

success a manager uses this style to train, evaluate and coach employees for successful
achievement. The management style is seen to be generally positive, but if taken to the
extreme, the coaching is seen as micromanaging. Furthermore, this style focuses more
on individual development.

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Participative Management Style

Participative management, also known as democratic management, seeks staffs input

intentionally when making decisions. This management style is open and makes staffs
feel heard and valued. The participative management style supports the emphasis of
collaboration and resolution of conflict in team work.

Affiliative Style

This management style focuses primarily on strong team development and an effective
work culture. It is most effective when work teams with a direct leader are included in
the organizational structure. An Affiliative leader encourages collaboration and
communication as a priority above all. Agreement is viewed as the most important
factor over accountability and performance and this is a risk to this style. Therefore, this
style is best used when collaborating another management style, as the coaching style.

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The study analyzed the features of a successful team and designates common challenges
faced by leaders, as well as applying management styles, leadership theories and
motivational theories to resolving this leadership challenges and how they affect
performance and foster a culture environment in the health and social care sector. This
report has also revealed the relationship between practices and theories in delivering
services with the sector. All theories are crucial to fostering effectiveness depending on
the identified needs of specific services.


Leaders in the health and social sector are recommended to adopt approaches that are
more flexible as well allow their followers to manage and identify their own style of
management. It is also recommended that staffs are given clear objectives to achieve
their goals so as to improve morale and productivity. Staffs essential needs like salary,
job security should be identified and provided as agreed with the organization.
Management reviews should be conducted regularly to assess accomplishments in areas
of responsibility and evaluate how it fits with the organizations objectives.

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