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Código: 3GA-25

Colegio Bilingüe José Allamano

Versión: 05
“Academic Excellence and Respect for People and Cultures”
Fecha de emisión 16-02-

Fecha de versión: 13-02-



GRADE: 10 th



• The next worksheet was designed to enhance and boost your progress toward the
IELTS General Training exam, as well as your grammar comprehension on those
topics you checked during the first term.

• You have been assigned this material specifically to be used individually at the
school in the Reading / Writing lessons. Keep it as an academic purpose task in
order to improve your overall performance, ever since there is always an
opportunity to get better results.

• Once you get this worksheet, and regardless if you approved or failed the subject,
you MUST print it, and bring it to school, so you can work on it during the leveling

• Let`s keep in mind that from this set of activities you will be getting the first score of
the second term, therefore consider it as seriously as it requires, taking advantage
of the tips and strategies given on each section of this worksheet.

• After you have completed everything, hand it out to your teacher so that he could
check it, and assess it.

• Finally, save this package in your folder as you have been storing everything you
developed in class.
B1 Past and Present Perfect Simple T036

Fill in the correct form of the verb given: Past or Present Perfect Simple

1. So far, Jill _________________ almost half of the book. (READ)

2. Do you know who _________________ the telephone? – It ______________ Alexander Graham
Bell. (INVENT, BE)
3. On her trip across Asia, Mum _________________ three countries up to now. (VISIT)
4. How many books ____________________ in the last few years? (HE WRITE)
5. Martha lives in Dublin. She's _________________ there her whole life, ever since her dad
_________________ a few years ago. (LIVE, DIE)
6. Paul and Gina _________________ an hour ago. They _________________ problems with their
flight. (ARRIVE, HAVE)
7. Drugs _________________ a huge problem in the United States. (BECOME)
8. Granddad _________________ in hospital since Monday. He _________________ in hospital
before. (BE, NEVER BE)
9. _______________________ the Queen in person? No, but I _________________ Prince Andrew at
a concert a few months ago. (YOU EVER SEE, SEE)
10. Mozart _________________ over 600 pieces of music during his lifetime. (WRITE)
11. They _________________ to Spain on holiday last summer (GO)
12. I'm hungry. I _________________ anything for hours. (NOT EAT)
13. I _________________ my key and can't find it anywhere. (LOSE)
14. He _________________ as a war correspondent during the second Iraq war. (WORK)
15. I ____________ a huge meal for lunch and simply can't eat anything at the moment. (HAVE)
16. It _________________ yet this week, but last week it really _________________ a lot. (NOT
17. According to her statement, she _________________ at the Crown Hotel from last Monday
to Thursday. (STAY)
18. Who ____________________ at the cinema last night? (YOU MEET)
19. I don't need any new driving lessons. I _________________ the test. (ALREADY PASS)
20. Fortunately, I ___________________ any bones. (NEVER BREAK)
21. My cousins _________________ in Dublin since their childhood. Marvin _________________ to
America when he was 16 but only _________________ there for a few years. Then he
_______________ back to Ireland. (BE, GO, STAY, COME)
22. I ___________________ the car. Now it looks great! (WASH)
23. She _______________ smoking a few months ago. (STOP)
24. Back in March, I __________________ enough money to buy a new car. Now, I can afford
one. (NOT HAVE)
25. Scientist ___________________ a major discovery in medicine. (JUST MAKE)
B1 Past Perfect and Past Simple T009

Complete the sentences using the simple form of the past or past perfect tense.

1. By the time we __________________ to the stadium, the performance ______________________,

so we missed the first two songs. (GET, ALREADY START)

2. When we __________________ in Spain the airport management told us that they

__________________ our luggage. (ARRIVE, LOSE)

3. After I __________________ a large meal, I __________________ to feel sick. (HAVE, START)

4. The shoes were very clean because I __________________ hours cleaning them. (SPEND)

5. It __________________ his first trip to India. He __________________ there several times before.

6. My neighbour told me that she __________________ a new car a month before. (BUY)

7. Yesterday I __________________ downtown to see Peter. I __________________ him for

months. (GO, NOT MEET)

8. I __________________ Matrix for the first time yesterday. I __________________ it before. (SEE,

9. She __________________ him for very long when she __________________ to get married.

10. When he __________________, the party was over. Everyone __________________. (ARRIVE,

11. I was happy after I __________________ my first lesson as an instructor. (FINISH)

12. I visited the hospital where the ambulance __________________ my mother. (TAKE)

13. Everyone __________________ the house by the time I __________________ home. (LEAVE,

14. As soon as he __________________ the old clock on the wall it __________________ again

15. I __________________ a new car because my old one ____________________ (BUY, BE STEAL)

16. The teacher asked me why I __________________ my homework. (NOT DO)
B2 Phrasal Verbs PV009

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.




1. The old community centre is being ___________________ and new sports facilities will be

built there instead.

2. I __________________ some old family photos when I cleaned up the attic last week.

3. Almost half the teaching staff has ______________________ some sort of cold or flu. Now we

need substitutes for some of the classes.

4. I couldn't ___________ her _____________ at the airport because I had to work.

5. He _____________________ what I had said to him and told me he would accept the job.

6. I always have to _____________________ to my little brother. He gets everything he wants.

7. I had to _______________ some of the words because the text was so difficult to


8. If I hadn't broken my leg, I would have ______________________ the race.

9. My sister's old car seems to _____________________ once a week. It's so unreliable.

10. When you _________________ at the hotel's reception desk you have to show a passport.

11. He doesn't ____________________ money because he's so rich. It doesn't matter to him.

12. The teacher told us to _____________________ our homework by Friday.

13. Please _____________________! The back of the auditorium can't hear you.

14. I was ____________________ by my grandparents because mom and dad were killed in a

car accident.

15. The meeting has been ___________________ because two of the participants can't get here

in time.

16. I'm sorry I'm late. Heavy traffic and an accident on the motorway __________ me ________.
B1 Articles ART007

Fill in: THE, A, AN or ----- (no article)

1. Kate has been talking to ______ customer who has just come into ______ shop.
2. John uses ______ Internet a lot.
3. She went to ______ zoo, but she didn't see ______ monkeys there. She hates ______
4. You won't like that restaurant. ______ food isn't very good there.
5. People don't write ______ letters nowadays. They write ______ emails. But I haven't written
______ email for ages.
6. In England you must go to ______ school until you're 16.
7. Well Mary, here's ______ first question and it's ______ easy one.
8. Jerry works in ______ office in ______ centre of ______ London
9. He lives in ______ apartment in ______ middle of ______ Bronx.
10. Statistics say that ______ women live longer than ______ men.
11. Can you describe ______ wristwatch that Amy found? – Well, I only know that it had ______
metal band.
12. Jamaica is ______ island in ______ Caribbean Sea.
13. He chose ______ school that has ______ best teachers.
14. I saw ______ interesting documentary on ______ TV ______ other day.
15. I don't like ______ museums. I never go to any when I'm in ______ London.
16. My dad thinks ______ Italian food is better than ______ Spanish food.
17. I like ______ coffee but I don't like ______ coffee they make at ______ office.
18. She has ______ job in ______ shop in ______ Oxford Street.
19. Me friend Zoe went to ______ hospital to see her father.
20. Larry went to ______ bed very late last night.
21. She's looking for ______ work but at ______ moment she doesn't have any hope of getting
______ job.
22. I have ______ aunt in Sydney and ______ few other relatives in ______ New Zealand.
23. Jim wants to go to ______ USA, but he hasn't got ______ money for ______ trip.
24. Angela is looking for ______ romantic holiday somewhere in ______ south.
25. The man went to ______ prison because he had killed two women.

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