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REFERENCE ID : STS2024-12992

Title: To
assess knowledge attitude and perception of
antibiotics usage by patients those visiting to the
outpatient department of a teaching hospital in Gujarat

Antibiotics are essential for treating bacterial infections, but their
misuse and overuse have led to the alarming rise of antibiotic-resistant
bacteria. This issue is particularly concerning in India, where self-medication
and easy access to antibiotics are prevalent. Understanding the knowledge,
attitude, and perception (KAP) of patients regarding antibiotic usage is vital to
addressing this public health challenge. Previous research has shown varying
levels of awareness and attitudes towards antibiotics across different regions
and populations, but data specific to Gujarat is limited. By identifying gaps in
knowledge, common misconceptions, and attitudes toward antibiotic use,
this study seeks to inform targeted educational interventions and policy
measures. The findings will provide valuable insights into the local context of
antibiotic use and support the development of strategies to promote rational
antibiotic use, thereby reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance and improving
patient outcomes. This research is a step towards enhancing public health
through informed and responsible antibiotic practices.

Objective :
• To know the knowledge about antibiotics
•To know the attitude of antibiotic usage
•To Know the perceptions of antibiotic usage
Methodology :
The cross-sectional study will be conducted among patients visiting a dental
hospital. Patients aged 18 years and above, who can read and write in the
local language (Gujarati), will be selected. A content-validated, back-
translated, and self-administered questionnaire will be used to assess the
practice, determinants, and attitudes of self-medication practices among the
sample population. The questionnaire will be given to 150 patients after the
purpose of the study is explained to them. The participants are being assured
of the confidentiality of their personal information. A total of 10 questions are
listed, among them, 4 questions are open-ended and the remaining are close-
ended. Each patient will undergo informal educational counseling about the
adverse effects of using common responsible and irresponsible self-
medication. The procedures are being approved by the teaching Hospital.
Written informed consent is being obtained from all participants. The
reliability analysis score for the questionnaire across all 150 items is being
calculated to ensure acceptable reliability. A cross-sectional survey will be
conducted in a printed fromat. Privilege question querying will be asked by
investigation directly. To the patient outgoing without patient department.
Privilege-gated questions. The data will be collected. Different studies will be
performed to know the knowledge, attitude, and perception and study provide
better institute how. And what is the pattern of anti biotic you use among the
patient technique teaching hospital in Gujarat.

Implications: Study will provide broader sense of knowledge attitude &

perception about the use of antibiotics common public visiting to the teaching
Hospital & It is essential to know & prevent The usage of without prescription
antibiotics Because it’s Dangerous Creating Antimicrobial resistance. The
Indian Health care system was plagued by the unrestricted Use of pain killers,
antibiotic prescriptions and sales for several Years, which eventually resulted
in the emergence of resistant. Microbial strains for certain antibiotics.
Disadvantages of using Self-medication are the lack of clinical evaluation.
Antibiotic resistance has been a low-priority area in Most developing and
many developed countries. Being the most commonly sold drug classes, the
irrational and Overuse of antibiotics results not only in the emergence of
resistant bacterial strains but also becomes an Economic burden on national
health system. To highlight the issue, “Antimicrobial Resistance: no action
today, no Cure tomorrow” was selected as the theme of World Health Day in

Antibiotics are often misused in pediatrics, being prescribed for viral

infections like colds, URTIs, bronchitis, rotavirus, and diarrhea, despite
guidelines advising against it. This study highlights the widespread overuse of
antimicrobials across all medical specialties, unaffected by patient
demographics or financial status. To improve antibiotic prescribing practices,
research is needed on physician decision-making and patient behavior, and
efforts should target all pediatric healthcare providers and parents.
“antibiotics would cure all illness and even is Not hurtful on extensive use.”

Reference :
-Sarkar, P.; Gould, I.M. Antimicrobial agents are societal drugs: How should
this influence prescribing? Drugs 2006, 66, 893–901.[CrossRef] [PubMed]
-Lerminiaux, N.A.; Cameron, A.D.S. Horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance
genes in clinical environments. Can. J. Microbiol.2019, 65, 34–44. [CrossRef]

-Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance. World Health Organization;

2015.Available from: [Last accessed on29/12/2019]
-Currie J, Lin W, Zhang W. Patient knowledge and antibiotic abuse: Evidence
from an audit study in China
-Dorlands Medical Dictionary: antibacterial. Archived from the original on
2010-11-17. Retrieved 12 March 2014.

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